Billy and Richard

By's unclekid

Published on May 12, 2000



Here's a little story that I've been working with lately. This is totally fiction and if any of these characters, events, places, etc. seem real, then that means I've been able to lure you into my fictional world. Horray me!!! Anyway, if the laws where you live say you're not allowed to read this, then don't and go to some other website. I would suggest a few, but I don't know any. Well, enjoy the story.

----------------------------- Billy and Richard

Billy woke up with the sunlight shining directly in his face. He rubbed his eyes as he rolled over and hit a figure in his bed. He stared at the naked body lying next to him and wondered how he got so lucky. Billy stared at the face of his sleeping friend lying next to him and smiled. He knew he finally found what he wanted...he found love.

A little over a year ago, Billy and Richard first met. Billy was sixteen and sitting in his first class one Monday morning in January. Richard had just moved into town a few days before, but this was his first day at his new school. As luck would have it, Richard was seated right next to Billy. Billy instantly knew that he wanted to make friends with the mysterious stranger. Billy welcomed the new kid and the friendship took off from there.

After the initial meeting, Billy and Richard became the closest of friends. Over the course of the year, they went out together, slept over each other's houses, had numerous classes together and even managed to work at the same store. From the outside, Billy and Richard knew each other inside and out. But there was something Richard didn't know about Billy. Throughout their time together, Billy never told Richard that he was gay. Billy knew he was gay since he was twelve but never told anyone. He had a girlfriend every now and then, but nothing ever serious. His relationship with Richard started out as a genuine friendship, but later turned out to be more for Billy. He felt a close bond with Richard and had no desire to have those ties severed. Richard had become his best friend and often times, Richard appeared in Billy's fantasies. He knew he wanted Richard but never made any big advances toward him. He wanted to keep his friendship as well as keep his secret. Billy believed that the only way to do this was to keep his feelings and desires to himself.

This started to change about a month ago. Richard thought he knew Billy, but there was something that had been nagging at him from the first time they met. Richard thought it wasn't anything big or majorly disturbing, but he knew there was something about Billy that he didn't know. He let those feelings go after the first month they knew each other, but those feelings suddenly started to arise once again. Richard tried not to think about it too much, but he began to notice that Billy was acting slightly different from his usual self. Richard decided not to mention this to Billy and to observe his actions in case he might give him some hints about his new attitude.

Since the day that Richard started noticing the change in Billy's behavior, the following month had been quite different from their normal routine. They didn't hang out after school as much, they barely called each other, and at work, they exchanged only a few sentences each day. This began to bother Richard and he decided that he had had enough. He devised a plan in which he would talk to Billy and find out was wrong with him.

One Friday, Billy and Richard were at work as usual. It was almost closing time and there were hardly any customers in the store. Billy was talking with the manager and Richard was wandering around the store straightening the mess left behind by the customers. He reached the front of the store and listened to his co-workers conversation for a while. The three of them began talking about their other co-workers when the manager stepped away to begin closing for the night.

"Hey Billy, what're you doin tonight," Richard asked.

"Nothin much. Just goin home, I guess," Billy replied.

"Why don't you come over to my place tonight? My parents are away for the weekend and we haven't hung out in some time," Richard said.

"Sure why not. I'll just call my parents and let them know I'll be stayin at your place tonight," Billy said while counting his drawer.

"Cool," Richard said as he began to walk around the store again, straightening anything that he might have missed. All plans go Richard thought to himself.

After they closed the store, the two boys said good-byes to their manager and got into their own cars. Richard lead the way even though Billy knew where Richard lived from his many visits. Once at his house, Richard and Billy got comfortable. They drank soda, watched TV and had some mindless chatter. Richard noticed that Billy looked uncomfortable sitting there and wondered what was wrong. He was determined to find out what was going on inside the head of his best friend.

It was well past midnight but neither of the boys were tired enough to go to sleep. Richard stared at Billy while Billy was watching TV. He knew now was his chance to ask Billy what was wrong with him.

"Billy, can I ask you something," he asked.

"Sure, go ahead," Billy replied.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but what's up with you? You haven't been yourself for the last month. I've been trying to figure it out, but I haven't come up with anything," he said staring directly into Billy's face.

Shocked, Billy managed to reply, " see.....uh..."

"Yeah, uh what?"

"Well, its like this," Billy said followed by a long pause. He didn't know what to say, but he knew that now was the time to tell his best friend about his feelings. For better or for worse, Billy looked his best friend straight in the eyes. "I hope this isn't gonna change anythin, but I guess I now's a good time to fill you in on somethin. Richard," Billy paused to catch his breath. He put his hand on the back of Richard's head, pulled him close and kissed him on the lips.

