Biology Final Bet

By Bob Miller

Published on Jan 13, 2019


Disclaimers: Everything you read in this story is my intellectual property and as such should be treated with utmost respect. This is a work of fiction based. The people described in the story do not exist as described but you can still find personalities like those presented. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO REAL PEOPLE IS ENTIRELY COINCIDENTAL ON MY PART.

All other disclaimers/rules/procedures apply. If you are under the legal age of viewing this material (depending upon where you live, that could be any age) please direct yourself to something else. This is another attempt at writing for Nifty (I-lost-big-time, Boys-Buddies-Growing-Up). Take my lack of experience into consideration while reading. This is the third chapter in what I envision as a multiple part story. I am undertaking this as both a labor of love and in response to the kind words of readers of my earlier efforts. Please support Comments without being cruel can be sent to


Recap From -1: I am Paul, 16. I lost a bet to Jen, my grade rival in high school, which obligated me to eating her pussy and jacking off in front of her friends. My best friend Tom came with me just to make sure things did not get out of hand. When we got back to my house, Tom and I got off with each other for the first time.

Tom flipped back to put his head on the pillow next to mine. We looked at each other and laughed. The heat of the moment had taken us on a journey we did not expect. We believed we were straight at the beginning of the evening. Now, we knew we could also take care of each other without hesitation. Does that make us bi?

Before we could process our thoughts my phone let me know I had a text message. I got up and retrieved the cell phone from my jeans. Carol and Sue wanted to know if Tom and I would like to go to Carol's Saturday evening for a swim. Swimsuits would be optional since her parents would be gone for the weekend. Tom slapped my ass and said to count on him to be there.

Recap From-2

Carol and Sue are both on the cheer squad with Jen. Carol is about 5'5" and 120 pounds. Sue is a little shorter, about 5' 3", and roughly 115 pounds. Both girls have great skin, beautiful legs and nice size tits. No horny guy would turn away from our opportunity to swim with them.

After two rings of the doorbell, Carol opened the door with Sue standing back behind her a little. Both girls were fully dressed in shorts and nice tops, which accented their bodies. As we sat down, Carol sat with me on one section of the L shaped couch and Sue sat with Tom.

"Would you like to play a game?" Carol suggested as she took a deck of cards from under the sofa. "It should help to break the tension and get us ready for a swim. The game is easy we each get one card face up. Aces count for one, while kings are thirteen. Boys are on one team and girls on the other. The points are added together for each team. The first two hands are for kisses and clothed feels. The third deal and forward, the low team count removes an article of clothing and the winners initiate the kiss and feel. When one team is naked, we can go for a swim. Sound like fun?"

Each time the necking and groping increased and lasted longer. Carol smiled as she dealt the next hand. It was obvious that Tom and I lost. The girls helped us out of our underwear.

I am not sure how long we were necking. The girls stripped naked and ran in the pool with Tom and I chasing behind. We were swimming and playing when Carol's older brother, Jake, showed up and turned on the yard spot light. He made a huge production of the situation and ended it by having Tom and I suck each other off and then Jake jacked on our faces. Carol promised us she would get him back.

Now Chapter 3

Tom and I (Paul) continued to spend time with Carol and Sue. Other than some very light necking in a park and kissing when the situation allowed, we did not have the opportunity to pick-up where we left off when Jake got home. Of course there were parties where a lot of our friends started to notice the time the four of us spent together.

We found out that Jake was 21 and a college student. He normally lived on campus but was home for the summer. Because of the age difference, he had always treated Carol as a bother. They were not close. Carol said he was kind of a slob, didn't spend time with a lot of people but did have one guy that stopped in their driveway a few times. She said Jake would sleep late; then go out and not come back till late. Carol's dad was pissed because Jake did not want to work the summer on a building crew for his dad.

Just before 4th of July early one afternoon, I got a text from Carol telling me to get a hold of Tom. We had to get to Carol's house as soon as possible. I texted Tom to tell him I was on the way to his house. Then we were to go to Carol's. When we got to Carol's, Sue was already there. Carol explained that her parents had left for a long weekend and left Jake in charge. That did not sound good to me. However Carol continued. "My mom told me to clean Jake's room and do his sheets and the dirty clothes in his closet hamper. Although I was pissed, I understood my mom was frustrated with his mess and my dad was pushing to get on the road before holiday traffic. I was doing what Mom asked when I found the way to get even and ahead of Jake. "

Carol had found a box at the bottom of the clothes hamper. When she opened it she found all kinds of different pills and a wad of money. She had taken pictures of everything as she found it but opened to show the contents of the box as well as the location. The box was now hidden and she had sent a copy of the pictures to her email address. She said the shit would hit the fan when Jake discovered his box missing. She said Jake would not be home until later. She planned to text him in a little while saying there is an emergency expressing he should come home immediately. Until then, Carol said we should all go skinny dipping. Carol and Sue started stripping. Tom and I were doing the same.

