Biology Final Bet

By Bob Miller

Published on Feb 8, 2019


Disclaimers: Everything you read in this story is my intellectual property and as such should be treated with utmost respect. This is a work of fiction based. The people described in the story do not exist as described but you can still find personalities like those presented. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO REAL PEOPLE IS ENTIRELY COINCIDENTAL ON MY PART.

All other disclaimers/rules/procedures apply. If you are under the legal age of viewing this material (depending upon where you live, that could be any age) please direct yourself to something else. This is another attempt at writing for Nifty (I-lost-big-time, Boys-Buddies-Growing-Up). Take my lack of experience into consideration while reading. This is the fifth chapter in what I envision as a multiple part story. I am undertaking this as both a labor of love and in response to the kind words of readers of my earlier efforts. Please support Comments without being cruel can be sent to


Recap From -1 through 8: I am Paul, 16. I lost a bet to Jen, my grade rival in high school, which obligated me to eating her pussy and jacking off in front of her friends. My best friend Tom came with me just to make sure things did not get out of hand. When we got back to my house, Tom and I got off with each other for the first time.

Tom flipped back to put his head on the pillow next to mine. We looked at each other and laughed. The heat of the moment had taken us on a journey we did not expect. We believed we were straight at the beginning of the evening. Now, we knew we could also take care of each other without hesitation. Does that make us bi?

Before we could process our thoughts my phone let me know I had a text message. I got up and retrieved the cell phone from my jeans. Carol and Sue wanted to know if Tom and I would like to go to Carol's Saturday evening for a swim. Swimsuits would be optional since her parents would be gone for the weekend. Tom slapped my ass and said to count on him to be there.

Carol and Sue are both on the cheer squad with Jen. Carol is about 5'5" and 120 pounds. Sue is a little shorter, about 5' 3", and roughly 115 pounds. Both girls have great skin, beautiful legs and nice size tits. No horny guy would turn away from our opportunity to swim with them.

After two rings of the doorbell, Carol opened the door with Sue standing back behind her a little. Both girls were both fully dressed in shorts and nice tops, which accented their bodies. As we sat down, Carol sat with me on one section of the L shaped couch and Sue sat with Tom.

We played a strip game with lots of necking and groping. Each time the necking and groping increased and lasted longer. Carol smiled as she dealt the next hand. It was obvious that Tom and I lost. The girls helped us out of our underwear. I am not sure how long we were necking. The girls stripped naked and ran into the pool with Tom and I chasing behind. We were swimming and playing when Carol's older brother, Jake, showed up and turned on the yard spot light. He made a huge production of the situation and ended it by having Tom and I suck each other off and then Jake jacked on our faces. Carol promised us she would get him back.

Just before the 4th of July, Carol had Sue, Tom and me over for another swim party because her parents were gone for a long weekend. The four of us had mutual oral sex. Carol had found her brother was selling pills. She hid his supply and money as she implemented a blackmail plan as a payback for what he did to our first get together and to turn his life around. Her brother was humiliated, pissed and trapped into following Carol's directions.

Carol held a party for a dozen kids including her and Sue on the 4th of July. We played two games. One was strip polo the other was a variation of spin the bottle. Everybody had fun looking and touching the guests who were in a state of undress. At the end of the party, Jen and a boy named Nick gave me a blowjob for some unknown reason. As we cleaned up after the party, Carol's brother called to tell her he had to talk to her alone right away.

Tom and I sucked each other off as we got ready for the fireworks. Tom has really become extremely interested in my ass but I think any ass would do.

Carol's brother, Jake, got the shit kicked out of him by the guys providing him drugs to sell. They made him watch another young guy get raped over and over as a warning to return their stuff and all the money he owed or he would suffer the same fate.

It appears Tom made contact with Nick, the guy with Jen, when I got a BJ at Carol's party. His mom said he went over to Nick's house.

The important news came from going to a family barbeque. I lost my virginity to a college coed in a three way that included my 18 year old girl cousin.

