
By J R D

Published on Sep 7, 1998


Here's part 1 of the Prequel. Read and enjoy

Now, onto the boring stuff


This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such materia= l is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story.

This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story.

All characters in this story are the creation of the author, and any resemblance to real persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental.

This story may contain aspects of fantastic science or magic. The parameters of what this science/magic can accomplish are completely at the discretion of me, the author, and, as such, I make no apologies for any rules of "real" physics, chemistry, biology, or magic that may be broken within the story.

Now onto the fun stuff

Biochemistry:The Prequel

Samuel Nevada had a secret. A secret so hidden even he didn't know about it. But that's getting ahead of the story.

Sam had just finished the last of his finals in his Law classes and with only one year left before he could take his BAR had decided to celebrate by bar hopping that night. Dressed in his best "cruisin'" clothes he had gone from bar to bar, looking for a woman to take home and fuck. Usually, he didn't have a problem with it, but tonight, all the women seemed resistant to his best advances.

He had made it to a strange bar on the far side of town and was about to go home when he saw her, a tall (at 6', she stood 4" over him), statuesque brunette with big tits (easily a D cup) and a figure to match. He walked over to her. "Hey, babe, come here often?"

She turned to him and gave him an inquisitive look. "Often enough. Why?"

"Well, I was just wondering what your plans for the night were."

She looked him up and down. "Oh, I don't know. Find some guy, take him home, ply him with drinks and then have long, satisfying sex. Interested?"

Sam was shocked and intrigued. Never had he found a woman so forward and open about sex. Most seemed content to just let him take the lead. This one seemed strangely... refreshing. He extended his arm to the lady. "With a woman as beautiful as you? Most certainly."

The woman took his arm and started leading him outside. "I'll drive." Sam was flabbergasted, but allowed himself to be lead outside. The woman walked him to an expensive sports car that must have cost her easily in the $40-50,000 range, making Sam glad that they hadn't returned to his own used car.

The woman opened the passenger door for him. Despite the strangeness of it, Sam allowed her to help him into the car. She closed the door behind him, then got in on the driver's side.

"Wait a minute," he said, "what about my car?"

She gave him a smile that melted him inside. "We can come back for that later." Sam could only nod as she pulled out.

They drove in silence out to the richest part of town. When Sam noticed where they were going, he was glad that they had not gone back for his car. This part of town was fenced in and patrolled by rent-a-cops. Even if he could've managed to get in, he probably would've been followed by some security guard for every inch of the drive.

They pulled up in front of a mansion. Sam sat in stunned silence at the size of the house as the woman got out and opened the door. "Nice place," he murmured as she led him up the front steps of the house.

"Why, thank you," she replied.

They went inside and into a parlor. "Have a seat while I make us some drinks," she said.

Sam sat down on a couch as she went over to a bar and mixed some drinks. While she worked, he looked around. Everything in the house bespoke wealth.

Every stick of furniture was an antique; the rugs, even the drapes were a rich tapestry of silk. He was still ogling the place when the woman returned with the drinks.

It had a strange greenish color and Sam sniffed at it. "Mmmm. Creme de Menthe."

"Drink up," she said as she drained her own drink.

Sam shrugged and drained his drink. The woman sat beside him on the couch and started rubbing his crotch. "Tell me something," she said.


"Do you think I'm pretty?"


"Do you like my tits?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Would you like a pair of your own?"

"I... huh?"

"Would you like a pair of your own?"

"What're you talking about?" Sam noticed an itching in his chest and reached up to scratch it. As he did so he saw that his shirt was starting to tent away from his chest. He watched in fascination as he actually grew tits. He seemed stunned until his shirt burst open, exposing two mammaries easily as large as the woman's. "Oh, my god!" Then Sam noticed it. "My voice! It's so high! What did you do to it? What did you do to me?" Sam grabbed his crotch and breathed a sigh of relief. The seat of his manhood was sill there.

"I've made you into my little play toy. And if you want to be returned to normal then you will obey me implicitly. Come with me." She got up and left the room.

Unable to do anything but comply, Sam got up and followed. They went upstairs and into a very effeminately decorated room. "This," she said, "will be your room while you are here as my girl."

"And how long will that be?"

"Well if you could pay the reversal fee, you could make the return to manhood tonight."

"How much is it?"

"A quarter of a million."


"No, pesos. Yes, dollars."

"Please, have mercy. I'm just a poor college student."

"Well, if you can't afford it this year, how do you expect to afford it next year?"

"Next year?"

"Yes. You'll need a dose every year to prevent your body from returning to this state. Further, if you don't get the reversal agent or at least a delaying agent every 24 hours, this becomes permanent."

"Permanent?!" Sam squeaked. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Well, I go out every once in a while and find some sexist pig and transform him into my she-male toy."

"Sexist pig? I'm no sexist pig. What are you? Some man-hater that thinks that all men are pigs?"

She gave him an inquisitive look. "Perhaps you're right. Perhaps I have misjudged you. Tell me the truth now, and you may get the reversal agent for free for the rest of your life."


"Were you prepared to have sex with me tonight?"

"Truthfully, yes."

"Okay, then if you can do just one thing for me, you'll have earned those free dosages for life."


"Just tell me my name." Sam stammered for a bit, before she said, "Mm-hmm. You were prepared to go to bed with a woman whose name you didn't even know, just because she looked like this." The woman waved her hands down her body to make her point.

"Yeah, well, what's my name?"

"Samuel Nevada. One year away from getting his Law degree from the local state college. Has maintained a grade point average of at least 3.5 since graduating high school. And in the last year you have had sex with 230 different women, not one of which became a relationship." Sam was stunned. "I cull my conquests rather seriously. Now let's get you dressed. Get out of those men's clothes. They look silly on you."

Sam stood there for a few seconds before she said, "Oh, come now, you can't be shy. You were just about to expose yourself to me for sex."

Sam shrugged and undressed. It was then that Sam got a view of some of the features of his new body. His arms and legs were now hairless. His waist seemed impossibly small in comparison to his hips (which he was sure were now wider than they were) and his bust. His feet and hands were both smaller and more delicate. And he may have been imagining it, but it somehow felt as though he ought to be standing on the balls of his feet.

The woman took the clothes and threw them into a chute in the wall marked "Waste". She then got a tape measure out of the drawer and proceeded to measure Sam's new body. When she was done, she said, "Your new proportions are 36-30-34. And you have a C cup. You're a little wide in the waist, but that can be handled."

"C cup? But my tits look as big as yours. And I'd swear those were D cups."

"They are. But you've got a smaller frame than I do, both in height and around the torso. As a result your tits look bigger."


"Now we've got to get your waist size down. Once we've had you on a special diet for a couple months, you should be down to the mid-20s, but till then..." She went over to the closet and returned with a bright red, leather corset.

Sam gulped. "Do I have to wear that?"

She seemed to consider that. Finally she gave him a lustful look, like a man might give any beautiful woman. "Well, if you really want to walk around in the nude, I think I could get used to that."

Sam blushed and took the corset from her. He stepped into it and pulled it up around his waist. The woman stepped behind him, took the corset's laces and pulled them as tight as she could as he gasped for air under her onslaught. It wasn't until she had tied them off that Sam realized that the laces were in that place in his back which was hardest to reach. There was no way he could get in or out of the corset without someone else's help.

After she was finished tying him in, she went over to the small dresser. Pointing at the top drawer she said, "This drawer will contain your bras and panties." She opened it. "You'll notice it's empty. You won't be needing a bra till you no longer need a corset, the cups on the corset will provide all the support you need. And in either case you must earn the right to wear panties or a bra when not in your corset, which will not be often."

She closed the first drawer and opened the second. Inside were some socks (all small and feminine in style) and stockings. "This drawer will contain foot coverings. Except for shoes, of course, which are kept in the closet."

She took out a pair of stockings and tossed them to him. "Put these on."

Sam sat down and pulled the stockings on. The stockings were different from any he had felt on any woman's legs. Further, they weren't elastic at the top, and in order to keep them from falling back down, Sam had to secure them using the elastic straps hanging at the bottom of the corset. After he was finished, he rubbed his thighs through the stockings. "These feel really nice."

"They should. They're silk."

"Silk?" Sam said, obviously impressed and feeling flattered. Then, to attempt to cover his pleasure, he said, as sarcastically as he could, "For a slave like me? I'm impressed."

Ignoring his sarcasm, she replied, "Don't be. I have an image to maintain, so even my lowliest slave gets the best clothes." Continuing on, she pointed to the third drawer. "This drawer will contain blouses and the bottom one will contain skirts, and perhaps, if you're very good, slacks. All must, of course, be earned."

She walked over to the closet and returned with a short, red dress. "Except for your corsets, stockings and heels, this will be your only clothing until you earn more. You will remove it before bed and wash it by hand, hanging it to dry for the next day. You will not be allowed to leave this room without it on. Doing so is grounds for punishment."

"What kind of punishment?"

"Pray you never find out." Sam gulped. The woman returned the dress to the closet. "You should go to bed now. You will have a long day tomorrow."

"What about this?" he said, waving his hands along the corset.

"To get you used to it, you will sleep in it. At least for a few nights."

Sam wasn't sure he could manage that; the corset was unbelievably tight; but being afraid to argue, all he said was, "Yes, ma'am."

"Very good. Very polite."

As she started to walk from the room, Sam asked, "Excuse me, but what is your name?"

"Now you ask. My name is Elaine. For the duration of your stay with me you will refer to me as Mistress or, more formally, Mistress Elaine."

"Yes, Mistress Elaine."

After she left, Sam noticed and went over to a full length mirror hanging on the back of the door and got a good look at his new body. Sam was stunned. Except for his hair, he was a looker! His face had taken on a rounder, more delicate appearance, and his arms and legs were both much slimmer and seemed to match his new feminine body perfectly. He did have to admit that Mistress (amazing how easily he thought of her by that title) was right. Although shapely, even in the corset, to be perfect, he could've stood to lose a couple inches from his waist. And as he stood there a thought came unbidden to his mind, "The red may give me a slutty look, but blue would've gone much better with my hair and eye color."

Sam stopped and shook his head. "Was I just critiquing my weight and clothes like a woman? I must be more worn out from all this than I thought." He walked over to the bed and crawled in and fell asleep.


Sam was awoke by a strange woman's voice. "Good morning. Wakey-wakey." Sam groaned, but crawled to the edge of the bed and sat up. "How'd you sleep?" she asked.


"Not unusual. It takes a while to get used to sleeping in the corset."

"It wasn't the corset. That didn't bother me near as much as I thought it would. It was these strange dreams."

"Really? What about?"

"That's just it, I don't remember any details, just some really disturbing feelings. Oh, I'm sorry. You probably already know, but my name's Sam."

The woman, a striking native American woman dressed in a dress that looked like it was from the pre-civil-war south, complete with large hoop skirt, said, "Yes, I did know, but it's polite to introduce yourself anyways. My name is Linda, but you will refer to me as Lady Linda, or by the honorific, milady. I am the head of Mistress's domestic staff and will control your training for your stay."

"Yes, ma'am."

"No, not ma'am. Only Mistress is to be referred to as ma'am. Milady."

"Yes, milady."

"Very good. And don't worry about the dreams. Many of our staff had nightmares the first few nights after their transformation."

"Well, they weren't really nightmares, just disturbing."

"Well, if they continue too long, then we'll worry about it. For now let's get you out of that corset and into a fresh one."

"Yes, milady."

The woman helped Sam out of his corset and got out a new one, this one blue.

After Sam got into it, he caught a look at himself in the mirror. "I was right," he thought, "blue is a better color for me."

Linda looked through the closet and asked, "Did Mistress issue you a maid's uniform?"

"No, just that red dress."

"Then let's go get you one. Follow me." Linda walked outside the room, but when Sam didn't follow she turned and said, "Come on."


Angrily, she asked, "Are you defying me?"

Sam was frightened, but, in a trembling voice, said, "Mistress said I wasn't to leave the room unless I was wearing that dress."

Linda smiled. "Very good, Sam. You passed your first test." Sam breathed a sigh of relief. "Although I am in charge of your day to day life here, Mistress is always the ultimate authority. I may give you conflicting commands because I want to test you or because I haven't been informed as to what Mistress has ordered. You are NEVER to disobey Mistress's commands. Understand?"

"Yes, milady."

"Further, you may be leant to others. Unless Mistress says otherwise, their commands do not override mine."

"Yes, milady."

Linda reentered the room. "Now let's get you into that dress."

As she got the dress from the closet, Sam asked, "Milady, may I ask a question?"

"Yes, you may."

"Earlier you mentioned that other members of Mistress's staff had gone through a transformation like mine. How many are like me? Were once men, I mean."

"All of us."

"All of you?"

"Yes. Mistress's entire staff is composed of obnoxious, chauvinistic men who realized they were happier as women. Not having any legal identity, Mistress was gracious enough to put us to work on her staff."

"Well, that's not going to happen to me."

As Linda helped Sam into the dress, she said, "Probably not. Not many do decide to become women."

"Good. I was beginning... to think..." Sam stopped, not wanting to voice his concerns.

"That we were going to force you to be a woman for the rest of your natural life?" Sam nodded. "No. As soon as Mistress feels you've learned your lesson, or three months have passed, whichever takes longer, she'll give you the reversal agent."

"So I've got to spend at least three months like this? Even if I learn my lesson in a week? Why?"

"Your three-month servitude will repay Mistress for the costs involved in creating both the transformation and the reversal agents."

Sam wanted to protest, but realized it would be useless. "So how is my servitude to start?"

"With breakfast." Sam raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Linda smiled and said, "Mistress wants to speak to you, personally. You're to serve her at breakfast, after which, she will speak to you about your duties."

Linda got out a pair of low heels (1/2") and gave them to Sam. After he put them on, she said, "Now come along."

Sam followed, amazed at how comfortable he was in the heels, and how easy it was to walk in them. When he mentioned it to Linda she snorted and said, "Wait until you've spent all day in them and then tell me they're comfortable. As for finding them easy to walk in..." She shrugged. "Maybe you're just a natural."

"That's not funny."

She looked back at him over her shoulder. "I wasn't trying to be."

They walked through the house until they reached the kitchen, where a collection of women were running about preparing food. There was a tray waiting on a counter with scrambled eggs, toast, juice, and milk on it. Linda pointed at it. "This is how Mistress likes her breakfast, when she has it, that is. You'll find that she skips a formal breakfast as often as not to work in her lab. Notice the firmness of the eggs. Mistress doesn't like them much firmer than this, but she detests runny eggs. The toast should be approximately this color, and she will want it buttered at the table, in front of her. After you take this out there and set it in front of her, that is what you will do. Check the juice and make sure there are no pits. All this has been done for you today, but this will be your job on later days."

"What do I do if it doesn't meet up to standards?"

Linda waved her hand to one of the girls in the kitchen and said, "Liz." A blonde woman with her hair in a bun, impossibly huge tits (Sam guessed that they must've been somewhere around an I or J cup) and a stern look in her eye came over. She, like everybody but him, was dressed in clothes from the pre-civil-war south. "This is Lady Elizabeth. She is in charge of the kitchen. You will rarely find anything seriously out of order, but if you do inform her."

Sam nodded. Elizabeth walked up to him, and gave him a cold, impersonal stare over her huge tits. "If Mistress ever gets imperfect food, as head of the kitchen, I get punished. But then, I will not only punish whoever prepared the food for their failure, but also you for your failure to catch it. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Elizabeth hauled off and slapped him. Sam wondered what he had done when she said, "Address me as milady! Only Mistress is ma'am!"

Holding his face, Sam said, "Yes, milady."

As she walked away, Linda said, "She takes her job rather seriously. Just make sure you do your job, and you won't have any troubles with her."

Sam watched Elizabeth walk away and despite himself, he felt attracted to this strong-willed blonde. He shook himself out of his reverie, and said, "Yes, Lady Linda." Without being prompted, Sam picked up the tray, and said, "Is there anything else? I don't want to keep Mistress waiting."

Linda smiled, pleased with Sam's initiative. She picked up a napkin and spread it over Sam's arm. "After placing the tray in front of her, place this in her lap. Be very careful not to touch her directly unless she prompts you to do so."

Sam nodded and Linda pointed him through another door. Sam backed through it, so as not to risk disturbing the food (as he had seen waiters do in fancy restaurants) and entered an elaborate dining room. Sitting at a huge, antique table was Mistress Elaine. He walked up and set the tray in front of her. As he spread the napkin in her lap, he said, "Good morning, ma'am."

She neatly folded a paper she was reading and set it to one side. "Good morning, Samuel." Sam breathed a quiet sigh of relief. He had been worried that Mistress would force him to take a feminine name, and he wasn't sure he could deal with that. "How did you sleep?"

"I had some bad dreams, but Lady Linda assures me that that's not unusual, and that they'll go away in a few days."

"If they don't, make sure to inform me. Have a seat."

Sam sat down in the seat nearest to her. As he watched her eat, he realized how hungry he was, but remained silent as she finished her meal. As she wiped her mouth with the napkin, he worked up the nerve to say, "Ma'am?"

"Yes, Samuel?"

"I know you mentioned that I would be on a special diet, but I'm awfully hungry, and I was wondering... Will I be allowed any breakfast, at all?"

"Of course. Starvation diets don't work. But you will eat after I do. Linda will show you where."

"Yes, ma'am."

"After breakfast, my chauffeur will take you to a local beauty salon and get you fixed up. Then you will return here and Linda will instruct you in your day's duties."

"Yes, ma'am."

Mistress Elaine pulled out a bottle full of something green. "This is your delaying agent. It will keep you from becoming a woman permanently, at least for the next twenty-four hours. It should be taken on an empty stomach, so drink up."

Sam took the bottle and quickly downed it. He felt a brief tingle throughout his body. "Thank you, Mistress."

"You're quite welcome." Mistress stood up, and began to leave the room. As she passed Sam, she said, "You know, you really do make a striking woman." Sam winced a bit. Not because he hated what she had said, but because he knew she was right and, somehow, that pleased him more than he cared to admit.

After she left, Linda walked in. "Now, would you like to go to the salon, or have breakfast first?"

"Breakfast, milady."

"As you wish. Follow me."

Sam got up and followed Linda as she went downstairs into the sub-floors. Linda walked into a room that looked like the observation rooms on cop shows, the place where cops and witnesses could observe criminals without being seen. Through the observation window Sam saw a man strapped into a chair. The man was dressed in a skirt, with no underwear, either panties or boxers, but was naked from the waist up. "What's going on?" he yelled. "Where am I?"

Sam stared at the man as he ranted. "Look familiar?" Linda asked.

"Yes, he does, but I can't place where from."

"His name is David McCarrey."

"The serial rapist?!"


Sam remembered the case. David McCarrey had been a rapist who had been caught and put on trial. He had been caught red-handed with evidence for one rape, and there had been evidence he had committed many more. Unfortunately, a mistake on the search warrant had gotten the most substantial evidence thrown out, and he had gone free. Then, just a couple days before Sam had gone out on his fateful bar-hopping trip, David McCarrey had disappeared altogether.

"Mistress brought him here, pumped him full of a special truth serum she had designed, and found out how many rapes he had committed. And it's far more than even the police suspect."

"So now what are you going to do with him?"


Sam watched as a large breasted woman (like Elizabeth, her tits were around a J cup size) walked in. The man became profane, then apologetic, then imploring as the woman prepared a syringe of something, and injected him in the arm.

After she injected him, the man briefly became profane again before he suddenly stopped. An euphoric look crossed the man's face and he sat there as his chest started growing breasts. He looked down and smiled stupidly as his breasts quickly passed Sam's in size. They continued to grow, past Mistress's (and Linda's, who also had D cups), till they reached the huge size sported by Elizabeth and the woman who drugged him to begin with. But they didn't stop there. They continued growing till they were larger even than his own torso, extending past his own knees and arms in length. Sam wondered how big they would get, when they eventually stopped growing. They were as large as... Well, Sam couldn't think of anything they were as large as, but they were so large that the man wouldn't have been able to touch his own nipples with his fingertips. And his nipples were now as impossibly large as the rest of his tits, and looked more like the teats on a cow's udder than any human nipples.

The woman walked up and unfearfully released the man. He didn't even stand (Sam wondered if he could with his new tits). He just reached up and massaged the sides of his new tits. He tried to reach his own nipples and Sam had been right, he couldn't reach them. After a few seconds, the man looked up at the woman and wailed plaintively.

She looked down at him. "Are your nipples sore?" she asked. He just nodded and made another plaintive sound. "Would you like me to do something about it?" The man nodded. The woman took a scolding tone. "You remember what you did to those ladies?" The man got a sad look in his eyes and lowered his head. "Remember?!" The man looked up at her and made an agreeing noise.

"Why doesn't he say anything?" Sam asked.

"He can't," Linda explained. "He's undergone a chemical IQ adjustment. He's literally nothing more than an animal as far as his thought processes go. He remembers everything, he just doesn't have the cognitive capabilities to understand it anymore."

Sam gulped as the woman continued. "Do you realize what you did was wrong?"

The man nodded and made his little agreeing noise, but Sam could tell he would've agreed if the woman had asked if the sky was green and grass was blue. "Alright, then. Come with me." The man tried to rise, but couldn't manage it. He stared at his tits with a mystified look in his eyes. The woman waited patiently until the man figured out (and it took him a few minutes to figure it out) that by placing his own arms under his tits, and lifting he could manage to stand and walk slowly.

Sam finally got a good look at the man. Unlike Sam the man still looked basically male with three exceptions. The first, and most obvious, was, of course, his tits. The second, was his hips, which were now extremely wide. So wide, in fact, that his skirt was widely flared out, and his penis was plainly visible. The third difference was his feet, which were now extremely wide and long. They must've been a size 20 or more.

After the rapist and woman left, Linda said, "Come on."

As Sam walked with Linda, he asked, "Why wasn't he made to look like a woman?"

Linda sneered. "Why give him the privilege? He's still David McCarrey, the rapist. And even though he's got the IQ of a cow, part of him, every time he looks in a mirror, will see David McCarrey with tits bigger than any woman he ever raped."

"But why the change to his hips and feet? And why the skirt?"

"He wears a skirt as a sign of his emasculation. Although he can experience orgasm, he is no longer capable of erection. The feet are made so much larger to provide extra support for his back. Those tits will eventually destroy his back anyways, but the larger feet and the reinforced muscles in his back will help offset when that happens."

"And the hips?"

Linda just smiled. "It's time to find out."

They walked down the hall and into a room. Inside was a line of "men" like McCarrey, a score of big-tittied men with huge hips. All were kneeling down, their breasts resting comfortably in indentations in the floor in front of them, and had some kind of machine hooked up to their nipples. At the other end of the room were five women in large hoop skirts like the one Linda was wearing sitting around a table playing cards.

"What do you think?" Linda asked.

"It looks like a... milking operation."

"Very good."

Sam saw a door open on the other side of the room, and the woman who had dosed McCarrey walked in, quickly followed by McCarrey and his tits (which were small in comparison to some of the men in the room). The woman walked in and pointed at the end of the line. "Kneel here."

The man carefully knelt down, but fell the last couple feet. Luckily the indentations were padded, and he didn't hurt himself. One of the girls from the table came over and helped get the man to a kneeling position. They then locked the man's wrists and knees down so he couldn't move, which Sam found strange since none of the other men were locked down. They hooked him up to the machine, and, when nothing else happened, he looked up at her and made that plaintive, begging sound. The woman stroked his head and said, "Don't worry, cow #321. Someone will be along shortly to help you get your milk started." She looked to the woman in the hoop skirt and said, "He's all yours," then left.

The woman walked up to the man, released a catch on her skirt and let it fall. Sam was shocked, not by the fact that the woman had no petticoats or panties (which Sam was surprised to find himself noticing despite everything), but by the HUGE dick which was now visible, a dick a horse would've been jealous of. It was flaccid, and yet still hung down almost a foot and a half from her crotch, and was so big around Sam didn't think he could get one hand around it.

The woman stepped from the skirt, lifted her dick and waved it in front of the man's face. The man sniffed at it as if he couldn't understand what this huge thing in front of him was. He drew back a bit when he recognized the smell of what it was. He watched her, trembling, as she walked behind him. When she went to her knees and started stroking her dick, he seemed to know instinctively what she was about to do, and tried to lurch away, but he was held far too securely. When the woman was fully erect (2 1/2' of dick) she placed her dickhead at the man's ass and slammed in, amazingly going all the way in.

Linda told him, "That's why his ass was made so large. To accommodate the bulls."

Sam watched, shocked, but unable to look away. The man tried to struggle away but couldn't, and his struggles only excited the woman. It only took a couple minutes before she was orgasming and spraying semen in his ass. A few seconds after she came the man settled down, and stared at his tits. That same euphoric look he had earlier overcame him, as he (and Sam) saw a white substance flowing through the tubes attached to his nipples. The woman started moving again, but this time the man, instead of trying to get away, surged backwards against her, participating in his own fucking.

As the two of them went at it, another "cow" started mooing (for that was how Sam had come to think of the plaintive wailing) and another of the girls went behind him, and with no ceremony, lifted her skirt (revealing a cock as large as the other girl's), and plunged in. Amazingly, the man had lifted his ass, and was participating in his own fucking with total abandon.

"Is all this necessary?" he asked.

"Yes, these men are now sperm-to-milk converters. The bulls pump them full of semen, their bodies absorb it, and start producing milk, which soothes the soreness in their nipples, and produces a euphoria which they quickly become addicted to. They know they're addicted to being sodomized, but they can't help it."

"So why'd you bring me here?"

"For breakfast."

Linda reached into a cabinet and pulled out a bottle. She took two pills from it, handed one to Sam and walked over to the man getting his ass reamed. "This is breakfast?"

"No," she said as she disconnected the tubes from his tits, "these are to keep our bodies from absorbing too much fat." After the tubes were disconnected, the man looked at his tits (still dripping milk) and whimpered.

"From what?"

"From the breast milk. Children need much more fat than we do for proper nerve and brain development, so breast milk is high in fat." She knelt down in front of the man and popped the pill. "Dig in," she said, as she took the man's nipple and started sucking it.

Sam was about to refuse as his stomach started to grumble. He looked around, and finally figuring, "What the hell," sat down, popped the pill, took the other tit in hand, and started sucking. The man cooed as Sam and Linda sucked. Sam found the milk warmer and sweeter then any he had found before and sucked until he had his fill.

When Sam pulled off, Linda had already finished, and was waiting. She quickly showed him how to disconnect and reconnect the hoses (in case he had to attend meals alone). She went over to talk to one of the bulls, and when she came back, she asked, "Why the stares?"


"You were staring at my skirt."

Sam blushed and dropped his eyes. "I'm sorry. It was improper of me."

"You're blushing. That's so cute. Yes, it was improper, but let me guess, after seeing that I and the bulls wear the same type of skirt, you were wondering what size my dick was." Sam's blush reddened and he nodded. Linda smiled a knowing smile. "Let's just say that my dick size is such that I cannot and never will be able to be a bull."

"Thank you for sharing, milady." As Sam's blush went away, he asked, "What were you and the other bull commenting on?"

"Oh, she just wanted to tell me how cute she thought you were." Linda laughed an amused laugh as Sam reddened even worse than before.


Sam stumbled into his room, exhausted. After returning from the salon (and he had to admit, they had done a fabulous job, he was one hot babe), he had been put to work in the kitchen till lunch. And Elizabeth had worked him like a dog. The work itself wasn't that bad, but the heat and steam had undone the work that had been done on his hair, which upset him worse than the heavy work load. After lunch (another trip to visit the cows) he had been put to work in the upstairs housekeeping staff. There was less of that work, but it was a lot more strenuous than the kitchen work. By the time he was finished, he had felt like he had personally cleaned the entire upstairs. Worse yet, he had worked the entire day in heels and that tight, red dress. And, he remembered, he still had yet to wash it for tomorrow. After work, he had had a light dinner (Sam was surprised and disappointed when it wasn't another trip to the cows) and come up here.

He reached behind him to try to get to the zipper, when he heard Mistress say, "Don't do that, yet."

He spun around. "Mistress?"

"Your duties aren't finished."=07 Sam whimpered a bit and said, "Yes, Mistress."

"Relax. Lady Elizabeth sometimes has trouble getting to bed. You're to go in and help relax her."

With trepidation, Sam asked, "How?"

"However she wants. Now go on, her room is down the hall, third door on the right."

Sam deflated a bit, but said, "Yes, ma'am."

As he walked through the door, Mistress said, "Samuel."

"Yes, ma'am?"

"I've received nothing but glowing reports about you. You'll be entitled to panties and a maid's uniform tomorrow."

Sam curtsied. He said, "Thank you, ma'am," and ran down the hall. He was in front of the door to Lady Elizabeth's room, about to knock, when he thought to himself, "Did I just curtsy?"

He shook his head and knocked on the door. He heard Elizabeth's voice inside. "Enter."

Sam opened the door and stepped inside. "Mistress sent me."

Elizabeth was shaking her hair out. Out of the bun, her hair fell to her shoulders, and made her even more beautiful then she was in the kitchen. "Come on in, dearie." She looked in the mirror she was sitting in front of and sighed. "I love the kitchen but it sure does play havoc with my hair." She handed a brush back over her shoulder. "Brush me out, dearie."

Sam took the brush and started to brush out her hair. "Oh, that's nice. One of the benefits of being a woman is having someone brush out your hair."

In a somewhat melancholy voice, Sam said, "I wouldn't know."

Elizabeth suddenly grabbed his hand. "Now where did... Oh, I forgot you were so new." She patted her lap. "Sit down and let big sister talk to you." Sam looked down, afraid to take her up on the offer. She just patted her lap again and said, "Come on."

Sam took a chance and sat down on her lap. She wrapped one arm around Sam to support him, and took his far hand in hers. "Samuel, it is still Samuel, you haven't changed it?" Sam shook his head. "Samuel, your big sister, when it comes to her job as head of the kitchen, gets a little..."


Elizabeth laughed a light-hearted laugh that put Sam at ease. "Thanks for trying to be polite, but I was looking for a stronger version of the word obsessed. I don't mean anything by it. And I really am sorry I slapped you earlier." She kissed Sam on the cheek where she had slapped him earlier, a kiss that had no sexual content, and made Sam feel like he was back on the farm being kissed by his big sister. "Forgive your big sister?"

Sam smiled and said, "I guess so."

"Good. Now why don't you finish brushing out my hair, and I'll do the same for you." Sam took the hairbrush and brushed out her hair. After he was finished, Elizabeth sat him down and brushed out his hair. "You have such pretty hair. I love the raven black color. I can't wait till it grows longer. You'll only be allowed to keep it this short if you're permanently posted to the kitchen."

"Well, to be honest, I don't intend to be here so long that it becomes an issue."

Elizabeth gave him a quizzical look. "How long do you think you'll be staying?"

"The three month minimum. I'm going to be a good and dutiful young lady for the duration, then return to being a man."

"And how long do you expect your hair to grow in that time?"

"Maybe a couple inches."

Elizabeth bent down and whispered in his ear, "Take a good look, hun. It's already that much longer."

Sam stared at himself in the mirror. She was right! His hair was longer! "How?"

"Side effect of the transformation drug. For the next couple weeks, your hair will grow at a rate of about 2 inches a day. We all went through it. Don't worry, if and when you return to manhood, Mistress pays for the haircut."

Sam just stared at himself for a while then asked, "Lady Elizabeth?"


"May I ask... What is your story? How did you decide to become Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth stopped and seemed to consider it for a while. Finally, she said, "I was a cook. And if you think I'm bad now, I was an unholy terror as a man. And despite being very good at my job, that attitude kept getting me fired from job after job.

"Well, at one point, I had been out of a job for three months and had pretty much given up. I was sitting at home drinking, and wasting my wife's income on pay per view adult movies. I had a particular passion for those that featured those huge, big breasted porno stars.

"My wife came home, and exploded at me. We got into a big fight and I... I..."

Sam looked up and saw her eyes tearing up. Sam took her hand and said, "If you don't want to say, it's okay."

"No. I started this. I can get through it." Then taking the time to state every word individually, she said, "I. raped. my. wife."

"Oh, my."

"Yeah, well I woke up the next day, and she was gone. And, in that way drunks have of justifying anything they do, I blew her off, figuring she had decided to leave me. Later that night, she came back, acting as though nothing had happened. I didn't even have the guts to apologize. She mixed me up a drink, and not even thinking anything about it, I drank it. Next thing I knew I had a pair of A cup tits on my chest, a small waist, a high voice, and my wife telling me that if I ever wanted to be back to normal, I'd best obey her."

"Been there, done that," Sam said lightly.

Elizabeth laughed. "Yes, but my formula had an extra component. If my blood alcohol ever passed .05 percent, half the legal limit at the time, the formula would burn up the alcohol for fuel to cause my breasts to grow a cup size. It was now impossible for me to get drunk, but it was possible for me to drink my way to gargantuan tits. Of course, my wife didn't warn me about this, went out shopping for me, and, by the time she got back, I had managed to drink my way up to a D cup.

"She was upset. During my layoff, I had managed to go through most of our savings on pure waste, and she barely had been able to afford the first shopping trip. So we moved in with Mistress Elaine. I was posted to the kitchen, and it was during those first couple weeks that I discovered that I was an alcoholic. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't stop drinking, and every three days or so, I'd go on a small bender and grow a cup size larger.

I was all the way up to a G cup, before I went behind my wife's back and asked Mistress to change the formula so that not only would I grow tits, but the growth would be incredibly painful.

"You see, I can't stand pain. And my wife knew it. She didn't want me in pain, just punished for what I had done to her. Well with the extra incentive, I soon had my drinking under control. And I served the rest of my three months stone cold sober."

"So why'd you decide to become Elizabeth? Why not go back to being a guy?"

"Well, I told you I was worse in the kitchen as a guy then as a girl. And as long as there was the prospect of going back it was like there was this dark specter that was my old masculinity looming over me. The closer I got to that three month date, the more depressed I got. The night before I was scheduled to return, my wife took me out on the town in an effort to cheer me up. Just us two lesbian lovers going out to dinner. Well, after dinner I told her that I had something to say, and she said the same. So in an effort to get it out first we both blurted out at the same time that we wanted me not to go back. We laughed and had a happy night. The next day we made it permanent and I've had a great life ever since."

"What happened to your wife?"

"Oh, she's just out of town on a business trip. We live here together."


Suddenly the phone rang. Elizabeth ran over and got it. "Susie! How's the trip, going? Uh, huh. Just like clockwork. It's been terrible sleeping here without you. A new girl, you haven't met her yet. The name is Samuel.

Yes, a real looker. Okay." She looked to Sam. "She wants to talk to you."

As Sam took the phone, Elizabeth whispered to him, "She is Lady Susan to you."

Sam nodded and said, "Hello, Lady Susan."

"Hello, hun, is Lizzie being nice to you?"

"Lady Elizabeth is being quite kind to me now."

"Now? As in you worked in the kitchen earlier, right?"

"Uhm, yeah."

Susan laughed. "Don't worry, hun, if she rode you too hard. She's like that with everyone. But she's a real teddy bear in the sack. Will you be staying the night?"

"If she wants."

"Look, she'll be too shy to ask," which Sam found hard to believe, "so do me a favor and stay the night with her?"

"Uhm, okay."

"And if you two get... exceptionally friendly tonight, you have my permission to do anything but fuck her ass. That piece of meat is for me and my dildo." Sam could feel himself turning bright red. "Could you put Lizzie back on?"


Sam handed the phone back to Elizabeth who said, "Hi, hun, I'm back." After a few seconds, she was blushing furiously. "Huuuun. No, I don't think I will. I don't think he's ready for that. First day. You may be wrong. Okay, see ya when you get back." Elizabeth hung up the phone.

"What was that last bit about?"

"Oh, nothing. Help me out of these clothes and into a bath."

Sam helped her out of her dress. Sam was amazed to find that she was wearing a corset that was so stiff and tight that his own must've felt roomy in comparison. "Does Mistress require a corset for everyone?"

"Oh, no. Once figure training is finished, it's optional. But I need the extra support for my tits."

"Should I take it off now?"

"First draw the bath. Then I'll need help out of it."

"Yes, ma'...," Elizabeth gave Sam a stern look as he started to say ma'am, "milady."

Elizabeth smiled. "Go on, now. I like my bath water as hot as you can stand it."

Sam bowed and went into the bathroom. He turned the water up as hot as he could stand and filled the tub. After it was finished, he called to Elizabeth. She walked in, touched her hand to the water and said, "Perfect."

"Shall I help you out of your corset now?"

"First, let's get you out of yours."

Sam balked. "Uh, miss, I..."

She took his hand. "Sam, relax, I'm not going to do anything you don't want. At least not sexually. But I enjoy someone being with me in the water. And if you're going to be there, you don't want to get your dress and corset soaked, a particularly bad idea with the leather in the corset."

"But I..."

"Sam, if I have to, I will order you to remove your clothes. I'd prefer this to be your choice, but I will have you naked with me in the tub."

"I don't know..."

Elizabeth crossed her heart. "I promise, I won't even cop a feel of your tits."

"Okay," Sam said as he turned around so Elizabeth could undo the zipper on his dress. He felt relieved at Elizabeth's promise, but, strangely, also disappointed. Wasn't he pretty enough? Didn't he have a good body? He was shocked, but also a little pleased, when she grabbed his ass as she pulled the dress down over it.

Playfully, Elizabeth said, "Never promised not to cop a feel there." Sam realized she was playing and returned her guileless smile. She helped him out of his corset and stockings, then he helped her out of hers. As Sam helped remove her panties, part of him was pleased to note that her dick (and even confronted by this evidence of her once masculinity, he was unable to think of her as a man) was slightly smaller than his own.

Sam got into the tub first then helped her in. They scrubbed each other and played a bit, but finally Sam noticed his hand drifting towards Elizabeth's tit. He stopped himself and asked, "May I? Touch it I mean?"

Elizabeth gave him a serious look. "Sam, there's a rule here in regards to sex. A rule that applies to newbies like yourself as well as to me. That rule is share and share alike. If you give pleasure, you have a right to expect pleasure. And if you take pleasure from another, they have a right to expect an equal amount of pleasure from you. Now, if you really want, you can stroke my tits, but I get pleasure from feeling up tits just like you do. And if you do stroke me, that is an automatic granting of permission for me to do the same to you. And I assure you, if you grant that permission, I will take advantage of it."

Sam thought about it. Did he really want to give permission to this woman, to any woman, to touch him in that way? Not that he wasn't curious as to how it felt, but he knew that if he let it happen, it would be admitting to... something; he still wasn't sure of what that something was, but something.

While he sat there in a quandary, his body seemed to make the decision for him as his hand drifted closer and closer to Elizabeth. When he noticed it, he finally decided, "What the hell," and consciously reached to the she-male and stroked her massive mammaries.

Elizabeth moaned as her hands reached towards Sam's tits. Sam tensed up just as her hands touched him, but as a wave of pleasure flooded his body, he relaxed and leaned into her hands. Sam closed his eyes and moaned loudly, drowning out Elizabeth with his pleasure. He didn't know how it happened (and surprisingly, didn't care) but when his wits came together, he and Elizabeth were openly kissing, each tonguing the other's mouth. Sam found himself moving closer to Elizabeth, rubbing his body against hers, his tits to hers, even his cock against hers. Suddenly, her body tensed, and convulsed. Sam felt a smooth substance brush his cock in the water as she held him close to her.

They lay in the water in each other's arms until Elizabeth looked into Sam's eyes and said, "I owe you an orgasm."

As her hands reached to his tits, he protested, "That's really not necessary."

Elizabeth stifled him with a kiss and said, "Sam, shut up and let me pleasure you." Sam quieted himself as her hands rubbed and stroked him, roaming his tits, arms, abdomen, and legs. The only part of his body her hands didn't touch was his cock, and Sam was amazed when he tensed up and sprayed into the water. When he was finished and had time (and the concentration) to think, he realized he had cum like a girl, with no direct touching of his genitalia. Part of him was bothered by this, but part of him, a part he shoved down deep in his psyche, wanted more of the same.

Sam barely had time to ponder, before Elizabeth's foot found the chain on the bath plug, and she deftly pulled it from the drain. She stood and helped him from the tub. The quickly toweled each other off, and Elizabeth shyly asked, "Will you be staying the night? You don't have to if you don't want to."

Sam remembered his promise to Elizabeth's wife, and said, "I'd like that," realizing only after he said it that that was what he'd like.

Elizabeth smiled, and, returning to big sister mode, hugged him in a non-sexual way. "Let's go to bed."

Sam smiled, and started to walk out of the room with her, but then saw his dress on the floor and remembered what he had been told about it. "I've got to wash my dress."

"Okay, I'll help."

"No, it's my job. I want to be able to say I took care of it, if I'm asked about it tomorrow."

"Understandable, but have you ever hand-washed a dress before?" Sam shook his head. "Then you'll at least need an instructor and coach. Come on, I've got some mild detergent under the sink."

Sam was grateful for her help as she coached him through the procedure and helped him smooth out the dress as he hung it up. Sam took his corset, and as he started to put it on, she asked what he was doing. "Mistress instructed me to wear it to bed. At least for the first few nights, she said."

Elizabeth helped him into it as she complimented him on his obedience. As she helped him, he asked, "Milady? If I may ask, why did you choose the name Elizabeth?"

"Actually, it was originally intended to be degrading. One of the first things my wife threatened to do to me was lend me out to guys. After I whined that I didn't like guys, she said that since I was now a girl and only liked girls I must be a lesbian. So she named me Lizzie the lezzie. It just seemed right to keep it after I decided to make the change permanent."

After he was "dressed", he helped her into a frilly night gown, and they climbed into bed together, cuddled like long lost friends, and fell asleep.

It was the middle of the night when Sam sat upright in bed. He was panting heavily. Elizabeth murmured and woke. When she noticed Sam shaking, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's just... some nightmares."

Elizabeth pulled him down beside her and said, "Tell big sister all about it."

Sam allowed himself to snuggle with her and said, "That's just it. I don't remember. I woke up a couple times with the cold sweats last night, but every time I try to remember why, I can't."

Elizabeth held him tight and said, "The nightmares. I remember those. After I was transformed, I had nightmares of being raped. Of having someone do to me what I had done to my wife."

Sam shivered and said, "But I've never raped anyone. Alright, I may have been a chauvinist. I admit that, but nothing so bad that I should be having nightmares so bad I can't remember them."

Sam started to cry as Elizabeth held him to her. "It's okay. It's okay, hun. You go ahead and cry into big sister's shoulder." Sam dissolved into a sobbing mass, and Elizabeth held him close throughout it.

When he was finished, she looked him in the eye, and asked, "Feel better?"

Sam wiped a tear out of his eye and said, "Yeah, I do. Look at me. I'm bawling like a-"

"Like a girl?"

Sam gave her a disapproving glare, but when he saw that she was just teasing, he returned the tease by saying, "I don't know about that. I can't ever see you bawling like this, so it can't be that girlie."

Elizabeth gave Sam a quick kiss and said, "That's the sweetest thing you ever said." Sam felt her hand on his dick. "It deserves a reward." Remembering what she had told him earlier, he reached for her dick. She stopped him. "That's not necessary. This is a freebie."

Surprising himself, he continued to reach for her. "I don't mind." She started to protest, but Sam silenced her with a kiss. "Elizabeth, shut up and let me pleasure you." Elizabeth noticed that he was using her own words on her and smiled. They kissed delicately as each stroked the other to hardness.

When they were both hard, Elizabeth said, "Sam, there's something I'd like to do with you. A pleasure I'd like to show you, but it may be a little more intimate than you're ready for."

Sam gulped. "You don't want to... fuck me? Do you?"

"No. Well, yes, but that's not what I was thinking about. Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

Elizabeth moved so that their dicks were touching. The tip of his dick was touching just above her dick and her own was firmly nestled in the crook between her dick and balls. She wrapped her hand around the twin poles. "Now wrap your own hand around them and interlace your fingers with mine."

Sam did as he was told, and together they started to pump their cocks. Sam looked to Elizabeth and kissed her. He was soon overwhelmed with the intimacy and sexuality of the moment, and was madly bucking his hips against hers. His own free hand found her breast and started to knead. Responding to and mirroring his action, she found his tit and kneaded it. Soon they both exploded together in orgasm.

After they calmed down, they cuddled and fell asleep together.

Sam woke up later, due to another nightmare he couldn't remember to find Elizabeth missing. He sat up and looked around. She walked into the room from the bathroom, her hair up in a bun. "Oh, I'm sorry, did my leaving the bed wake you?" Sam just made a kind of assenting sound which Elizabeth took as a yes. "Sorry. But since you're up anyways, can you help me into my corset?"

Sam got out of bed and helped secure her into the corset. "Why don't you crawl back into bed and get another hour of sleep? I have to be up early to get the kitchen ready."

Not wanting to risk more nightmares, but not wanting to bother Elizabeth, he lied, saying, "If I go to bed now, I'll never be able to get up in another hour."

As Elizabeth slipped on her panties, she said, "Well then, I guess you'd better stay up." She pulled a new dress out of the closet. "Can you get me a new pair of stockings out of the dresser? Third drawer." Sam got a new pair of stockings for her and helped her into them, when she sat down. "A looker, sweet, and helpful. You know, Sam, if you're like this when you make your return to manhood, any woman would be pleased to have you for a boyfriend."


