
By J R D

Published on Sep 7, 1998


The original story, modified slightly to fit into the continuum storyline.

Now, onto the boring stuff


This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story.

This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story.

All characters in this story are the creation of the author, and any resemblance to real persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental.

This story may contain aspects of fantastic science or magic. The parameters of what this science/magic can accomplish are completely at the discretion of me, the author, and, as such, I make no apologies for any rules of "real" physics, chemistry, biology, or magic that may be broken within the story.

Now onto the fun stuff


James Smith was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now James was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and James was unconscious before he knew what was happening.

He woke up later. He had no idea how much later. He fought through a haze, his mouth pasty from some kind of drug. He tried to move his arms and legs, but they were restrained somehow, and much more securely than he could ever hope to break.

As he moved about he became aware of an uncomfortable chill on his body. Not so much cold, but cooler than he was used to. Then he identified the sensation. He wasn't wearing any clothes!

Then he heard a voice saying, "Oh, good, you're awake."

James opened his eyes and saw a beautiful lady standing over him. "Who are you? Why am I here?"

"All in due time." The lady checked his forehead with her hand, then checked his pulse. "Well, you seem back to normal. At least as far as my little experiment requires."

"Experiment? What experiment? I didn't volunteer for any experiment."

"Exactly." The woman walked over to a cabinet and got out a vial of something that looked like medicine. "You see, this compound I developed causes certain changes in the body of the recipient. But it also seems to be keyed to desire. The more the person wants the changes, the faster the changes occur. So I need to test the compound on someone who doesn't want the changes to occur."

James started struggling against his bonds. "You're crazy!"

"Perhaps." The woman got a syringe out of a drawer and started filling it from the vial. "And you might as well stop struggling. It's irrelevant whether this enters a blood vessel or muscle, and muscle is much more painful for you."

The woman took a cotton ball, soaked it from a bottle of something, and swabbed James' arm. James continued to struggle as the woman pierced his skin and depressed the plunger on the syringe. James felt woozy and his world started to swim. Soon James was unconscious once more.

When he awoke, James was lying on his bed, back at home. At first he thought it had all been a bad dream, until he moved his arm, and the spot where he had been injected throbbed in pain. It hadn't been a dream! James first thought was that he had to go see a doctor. He went in, took a quick shower, toweled off (strangely his nipples seemed overly sensitive) and came out to get dressed. Then he received another shock. All his own clothes had been taken and replaced. Replaced, not with male clothes, but with women's clothes!

In his drawers, where his boxers once were, now were panties. His undershirts had been replaced with a collection of bras and slips. His pants were now skirts; his shirts, blouses; and his socks were now stockings. And the process had been repeated in his closet. Instead of formal suits and nice shirts, now there were dresses. And his shoes had now been replaced with girls' shoes. And on the closet shelves were a collection of wigs. About twelve, all different colors and styles, but all were unmistakably feminine in appearance. Even the one that was a brunette pageboy cut had just enough of a curl to betray it as a very womanly style.

What was he going to do? All his friends were out of town for the holidays.

Maybe he could call his ex-girlfriend. No, that wasn't really an option. Their break-up had been particularly harsh. James had dumped her because he had wanted to get into her pants and she was totally resistant to the idea.

Just as he was about to break down and try to call her, the phone rang. "Hello?"

The voice on the other end, an unfamiliar female, said, "Hi, hun. How are you feeling?"

"Who is this?"

"Why, darling, you don't remember me? I thought for sure that the pain in your arm would remind you."

Then James identified the voice. "You! The insane woman with the needle! What'd you do to me? Are you responsible for my missing clothes?"

"Insane? That's no way to talk to a lady."

"Lady? You're no lady!"

"Well, if you're going to get insulting." The phone clicked and James heard the familiar sound of a dial-tone. He tried to *-69 her, but all he got was a telephone recording saying that the person he was trying to reach was unavailable through *-69. James slammed the receiver down angrily.

James fumed and walked around the room for a while, until the feeling in his chest got to the point of being annoying. He reached up and scratched, but as he scratched his nipple, a wave of pleasure consumed him, causing his dick to twitch and his knees to nearly buckle. He looked down and saw a curve to his chest that he had never noticed before. He rushed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and what he saw scared him senseless. He had tits! Nothing to speak of, no more than an A cup. Something he probably wouldn't have noticed, if he hadn't kept his chest and abs so flat and tight.

As he stood there dumbfounded, the animal portion of his brain (which, James was the first to admit, ran too much of his life) was getting thoroughly turned on. That portion of his brain was too stupid to realize that, not only were these tits not supposed to be here, but had not been here only a few hours before. That portion of his brain only knew that looking at tits was exciting, and looking at naked tits was even more exciting, and here was a pair of naked tits for him to ogle and fondle. James was even more shocked when that animal hind-brain started envisioning even larger tits hanging from his chest (after all, since looking at naked tits was so exciting, looking at naked BIG tits would be that much more exciting).

James was still somewhat dumbfounded as his hands seemed to move of their own volition up to his nipples and started stroking. James nearly lost himself to the pleasure, until his hands slammed down and grabbed the sink in an attempt to keep himself from falling to the floor when his knees buckled from the pleasure.

