Birthday Boy

By Xangel

Published on Nov 21, 2019


Austin came out into the hallway to find his father waiting for him. Dressed in just a pair of shorts, the younger male walked with some hesitation. The man held out a welcoming hand, his other on the doorknob to his room. When he was closer, Austin slipped his hand into his father's and allowed himself to be drawn into a pleasant, one-armed hug. The man's cotton shirt and silk tie felt good against his bare torso. It stirred the front of his shorts, as well.

"Today's the day," the man said, nuzzling the other's neck. "My baby boy is twenty-one. Happy birthday."

"You're going to make me blush," the boy said, resting his head against his father's.

The man's free hand slid down the boy's back and into the top of his shorts. The man's mouth touched Austin's neck and kissed up to his ear. He flicked the lobe with his tongue, then took it into his mouth. The sweet moan that came from the boy tented his dress pants. His fingers slid into the tight crevice of the boy's cheeks but didn't go further.

"Let's go in and open your present before your mother gets home, how about it?"

"You got me a present?"

"A big-boy present," the man said in a low voice. "One you've been asking for."

Easing his hand out of the boy's shorts, the man opened the bedroom door. A corner of light from the hallway broke into the darkness. Austin turned out of his father's embrace and pushed the door open. More light spilled in. Behind him, his father turned on the two lamps on either side of the bed with a push of a button. Austin gasped at what those lights revealed.

Lying naked on the bed, his muscular arms folded behind his head, a familiar face smiled back at the birthday boy. Jutting up from his smooth crotch, a large, thick cock drooled its greeting. The man on the bed spread his muscular legs wide.

"Oh...daddy," Austin sighed, walking toward the bed. "He's what I always wanted."

Behind him, the man closed the door. "I know he is, baby. He's all you've talked about since the barbecue last year."

"Hiya, kid," the man on the bed said, his grin getting bigger. "Wanna come blow out your candle?"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Donovan. Thank you, Mr. Donovan."

Mesmerized by the leaking cock, Austin got to the end of the bed and crawled toward it. In the light of the lamps, its dark head looked almost purple. The thick veins along the shaft pulsed in deep browns with honey highlights. The entire shaft was so beautiful, Austin couldn't form words. He looked up at the man it belonged to. His mighty pecs hollowed out to expose thick, dark hair. His stomach was rounded but he could see the ghost of abs under it, a hold-over from Mr. Donovan's football days. He smiled at the man and the smile was returned.

"You're so hot, Mr. Donovan." Austin said, a blush coming to his cheeks. "Do you think, before I blow out my candle, I know...get a kiss?"

The man brought his arms down and Austin eased up onto the man's torso. Slim and slender, Austin felt a complete sense of safety as he was enfolded in those powerful arms. The man's lips touched his and he felt his heart flutter. After a few seconds, the man's tongue touched his lips and he opened his mouth for it. The tip slid inside his mouth and he groaned. Their sweet kiss deepened. As it did, one of Mr. Donovan's hands slid into his shorts. As his father's had, his fingers slid into the crease of his ass. It didn't stop until it found his sweet pucker. Austin groaned again, this time breaking the kiss.

"Yes, Mr. Donovan...oh, yes. Do that to me."

From the door of the room, Austin's father watched his college roommate slide a finger into his son's asshole. He knew the pleasure it brought because he let the big man do it to him on a regular basis. Walking over to the bed, he took hold of Austin's shorts and brought them down over the boy's beautiful cheeks, exposing them to the light. Against the broad-bodied man under him, Austin's pale body almost glowed in the low light. He tucked the shorts under the boy's ass, then took hold of his cheeks. Spreading them apart, he exposed Austin's pucker to the air.

"Get in there, Shane," the man encouraged. "Finger our boy good and deep."

To facilitate this, he let a long string of spit fall from his mouth onto Austin's pucker. Shane Donovan stirred it into the boy's hole and let his finger begin moving. Austin squirmed but said nothing, as his mouth was pressed to Shane's. Their kiss was much more aggressive. Shane's tongue demanded to go deeper in his mouth. The boy obliged him. They kissed for a few more minutes until Shane began withdrawing his finger.

"Get to the candle, kid. Then, we'll get to the real present."

"Yes, sir!"

