Biology Final Bet

By Bob Miller

Published on Dec 28, 2018


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Biology Final Bet

Sometimes I am so sure of my ability that I make bad or at least embarrassing decisions. That is sure the case when it comes to being competitive over grades with Jen. We are both sophomores in a Midwest high school. Ever since we have been six we always seem to be in a competition regarding who is smarter. Don't get me wrong, we are friends but love to show our academic superiority whenever we get the chance. Anyone in our class at school and the teachers will tell you that one of us will be valedictorian when we graduate.

Jen is a pretty, maybe not beautiful but certainly pretty. She is around 5'4" and a little over 100 pounds. Her skin is very nice and her face never seems to have a blemish. Her looks and self assured personality easily earned her a spot on the cheer squad. She has curves in all the right places which get the attention of all the guys and might make a few girls a little jealous. Her smarts make it easy for teachers to make her their favorite. We have lived about half a block apart forever but never date, most likely because we are always competing against each other for best grades.

As for me, Paul, I am athletic; playing baseball and football for our school. I am smart and hope to go to an Ivy League university. My size is normal at 5' 9" and 135 pounds. Girls seem attracted to me but I am a virgin. I do get zits every now and then but no big open sores. I love to win and enjoy it when others know I win.

It is not uncommon for Jen and me to make bets on grades. One time Jen had to make cookies and give them away as students arrived at school. She wore a sign saying she wished she was as smart as Paul. She has won. I had to wear a dunce cap during player introductions at a baseball game against our school rival.

Well that gets you up to speed toward the latest bet. Jen was teasing me about upcoming finals. I told her to eat me. She spouted back that she would do it in front of my friends if she did not get a better score on our biology final. However, I would have to eat her in front of her friends if she did get the higher score. I told her she was "So on." I think this was a shock to her but she responded by upping the ante. She said the loser, completely naked, would do the deed all the way to the winner's orgasm and then masturbate themselves to orgasm in front of the winner's friends. This would be the ultimate way to humiliate her forever. At lunch, we went out to the commons area alone to discuss the details.

The biology final was on Monday with grades posted on Tuesday. School would be out for the summer on Wednesday afternoon. The winner would have a sleepover for up to three friends on Friday. We were both afraid of things getting out of hand so agreed the loser would show up at the winner's party with a single friend to make sure only the bet was carried out. Our friends would not know about the bet until the event and would have to promise not to tell anyone what took place. Sure I agreed. My friends would be so stoked seeing Jen suck my dick and then play with her pussy.

I really studied for all my exams. I would not come up short on the bio exam. Monday morning the biology exam went as expected. There were 45 multiple choice questions for 90 points and a short answer on an essay question for 10 points. The essay question was "Briefly explain in scientific terms what happens to skin when a person gets sunburn." This was so easy.

Tuesday morning the grades were posted. Disaster, Jen got a 98% and I got 97%. That did not make any sense. Jen was there when I read the grades and told me, with a huge smile, I was invited to her party Friday evening. I immediately went to see Mrs. Finch, the biology teacher, to get an explanation and hopefully a grade change.

Mrs. Finch said I should not worry because the single point would not affect my final grade. She deducted a point for a spelling error on my essay answer. The answer was correct that cells in the epidermis would apoptosis (die) and then peel. She smiled and said there was not a "u" in epidermis. She finished by saying she was confident this minor error would be a great learning experience for me.

All day long I was in a total funk. I finished the rest of my exams and started walking home. My best friend, Tom, caught up to walk home with me. He quickly figured out something was majorly wrong. How could I not be excited to see the school year coming to an end? Tom liked to come to my house after school, if only to grab a snack, but today we went up to my room. I told Tom all the details of the bet and asked him to go with me on Friday evening. He thought I should tell Jen to "Fuck off!" I said I would but she might tell her friends I was afraid to keep my bargain and I was strangely excited to finally have some sort of sex. Tom grudgingly agreed to go. Wednesday, Jen caught me alone at my locker. She said to show up nice and clean at 8:00 and then said, with a wink, she would be showered and ready for me.

On Friday, Tom got to my house a little after 7:00 pm. He told his folks we were going to a party down my street and he got permission to spend the night at my house. My parents were dropping my younger siblings at Grandma's for the night because they were off to a party at friends and would not be home till very late. Freshly showered, I got dressed in blue briefs, black jeans and a nice Harvard tee-shirt. Tom tried to talk me out of going but said he would be there for me. About 7:50 we started the walk to Jen's.

Jen answered the door, wearing shorty-pajamas saying; "My parents are gone for the evening. I told the girls they were in for some educational entertainment. They all agreed not to ever say what they witnessed but they do not know what is going to happen. Thanks for coming. I was worried you might chicken out. Leave your shoes here." With that she shut the front door, locked it and led the way to her upstairs bedroom.

Jen's bedroom was a girl's room to the max. There was a dresser, chest of drawers, a queen size bed, frilly couch and three of her giggling friends, Carol, Sue and Linda. The girls, dressed in P.J.s, are all from the cheer squad. Posters on the walls were boy entertainers and boy actors. Once Tom and I entered the room you could have heard a pin drop. Jen explained we had a bet and I lost. She then said that she knew we all had an understanding of sex but lacked any real experience. That was about to change because I was going to strip naked, get on the bed and eat her pussy. Then after her orgasm, I would masturbate in front of them to my orgasm. I am sure you could hear the girls whopping and giggling for blocks.

"Okay Paul, let the show begin." Jen said as she climbed on her bed, laying on her stomach with her head propped on her hands. Her face was about four feet away from me as I stood at the end of her bed. The girls all sat on the couch off to the side of the bed.

Tom, located behind me near the door, said, "Wait, I want all the cell phones to be put over here in this corner. Paul is not going to do anything till we collect any recording devices. Further, you all agree that what happens here stays in this room. "

It only took an instant for four cell phones to be in the corner and for the girls to promise not to tell anyone. Then Jen got back in position and told me to strip. I started with my tee shirt. When I unfastened my belt the cat calls began. Carol offered to help me if I couldn't find my zipper. There was no doubt about my level of excitement when I kicked my jeans to Tom's feet. My dick was sticking straight out; all 6 ½ " of circumcised wonder, inside my blue briefs. Now was the moment of truth; I turned my back to Jen on the bed and the three girls on the couch. Slowly, I pulled off my briefs.

Sue hooted and said; "Paul your ass looks better naked than with your jeans on walking down the hall at school. Even Tom seems excited to see you showing it all off."

I glanced at Tom. He was watching my every move and appeared to have a lump in the front of his pants. Tom saw my hardon, which was still hidden from the girls.

Jen did not allow me to hide any longer. "Okay Paul, this is supposed to be an educational experience. Turn around and let the ladies see what a man you are."

My face was burning with embarrassment as I slowly turned around to face the bed and couch with my hands in front of my man hood.

Jen loved my embarrassment. "Come on, stop hiding the big attraction. Get your hands out of the way. If I remember right, you wanted me to eat you. We all want to see what you thought I would eat."

I moved my hands to my sides and stood like a statue at the end of Jen's bed with the girls all giggling and Tom totally aghast at my humiliation. None of girls missed anything about my naked body and really focused on my raging boner. They were all leaning forward to get the best view possible. Even Tom moved to watch my dick on full display.

"Linda you are quiet. What do you see? Any surprises?" questioned Jen.

"Yeah, his thing is bigger than I thought it would be. He also has some shiny liquid on the end. I've seen my little brother naked lots of times and his balls don't hang down like Paul's." answered Linda. "He sure looks ready for some fun. He has more pubic hair than a girl. I saw he has some hair in his ass crack when he was taking off his underwear."