James wondered what was going on. He had never had problems with standing while being excited before. In fact, one of his favorite pleasures was walking around while a woman was impaled on his dick. James had little chance to think about it as his desire to play with his own nipples increased by the second. He walked back to the bedroom and lay down on the bed. Almost as soon as he was on his back, his hands found his nipples and started stroking and rubbing them again. Once more the waves of pleasure coursed through his body, causing him to feel weak with desire. Soon, without having ever touched his dick, James was spraying his seed all over himself.

Now, normally, once he had cum, James was wasted, and usually fell asleep soon thereafter. But this time, his first cum only paved the way for more fondling, and soon, he was spraying a second, and even a third time before his animal needs were finally satiated. After he was finished, he lay on the bed thinking, "If this is anything like what ladies experience, it's no wonder they like having their tits stroked."

James looked at the clock. He had spent almost a half hour playing with himself. He then looked at his tits (the phrase "his tits" still shocking him). Were they bigger now? He got up and ran to the bathroom, his tits bouncing on his chest. After a quick glance in the mirror, he confirmed it.

Yes, his tits were bigger. About a B cup now, if his guess was correct.

As he fought down the urge to start playing with himself, he walked to the bed and sat down on it. Over the next half hour he could actually see his tits growing in size. When they were at C cup, the phone rang.

The voice on the other end, the same one as before, asked, "Are you ready to be more civil now?"

Contritely, James asked, "Please, why are you doing this to me?"

"From your tone, I'd say the answer is yes." The woman laughed.

"Please, why me?"

"Oh, dearie, you haven't earned your answers yet. I want you to get dressed and meet me at the restaurant on 3rd and H, the little bistro with the outdoor tables."

"I can't go out like this."

"Of course, ultimately, that's your choice. But if you don't meet me, you'll never have any chance of getting the reversal agent."

"You can change me back?"

"Yes, but you have to meet me at the restaurant."

"Uhm, I'll see you there, I guess."

Without another word, the phone went dead. James hung up the phone and went to the closet. He grabbed a dress that looked like it might fit and put it on. He might have to wear these things, but there was no way he was going to put on lingerie. As he brushed his hair into a more unisex style so as not to draw attention, the dress started feeling tighter and tighter around his new bosom And when he stood up, he heard a ripping sound and his new D-cup tits fell out of the ripped dress.

"Oh my god!" he thought, "These things are still growing!"

As he sat on the edge of the bed wondering what he was going to do, the phone rang again. He quickly grabbed it. "Hello?"

"What's wrong, hun? Having troubles?"

"My... These tits! They keep growing!"

"Well, haven't you put on any lingerie yet?"

"I... I didn't want... I didn't think..."

"You didn't want to put on women's lingerie."


James could almost hear the woman smile over the phone. "The lingerie has been treated with a special multi-component compound which will stop the changes in your body. You will need a bra, panties, and a slip, either half or full will do. Now don't tarry. I don't intend to wait forever." The phone then once more went dead.

James hung up and ran to the dresser. He got into his drawer and looked through the bras, and what he saw scared him more than anything else yet today. There was one and only one size of bra starting at A (now far too small), up through D (his current size), then up to DDD and beyond. Below the bra marked DDD were six bras, each one larger than the last. None of those had a size marking, and, judging from the stitching, were all custom made. He picked up the largest size, and thought to himself, "Am I ever going to need this?"

After a few seconds, James snapped out of his reverie, and grabbed the D cup and, after a little trouble with the clasp in back, put it on. As he grabbed a pair of panties and put them on, he could feel his tits start to push outwards against the fabric. He grabbed a full slip and put it on. As soon as the fabric rubbed over his body, he could feel the pressure start to lessen.

Then he stopped and thought about the panties. Like most women's garments (at least those that went over the hips) it was narrower at the elastic than around the middle to accommodate women's wider hips. The panties should've been pinching him at the waist, but instead, they were oddly... comfortable.

James rushed to the mirror and looked into it. Then he saw it. With all his attention on his new tits, James had failed to notice that his waist had shrunk, and his hips had expanded. James got the tape measure from his sewing kit (James used to think of sewing as unmanly until a friend in the Marines had explained that, in the Marines, many men learned to sew, just in case their uniform ripped and they had neither a woman available nor a spare uniform) and checked himself. He used to have a trim, athletic, 34" waist. Now, his waist was still trim and athletic, but only measured 26". His hips were now a wide 36". He had no idea what they used to be; he had never measured them before. If he had had any idea how, he would've measured his bust, but like most men, his skill in judging bra sizes was based solely on looking and guessing.

He stood there looking at his new feminine frame for a while, until the phone rang. "Hello?"

"Where are you? I don't like to be kept waiting."

James was about to say something nasty, but bit it back, instead choosing feigned flattery, "I was just looking at myself in the mirror and admiring your handiwork."

The woman laughed. "Okay, I'll pretend you meant that, and forgive you. This time. But hurry. I won't wait forever." The phone clicked.

James hung up, and got a new dress out of the closet and put it on. He put on a pair of shoes (lowest heels possible), at first deciding to skip stockings, until the tight shoes started irritating his feet, after which he quickly put on a pair.

After getting dressed, he took a quick look in the mirror (the animal portion of his brain thinking, "I want her") and went downstairs. Normally, when James came in, he tossed his keys into a dish he left on an end-table near the door, but now, the dish was missing, replaced by a small purse. James took the purse and looked inside. It contained a small collection of make-up (no way was he wearing that), a set of keys (it contained his house keys, and a set of new car keys, but not his business keys or his old car keys), and a wallet. In the wallet was a driver's license, and a small collection of credit cards, all made out to "Tracie Smith". The driver's license even had a picture of him with long, blonde hair, making James remember he had skipped the wig (purposefully).