Austin allowed Shane to turn his body so that his mouth hovered over the man's hard cock but his ass stayed near the man's face. In this new position, he let the man take off his shorts, leaving his pale body naked and exposed. The first hard press of the man's fingers into his asscheeks made him shudder in the best way.

"You're so rough, Mr. Donovan."

"Want me to be gentle, kid?"

"No, sir! Not at all! Be as rough as you want!"

"Hear that, Todd? Your kid gave me permission to be as rough as I want."

Reaching to stroke Austin's face, Todd nodded. "I heard him." He smoothed his tie with his other hand, looking into his son's big green eyes. "If he says he wants it rough, give him what he wants. It is his birthday, after all."

"Thank you, daddy." Austin smiled. "Thank you so much for my present."

"Wait until Mr. Donovan is finished with you before you thank me."

He slid his hand up to the top of Austin's head and eased it down. Todd watched as his son's full lips glided over the thick head of Shane's cock. He licked his own lips as he watched the boy's head go down. By the time those sweet lips were grazing Shane's dark, base, Todd felt the front of his dress pants straining with pent-up desire. He had no idea what an expert cocksucker his son was, how masterful the boy's mouth worked a dick.

"Yeah, kid," Shane moaned, kneading the assflesh like dough. "Mouth that cock! Get it good and wet for when I give you your present."

Austin came off the head. "Do I get it all for my present?" He looked at his father. "Do I, Daddy?"

In answer, Shane's thick tongue speared his asshole. Gasping, Austin began squirming. His hand held onto the base of the man's beautiful black cock, causing it to swell. Dropping his head, he rubbed it along his cheek, smearing himself with precum and his own spit. The tongue inside his ass went even deeper and he felt like he couldn't breathe. His free hand went to his own shaft and gave it a few long pulls. His own precum pooled on Shane's stomach.

Stepping back, Todd let his hands fall away from his own body. He resisted the strong urge to strip out of his clothes and join his best friend and son. In his mind, he saw himself on the pleasurable end of Shane's talented tongue, squirming and gasping the way Austin was. He and the muscular football player had done this more times than either of them could count in college. Seeing it brought everything back to him. Shane's fingers slid in alongside his tongue, then they began to move. Todd's pants tented as he watched. Austin squirmed even more but the bullish man took firm hold of his ass to keep him place. Todd sighed as his son raised his head.

"Please, Mr. Donovan, could I have my present now? Please?"

A loud crack answered the boy. Shane's massive hand struck his firm asscheek again before the man's tongue slithered out of Austin's tight hole. Taking both cheeks in his hands, the large man pushed the boy to the end of the bed. Austin adapted, tucking his arms under his slender torso and bringing his knees up. His beautiful ass now pointed to the ceiling. Shane got to his knees behind the boy.

"I'm about to fuck your son, Todd." Shane said with a smile. "How do you feel about that?"

"Do it," Todd whispered, not able to take his eyes off the scene in front of him.

"My present," Austin prompted, his head turned to one side. "You shouldn't tease a birthday boy about a present, then make him wait for it."

Smiling at Todd, Shane began rubbing the boy's hole with the head of his cock. Thick strands of precum laced it over and over. Under him, Austin squirmed again. He made soft, desperate little sounds, the kind that made Shane's cock throb and his balls swell. When the boy's ass pushed back against him, he allowed the head to ease inside of him. He was slick enough, yet, to just slam his way inside. Todd seemed to know this and stepped forward with more spit for his boy's hole.

"Thank you, Daddy," Austin gasped, his hands still tucked under him. "My present, Mr. Donovan...please, give me my present now..."

Todd stepped away again, covering his mouth this time. He watched as the first few thick inches eased into Austin's exposed hole. The boy responded the way both men thought he would. First, he gasped at the size. Shane's beautiful cock was a lot for even the most experienced bottom. For someone like Austin, it proved to be more than an average challenge. As though it might help, the boy spread his legs wider. The thick shaft kept coming, kept stretching him. He reached back and took hold of his cheeks. He pulled them as far as he could, still gasping at the sensations going through him. Still, Shane's cock kept stretching his insides.

"Daddy..." the boy sighed, looking to his father. "He', Daddy!"

Seeing the helplessness of his skewered son, Todd took another step back. The swelling in his pants grew larger. He clamped his hand tighter over his mouth, stifling any sound he might have made. His eyes stayed with his son's, their gaze going deeper into one another. He understood the pained look Austin wore, as well. The pain came first, then the sweet, warm pleasure of being filled. The man knew the unbelievable pleasure Shane's wrist-thick cock brought as it eased into a tight asshole. Now, so did his son and it made him want to do more than watch.

"Oh...oh, Daddy..."

The boy reached for him but Todd did not reach back. No matter how he wanted to, he knew to reach back would end up in his being drawn into all of this. Austin's eyes begged him to come forward, to touch him, to let himself be touched.

"Not going to happen, kid," Shane chuckled. "Daddy's not going to engage."

"P-please, Daddy..." Austin extended his fingers toward his father. "Come closer...for me?"

"I c-can't. I just...can't."

Shane stopped when the base of his swollen cock was all the way inside the boy beneath him. He then began rubbing Austin's back, rounding his hands along the sides and down to his hips. He massaged the boy's tight muscle, easing his hands down to where the boy's own thick cock pulsed. One hand closed around it and he gave the thing a few long, gentle strokes. Austin sighed. The man then brought him up off the bed. He pressed the boy's back into his chest and began teasing a nipple. Austin almost screamed in sudden pleasure. Over Austin's shoulder, Shane grinned at Todd.

"You brought me home to meet the family last summer," he said, still teasing Austin's nipple. "Never thought your boy would take a liking to me, did you?"

"No. I had no idea."

"Didn't think he'd follow me around like a little lost puppy?"

"N-no...I thought...I mean, I didn't know he..."

Shane's grin grew wider. "I did. I knew from the minute he saw me come through the patio doors. He knew, too." He jostled Austin, causing him to slide even further down on his cock. "Didn't you, little man? You knew you wanted my sweet meat the minute you saw it."

"Y-yes! Oh, yes, I knew!"

Shane jostled the boy again, causing him to gasp again. "It was a big deal for your daddy to get me here, tonight. He had to do more than offer me a beer or a quick twenty. No, he had to--"

"Stop!" Todd all but shouted. "Just...stop. No reason for him to know."

The larger male slid both hands under Austin's legs. Because of their size difference, it was easy for him to bring the boy up off the bed. Surprised, Austin let out a slight yelp. Shane chuckled and slid his arms in under Austin's knees. Still impaled on cock, the boy had no way of escape, even if he wanted to. Shane leaned back and began working his hips. This time, Austin all but screamed as the man did full strokes, head to base inside of him.

"Jesus," Todd whispered. "Sweet Jesus."

"It's sweet, all right! This ass is tight as hell and sweet as heaven!"

Shaking his head, Todd moved back until he hit a chair. The front of his dress pants strained, the thin material outlining his own engorged cock. His hand on his mouth kept him from swearing as he watched Shane begin brutalizing his boy. Austin's pale skin threw the beautiful black cock into contrast as it disappeared into his ass. As it came out, it was coated with spit and what Todd knew to be copious amounts of precum.

Holding the boy's legs up and out, Shane could thrust his hips at an impossible speed, giving Austin his full length each time. He did this over and over, delighting in the boy's pained sounds. What thickened his cock and churned his balls more than this was the pained expression on Todd's face. The man could not help but enjoy what was happening, even if he could never admit it to himself. What was more, he enjoyed the fact that, in spite of Austin's helpless little noises, the boy was loving it, too! All the while the big black cock was spearing into him, his own pale one thumped hard against his flat stomach -- spattering himself with precum.

The room filled with the boy's cries. Pain wracked his body but it was followed by the sweetest pleasure he'd ever known. Both hands reached back to hold onto the man he'd lusted after for the last six months. He swallowed hard in his chest as the man's cock tore into his ass. This was what he had wanted since seeing the man. Even more when the man stripped out of his jeans and t-shirt to jump into the pool. His mother had been disgusted because Shane hadn't worn any underwear. Austin had been thrilled to see the giant serpent swinging between his legs.

His father...had looked away.

Just before he had, though, Austin saw the color creep into his cheeks. Austin recognized the look, it was same one he'd given Shane. That's when he felt sure he could ask for his birthday present without fear of his father refusing him.

"M-Mr. D-Donovan...could you...please..."

