Birthday Boy

By Xangel

Published on Dec 14, 2019


The first was the burly man in the sweaty white tank top. Moving in between Austin's spread legs, he finished jerking himself to completion in just a few strokes. His hard load sprayed the boy's balls, coating them with milky fluid. He had just enough time to step away before the second man started groaning. Like the first, he wore a tight tank top but opted to keep his hardhat on. He jerked his dick a few times, then blew all over Austin's inner thighs, coating them both in his juice.

The third and fourth man got in on either side of Austin's head, both jerking their dicks. They had locked arms as they stroked themselves, each on racing the other to the finish. The Latino won that race, thick ropes of cum lashing Austin's smooth chest. His whole meaty frame shook as he iced the boy's body. Grunting, he finished the same way he started, like a stallion.

"Best for last," his light-skinned friend groaned. "Oh, fuck!"

Like the others, this last construction worker blasted Austin's naked body with all the cum he could muster. His hand flew the length of his shaft, squeezing it in the best way. Looking down at the boy, he smiled as he came. Austin smiled back.

"Thank you, so much!"

Leaning down, the foreman kissed the boy. "Thank you. We look forward to this every week."

Still lying on his back, Austin watched the thick workers stuff their spent cocks back into their pants and wander back to the nearby jobsite. Only the foreman stayed and held out a hand for the boy. Austin took it and got to his feet. The man offered him a worn bandana.

"No, thank you. I like to wear it all. That's the whole point."

As the boy began to dress, the foreman zipped his own pants. "Saw your dad at church this last Wednesday. Is he all right?"

"As far as I know. Why do you ask?"

"He looked a little pale."

"Temptation is getting the better of him, I think." Austin smiled. "It happens to even the best of them, don't you know?"

"Well, as long as he's all right." He threaded the belt back through the loops. "You going to be here on Thursday, too?"

"My last class finishes at three, so right after."

"Why don't you let me take you home? You and me could have some fun."

"Because it wouldn't be fair to the other guys." Austin brought the man in to a hug. "Maybe after finals, when things slow down, I'll let you treat me like a proper gentlemen and not the workplace slut who likes warm cum baths and rough men."

"You graduate college in a few weeks. Don't think I won't take you up on that."

Austin smiled and moved in close. "Don't think I'm not serious, Lance. Let me get through this next week and we'll see, all right?"

"All right, babe. Get on, now, before the guys come back for seconds and we get behind on this job! That ass of yours is distracting and bad for business."

Before Austin could leave, the foreman grabbed him and spun him around. His right arm wrapped around the boy and pulled him into a warm, gentle kiss. Austin kissed back, enjoying the sensation of being folded into the large arms and pressed hard against the man's chest. Around them, the other men who had returned to work began applauding and hollering their approval.

Shane came into the kitchen to find Todd at the stove. Several pots were steaming and a plate of ham sat on the counter. Stopping just inside the doorway, the larger black male smiled at his friend. When Todd turned to face him, Shane's smile widened.

"Wife's over at the church to help with the afternoon meal."

"Right. She left early to help set up."

Sliding one hand down his bare stomach and into the top of his jeans, Shane drew Todd's attention down his torso. At the island, Todd diverted his attention right away. He pulled in the loose bowls and got them ready to be filled.

"Family coming?"

"My brother and his children. Sharon's sister and her four."

"Packed house." Shane took a few steps closer to Todd. "Your brother's got a gay kid, doesn't he?"

"Preston," Todd nodded. "He's a year younger than Austin."

"Coming to dinner, today?"

Todd let out a knowing sigh. "Yes, he'll be here. Try not to be inappropriate."

Shane came around the island and eased in behind Todd. One hand slid down the front of the other's front, stopping just at the belted top of his pants. He leaned in and kissed Todd's neck. Then, his ear. Then, the side of his face. His other hand slid into the pocket of Todd's gray dress pants. Soon, he found the swollen mound of dick in the man's underwear.

"Take a break, reverend. Come have some fun with me, like we did in college."

"You know I can't do that."

Shane's mouth moved around to Todd's other side. "No, see, I know you can. It isn't the first time. Remember back in college? You and me would turn the heat off in our room and get all up in the covers to ride out the winter storms. We'd use our bodies to stay warm."

Todd's hand fell away from the tongs he held, letting them clatter on the counter. "Stop, Shane. I can't do that now. I'm a married man with a son."

"Right. A son you love so much that you brought me here from Florida to fuck him on the regular." In Todd's pocket, his hand moved over the man's dick. "One I know you want to f--"

"Enough," Todd said, attempting to pull away from the man. "I have dinner to finish."

"When will they be here?"

"Just after one," the other man rasped. "Austin is picking up the last of the meal."

"Dessert," Shane growled, nuzzling Todd's neck. "He told me as I was sliding up inside of him in the shower. Hot boy you've got there. Is Preston as nice a piece of ass as his cousin?"

"Stop talking that way. Please, just stop being so lascivious about my family."

"Reverend, you brought me here to be lascivious about your family." Shane grasped Todd's dick. "Remember your son's birthday? Remember his dinner at the Paladium restaurant when you brought him upstairs and let me and the waiter spit-roast him?"

"Yes," Todd sighed. "I remember."

"Let me give you just a little of what we gave him."

"I want you to stop, right now."

"No, you don't. Feel this dick? It's hard as steel. What you want is for me to bend you forward on this counter and fuck you senseless but you won't admit it."

Todd gripped the edge of the island. Shane's hand caressed his dick inside his pants. He felt the tightness in his crotch ease as he leaned back against the other man's hard body. Shane's other hand slid down the front of his torso and worked his belt loose. The zipper rasped open and his pants fell around his ankles. The cool air on his legs made Todd shiver. The same air against his dick as Shane slid his underwear down did the very opposite. It made him feel as though he were about to burst into flames.

"I need you--"

"I know you do." Shane cut him off. "You've always needed me. We need each other."

"Don't...please, don't do this."

Shane swiped a finger through the melted butter in a nearby bowl. He smeared the stuff on his dick. Next, he picked up the bowl and poured a stream of it onto Todd's rounded, exposed ass. With his own dick, he directed the greasy stuff into the hard crease. Todd squirmed but pushed his ass back on him. Smiling, Shane smeared the butter around until he and Todd were slick enough that the head of his dick slid into the other man's tight pucker. Shane smiled at the contented sigh he got from Todd.

"Yeah...see? I told you. All you needed was my dick back inside you to show you what you were missing. Back up on me, reverend. Fuck yourself on my big dick."

That was just what Todd did. Using the counter, he pushed his ass back until he felt the wiry scratch of pubic bush on his bare cheeks. One of the platters slid toward the other side of the island when he leaned forward on his arms. Ducking his head into them, he got out of his dress pants and spread his legs to accommodate all of what Shane would give him. A groan came from him as he realized how deep into the pit of depravity he knew he would drop.

Shane leaned in and slid one arm under Todd's left leg. He brought it up and fastened his hand to the island's edge. When the man was balanced, he did the same thing to the other leg. In this new position, Todd's body was lifted all the way off the floor, supported by Shane's strong arms and torso. Unable to offer any resistance, Todd could only dangle his legs and hold on. Shane began a slow, steady rhythm of back-and-forth. Using his hips, he rocked back and forth into Todd's warm hole.

"Just like in college," the black male said, leaning down on Todd's back. "Remember how you craved this big dick? How you begged me to fuck you?"

"Y-yes...yes, I remember."

"Do it again, reverend. Beg me to fuck your ass."

Todd didn't know what to do. Not raising his head, he shook it side to side as if he were trying to shake out the shame he felt at what he was doing. His tears soaked the sleeves of his dress shirt. The feeling spreading through his body was stronger than the shame he felt at needing what he was getting.

"Y-yes...please...please, fuck me...fuck my ass!"

"That's the Todd I know!" Shane pushed the man's shirt up and began kissing along his spine. "Not this mealy-mouthed, pussy-whipped weakling I see mincing around his own house."


"God is at the end of this cock," Shane hissed, burying himself in the man's ass. "Feel how it throbs inside you? That tingling feeling spreading out to your toes? The way your balls are drawing up against your body and how your dick is drooling on the floor? That's God, reverend. Shane Donovan."

"Yes! Oh...yes! Forgive me, father...but yes! YES!"

Shane pushed Todd's knees forward onto the island. He increased his speed and depth, pushing all of himself into the willing hole each time he went forward. Soon, he was pounding Todd's entire body with his own, driving them both toward the same end. Neither of them wanted slow and easy, they both wanted this hard and fast fucking. Todd wanted it because it was what he needed. Shane wanted it because Todd wanted it.

"Oh...oh, yes...oh...deeper..." Todd chanted. "Deeper...oh, yes! Harder, please!"

Spreading his arms spread Todd's legs, allowing Shane to do as the man requested. Squatting, he jammed the full length into Todd each time. The dishes on the counter went in different directions as Todd's arms went wide. His head rested against the counter, his tears mingling with the flour and sugar mixture he had prepared earlier. Shame burned on his face, warring with the pleasure his body experienced. He wanted to shout for Shane to stop this invasion but the words that came were anything but.

"Harder! Please, fuck me harder! Ride me, Shane! Ride me hard!"

"Nice to hear you asking for what we both know you wanted."

Pressing into Todd, the larger male did as he was asked. Each of his thrusts drove the man into the counter, drilling him with dick. Their groans mingled as Shane's hips blurred. Todd gripped the edge of the counter, holding tight to make sure he wasn't pushed over its other side. His breath came in short, choppy gasps. His eyes went wide more than once as Shane's blunt head struck his prostate.

"God...oh, my God...forgive me...God..." Todd gasped. "I'm...cumming!"

Underneath him, his trapped cock spasmed, then started spurting his hot load. Shane lifted him up, tilting his body so his back hit the man's chest. Jutting out in front of him, his cock continued spewing its load. One powerful arch splattered the edge of the white china bowl containing honeyed carrots. Another shot landed in the center of the sliced ham. Todd sobbed as his cum flew in all directions -- ruining his meal.

"Shoot that fuckin' load, reverend! Feel your cock respond to mine! That's the way it should be! You and me, joined cock-to-ass and cumming hard!"

Todd leaned back as Shane pushed him down hard on his cock. The man sobbed even harder as his friend pumped his own hot load up into his ass. Tears streamed down his face as the black male's cum streamed down the insides of his thighs and onto his clean floor. Pleasure rushed through every part of his body, curling his toes. Pain and shame dug into his stomach as his own dick started another volley of cum. He watched it mingle with the mashed potatoes, green beans, and gravy.

When he finished, Shane slid one arm out from under Todd's leg, allowing him to find the floor. He did the same for the second arm, then let his cock slide from Todd's slick asshole. Right away, the reverend fell to his knees on the expensive linoleum. Shane stepped back and pulled up his pants. They clung to his hips, not going any further down.

"Forgive me. Please, God, forgive me! Forgive my transgressions and lustful--"

"Shut the fuck up, Todd. You loved it. You loved every minute of it! Get the fuck up, stir your jizz into the food and serve it to those stuck-up fucks coming to leech off you at your own table."

Shane leaned forward and took a piece of ham from the cum-spattered dish. He folded it in half and put it in his mouth. Smiling, he walked over to the entrance of the dining room. Peering inside, he shook his head at the elaborate table and its gleaming settings. When he turned around, Todd was getting to his feet. The man he knew in college was nowhere to be seen. This sniveling, crying mess was no one he knew and it broke his heart.

"For fuck's sake, reverend, have some dignity."

Todd could only shake his head. "Look at this! I'm going to have to do it all again!"

"No, you don't! Tell those pricks to get the fuck out of your house if they don't like what you put on the table!" Shane's voice reached the ceiling. "They've run your life enough! Stand up for yourself, reverend!"

"I did! I stood up for myself when I left college and your demonic influence on my life!"

"Fuck you, Todd! My influence made you face what you are instead of letting you hide behind a lie!"

"Leave, Shane...get out of my house...and don't come back."

"Yeah, yeah," the other man said, not moving. "Who will fuck you as good as me?"

"Look at this mess," Todd responded, shaking his head. "You ruin everything."

Candles at either end, a large platter of meat in the center, and several bowls of sides made the table. On one side, a family of four sat. Todd's brother and wife and their two children faced Sharon's sister and two children. The hosts of the table sat at each end.

"Shall we all join hands and say grace?"

"Shouldn't the boys be down here with us?" Sharon's sister asked, looking concerned. "Are you sure it was all right to let them take their dinner upstairs?"

Todd smiled, attempting to force his mind back down here instead of what he knew was going on upstairs. "I'm sure they're fine. You know how young people can be, they don't want to be down here with all us old people."

"Speak for yourself," Todd's brother chuckled. "I may share my nephew's birthday but I have no intention of getting any older."

Todd laughed, a little too fast. "All right, everyone join hands and we'll say grace."

Everyone did as he said and Todd waited until they all bowed their heads. He turned his own eyes up toward the ceiling and began the blessing for the meal. As he did, he imagined he could see through the floor and into his son's room. Austin chose to play host to his cousins and open his room to them. The man spoke the words of a prayer but thought of what else his son was opening for his rugby-fit cousins.

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Next: Chapter 4

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