Tom and I got together to talk about me losing my virginity and Tom fucking Nick. Tom seems more interested in trying to get with my cousin and her roommate then doing a repeat with Nick. Tom did not rule out fooling around with a guy, mainly me. Carol is waiting for my call.

Carol and her uncle saved Jake from the drug dealers. Jake, Carol, Sue and Linda are away at a cottage for a week. My cousin, Terry, and her college roommate, Fran, had us over to their place. Tom lost his virginity, while we all had sex. This was bisexual all the way, including a dildo and more.

Tom has been pushing me to let him fuck me. Things he said told me that Nick had fucked Tom. I don't want to be gay but Tom is not gay and he has been fucked. The police found the drug dealers Jake was in with, tied to tables where they had been raped multiple times. Jake was lucky. The girls will be back in a few days.


Tom and I played video games and ate pizza all evening. We talked about what the girls had said about friends able to make friends happy. To us it meant the three girls had been pleasuring each other. It was hard for us to wrap our heads around the girls doing things to each other but they had seen us do it so why not. Tom and I went to bed about 11:30, 30 minutes after his mom and dad got home.

We continued to talk as we lay in bed in our briefs. It took a while but Tom finally brought the conversation back to anal sex. "Paul, I hope you can still be my best friend after finding out Nick fucked me. I did not go to his house with that in mind. It just happened. He got me so turned-on and worked-up, I just let it happen. I wanted his ass in the worse way. I guess I got it in the worse way."

"As we lay there in the dark, I responded, "We have been friends forever. We will always know things about the other guy that no one else will ever know. Our friendship is just as strong now as it was yesterday or last year or before that."

I heard him give a sniff. Tom was crying. He rolled over and grabbed me in a hug. Through his tears he mumbled, "I didn't know how to tell you. It was fun and I got what I wanted but at a price I thought would change our friendship. Paul, I don't know what I would do if we were not friends. I shouldn't have the feelings I have for you. Yeah, I am still pushing to get my dick in your ass but for reasons beyond the fun that I just can't explain."

"Our summer has been way more than I thought it would be. Think about it. Everything we have experienced we have experienced together or told each other about. Tom, it is great we share such a once in a lifetime friendship. Now, I am rolling over to go to sleep." I rolled onto my side with my back to Tom.

He rolled to spoon me. He had his stiff dick pressing against my crack through our briefs. He pulled me close and chuckled, "Goodnight Paul. Thanks. If you decide to let me fuck you during the night, pull your underwear down." Then he kissed me on the neck. He never gives up. I was asleep in a minute.

Tom and I slept late in the morning. We quickly grabbed showers and got dressed. Tom's mom had some great cinnamon rolls and bear claws for breakfast. We pigged out and washed it down with orange juice and a glass of milk. My mom sent a text telling me to get a move-on because we were going to church and then dinner at my grandparents. I thought, maybe Terry and Fran would be there.

When I got home, Dad told me to get some shorts, a towel and a swimsuit for when we get to my grandparents. Dad did some work on the sprinkler system but he said he thinks something may be blocking the pump intake. He wants to pull the pump out of the lake and clean everything. He said to be prepared to be the one in the lake and then laughed. He made it sound like a job that would take the entire afternoon. The three of us would be there because he wanted to focus on solving the sprinkler problem.

I got to admit, it was not a bad afternoon at my grandparents. Grandma had a super dinner prepared when we got there. She even made a strawberry pie with a gel filling, my favorite desert. Grandpa had already dug out the water hose from the shoreline to the solenoid box for the different sprinkler zones. I waded out about twenty feet from shore, almost balls deep in the water. Using my feet and knowing the pump would be in a straight line from the trench Grandpa had dug, I found the exposed water hose. Following the hose another ten feet out into waist deep water I found the pump. Dad told me to bring the pump to shore. Yuck, talk about slimy. Dad and Grandpa both laughed as I carried the pump into shore. I had green slime all over my swimsuit, stomach, and arms. I put the pump down on a large tarp Dad had spread on the beach. Dad and Grandpa told me to go back out into the water and clean-up.

