Birthday Boy

By Xangel

Published on Dec 1, 2019


Shane came out of the bedroom, cum trailing from the head of his dick. Going into the guest-room across the hall, he chuckled at the sound of sobbing behind him. He walked across the guest-room and into its private bathroom. He started the shower and stepped in. Reaching for the soap, he wet his broad black body in the lukewarm water. The sobbing from the other bedroom became a shrieking, making him smile. He loved the sound.

"Fuckin' hypocrite," he said to himself as he began soaping his chest.

He washed himself as the shrieking grew louder. He had gotten to his feet when the sound came to just outside the shower door. The words were incomprehensible but he could tell what was being said without specifics. It was the same thing hypocritical people always said when they did bad and felt guilty about it. Nothing the hysterical woman said would make her feel any better or him anything at all. He continued soaping himself, making sure to get his dick and balls.

"...another thing! I never would have done it if you hadn't brought the devil into this house!"

Sharon shook her finger at him, rage plastered across her face. He continued soaping himself, smiling at her furious face, making it redder as he watched.

"You did that! You brought the devil!"

"No, I brought the dick," Shane smiled wider. "I brought the big, beautiful black dick and you couldn't wait to sit down on it and ride it all the way to Sunday!"

"You filthy-mouthed mother-fucker!" Sharon continued to shriek. "I want you gone by this afternoon! Gone, do you understand?!"

"That's too bad because your husband said I could stay as long as I want and I think I'm going to be extending my stay."

"The fuck you are!"

"Look, I get why you're mad. You just wanted a taste of the dick but you got a whole swallow! That wasn't enough so you took the whole bottle! Now, you're drunk on the dick and you're mad because I cut you off. I get it!"

"You arrogant fuck!"

"Oh, no, I'm not arrogant. I'm right. Look at you! You come in here all screaming at me but you can't take your eyes off it! You want it plunging in and out of your pussy even while you're screaming at me to get out and take my beautiful black dick with me."

"Today, Shane Donovan! You pack your shit and get out -- today!"

"Right after I tell Todd what we did -- how we fucked in his bed and you called out my name, telling me how hard you wanted it and how deep."

"Fuck you!" She screamed. "Fuck you, you bastard!"

"We've already tried that, remember? Your pussy's still stretched from two full hours on my dick!" He cuffed her chin, leaving soap on it. "And I'm not going anywhere, chick. Get it into your head. Todd said I can stay, I'm staying." His smile returned. "You wanna go for another round after dinner, tonight? Todd's going to be taking Austin out."

"Fuck you," Sharon almost screamed. She then stormed from the room.

"In time," Shane muttered, stepping into the spray of water. "You thirsty bitch."

Austin stood in front of the dressing room mirror. Behind him, his father watched as he pulled the bright blue underwear up over his hips. He did it slow, dragging the fabric up and over the plumpness of his dick. It made a delicious bulge in the center of the underwear. His fingers lingered over the bulge as he found his father's face in the mirror.

"Do you like them, Daddy?"

The man nodded, then covered his mouth.

"I really like these," Austin said, letting one hand close over his left ass cheek. "They're cotton so they're very, very soft. Almost like hands holding me everywhere I need hands to hold me." He cupped his fingers under his cheek and squeezed. "Can I have them, Daddy?"

Again, Todd nodded.

The underwear rode high on Austin's hips, just an inch of fabric on either side below the inch of waistband. The entire back of the blue briefs was open, framing the boy's peach-like ass. When he moved forward, he spread his legs. Then, he bent down and grasped the backs of his legs. His peach opened, revealing just how succulent its insides were. He knew his father would be treated to the delicious pink ring and the light brown fuzz surrounding it.

"Lead me not into temptation," Todd muttered behind his hand. "Deliver me..."

Reaching through his legs, Austin let one finger slide up between his cheeks. It grazed the pale pink ring, teasing the edge. "Daddy...thank you for my birthday present."

"You're welcome. Your new underwear looks very nice."

"Which do you like better, the blue or the pink?"

Two pair of pink underwear hung on the dressing room door. Todd already said yes to those. He would say yes to any of the small pile of briefs and jockstraps Austin picked out to try on. Even though he knew the boy would be parading around the house in them, whenever he got the chance, he would say yes to all of them. He just needed to see them on.

"Try the orange ones," he croaked out.

Turning into the mirror, Austin didn't straighten to slip the blue briefs off. He reached for the soft orange briefs and stepped into them. Still leaning against the dressing area door, he pulled them up his legs. The fabric stretched as he continued. The back of the briefs was out, just like all the others, and the edging was a lighter tangerine, like the waistband. He ran two fingers along the crease of his exposed ass as the waistband snapped into place.

"Like 'em, Daddy?" Austin asked, dipping his shoulders. "Can I have them, too?"

"Yes, baby," Todd croaked again. "Let's...try the yellow ones. Then, we'll try the purple ones."

"Are we still going to dinner?" Austin straightened his body. "With smothered chicken and special chocolate cake?"

"Of course, baby boy. Special birthday dinner for my special boy."

Austin walked to his father. He eased his arms around the man's neck and pressed his bare chest into the man's torso. One leg eased in between the man's. He laid his head on the man's shoulder. He felt the first hand come to rest on his hip. The other came to rest on the small of his back. Austin smiled as his father pulled him close.

"Thank you for my new underwear. I'll make sure to get as much use of them as I can." Austin meant what he said. "Remember my present last year? Remember Mr. Donovan?"

"I do," Todd whispered.

"Thank you for letting Mr. Donovan stay with us. He doesn't have anyone, you know. We're almost like his family now, aren't we?"

"We are his family now, yes."

Reaching back, Austin took hold of his father's right hand. He moved it down, over his bare ass. The man started to pull away but he held him still. "Please, Daddy...just hold me...just for a little while?"

"Deliver me from evil," Todd said, closing his eyes and letting his hand be molded to the boy's soft flesh.

The restaurant had two levels, one for the everyday customers, another for special guests. Austin and his father ascended the stairs to the second level and were escorted to a booth at the back of the spacious room. Other customers at other tables nodded to them as they passed. In a pressed white shirt and black pants, Austin felt as though he looked very nice. The simple black tie matched his simple black shoes and blazer. He took his seat first, allowing his father to slide in beside him. Their waiter came and took their drink order soon after.

"One bottle of champagne," Todd said. "We'll be having friends join us."

"I.D. for the younger gentleman?"

In the low lighting, Austin blushed. "I don't have it with me."

"I'm sure we can make an exception, just this once." The waiter winked before leaving.

"This is a very nice restaurant."

Todd smiled. "I'm glad you think so. Your special day only comes once a year."

"I'm glad it's just us." Austin returned his father's smile. "We have so much more fun when it's just us, don't we, Daddy?"

"We do."

"Thank you for my underwear, too. The green pair feels so good under my suit. Very nice in the front, too. I'm not too confined. It's more like a gentle hand holding me."

The first increase in temperature came when Todd recalled the green underwear with the two straps going under the boy's beautiful ass and joining just under his full balls. He pictured the bulge in the front and the thin outline of the boy's cock. Looking down at his own lap, he tried not to see the fullness of his own crotch, the one pushing him toward sin.

"It's not going to be just us, son. I've asked Mr. Donovan to join us. He's running a little behind."

"Oh, good! I'm even more excited, now!"

They engaged in a few more minutes of conversation before Shane Donovan joined them. He slid into the booth beside Austin, sandwiching the boy between the two men. The waiter came back to take his order. A few more minutes passed and their drinks were delivered.

"Do we get menus?" Austin asked.

"What's on the menu isn't written down, birthday boy," the waiter said. "Show starts soon."

"Show?" Austin asked again, looking around. "What show, Daddy?"

Todd didn't answer but the boy had only fifteen minutes to wait to find out for himself. The low lights in the room went down all together and a single spotlight shown down on a central location in the room. The customers focused their attention on the area as a handsome man took to that area of the floor. Soft music began to play and he started to sing. The song was rhythmic and easy, as were the movements of his body. They matched one another in every way.

Shane's hand eased into Austin's lap, his thick fingers finding the boy's crotch and what lay in it. Austin responded with a slight jerk of his hips and a soft sigh. While the singer sang, the large hand eased the buttons of Austin's pants loose and eased inside to cup the cotton front of his underwear. The male then leaned over and whispered a single sentence into the boy's ear.

"Get out of these pants and slide over in between my legs."

Eager to comply, Austin pushed his dress pants down and began moving toward the center of Shane's legs. In the low light of the room, he couldn't see anything but he could feel it. The hard, veined shaft of Shane's thick black cock settled in against the exposed crease of his ass. Another sigh escaped his lips as he felt the hardness slip in between his cheeks.

"Get you another drink, gentlemen?" The waiter asked, appearing from nowhere. "Or, have we moved on to the dessert portion?"

"Little man is about to get the candle on his cake," Shane explained. "Care to help us blow his out?"

"Oh, yes, sir," the handsome waiter said.

Behind him, the singer wound down the first song, causing the place to erupt into applause. The waiter dropped to his knees and disappeared under the table. The long cloth on it hid him from view. Seconds after, Austin felt warm lips close around his dick. The shaft was enveloped in a warm, slick sleeve of the waiter's throat. To keep from being dislodged from his current position in Shane's lap by the talented mouth, he gripped the sides of the table.

"Stand up and put this in you," Shane instructed him, making his cock pop against the boy's crease. "Use the little packet on the table."

Austin hadn't seen the packets until now. He took one, tore it open, and squeezed the clear contents onto his hand. Reaching back, he greased he familiar black cock and then his hole. Coming up a little, he positioned the head on his hole and eased the head inside himself. The waiter's position under the table shifted but he did not lose hold on the head. As Austin began lowering himself, the waiter began doing the same. The warm mouth mirrored the warm hole easing down on Shane's cock.

The singer started the second song, a richer, deeper melody with a much more erotic feel. He shed his jacket for this one, leaving him in a thin white shirt, pants, and stylish shoes. The crowd responded by approving applause.

"Oh, Daddy...what a good present," Austin sighed, looking at his father. "You did this?"

"I arranged it, yes." Todd's answer came with a choked sound. "Anything for my baby boy."

For the next few minutes, Austin did his best to get as much of Shane's cock into himself as possible while allowing the waiter to deep-throat him. Their combined enthusiasm meant Austin's body was ignited with an erotic charge. Shane's hands settled on his hips and began moving him. The man took control of how much of his cock he fed the boy and the pace at which he did it. It also meant he controlled how much the waiter got, as well.

The singer's next song was faster and much more intense. For this one, he shed his shoes and shirt. In only his pants, he showed off his lean body and hairy chest. His voice rang out through the room and entertained his patrons. In his seat, Todd tried to focus on the singer, on his handsome face and toned body. There was no sin in enjoying such a beautiful man. Instead, he kept glancing over at his son and former roommate. Austin's hands held the side of the table while Shane held his hips. They moved back and forth against one another, Austin starting to sweat. Leaning against the booth, Shane showed no such exertion. His handsome face was the picture of serene sexuality.

By the singer's fourth song, Todd found himself clutching the edge of the booth and sweating. Beside him, the table had been pushed out and Austin's lean body had been spread out on its surface. On the other side, the waiter held onto the boy's brown curls and stuffed almost eight and a half inches of uncut cock in his mouth. Still seated, Shane drove three greased fingers into Austin's well-fucked ass, just to keep him full while the waiter used his mouth.

When the singer stripped off his pants, the lyrics to his fifth song were about people fucking in the alleyway. His own thick cock was held in check by a thin blue thong while he undulated on the floor. Many of the room's customers were on their feet, throwing bills at him.

Todd sat on the edge of the booth, his knuckles white, his eyes forward.

Austin's face was covered in cum and the waiter was still pummeling his mouth. Behind him, Shane's thick cock pistoned his asshole, pushing and pulling him on the table. Both hands held to the waiter's hips and his legs were splayed as far as they would go. Shane and the waiter shared a deep kiss as they both fucked the boy they shared. The black male grabbed the other, holding his head still while he shoved as much of his tongue into his mouth as he could.

In the room's center, the singer belted out the last of his song while exposing his hard cock for all the room to see. A few of the bolder patrons dropped to their knees and he let them nurse him for a few minutes while he repeated the chorus one last time.

The waiter grunted. His second load filled Austin's mouth and spilled out onto the table. Shane buried himself in the boy and filled his ass with warm cum. Austin groaned, not sure which way to turn his body to get the maximum pleasure. He let out a little cry of pain as Shane pushed hard into him one last time to make sure he didn't spill any of his load on the table.

"Happy birthday, boy," Shane said, leaning down onto Austin's prone body. "This was sexy as fuck, you little cock-whore."

"Thank you, Mr. Donovan! Thank you for my present."

After watching his wife's car drive away, Todd went down the hall to his son's room. As he suspected it would be, the door was open. Coming inside, he felt his chest grow tight and his groin grow tighter. Lying on the bed was the source of his greatest temptation.

Austin smiled at the sight of his father. "Thank you for my birthday dinner, Daddy. It was so yummy!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad Mr. Donovan could join us, as well."

"Me, too. I like when he joins us. I also like when he stays with us."

"Do you?"

"Yes, he comes to my room at night," Austin said, spreading his legs. "He gives me presents."

The boy's first two fingers slid into the open access point of his bright green underwear. Eyeing his father, he slid the fingers into his slick, pink hole. He smiled as he began sliding them in and out of himself at a rhythm he knew would make his father sweat.

"I've seen it, you know...your big, veiny cock. I've seen it several times while you showered, then last summer when we were at Uncle Howard's and you were getting off the boat. I know what it looks like, Daddy. Your cock."

The boy's fingers slowed.

"I want it, Daddy. I want it inside me, like Mr. Donovan."

"Stop talking," Todd said, his throat drying. "Please, stop talking filth. That's why I brought Mr. Donovan to stay with you could get what you needed."

"Look, Daddy," Austin said, sliding in a third finger. "What I need is you...inside me."

"Your mother will be back soon. You're going to need to set the table and make sure everything is ready for her." Todd swallowed hard. "Make certain you put some clothes on before coming down."

The boy slowed his fingers, then eased them out of himself. "Why won't you do it, Daddy? Why won't you fuck me? I know you want to."

"What you're talking about is wrong. We can't do what you're suggesting."

Coming off the end of his bed, Austin's face grew serious. He crossed to where his father stood. "Mr. Donovan has fucked me every night since my birthday last week. He slides his colossal cock into my ass and churns me like butter. He makes me scream and cry...and groan with pleasure."

The boy reached out a hand and let it rest on his father's hip. They shared a long, meaningful look before Austin pressed himself against his father's hard body. The man enveloped his son and held him. After a while, Austin moved the man's hand down to his bare ass. They stood still in the silence of the room.

"Just be happy with Mr. Donovan, son. Let him do what I can't."

"All right, Daddy," the boy said, rubbing the man's back. "For now."

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