James went outside. His car (a new sports car with professionally tinted windows) was gone, replaced by a sports convertible that made his own car look like some low-class hooptie. He got in and tried the new keys, which unsurprisingly worked. He tried to raise the roof, which, just as unsurprisingly, didn't work. He drove off to the restaurant and gave the keys to a valet. He looked around and saw the woman he remembered sitting at an outside table, sipping coffee and reading a newspaper. He rushed over to the table and said, "Okay, here I am. Where's the reversal agent?"

Ignoring his question, the woman said, "Oh, good, you came." She looked up at him. "Oh, no, this won't do. You must wear a wig when you come back tomorrow."


She folded up her newspaper. "Yes. I've waited long enough. I'll meet you here tomorrow at noon."

As she started to stand, James put his hand on her shoulder and forced her back down. "You can't-"

The woman interrupted him with a single word, "Obedience."

Suddenly, James was on his knees before her, his hands placed demurely on his lap. And, try as he might, he couldn't rise. In fact, he couldn't move anything but his eyes and mouth. "What's-"

"Happening? Surely you didn't think I wouldn't be prepared for attempted force? The compound I injected you with contained specially engineered protein compounds designed to attach themselves to your brain. When I say certain key words, you will perform certain actions, regardless of whether you want to or not. Now, tomorrow, you will show up in a wig." The woman stood. "And, for heaven's sake, shave those legs." As she walked away, she said, "Release," and James found he could move again.

James got up, and quickly ran back and got the car. He drove home, got out of the shoes, stockings, and dress (he was afraid to remove the lingerie, in case the growth might restart). He spent the rest of the evening watching TV, eating a light meal, and playing with his tits through the bra.

Early next morning, he was awaken earlier than normal by an intense feeling of constriction in his tits. He sat up, took off his slip, and removed his bra. As he unclasped the bra, his tits practically spilled out of the bra. He went to the drawer and got out the DD bra and put it on. It fit perfectly.

The phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hello, hun. Just calling to remind you about our appointment at noon."

"My tits. They're growing again"

"Of course they are. Just put on new lingerie."

"But you said the lingerie would stop the changes."

"But I didn't say for how long. Just put on some new lingerie and the changes will stop again. At least for a while." The phone clicked and James got some new panties and a new slip, this time deciding on the half-slip. He went into the bathroom, shaved his legs (no sense antagonizing the woman), then got dressed in a blouse and skirt. He then got the brunette wig with the short page boy cut and put it on, being careful to tuck all his hair under the wig. He waited around till a little before noon, then drove to the restaurant.

The woman was waiting at the same table. He ran over to her. "Please may I now have the reversal agent?"

The woman gave him the once over. "No make-up? We'll try again tomorrow."

As she rose, James begged, "Please?"


"My... tits."

"They are beautiful, aren't they?"

"Please..." James leaned in and whispered, "I don't want them to get any bigger."

"I thought men liked really big tits."


"Oh, quit whining. I'll send you something later today." The woman then walked from the restaurant.

James briefly considered following her, but figured she probably had that aspect covered as well. Dejected he drove home, sat on the couch and waited. He got so distraught waiting that he was unable to eat or even play with himself all evening. It got very late and James figured the woman had forgotten him (or purposefully refused to send anything) and he'd have to resign himself to a day of DDD tits when the doorbell rang. James went to the door and looked through the peephole. It was a delivery man from the Global Delivery System. He cleared his throat and said through the door, "Who is it?"

"GDS, ma'am. I have a delivery for a Tracie Smith."

James opened the door and took the package, almost forgetting and signing James instead of Tracie. After signing he looked up and saw the man ogling him. James blushed then went for some money, briefly forgetting he had no pockets on his skirt. Blushing as he returned the clipboard, he said, "Let me get my purse for your tip."

The man caught James hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it. "That's quite all right, ma'am. A glimpse of your beauty is tip enough." Then the man returned to his truck and drove off, leaving a confused James standing in the doorway.

James had been embarrassed by the man's kiss. But strangely, also a little flattered. And that also embarrassed James, after all, would the man have kissed him if he had known what lay inside James panties? Not that James could fault the man. James himself had to fight to keep his dick from being noticeable every time he saw himself in a mirror.

James went inside and closed the door. He was about to tear into the package when he remembered something. Before James had opened the door, before the delivery man had seen him, the GDS employee had referred to him as "ma'am", after only having heard his voice! James tried saying a few words to the air. His voice didn't sound any different. James got a tape recorder and recorded his voice. When he played it back, he was amazed. The voice coming out of the tiny speaker sounded like a woman's! Perhaps a little deeper and huskier than most, but definitely a woman's.

James wondered how deeply the changes went, and, just to reassure himself, grabbed at his crotch to make sure his dick was still there. Content that it was, James went and opened the package. Inside was a sexy teddy, a sheer nightie (that was little more than a see-through robe), a new set of lingerie, and a note which read:

"Good evening, hun,

"I know I sent this stuff a little early," Early? It was almost time for James to go to bed. "but I felt I had to warn you about something." Oh, great, what now? "I noticed you were smelling a little ripe when you came to the restaurant today, and guessed that it probably came from a lack of showering. At first I was angry, but then I realized that you were probably afraid to shower for fear that you'd wash off the chemicals and start growing again. Well, fear not. It takes only fifteen minutes for the chemicals to soak in. So I want you smelling fresh as a rose when I see you tomorrow.

