Billy Destroyed

By Art Gibson

Published on Dec 22, 2020


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Billy Destroyed C - 2

RECAP: I felt his hips thrusting against me and I responded with the same thrusting against him. Suddenly he stiffened, his head flew back, and he groaned. I lost myself in his throaty sounds. I could feel his wetness and mine mix on our bellies.

The school year ended, and we had the summer before our Freshman year to play. We swam, road our bikes, shot hoops, the normal boy things. We just did other stuff that most boys would not consider normal, but for Jimmy and me our normal was making each other happy.

Then July arrived

I was lying on our bed. Yes, it was our bed. We did so much in it. I was not sure what we should call what we did. Were we having sex or making love? Anyways, we were both nude, just relaxing. I lay on my back and Jimmy rested his head on my stomach. He blew lightly on my belly button. His fingers twirled my pubic hairs. It felt so good.

Without raising his head, he said, "I wonder how your boner tastes?"

Did I hear him correctly? He wanted to taste me there?

"Would it taste different from skin on other parts of your body?"

I knew what he would say next and he did not disappoint.

"I'll taste yours if you will taste mine."

There he had said it. I knew and he knew what would happen next. He waited for me to respond. I knew what I would say, but did I want to say the words that would take us over the last line. We had crossed many lines since seventh grade. He was my best friend.

"Okay." Even to me my voice sounded lost.

Then, I felt his tongue lightly touch the side of my boner. I felt myself throb and he began raking his tongue along the bottom from the base to the tip. As the tingles built, he stopped.

"Your turn."

I lay him on his back looking at what I had never thought I would lick. I moved my head to the side of his boner. I swallowed. I felt nervous. I stuck my tongue against his boner, his beautiful boner and licked it. He moaned. I moved up and down as he had done

"Put it in your mouth, Billy," he said. "I'll put yours in my mouth if you do it to me."

I looked at his throbbing cock and, without more thought, put it in my mouth and pretended I was sucking a popsicle. I sucked, licked, and moaned. Jimmy's moans grew, His hips thrust. I felt a liquid hit the roof of my mouth and knew I needed to suck and swallow until he finished.

After he began to soften, he told me it was his turn. I lay on my back. Before he started, he rubbed his hands all over my body, paying attention to my nipples. My moans began and then I felt his mouth attack my boner. Where I had been careful, he became a wild man. He sucked, licked, and went all the way to my hair then back to the tip making noises as if he were devouring his last meal. My body became as aroused and as out of control as he was. I lost all sense of control, dug my heals into the bed, thrust my hips into the air, and howled like a wolf crying at the moon. I could feel myself flooding my best friend's mouth and knew I wanted this experience many more times.

We became crazed with our sex acts, No longer content with our earlier doings, we now sucked each other every day and every way we could. After we produced sperm in each other's mouth, we would lay in a tangle, kissing and rubbing each other.

One day, late in August as we lay relaxed and resting in each other's arms, he told me that he loved me. My heart filled and I told him that I loved him. That night I think our passion blew our previous behavior away.

While we were out of control in our lust, we knew we needed to behave when school started. The first day, I felt so out of control that when the school day ended, we raced to my house and went at our love making like bunnies.

"I found the perfect place. We won't be discovered," he told me as we lay cuddled together.


"There's a bathroom at the end of the gym hall. No one goes there during lunch. We can eat in the cafeteria then go there."

I felt unsure but agreed to check it out with him.

The next day, we followed his plan. We hung out to see if he was correct. He was. The second day he put his plan to work. He knelt and gave me a BJ. I think the danger of being caught made this one of the better ones. Of course, I did him after. This behavior continued for about two weeks. We were becoming confident. We were safe. We could get off at school then do it at home. Saturdays we could do it as often as we wanted.