The moment only lasted a few seconds but with that show of affection, Billy knew that Richard understood what caused the distance between them for the last month. As Billy withdrew his head, he stared into his friend's eyes. He didn't know what kind of reaction Richard would give him. They never discussed gay people and Billy had no clue what Richard thought about gay people. He didn't think Richard hated gay people, but he didn't know if he would accept his best friend being gay.

As Billy looked into his friend's eyes, he tried to look for some sort reaction or some sort answer to his question if Richard would accept him or not. His friend's eyes didn't reveal anything to him. He took his gaze away from his friend's face and stared down at his feet. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what his friend was feeling. All he knew was that whatever happened, he would be able to deal with it.

Suddenly, Billy felt a hand on his chin. Richard's hand forced his face to look once again into the eyes of his friend. No one words were exchanged, but the stare between them gave Billy some comfort. He knew by the stare Richard was giving him that he was not angry with him nor would he desert him. The only question Billy had now was what would happen between them.

"What? When? How," was all Richard said.

"Well, to answer your questions, I'm gay. I've know for quite some time. And as for how, well, it just kinda happened," Billy said with a hint of laughter in his speech.

"Well in that case..." Richard's voice trailed off as he moved his face toward his Billy's.

Richard gently placed his lips on Billy's. The two boys kissed but this time, Billy was too shocked that he didn't enjoy the moment as he had always imagined he would. Richard noticed his friend's unresponsiveness and pulled away, thinking that he had done something wrong. He sat there and stared at Billy. Billy, still in shock that the one person he lusted after just finished kissing him, sat there with a blank expression on his face. It took a minute for his mind to process the events of the last few moments, but once he realized what had happened, He looked into Richard's eyes and smiled. Richard smiled back and gave a light laugh.

"Glad you're back. Thought I lost you for a moment," Richard said.

"That was.....uh......a surprise," Billy replied, grabbing Richard's hand.

"I was hoping for a better reaction, but I guess surprise works."

"What? When? How?"

"Well, I'm gay, I've been gay for a few years. And as for how, well, it just happened," Richard replied.

"Okay," Billy chuckled. "So what happens now?"

"Well, we could always do this," Richard said as he planted another kiss on Billy.

The two kissed for a third time, but this was not like the previous two. There was more passion, more heat, more feeling during this kiss. After a few minutes, Richard withdrew his head and started to kiss Billy on the nick. Billy threw his head back as he felt the warm lips of his friend making a trail that started under his chin and ended at his left ear. Richard started to make his way to Billy's lips, gave him a peck, and then continued straight across to his other ear. He make his way to Billy's Adam's apple and started to kiss a trail down his friend's chest through the fabric of his shirt.

Billy stopped him and said, 'Hey man, let's go to your room."

Richard nodded in agreement and grabbed Billy's hand and lead him to his room. On the way to the bedroom, Billy's hands began to explore Richard's chest from behind. By the time they reached Richard's room, they were once again kissing before Richard was able to open his door. Once he opened it, they both fell to the floor, Richard on top of Billy. On the floor, Richard continued what he started on the couch. He started to fondle and kiss Billy through his shirt. Billy moaned and ran his hands through his friend's hair.

Richard stood up, turned on the lights and reached out his hand. Billy grabbed his hand and was assisted to his feet. They both made their way to the bed where Richard pushed Billy on to of his sheets. He jumped on top of his friend and began kissing him while his hands started to roam the body under him. Through the fabric, Richard was able to feel the definition of his friend's stomach. He moved north and began to fondle the pectoral muscles his friend possessed. At the same time, Billy's hand were also roaming Richard's body, feeling every muscle, every curve, every inch of the body that he always desired.

Richard broke the kiss and began to tug at Billy's shirt. Billy understood what he wanted and slightly raised his torso off the bed so he could remove his shirt. Once off, Richard stared in amazement at the bare body in front of him. He had seen this sight before, but never came this close to feeling it. He was now living one of his fantasies and was determined to make the best of his first experience with it.

Richard slowly lowered his head and gave Billy a quick kiss before moving down to his body. He reached his right nipple and began to suck on it as a baby would on his mother's nipple. He heard Billy moan and assumed he was giving pleasure to his new love. He licked his way to the other nipple and sucked on it the same way he did the right one. After fondling it for a while, he started to make his way down his friend's stomach. He loved Billy's six-pack and ran his tongue all over his abs. He loved how the skin felt under his tongue and wished he could do that forever. Billy loved the feeling Richard was giving him and moaned for him to continue.

After Richard licked every inch of Billy's stomach, he began follow the trail of light brown hair that started at his belly button and went below the belt. Once he reached his friend's waist, he started to unbuckle his belt when he felt a set of hand on his. He looked up towards Billy's face and saw that he was smiling. He didn't know what was going on until Billy grabbed his head and pulled him in for a kiss. As their tongues intertwined, they rolled over on the bed with Billy ending up on top. