Birthday Boy

By Xangel

Published on May 6, 2020


"Shane Donovan."

Preston smiled at the other man. "Good to meet you, Mr. Donovan. Can I ask what you're doing in my uncle's house? Are you working for him?"

"You could say that."

Austin smiled at his cousin when their eyes met. "He works on a lot of things around here."

This last statement came as Austin put a hand on Shane's bulging crotch. He gave the length a long stroke to give his cousin the full picture of what he meant. Preston lay back on Austin's bed and spread his massive legs as far as he could get them. The front of his jeans bulged with the thickness of his own cock. He pulled on both his nipples as he watched Shane peel out of his shirt.

"Uncle Howard, huh?" Austin said, working the front of Shane's pants loose. "How did that go over? I'll bet she freaked out."

"Not really." Preston unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper. "She just screamed a lot and threw some things. She knew she wasn't going anywhere, not with the money she'd have to lose."

"So auntie is a gold-digger?"

Preston nodded as Shane shoved his pants down and stepped out of them. On the bed, the beefy boy did the same for his jeans. Naked, he was mesmerized by the larger man walking toward him. His stiff cock, aimed at the ceiling, drooled out a long stream of precum. He and Shane understood one another so when the man took hold of his ankles and jerked him toward the foot of the bed, he didn't resist. Austin tossed Shane a bottle of lube and the man began applying it to his thick shaft.

"There won't be a divorce, then?" Austin asked.

Raising his knees toward his chest, Preston shook his head. "Hell, no. If she divorces him, mom gets nothing. They're going to stay together and pretend everything is fine. Like always."

Shane touched the head of his greased-up cock to Preston's smooth pink hole. The boy's fingers slid in around the head, easing it into him. He and Shane looked at each other, their eyes never straying. The bigger man leaned down and Preston spread his legs out. Shane came in. Preston's legs slid in around his hips and locked at the ankle.

Austin watched Shane's delicious dark body cover his cousin. He watched that hard dick slide up into his cousin's thick, beefy ass. Still dressed, he felt his cock push hard against his pants as the black man began fucking. A little jealous, he knew he needed to make sure his cousin was fucked first. It would make things go smoother later on.

"Man," Preston sighed. "Oh, man...yeah...fuck me."

Shane smiled as he increased the speed of his hips.

"How long is Uncle Howard staying?"

"Mom...and the....brats...are leaving right after dinner...with your -- ugh -- go and do church shit." Preston took hold of Shane's right shoulder. "So, I'm guessing, he's staying the night...maybe part of tomorrow."

"Guest room?"

Just then, Shane speared Preston's ass, causing the boy to gasp. "Y-yeah...Uncle Todd told him...he would be in the downstairs guest room."

"Sweet," Austin said with a lecherous smile. "He has the same birthday as me."

"I...know," Preston gasped again, still holding to Shane's shoulder. "We d-do this every y-year."

Shane drilled into the boy, driving his beefy body into the bed. This made it difficult for Preston to concentrate on anything other than the hard cock in his ass. His hand held onto Shane's shoulder to keep from being pushed toward the headboard. It slipped up to the man's neck as he felt the deep penetration of his ass get deeper.

"Jesus...where did...Uncle t-Todd find you?"

"College," Shane said, not missing a stroke.

"Did you two fuck?"

"Just a few hours ago," Shane said, smiling. "You?"

"N-no...he never gives in to...that kind of...temptation."

The breaks in the boy's sentences were due to the fucking his hungry ass was getting. His words broke apart just like he thought his body was going to as Shane drilled into him. Both legs held tight to this man's hard body, just in case that delicious cock slipped out of him.

"Harder...fuck me harder."

Assuming a push-up position, Shane pressed himself hard into the boy's chest. His hips then did the impossible and Preston's rugby-thick body took the full brunt of his hardest thrusts. His eyes rolled back in their sockets as his mouth came open in silent gasps.

Austin came around behind Shane so he could see the dick stretch his cousin's hole to its absolute limit. Preston's massive legs slid down on Shane's hips, then under the thick cheeks of the man's ass. His heels dug into the hard muscle, trying to hold on. Shane kept going, brutally pummeling the boy's hole. Coming in closer, Austin ran a hand along Shane's back, then let it cup the man's thick left asscheek. He got to his knees and took hold of the other. Spreading the man's cheeks, he inhaled the intoxicating aroma that came from in between. He would have tasted it had the man's body not been moving as fast as it was.

"God..damn..." Preston sighed. "I think this is...fuck...oh, fuck!"

Austin leaned back, releasing his grip on Shane's ass.

"Yeah, you little bastard," Shane grinned. "Shoot that fuckin' load!"

When Shane began grunting, Austin leaned in again. The ring of ass gripping his cock tightened on him and Austin knew what this meant. Seconds later, as Shane began grunting, Austin got in as close as he could. Putting his mouth to his cousin's ass, he drank in the warm cum Shane pumped into it that ran out along the edges. The stuff flooded his mouth.

"You dirty fuck," Preston sighed. "Cum-sucking...dirty fuck."

When Shane pulled out of Preston's swollen hole, Austin stuffed as much of the man's cock as he could into his mouth. The bulbous head filled the back of his throat and he started working the shaft right away. The man repositioned so he could get more into him.

"God, look at you...fucking cock-whore."

Even while Preston talked, he was moving off the bed and onto his knees. Sliding in behind Austin, he took hold of his cousin's hips. Using his own cum, he prepped Austin's hole for his dick. In between the slurps and sighs, he managed a quick kiss with his horny relative.

"Tonight, then?" He asked, easing into Austin's ass. "We do this shit tonight...after our moms are gone?"

"Fuck, yes," Austin sighed, stroking Shane's cock. "We do this tonight!"

The house grew quiet just after seven-thirty. Stepping out of the shower, Austin took a towel from the rack and started drying his hair. In the mirror, he could make out the slender curves of his body. Thinking about what was ahead of him, he dried off and went into his room. On the bed, he had laid out everything he would need. Smiling, he began to dress.

He slipped out into the hallway and listened. No sounds. The house was without the kids, his mother, aunt, and any distractions. With Preston and Shane helping him out, he knew this would be his ultimate chance to make sure his real birthday wish came true. Dinner had been nice and he enjoyed Mr. Donovan so much but what he really wanted had always been just out of reach.

On bare feet, he went downstairs and to the door of his father's office. He gave it a soft knock and his father called for him to come in. The metal of the doorknob was cold against his warm hand as he slipped inside and closed the door after him. He eased the lock into place.


The word stopped Todd right away. Even though he had his back to the door, he thought he might know what he would see when he turned around. He gripped the desk with one hand while his Bible shook in the other.

"Do you have a minute?"

"A minute," Todd nodded, not turning around. "I'm preparing for my sermon in the morning so this needs to be quick."

"Would you turn around? Please?"

Closing his eyes, trying to stave off what he knew would be temptation, Todd drew in a breath. Closing the Bible, he did not put it down. He knew this was coming and he needed its strength. Turning, he opened his eyes.

"Dear God," he heard himself gasp. "No,, son. No."

"Yes, Daddy," Austin nodded, leaning against the door. "I'll be graduating from college soon. It's time. It's more than time and we both know it."

"Mr. Donovan..."

"Is with Preston," Austin said, cutting him off. "They're in Uncle Howard's room. They're doing nasty things to Uncle Howard, Daddy...nasty things with their mouths, hands...and cocks."

"No," Todd said, shaking his head. "We're not going to do this."

"Look at me," Austin said, flexing his bare stomach. "I showered, just for you. I'm clean -- everywhere, just so you can get me dirty."

Trying to swallow, Todd let his eyes drift along the boy's hard, slender body. He let himself see the pink nipples standing hard on the boy's chest, the abs work on his stomach, and the thick pulsing front of the boy's purple underwear -- the ones he'd bought a week back. He knew when he bought them he would have to face this temptation. He knew it and he bought them anyway.

"Your word have I hidden in my heart," Todd mumbled. "That I might not sin against you."

Austin smiled and pushed off from the door. "How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking head..or giving it."

"Don't blaspheme!" Todd hissed. "Psalms 119 is a..."

"How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" Austin said, walking across the room. "Genesis 39. Do you want to see my great wickedness, Daddy? Do you?"

"No," Todd lied, shaking his head. "No, Resist the devil and he will flee from you."

The boy stopped a few feet away. He slid both hands down his bare torso, pushing his fingers into the waistband of his underwear. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst..."

"For righteousness," Todd finished before it could be perverted. "Matthew 5, verse..."

"Look at what my hunger and thirst do to me," Austin said, framing his swollen crotch with both hands. "I'm so hungry, thirsty."

"You need to go upstairs and go to bed. Tomorrow, your Uncle Howard will--"

"Fuck me?" Austin smiled. "Hard and fast like he's doing Preston? Like Mr. Donovan is doing to him? You promise, Daddy? Promise he's going to put his hard cock into my ass and--"

"Stop!" Todd all but roared. "Stop talking this filth! Stop touching yourself! Get out of my office and go back to your room! Away with you, Satan! For it is written, you shall worship--"

"Me," Austin broke in. "Worship me, Daddy. Kneel in front of me and put your mouth on my body. Put me in your mouth and feel me get hard. Please...put your mouth on my aching cock."

"For sin shall have no domination over you," Todd sighed, closing his eyes.

Austin crossed and put a hand on his father's chest. Nimble fingers undid the buttons of his shirt and slid inside to touch warm flesh. He leaned in and kissed his father's neck. Another kiss, then another and another. He sighed in his father's ear.

"Every birthday since I was eighteen, you have let yourself give in to temptation. You let yourself touch me, like you did in the hallway. Remember how you slipped your fingers into my shorts, how you kissed my neck and ear, how you chewed on my earlobe? You slipped your naughty little fingers into the cleft of my ass, even."

"," Todd sighed. "It's just one day."

"One special day," Austin told him, still working the buttons free. "This year, though, the temptation is the strongest it's ever been, isn't it? I know it is because you brought Mr. Donovan here. I know why, too. It's because Uncle Howard always comes to visit -- because his birthday is the same as mine."

Austin slid a hand down over his father's right nipple and tweaked it. Todd sighed, then tried to push himself away. The big desk behind him stopped this. Austin moved in closer.

"You undressed me for Mr. Donovan. You watched him slip his finger into my ass. What did you say to him, Daddy?"

"Get in there, Shane," Todd said, recalling his words. "Finger our boy good and deep."

Just like he had on that day, Austin let his voice go high and playful. It might have made him sound silly but he knew they both enjoyed the game. "You shouldn't tease a birthday boy about a present, then make him wait for it."

He closed his hand around his father's hard cock. Even through the fabric, he felt it respond. To help it respond better, he gripped the base through the dress pants and gave it a long, hard stroke. He loved the helpless look on his father's face as he took hold of the zipper and dragged it down.

"You watched Mr. Donovan fuck me," Austin said, sliding his hand into the man's pants. "You watched as his wrist-thick cock drilled my whorish hole...but you wanted in, too, didn't you? You wanted inside me just as much as Mr. Donovan did."

"Yes," Todd heard himself say. "God forgive me, but I did!"

"I wanted that, too."

Austin's fingers closed around his father's cock. The man's mouth came open as he pulled it free. Still looking at his father's face, he began stroking the shaft. His other hand eased up to the man's chest and moved the shirt aside. It fell down the man's arms, exposing his torso. Austin breathed in the scent of his father, the scent of sweat and old cologne. The cock in his hand swelled as he worked the shirt off one arm. The other hand still held the Bible in a deathgrip and he knew he wasn't going to get the shirt all the way off. He settled on working the man's pants loose. When they fell around the man's ankles, Austin realized his father wasn't wearing underwear. His cock was free of all his clothes.

He looked down.

"Oh...Daddy..." he sighed.

The man's firm shaft was almost as thick as his wrist. It's pale beauty was almost more than he could take. One thick vein snaked down the length, disappearing just under the hooded head. Austin held it up and slid back the foreskin. Pink and proud, the head expanded as he thumbed its slit. Thick precum oozed out and slid over his fingers.

"It's beautiful..." he said in a low voice. "Your cock is so...beautiful."

Austin eased down onto the floor. Reverently, he kissed his father's cock. Precum spilled all over his lips and chin. He kissed it again and the stuff flowed like a river. Kissing the lip of foreskin made his father's whole body shudder. He slid his tongue under the head and was thrilled when the man began convulsing -- shooting hot cum into his waiting mouth.

Todd's free hand clamped hard on the boy's shoulder. "FUCK...Oh, FUCK!"

The man's body shook with his orgasm. Austin fastened his mouth on the spurting head, letting the pent-up cum collect on his tongue. The hard hand on his shoulder threatened to push him through the floor but he held tight to the back of his father's legs for support. Silk socks covered his hard thighs and Austin thought how good they felt.

"Satan..." Todd muttered. "Get thee behind me..."

Savoring the taste of his father's cum, Austin allowed the man to pull away from him. Because the desk stopped him from going far, he held onto the man's legs. He swallowed. Looking up into his father's eyes, he was not surprised to find tears.

"Oh, baby," the man said. "What have you done?"

Holding his father's still-thick shaft, Austin smiled up at him. "What we've both wanted for the last three years." He thumbed the head again. "I want more, Daddy."

Todd grabbed at his pants, attempting to pull them up. He stumbled. He tried to step around his kneeling son but he stumbled again. Not wanting to release his hold on the Bible, he tried pushing Austin away. The boy still held to his legs. His mind was in chaos.

"Get up!" He shouted. "Get up and get back to your room! I have had enough of being Satan's plaything for the evening! Now, my boy! Now!"

Slow to rise, Austin used his father's powerful calves to help him up. Still close to the man, he pressed his body in so that the hard bulge inside his underwear rubbed his father's cock. Sliding his hands along the hard pecs, through the thick chest hair, up and around the man's neck, he smiled again.

"Do you know what Mr. Donovan and cousin Preston are doing to Uncle Howard right now?"

"N-no -- and I don't want to know!"

"Cousin Preston is mouthing his father's cock. He's letting Uncle Howard throat-fuck him while Mr. Donovan plows his ass with that gorgeous black cock."

"Stop!" Todd shook his head, pulling at his shirt sleeve. "Enough of this filth!"

"You made all of this possible, you know. Having Mr. Donovan over for the barbecue, then when I asked for my birthday present, you said yes." Austin kissed his father's neck. "Then, we went to that club and you let Mr. Donovan and the waiter have their way with me. You watched as one bred my hole while the other flooded my face with cum."

He moved the man's hand onto his ass. Even though Todd clutched the Bible, he squeezed the firm flesh. Austin moved the hand up and back down, easing his fingers into the waistband of his underwear. Todd let his hand close over the bare flesh.

"Why can't Mr. Donovan be enough for you?" He asked the boy, taking in a deep breath. "I've tried so hard to give you what you needed. My sweet baby boy..."

"This is what I need," Austin said, squeezing the man's cock. "You have to be at least eight inches."

"Nine and two thirds," Todd whispered.

"I need it all, Daddy. Please...fuck me."

"I can't. We can't..."

"Drive your hard cock into my ass. Fuck me. I want it, inside me so bad."

Todd took hold of the boy's arm and pulled the hand away from his shaft. Breathing was harder than it had been in his life. Holding the boy, feeling the muscle move under his fingers, he felt the surge in his groin before he realized what it was. Austin's sweet face filled his vision and the boy's clean scent filled his nostrils. The pink nipples, the gentle swell of his pecs, the tightness of his abs and the tempting pouch of purple sin proved too much for him.

Half-dragging, he brought the boy across the room to the formal settee. It was not a full couch, just a glorified padded bench. He shoved Austin down on it, the turned him around. The boy fell to the floor on his knees. Todd fell in behind him. The Bible fell with a hard thump. He took hold of the purple fabric and pulled. It tore. Austin's pink hole winked at him from the tear in the fabric. His cock throbbed with the sight, oozing precum.

"Yes, Daddy," Austin sighed, leaning over the settee. Reaching back, he took hold of his ass in both hands and pulled his cheeks apart. "Do it! Put it in me! Fuck me!"

Almost enraged, Todd positioned his cock, then fell forward. In one solid movement, he impaled the boy. The rush of pleasure was almost too much for either of them to handle. Austin gasped at the solid thickness and the sudden stretching of his hole. He gripped his cheeks and pulled them as far as he could. More of his father's cock kept coming. He gasped again as the rough pubic hair finally scraped his hole. Todd's chest pressed hard into his back, holding him still.


"Shut up!" Todd hissed. "Shut your whore mouth!" He pressed forward, grinding himself into the boy. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?! You wicked little whore!"

Austin had no time to respond before Todd began pummeling him. The bench scraped on the carpet as his body was propelled forward. At one point, the bench tipped over and he had to brace himself with one arm. Still, the cock kept coming -- driving him into a potted plant. He held the rim of the pot, moving his leg to one side in order to keep himself open. The shaft rammed into him over and over. The head punched at his prostate, driving into him. The plant shook, then turned over. Dirt spilled onto the floor and his knees scraped through it as his father kept going.

"Who else have you let do this to you, whore?!" Todd raged, his hips speeding up. "Who else has violated your tender flesh?!"

"Mr...D-Donovan...the...waiter...," Austin began with the most recent. "Cousin P-Preston..."

"Who else?! Who else, whore?!"

Austin was driven into a nearby chair, which he tried to climb. Todd was on his feet, still driving his cock into the boy's warm hole. The boy clawed at the seat's back, trying to balance. His knee pressed into the chair's arm, his chest pressed into the chair's back. His father's cock pressed even harder into his ass. The chair went forward until it slammed hard into the wall. Todd kept going. Austin did, too.

"Deacon the winter carnival...Deacon Mason...on the Ferris wheel...Father Murphy...Mr. Evans, at the hardware store..."

In spite of himself, Todd felt a surge of carnal pleasure at each of the men his son named. He pictured Deacon Wadley's football-player frame crushing his son beneath him as they fucked. He saw tall, lanky Deacon Mason mouthing his son's cock as the wheel turned. Father Murphy had more than his share of college boys, he knew. As he drove his cock harder into his son's ass, he was glad to know Austin was among the father's fucking-flock. Cade Evans would have made Austin walk funny for a week with the elephant cock he had stuffed in his pants.

"And?" Todd prompted, shouldering the boy hard against the chair. "Who else?!"

"Lance..." Austin sighed.

"The foreman doing the work on the church?"

"Y-yeah...and his crew."

"His cr-crew?" Todd slowed a bit. "You let them..."

"Oh, Daddy...they stand in a thick, sweaty circle around me and let me take their cocks! They stroke their massive meat until they cum -- and Daddy...I take it all! They feed me! They bathe me! So much cum,!"

"Whore," Todd whispered.

"I AM a whore, Daddy..." Austin gripped the chair harder. "But now...I'm your whore!"