As she pulled the dress on over her head, she said, "I mean it, Sam. A girl appreciates a little courtesy, and TLC." Sam just smiled as he zipped her up. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and as she slipped on her shoes, asked, "Sam, I... I rarely ask anyone to do this more than once in a row, but my wife isn't due back till day after tomorrow and I was wondering..."

"If I'd stay another night with you?" Elizabeth nodded shyly. "I'd love to."

Elizabeth smiled. As she walked to the door, Sam could almost see her change. She looked back to him and said, in the stern voice of the head of the kitchen staff, "If you get posted to the kitchen, remember, it's not personal."

"Yes, milady."

After Elizabeth left, Sam quickly got dressed and returned to his room. He waited for a half an hour before Linda walked in. "Oh, hello, Sam. I figured you'd still be in Elizabeth's room."

Perpetuating the lie, he said, "After spending the night with her, I found I couldn't sleep when she woke up."

"That's kind of sweet. Come on. Let's get you into a new corset and your new outfit."

They quickly dressed him in a new outfit (Sam found the maid's uniform more comforting, but definitely less flattering to his new figure), and went down to the kitchen. Elizabeth was all business, acting as though nothing had happened last night. Sam checked the breakfast, and, noticing that the toast seemed a little dark, mentioned it to Elizabeth. She agreed and quickly had it replaced. Sam then took it out and served Mistress Elaine.

The morning went mostly the same as it had the day before, until shortly before Lunch. A strange brunette walked in the kitchen. Sam found that a little strange, but she smiled knowingly and put her finger to her lips in a shushing gesture. Sam was about to say something when he noticed others smiling conspiratorially. He watched in fascination as the woman walked right up behind Elizabeth, then goosed her. Elizabeth jumped straight up and spun around. When she saw who it was, she screamed, "Susie!" and hugged the woman to her. After a few seconds, the embrace ended and Elizabeth said, "What happened? You said you wouldn't be home for a couple days yet."

"The convention ended early, and I just couldn't stay away from you a moment later."

Elizabeth kissed her deeply, then said, "You know I love you?" Susan nodded. "Good. Then get out of my kitchen." As Susan smiled and walked away, Elizabeth playfully swatted her behind.

As Susan walked by Sam, she asked, "This the new girl?"

"Yes, now go!"

Susan looked him up and down. "You were right, she's a looker."

Elizabeth pointed to the door. "GO!"

Just before Susie left the room, she turned back to Elizabeth and said, "Now that I've met her, I'm doubly sure I'm right," and giggled and ducked out of the room as Elizabeth threw a dish towel at her.

Sam asked one of the girls he was working with (a woman with a pair of E cups), "What was that about?"

"Well, apparently, Susan has the ability to tell whether or not a person is going to stay just by talking to them. My guess is she thinks you're going to stay a woman."

Sam continued to stir the pot of soup he was working on. "Not bloody likely."


"What? She's never been wrong? Nobody she's ever thought would stay a woman left here a man?"

"Oh, sure."

"There you go."

"But every last one of them was back within a couple weeks begging Mistress to change them back into a woman."

"Well, not me."

The woman gave him a knowing smile and just tended her vegetables.

Later that day, shortly after Lunch, Elizabeth pulled him aside, and said, "Sam, I know I asked you to spend the night, and if you still want to spend the night, you're welcome to come, but..."

"But your wife is back in town after a brief separation and you'd like to spend it alone with her."

Elizabeth nodded. "Do you mind? Susie's told me that you're welcome any time if you want to spend the night."

"I don't mind. You and your wife have a great night together."

Elizabeth gave him a sisterly peck on the cheek, and ran back to the kitchen. Sam took a brief break to cry in the bathroom.


Sam had spent the entire week working the kitchen in the morning, and going from post to post in the afternoon, learning the entire house from stem to stern. He found he liked most of the work. His one problem was the nightmares, always waking him up two or three times a night, and always slipping away as he awoke.

Finally, one morning, he was about to take Mistress's food to her, when Elizabeth stopped him. He asked why, but she just stared at him, and said, "Stay here. Stay right here!" and walked out to the dining area. Sam froze in place, afraid to move, and wondering what he had done. Soon Elizabeth returned, and said, "Mistress wishes to speak with you." Sam picked up the tray, but she said, "Leave the food."

Sam set the tray down and walked out to the dining room. "You called for me, ma'am?"

"Sit down, Samuel." Sam sat down. "Sam, I've been getting some complaints about you."

Sam gulped. "What complaints, ma'am? I assure you, I shall endeavor to correct my behavior."

"Yes, I'm sure you will. And that's part of the enigma."


"Sam, when the mistakes first started rolling in, I thought you were reverting to type. It's happened before. A man tries extra hard when first transformed in hopes that I'll show some favoritism and change him back, but upon learning that I won't goes right back to being his old chauvinistic self.

"But that didn't happen with you. All the girls say you have been nothing but the most pleasant, most cordial, most... well, feminine person. They also say that if anybody points out the mistakes you make, you will, without prompting, double your workload to make up for it. Now, Elizabeth comes out here and tells me that you almost let runny eggs get by you, and asks me to intercede to find out what's wrong.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to get Elizabeth to notice anything other than the kitchen when she's working? Oh, if she'd've come out here and said that she'd had to punish you for missing it, that I could understand. But she comes out here and asks for intercession. Not if you'd been reverting to your old type.

"So tell me. What's wrong?"

"I... I don't know what to say, ma'am. Only to say that I promise to do better from now on."

Mistress Elaine took Sam's chin in hand and turned his face from side to side. She seemed to consider him for a few seconds, before finally asking, "Are the nightmares over with?" When Sam let a brief look of shock pass his face, she said, "That's it, isn't it?" Sam lowered his head and nodded. "I told you to come to me if they continued for more than a few days. So what's happening in them?"

Almost crying, Sam said, "I don't know, Mistress. I still can't remember them."

"Still? Alright, that's it. Sam, I want you to return to your room and rest there today. You may stop by the library and pick up a few books if you'd like. But you're to take the day off."

"But what of my workload, Mistress?"

"The girls will understand. You've made quite an impression on my staff, and all are very concerned for you. Now, back to your room."

"Yes, ma'am."

Sam stopped by the library and picked up some law books (Mistress had a large library with a large selection of all types of books) and returned to his room. He spent the day reading, and occasionally falling asleep, only to be awakened shortly thereafter by more nightmares.

It was around 7 that evening when he heard a knock on his door. "Come on in."

The door opened and Mistress Elaine walked in. "Good evening, Samuel."


Sam started to rise, but Mistress halted him with a gesture. She sat down beside him and said, "Sam, I've been talking with the girls, and the more I talk, the more I'm convinced that your problem is not a reversion to chauvinism. You have been kind, considerate, and, although not outgoing, neither have you been selfish with your affections."

Sam blushed, "Sex, you mean?"

"Sex is included, but you also have been free with kisses and hugs and the more subtle expressions of affections."

"Well, it only seemed fair. Everybody was always so nice with me."

"That's what I'm talking about. Most men get so focused on their own problems in looking like a woman that they only think of themselves, if they're even willing to try sex as a woman. But you, you're willing to give as much as you get."

"So what is my problem?"

"I think I know, but you're not going to like my analysis."

Sam shuddered and said, "Go ahead, please. Anything must be better than this."

She put her hand kindly on his. "Sam, I've done a poll of the ladies in the house whom you've slept with. You have fondled tits, ass, cocks, and, surprisingly even given and accepted blow jobs. The one thing you haven't done, is fucked or been fucked."

Sam gulped audibly. "So?"

"So I think you like what you have done, and you're afraid to take what you consider that last step because you're afraid of what it might mean to you."

"So what's the solution?"

"A solution I hesitate to use. I don't like the principle involved."


"Sam, you have to take that final step. You have to accept a dick up your ass."

Sam backed up away from her, trying to retreat across the bed. "NO!" he screamed.

She grabbed him by the arm and said, "Samuel! Stop!" He tried to pull away, but she was surprisingly strong. "Samuel, if I must, I will call in some of the girls to restrain you! Now stop!" Sam froze in place. "You have your choice. This can be done face to face or with you on your hands and knees."

Not wanting to face what was going to happen next, Sam said, "I'll be on my hands and knees."

"Turn over."

Sam got on his hands and knees. "Who will be doing this to me?"

"I will."

"You? With a dildo?"

"No. Like my staff, I, too am a result of my biochemical know-how." Sam was utterly surprised. In the entire time he had worked here, he had never even considered Mistress as being a she-male, as being anything less than a full woman. Sam looked over his shoulder, curious. Mistress had her dress lifted and he could see her stroking her member to hardness. As she moved closer to him, he closed his eyes and tensed up. He felt her hands stroking his hips and abdomen. "Relax, Samuel, don't make this any harder on yourself than it has to be."

Sam tried to relax, but the tension was still there as Mistress forced her way into his ass. Sam felt the pain of penetration and tried even harder, but the more he tried, the worse it got. Thankfully, Mistress seemed to understand, and she used her hands to roam his body, stroking legs, abs, breast, even his dick, and, despite himself, Sam found himself relaxing into it, even helping. They moved together, Sam finding himself moaning in pleasure, eventually exploding in orgasm together.

After they were finished and Sam had recovered he collapsed on the bed, sobbing into his pillow. Mistress Elaine understood the feelings the others had towards Sam as she felt a desire to take Sam in her arms and hold him, but she knew that he needed to be alone with his thoughts, and silently left the room.

Sam fell asleep sobbing and dreamed strange, disturbing dreams, dreams that were really long buried memories. For, you see, Samuel Nevada had a secret.

A secret so hidden even he didn't know about it. A secret Sam was about to face...

All comments, suggestions, etc. may be sent to me at


Sam, the 5 year old, only son in a family of four children, the youngest, walked into his mother's room as she was getting dressed. "Mommy, what's that you're putting on?"

"It's a bra, Sammy."

"What's a bra?"

"A bra is a support device for a woman."

"It's a pretty sport deviss." His mother smiled at his mispronunciation. "Can I have one?"

His mother smiled. "No, dear."

"Why not? Everybody else gets to."

"But everybody else is a girl. Your father doesn't wear one. Don't you want to grow up to be big and strong like him?" She swatted playfully at his nose with the make-up brush she had.

"I guess so."

Suddenly, his father burst into the room. "What are you doing? Putting make-up on my son? How dare you!?"

His mother cringed. "We were just playing. It didn't mean anything."

"Didn't mean anything? Didn't mean anything? What are you trying to do? Make my only son into a sissy?"

"Don't be absurd. A little make-up isn't going to make Sammy into a Sissy."

Sam's father slapped his mom. "Don't talk back to me!"

"Don't hit her!" Sam yelled.

Sam's father struck him, knocking him to the ground. "Don't ever take that tone with me!" Sam's dad grabbed him by the back of the neck and dragged him into the bathroom. He took a damp rag and proceeded to roughly wash Sam's face, removing the small bit of make-up. He then left Sam in the bathroom and stormed from the room.

After he was gone, Sam's mother came in and held him while Sam cried. "Mommy, why is daddy so mean?"

"Your father loves us. He's just got... problems."

"Mommy, I don't want to be like daddy when I grow up."

Sam's mother just held him close.


Sam was 12 years old, and just beginning to discover girls. And Sam was discovering that there was nothing about them that he didn't like. Their clothes, their hair, their smell, and, strangely enough, even the things they talked about, make-up, shopping, and, yes, even boys. Sam had no problem with talking about boys, for Sam was, even though he didn't know the word for it yet, bisexual.

The girls, for their part, loved to have a boy around who wasn't either accusing them of having cooties, or following them around like a drooling puppy.

Sam was with a group of the girls, just sitting back, as they discussed some of their problems. "You know, Sam, you're so lucky to be a boy," Tina told him.

"Why's that?"

"You don't have to worry about heels, or make-up, or uncomfortable underwear. You can't imagine how tight these bra straps are on me."

"But they make you look so pretty. I mean, if it weren't for the fact that everyone'd laugh at me, I'd wear heels and make-up, and even a bra all day."

"That's only because you've never done it. I bet you wouldn't last one hour, on your feet, in heels."



"I'll bet you... 10 bucks that I can go an hour walking around in heels, make-up and even a bra without a single complaint."

"Okay, let's do it. But the clock doesn't start until we get finished making you up."

"Fine. But I don't have to stand up till the clock starts."


For a little over half an hour, Sam allowed the girls to go through all the steps of getting him all dolled up. He put on a bra (with water balloons in the cups to simulate the weight of real breasts), sat down as the girls applied make-up, and put on a pair of borrowed shoes. Then he stood up and cheerfully walked around for an hour without any complaints.

After the hour, Tina said, "I'm impressed," and fished a $10 bill out of her purse. Before she handed it over to him, she asked, "Want to go double or nothing?"

"What have you got in mind?"

"I bet you can't stand it to be fully dressed like a girl, that's panties, stockings, garter, a dress, and even a wig I got, then spend another hour on your feet."

"For just an extra $10? Not worth it."

"Okay." She fished some more money out of her purse. "I've got $35 here."

Another girl, Susie, said, "I want in on this. I'll add another $20, but you have to carry a purse full of make-up around for the hour."

Joan said, "I can top that. Another $30 says you can't last an hour on your feet, in full drag, with a purse full of make-up, AAAND... with a tampon shoved up your ass."

"Okay," Sam said, "let me get this straight. If I can go one hour in drag, carrying a purse full of make-up, with a tampon shoved up my ass, without complaining, on my feet, then I get $85, and I'm not risking any of my own money?" The girls nodded. "Deal. You want to get in on this, Janine?"

Janine smiled. Janine, at 15, was the oldest of the group. She even had a learner's permit to drive. She was also the richest of the group. "I've got a stipulation."

"Go for it."

"I say that you can't go one hour on your feet, in full drag, with a purse full of make-up, and a tampon up your ass."

"That's the same bet. What's your condition?" "Simple. You can't do it... at the mall."

The girls ooohed, figuring that this would be too much for Sam. "How much do I get if I do?"

"I'll throw another $40 on."


"Want to try for more?"


"We all know that you like guys as much as girls, so another $50 says that after the hour, you can't get a guy to take you out for a quick bite to eat.

Another $25 on top of that says that if you do get a guy to take you out, you can't get him to kiss you on the lips."

"Why on the lips?"

"Because, once we get through with you, you'll be such a pretty girl, getting a guy to kiss you on the cheek would be no problem."

Sam was secretly thrilled. It was what he had wanted all of his life. "Yes," he blurted out.

The girls smiled and almost tackled Sam. They took over an hour this time getting him ready, but when they were finished, even they were amazed at the results. Sam looked more like a girl than they did. He also looked a little older than he really was. Like he was perhaps 14, or maybe even 15.

They went out to the mall (Janine drove, her father was oblivious and never even looked twice at Sam), and not only did Sam remain standing, he outlasted the girls in terms of shopping endurance. After the hour, Janine said, "Okay, Samantha," the name they had agreed on, "it's time for the next part of your bet. Let's see if you can get a guy to buy you dinner now."

Sam smiled and they went to the food court. Then Sam saw who he wanted. His name was Andros, and he was the cutest sophomore at the local high school. All the girls wanted him, but he only dated around, he wasn't steady with any of them. Sam got within notice and started flirting. At first, Andros only flirted back, but soon his curiosity got him, and he came over and introduced himself. It wasn't long before Sam was eating a burger with Andros's arm around his waist. At the end of the meal, Andros took Samantha's chin in hand, and kissed "her" right on the lips.

After they were finished, Andros looked Sam in the eye and said, "I'd like to take you out to my car and suck you off."

"I don't think I should."

Andros whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, Samuel. I won't tell anyone what I found in your panties."

Sam's eyes widened in shock. "How'd you know?"

"Janine's my cousin. She called me before you left and let me in on your secret."

"So now I've got to go with you or you'll tell everyone?"

"No. I'm not trying to blackmail you. Sam, I'm gay. I flirt with and go out with girls because I'm not ready to come out of the closet yet. But earlier today, Janine called and said she had a solution to my problem, a "girl" who was really a guy who liked other guys, but who looked so much like a girl no one but the two of us would know. I wasn't sure she could do what she said, but I'll admit it. Until she pointed you out to me, I had no idea who or what you really were.

"Sam, if you want me to forget it, as long as you do the same for me, I will. But if you want me to, I'll take you out to my car and give you a blowjob. And if you're willing to bring Samantha out of the closet a little more often, I think I may have found my first steady girlfriend."

Sam looked back to the girls. Janine gave him a sly little wink. He turned back to Andros and nodded. Andros escorted him out to his car, laid him down on the back seat, got between his legs, pulled down his panties, and sucked Sam off.

After he was finished, Sam insisted on returning the favor. Andros said it wasn't necessary, but Sam got him to allow it (truth be told, he didn't have to try very hard).

After they were finished Andros took Sam in his arms and said, "So how about it? Will I be seeing Samantha again?"

Sam kissed Andros. "With a little help from your cousin, I think I can arrange that."

They kissed deeply, tonguing each other's mouths. "I think I'm going to like having a steady girlfriend."


Sam and Andros let the other girls in on their secret, and, with their help, managed to keep the real nature of their relationship secret from everyone else (to cover with his dad, he had even allowed Janine to take his virginity). Samantha got more than her share of jealous stares for having landed the hottest guy in school, but "she" didn't care. Of course, there was lots of speculation as to where Samantha went to school, since no one saw her at any local schools, but a few well placed rumors of home schooling placed by the girls dealt with that.

Sam and Andros even made plans for Andros to take Sam's "female virginity". Plans that were aborted when Sam's mother died. Two months after her death, in the Summer after Andros graduated, Sam was alone with Andros in his own room. Andros was comforting him.

"Oh, Andros, dad's gotten even worse since mom died. I don't know how long I can stand him."

"What about your sisters? Can't they do anything for you?

"They're off at college and beyond. They've got their own lives."

"What can I do for you, Sam? What do you want?"

"I want... I want... to go with you. I wish I could go with you, be Samantha, your wife, and give up ever being Samuel again."

Andros hugged Sam and rubbed his cheek against Sam's head. "And I wish I could do that for you. But we both know it's not going to happen."

"Yes, I know. Even though I've gotten older, Samantha hasn't. The best the girls can do for me is make me look barely 16. Most often only 14 or 15."

"If you really want me to, I will take you away."

"No. You were right, eventually dad would come after me, and someone would talk about a college student living alone with a teenager."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Yes." Sam looked up into Andros's eyes. "Take my "virginity". It'll be something to remember you by after you're gone."

"Are you sure? What about your father?"

"He isn't due home for a few hours. Please?"

Andros kissed him. "Anything for you. Do you want to get dressed?"

"Yes. I feel more comfortable as Samantha." Sam pulled a box out from under his bed. Inside was the makings of Samantha, panties, a bra, a slip, breastforms (a gift from Janine on the anniversary of Samantha's "birth"), stockings, heels, a wig, a dress, and a small collection of make-up. Sam quickly put on everything but the heels and make-up.

He hugged Andros and they danced around the room a bit, before Andros laid him on the bed, got between his legs and slowly slid his cock into Sam's ass. Andros was gentle and easy and they moved together in a rhythm that seemed as natural as breathing. Andros came a couple of times that afternoon, and in a very girl- like fashion, Sam came in a multiple orgasm that surprised both of them. After they were finished, Sam stood at the window as Andros drove off to the airport.

Sam was shocked when he heard a voice from behind. "So my son is a little cock-sucking faggot who likes to dress up as a girl."

Sam spun around. "DAD!"

"Good thing I decided to come home early or I never would've learned what kind of a sick person you were."

"It's not like that. You don't understand."

"You're standing there in a dress and a wig, and you're going to tell me you're not sick?"

"You don't understand. I feel more comfortable like this. I... I... need this!"

In that way kids have of believing in their parents no matter what they've done, Sam had felt if his father knew what was going inside his head, he'd forgive him. But unfortunately, Sam had said the exact wrong thing to his father. His father lurched across the room and grabbed Sam's arm. "So you NEED to be a girl?! Well, let's treat you like the slutty little bitch you are!"

Sam tried to get away, but it was no use, his father was too powerful. His father turned him around, bent him over the back of a chair, yanked down his panties, and raped his son.

For the next two years, whenever Sam was home, he was forced to dress up and be his father's sex toy. Eventually his eldest sister came home for a visit and found out what was going on. She yanked him out of the house and had her father arrested.

She got Sam into therapy, but whenever Sam tried to tell them that although the rape was terrible, he enjoyed dressing up as a woman, and he wanted to be a woman, everybody, including the therapists, tried to convince him that he only enjoyed it as a defense mechanism to protect himself from his father, that he really didn't enjoy it. And eventually, after years of this, he started believing it himself.


Sam was alone in a large ballroom. He caught a look of himself in a mirror.

He still looked like a woman, but somehow that was no longer a problem. He was dressed in a long, flowing wedding dress, but somehow that seemed appropriate. A door opened and a man walked in. The very sight of him took Sam's breath away. He was dressed in a tuxedo and walked straight up to Sam. He extended his hand and asked, "May I have this dance?"

Sam felt himself smile and took the man's hand. They waltzed around the room, finally stopping at a table. The man lifted Sam onto the table, removed his panties, entered him and slowly made love to him. After they were finished, he looked into Sam's eyes and said, "I love you."


Sam awoke, remembering everything. He stretched languidly. He got up and looked in the mirror. His maid's uniform (which he had never removed) was a mess, but even though part of him wanted to correct that, another part of him noticed the change. When he looked at his face, he no longer saw a stranger's face. He saw the face of the person he had always wanted to be. He saw the face of the person who his father had attacked and raped for even existing. He saw the face of the person everyone had tried to convince him didn't exist. He saw Samantha. He, no she, saw herself.

Samantha saw a bottle of the medication to offset the change becoming permanent on the dresser, a sign that Mistress Elaine would be working in the lab all morning. Making a quick decision, Sam took the bottle, went into the bathroom, poured it into the toilet and flushed. The minute she did, she felt an enormous weight lifted from her shoulders. She looked in the bathroom mirror and hugged herself. Samantha was here to stay.

She heard Linda's voice in the other room. "Sam, you okay?"

Samantha removed her uniform and corset (she had been wrong, after her transformation, she had gained enough flexibility to reach the laces on her own). "Be out in a minute, got to take a quick shower."

"Take your time."

"Only if you want to join me."

Linda gave a short laugh. "You sound much better."

Sam started the shower, and got in. After a while, she decided to get playful and said, "Lady Linda, can you come help me?"

Linda came in. "Sure, hun, what do you want?"

Sam grabbed her and pulled her into the shower. "You."

"Wench!" Linda angrily stepped from the shower. "Now look at me. I'm soaked!"

Sam gave Linda a confused look. "Lady Linda, don't you find me attractive?"

Linda stopped short. "What?"

"Don't you find me attractive?"

"Of course I do, you're beautiful, but that's no reason to drench me!"