When we jumped in the pool, Carol and Sue were all over us. They pulled us under water and grabbed at anything we had that they wanted to touch. After a few minutes of teasing and splashing, Sue told Tom and I to go under water so the girls could climb on our shoulders for a horse/rider fight. Do you have any idea how hard a horse can get with a pussy rubbing the back of his neck and seeing the tits on the other rider bouncing in the sun shine? If Jake was going to kill us, Tom and I would die with huge smiles on our faces.

After another 15 minutes of naked play in the pool, Carol and Sue led Tom and I over to a couple of chaise lounges closer to the shade and privacy of the house and had us lay down. Carol said, "Sue and I felt awful about what happened when Jake barged in on our little pool party. You guys were super. You did what Jake made you do just to keep us girls out of trouble. We don't think many guys would have had the guts to do what you did. Now, we are going to make it up to you."

With that the two girls got down between our legs and grabbed our already stiff dicks. After only a couple of jerks, they looked at each other and winked. Then they both leaned down and took our cocks in their mouths. Tom and I were getting blowjobs from two girls as they wiggled their ass in the air, like two happy puppies having a special treat. They bobbed and licked our shafts. They looked up at us as they licked our balls. Tom and I were in heaven but it was obvious the girls were enjoying themselves too. In just a couple of minutes the tingle of an approaching orgasm started in my balls. Tom moaned as he told Sue he was going to shoot. I tried to stifle my moan. But I did feel my toes curl and my body go stiff as I thrust my hips to drive my cock deep in Carol's mouth. I told Carol, "Here it comes." Neither of the girls backed off our dicks. They moved up and down the shafts as both guys unloaded in their mouths.

After swallowing my load, Carol looked up and said, "We hope we did okay. We researched oral technique on the Internet. I know you might have hoped for more but we are just not ready for that. You showed that oral between friends is okay." Carol and Sue stood up next to the chaise lounges grinning ear to ear.

Tom and I looked at each other. We knew what was being communicated. We stood and pressed our naked bodies against the girls' naked bodies. Our warm hugs and passionate kisses were only the beginning. We put both girls in the same position on the chaise lounges we had recently occupied. Tom said as we took positions between the girls' spread legs. "We only hope to give you at least an equal level of pleasure."

Both Tom and I leaned forward and started tonguing their pussies. The moans and eventually the squeals told us both we were doing things right. Carol grabbed my head and pulled me into her as deep as I could push my tongue. Later, Tom told me Sue clamped her legs tight against his head.

Carol stood up saying, "That was unbelievable. Now we need to get dressed because I am going to text Jake there is an emergency and he needs to come home immediately. The payback is about to happen." She picked up her phone and sent the text. A couple of minutes later Carol's cell phone rang. The screen said it was Jake. She let it go to voicemail. He called three more times in the next few minutes. We heard his car screech into the drive.

Jake came through the house and out to the pool yelling; "What the fuck is the emergency"

Carol calmly said, "Jake your life and our relationship is the emergency. Take a look at these pictures as she held her phone up for him to see."

"Where is my stuff, you snooping whore. These two puny boys are not going to stop me from killing you" Jake spit out the words with all the venom you would expect. "I have to pay for those pills or it will be my ass."

Carol firmly stated, "I am glad you are starting to understand the situation. I have your drugs. I have your money. Or at least I have someone's drugs and money. My friends do not have any idea where they are. If you hurt me or my friends, you will never know and we will just leave your ass on the line. Do you understand, it is my way or no way, period? "

"What the hell do you want?" Jake fumed.

"It is not one thing. It is a lot of things including your total attitude adjustment." Carol responded. "If you agree to do everything I want, then you get the drugs and money back but you must stop selling that poison. Now, you can start by stripping right here on the pool deck and then apologizing for being so crude a few weeks ago. "

Jake looked at Carol, realizing that at least for the moment she held all the cards. He slowly started to strip by taking his shoes off first. He kept looking at all of us and then to Carol. She kept making a hand gesture to move it along faster. Finally he was down to his boxers. Carol said, "Strip includes the boxers too. Keep your hands away from your junk. You are on display just like you had us on display." He sheepishly pulled the boxers down and stepped out of them.