The man's upper lip curled as he increased the speed and strength of his strokes. Disgust warred with lustful anger as he continued fucking this perverted whore. Taking hold of Austin's hair, he pulled the boy's head off the chair. Nuzzling his face, he breathed in the sweat and soap smell. The boy's insides gripped him hard as he pulled back but released to let him back in. Over and over, he drove himself full in. Austin's sighs became whimpers. Tears came, stiffening Todd's steel-hard cock even more.

"Who else," he prompted.

"Un-uncle Howard..."

"I knew it," Todd hissed. "I knew you'd let your uncle into your bed! Sinful whore! When did it happen? When did you let him take you?"

"On...on the boat..."

Todd pictured their boating trip and his muscular brother had insisted on bartending the entire time. It all made sense. Austin had disappeared more than once during their trip and Sharon had insisted he was in his room. Now, he knew where the boy had been.

"He was so good, long and thick -- like you!"

"How many times?"

"I lost count after six," Austin said, turning into his father's face. "He plowed me so hard!"

Closing an arm around the boy, Todd picked him up off the chair and slung him around. They both fell hard on t he floor and Todd started again. Driving the boy's legs apart, he drove his cock hard into the tender flesh -- causing more whimpers.

"You've let men in my church have a turn at this ass," he hissed. "Maybe, instead of passing the wafers and wine, we should just pass you around!"

"Yes, Daddy...please!"

"Have you NO shame," Todd sighed, his hips working harder.

"No, Daddy...none!"

The man's hips did not stop, even as the two of them moved toward the window. Todd's cock throbbed as his balls tightened. He felt himself getting closer to the forbidden end of all this. In frustration, he slapped his son's ass with both hands, slapped it until the cheeks glowed red. Still, the boy pushed back on his cock, pushed back and moaned for more, for a harder fucking. He took firm hold of the boy's hair and directed them toward the wall. Austin braced himself and he continued to fuck. His balls tightened even more when the boy's whimpering increased.

"I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore," Todd hissed into his son's ear. "With whom the deacons of the earth have fucked and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of his cock!"

Austin's head spun as he realized his father was quoting Revelations but making it apply to him. Against the wall, his own cock throbbed out the last of his resolve. As his father's angry shaft tore him open, his own cock began spewing out his load. Reaching behind himself, he grasped at his father.

"You filthy whore," Todd muttered. "This is what whores get."

The man drove hard one last time. Scraping his coarse pubic hair on the boy's tender red ass, he fell on the boy's back. Hunching hard, he began pumping his hot cum into Austin's ass. He bit the boy's shoulder, roaring into his skin as he came. Cum poured out of the two of them as they sank to the floor.

"Filthy...whore," Todd mumbled one last time.

Austin wiped at his tears with one hand while pulling himself into his now-sweaty father with the other. The man's arms closed around him and held him tight. Inside of his aching ass, Austin felt his father's cock still throbbing. He was still hard, even after cumming twice in a row.

"Jesus," Austin whispered. "Uncle Howard said you were a stallion, but...fuck, you're still hard."

"Be quiet, boy," Todd said, resting his head on Austin's shoulder.

" me again," the boy muttered, grinding himself downward.

The man came up onto his knees, then bent the boy down so that his shoulders rested on the floor. Wedging himself in between the boy's legs, he began a slow, steady fucking. The squelching sound of his cock moving through his own cum excited them both. Austin reached through his legs and took his father's balls. Pulling on them, he encouraged deeper thrusts. He didn't have to wait long until the rough pubic hair started scraping his ass.

"Fuck," he said, pleasure warping his body. "Fuck, dad...oh, man! That's so damn good!"

Todd did not speak until he had emptied himself a second time. Cum ran down the insides of Austin's thighs as he continued pumping the last of his load into him. The boy sighed as he pulled out. He fumbled with his pants as he moved away.

"You need to go..."

Austin interrupted. "After what just happened?"

"Go and tell your uncle, cousin, and Mr. Donovan," Todd went on. "To join us in my office."

  • END -

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