When I got back to shore, Dad had the intake screen off the pump. He showed me a small hole in the screen and the stick he had remove from between two of the impellers. Grandpa went back to the house for some wire to block the hole in the screen temporarily. When he came back to the beach, Grandpa noticed a deep scratch running down my lower abdomen into my swimsuit. He told me to follow him to the beach shed.

Grandpa reached inside the door of the shed and retrieved a metal first aid box with a red cross on it. He knelt down on the sand, opened the box taking out a tube of Neosporin. He didn't look up at me when he said, "Pull your trunks down. I don't want you to get an infection."

I tried to use my thumbs to hold the front of my swimsuit down without exposing myself. Grandpa reached up and yanked my suit to my ankles saying, "Jesus Christ Paul, I have seen your dick 1000 times. Believe it or not, I got one too" Then he laughed as he started to rub the cream along the scratch and looking at my cock, "Well, you take after my side of the family. I am sure that thing is making you happy. It will make others happy too." I was starting to chub. Grandpa put the antibiotic cream in the box and stood up. As he turned to put the box in the shed he slapped me on the ass saying, "Pull up your suit before that thing between your legs explodes." He laughed as he walked the 100 feet down the beach to my dad as he worked on the pump.

Dad put the pump back together and scrubbed the slime off with a brush and bucket of water. He put an old beach towel around the pump and told me to put it back out in the water being sure not to kink the line. Once I was back on shore with the old towel, Grandpa plugged the cord into the ground fault interrupter. We all went up to the yard where Dad turned on the sprinkler system for a test. He cycled through the zones on the lawn one at a time. He had me make adjustments to various sprinkler heads so they all worked to cover the lawn area with water. When we were done, Dad sent me to grab a shower because I smelled like the green slime. "Catch up to Grandpa and me when you are cleaned-up.

I showered and put on clean shorts and came back outside. Grandpa and Dad were back on the beach just finishing filling in the trench. When we were done, the three of us sat on some beach chairs. Grandpa grabbed three beers from the ice chest. He handed one to dad and one to me saying, "Don't tell the women but when you work like a man, you get treated like a man." When we finished our beers, we walked back towards the house. "How do you like your steak?" Dinner was outstanding. We left for home just as it was getting dark.

Carol, Sue, Tom and I met at the park mid-week. The park was deserted. The girls had brought a picnic lunch, so we sat at our familiar green picnic table. Carol and I were on one side and Sue and Tom on the other. We ate our sandwiches and the girls talked about their time at the cottage. They had definitely had some oral play between the three of them. Then they talked about the pickle game.

The three girls went to the store and bought a package of small cucumbers, about the size of our hard dicks as they remembered them. They matched coins and the odd person had to go into the large box store to buy a box of condoms. Once they were back at the cottage and alone they stripped and got on the bed. Two girls nibbled, rubbed and licked on the third. When the girl being teased was ready, she would tell them to use the pickle. One of the girls would insert a pickle wrapped in a condom and give it a fuck action while the other girl kissed and licked all over that girl's body. They took turns and had multiple orgasms. Sue said, "I'm not ready to give myself to a guy.

The four of us started kissing and some heavy rubbing of our partner's crotch. Tom and I had the front of the girls shorts open. Carol was not wearing panties and I found out later Sue did not wear any. After a little rubbing, I slipped a finger into Carol. I started working the finger in and out. Carol was breathing very heavy. I looked across the table and Sue was almost bucking on Tom's finger. Carol took hold of my arm to stop my fingering action. She unzipped my pants and fished my cock through the opening to start stroking me. I heard Sue squeal and Tom say "Oh my God." Carol gave a massive shudder but I kept fingering. Carol knew she had me close to pumping out my load. Carol stopped my fingers and looked at my dick. I told Carol I was going to cum. She pointed my dick down and under the table. I know I grunted multiple times. Tom laughed, "Dude you just shot cum on my leg."