"Slow down?" Shane asked, having no intention of doing so.

"G-go f-faster! Please, Mr. Donovan -- go faster!"

Now holding to the back of the chair, Todd watched his college roommate do as his son asked. The man's hips began delivering harder, deeper thrusts at a much faster rate. Austin's cock responded by producing even thick strings of precum, ones that reached the center of his chest and shoulders. The boy's nipples stood erect, his stomach was tense and flexed. His whole body was responding to the harder, faster fucking of his ass. The wanton response shocked him.

"Faster...faster, Mr. Donovan! Please, go faster!"

"Sure thing, kid!"

Slowing just enough to reposition them, Shane put the boy back on the bed, pressing his chest into the mattress. Right away, he brought one arm under Austin's chin, making sure it stayed up where Todd could see his face. Then, he shoved the boy's legs apart and began a harder, faster fucking of his ass. His approach was much more brutal and the sounds he pumped out of the boy proved it.

Austin stretched out a hand to his father. "Please, Daddy! Please!"

The desperation in the boy's voice brought Todd forward. The tips of his fingers grazed Austin's and he felt a charge go through him. The boy's face held the pained proof of his pleasure. Glistening in the low light, he noticed tears on the boy's cheeks. He came forward even more, letting his other hand glide into the thick brown curls of the boy's hair. Using this, he turned Austin's face toward him. The half-open eyes, the half-grin on his face, the flush to his cheeks, they gave him the look of someone drunk...on dick. In spite of himself, Todd liked this look on his boy.

"Ready, kid? Ready?" Shane gripped Austin's hips hard. "I am! Hope you're ready!"

"For my real present?" Austin said, his half-drunk grin getting wider. "Yes! Oh, YES, Mr. Donovan! I'm so ready for my REAL present! Do it, please! Do it!"

Unable to look away, Todd saw the way Austin's beautiful hazel eyes rolled back in his head when Shane began huffing and grunting. He saw the way the boy's mouth went slack as a long moan came from him. Glancing back, he noted the way Shane ground forward, burying his full length in the boy. He sounded like a bull as he tightened his grip on the boy's shoulder.

"FUCK! Yes...oh, FUCK, YEAH, KID! TAKE IT!!"

"Oh, DADDY!" Austin shouted, his free hand gripping his father's leg. "He's doing it! He's giving me my REAL present! Oh...Daddy, he's CUMMING all up INSIDE me! He's BREEDING me, Daddy!"

"Fuck yeah, I am," Shane growled, pumping his hips hard. "How do you like that, Todd? How do you like me creaming your boy's insides?"

The man said nothing, he just watched his son's face go from just pleased to blissed out of his mind. The groans he emitted were pure rapture. He held the hair away from Austin's forehead, wanting nothing to obstruct his view of the sweet face. The next time Austin's mouth came open, the boy's lips brushed the man's full crotch.

"No..." Todd muttered, easing back out of reach. "No, son..."

"But Daddy, it's my birthday!"

The grunting of the larger man atop Austin shut out what might have been said next. His arms encircled the boy and he pumped the last of his cum into his willing ass. Austin sighed, feeling his body relax. The two of them shared a long, deep kiss.

"Happy birthday, kid." Shane growled in his ear. "I'm glad you enjoyed your present."

"I did, Mr. Donovan! Thank you!"

Before either could speak to him, Todd left the room.

Austin made sure he was standing by the front door when his mother came back. As soon as she came inside, he took the cloth bag she carried into the kitchen. She paused in the living room. Seeing Shane did not make her happy.

"You're staying for supper, then?" She asked, putting a hand on her hip.

"Look, I apologize about the pool. It was rude and inappropriate."

Her icy look warmed a little. "Thank you for the apology. I'll set another place." She turned toward her husband, who was looking out the window. "Did the Fosters call?"

"Yes, they'll be here at seven, just as we planned."

"Good. I'll go and add extra plates." She paused and smiled. "I'm so glad they joined the church. I think they're going to be happy with us."

Shane leaned further back in the chair, a huge grin on his face. "I might have to think about joining your church too, Reverend Todd. I hear the perks are pretty incredible."

At the window, the reverend crossed himself, his face burning. "Oh, Jesus."


Next: Chapter 2

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