"Well what am I supposed to think? Of all the girls in this house, you're the only one whose never responded to my advances. And now, here I am practically begging you to be with me, and all you can do is complain about how wet I got you."

Linda sighed. "It's not you. I just... can't be with you right now."

"Why not? Is it something I've done? Something I've got to do?"

"No. Nothing like that."

"What then? If you're in a devoted relationship, just tell me, and I'll back off."

"No. It's not that."

"Milady, please stop beating around the bush with me. I want you. I want to be with you. If it's not going to happen, at least tell me why."

Linda sighed. She reached behind her, undid the zipper on her dress, let it fall, then pulled her petticoats down; and what she revealed to Sam both shocked and amazed. Hanging from her crotch, almost touching the ground, was the largest dick Sam had ever seen! It even made the Bulls look tiny.

Soft, it hung only inches off the ground, and Sam wouldn't have been able to wrap both hands around its girth. She stepped from the shower and reached towards it. "May I... touch it?"

Linda grabbed her hand. "No, dearie, you can't."


"It's not you. Look at the size of it. Even though Mistress's biochemical compounds help to offset the problems in having a dick this big, if I'm not rested and prepared for it, an erection could knock me out. And an ejaculation can dehydrate me as well as making me useless for the next day or two."

"But why is it so large?"

"My punishment for my behavior when I was a man. I had a 12" dick that I was so proud of that I was willing to stick it into anyone or anything. Male, female, didn't matter. Once, on a bet, I even pleasured a horse. Problem is, when you're that indiscriminate about what you do with your dick, your dick tends to become a breeding ground for a lot of nasty little bugs. I must've spread STD's around to dozens, maybe even hundreds, of people.

"Finally, one day I met this beautiful lady who told me that without surgery or pain, she could give me a dick larger than the largest of the porn stars'."


"Yeah. I agreed of course. So she pumped me full of the drug, I passed out, and when I woke up, I had an 18" dick, but I also had these," she lifted her tits.

"So you became a she-male like the rest of us." "With one major exception over most of Mistress's staff. Being openly... omni-sexual, I didn't give a damn what I looked like. In fact, I made a better looking girl than I did a man. So I got dressed up in some sweats that fit me, and went out on the town. I found a girl in a lez bar, took her home and fucked her in the dark, telling her that it was an ultra-realistic dildo.

"But Mistress included a special extra that I was unaware of. For every load of cum that I pumped out, I had to take a load up my ass, the one thing I had never done. If I didn't, then my dick would get even larger." Linda snorted. "It was less than one day before I was so large that I wouldn't fit into anything human. And although I was willing to fuck anything that moved, animals weren't my preferred partners. So I went back to Mistress and begged her to undo what she had done.

"She just laughed at me. She told me that if I wanted to be normal again, I had to go to work for her. I accepted, and started on house cleaning. Well, being surrounded by all these beautiful women, it wasn't long before I was walking around with a constant erection that I thought I couldn't do anything about.

"That was when I first met the cows. Here it was something that was, or at least used to be, human. All I had to do was learn to accept someone else up my ass while I went at them. It only took me an hour to make the decision. Elizabeth was my first. She fucked me while I fucked a cow. Problem was, I was still more "active" than she. I dumped four loads in the cow before Elizabeth poured her first load into me.

"I obviously needed help. That was when Susie took over."

"Lady Elizabeth's wife?"

"Yeah. It seems that where I hated getting fucked up the ass, Elizabeth loved it. And her wife, wanting to be the first person in Elizabeth's sex life, had become a true master at pleasuring a she-male with a strap-on. She took me in hand and did things to me that still excite me, but the important part is, she controlled me, and let me cum only after she had cum through a half-dozen orgasms.

"Well, I was hooked. Hooked on sodomy, hooked on pleasuring others, hooked on my tits, hooked on everything about my new life. So I decided to stay. I chose the name Linda, and the rest, as they say, is history."

"But I've never seen you with an erection, and you're still confronted by beautiful women every day. Don't they excite you anymore?"

"Oh, sure. But after I joined Mistress's staff full time, she sent me to this Tibetan monastery where they taught me the mental techniques to control my body. They taught me some pretty amazing things."

"Like what?"

Linda smiled and reached her hand out to touch Sam's breast. When she made contact, Sam felt an electric charge rush through her body. Every cell in her body seemed alive and very suddenly sexually excited. Sam moaned and orgasmed. Then, just as suddenly as it started, it was over. Sam looked down and watched as Linda withdrew her hand. Part of Sam wanted to grab that hand and put it back to her breast, but she restrained herself.

Panting heavily, she said, "Gawd, you make me want you even more."


"You can arrange it that quickly?"

"Sure, I've just got to remember to take it easy today."

Sam grabbed Linda and kissed her. "Thank you!"

"Enough." Linda grabbed her dress and pulled it up. "I've got to go get a new outfit. A dry one. Get finished up and get dressed."

After Linda left, Sam got dried, and into a new outfit, and down to breakfast and to work in the kitchen. Everyone commented on how much happier she seemed, and that was when Sam informed them of his decision to go by the name Samantha. Everybody congratulated her on her decision and complimented her on her choice of names. Sam worked twice as hard that day to make up for the extra work the others had to do over the last week. Others told her not to worry about it, but she cheerfully did more than what she had to.

She was even whistling when she returned to her room. When she walked in, Linda, Elizabeth, and Susan were all waiting for her. Linda and Susan were naked. Elizabeth was in just her corset and stockings. Linda said, "I hope you don't mind, I invited some friends."

Samantha reached behind her and started to undo her uniform. "Not at all, the more the merrier." Linda and Elizabeth came over and stripped Sam down to her corset and stockings. Susan put on her strap-on. When she came over, Sam took the strap-on and stroked it like a real dick. "Is that for me?" she coyly asked.

"Sam, I've wanted to stick this in you since I first saw you in the kitchen."

"And you'll get your chance, but first..." Sam reached down and slowly stroked Linda to hardness. Then she told Linda, "I want this to be your night."

"Sounds great, but don't deny yourself on my account."

"I've got an idea so that all of you can get pleasure from me at the same time."

"Do tell."

"Okay. You stand there. Lady Elizabeth, you straddle her cock, pressing your bum against her hips. Press your legs tightly together around her cock to give her some friction."

Elizabeth did as she was instructed, and Susan asked, "What do I get to do?"

"Oh, I think you'll figure that out." Sam then bent over at the waist so that she was leaning over Linda's massive organ, each of her tits falling to one side of the head of Linda's dick. She pressed her tits against the purple bulb and said, "Now, Lady Linda, after I take Lady Elizabeth's dick into my mouth, I want you to hump between her legs and my tits, and Lady Susan..." Sam wiggled her ass seductively.

Susan stepped up and placed the head of the dildo to Sam's ass. "Already figured it out, but the visual clue is very nice."

Sam leaned forward and took Elizabeth's dick into her mouth. Almost on cue, Linda started to hump against Elizabeth, pressing the kitchen's chief cook into Sam's mouth. At the same time, Susan pushed into Sam's ass, and Sam quickly understood what Linda meant when she called Susan a master of the strap-on. Even before Susan used her hands, the way she wiggled the dildo inside Sam touched spots that Sam didn't even know were there. And the way she used her hands was pure magic. Sam felt herself quickly building to orgasm, but then it stopped. Building, that is. Susan held her at a point just before her orgasm as the others got pleasure from her. Sam felt used, like she was nothing more than a living toy, but this excited her all the more. This, unlike her use as a sexual toy by her father, was being done so that she could have a chance to give as much as she got. Sam knew that Susan was doing her a favor. Had she come before the others (which would've been inevitable without intercession) she'd've felt guilty. But even knowing didn't keep her from whimpering with unfulfilled desire.

Elizabeth was the first to cum, and Sam swallowed it all. Linda shuddered as though she came, but nothing came out of her dick. Sam assumed it was something she knew how to control. Susan came next, and as soon as she did, she touched some spots on Sam and sent her into heaven.

The next thing Sam knew, she was lying on the floor lightly being slapped by Linda. "Sam? Are you okay?"

Sam looked up into Linda with dreamy eyes and said, "That was... incredible!"

Linda smirked. "She's fine."

Susan said, "I want to try her position next. But I want Lizzie inside my cunt."

Samantha took Linda's hand. "I guess that gives me the position straddling your cock."

Linda kissed her. "Let's do it."

They quickly exchanged positions, and went through the same procedure a second time. This time, Sam got to cum first, followed by Linda, Susan, and finally Elizabeth (even being the recipient of all that pleasure, Susan retained enough control to dictate her wife's pleasure).

Then Elizabeth took the center with Sam still on Linda and Susan dildoing her ass. Elizabeth, once again, was the last to cum. The only difference was that this time Linda allowed herself to spray all over Elizabeth's tits and legs. Linda then collapsed to the floor.

"Lady Linda!" Sam screamed, as she went to the floor beside her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Cumming always does this to me. I'm going to need some help back to my room."

"Why? Just stay here. I'll take care of you tonight."

"No, I don't want to impose. Elizabeth and Susie can help me to my room."

Sam stood up and stamped her foot. "No! Damn it! You stay here tonight, and let me take care of you or so help me, I'll... I'll..."

Linda had an amused look on her face. "You'll what?"

"I'll... I'll take off my corset and walk the halls until someone comes out and punishes me for leaving my room without clothes on."

Linda smiled. "You know, Samantha, you throw the funniest tantrums."

Sam stamped her foot again. "I'm serious!"

"I believe you. So help me into your bed already."

Sam bent down and helped Linda up into her bed. She turned around and Susan was licking Linda's cum from Elizabeth. "Well those two seem thoroughly preoccupied. Now what can I do for you?"

"Go back to my room. There'll be a pitcher of specially prepared Orange Juice there. I need it."

"Okay, better get my uniform back on."

"Actually, there's a new outfit for you in the closet."

"A new outfit...?" Sam went to the closet. "Why put it in there now?" Then she saw it. "A baby doll nightie, in blue, my favorite color! And a blue, silk robe! And slippers!" Sam had no fear of changing into the new outfit; Mistress had told her that as long as it was in the closet, she had earned the right to wear it. Mistress had also said that Sam was entitled to sleep without the corset once she found a nightie in the closet.

"Do you like them? I picked them out myself."

"Oh, I love them! Thank you, thank you, thank you." Sam hung the nightie back up. "I'll put that on when I get back." She threw on the robe and slid her feet into the slippers. She kissed Linda, ran to Linda's room, got the orange juice, and returned, passing Elizabeth and Susan on the way back.

Linda took the pitcher, and in a quite unladylike fashion, downed half of it without a glass. "Much better. Now, wench, what are you waiting for? Into your nightie and join me."

Sam cheerfully said, "Yes, milady!" and changed out of the corset and into the nightie. Then she got into bed with Linda, cuddled up and fell asleep.


Sam was in the ballroom in her wedding dress once more. The same strange man came in and asked her to dance. She accepted and they danced a bit, just as they had in the last dream. But this time a hand tapped the man on the shoulder. "May I cut in?"

The strange man stepped aside and Samantha saw who the newcomer was. "Andros!"

Andros stepped in and danced with Sam. Eventually, Sam looked up at him, and said, "I missed you, Andros."

"I've been watching over you for a while, my love. But you had to accept who you were before I could touch your heart again. I did what I could for you, but I'm so limited now."

"Will you be coming for me? In the real world, I mean."

"I can't, my love. You are destined for another." Andros nodded at the stranger.

"Him? I don't even know who he is."

"But you will. He'll need some help, but eventually, you will be husband and wife, and your love will be the kind for the history books."

"But, Andros,... I want you."

"And I wish I could be with you. But know, as long as you still need me, I will be with you," Andros placed his hand on her chest over her heart, "here."

"Andros, I don't understand. Why can't you come for me? Be with me?"

Andros just smiled, and stepped back. When Sam realized Andros was going to step away from her, she screamed, "Andros!" and lurched forward, only to find herself sitting up in bed beside Linda.

"Are you okay, Samantha? Another nightmare?"

"Not exactly."

Linda rubbed Sam's back. "Sam?"


"Who is Andros?"

"My first lover." "Doesn't sound like a girl's name."

"It isn't. I used to be bisexual. Thanks to an abusive father and some well meaning, but very bad therapists, I... forgot."

"So what happened to him?"

"I don't know. I lost track of him about 10 years ago."

"Want me to try to find out?"

Sam turned back to her. "Could you?"

"Sure. I'll need to get Mistress's permission, but I don't see why she'd say no. What's his last name?"

"Stevens. Andros Stevens."

"Okay, I'll see what I can find out."

Sam hugged her. With tears in her eyes, she said, "Thank you. You're too good to me."

"Nonsense. Now come back to bed."

Sam cuddled up and went back to sleep.


Sam was working in the kitchen when Linda came up to her. "Sam, I've found out about your friend, Andros."

Sam picked up a tub full of dishes and said excitedly, "What? Where is he?"

Linda swallowed. "About 7 years ago, your friend had sex with the wrong person. He... contracted HIV."

"HIV? That's the..."

"Virus that causes AIDS."

Sam swallowed. "That doesn't matter to me. Where is he? How is he?"

"I'm sorry, Sam. He... proved unresponsive to the medication. He... died 4 years ago."

Sam stared at Linda, before suddenly dropping what she was carrying and collapsing where she was. She had a brief impression of people screaming and moving around her, but none of that seemed to matter. She barely felt herself being carried somewhere, and before she knew it, she was tucked in bed with someone beside her. But despite all the caring despite all the consoling, Sam still cried herself to sleep.


Sam was in her wedding dress, but this time she was just standing in the middle of the room, sobbing her eyes out and nothing the strange man could do or say was getting through to her.

"Why the tears, my love?"

Sam looked up and saw Andros. "Oh, Andros, you're dead. Now I can never hold you in my arms again."

"So? I told you, Sam. As long as you need me," he pressed his hand to her bosom, "I'll be here for you."

"But... I'm not sure that's enough. I want you in my arms again. And if I can't..."

"You'll take from your new friends, Linda, Elizabeth, even Susan and Elaine, the new light of their life. Samuel might have been capable of that, but not my Samantha."


"They love you, Sam. And for what they've done for you, you love them too."

Sam was speechless, and could only stand there with tears in her eyes. "Buck up, my love. Another will come for you, one who you will love so deeply that I will be but a faint glimmer in your life."

"Never! No one will ever take your place in my heart."

"No. But his place in your heart will be more than my own." Sam just shook her head. "I know you find it hard to believe now, but when you doubt, just look to your new friends and know you are loved." Andros kissed Sam, and Sam woke up with the feel of his lips on hers.

She had been wrong. She had not been taken back to her room. She was in Elizabeth and Susan's room, and the couple were sleeping with their arms around her. Sam snuggled in. They weren't Andros, but they would do for now.


Sam woke up to find, for the first time since the night she realized who she was, no bottle of medication awaiting her. Sam smiled. This meant that she would see Mistress for the first time since that night where Mistress had fucked her.

"Finally," she said as she changed into her maid's uniform. She had recovered from the loss of Andros quite well with the support of her new friends. She was finally able to shed the corset when she got her waist down to a trim 24", giving her measurements of 36C-24-34. The dreams of the strange man had persisted (all the same as the first dream without Andros), first coming daily, but eventually tapering off to once a week.

She had wanted to tell Mistress Elaine about her decision to remain Samantha forever, but had not seen her in a month and a half. She now had a drawer full of bottles of the delaying medication (dumping the first had been symbolic, she hadn't wanted to just waste the rest). She quickly got into her uniform and ran down to the kitchen. She checked the tray for imperfections and found none. She grabbed a napkin, slung it over her arm and took the tray of food out to Mistress.

Mistress was sitting at her usual place, but instead of reading a newspaper as she usually was, she was sitting quietly, rubbing her brow. As she set the food in front of Mistress, she said, "Mistress, you seem bothered by something. May I help?"

"Thank you for the offer, Samantha, but it is a problem in the lab. Something I must remedy myself."

"As you wish, ma'am. Mistress, there is something else I wished to inform you of."


"You've probably already heard, but I wanted you to hear it from me directly. I've decided to remain as Samantha and not return to my male self."

"Yes, I had heard. Simply stop taking the formula and within 24 hours, the changes will be permanent."

"Thank you, Mistress, but I already have."

Mistress Elaine looked surprised. "Already have... what?"

"Stopped taking the formula. I stopped taking it the day after you and I had sex that night."

"But you... you haven't changed." Mistress's voice had taken on an almost hysterical edge that was beginning to scare Samantha.

"Wasn't that the point?"

Mistress suddenly leaped up, grabbed Sam's arms and lifted her from the ground. "This is impossible! I used the simplest formula on you! The oldest formula I had!" Mistress shook her violently. "Why didn't you change?!"

Sam whimpered, "Mistress, please. You're hurting me."

Mistress stopped. "This isn't possible." Mistress threw Sam to the ground, yelled, "This shouldn't have happened!" and ran from the room.

Elizabeth and a couple other girls ran into the room. "What's going on? What's wrong with Mistress?"

Sam remained on the ground, rubbing her arms where Mistress had grabbed her.

"I don't know. She just freaked after I told her I intended to remain a woman."

"Well, she knew about that. Why would she react like that?"

"I don't know. She really lost it after I told her I stopped taking the delaying medication."

"So you didn't take your medication this morning. No biggie."

"Well, this morning or any morning for the last month and a half."

All the girls were incredulous. "What?!"

Samantha stood up, still rubbing her arms. "Yeah, ever since that night where Mistress fucked me. What's the big deal? Mistress said that if I ever stopped taking the medication my change would become permanent, so I stopped taking the medication to make my change permanent."

"Yeah, but not without some side effects. Sam, haven't you ever noticed that all the girls here have either abnormally large tits, or an abnormally large dick?"

"Yeah, but I just figured like you and Linda, that it was part of their punishment for whatever had earned their change to womanhood in the first place."

"Sam, even in our cases, our growth wasn't entirely due to our punishments."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sam, Mistress was originally a transsexual. A man who, inside, was really a woman. She went through all the normal procedures, the psychiatric reviews, hormone therapies, everything but the final surgery, which she wasn't interested in, but she was less than impressed with the results. So she turned her biochemical knowledge to the problem, and developed the transformative compounds which were the basis of all her further work.

"But it turned out that there was a problem. After drinking the compound, it saturates the breasts, where the greatest change occurs, or in the penis, where testosterone is produced. If the body stops getting new doses of the substance, without getting a countering agent, then it either rejects the serum and the person reverts to manhood, or it starts producing the serum on its own at the point of highest concentration. Unfortunately, it had a side effect of causing those tissues to swell and grow after producing the serum on their own."

"But Mistress doesn't look any different than I do. Her breasts and dick are both large, but not abnormally so."

"Mistress takes daily doses of her own medication, every morning. She doesn't want to revert to manhood, which is what she says will happen due to her biochemical make-up. She's been trying to fix the problem, but so far, she hasn't succeeded."

"Well, maybe she succeeded with me. With whatever changes she made to my formula."

"That's just it. She didn't make any changes to your formula. The last changes she made turned out to be totally wrong, so you got the original formula."

Sam looked down at her body. "I swear. I haven't taken any of the formula since that day after Mistress fucked me."

"But why didn't you change?"

Suddenly a girl ran into the room. "Quick, Mistress has gone berserk in her lab! We need help!"

Everybody ran to the lab. The door was locked, and they heard the sound of crashing glass inside. Working together they broke down the door. Inside, Mistress was sweeping bottles, tubes, and all other sorts of lab paraphernalia onto the floor. She was screaming through tears, "It shouldn't have worked. Why her?! Why her?! It shouldn't have worked!"

Elizabeth, the only girl with the size necessary to do it, tackled Mistress and tried to hold her down, but Mistress fought with the strength of desperation, and it took Sam and four other girls to finally restrain her. Once she realized there was no use fighting, Mistress stopped. Through teary eyes, she looked up at Sam and said, "Why you? Why didn't you change?"

Sam said, "If I knew I would tell you."

Mistress neither fought nor helped as the girls carried her up to her room and tied her to her bed. Sam went back to her room and tried to think about what was different about her. She thought and thought, and finally she thought she had it. But proving it would take some questions and some conniving.

She went to Linda first and found her in the lab, collecting the last of Mistress's medication. "Lady Linda, did Mistress ever tell you what would happen if she didn't get her daily dosage of medication?"

"She said that if it follows the same pattern as it did with others, within four hours, her body would reject the medication and she would become a man again. Then if she didn't get another dose within 24 hours, she'd be a man forever."

"So how much medication does she have left?"

"2 days worth. Which is lucky, because that's how long it'll take her assistant to distill more."

Sam left and went back to work. The morning of the day after next, she went and took the watch on Mistress who was still tied to the bed. At 7 AM, Linda came in with the last bottle of medication and left it on the dresser with instructions for Sam to give it to her at 7:30.

At 7:30, Sam got up, locked the door, and returned to Mistress's side, without the medication. At about 8:30, Mistress, realizing she hadn't received her daily dosage, came out of her fog, and said, "Samantha, is that you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Do you have my medication?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Bring it over to me."

"No, Mistress."


"This has to be done, Mistress."

"Damn you! I order you to bring me my medication!"

Sam got up, got the bottle, and walked into the bathroom. Mistress heard a flush and Sam returned with the empty medication bottle.

"You... BITCH! You got what you wanted, now you're punishing me for hurting you! You hate me!"

Sam lay on the bed and threw her arms around Mistress's neck. "Oh, no! I love you! I want to give you the greatest gift I can."

"Please, Samantha, don't do this to me! I don't want to be a man again."

"I'm sorry, Mistress, to put you through this."

For the next three hours, Mistress cried, ranted, and begged, but all Sam did was hold Mistress's head to her bosom. At the end of that time, Mistress, with her eyes tightly closed, felt her body shudder and then remained silent. That is, until she gasped, opened her eyes, and saw Samantha rubbing her tits.

She was confused. She should've reverted to her old male form by now. She tried to think, but thanks to Samantha's hands, she was getting far too excited. Samantha deftly undid the bonds that held her and as soon as she was free, Mistress let her own hands find Samantha's breasts. They worked together to excite and undress each other. When they were naked, Samantha stroked Mistress's dick, and prepared to straddle her to get her into a position to enter Samantha's ass, but Mistress grabbed Samantha's dick and said, "No. I want you inside me."

Samantha was flabbergasted. In all the time she had been in Mistress's home, the one thing she had never done, nor heard of being done by anyone else, was fucking Mistress in the ass. But she wasn't loathe to the idea, and got between Mistress's legs, and placed her dick against Mistress's ass.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes. Do it."

Samantha pressed into Mistress, slowly stroking, plunging in and out of her, all the while rubbing her body, stroking her in ways that had been done upon her own body. Soon Mistress was spraying onto Samantha's belly, and clenching her own ass in orgasm, pushing Samantha over the edge and into orgasm, spraying deep into Mistress. They fucked many times that day until they fell asleep together in sexually fulfilled bliss.