Needless to say it was a great afternoon. It was super to have the girls back in town. In our afterglow as we sat talking, Carol filled us in a little more on the Jake story. Jake stayed at the cottage. He was painting the outside and seemed a changed guy. Her uncle said the drug dealers appeared to have gone to the farm house where Jake saw a guy raped. Her uncle suspects that when they failed to deliver Jake, the guys at farmhouse decided to rape them. Her uncle said both guys had anal tears and a lot of cum everywhere. The dealers had their pubes shaved and the hair was on the floor. One of the dealers had a relatively small cut at the base of his scrotum, which might have been part of the coercion to get them to cooperate. You know, if you bite me he will cut your nuts off and shove them up your ass, kind of coercion. We left the park together but then the girls headed one way and Tom and I went to my house.

Tom called his mom to see if he could stay for dinner but she said his aunt and uncle and two little twin cousins were coming for dinner and the evening. He had to get home.

As I lay in bed after spending time in the park with the girls, I had my hand in my briefs stroking. I loved seeing and hearing Carol enjoy and seek our fun together. It convinced me that my love for girls was anchored in my being. Knowing that Carol got a thrill making me cum was enough to communicate my path was secure. Of course, the fact I am ejecting a load of cum in my underwear added more pleasure to the day.

Tom got stuck with babysitting his cousins till early Saturday evening. The two of us took them to the pool in the park. After the swim we took the boys into the locker room to rinse off the chlorine and change for a trip to get ice cream. The two boys laughed giggled and pointed at our hairy cocks. Our dicks were beginning to inflate from the visual attention so we turned away to step into our underwear and pull them up. This brought comments about our hairy cracks. When we looked over our shoulders, the twins were waving their cut hairless boners back and forth. You cannot win when you are naked with 11 year olds in a locker room.

We got the boys back to Tom's with a warning not to talk about hairy dicks and cracks. Tom's mom told Tom and I that she was going out for the evening with Tom's dad and would not be back until late. She told Tom that I should stay to keep the cousins in check through dinner when their mom and dad would pick them up. She told the twins to pack their suitcase, check under the bed and, in the bathroom for stray items like underwear and tooth brushes. The boys should put the suitcase by the front door. I had to go home for a change of clothes and to get permission to stay the night. I got back just before Tom's folks left. It was a little early to order the pizza so we got the boys to focus on video games. Tom asked, "Hey can you keep the monsters in check for twenty-minutes, I want to run out for a surprise for the boys." Tom jumped on his bike and was gone in a flash.

When Tom got back he had a large bag and a small bag. He took the small bag upstairs and came down to unpack the larger bag. He called the boys to the kitchen as he unpacked the bag. "I am going to order the pizza. If you promise to be on your best behavior from now till you get picked up and you help clean-up after dinner, I have a great surprise. The twins promised. Tom unpacked two flavors of ice cream, multiple toppings, a can of whip cream and nuts. We now had twin angels playing video games. When the pizza arrived, the four of us had a nice time. The only bad comment was when one of them expressed that he thought my dick could be as big around as the pepperoni. The ice cream sundaes were just finishing when the parents of the twins arrived. Our duty was over and successful.

Tom and I decided on an evening of video games. As we played, I told him about the Sunday fixing the lawn sprinkler pump. When I told Tom about my Grandpa and the Neosporin, I thought he would have a stroke from laughing. Getting the adult beer treatment came as a surprise to him especially when I said I didn't like the taste very much. Tom asked if I wanted a glass of wine. I told him I was afraid his folks would miss it if we took some. Tom laughed, "Impossible to tell if we each take a glass because it is box wine. Five liters are in a new box. How do they know how many glasses are left in the box." Needless to say we each had a glass of White Zinfandel, which tasted better than the beer. We were both relaxed if not toasted. Tom suggested we go to bed so his parents would never know we had been drinking.