"And speaking of the chemicals, the teddy and nightie are for tonight, and the lingerie is for tomorrow. See you at noon.


"P.S. I suggest you make a real effort to appear as womanly as possible tomorrow, unless you want a set of DDD's. I won't be messengering you any more treated underwear."

James smelled his underarms. Whew! Ripe was putting it mildly. He stank. He realized that he hadn't showered since before all this started, and he had been jogging when originally nabbed. In truth, he hadn't been thinking about showering because he was otherwise occupied, but now that he noticed it, he went straight upstairs, got undressed and got into the shower.

He soaped up, shampooed and rinsed off. As he rinsed, he rubbed his tits (Gawd, how he was amazed to think that to himself) and felt the now familiar surge of pleasure rush through his body. He rubbed himself and felt his cock starting to grow rock hard. He continued to fondle his tits until he was spraying cum in the shower, once again never having touched his cock. As he stepped from the shower, he was amazed that he hadn't collapsed as he had every other time he had tried to play with his tits while standing. Was it some further change from the compound, or (more scarily) was he just getting used to having a pair of tits on his chest?

He went to the bed, changed the sheets (not wanting to chance getting sweaty from the last few days of playing with himself in bed). Then he got the teddy and panties, and got into them, amazed at how much he loved the feeling of the silky fabric on his skin. As he climbed into bed, he noticed a distinctive difference about his new clothing. He had gotten used to wearing a bra, gotten used to the support it provided, support that the teddy did not provide. As he tried to get comfortable, his tits rubbed the inside of his teddy, once again giving him a raging hard-on. Finally, he could stand it no longer, unsnapped the base of the teddy, pulled down his panties, and started playing with himself.

Trouble was, he couldn't get himself to cum. No matter how fast he pumped, he couldn't get himself to go over that final edge. Finally, he took his free hand and started playing with his tit. Almost immediately, he started spraying into the air. Once again, once wasn't enough, and he played with himself until he had gone through three more orgasms, finally falling asleep in his own cum.

He woke up the next morning, got undressed and showered (figuring that dried cum would probably provide the woman with an excuse to send him home again).

He got out of the shower (resisting the urge to play with himself again), toweled off, and got into his lingerie. He then sat in front of the mirror in his room and carefully applied make-up. After that, he got into his dress, stockings, wig (deciding on the shoulder-length blonde this time), and shoes, finally realizing why women took so long getting dressed.

After he finished, he looked in the mirror, amazed at what looked back at him. All he saw was a woman, and a woman who was an incredible babe, too. He felt his dick stirring in his panties and quickly looked away. Shortly before noon, he drove to the restaurant, finding the lady at the usual table. He walked up, took a chance and curtsied, and asked, "Do I meet with your approval?"

The woman looked him up and down, smiled, and said, "Yes. You make a lovely woman." She stood up, handed James a business card and said, "Meet me here.

Present this card to the receptionist." Then she walked away.

James walked as quickly as he could (running was impossible, even in the low heels he had selected) to the car. He then looked at the card. On it was an address to a private clinic. He was unfamiliar with the clinic, but it's address was in the richest part of town.

As he drove through that particular area, he realized why the woman could afford to loan him a super-expensive sports car. Not a single house in this part of town would go for less than $500,000. In fact, just driving a car that cost less than $40,000 would probably have gotten him pulled over by the rent-a-cops who patrolled this suburb.

James pulled into the parking lot (imagine, valet parking for a private clinic) and went inside. The receptionist, a very sexy blonde, looked at him and said, "How may I help you?" James said nothing, but just handed her the card. "Oh, you're one of the Doctor's "special" clients. Have a seat. I'll tell her you're here." The woman left, then came back a few minutes later. "The Doctor will see you now."

James went through the door the receptionist had just come through and entered an examination room. The Doctor was, unsurprisingly, the woman who had caused all of this. "Good afternoon, Tracie. Please do come in."

James cringed at being referred to in the feminine, but entered and asked, "May I have the reversal agent now?"

"Not yet, there are still a few tests I want to run."

Before he realized what he was saying, James blurted out, "Haven't you done enough?" cringing as he heard the words.

"Obedience." Once more James found himself kneeling with his hands in his lap, unable to move. The Doctor pulled out a remote and pressed the button.

A door in a side wall opened, revealing a bucket and brush. "Scrub floors." James crawled on his hands and knees, took the brush and started scrubbing the floors.

Over the next two hours, James was forced to play maid for his tormentor. Every time she used the word "scrub" James would clean whatever she told him to scrub, if necessary, licking it clean. And every time she used the word "fetch", James would run around the room, find whatever it was, and bring it to her.

After a final "obedience", the Doctor sat in front of him and said, "Now we test the fun commands." The Doctor pulled up her skirt and showed James something he never expected. Underneath her sheer panties was a large cock!

James was speechless as she removed her panties, freeing the semi-stiff member. Before James could say a thing, she said, "Cocksucker," and James found himself leaning forward, his lips parting as got closer to her (or was it his?) cock.

"Oh, no!" James thought. "That command doesn't mean what I think it does!" But his fears were realized when his mouth encircled her (he just couldn't think of her as a him) dickhead and he started to suck avidly, making loud slurping noises. For the first few seconds he cringed inwardly as he sucked, but then the strangest thing happened. A wave of pleasure ripped through his body, and in seconds he was addicted to cocksucking! He couldn't get enough of it! For the next few minutes, he used every cocksucking trick on the Doctor that had ever been used on him, and soon had her spraying in his mouth.