When Samantha woke up, she saw Mistress, still very much the woman, standing in front of the mirror, acting as though she didn't understand what she saw there. Her fingers reached out and stroked the mirror, as though she could touch and dispel some illusion that was there.

She saw that Samantha had waken up and turned to her. "I don't understand. How?"


"Desire?" Mistress turned back to the mirror, thought about it and said, "Of course. If a person desired to become a woman, the brain's chemical balance would change. The brain would produce chemicals that the transformation agent would bond with which would prevent the super-saturation that leads to abnormal tissue growth. But the only way this would've worked on you," she turned back to Sam, "is if you really wanted to be a girl, even before I gave you the drug."

Sam nodded then explained the dream-inspired revelations about her life. "Oh, you poor, poor girl. What I did to you must've been terrible."

"Oh, no. Don't you understand? You freed me. You helped me face the darkness of my past and shed light on my life."

Mistress walked over and sat beside Samantha. "And you freed me. Freed me from the chemicals that were my daily chain." Mistress kissed Sam. "But you took an awful chance. If you were wrong and I had reverted I would've made sure you were punished thoroughly."

"Even then, it would've snapped you out of your funk. Besides, I didn't destroy the medication. I poured it into a glass in the bathroom, flushed the toilet, and carried the empty bottle out here. And even if I had flushed it, there was still the forty-some odd bottles of the stuff that I didn't use sitting in my dresser."

Mistress laughed, and wrapped her arm around Samantha and hugged her close. "You're a sneaky one, little girl.

"Why thank you, Mistress."

"Enough of that. Call me Elaine. You've earned the right."

Sam tried it out. "Elaine... Doesn't sound right. If you don't mind, I'm going to stick with Mistress."

"Well, if you want to. You have done me a great favor, Samantha, and I always repay my debts. Ask me for something, anything you'd like, and if it is within my power to grant, I shall do so."

"I'm not sure you can grant what I want."

"What's that?"

"I want to go back to school and finish my degree."

"Is that it? Done. That's too easy. Ask for something else."

"But the girls said that those of us transformed had no real legal identity."

"A simple matter to get you a fake ID."

"Why not do the same for the other girls?"

"I do and have. Each girl now has their own female identity now. It's just that they feel they can't leave because those with extra large dicks are afraid of being discovered, and those with extra large tits, unless they choose a profession in the porn industry, are rarely taken seriously, by men or women. Now, thanks to you, I can develop a medication to reverse the abnormal growth experienced when they decided to become women permanently. They'll look normal and be able to leave my employ if they wish."

"I don't think there'll be that many who wish to leave you."

"Hummph. Most of these girls stay only because they feel they can't make it out there. Once they've got normal looking bodies, they'll be out of here like a shot."

"Care to bet on it? I'll bet the wish you've given that less than 25 percent of the women in your employ will leave you after you've made your offer."

"Done. But you're throwing away your wish."

"How many do you think are going to leave?"

"At least half. In fact, let's extend the bet. If more than 50 percent of my staff leave me, not only do you lose the wish you've got, but you promise to work for me for the rest of your life. And don't worry, I mean as a lawyer, but you'll have to switch your specialty from criminal to contract law."

"Alright, but if there's fewer than 10 percent who leave you, you owe me 3 wishes, AND you pay for the rest of my college education, in whatever specialty I choose."


Mistress smiled, and they got dressed and went out. Everybody was ecstatic over Mistress's return, and when they found out it was Sam who did it, it took Mistress's intervention for her to deal with the press of bodies about her. After the throng cleared out, Mistress informed Linda that Sam had earned the right to address anyone there without honorifics, including Mistress herself. As Mistress walked away Linda said, "You get to call her Elaine...?"

"Doesn't sound right, does it?"

Linda shook her head. "No."

"I intend to keep calling her Mistress. It just seems right."

"Yeah... You're right." Linda put her arm around Sam. "Come on, sister. Tell me all about what happened between you."

A couple days later, Mistress announced her new discovery that would allow them to become normal looking women. And after getting all the orders, only 34% took her up on the offer to even use the drug (mostly the extreme cases of growth, like Linda) and only 7% announced their intention to leave the house staff, and half of those asked Mistress if they could be put to work in her corporate sector businesses and stay living in the house.

After Mistress computed the totals, she hugged Sam and,through teary eyes, said, "I guess I owe you three wishes, now."

Linda was one of the first to get the "normalizer", and Sam was the first to experience Linda's new 14" cock. Later that night, when Sam, Linda, Elizabeth (who had chosen to forgo the "normalizer"), and Susan were all asleep in the couple's bed, Linda took Sam's face in hand and said, "I'm glad you came to us."


Samantha had graduated Law school at the top of her class, and, as a graduation gift, Mistress had gotten her a job at a prestigious law firm. Samantha had still not used any of her three wishes, and, so far, didn't see any need to.

She was just finishing up the write-up on the closing argument she would be using in a case she was working on, when her secretary said, "Miss Nevada, there's an Elaine on line one. She won't give her last name."

"It's okay, April. I'll take it. And for heavens sake, call me Sam or at least Samantha, if you must be formal."

"Yes, Miss Samantha."

Samantha gave a short laugh as she picked up the phone. "It's a start. Mistress, how are you?"

"In a little bit of a pickle, Samantha. How'd you like an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas?"

"Who do I have to kill?"

Mistress laughed. "Nothing so radical. Susan is going up to a medical convention to check on some new equipment and products for me. Usually I send along a lawyer to make sure that any contracts she needs to sign are on the up and up, but right now, all my regulars are busy on other things for me. I know your specialty is criminal law, but could you go along for me?"

"When is it?"

"Next Wednesday."

"You lucked out. As it turns out, I've got a couple weeks vacation time starting next Tuesday. Fax the flight info to me here at the office and I'll meet Susan at the airport."

"Will do. Thanks, Samantha. You're a life saver."

"Just returning the favor you did for me."

Over the next few days, Samantha wrapped up her cases in preparation for her trip, then met Susan at the airport. On the plane, a chartered flight, Susan mentioned, "I'm glad you're coming along, Samantha."

"Why's that?"

"Elizabeth and I have a rule. No sex with anyone you can't share. We've made a few mistakes, picked someone we thought would be willing to have sex with both of us, but turned out to be not interested, but for the most part, we're pretty good about judging people." She took Sam's hand. "With you I know you've got nothing against being with both of us."

"No problem with that." Sam leaned over and kissed Susan on the lips. "Susan, how did you meet Mistress? How did you find out about what she was capable of?"

"Actually, I was lovers with Elaine back when she was a guy. Although I didn't know it until long after I met Elaine. When I was fresh out of college, I was a medical administrative assistant at a prestigious medical lab. I was posted to a new up and coming young scientist. I'm not giving you his name so don't ask. This scientist was brilliant, and doing new things with Biochemistry that had never been conceived of. We hit it off immediately and became lovers. We knew even then that it wasn't anything but sex between us, but we were both okay with that.

"Now there was always something secretive about this scientist, not unusual in the world of scientific advancements, but even more so in his case. Well, one Sunday he calls me up and says, 'Susan, whatever happens, don't be surprised at what happens tomorrow.'

"I asked what he meant by that, but he wouldn't explain. Imagine my surprise when he came in the next day in a dress. There was a bit of a hullabaloo over it by the executives, but Elaine, as he was calling himself now, pointed out that he was on contract, and his contract couldn't be terminated for a medical condition that didn't interfere with the commission of his duties. Since "her" status as a Transsexual was a medical condition, being treated by a psychiatrist, "she" couldn't be fired for it.

"Problem was, "Elaine", as a man, was one of the most masculine people you could imagine, broad shoulders, tight abs, thick, muscular arms and legs, and even after the year of required living as a woman, and three years of hormone treatments, and some hefty plastic surgery, there was still something about her that was very masculine. The problem was, she knew it, and she didn't like it. So she turned her knowledge of biochemistry to the problem.

"Eventually, she went to the board and proposed research into a new invention of hers she called APS, Aggressive Protein Strands. If they worked she would be able to program the strands to migrate to specific points in the human body and cause the tissue to either grow or contract at an accelerated rate, causing radical changes to the body in very short periods of time.

"But, as you may have realized, sometimes, prestigious translates to mean stodgy and conservative, and the board was still ticked that she hadn't discussed her "condition" with them ahead of time. That combined with the fact that the APS system she proposed was so radical caused them to reject her, pretty much out of hand.

"Now, during this time we had remained lovers, and to be honest, I had developed a taste for she-males. But when the board turned her down, she suddenly became even more secretive. I could tell she was really upset, but she wouldn't let me help her. Then, one day, she just disappeared. I was curious and tried to find her, but received no luck, and got nowhere.

"Well, over the next ten years, I met my husband to be, got married, and got a great new offer for a job at a new lab. It was there that I met Elaine as you know her. And it's a testament to the effectiveness of APS that I had no idea who she used to be. After about a year of working at the new lab went by, the... incident between me and my husband occurred."

"Elizabeth told me about it."

"Yes, well, I went into work all distraught and eventually got pulled into the office by Elaine. She wanted to know what had happened. In order to get me to talk, she revealed who she once was. It was then that we planned the changes that would bring Elizabeth into existence."

"Elizabeth told me all about what happened next."

"Yes, well, can you keep a secret?"

"I'm a lawyer. Of course I can keep a secret." Then joking, she said, "You want to make this official, hand me a dollar, and you become my client, and anything you tell me gets attorney-client confidentiality." Susan got her purse and fished out a dollar and handed it to Sam. "Woah. Serious."

"Yeah. Lizzie told you that after she transformed, I went shopping for "her", then came home and was upset that she had drunk her way up to a D cup?"


"Well, it wasn't for the reasons she thought. I could've easily gone out and exchanged what I had for the larger sizes she now needed. I was upset because she had ruined my plans for the evening."

"Which were?"

"I was so pissed at my husband for what he had done to me that day. I knew about what changes Mistress had made to the formula, and I intended to get my husband dressed up, take him out and fill him with drinks until his breasts burst from his chest in front of everybody. And he had beaten me to it.

"Now Lizzie considers herself kind of an evolved state of what she used to be. She thinks of herself as my husband, but different. Me? I consider them two totally separate people. It's the only way I've got to reconcile my feelings. You see, from the very first time we made love, I noticed differences in Lizzie from my husband. She was kinder, gentler than he ever was, and from that first night, I loved Lizzie, but still hated him. And when I found out she was an alcoholic, I hated him all the more for the problems he had saddled her with. And when she went behind my back and asked Mistress to change the formula so she could break her addiction, I loved her all the more, for I knew my husband never would've consented to such a thing, much less thought of it on his own.

"But as time went on and the deadline grew closer, I became truly frightened that she'd allow HIM back into my life. I knew Mistress wouldn't force her to remain Lizzie for the rest of her life, so I conspired to make it so. That night at the restaurant I had a bottle of knockout drops. I intended to tell Lizzie how I felt, that I didn't want her to ever be a man again. Then, she'd be so upset with me that she'd look away long enough for me to spike her drink. Then I'd keep her unconscious till the effect of the transformation became permanent.

"When she told me that she wanted the same thing, I almost dropped the bottle. I realized then that my husband was dead and I was happy to be Lizzie's wife and lover. And we've been happy ever since."

"That's some story. I can see why you want to keep it quiet."

Susan nodded. "Well, I'm going to get some sleep before we land in Vegas. Thanks for letting me talk."

"No prob." As Susan fell asleep, Sam started to work on some legal briefs. She had never been able to sleep on a plane, which made it all the more amazing when she fell asleep.


Samantha was in the same ballroom with the same white wedding dress. She was a little mystified. She hadn't had this dream since she had joined the law firm and moved out of Mistress's home and into a place of her own. She turned to the door and waited for the strange man to enter. She waited and waited, but he didn't come.

"He's not coming." Sam turned to see Andros waiting there. He pointed at the door. "This time you have to go to him."

"Andros?" She almost ran to him, but he shook his head, and faded out. She turned back, went to the door and opened it...


The flight attendant shook Sam awake. "Excuse me, ma'am. We'll be landing in about 30 minutes."

Sam sighed. "If only it could've been 35."


"Nothing. Just a dream."

The attendant woke Susan and prepared for touch down. When they landed, they went and checked in at the hotel. They were in adjoining rooms with a connecting door. Once Sam was finished unpacking, she heard a knock on the adjoining door. She went and opened it to let Susan in. So what's our agenda?"

"We've got a display of merchandise on the top floor in the ballroom at 6 PM. Which leaves us 4 hours to entertain ourselves. Any suggestions?"

"Well, I don't know about you, but I plan on taking a shower. Care to join me?"

"Sounds fun."

Susan got up and took Sam by the hand and led her into the bathroom. The two undressed each other, and even before they got into the shower Susan took Sam's breast and kissed the nipple. Sam moaned, and started to stroke Susan's body. Susan stood erect and they kissed, pressing breasts to breasts and cock to cunt.

Susan almost climbed onto Sam, but Sam pushed her away and stepped towards the shower. "At this rate we're never even going to get wet."

Susan winked. "So?"

As Sam stepped into the shower, she said, "Flirt. You weren't running around all day getting ready for the flight. Now you going to help me get clean, or just stand there looking cute?"

Susan joined her in the shower as Sam started the water. She got behind Sam and took her breasts in hand. She pulled Sam to her and rubbed her own breasts against Sam's back. Sam moaned and rubbed her butt against Susan's pelvis. Susan, not even realizing what she was doing, unconsciously humped her hips against Sam's, as though she were currently wearing her dildo. She kissed Sam's neck and nibbled her ear as she reached down and took Sam's dick in hand. As Sam got her dick stroked, she pumped her hips into Susan's hand, accentuating the feelings. Finally Sam turned around and pressed Susan against the wall. She kissed Susan as she pressed her dick into Susan's cunt. Susan lifted her legs and wrapped them around Sam's hips. They moved together in the shower until they came together.

After they were finished, they actually took the time to clean each other before going into their separate rooms (they both admitted that the other was too much temptation for them to get ready in the same room) and got dressed.

They went downstairs and had dinner before heading up to the convention. When they entered, Sam stopped. "What is it?" Susan asked.

"I don't know. There's just something... familiar about this place."


"Haven't the foggiest. I've never been here before." Sam shrugged. "Oh, well, this is a working vacation. Let's get to work."

They started to check out displays, seeing if there was anything Mistress could use at her private clinic or in her lab. At one point, Susan turned to see Sam staring at something. She looked to try to see, but only saw a group of the men who owned the businesses whose products they were checking out. She walked over to the dumbstruck girl, and said, "What's so interesting?" but Sam didn't even reply. Susan snapped her fingers in front of Sam's face, and said, "Earth to Sam, Earth to Sam, come in, Sam," but Sam didn't even respond. Susan slapped Sam's face lightly, but when she got no response, decided to take drastic action, and reached down and tweaked Sam's nipple.

Sam's hand went to her breast as she said, "OW!" and came out of her daze.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. What'd you do that for?"

"Well everything else, including slapping your face, didn't work so it was either that or slug you. What's so interesting?"

She pointed to the group of business owners. "That man, the young one, who is he?"

"That's James Smith. He's a cutie, isn't he? He owns a small medical supply business. Even works in the same city as Elaine. Most of his stuff is pretty good, but he doesn't deal in the rare supplies Elaine needs, so I've never done business with him. Why the interest?"

"He's... He's the strange man from my dream."

"Your dream?"

"The one where I'm in a wedding dress, in a ballroom. In fact, this is the very ballroom. I didn't recognize it at first because of all the people and tables, but this is definitely the place."

"So this is the guy you're supposed to marry? I hate to say it, but forget it, sister girlfriend."


"Because back when I first met him, I decided to scope him out to see if he'd be a good choice for a sexual partner. Truth s, he's a bit of a flirt, and something of a low level cad, nothing really serious. But, more importantly, his view of she-males is, as he put it, 'interesting and some are even mildly attractive, but too disturbing to even consider.'"

"Oh." Sam was deflated. Could her dream have been wrong? Could her dream have been just a dream? If it was, why did she include Andros? And why did she even dream of a real man and this real place?

She was still in a confusion as she bumped right into something. "Oh, excuse me," she said. She looked up into the face of who she had bumped into. It was him!

"No problem," James Smith said. "The day I object to someone as beautiful as you bumping into me is the day I need to be buried six feet under." James took her hand and kissed it. "My name is James. James Smith."

Sam found herself blushing like a schoolgirl. "Samantha. Samantha Nevada. My friends call me Sam."

"Well, may I have the privilege?"

"I think I should get to know you first."

"Would you allow me to buy you dinner then? Just to get to know you, of course."


"Meet you in the dining room at 9?"

"See you then."

As he walked away, Susan came up. "What was that about?"

"I've got a dinner date."

"Sam, I told you how he felt! How could you make an appointment with him?"

Sam sighed. "I just couldn't say no."

That night, Sam and James met for dinner, and she had a wonderful time. When he left her at the door to her room, he didn't even make some lame attempt to get himself invited in. She went in and collapsed on the bed.

"So?" Susan asked from the adjoining doorway. "How'd it go?"

"He was wonderful. Andros didn't even make me feel this way. Maybe... Maybe you were wrong. Maybe he just never met a she-male before, and that's why he feels like he does."

"Yeah, and what if I'm right?"

"Why are you saying these things to me?"

"Because I've seen what happens when the girls reveal themselves to the wrong people. If I'm right and you're lucky, he'll just drop you like a hot stone. If you're not, he may beat you... Possibly even kill you. Mistress would punish him for that. But it wouldn't bring you back."

Sam turned away from her. "Leave me alone!"

Susan walked up and kissed Sam on the cheek. "I'm sorry, hun. Maybe you are right and he can handle it. Just think long and hard and get to know him real well before you reveal yourself to him." Susan then returned to her own room.

Over the remainder of the trip, Sam got to know James well, and, unfortunately, she had to admit that Susan was right and it probably wouldn't be wise to let him know her secret. He wouldn't have become violent, but he would've left her had he known. Once he found out she lived in the same city as he did, however, he didn't even press for sex, and asked her to be his steady girlfriend. She accepted, but knew she'd have to do something about her... little extra before they could go any further.

When she got back, she went straight to Mistress and said, "I have my first wish."

"What is it?"

"I want a cunt."

Mistress looked long and hard at her. "If that's what you want. I don't have any biochemical mixtures for that purpose, but I can easily afford the more conventional means. But before I do, if I may ask, why?"

"There's this guy I met..."

Mistress shook her head. "Oh, hun, you're making a mistake. If this were what you wanted for you, I'd say fine, but no good can come from changing yourself for someone else."

"This is what I want! If you're not going to do it..."

"I didn't say no. Just think about it. Okay? Take a week, if you still want the operation, then I'll pay for it."

One week later, Sam still wanted the operation, so Mistress paid for it. She spent the recovery time for the operation in Mistress's home (she told James she was out of town on a business trip) being dutifully attended by the girls in general, but mostly by Linda in specific. After she had fully recovered, she was standing nude in front of the mirror, looking at the results, when Linda came in. Sam turned to face her. "So? How do I look?"

"Very pretty."

"You don't sound too enthusiastic."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. You're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But I think you looked a lot prettier with your dick. It was... I don't know... right for you."

Sam turned back to the mirror. "Well, this is the new me, so you better get used to it."

Linda came up behind her and kissed her neck while rubbing her hips. "I think I could get used to it a lot faster, if you'd share."

"Why you little flirt."

"Do you mind?"

"Well, I was kind of planning to share it with James first, but I don't suppose it'd hurt to take it for a test run." Sam turned, wrapped her arms around Linda's neck and kissed her. Linda took Sam in her arms and kissed her back. Sam pushed Linda back and onto the bed, flipped Linda's skirt up, pulled down her panties and climbed up on top of her. Linda used her hands to stroke Sam's body, as Sam lowered herself onto Linda's already hard dick.

They moved together until Linda asked, "So, how does it feel to get fucked in the cunt rather than the ass?"

"Oh, it feels exquisite. The sensations... The..." Suddenly Sam screamed in pain and fell over.

"What? What's wrong?"

Through tears, Sam replied, "My cunt! My entire crotch! It feels like it's on fire!"

"What can I do?"

"Go... get... Mistress."

Linda was off like a shot. She returned with Mistress only a few moments later, but by then Sam was on the floor. She no longer seemed to be in pain, but was crying freely.

Mistress came over and put her arm around Sam's shoulder. "Sam, honey, what's wrong?"

Sam turned and buried her head in Mistress's shoulder. "It's back. It's back."

Mistress was about to ask what it was, when she felt something brush her thigh. Looking down between Sam's legs, she saw Sam's dick, not only back, but about an inch longer than it used to be.

Mistress picked Sam up and put her in her bed. "Linda, get me my medical bag."

"Mistress, she seems so distraught. Couldn't this wait till morning?"

Mistress grew angry. "Linda, if I am to fix this, I will need blood samples to check, and the longer we wait the more likely I am to lose whatever in her blood caused this reversion! Now get me my bag!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Linda ran off and quickly returned with Mistress's medical bag. Mistress drew some of Sam's blood, and carefully packed the samples away. "Linda, stay with her tonight. I'll be in my lab if an emergency arises."

"Yes, ma'am."

Linda sat beside Sam and held her until Sam cried herself to sleep.

The next day Sam met Mistress in the lab. "Mistress, do you have an answer for me? Why is my cock back?"

"I have an answer, but it's not promising. It seems that your testicles are inundated with the same chemical that changed you."

"I thought you said that my brain was the center of production in my body for those chemicals."

"It is, which is part of the problem. When you get sexually excited, your brain sends signals to the cock that it thinks is supposed to be there. Not finding either cock or the APS that it knows is supposed to be there, it uses the other chemicals in your body to... rebuild the area."

"So I don't have a choice? I've got to live with this thing for the rest of my life?"

"I will work on a biochemical solution, but I don't know if I can find a solution."

Sam almost broke down in tears as she said, "Thanks."

Over the next few months, Mistress did work on a solution, but every time she managed to achieve success, it was only temporary. And every time Sam's cock came back, it was bigger than before. The worst part was, James was pressing her to go further with their relationship, i.e. he wanted to have sex with her.

Finally, when she was up to 12" of cock, Mistress gave her the bad news. "I'm sorry, Sam, there's nothing I can do. Your body has just adapted too firmly to the chemicals. There's no way I can give you a working cunt."

"No way at all?"


"What? I'll do anything."

"I don't think you will. I can place biochemical blockers on your sex drive. Since you revert if you get excited, the blockers prevent you from getting excited. You'll never experience orgasm, or any kind of sexual excitement again."



Sam gulped. Not really a tenable solution. "Any other solutions?"

"Just one. Even more untenable than the last."

"I find that hard to believe."