When we got to the bedroom Tom stripped naked saying, "Come on, we should grab a shower to relax." I agreed and stripped as Tom giggled as I stumbled when taking off my briefs.

I thought Tom would go through the shower first but he grabbed my hand and said we would shower together. We both laughed as he closed the shower door with the two of us inside. There was not a lot of room left over. Tom told me to get wet. He proceeded to soap me all over my body as I washed my hair. He paid particular attention to my growing hard-on and ass. While he stroked my dick, he pushed a soapy finger deep in my ass and moved it around. I know I moaned. He removed the finger to soap it again and push it back in. He pumped and twisted that finger, then stopped. He handed the soap to me saying it his turn when I finished rinsing. You can be sure I afforded him the same treatment. I think he was pushing back when I was fingering his ass. Fully showered and dried we laughed our way to the bedroom and got into bed without our briefs.

"Hey Paul, I got us something when I went to the store." Tom said as he reached under the bed and brought out the small bag I saw earlier. He dumped the contents of the bag on the bed; condoms, a package of small cucumbers and a bottle of lube. Tom continued, "When I heard the girls talk about what they did, I thought we should try it."

"Tom you want us to shove pickles up each other's ass. Are you crazy?" I laughed. "Who in hell is going to get fucked with a pickle first?"

"Rock, paper scissors with the loser going first but we both have to do it." Tom stressed. We played and Tom lost.

Tom spread a towel on the bed then got on all fours with his head buried in the pillow. I put a condom on a cucumber, which was about an inch in diameter and 7 inches long, and spread some lube on the condom. I also put a little lube on Tom's hole. I put the tip of the pickle at his hole and pushed it in about an inch. Tom told me to stop. I was going to pull it out but he said to let him relax a minute. After less than a minute he was panting but said to push in more and wait again, which I did. "Okay, fuck me with that pickle stud."

I pumped the pickle for a couple of minutes before he said it was my turn. When I pulled the pickle out, I was surprised I did not see a lot of shit on the condom. Tom looked at me and said, "Wow, that was different but cool. Are you ready Paul?"

I put the used condom wrapped pickle in the empty plastic grocery bag. I looked at Tom and started to move to assume my position on all fours with my ass up and face in the pillow. Tom was busy getting the condom unrolled on the new pickle and putting lube all over the condom. When I was in position Tom got behind me saying, "Paul, I am going to take it slow. Try to relax your asshole, arch your back a little and breathe deep. Stop me anytime. Use one hand to show me that hole."

Tom pushed lube into my hole and pumped in and out with his finger. Then he put a little more lube on my hole. He put the end of the pickle on my hole and pushed in a little. My asshole was burning but not as bad as I thought it would. In a few seconds he pushed again. I could feel it inside me. The burning was almost gone. Tom leaned in close and said, "You are doing great. Ready for more, Paul?"

Tom began to move the pickle in and out, pushing in deeper each time. Then he started to move in and out faster. My dick was dripping pre-cum on the towel but was not as hard as it could get. Tom was definitely hitting my prostate. Tom quietly whispered, "How about a rabbit fuck finish?" He started to move the pickle in and out very fast, hitting my prostate on every move. Then he stopped and pulled out the pickle and put it in the bag. My ass felt strangely empty.

"What do you think?" Tom questioned.

"It was different then I thought it would be. You were hitting that spot, over and over." I responded. We were lying on our stomachs, being careful not to get lube on the sheets.

"Can we try the real thing? We got condoms. Will you let me fuck you? You can fuck me. If you don't like it, we will stop. You got to admit your ass is ready. It isn't going to make us gay." Tom said as he put his hand on my ass.

I looked at his pleading eyes and sweet smile. I told him, "Okay but we don't cum in our asses."

Tom reached for the box of condoms and said, "I get to go first because you did me first with the pickle." He grinned as he rolled the condom onto his dick. All of a sudden his dick looked huge. What was I thinking?

Next: Chapter 10

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