Her dick remained hard and James settled in for another good suck, when she suddenly said, "Release," and the euphoria and pleasure from cocksucking disappeared and James found himself completely under his own control, but with his mouth still wrapped around her dick.

James threw himself backwards, landing on his butt and trying to crawl away from the she-male doctor. "Oh, my god! What did you do to me?"

The Doctor said, "Obedience," and when James had returned to a helpless kneeling position, explained. "When I included the command to suck dicks, I wanted you to be a good dick licker. Oh, I could've included enforced commands or perhaps beaten it into you, but both would exclude any creativity or intelligence on your part. Something that, in my opinion, is a truly necessary part of good dick sucking. But, by including a connection between your pleasure center and that command, you would, at least while cocksucking, want to do everything you could to get the most out of it. And, of course, the most you could get out of it would be a healthy load of semen down your throat." The Doctor laughed as James started to cry.

"What else do you have planned for me?"

"Glad you asked. Bed." At the last word, James got up, ran to the exam table, and got on it, striking a languid, "come hither" pose. The Doctor smiled and said, "Panties off," and James, using only one hand and a lot of wriggling, got his panties off, and tossed them to one side. The Doctor walked to the table, stood over James and said, "Fuckslut."

Suddenly James found himself getting up on his hands and knees. As the Doctor got on her knees behind him, James was inwardly screaming, "No! Please, no!" Trouble was, outwardly, he was saying, "Oh, yes. I need you. I want you. Let's do it. Now!" And the Doctor obliged his outward voice by slowly pressing her hard dick into his ass. Once she was all the way in, James started moving himself back and forth on her dick. They started slowly at first, but quickly built to a blurring pace, James eventually getting the doctor to spray deep in his ass. After she was finished, James returned to his languid pose reclining on the table.

The Doctor went and got her panties and put them back on, remaining silent, leaving James to wonder if she was through with him. After she was dressed, she pressed a button, and James heard a buzzer go off in a back room. Shortly, a man walked into the room. He was around 6'4" and built like a brick wall. The Doctor asked him, "Well, what do you think of her?"

"Does she have that... special extra?"

"Why don't you check the little fuckslut out?" At the word fuckslut, James got on his back and wriggled down until his ass was at the edge of the table, causing his skirt to rise up, exposing him to the man, who got a gleam of lust in his eye as soon as he saw James' dick.

James then looked up at the man and said, "Oh, yes. I need you. I want you. Let's do it. Now!"

The man smiled what could only be considered an evil smile and walked over between James legs. He grabbed the back of James' legs, doubled James over and slammed his dick into James' ass. As he reached around and started pawing James' tits (and that was a nice way of putting it), James wanted to scream. Because even though the Doctor had made no effort to give James any pleasure, neither had she made any effort to hurt him. This man seemed to get off on being as rough as possible, both in the way he raped James and in the way he mauled James' sensitive breasts.

Trouble was, thanks to those implanted commands, not only was James not protesting, he was actually moaning and begging for more. James defense, his only defense, was to let go and let the implanted circuitry take over. In essence, to become Tracie. And, perhaps luckily, Tracie was an expert fuck. The way she moved her hips and squeezed her ass, the way she arched her back, shoving her tits into the man's hands, were all designed to get him to spray as quickly as possible. Which he quickly was doing. After the man finished, he pulled out and left, telling the Doctor on the way out, "She certainly is a hot little whore." Leaving James to crawl back and resume his sexy pose after smoothing his skirt.

After the man left, the Doctor walked around and stood behind James. Soon, another man walked in. This man was taller than the first, but much thinner in comparison. The Doctor leaned over and whispered, "fuckslut" into James' ear. Suddenly James knew that this man had no idea that the girl on the table was anything other than a full woman, and both he and "Tracie" were determined that the man would never find out.

"Tracie" got up from the table and walked over to the man. He turned around and pressed his ass against the man's crotch and started rubbing, saying, "Oh, yes. I need you. I want you. Let's do it. Now!" The man, not knowing that James was anything other than he seemed, quickly got aroused. He reached around and took one of James' tits in his hand, he attempted to slide the other hand to James' crotch, but James took the man's hand and slid it up to his other tit. James then reached back, unzipped the man's pants and freed his dick. With a flip of his ass, James flipped his skirt up, and deftly placed the man's dick at his asshole and started to slide back. James then started moving back and forth on the man. All throughout the fuck, the man kept trying to slide his hand down to James' crotch, forcing James to spend much energy trying to keep the man's hands on his tits, and robbing him of much of his enjoyment (and surprisingly, he was enjoying it). Soon the man was spraying deep inside of him. James pulled off the man, went over to the table, and resumed his sexy pose.

The Doctor asked the man, "Well, what do you think?"

"She certainly is hot. But why did she insist on anal sex and not letting me stroke her cunt?"

"Oh, she's got a little secret." James heart started beating faster, sure that the Doctor was going to tell about his being a man. "It's THAT time of the month for her."

"Oh. I got it. Thanks for letting me help."

The man left the room, and soon a young woman barely out of her teens entered the room. The Doctor leaned over and whispered, "Fuckslut" into James' ear once more. James flipped onto his back and pulled up his skirt, exposing himself to the lady.

The woman said, "Cool," and walked over to the table.