Jen took that as her queue to start her pleasure trip. She flipped over and moved back sitting with her back against the headboard. When I looked a Jen, she had stripped off her pajama bottoms, which she now held high in one hand. Jen spread her legs, bent her knees, motioned me to get on the bed and pointed at her crotch. Carol said something crude about time to go get my lunch. I got on the bed from the bottom and crawled forward between Jen's legs. My pecker was so hard I thought it might break if touched. My body was supported by my elbows and knees, which put my ass high in the air.

"Everyone can get closer for a better look if you want." Jen said as she motioned them to come closer to the bed. They all jumped at the chance including Tom.

I put my face near the target and let my tongue make a quick dart into the crevice. Jen moaned in delight. Using two fingers from one hand, she parted her pussy lips to give me better access with my tongue. With her other hand she took me by the back of the head and pulled me face-first into her. As I licked more deeply, I also moved my one hand to massage her pussy. By her moans and breathing, I knew this was getting her very excited.

Sue was close to the end of the bed and my ass. "Hey girls you should see Paul's pretty asshole all pink and tight. Tom have you gotten a look at Paul's hole up close?"

I kept my focus on getting Jen to an orgasm. She was really moist. Some of it came from her and some was the result of my tongue bath. There was a faint taste that I still find hard to describe. Jen was pushing her hips forward, engaging my mouth and tongue as deep as she could in her pussy. Suddenly, she let out a loud coo and gave a shudder. Her body trembled and her legs tightened around me. Jen had her orgasm.

I was still kneeling on the bed on all fours, naked as a jay-bird. I glanced at Tom, who was snickering, if not laughing. Jen looked to be in a blissful after glow. With only a moment's delay, Carol called for my second act, which brought Jen back to reality. Jen slipped her bottoms back on and told me to lie on the bed face-up with my head between her legs. She asked if the girls had ever seen a boy shoot his juice. The girls shook their heads no. She even asked Tom if he had ever seen a guy besides himself shoot. Tom shook his head no and said something under his breath. She told the girls to gather around.

Carol and Tom were on one side of the bed. Sue and Linda were on the other side. "Remember no touching." Tom reminded.

"Okay Paul show us your stuff." Jen said. "Let us know girls if you notice anything happening."

I put my right hand around my cock and started to jack-off. I bent my knees up to keep my legs from hanging off the bed.

My cock head was dripping precum, which got Linda's attention. "Wow, is he already shooting? He has a lot of clear stuff on the head of his penis."

"Even though we like your little asshole, put your legs down so we can see the action better." Said Sue.

"Watch how his palm is on the underside of the shaft. He has glands near the head, which love the stimulation." Jen pointed out. "You should remember that technique."

I knew I was getting close. My hips started to involuntarily thrust up off the bed to meet my hand action. That did not go unnoticed. To add to my humiliation, someone noticed I quietly moaned every now and then. Linda said my nut sack was getting tighter bringing my nuts closer to my shaft.

"Paul, be sure to tell us when you are going to shoot. We all want to see your climax and your stuff." Cooed Jen, as her hand fondled the hair on my head.

I held out for about another minute. "I'm going to cum. I am CUMING!" I gave a shout, again bending my knees and thrusting my hips high off the bed.

The first volley hit my chin. The second and third shots hit me upper chest. More dribbled down my hand and into my pubs. All of this cum a thick silvery white slime. The girls giggled. Somebody mentioned they could smell it. Carol begged Tom to let her touch my ejaculation. I laid there exhausted as my hardon softened slightly but not entirely.

I got to a sitting position. Tom handed me my briefs, which I used to wipe cum from myself. The girls were asking lots of questions to me and Jen. They knew girls can orgasm more than once but wanted to know how many orgasms a guy can have in a row. They wondered if my final thrust was a simulation of pushing deep into a woman. Now that I had ate pussy, would I do it again? I ignored the comments, pulling on my damp briefs and my jeans and tee-shirt. I wanted out of there fast. I was so humiliated. I just knew one of these girls would spill the beans to someone.

Jen walked Tom and me to the door. We slipped on our sneakers and left. The short walk home started silently.