Trouble happened on a Wednesday. I liked Wednesday's because we had more time at home than any other weekday. I knelt enjoying Jimmy's hardness slide over my tongue. I was so lost in giving Jimmy pleasure that I did not hear the door open. I knew trouble had arrived when Jimmy pushed me roughly off his cock and his sperm hit my face.

"Well, Well. A couple of fags." I heard a male voice growl.

I turned to see two boys looking at me on my knees. I could feel Jimmy's sperms running down my cheeks. Then I heard the words I never believed I would hear from my best friend.

"I ain't no fag. You are not a fag if you receive a BJ. This kid gives me one every lunch. He sucks better than my girl."

My mind blanked as I looked up at Jimmy.

He did not look at me. He looked at the two boys who had entered.

"Do you think he would do us," one asked.

The last string in our friendship parted as Jimmy said, "Probably."

My body slumped on the dirty tile floor at Jimmy's feet. I felt tears and sobs start. Before I found out if I would be at the mercy of the two boys, the bell rang.

One of the boys asked. "What's your name?"


"What's the fags name?"


"Let's go Jimmy. We'll let the fag stay here. See you tomorrow, Billy. You know what we want."

I was crying so hard. They were a blur as they walked out the door and with them my friendship with Jimmy. I could only focus on my sobbing. My mind did not form thought.

"Oh my god. What's the matter? Are you okay? Let me check you for cuts. Troy, lock the door. No one gets in."

I felt myself being cradled in someone's arms as he ran his hands over my clothes.

"No cuts." Then fingers gently pushed through my hair and felt my head and neck. "I don't think there is bruising. Dude, what's the matter, what happened? Do we need to get a teacher?

I shook my head. "No. Leave me be. Just let me die."

"Die? No way. We cannot let you do that. What's your name?"

"Between sobs I choked, "Billy."

"Here's what we are going to do Billy. I'm Cory and that's my brother Troy. He has the door locked. We will stay with you until you are ready to tell us what happened. Then we will take you home and we will not leave you alone."

"I choked out, "What about your classes?"

"We can go to class anytime. Not every day we meet a hot, new friend."

I was still cradled in Cory's lap and Troy was sitting next to me.

"Can you stand," Cory asked?

"I think so."

"Help him up Troy."

I felt shaky, but with Troy's help and then with Cory wrapped around me from the other side I stood.

"Where do you live Billy?"

"Dawson Estates on Duval Street."

"Cool. We moved into Dawson the week before school started. Maybe we are neighbors." That must be Troy talking as his voice was just slightly deeper than Cory's voice.

"Here's what we are going to do," Cory said.

I could tell he was the brother who took charge.

"Take your shirt off Troy, then your T-shirt. Give Billy your T-shirt to dry his face. Billy, scrub your face and use Troy's shirt to dry yourself."

I did as Cory directed. He was bossy but somehow, I liked that. I needed that bossiness at this time.

"Here's the plan. We are skipping the rest of the day. We are going out the gym doors and walking home. Nothing at school we need. No coats, hats, or books. If anyone tries to stop us, keep walking and say nothing."

We cut across the fields using a shortcut I showed them to the Sub. Before long, we were at Duval Street.

"That's my house." I pointed then realized that my house was next to Jimmy's. I could not do this. Cory must have sensed my hesitation.

"I see your house, dude. Ours is right behind yours. Small world. How about you come home with us. Text your mom. Tell her you met some friends at school who live behind you. They asked you to stay over."

I knew mom wouldn't care. I texted her and got an answer, Okay.

Cory made sandwiches and asked if I liked milk? Troy poured me a glass. We ate in silence. I sat at the table, one brother on each side. After we ate, they led me to their room. They shared a room with duplicate everything, beds, desks, and everything else.

"You can tell us everything," Troy told me.

This was the first direction I had heard him give. His eyes were so soft and green. I looked at Cory. His eyes, no, his entire face was identical to Troy's face.

"Yeah, we are identical, everywhere," he said with a smirk.

I softened.