As soon as she touched him, James said, "Oh, yes. I need you. I want you. Let's do it. Now!" The woman smiled, crawled up on the table, and straddled James' widened hips, and slowly lowered herself onto his throbbing member. James moaned as their hips touched. He wanted to start shoving his hips up into her, but the commands were still in place and instead, he slowly stroked her torso and tits. She moaned and started moving up and down, and as she moved, James met her motions with his own thrusts of his hips. They moved together in perfect harmony, the woman moaning and panting all the way through.

When she came, she yelled and screamed all the way through, keeping her from hearing the Doctor whisper the word, "Cum," into James ear, allowing him to spray his seed into her belly.

After they came together, the woman rolled off of James, thanked the Doctor and left the room. James wondered what else the Doctor had in store for him, when she said, "Release." Once more, James was completely in control of his own body.

He stood up, got his panties and put them on. "Thanks for letting me be with that woman."

"I didn't do it for your pleasure. I did it to give you a lesson in how to treat a lady. How properly to make love to a woman. In fact, all of your fucks today were to teach you lessons."

"Really? What lesson could getting fucked by you teach me?"

"You learned what it is to be treated like you were nothing more than a sexual toy for another's amusement."

"And getting fucked by the bruiser?"

"You learned how uncomfortable being fucked by most men really is."

"What's that supposed to mean? I don't treat women like that."

"Oh, really? Tell me, have you ever climbed on top of a woman and just started banging into her?" James was silent, knowing that he had. "Oh, I admit, the "bruiser" was extreme and unkind in his approach to sex, but sometimes that's the best way to get a lesson across."

"And the second man? The one who didn't know I was a man?"

"You learned what it was to desire a man more than anything, but at the same time, afraid to reveal all that you were to him because of a dark secret you had."

James gave her a confused look. "What value does that have? Don't tell me that you wanted me more than anything."

The Doctor smiled, walked to a drawer and got out a box. She handed it to James, saying, "Inside is the reversal agent. Take it home and inject yourself in the same place I did. You'll get sleepy and pass out for a couple hours. When you wake, you'll be back to normal."

James grabbed the box, quickly said, "Thanks," and ran from the room. He got into the car and drove home. Upstairs, he got naked, injected himself, and lay on the bed. Soon, he was asleep.

When he woke up, he checked the clock. It was two hours later. He checked his body, which was now back to normal (truth be told, not having tits anymore gave him a slightly weird feeling). He checked his dresser and closet. All his old clothes were back. Inside some boxes in the closet were all the female clothes and accouterments that had been given to him. "Oh, well, I suppose the Doctor didn't want those back."

James decided he didn't want to waste his return to manhood and got dressed for a night out. When he went outside, his old car was back. James drove to the section of town with the bars, found the nearest one with topless dancers and went inside. He spent a while watching, but found it a strangely hollow experience. After drinking his two drink minimum, he left and started cruising the area.

Unsurprisingly, the hookers were out in force, and James decided to pick one up. Finding the prettiest one he could, James quickly agreed to her price (James was a wealthy man, not in the Doctor's league, but definitely not hurting for money) and drove to a secluded area of town. He got into the passenger's seat, and the hooker climbed on his lap. As they started to go at it, James found a side effect from his time as Tracie. Something that, for his current purposes, was almost a curse. The empathy that the Doctor had instilled in him was still there. And James knew, really KNEW, that the hooker, despite her moaning and vocalizations, was getting nothing out of the sex they were having.

Oh, it was nothing James hadn't suspected before. You can't have sex with dozens of different guys a week and not become jaded. But there was a real difference between suspecting and KNOWING. And James just couldn't get into it knowing that his partner wasn't excited. In response, James decided to try something. He reached inside himself and found Tracie, that part of him that was feminine, that part of him which was the empathic sensitive lover, and let her take over.

The hooker was surprised when James grabbed her hips and stopped her from moving, at first thinking that James was about to get a little rough with her. But then James started moving her slowly on top of him. She was even more surprised when his hands started roaming her body, softly massaging her in all the places she really liked, and despite herself, she actually started enjoying the sex. Soon, they were cumming together, James knowing it was real. When James went to pay her, he had to insist that she take his money (he insisted because he could sense her fear of her pimp) and then drove her back to her corner, then went home and went to sleep.

When he woke in the morning, he sat up and thought for a while. James had definitely changed last night. There was no longer any James or Tracie. He was now something different. He was a man totally in touch with his feminine side. He was now James/Tracie. Problem was, he wanted his feminine body back. Not full time. Just for a few hours out of each day.

Just as he decided to go back to the Doctor to see what she could do for him, he felt a tingling in his body. He closed his eyes and tried to locate the source. He found the source in the same section of his mind where he had found Tracie. He grabbed the tingling and pulled it forth. He felt the weight in his body change shape and position, and when he opened his eyes, he saw those familiar DD's hanging from his chest again!

James was ecstatic. Then he tried to change back. It took a little while, but he finally got it. James was doubly ecstatic. He spent a few minutes switching back and forth between the two forms till he could do it effortlessly, then went and took a shower in female form (the play of water across his breasts was definitely more fun than the water across his chest).

When he got finished and was drying off, he heard someone come in the front door. "Strange," he thought, "who could that be?" He looked in the mirror, through the bedroom door and saw Samantha, his ex-girlfriend who he had so recently dumped.