As Jake stood on the pool deck, he looked totally humiliated and ready to run. He really was not a bad looking guy, standing about 6'1" and 185 pounds. His body was tight but not gym rat muscular. His cock was 5" and a totally flaccid, circumcised dick with a nice size head. Carol told him to slowly do a 360 turn so her friends could get a great look at what he had to offer. As we all looked at Jake, Sue let out wolf whistle. As he again faced us, you could tell his dick was beginning to chub. Carol went over to the bushes and retrieved a scissors, shaving cream and safety razor she had hidden along with a towel.

"Jake you certainly have grown since we used to take bathes together years ago." Carol teased. "Sue could you help me out with my memory of Jake those many years ago. Do you think you can shave his crotch and ass for us?"

"Carol, this has gone far enough" Jake protested.

"Jake, this is only the beginning." Carol said in a low voice as she walked around Jake giving him a slap on his fairly small tight butt. Carol continued in a normal voice. "Could one of you guys get a bucket out of the storage box at the far end of the pool and fill it with pool water for Sue. Jake do not move except to follow directions. Don't say another word. You didn't listen to my protest weeks ago when you had the upper hand. Now, I don't want to hear yours. It is payback time."

Tom got the bucket filled and brought it to Sue, who was on her knees in front of Jake. She was using scissors to clip away at Jake's pubes. Then Sue spread shaving cream all around Jakes crotch. Jake had an almost full erection as Sue slowly and deliberately shaved the pubes. She dunked the razor in the bucket multiple times to clear the shave cream and hairs off the razor. Of course, Sue held Jake's cock to move it in a manner to give her better access. When done, she stepped to the pool and dampened one end of the towel Carol had given her. She used the towel to remove the excess shave cream and pat Jake's crotch and dick dry. "Jake your cock looks even bigger with no pubes. You should think about keeping the area shaved." said Sue with a smile.

"Sue stay there for a minute. Wow, Jake that is how I remember you when we took baths together as kids. Now turn around, bend over and let Sue get the hair out of your ass crack. Use your hands to spread those cute ass cheeks and spread your legs so Sue can get it all." instructed Carol, as everyone now looked at Jake's full mast boner. Jake's face was crimson red from anger and embarrassment as he turned away and did as Carol instructed.

Sue laughed as Jake exposed his little, pink, tight asshole to everyone. Sue spread the shaving cream all along his ass crack. He jumped a little when she let her finger press a little on his hole. He did stay in place and let Sue quickly shave the crack clean.

Jake stood up and said, "Okay Carol, I played your game now give me the box and all the contents."

"Jake I will give you the box at the end of the weekend and not before but only if you do everything and I mean everything I instruct you to do. You mess up once and the box is gone forever." Carol responded.

"The guys that I get the pills from do it on credit. If they don't get the money, I know my ass is grass. Please be reasonable." begged Jake.

I will keep my end of the bargain. You can get those creeps the money by doing it my way. Paybacks are hell big brother" Carol fumed. Jake still had a crimson red face but his erection had subsided. "You only have one more thing to do right now. Get on your knees on the pool deck." Jake sank to his knees.

"Paul and Tom do you think you can give Jake what he gave you back in June?" Carol said with a smile as she grabbed my crotch. We knew exactly what she was teasing and so did Jake a Sue. Tom and I stepped in front of Jake and opened the front of our shorts, pulling out our hardening dicks. "Guys, be sure to give all you can to Jake. Tell him when you are ready to feed and paint him. Jake, you be sure to open wide so you can give them a great target."

When I got close to my orgasm, I let Jake know. He opened his mouth and I got real close as I shot three good ropes into his mouth and around his lips. Then I wiped my cock clean on his cheek. Tom told me to move as he stepped closer to Jake's gapping mouth. However, Tom just let his cum fly in the mouth and all over Jakes head.

"Well Jake, this party is over for the day. Thanks for being a good sport. I am going over to Sue's for night. Please stay out of trouble but be here tomorrow at noon. I am planning on having a few kids over for a pool party in the afternoon. Since you are 21, please be a gem and pick-up a 3 liter box of chardonnay and a case of beer for our get together. Clean up your shaving stuff. Bye." Carol said as she walked to the house. We all walked out leaving a naked Jake on the pool deck.

Next: Chapter 4

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