"Tell us what happened," Troy said again. His voice was softer than his brother's voice. It had a quality to it that made me want to confess my entire life to him.

I looked at my hands before placing them on my cheeks. I told them everything, my entire life with Jimmy, what we had done together, how we enjoyed it. Then I talked about his betrayal today. At that point, I could see the brothers crying, rubbing their eyes.

"I'm the one who's supposed to be crying."

They laughed and my sorrow retreated. We had a good time that evening. Their parents were super nice. They called my mom to be sure it was okay for me to stay. After we showered, the boys gave me undies and sleep pants and their mom washed my school clothes. One of them must have told their parents why I was staying over because their dad came into the game room to talk. He told me he would drive us tomorrow and if anyone bullied me, I was to let a teacher know and then text him.

He looked at his sons. They nodded as if giving a good to go signal.

"Billy. Troy and Cory are very special to my wife and I. We trust their judgement. They like you and have agreed together that I can tell you about them. My wife and I accept them as unique. They have been in love with each other since birth, probably even before they were born. They are more than brothers; they are in love with each other. We are okay with that. They wanted you to know."

My eyes moved to each face. I saw smiles. I smiled.

"I think that is wonderful."

Cory spoke. "We are on the football team. Our teammates know about us. We told the coach, then we told them. No one has an issue. We are going to text some of them tonight to tell them to watch out for you. No one better get in your face or some of our linemen will get in theirs."

I laughed. "Thanks, everybody."

The three of us started for the bedroom. The boys gave their parents hugs. Then their dad said that I needed to hug them also. I felt good.

In the bedroom Cory told me that they usually slept in separate beds to get a full sleep. Tonight, they would share so I could have my own bed. I was about to protest when Cory pointed a finger at a bed and looked determined. I shrugged and climbed under the covers. Troy turned out the light. I was about to place my phone on the nightstand when a text came through from Jimmy.

You okay? I deleted it.

"See you boys tonight," Cory and Troy's dad said as he dropped us at the school.

Three bleary eyed boys trudged to the doors. Our lockers were in the Freshman hall. I wondered if I would see Jimmy and yep, there he was. Cory must have guessed he was my ex-friend, somehow, because he put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. Then, right there in the hall, he kissed my cheek. I was so surprised that my head turned to look at him and he brushed my lips with his.

Two huge kids strolled up and patted Cory on the back.

"Way to snag a good looking boyfriend," one guy, who must have been on the team said in a loud, approving voice.

"He stayed at my house with my brother and me last night. We had a great time. He knows some tricks." Cory made sure to emphasize that last part.

"He looks like he does," the other big kid said. "Bring him to practice after school. Coach might have something for him to do."

I did not look at Jimmy though I knew he saw and heard everything.

Troy patted my back looking at Cory. "Way to snag `em bro."

At my locker, I dropped my head pretending to look for something. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jimmy holding a hand against the wall and another in his mouth. I smiled to myself though at the same time I felt a sadness. I knew I hurt Jimmy with that little display, but he had devastated me yesterday. I had also made it clear that I was under the protection of some big dudes.

It turned out that the brothers and I shared a first period class together. They made a girl move so the three of us could sit close. Cory would touch my arm whenever the teacher was not looking. Using my side vision, I saw Jimmy staring.

Up until yesterday, I sat at lunch with Jimmy. Today I sat at the football table, one of them. I looked for Jimmy. I wondered where he was. Half way through lunch, he came in. His shirt was out of his pants and his eyes were red. His usually combed hair stuck out at odd angles. He had no tray. Where was his food?

Two minutes later, the two kids from yesterday entered with their trays. They did look at jimmy as they went to another table. One of them licked his lower lip and sneered at Jimmy. I saw Jimmy put his head in his hands. Just before he did, I saw his red, tear-filled eyes.

Though Billy was destroyed by Jimmy's betrayal, Jimmy's suffering becomes beyond cruel in Chapter 3

Next: Chapter 3

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