As guilt wracked his body, he was about to change back to his manly form, when Sam said something that piqued his curiosity. "Oh, Tracie," she called out, "are you there?"

"How did she know about Tracie?" he thought. He stepped to the door and said, "Right here."

Samantha looked at him, smiled, and said, "Bed." James felt the tug of the command, but this time there was no urgency, no overwhelming force compelling obedience. He could have easily resisted, but decided to play along. He ran to the bed, climbed in, and struck his sexy pose. Samantha followed him in. "I suppose you're wondering why you're Tracie again? I suppose you figured that Mistress Elaine, the Doctor, gave you what turned out to be a temporary reversal agent." Actually, since he could now control the transformation, James had figured nothing of the sort. "Well, your transformation was my idea."


"That's strange. Mistress Elaine informed me you wouldn't be able to speak under the "Bed" command." James cringed inwardly. He had forgotten that. "But I'll answer your question with a little demonstration." Samantha lifted her skirt and slip and pulled down her panties, releasing a huge dick to the open air.

James was stunned and speechless. Then he remembered what the Doctor had told him about making it with the man who didn't know about his dick, "You learned what it was to desire a man more than anything, but at the same time, afraid to reveal all that you were to him because of a dark secret you had." He then realized that she had been talking about Samantha.

"So," he said figuring it was safe to talk since it was already out of the bag, "that's why you never let me have sex with you."

Samantha started undressing. "Yes, I knew you'd never accept who I was. Not with all your silly macho posturing. You have no idea how much I wanted to accept every time you suggested sex. Then when you broke it off with me, I ran home and cried myself to sleep. The next day I called Mistress Elaine and arranged for your transformation. And I have to say, it cost me a pretty penny."

"Are you... Is your body Mistress Elaine's work?"

Samantha shed the last of her clothes and stood before him naked. "Yes, it is. Do you like it? Tell me the truth."

"Very much," James told her honestly. "Is the dick natural or did she make it larger?"

Sam started stroking her dick. "Well, that was an accident. Her compounds couldn't remove the dick, so I went and got an operation to get rid of it."

"So what happened?"

"It grew back larger."


"Yeah. I went to Mistress Elaine and she tried to develop some compounds to get rid of it, but every time it went away for only a few days, then grew back larger. Now..." Sam stood there with her dick at full hardness. James guessed it was about 12", almost twice the size as his own 7". "Fuckslut."

James felt the command start to work and he went with it. He rolled onto his back, knowing that Sam was about to straddle his hips and stuff his dick up her ass. And James was disappointed. He wanted Sam inside him, whether in his ass or mouth, he didn't care. Then she performed as expected, laying across him, their tits rubbing sensuously. James let his hands do what they had been designed for and stroked her body in all the right spots, and soon she was coming violently, her cock spraying all over his belly and chest.

She lay there for a few seconds, and then said, "fuckslut" again. This time James knew she wanted to fuck him, and he allowed his legs to part. As she crawled between them she said, "I wish you'd accept me as James. As it is, the only way you'll be James again is to please me. I can change you back anytime I want."

James decided to give her a treat and changed himself to James in front of her. "So can I." Suddenly James felt the terror leap from her, and had to wrap his legs around her to keep her from running from the room. She started screaming and ranting and James understood. She thought that he had broken the commands and his feminine side to pieces and now was going to punish her for what she did to him. "Samantha." When she didn't calm down, he yelled, "Samantha!" She froze in place, still terrified. He used his legs to pull her closer to him, took her face in his hands, and kissed her softly and tenderly. As he did he felt her fear change to confusion. He took her dick in hand, and placed it at his asshole, saying, "It's okay."

Samantha gave him a confused look, but slowly started pressing into him. James smiled and moaned as Sam slowly pressed into him. They started moving together, Sam really getting into it as James stroked her body. Faster and faster they moved until Sam was spraying into James' ass and James was spraying onto his stomach.

Sam collapsed on top of him. James then held her, stroking her back. She looked up at him, and searched for words, but could only say, "How?"

"The transformation?"

"Uh-huh, Mistress Elaine said that only she or I would be able to initiate the transformation."

James shrugged. "All I know is that since this morning, I've been able to control the whole thing. I can be Tracie," James shifted into his female form, "or James," then shifted back, "at will."

"And you don't have a problem with being Tracie?"

"Problem? Hell, no. In fact, if I hadn't gotten this ability, I was going to go back to Mistress Elaine and see if she could do this for me."

"Really? After she, well, used you yesterday?"

"Yesterday? It feels like a lifetime ago. But I've got to admit, the lessons she taught me were lessons well learned, to say nothing of well needed."


"Now I've got a question for you."

"Why did I transform you?"

"No. Will you marry me?"

Samantha was shocked. "I... I don't know what to say. Why marriage?"

James laughed. "Sam, thanks to you and Mistress Elaine, I am now part female. I would be hard pressed to find a woman who A, loves me, B, can service me like a lady, C, can understand my need to be serviced like a lady, and D, won't be freaked by my changing into a woman. So, how about it?"

"Let me think about it."

"Why? Don't tell me you're not interested."

"James, a man should give a woman time to ponder her answers."

James smiled and shifted into his female form. "How about you tell your girlfriend?"

"You're incorrigible. Give me some time to think about it."

James pulled her close and kissed her. "Let me give you something else to think about." James flipped her onto her back and kissed her. Then he slowly kissed his way down her body, his tits dragging across her frame. He then started kissing her dick lightly, placing kisses all over it until it was as hard as a rock. Then he slowly sucked her dick into his mouth. He started going up and down on her, using his tongue to carefully stroke every inch that he could get into his mouth (about 9" worth).