Mistress smiled. "I can perform a total biochemical purge on you. It'll allow your body to accept the new chemicals, but it'll also mean a reversion to Samuel."

"Couldn't you change me to Samuel, change my cock to a cunt then change me back?"

"It's possible, but my tests show a 93% likelihood that you'll have developed a toxic resistance. More transformation chemicals just won't work on you if you revert."

"Great. So I've got a choice of spending my life as a man with a cunt or a girl with a dick?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. I know it's no consolation, but since I wasn't able to grant your wish, you get it back."

"You're right," Sam said, as she walked from the room. "It's no consolation."

Sam felt that her day couldn't get worse, but she was wrong. James took her to a restaurant for dinner, and dropped the bomb. "Sam, we've been going out for months, and I've tried to be as polite about this as possible, but you don't seem to be getting it. In fact, I think you've been purposefully dodging me on the issue. So, now I'm just going to say it flat out. I want to take our relationship to the next level. I want to have sex with you. So either we leave here and go somewhere to have sex, or we leave here and go our separate ways."

Sam was momentarily rendered speechless. "Could... Could you wait a day or two?" She couldn't believe it. She was actually considering having Mistress use her biochemical blockers.

"I'm sorry, no."

Sam could feel the tears coming to her eyes. "So... So that's it? How we feel about each other... How you make me feel... How I make you feel... None of it matters?"

"You think this is easy for me? It's no easier being rebuffed by you every time the subject comes up. I want you... I... love you. But if you don't care enough to share yourself, then... it's over."

"Please! Can't you just wait one day?!"

"No. Look, you've told me you've had sex with others. You know how that makes me feel? Knowing there's someone, perhaps many someones out there that you've shared that special intimacy with, but not with me?"


"Sorry. Anything other than tonight is just too little, too late."

The tears ran down her face, as she yelled, "Bastard!" slapped James, and stormed out of the restaurant. As she got into her car, she turned to see James staring after her, but as soon as he saw her noticing him, he turned his head away. She then proceeded to go right home and cry herself to sleep.


Sam was back in the ballroom, in her wedding dress. She turned to the door and in walked James. Despite the fact that Sam was none too pleased with James, her dream self played out the fantasy. He asked her to dance, they danced, he placed her on a table, dropped her panties, and fucked her. Finally he whispered in her ear, "I love you."

Previously this was the point at which the dream ended, but this time Sam said, "Prove it."

James stepped back, closed his eyes, and changed. His waist contracted while his hips widened. His chest expanded and continued to expand until his shirt ripped open, and out spilled two breasts, breasts even larger than her own. James dropped his (her?) pants, helped Sam from the table and took her place. Sam moved up between James's legs, placed her dick at his ass and slowly fucked him till they came together.

From behind her, Sam heard Andros's voice say, "I told you that he'd need some help."

Sam turned around and faced Andros, after she did the he-she behind her wrapped his/her legs and arms around Sam, and rested his/her head on Sam's shoulder. Sam said, "But, Andros, you said we'd be husband and wife. If this is the only way we can be together, how can that be?"

Andros just smiled as Sam felt the arms and legs of James shift around her. She felt James's very male lips kiss her. James said, "Ask Mistress about TX-3137. Help make Tracie a reality. Help bring us back together."

Sam turned, and saw James, male again, smile and fade from view. She turned back to Andros, but he too was gone.


Sam woke up, and sat up in bed. She thought about the dream, and decided to take a chance, and try to make it reality. It was a big chance, the transformation to womanhood could be a life changing experience, she knew, and the new... Tracie could be incompatible with Sam.

She got up, showered, dressed, and went to Mistress. "Mistress, I have a replacement for my first wish."


"I want you to use your special formulas on James."

"Okay, but any particular reason?" Sam explained what had happened the night before. "Well it sounds like a suitable reason. But you realize, even if he learns his lesson, he may never forgive you for what you've done."

"Well, I've been thinking about that. Is there a way you can make it so he can be shifted between male and female forms at someone else's command?"

Mistress looked at Sam suspiciously. "Perhaps."

"What about formula TX-3137?"

"How did you know about that?" Sam told her about the dream. "Strange, but it explains a lot."

"What do you mean?"

"The reason I selected you. It came to me in a dream. An image of you, where I could get information on you, who you were, and what I needed to do to you."

"It looks like Andros has been looking out for me for a while."

"Perhaps. As a transsexual, I know there's something more than a body. But those discussions are best left to Sunday school or a philosophy class."

"But what about TX-3137?"

"If it works, it will do as you say. It will allow the subject to be transformed by the command of another. It'll even allow a series of preprogrammed commands that will cuse the subject to follow required behaviors. But..."

"But what?"

"I've never tried it on a human subject. There's no guaranteeing its efficacy."

"I'm willing to risk it."

Mistress just smiled.


James Smith was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now James was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and James was unconscious before he knew what was happening...


Sam, the 5 year old, only son in a family of four children, the youngest, walked into his mother's room as she was getting dressed. "Mommy, what's that you're putting on?"

"It's a bra, Sammy."

"What's a bra?"

"A bra is a support device for a woman."

"It's a pretty sport deviss." His mother smiled at his mispronunciation. "Can I have one?"

His mother smiled. "No, dear."

"Why not? Everybody else gets to."

"But everybody else is a girl. Your father doesn't wear one. Don't you want to grow up to be big and strong like him?" She swatted playfully at his nose with the make-up brush she had.

"I guess so."

Suddenly, his father burst into the room. "What are you doing? Putting make-up on my son? How dare you!?"

His mother cringed. "We were just playing. It didn't mean anything."

"Didn't mean anything? Didn't mean anything? What are you trying to do? Make my only son into a sissy?"

"Don't be absurd. A little make-up isn't going to make Sammy into a Sissy."

Sam's father slapped his mom. "Don't talk back to me!"

"Don't hit her!" Sam yelled.

Sam's father struck him, knocking him to the ground. "Don't ever take that tone with me!" Sam's dad grabbed him by the back of the neck and dragged him into the bathroom. He took a damp rag and proceeded to roughly wash Sam's face, removing the small bit of make-up. He then left Sam in the bathroom and stormed from the room.

After he was gone, Sam's mother came in and held him while Sam cried. "Mommy, why is daddy so mean?"

"Your father loves us. He's just got... problems."

"Mommy, I don't want to be like daddy when I grow up."

Sam's mother just held him close.


Sam was 12 years old, and just beginning to discover girls. And Sam was discovering that there was nothing about them that he didn't like. Their clothes, their hair, their smell, and, strangely enough, even the things they talked about, make-up, shopping, and, yes, even boys. Sam had no problem with talking about boys, for Sam was, even though he didn't know the word for it yet, bisexual.

The girls, for their part, loved to have a boy around who wasn't either accusing them of having cooties, or following them around like a drooling puppy.

Sam was with a group of the girls, just sitting back, as they discussed some of their problems. "You know, Sam, you're so lucky to be a boy," Tina told him.

"Why's that?"

"You don't have to worry about heels, or make-up, or uncomfortable underwear. You can't imagine how tight these bra straps are on me."

"But they make you look so pretty. I mean, if it weren't for the fact that everyone'd laugh at me, I'd wear heels and make-up, and even a bra all day."

"That's only because you've never done it. I bet you wouldn't last one hour, on your feet, in heels."



"I'll bet you... 10 bucks that I can go an hour walking around in heels, make-up and even a bra without a single complaint."

"Okay, let's do it. But the clock doesn't start until we get finished making you up."

"Fine. But I don't have to stand up till the clock starts."


For a little over half an hour, Sam allowed the girls to go through all the steps of getting him all dolled up. He put on a bra (with water balloons in the cups to simulate the weight of real breasts), sat down as the girls applied make-up, and put on a pair of borrowed shoes. Then he stood up and cheerfully walked around for an hour without any complaints.

After the hour, Tina said, "I'm impressed," and fished a $10 bill out of her purse. Before she handed it over to him, she asked, "Want to go double or nothing?"

"What have you got in mind?"

"I bet you can't stand it to be fully dressed like a girl, that's panties, stockings, garter, a dress, and even a wig I got, then spend another hour on your feet."

"For just an extra $10? Not worth it."

"Okay." She fished some more money out of her purse. "I've got $35 here."

Another girl, Susie, said, "I want in on this. I'll add another $20, but you have to carry a purse full of make-up around for the hour."

Joan said, "I can top that. Another $30 says you can't last an hour on your feet, in full drag, with a purse full of make-up, AAAND... with a tampon shoved up your ass."

"Okay," Sam said, "let me get this straight. If I can go one hour in drag, carrying a purse full of make-up, with a tampon shoved up my ass, without complaining, on my feet, then I get $85, and I'm not risking any of my own money?" The girls nodded. "Deal. You want to get in on this, Janine?"

Janine smiled. Janine, at 15, was the oldest of the group. She even had a learner's permit to drive. She was also the richest of the group. "I've got a stipulation."

"Go for it."

"I say that you can't go one hour on your feet, in full drag, with a purse full of make-up, and a tampon up your ass."

"That's the same bet. What's your condition?" "Simple. You can't do it... at the mall."

The girls ooohed, figuring that this would be too much for Sam. "How much do I get if I do?"

"I'll throw another $40 on."


"Want to try for more?"


"We all know that you like guys as much as girls, so another $50 says that after the hour, you can't get a guy to take you out for a quick bite to eat.

Another $25 on top of that says that if you do get a guy to take you out, you can't get him to kiss you on the lips."

"Why on the lips?"

"Because, once we get through with you, you'll be such a pretty girl, getting a guy to kiss you on the cheek would be no problem."

Sam was secretly thrilled. It was what he had wanted all of his life. "Yes," he blurted out.

The girls smiled and almost tackled Sam. They took over an hour this time getting him ready, but when they were finished, even they were amazed at the results. Sam looked more like a girl than they did. He also looked a little older than he really was. Like he was perhaps 14, or maybe even 15.

They went out to the mall (Janine drove, her father was oblivious and never even looked twice at Sam), and not only did Sam remain standing, he outlasted the girls in terms of shopping endurance. After the hour, Janine said, "Okay, Samantha," the name they had agreed on, "it's time for the next part of your bet. Let's see if you can get a guy to buy you dinner now."

Sam smiled and they went to the food court. Then Sam saw who he wanted. His name was Andros, and he was the cutest sophomore at the local high school. All the girls wanted him, but he only dated around, he wasn't steady with any of them. Sam got within notice and started flirting. At first, Andros only flirted back, but soon his curiosity got him, and he came over and introduced himself. It wasn't long before Sam was eating a burger with Andros's arm around his waist. At the end of the meal, Andros took Samantha's chin in hand, and kissed "her" right on the lips.

After they were finished, Andros looked Sam in the eye and said, "I'd like to take you out to my car and suck you off."

"I don't think I should."

Andros whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, Samuel. I won't tell anyone what I found in your panties."

Sam's eyes widened in shock. "How'd you know?"

"Janine's my cousin. She called me before you left and let me in on your secret."

"So now I've got to go with you or you'll tell everyone?"

"No. I'm not trying to blackmail you. Sam, I'm gay. I flirt with and go out with girls because I'm not ready to come out of the closet yet. But earlier today, Janine called and said she had a solution to my problem, a "girl" who was really a guy who liked other guys, but who looked so much like a girl no one but the two of us would know. I wasn't sure she could do what she said, but I'll admit it. Until she pointed you out to me, I had no idea who or what you really were.

"Sam, if you want me to forget it, as long as you do the same for me, I will. But if you want me to, I'll take you out to my car and give you a blowjob. And if you're willing to bring Samantha out of the closet a little more often, I think I may have found my first steady girlfriend."

Sam looked back to the girls. Janine gave him a sly little wink. He turned back to Andros and nodded. Andros escorted him out to his car, laid him down on the back seat, got between his legs, pulled down his panties, and sucked Sam off.

After he was finished, Sam insisted on returning the favor. Andros said it wasn't necessary, but Sam got him to allow it (truth be told, he didn't have to try very hard).

After they were finished Andros took Sam in his arms and said, "So how about it? Will I be seeing Samantha again?"

Sam kissed Andros. "With a little help from your cousin, I think I can arrange that."

They kissed deeply, tonguing each other's mouths. "I think I'm going to like having a steady girlfriend."


Sam and Andros let the other girls in on their secret, and, with their help, managed to keep the real nature of their relationship secret from everyone else (to cover with his dad, he had even allowed Janine to take his virginity). Samantha got more than her share of jealous stares for having landed the hottest guy in school, but "she" didn't care. Of course, there was lots of speculation as to where Samantha went to school, since no one saw her at any local schools, but a few well placed rumors of home schooling placed by the girls dealt with that.

Sam and Andros even made plans for Andros to take Sam's "female virginity". Plans that were aborted when Sam's mother died. Two months after her death, in the Summer after Andros graduated, Sam was alone with Andros in his own room. Andros was comforting him.

"Oh, Andros, dad's gotten even worse since mom died. I don't know how long I can stand him."

"What about your sisters? Can't they do anything for you?

"They're off at college and beyond. They've got their own lives."

"What can I do for you, Sam? What do you want?"

"I want... I want... to go with you. I wish I could go with you, be Samantha, your wife, and give up ever being Samuel again."

Andros hugged Sam and rubbed his cheek against Sam's head. "And I wish I could do that for you. But we both know it's not going to happen."

"Yes, I know. Even though I've gotten older, Samantha hasn't. The best the girls can do for me is make me look barely 16. Most often only 14 or 15."

"If you really want me to, I will take you away."

"No. You were right, eventually dad would come after me, and someone would talk about a college student living alone with a teenager."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Yes." Sam looked up into Andros's eyes. "Take my "virginity". It'll be something to remember you by after you're gone."

"Are you sure? What about your father?"

"He isn't due home for a few hours. Please?"

Andros kissed him. "Anything for you. Do you want to get dressed?"

"Yes. I feel more comfortable as Samantha." Sam pulled a box out from under his bed. Inside was the makings of Samantha, panties, a bra, a slip, breastforms (a gift from Janine on the anniversary of Samantha's "birth"), stockings, heels, a wig, a dress, and a small collection of make-up. Sam quickly put on everything but the heels and make-up.

He hugged Andros and they danced around the room a bit, before Andros laid him on the bed, got between his legs and slowly slid his cock into Sam's ass. Andros was gentle and easy and they moved together in a rhythm that seemed as natural as breathing. Andros came a couple of times that afternoon, and in a very girl- like fashion, Sam came in a multiple orgasm that surprised both of them. After they were finished, Sam stood at the window as Andros drove off to the airport.

Sam was shocked when he heard a voice from behind. "So my son is a little cock-sucking faggot who likes to dress up as a girl."

Sam spun around. "DAD!"

"Good thing I decided to come home early or I never would've learned what kind of a sick person you were."

"It's not like that. You don't understand."

"You're standing there in a dress and a wig, and you're going to tell me you're not sick?"

"You don't understand. I feel more comfortable like this. I... I... need this!"

In that way kids have of believing in their parents no matter what they've done, Sam had felt if his father knew what was going inside his head, he'd forgive him. But unfortunately, Sam had said the exact wrong thing to his father. His father lurched across the room and grabbed Sam's arm. "So you NEED to be a girl?! Well, let's treat you like the slutty little bitch you are!"

Sam tried to get away, but it was no use, his father was too powerful. His father turned him around, bent him over the back of a chair, yanked down his panties, and raped his son.

For the next two years, whenever Sam was home, he was forced to dress up and be his father's sex toy. Eventually his eldest sister came home for a visit and found out what was going on. She yanked him out of the house and had her father arrested.

She got Sam into therapy, but whenever Sam tried to tell them that although the rape was terrible, he enjoyed dressing up as a woman, and he wanted to be a woman, everybody, including the therapists, tried to convince him that he only enjoyed it as a defense mechanism to protect himself from his father, that he really didn't enjoy it. And eventually, after years of this, he started believing it himself.


Sam was alone in a large ballroom. He caught a look of himself in a mirror.

He still looked like a woman, but somehow that was no longer a problem. He was dressed in a long, flowing wedding dress, but somehow that seemed appropriate. A door opened and a man walked in. The very sight of him took Sam's breath away. He was dressed in a tuxedo and walked straight up to Sam. He extended his hand and asked, "May I have this dance?"

Sam felt himself smile and took the man's hand. They waltzed around the room, finally stopping at a table. The man lifted Sam onto the table, removed his panties, entered him and slowly made love to him. After they were finished, he looked into Sam's eyes and said, "I love you."


Sam awoke, remembering everything. He stretched languidly. He got up and looked in the mirror. His maid's uniform (which he had never removed) was a mess, but even though part of him wanted to correct that, another part of him noticed the change. When he looked at his face, he no longer saw a stranger's face. He saw the face of the person he had always wanted to be. He saw the face of the person who his father had attacked and raped for even existing. He saw the face of the person everyone had tried to convince him didn't exist. He saw Samantha. He, no she, saw herself.

Samantha saw a bottle of the medication to offset the change becoming permanent on the dresser, a sign that Mistress Elaine would be working in the lab all morning. Making a quick decision, Sam took the bottle, went into the bathroom, poured it into the toilet and flushed. The minute she did, she felt an enormous weight lifted from her shoulders. She looked in the bathroom mirror and hugged herself. Samantha was here to stay.

She heard Linda's voice in the other room. "Sam, you okay?"

Samantha removed her uniform and corset (she had been wrong, after her transformation, she had gained enough flexibility to reach the laces on her own). "Be out in a minute, got to take a quick shower."

"Take your time."

"Only if you want to join me."

Linda gave a short laugh. "You sound much better."

Sam started the shower, and got in. After a while, she decided to get playful and said, "Lady Linda, can you come help me?"

Linda came in. "Sure, hun, what do you want?"

Sam grabbed her and pulled her into the shower. "You."

"Wench!" Linda angrily stepped from the shower. "Now look at me. I'm soaked!"

Sam gave Linda a confused look. "Lady Linda, don't you find me attractive?"

Linda stopped short. "What?"

"Don't you find me attractive?"

"Of course I do, you're beautiful, but that's no reason to drench me!"

"Well what am I supposed to think? Of all the girls in this house, you're the only one whose never responded to my advances. And now, here I am practically begging you to be with me, and all you can do is complain about how wet I got you."

Linda sighed. "It's not you. I just... can't be with you right now."

"Why not? Is it something I've done? Something I've got to do?"

"No. Nothing like that."

"What then? If you're in a devoted relationship, just tell me, and I'll back off."

"No. It's not that."

"Milady, please stop beating around the bush with me. I want you. I want to be with you. If it's not going to happen, at least tell me why."

Linda sighed. She reached behind her, undid the zipper on her dress, let it fall, then pulled her petticoats down; and what she revealed to Sam both shocked and amazed. Hanging from her crotch, almost touching the ground, was the largest dick Sam had ever seen! It even made the Bulls look tiny.

Soft, it hung only inches off the ground, and Sam wouldn't have been able to wrap both hands around its girth. She stepped from the shower and reached towards it. "May I... touch it?"

Linda grabbed her hand. "No, dearie, you can't."


"It's not you. Look at the size of it. Even though Mistress's biochemical compounds help to offset the problems in having a dick this big, if I'm not rested and prepared for it, an erection could knock me out. And an ejaculation can dehydrate me as well as making me useless for the next day or two."

"But why is it so large?"

"My punishment for my behavior when I was a man. I had a 12" dick that I was so proud of that I was willing to stick it into anyone or anything. Male, female, didn't matter. Once, on a bet, I even pleasured a horse. Problem is, when you're that indiscriminate about what you do with your dick, your dick tends to become a breeding ground for a lot of nasty little bugs. I must've spread STD's around to dozens, maybe even hundreds, of people.

"Finally, one day I met this beautiful lady who told me that without surgery or pain, she could give me a dick larger than the largest of the porn stars'."


"Yeah. I agreed of course. So she pumped me full of the drug, I passed out, and when I woke up, I had an 18" dick, but I also had these," she lifted her tits.

"So you became a she-male like the rest of us." "With one major exception over most of Mistress's staff. Being openly... omni-sexual, I didn't give a damn what I looked like. In fact, I made a better looking girl than I did a man. So I got dressed up in some sweats that fit me, and went out on the town. I found a girl in a lez bar, took her home and fucked her in the dark, telling her that it was an ultra-realistic dildo.

"But Mistress included a special extra that I was unaware of. For every load of cum that I pumped out, I had to take a load up my ass, the one thing I had never done. If I didn't, then my dick would get even larger." Linda snorted. "It was less than one day before I was so large that I wouldn't fit into anything human. And although I was willing to fuck anything that moved, animals weren't my preferred partners. So I went back to Mistress and begged her to undo what she had done.

"She just laughed at me. She told me that if I wanted to be normal again, I had to go to work for her. I accepted, and started on house cleaning. Well, being surrounded by all these beautiful women, it wasn't long before I was walking around with a constant erection that I thought I couldn't do anything about.

"That was when I first met the cows. Here it was something that was, or at least used to be, human. All I had to do was learn to accept someone else up my ass while I went at them. It only took me an hour to make the decision. Elizabeth was my first. She fucked me while I fucked a cow. Problem was, I was still more "active" than she. I dumped four loads in the cow before Elizabeth poured her first load into me.

"I obviously needed help. That was when Susie took over."

"Lady Elizabeth's wife?"

"Yeah. It seems that where I hated getting fucked up the ass, Elizabeth loved it. And her wife, wanting to be the first person in Elizabeth's sex life, had become a true master at pleasuring a she-male with a strap-on. She took me in hand and did things to me that still excite me, but the important part is, she controlled me, and let me cum only after she had cum through a half-dozen orgasms.

"Well, I was hooked. Hooked on sodomy, hooked on pleasuring others, hooked on my tits, hooked on everything about my new life. So I decided to stay. I chose the name Linda, and the rest, as they say, is history."

"But I've never seen you with an erection, and you're still confronted by beautiful women every day. Don't they excite you anymore?"

"Oh, sure. But after I joined Mistress's staff full time, she sent me to this Tibetan monastery where they taught me the mental techniques to control my body. They taught me some pretty amazing things."

"Like what?"

Linda smiled and reached her hand out to touch Sam's breast. When she made contact, Sam felt an electric charge rush through her body. Every cell in her body seemed alive and very suddenly sexually excited. Sam moaned and orgasmed. Then, just as suddenly as it started, it was over. Sam looked down and watched as Linda withdrew her hand. Part of Sam wanted to grab that hand and put it back to her breast, but she restrained herself.

Panting heavily, she said, "Gawd, you make me want you even more."


"You can arrange it that quickly?"

"Sure, I've just got to remember to take it easy today."

Sam grabbed Linda and kissed her. "Thank you!"

"Enough." Linda grabbed her dress and pulled it up. "I've got to go get a new outfit. A dry one. Get finished up and get dressed."