Tom broke the silence. "Holy shit, you sure kept your side of the bet. I wonder if Jen would have done the same. Hell those girls are all so horned-up; they will be rubbing their clits all night. I know I am totally hard and got to get-off just from watching you in action."

We got back to my house, grabbed a couple of cokes and went to my room. I stripped to my underwear and told Tom I was going to grab a quick rinse in the shower. I was only gone a minute. When I got back I dropped my towel and pulled on some clean briefs. I did notice Tom still had a lump in his jeans as he sat on my bed sipping his Coke and watching me pull on my briefs. I jumped on the queen size bed next to Tom and opened my Coke.

"Hey, I'll be back in a few minutes. I need some relief or my nuts are going to burst." Tom said as he started to swing his legs off the bed.

I jumped on Tom pulling him back and holding him down. "Wait a minute. You saw me in action. It is only right; I get to see you get your rocks off."

"Okay, okay, but only if you jack-off with me. Otherwise, I am out of here." Tom stood and quickly got out of his clothes.

We had seen each other naked in the locker room a hundred times. I had never seen him or any other guy naked with a full-on boner. I was surprised to see his dick was longer by a little and definitely bigger around than mine. He was cut with a large mushroom head. As he climbed on the bed next to me, I slipped off my briefs.

We looked at each other and slowly started to rub our cocks. While we jacked ourselves, our eyes drifted across to watch the other guy stroke. Tom asked; "What is it like to eat pussy? Jen sure loved it. What did it taste like? I heard it smells like fish."

"It didn't have a strong smell. It was real moist. I probably would have gagged if it had a bad smell. She was clean. You and I never have strong body odor because we shower all the time. I think she did the same. I wish I had won. I still need to experience a blowjob."

As we continued to jack-off, Tom reached over and pushed my hand away as he gently took my cock in his hand. He continued to pump my dick. I was surprised but not repulsed. I reached over to take his dick in my hand. It felt funny having someone else's meat in my hand but I think he would have said the same.

"Paul, we are great friends. I am glad you asked me to go with you tonight. Tom whispered. What we are doing now is super and I know we will never tell anyone. I know you want a blowjob. If you are willing to swap and we never tell anyone, I would do it"

"Okay, I guess. How do you think we should do it?" I quietly responded as my heart beat hard in my chest.

Tom flipped around so we were lying on our sides facing each other's engorged dick. He leaned forward and licked my shaft from bottom to top. He swirled his tongue around the head of my dick, focusing attention on the underside of my head. I know I moaned as I leaned into his crotch to return the favor. It was only a moment before we both had a mouthful of cock. We bobbed in and out. We worked up saliva to make the slides warm and slippery. At one point, Tom started to lick my balls and attempt to get a nut in his mouth. Then he began to lick the underside of my sack and down to the area between my balls and my asshole. I worked my mouth to drench his dick in spit. The sounds in the room were a combination of slurps and groans.

Then Tom did it. He stuck his tongue in my asshole. To get more in, he pulled my cheeks apart. I was shocked but hot into the action. He spit on my hole and then returned to my shaft. As he started bobbing on my dick again, he pushed his fuck finger into my ass. Wow, that did it. I flooded his mouth with cum, rope after rope after rope. Tom never backed away but did begin his own flood in my mouth. His cum was sweet and just a little salty. I did not miss a drop. We both swallowed the loads.

Tom flipped back to put his head on the pillow next to mine. We looked at each other and laughed. The heat of the moment had taken us on a journey we did not expect. We believed we were straight at the beginning of the evening. Now, we knew we could also take care of each other without hesitation. Does that make us bi?

Before we could process our thoughts my phone let me know I had a text message. I got up and retrieved the phone from my jeans. Carol and Sue wanted to know if Tom and I would like to go to Carol's Saturday evening for a swim. Swimsuits would be optional since her parents would be gone for the weekend. Tom slapped my ass and said to count on him to be there.

Next: Chapter 2

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