Samantha moaned and started pumping her hips into his mouth. As she got close, as she got to just before cumming, James slowed down, controlling his tongue and mouth so as to keep her right on the verge of cumming. After a few seconds of that, she begged, "Bring me off. Bring me off, please."

James pulled off of Sam, kept her hard with his fingers, and asked, "Are you going to marry me?"

"Uh. That's unfair!"

James smiled and went back to keeping her on the edge of cumming. Finally, she screamed, "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" and James finished her off, getting her to spray deeply into his mouth.

James crawled back up and lay beside her. She slapped his tits, and said, "Bum! That wasn't fair."

"If you really don't want to marry me, I'll understand."

"No. I knew from the moment you asked, I was going to say yes." James kissed her lightly then giggled. "What? What's so funny?"

"Well, in our marriage, officially at least, I'm the guy and you're the girl, but you've got the bigger dick, and when I'm in girl form, I've got the bigger tits. Kind of ironic, huh?"

Sam giggled. "Very."

James laughed again, and said, "You realize we're going to have to get a new place."

"Why? I can just move in here."

"Are you kidding? After I get my dresses unpacked, you're not going to have any closet space at all." They laughed together and kissed.


James and Samantha had a beautiful wedding and reception in the very ball room where they had met. The only downside was James' father. At the reception, James realized why he had been such an ass. He remembered how his father had treated his mother.

He remembered the late nights hearing her crying next door. He remembered his father coming home, telling his mother about how he had just made it with the hot secretary at the office, telling her that she should be happy, that any man should be allowed to make it with as many women as he could. He remembered abuse after abuse heaped on his mother until she became a shell of her former self. He remembered the promises made by a little boy who couldn't understand why his father would so want to hurt his mother; a promise to never be like him; a promise that, unfortunately, wasn't wholly successful.

After one incident of having to listen to his father tell Samantha that she should now give up her job so that she could be a proper little wife, James went looking for one of their guests, finally finding Mistress Elaine talking to, of all people, his father. As he approached, his father walked away. Mistress Elaine told him, "Your father just said some... interesting things."

James pinched the bridge of his nose and asked, "What did he say?"

"When he noticed I wasn't wearing a ring, he asked what I did for a living. When I told him I was a Biochemist, his exact words were, 'Y'know, if you'd learn to make a good cup of coffee rather than play with a bunch of strange chemicals, I'm sure you'd land a man in no time.' I personally take offense at that."

"I can imagine."

"I'll have you know, I make a great cup of coffee."

James stared for a few seconds and then laughed. "I'm glad to see you didn't take him too personally."

Elaine shook her head. "I've seen too many of his kind to be fazed by anything he might say or do. In fact, most of my "special clients" are of his ilk."

"Which brings me to the reason why I sought you out."


"For the last eight months you've been asking if I'd be willing to let you study me to see if you could duplicate whatever it is that lets me control my transformation."

"Yes. And you've kept saying no because you don't want to risk screwing whatever that is up."

"How'd you like a crack at me?"

"In return for?"

"Taking my father on as one of your "special clients"."

Elaine thought about it for a few seconds and said, "I'll still need you to cover the costs of production. But, I'll tell you what. I've got some new stuff I want to try. Unless you have some objections, I'll use those and split the costs."


"Don't agree yet. You haven't heard how much you're going to have to pay."

"How much could it be?"

"James, those transformative compounds are a combination of artificially engineered compounds mixed with rare natural plants that cannot be artificially produced and have to be shipped in from deep inside the Amazon basin. And those plants are so rare that mass production isn't even a possibility. You're looking at around $5,000 a dose, minimum."

"Well, you only needed one with me. Why would dad be any different?"

"James, you had one dose before you even woke up as a preparative agent, one to start the transformation, one to finalize it, and that's not even including the chemicals on your lingerie that put a temporary halt to the transformation."

"So how many for dad?"

"Four... maybe five."

"So that's $12,500 after being split two ways. Still not too much. It's a deal."


After all the guests had gone, Samantha waited in her wedding dress, this time knowing exactly what would happen. She waited and James came in, still dressed in his tux. He walked up to her, offered his hand, and asked, "May I have this dance?"

Samantha smiled and took his hand. He danced with her around the room, until they got close to an empty table. He lifted her up on the table, lifted her dress, pulled down her panties, got between her legs and slowly fucked her till they came together. As they held each other afterwards, he whispered in her ear, "I love you."

Sam looked at him and playfully said, "Prove it."

James smiled, stepped back, closed his eyes, and transformed himself into Tracie. His hips widened, his waist shrunk, and his breasts grew until they ripped his shirt open. He helped Sam down from the table, took off his pants, and took her place there. She stepped between his legs, lifted her dress and fucked him till they came together.

As they held each other, Sam saw a mirror on one side of the room. In it she saw an image of Andros, her first lover, now long dead from AIDS. He brought two fingers to his lips and blew her a kiss. He mouthed the word, "Goodbye," and started to fade from view.

Sam mouthed a goodbye in reply and snuggled into James's shoulder, knowing that, although she had loved Andros, she was with the true love of her life.


Jack Smith, James' father, was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now Jack was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and Jack was unconscious before he knew what was happening...

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Next: Chapter 3: Biochemistry Sequel

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