After Linda left, Sam got dried, and into a new outfit, and down to breakfast and to work in the kitchen. Everyone commented on how much happier she seemed, and that was when Sam informed them of his decision to go by the name Samantha. Everybody congratulated her on her decision and complimented her on her choice of names. Sam worked twice as hard that day to make up for the extra work the others had to do over the last week. Others told her not to worry about it, but she cheerfully did more than what she had to.

She was even whistling when she returned to her room. When she walked in, Linda, Elizabeth, and Susan were all waiting for her. Linda and Susan were naked. Elizabeth was in just her corset and stockings. Linda said, "I hope you don't mind, I invited some friends."

Samantha reached behind her and started to undo her uniform. "Not at all, the more the merrier." Linda and Elizabeth came over and stripped Sam down to her corset and stockings. Susan put on her strap-on. When she came over, Sam took the strap-on and stroked it like a real dick. "Is that for me?" she coyly asked.

"Sam, I've wanted to stick this in you since I first saw you in the kitchen."

"And you'll get your chance, but first..." Sam reached down and slowly stroked Linda to hardness. Then she told Linda, "I want this to be your night."

"Sounds great, but don't deny yourself on my account."

"I've got an idea so that all of you can get pleasure from me at the same time."

"Do tell."

"Okay. You stand there. Lady Elizabeth, you straddle her cock, pressing your bum against her hips. Press your legs tightly together around her cock to give her some friction."

Elizabeth did as she was instructed, and Susan asked, "What do I get to do?"

"Oh, I think you'll figure that out." Sam then bent over at the waist so that she was leaning over Linda's massive organ, each of her tits falling to one side of the head of Linda's dick. She pressed her tits against the purple bulb and said, "Now, Lady Linda, after I take Lady Elizabeth's dick into my mouth, I want you to hump between her legs and my tits, and Lady Susan..." Sam wiggled her ass seductively.

Susan stepped up and placed the head of the dildo to Sam's ass. "Already figured it out, but the visual clue is very nice."

Sam leaned forward and took Elizabeth's dick into her mouth. Almost on cue, Linda started to hump against Elizabeth, pressing the kitchen's chief cook into Sam's mouth. At the same time, Susan pushed into Sam's ass, and Sam quickly understood what Linda meant when she called Susan a master of the strap-on. Even before Susan used her hands, the way she wiggled the dildo inside Sam touched spots that Sam didn't even know were there. And the way she used her hands was pure magic. Sam felt herself quickly building to orgasm, but then it stopped. Building, that is. Susan held her at a point just before her orgasm as the others got pleasure from her. Sam felt used, like she was nothing more than a living toy, but this excited her all the more. This, unlike her use as a sexual toy by her father, was being done so that she could have a chance to give as much as she got. Sam knew that Susan was doing her a favor. Had she come before the others (which would've been inevitable without intercession) she'd've felt guilty. But even knowing didn't keep her from whimpering with unfulfilled desire.

Elizabeth was the first to cum, and Sam swallowed it all. Linda shuddered as though she came, but nothing came out of her dick. Sam assumed it was something she knew how to control. Susan came next, and as soon as she did, she touched some spots on Sam and sent her into heaven.

The next thing Sam knew, she was lying on the floor lightly being slapped by Linda. "Sam? Are you okay?"

Sam looked up into Linda with dreamy eyes and said, "That was... incredible!"

Linda smirked. "She's fine."

Susan said, "I want to try her position next. But I want Lizzie inside my cunt."

Samantha took Linda's hand. "I guess that gives me the position straddling your cock."

Linda kissed her. "Let's do it."

They quickly exchanged positions, and went through the same procedure a second time. This time, Sam got to cum first, followed by Linda, Susan, and finally Elizabeth (even being the recipient of all that pleasure, Susan retained enough control to dictate her wife's pleasure).

Then Elizabeth took the center with Sam still on Linda and Susan dildoing her ass. Elizabeth, once again, was the last to cum. The only difference was that this time Linda allowed herself to spray all over Elizabeth's tits and legs. Linda then collapsed to the floor.

"Lady Linda!" Sam screamed, as she went to the floor beside her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Cumming always does this to me. I'm going to need some help back to my room."

"Why? Just stay here. I'll take care of you tonight."

"No, I don't want to impose. Elizabeth and Susie can help me to my room."

Sam stood up and stamped her foot. "No! Damn it! You stay here tonight, and let me take care of you or so help me, I'll... I'll..."

Linda had an amused look on her face. "You'll what?"

"I'll... I'll take off my corset and walk the halls until someone comes out and punishes me for leaving my room without clothes on."

Linda smiled. "You know, Samantha, you throw the funniest tantrums."

Sam stamped her foot again. "I'm serious!"

"I believe you. So help me into your bed already."

Sam bent down and helped Linda up into her bed. She turned around and Susan was licking Linda's cum from Elizabeth. "Well those two seem thoroughly preoccupied. Now what can I do for you?"

"Go back to my room. There'll be a pitcher of specially prepared Orange Juice there. I need it."

"Okay, better get my uniform back on."

"Actually, there's a new outfit for you in the closet."

"A new outfit...?" Sam went to the closet. "Why put it in there now?" Then she saw it. "A baby doll nightie, in blue, my favorite color! And a blue, silk robe! And slippers!" Sam had no fear of changing into the new outfit; Mistress had told her that as long as it was in the closet, she had earned the right to wear it. Mistress had also said that Sam was entitled to sleep without the corset once she found a nightie in the closet.

"Do you like them? I picked them out myself."

"Oh, I love them! Thank you, thank you, thank you." Sam hung the nightie back up. "I'll put that on when I get back." She threw on the robe and slid her feet into the slippers. She kissed Linda, ran to Linda's room, got the orange juice, and returned, passing Elizabeth and Susan on the way back.

Linda took the pitcher, and in a quite unladylike fashion, downed half of it without a glass. "Much better. Now, wench, what are you waiting for? Into your nightie and join me."

Sam cheerfully said, "Yes, milady!" and changed out of the corset and into the nightie. Then she got into bed with Linda, cuddled up and fell asleep.


Sam was in the ballroom in her wedding dress once more. The same strange man came in and asked her to dance. She accepted and they danced a bit, just as they had in the last dream. But this time a hand tapped the man on the shoulder. "May I cut in?"

The strange man stepped aside and Samantha saw who the newcomer was. "Andros!"

Andros stepped in and danced with Sam. Eventually, Sam looked up at him, and said, "I missed you, Andros."

"I've been watching over you for a while, my love. But you had to accept who you were before I could touch your heart again. I did what I could for you, but I'm so limited now."

"Will you be coming for me? In the real world, I mean."

"I can't, my love. You are destined for another." Andros nodded at the stranger.

"Him? I don't even know who he is."

"But you will. He'll need some help, but eventually, you will be husband and wife, and your love will be the kind for the history books."

"But, Andros,... I want you."

"And I wish I could be with you. But know, as long as you still need me, I will be with you," Andros placed his hand on her chest over her heart, "here."

"Andros, I don't understand. Why can't you come for me? Be with me?"

Andros just smiled, and stepped back. When Sam realized Andros was going to step away from her, she screamed, "Andros!" and lurched forward, only to find herself sitting up in bed beside Linda.

"Are you okay, Samantha? Another nightmare?"

"Not exactly."

Linda rubbed Sam's back. "Sam?"


"Who is Andros?"

"My first lover." "Doesn't sound like a girl's name."

"It isn't. I used to be bisexual. Thanks to an abusive father and some well meaning, but very bad therapists, I... forgot."

"So what happened to him?"

"I don't know. I lost track of him about 10 years ago."

"Want me to try to find out?"

Sam turned back to her. "Could you?"

"Sure. I'll need to get Mistress's permission, but I don't see why she'd say no. What's his last name?"

"Stevens. Andros Stevens."

"Okay, I'll see what I can find out."

Sam hugged her. With tears in her eyes, she said, "Thank you. You're too good to me."

"Nonsense. Now come back to bed."

Sam cuddled up and went back to sleep.


Sam was working in the kitchen when Linda came up to her. "Sam, I've found out about your friend, Andros."

Sam picked up a tub full of dishes and said excitedly, "What? Where is he?"

Linda swallowed. "About 7 years ago, your friend had sex with the wrong person. He... contracted HIV."

"HIV? That's the..."

"Virus that causes AIDS."

Sam swallowed. "That doesn't matter to me. Where is he? How is he?"

"I'm sorry, Sam. He... proved unresponsive to the medication. He... died 4 years ago."

Sam stared at Linda, before suddenly dropping what she was carrying and collapsing where she was. She had a brief impression of people screaming and moving around her, but none of that seemed to matter. She barely felt herself being carried somewhere, and before she knew it, she was tucked in bed with someone beside her. But despite all the caring despite all the consoling, Sam still cried herself to sleep.


Sam was in her wedding dress, but this time she was just standing in the middle of the room, sobbing her eyes out and nothing the strange man could do or say was getting through to her.

"Why the tears, my love?"

Sam looked up and saw Andros. "Oh, Andros, you're dead. Now I can never hold you in my arms again."

"So? I told you, Sam. As long as you need me," he pressed his hand to her bosom, "I'll be here for you."

"But... I'm not sure that's enough. I want you in my arms again. And if I can't..."

"You'll take from your new friends, Linda, Elizabeth, even Susan and Elaine, the new light of their life. Samuel might have been capable of that, but not my Samantha."


"They love you, Sam. And for what they've done for you, you love them too."

Sam was speechless, and could only stand there with tears in her eyes. "Buck up, my love. Another will come for you, one who you will love so deeply that I will be but a faint glimmer in your life."

"Never! No one will ever take your place in my heart."

"No. But his place in your heart will be more than my own." Sam just shook her head. "I know you find it hard to believe now, but when you doubt, just look to your new friends and know you are loved." Andros kissed Sam, and Sam woke up with the feel of his lips on hers.

She had been wrong. She had not been taken back to her room. She was in Elizabeth and Susan's room, and the couple were sleeping with their arms around her. Sam snuggled in. They weren't Andros, but they would do for now.


Sam woke up to find, for the first time since the night she realized who she was, no bottle of medication awaiting her. Sam smiled. This meant that she would see Mistress for the first time since that night where Mistress had fucked her.

"Finally," she said as she changed into her maid's uniform. She had recovered from the loss of Andros quite well with the support of her new friends. She was finally able to shed the corset when she got her waist down to a trim 24", giving her measurements of 36C-24-34. The dreams of the strange man had persisted (all the same as the first dream without Andros), first coming daily, but eventually tapering off to once a week.

She had wanted to tell Mistress Elaine about her decision to remain Samantha forever, but had not seen her in a month and a half. She now had a drawer full of bottles of the delaying medication (dumping the first had been symbolic, she hadn't wanted to just waste the rest). She quickly got into her uniform and ran down to the kitchen. She checked the tray for imperfections and found none. She grabbed a napkin, slung it over her arm and took the tray of food out to Mistress.

Mistress was sitting at her usual place, but instead of reading a newspaper as she usually was, she was sitting quietly, rubbing her brow. As she set the food in front of Mistress, she said, "Mistress, you seem bothered by something. May I help?"

"Thank you for the offer, Samantha, but it is a problem in the lab. Something I must remedy myself."

"As you wish, ma'am. Mistress, there is something else I wished to inform you of."


"You've probably already heard, but I wanted you to hear it from me directly. I've decided to remain as Samantha and not return to my male self."

"Yes, I had heard. Simply stop taking the formula and within 24 hours, the changes will be permanent."

"Thank you, Mistress, but I already have."

Mistress Elaine looked surprised. "Already have... what?"

"Stopped taking the formula. I stopped taking it the day after you and I had sex that night."

"But you... you haven't changed." Mistress's voice had taken on an almost hysterical edge that was beginning to scare Samantha.

"Wasn't that the point?"

Mistress suddenly leaped up, grabbed Sam's arms and lifted her from the ground. "This is impossible! I used the simplest formula on you! The oldest formula I had!" Mistress shook her violently. "Why didn't you change?!"

Sam whimpered, "Mistress, please. You're hurting me."

Mistress stopped. "This isn't possible." Mistress threw Sam to the ground, yelled, "This shouldn't have happened!" and ran from the room.

Elizabeth and a couple other girls ran into the room. "What's going on? What's wrong with Mistress?"

Sam remained on the ground, rubbing her arms where Mistress had grabbed her.

"I don't know. She just freaked after I told her I intended to remain a woman."

"Well, she knew about that. Why would she react like that?"

"I don't know. She really lost it after I told her I stopped taking the delaying medication."

"So you didn't take your medication this morning. No biggie."

"Well, this morning or any morning for the last month and a half."

All the girls were incredulous. "What?!"

Samantha stood up, still rubbing her arms. "Yeah, ever since that night where Mistress fucked me. What's the big deal? Mistress said that if I ever stopped taking the medication my change would become permanent, so I stopped taking the medication to make my change permanent."

"Yeah, but not without some side effects. Sam, haven't you ever noticed that all the girls here have either abnormally large tits, or an abnormally large dick?"

"Yeah, but I just figured like you and Linda, that it was part of their punishment for whatever had earned their change to womanhood in the first place."

"Sam, even in our cases, our growth wasn't entirely due to our punishments."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sam, Mistress was originally a transsexual. A man who, inside, was really a woman. She went through all the normal procedures, the psychiatric reviews, hormone therapies, everything but the final surgery, which she wasn't interested in, but she was less than impressed with the results. So she turned her biochemical knowledge to the problem, and developed the transformative compounds which were the basis of all her further work.

"But it turned out that there was a problem. After drinking the compound, it saturates the breasts, where the greatest change occurs, or in the penis, where testosterone is produced. If the body stops getting new doses of the substance, without getting a countering agent, then it either rejects the serum and the person reverts to manhood, or it starts producing the serum on its own at the point of highest concentration. Unfortunately, it had a side effect of causing those tissues to swell and grow after producing the serum on their own."

"But Mistress doesn't look any different than I do. Her breasts and dick are both large, but not abnormally so."

"Mistress takes daily doses of her own medication, every morning. She doesn't want to revert to manhood, which is what she says will happen due to her biochemical make-up. She's been trying to fix the problem, but so far, she hasn't succeeded."

"Well, maybe she succeeded with me. With whatever changes she made to my formula."

"That's just it. She didn't make any changes to your formula. The last changes she made turned out to be totally wrong, so you got the original formula."

Sam looked down at her body. "I swear. I haven't taken any of the formula since that day after Mistress fucked me."

"But why didn't you change?"

Suddenly a girl ran into the room. "Quick, Mistress has gone berserk in her lab! We need help!"

Everybody ran to the lab. The door was locked, and they heard the sound of crashing glass inside. Working together they broke down the door. Inside, Mistress was sweeping bottles, tubes, and all other sorts of lab paraphernalia onto the floor. She was screaming through tears, "It shouldn't have worked. Why her?! Why her?! It shouldn't have worked!"

Elizabeth, the only girl with the size necessary to do it, tackled Mistress and tried to hold her down, but Mistress fought with the strength of desperation, and it took Sam and four other girls to finally restrain her. Once she realized there was no use fighting, Mistress stopped. Through teary eyes, she looked up at Sam and said, "Why you? Why didn't you change?"

Sam said, "If I knew I would tell you."

Mistress neither fought nor helped as the girls carried her up to her room and tied her to her bed. Sam went back to her room and tried to think about what was different about her. She thought and thought, and finally she thought she had it. But proving it would take some questions and some conniving.

She went to Linda first and found her in the lab, collecting the last of Mistress's medication. "Lady Linda, did Mistress ever tell you what would happen if she didn't get her daily dosage of medication?"

"She said that if it follows the same pattern as it did with others, within four hours, her body would reject the medication and she would become a man again. Then if she didn't get another dose within 24 hours, she'd be a man forever."

"So how much medication does she have left?"

"2 days worth. Which is lucky, because that's how long it'll take her assistant to distill more."

Sam left and went back to work. The morning of the day after next, she went and took the watch on Mistress who was still tied to the bed. At 7 AM, Linda came in with the last bottle of medication and left it on the dresser with instructions for Sam to give it to her at 7:30.

At 7:30, Sam got up, locked the door, and returned to Mistress's side, without the medication. At about 8:30, Mistress, realizing she hadn't received her daily dosage, came out of her fog, and said, "Samantha, is that you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Do you have my medication?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Bring it over to me."

"No, Mistress."


"This has to be done, Mistress."

"Damn you! I order you to bring me my medication!"

Sam got up, got the bottle, and walked into the bathroom. Mistress heard a flush and Sam returned with the empty medication bottle.

"You... BITCH! You got what you wanted, now you're punishing me for hurting you! You hate me!"

Sam lay on the bed and threw her arms around Mistress's neck. "Oh, no! I love you! I want to give you the greatest gift I can."

"Please, Samantha, don't do this to me! I don't want to be a man again."

"I'm sorry, Mistress, to put you through this."

For the next three hours, Mistress cried, ranted, and begged, but all Sam did was hold Mistress's head to her bosom. At the end of that time, Mistress, with her eyes tightly closed, felt her body shudder and then remained silent. That is, until she gasped, opened her eyes, and saw Samantha rubbing her tits.

She was confused. She should've reverted to her old male form by now. She tried to think, but thanks to Samantha's hands, she was getting far too excited. Samantha deftly undid the bonds that held her and as soon as she was free, Mistress let her own hands find Samantha's breasts. They worked together to excite and undress each other. When they were naked, Samantha stroked Mistress's dick, and prepared to straddle her to get her into a position to enter Samantha's ass, but Mistress grabbed Samantha's dick and said, "No. I want you inside me."

Samantha was flabbergasted. In all the time she had been in Mistress's home, the one thing she had never done, nor heard of being done by anyone else, was fucking Mistress in the ass. But she wasn't loathe to the idea, and got between Mistress's legs, and placed her dick against Mistress's ass.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes. Do it."

Samantha pressed into Mistress, slowly stroking, plunging in and out of her, all the while rubbing her body, stroking her in ways that had been done upon her own body. Soon Mistress was spraying onto Samantha's belly, and clenching her own ass in orgasm, pushing Samantha over the edge and into orgasm, spraying deep into Mistress. They fucked many times that day until they fell asleep together in sexually fulfilled bliss.

When Samantha woke up, she saw Mistress, still very much the woman, standing in front of the mirror, acting as though she didn't understand what she saw there. Her fingers reached out and stroked the mirror, as though she could touch and dispel some illusion that was there.

She saw that Samantha had waken up and turned to her. "I don't understand. How?"


"Desire?" Mistress turned back to the mirror, thought about it and said, "Of course. If a person desired to become a woman, the brain's chemical balance would change. The brain would produce chemicals that the transformation agent would bond with which would prevent the super-saturation that leads to abnormal tissue growth. But the only way this would've worked on you," she turned back to Sam, "is if you really wanted to be a girl, even before I gave you the drug."

Sam nodded then explained the dream-inspired revelations about her life. "Oh, you poor, poor girl. What I did to you must've been terrible."

"Oh, no. Don't you understand? You freed me. You helped me face the darkness of my past and shed light on my life."

Mistress walked over and sat beside Samantha. "And you freed me. Freed me from the chemicals that were my daily chain." Mistress kissed Sam. "But you took an awful chance. If you were wrong and I had reverted I would've made sure you were punished thoroughly."

"Even then, it would've snapped you out of your funk. Besides, I didn't destroy the medication. I poured it into a glass in the bathroom, flushed the toilet, and carried the empty bottle out here. And even if I had flushed it, there was still the forty-some odd bottles of the stuff that I didn't use sitting in my dresser."

Mistress laughed, and wrapped her arm around Samantha and hugged her close. "You're a sneaky one, little girl.

"Why thank you, Mistress."

"Enough of that. Call me Elaine. You've earned the right."

Sam tried it out. "Elaine... Doesn't sound right. If you don't mind, I'm going to stick with Mistress."

"Well, if you want to. You have done me a great favor, Samantha, and I always repay my debts. Ask me for something, anything you'd like, and if it is within my power to grant, I shall do so."

"I'm not sure you can grant what I want."

"What's that?"

"I want to go back to school and finish my degree."

"Is that it? Done. That's too easy. Ask for something else."

"But the girls said that those of us transformed had no real legal identity."

"A simple matter to get you a fake ID."

"Why not do the same for the other girls?"

"I do and have. Each girl now has their own female identity now. It's just that they feel they can't leave because those with extra large dicks are afraid of being discovered, and those with extra large tits, unless they choose a profession in the porn industry, are rarely taken seriously, by men or women. Now, thanks to you, I can develop a medication to reverse the abnormal growth experienced when they decided to become women permanently. They'll look normal and be able to leave my employ if they wish."

"I don't think there'll be that many who wish to leave you."

"Hummph. Most of these girls stay only because they feel they can't make it out there. Once they've got normal looking bodies, they'll be out of here like a shot."

"Care to bet on it? I'll bet the wish you've given that less than 25 percent of the women in your employ will leave you after you've made your offer."

"Done. But you're throwing away your wish."

"How many do you think are going to leave?"

"At least half. In fact, let's extend the bet. If more than 50 percent of my staff leave me, not only do you lose the wish you've got, but you promise to work for me for the rest of your life. And don't worry, I mean as a lawyer, but you'll have to switch your specialty from criminal to contract law."

"Alright, but if there's fewer than 10 percent who leave you, you owe me 3 wishes, AND you pay for the rest of my college education, in whatever specialty I choose."


Mistress smiled, and they got dressed and went out. Everybody was ecstatic over Mistress's return, and when they found out it was Sam who did it, it took Mistress's intervention for her to deal with the press of bodies about her. After the throng cleared out, Mistress informed Linda that Sam had earned the right to address anyone there without honorifics, including Mistress herself. As Mistress walked away Linda said, "You get to call her Elaine...?"

"Doesn't sound right, does it?"

Linda shook her head. "No."

"I intend to keep calling her Mistress. It just seems right."

"Yeah... You're right." Linda put her arm around Sam. "Come on, sister. Tell me all about what happened between you."

A couple days later, Mistress announced her new discovery that would allow them to become normal looking women. And after getting all the orders, only 34% took her up on the offer to even use the drug (mostly the extreme cases of growth, like Linda) and only 7% announced their intention to leave the house staff, and half of those asked Mistress if they could be put to work in her corporate sector businesses and stay living in the house.

After Mistress computed the totals, she hugged Sam and,through teary eyes, said, "I guess I owe you three wishes, now."

Linda was one of the first to get the "normalizer", and Sam was the first to experience Linda's new 14" cock. Later that night, when Sam, Linda, Elizabeth (who had chosen to forgo the "normalizer"), and Susan were all asleep in the couple's bed, Linda took Sam's face in hand and said, "I'm glad you came to us."


Samantha had graduated Law school at the top of her class, and, as a graduation gift, Mistress had gotten her a job at a prestigious law firm. Samantha had still not used any of her three wishes, and, so far, didn't see any need to.

She was just finishing up the write-up on the closing argument she would be using in a case she was working on, when her secretary said, "Miss Nevada, there's an Elaine on line one. She won't give her last name."

"It's okay, April. I'll take it. And for heavens sake, call me Sam or at least Samantha, if you must be formal."

"Yes, Miss Samantha."

Samantha gave a short laugh as she picked up the phone. "It's a start. Mistress, how are you?"

"In a little bit of a pickle, Samantha. How'd you like an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas?"

"Who do I have to kill?"

Mistress laughed. "Nothing so radical. Susan is going up to a medical convention to check on some new equipment and products for me. Usually I send along a lawyer to make sure that any contracts she needs to sign are on the up and up, but right now, all my regulars are busy on other things for me. I know your specialty is criminal law, but could you go along for me?"

"When is it?"

"Next Wednesday."

"You lucked out. As it turns out, I've got a couple weeks vacation time starting next Tuesday. Fax the flight info to me here at the office and I'll meet Susan at the airport."

"Will do. Thanks, Samantha. You're a life saver."

"Just returning the favor you did for me."

Over the next few days, Samantha wrapped up her cases in preparation for her trip, then met Susan at the airport. On the plane, a chartered flight, Susan mentioned, "I'm glad you're coming along, Samantha."

"Why's that?"

"Elizabeth and I have a rule. No sex with anyone you can't share. We've made a few mistakes, picked someone we thought would be willing to have sex with both of us, but turned out to be not interested, but for the most part, we're pretty good about judging people." She took Sam's hand. "With you I know you've got nothing against being with both of us."

"No problem with that." Sam leaned over and kissed Susan on the lips. "Susan, how did you meet Mistress? How did you find out about what she was capable of?"

"Actually, I was lovers with Elaine back when she was a guy. Although I didn't know it until long after I met Elaine. When I was fresh out of college, I was a medical administrative assistant at a prestigious medical lab. I was posted to a new up and coming young scientist. I'm not giving you his name so don't ask. This scientist was brilliant, and doing new things with Biochemistry that had never been conceived of. We hit it off immediately and became lovers. We knew even then that it wasn't anything but sex between us, but we were both okay with that.

"Now there was always something secretive about this scientist, not unusual in the world of scientific advancements, but even more so in his case. Well, one Sunday he calls me up and says, 'Susan, whatever happens, don't be surprised at what happens tomorrow.'

"I asked what he meant by that, but he wouldn't explain. Imagine my surprise when he came in the next day in a dress. There was a bit of a hullabaloo over it by the executives, but Elaine, as he was calling himself now, pointed out that he was on contract, and his contract couldn't be terminated for a medical condition that didn't interfere with the commission of his duties. Since "her" status as a Transsexual was a medical condition, being treated by a psychiatrist, "she" couldn't be fired for it.

"Problem was, "Elaine", as a man, was one of the most masculine people you could imagine, broad shoulders, tight abs, thick, muscular arms and legs, and even after the year of required living as a woman, and three years of hormone treatments, and some hefty plastic surgery, there was still something about her that was very masculine. The problem was, she knew it, and she didn't like it. So she turned her knowledge of biochemistry to the problem.

"Eventually, she went to the board and proposed research into a new invention of hers she called APS, Aggressive Protein Strands. If they worked she would be able to program the strands to migrate to specific points in the human body and cause the tissue to either grow or contract at an accelerated rate, causing radical changes to the body in very short periods of time.

"But, as you may have realized, sometimes, prestigious translates to mean stodgy and conservative, and the board was still ticked that she hadn't discussed her "condition" with them ahead of time. That combined with the fact that the APS system she proposed was so radical caused them to reject her, pretty much out of hand.

"Now, during this time we had remained lovers, and to be honest, I had developed a taste for she-males. But when the board turned her down, she suddenly became even more secretive. I could tell she was really upset, but she wouldn't let me help her. Then, one day, she just disappeared. I was curious and tried to find her, but received no luck, and got nowhere.

"Well, over the next ten years, I met my husband to be, got married, and got a great new offer for a job at a new lab. It was there that I met Elaine as you know her. And it's a testament to the effectiveness of APS that I had no idea who she used to be. After about a year of working at the new lab went by, the... incident between me and my husband occurred."

"Elizabeth told me about it."

"Yes, well, I went into work all distraught and eventually got pulled into the office by Elaine. She wanted to know what had happened. In order to get me to talk, she revealed who she once was. It was then that we planned the changes that would bring Elizabeth into existence."

"Elizabeth told me all about what happened next."

"Yes, well, can you keep a secret?"

"I'm a lawyer. Of course I can keep a secret." Then joking, she said, "You want to make this official, hand me a dollar, and you become my client, and anything you tell me gets attorney-client confidentiality." Susan got her purse and fished out a dollar and handed it to Sam. "Woah. Serious."

"Yeah. Lizzie told you that after she transformed, I went shopping for "her", then came home and was upset that she had drunk her way up to a D cup?"


"Well, it wasn't for the reasons she thought. I could've easily gone out and exchanged what I had for the larger sizes she now needed. I was upset because she had ruined my plans for the evening."

"Which were?"

"I was so pissed at my husband for what he had done to me that day. I knew about what changes Mistress had made to the formula, and I intended to get my husband dressed up, take him out and fill him with drinks until his breasts burst from his chest in front of everybody. And he had beaten me to it.

"Now Lizzie considers herself kind of an evolved state of what she used to be. She thinks of herself as my husband, but different. Me? I consider them two totally separate people. It's the only way I've got to reconcile my feelings. You see, from the very first time we made love, I noticed differences in Lizzie from my husband. She was kinder, gentler than he ever was, and from that first night, I loved Lizzie, but still hated him. And when I found out she was an alcoholic, I hated him all the more for the problems he had saddled her with. And when she went behind my back and asked Mistress to change the formula so she could break her addiction, I loved her all the more, for I knew my husband never would've consented to such a thing, much less thought of it on his own.

"But as time went on and the deadline grew closer, I became truly frightened that she'd allow HIM back into my life. I knew Mistress wouldn't force her to remain Lizzie for the rest of her life, so I conspired to make it so. That night at the restaurant I had a bottle of knockout drops. I intended to tell Lizzie how I felt, that I didn't want her to ever be a man again. Then, she'd be so upset with me that she'd look away long enough for me to spike her drink. Then I'd keep her unconscious till the effect of the transformation became permanent.

"When she told me that she wanted the same thing, I almost dropped the bottle. I realized then that my husband was dead and I was happy to be Lizzie's wife and lover. And we've been happy ever since."

"That's some story. I can see why you want to keep it quiet."

Susan nodded. "Well, I'm going to get some sleep before we land in Vegas. Thanks for letting me talk."

"No prob." As Susan fell asleep, Sam started to work on some legal briefs. She had never been able to sleep on a plane, which made it all the more amazing when she fell asleep.


Samantha was in the same ballroom with the same white wedding dress. She was a little mystified. She hadn't had this dream since she had joined the law firm and moved out of Mistress's home and into a place of her own. She turned to the door and waited for the strange man to enter. She waited and waited, but he didn't come.

"He's not coming." Sam turned to see Andros waiting there. He pointed at the door. "This time you have to go to him."

"Andros?" She almost ran to him, but he shook his head, and faded out. She turned back, went to the door and opened it...


The flight attendant shook Sam awake. "Excuse me, ma'am. We'll be landing in about 30 minutes."

Sam sighed. "If only it could've been 35."


"Nothing. Just a dream."

The attendant woke Susan and prepared for touch down. When they landed, they went and checked in at the hotel. They were in adjoining rooms with a connecting door. Once Sam was finished unpacking, she heard a knock on the adjoining door. She went and opened it to let Susan in. So what's our agenda?"

"We've got a display of merchandise on the top floor in the ballroom at 6 PM. Which leaves us 4 hours to entertain ourselves. Any suggestions?"

"Well, I don't know about you, but I plan on taking a shower. Care to join me?"

"Sounds fun."

Susan got up and took Sam by the hand and led her into the bathroom. The two undressed each other, and even before they got into the shower Susan took Sam's breast and kissed the nipple. Sam moaned, and started to stroke Susan's body. Susan stood erect and they kissed, pressing breasts to breasts and cock to cunt.

Susan almost climbed onto Sam, but Sam pushed her away and stepped towards the shower. "At this rate we're never even going to get wet."

Susan winked. "So?"

As Sam stepped into the shower, she said, "Flirt. You weren't running around all day getting ready for the flight. Now you going to help me get clean, or just stand there looking cute?"

Susan joined her in the shower as Sam started the water. She got behind Sam and took her breasts in hand. She pulled Sam to her and rubbed her own breasts against Sam's back. Sam moaned and rubbed her butt against Susan's pelvis. Susan, not even realizing what she was doing, unconsciously humped her hips against Sam's, as though she were currently wearing her dildo. She kissed Sam's neck and nibbled her ear as she reached down and took Sam's dick in hand. As Sam got her dick stroked, she pumped her hips into Susan's hand, accentuating the feelings. Finally Sam turned around and pressed Susan against the wall. She kissed Susan as she pressed her dick into Susan's cunt. Susan lifted her legs and wrapped them around Sam's hips. They moved together in the shower until they came together.

After they were finished, they actually took the time to clean each other before going into their separate rooms (they both admitted that the other was too much temptation for them to get ready in the same room) and got dressed.

They went downstairs and had dinner before heading up to the convention. When they entered, Sam stopped. "What is it?" Susan asked.

"I don't know. There's just something... familiar about this place."


"Haven't the foggiest. I've never been here before." Sam shrugged. "Oh, well, this is a working vacation. Let's get to work."

They started to check out displays, seeing if there was anything Mistress could use at her private clinic or in her lab. At one point, Susan turned to see Sam staring at something. She looked to try to see, but only saw a group of the men who owned the businesses whose products they were checking out. She walked over to the dumbstruck girl, and said, "What's so interesting?" but Sam didn't even reply. Susan snapped her fingers in front of Sam's face, and said, "Earth to Sam, Earth to Sam, come in, Sam," but Sam didn't even respond. Susan slapped Sam's face lightly, but when she got no response, decided to take drastic action, and reached down and tweaked Sam's nipple.

Sam's hand went to her breast as she said, "OW!" and came out of her daze.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. What'd you do that for?"

"Well everything else, including slapping your face, didn't work so it was either that or slug you. What's so interesting?"

She pointed to the group of business owners. "That man, the young one, who is he?"

"That's James Smith. He's a cutie, isn't he? He owns a small medical supply business. Even works in the same city as Elaine. Most of his stuff is pretty good, but he doesn't deal in the rare supplies Elaine needs, so I've never done business with him. Why the interest?"

"He's... He's the strange man from my dream."

"Your dream?"

"The one where I'm in a wedding dress, in a ballroom. In fact, this is the very ballroom. I didn't recognize it at first because of all the people and tables, but this is definitely the place."

"So this is the guy you're supposed to marry? I hate to say it, but forget it, sister girlfriend."


"Because back when I first met him, I decided to scope him out to see if he'd be a good choice for a sexual partner. Truth s, he's a bit of a flirt, and something of a low level cad, nothing really serious. But, more importantly, his view of she-males is, as he put it, 'interesting and some are even mildly attractive, but too disturbing to even consider.'"

"Oh." Sam was deflated. Could her dream have been wrong? Could her dream have been just a dream? If it was, why did she include Andros? And why did she even dream of a real man and this real place?

She was still in a confusion as she bumped right into something. "Oh, excuse me," she said. She looked up into the face of who she had bumped into. It was him!

"No problem," James Smith said. "The day I object to someone as beautiful as you bumping into me is the day I need to be buried six feet under." James took her hand and kissed it. "My name is James. James Smith."

Sam found herself blushing like a schoolgirl. "Samantha. Samantha Nevada. My friends call me Sam."

"Well, may I have the privilege?"

"I think I should get to know you first."

"Would you allow me to buy you dinner then? Just to get to know you, of course."


"Meet you in the dining room at 9?"

"See you then."

As he walked away, Susan came up. "What was that about?"

"I've got a dinner date."

"Sam, I told you how he felt! How could you make an appointment with him?"

Sam sighed. "I just couldn't say no."

That night, Sam and James met for dinner, and she had a wonderful time. When he left her at the door to her room, he didn't even make some lame attempt to get himself invited in. She went in and collapsed on the bed.

"So?" Susan asked from the adjoining doorway. "How'd it go?"

"He was wonderful. Andros didn't even make me feel this way. Maybe... Maybe you were wrong. Maybe he just never met a she-male before, and that's why he feels like he does."

"Yeah, and what if I'm right?"

"Why are you saying these things to me?"

"Because I've seen what happens when the girls reveal themselves to the wrong people. If I'm right and you're lucky, he'll just drop you like a hot stone. If you're not, he may beat you... Possibly even kill you. Mistress would punish him for that. But it wouldn't bring you back."

Sam turned away from her. "Leave me alone!"

Susan walked up and kissed Sam on the cheek. "I'm sorry, hun. Maybe you are right and he can handle it. Just think long and hard and get to know him real well before you reveal yourself to him." Susan then returned to her own room.

Over the remainder of the trip, Sam got to know James well, and, unfortunately, she had to admit that Susan was right and it probably wouldn't be wise to let him know her secret. He wouldn't have become violent, but he would've left her had he known. Once he found out she lived in the same city as he did, however, he didn't even press for sex, and asked her to be his steady girlfriend. She accepted, but knew she'd have to do something about her... little extra before they could go any further.

When she got back, she went straight to Mistress and said, "I have my first wish."

"What is it?"

"I want a cunt."

Mistress looked long and hard at her. "If that's what you want. I don't have any biochemical mixtures for that purpose, but I can easily afford the more conventional means. But before I do, if I may ask, why?"

"There's this guy I met..."

Mistress shook her head. "Oh, hun, you're making a mistake. If this were what you wanted for you, I'd say fine, but no good can come from changing yourself for someone else."

"This is what I want! If you're not going to do it..."

"I didn't say no. Just think about it. Okay? Take a week, if you still want the operation, then I'll pay for it."

One week later, Sam still wanted the operation, so Mistress paid for it. She spent the recovery time for the operation in Mistress's home (she told James she was out of town on a business trip) being dutifully attended by the girls in general, but mostly by Linda in specific. After she had fully recovered, she was standing nude in front of the mirror, looking at the results, when Linda came in. Sam turned to face her. "So? How do I look?"

"Very pretty."

"You don't sound too enthusiastic."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. You're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. But I think you looked a lot prettier with your dick. It was... I don't know... right for you."

Sam turned back to the mirror. "Well, this is the new me, so you better get used to it."

Linda came up behind her and kissed her neck while rubbing her hips. "I think I could get used to it a lot faster, if you'd share."

"Why you little flirt."

"Do you mind?"

"Well, I was kind of planning to share it with James first, but I don't suppose it'd hurt to take it for a test run." Sam turned, wrapped her arms around Linda's neck and kissed her. Linda took Sam in her arms and kissed her back. Sam pushed Linda back and onto the bed, flipped Linda's skirt up, pulled down her panties and climbed up on top of her. Linda used her hands to stroke Sam's body, as Sam lowered herself onto Linda's already hard dick.

They moved together until Linda asked, "So, how does it feel to get fucked in the cunt rather than the ass?"

"Oh, it feels exquisite. The sensations... The..." Suddenly Sam screamed in pain and fell over.

"What? What's wrong?"

Through tears, Sam replied, "My cunt! My entire crotch! It feels like it's on fire!"

"What can I do?"

"Go... get... Mistress."

Linda was off like a shot. She returned with Mistress only a few moments later, but by then Sam was on the floor. She no longer seemed to be in pain, but was crying freely.

Mistress came over and put her arm around Sam's shoulder. "Sam, honey, what's wrong?"

Sam turned and buried her head in Mistress's shoulder. "It's back. It's back."

Mistress was about to ask what it was, when she felt something brush her thigh. Looking down between Sam's legs, she saw Sam's dick, not only back, but about an inch longer than it used to be.

Mistress picked Sam up and put her in her bed. "Linda, get me my medical bag."

"Mistress, she seems so distraught. Couldn't this wait till morning?"

Mistress grew angry. "Linda, if I am to fix this, I will need blood samples to check, and the longer we wait the more likely I am to lose whatever in her blood caused this reversion! Now get me my bag!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Linda ran off and quickly returned with Mistress's medical bag. Mistress drew some of Sam's blood, and carefully packed the samples away. "Linda, stay with her tonight. I'll be in my lab if an emergency arises."

"Yes, ma'am."

Linda sat beside Sam and held her until Sam cried herself to sleep.

The next day Sam met Mistress in the lab. "Mistress, do you have an answer for me? Why is my cock back?"

"I have an answer, but it's not promising. It seems that your testicles are inundated with the same chemical that changed you."

"I thought you said that my brain was the center of production in my body for those chemicals."

"It is, which is part of the problem. When you get sexually excited, your brain sends signals to the cock that it thinks is supposed to be there. Not finding either cock or the APS that it knows is supposed to be there, it uses the other chemicals in your body to... rebuild the area."

"So I don't have a choice? I've got to live with this thing for the rest of my life?"

"I will work on a biochemical solution, but I don't know if I can find a solution."

Sam almost broke down in tears as she said, "Thanks."

Over the next few months, Mistress did work on a solution, but every time she managed to achieve success, it was only temporary. And every time Sam's cock came back, it was bigger than before. The worst part was, James was pressing her to go further with their relationship, i.e. he wanted to have sex with her.

Finally, when she was up to 12" of cock, Mistress gave her the bad news. "I'm sorry, Sam, there's nothing I can do. Your body has just adapted too firmly to the chemicals. There's no way I can give you a working cunt."

"No way at all?"


"What? I'll do anything."

"I don't think you will. I can place biochemical blockers on your sex drive. Since you revert if you get excited, the blockers prevent you from getting excited. You'll never experience orgasm, or any kind of sexual excitement again."



Sam gulped. Not really a tenable solution. "Any other solutions?"

"Just one. Even more untenable than the last."

"I find that hard to believe."

Mistress smiled. "I can perform a total biochemical purge on you. It'll allow your body to accept the new chemicals, but it'll also mean a reversion to Samuel."

"Couldn't you change me to Samuel, change my cock to a cunt then change me back?"

"It's possible, but my tests show a 93% likelihood that you'll have developed a toxic resistance. More transformation chemicals just won't work on you if you revert."

"Great. So I've got a choice of spending my life as a man with a cunt or a girl with a dick?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. I know it's no consolation, but since I wasn't able to grant your wish, you get it back."

"You're right," Sam said, as she walked from the room. "It's no consolation."

Sam felt that her day couldn't get worse, but she was wrong. James took her to a restaurant for dinner, and dropped the bomb. "Sam, we've been going out for months, and I've tried to be as polite about this as possible, but you don't seem to be getting it. In fact, I think you've been purposefully dodging me on the issue. So, now I'm just going to say it flat out. I want to take our relationship to the next level. I want to have sex with you. So either we leave here and go somewhere to have sex, or we leave here and go our separate ways."

Sam was momentarily rendered speechless. "Could... Could you wait a day or two?" She couldn't believe it. She was actually considering having Mistress use her biochemical blockers.

"I'm sorry, no."

Sam could feel the tears coming to her eyes. "So... So that's it? How we feel about each other... How you make me feel... How I make you feel... None of it matters?"

"You think this is easy for me? It's no easier being rebuffed by you every time the subject comes up. I want you... I... love you. But if you don't care enough to share yourself, then... it's over."

"Please! Can't you just wait one day?!"

"No. Look, you've told me you've had sex with others. You know how that makes me feel? Knowing there's someone, perhaps many someones out there that you've shared that special intimacy with, but not with me?"


"Sorry. Anything other than tonight is just too little, too late."

The tears ran down her face, as she yelled, "Bastard!" slapped James, and stormed out of the restaurant. As she got into her car, she turned to see James staring after her, but as soon as he saw her noticing him, he turned his head away. She then proceeded to go right home and cry herself to sleep.


Sam was back in the ballroom, in her wedding dress. She turned to the door and in walked James. Despite the fact that Sam was none too pleased with James, her dream self played out the fantasy. He asked her to dance, they danced, he placed her on a table, dropped her panties, and fucked her. Finally he whispered in her ear, "I love you."

Previously this was the point at which the dream ended, but this time Sam said, "Prove it."

James stepped back, closed his eyes, and changed. His waist contracted while his hips widened. His chest expanded and continued to expand until his shirt ripped open, and out spilled two breasts, breasts even larger than her own. James dropped his (her?) pants, helped Sam from the table and took her place. Sam moved up between James's legs, placed her dick at his ass and slowly fucked him till they came together.

From behind her, Sam heard Andros's voice say, "I told you that he'd need some help."

Sam turned around and faced Andros, after she did the he-she behind her wrapped his/her legs and arms around Sam, and rested his/her head on Sam's shoulder. Sam said, "But, Andros, you said we'd be husband and wife. If this is the only way we can be together, how can that be?"

Andros just smiled as Sam felt the arms and legs of James shift around her. She felt James's very male lips kiss her. James said, "Ask Mistress about TX-3137. Help make Tracie a reality. Help bring us back together."

Sam turned, and saw James, male again, smile and fade from view. She turned back to Andros, but he too was gone.


Sam woke up, and sat up in bed. She thought about the dream, and decided to take a chance, and try to make it reality. It was a big chance, the transformation to womanhood could be a life changing experience, she knew, and the new... Tracie could be incompatible with Sam.

She got up, showered, dressed, and went to Mistress. "Mistress, I have a replacement for my first wish."


"I want you to use your special formulas on James."

"Okay, but any particular reason?" Sam explained what had happened the night before. "Well it sounds like a suitable reason. But you realize, even if he learns his lesson, he may never forgive you for what you've done."

"Well, I've been thinking about that. Is there a way you can make it so he can be shifted between male and female forms at someone else's command?"

Mistress looked at Sam suspiciously. "Perhaps."

"What about formula TX-3137?"

"How did you know about that?" Sam told her about the dream. "Strange, but it explains a lot."

"What do you mean?"

"The reason I selected you. It came to me in a dream. An image of you, where I could get information on you, who you were, and what I needed to do to you."

"It looks like Andros has been looking out for me for a while."

"Perhaps. As a transsexual, I know there's something more than a body. But those discussions are best left to Sunday school or a philosophy class."

"But what about TX-3137?"

"If it works, it will do as you say. It will allow the subject to be transformed by the command of another. It'll even allow a series of preprogrammed commands that will cuse the subject to follow required behaviors. But..."

"But what?"

"I've never tried it on a human subject. There's no guaranteeing its efficacy."

"I'm willing to risk it."

Mistress just smiled.


James Smith was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now James was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and James was unconscious before he knew what was happening...

Next: Chapter 2: Biochemistry Original

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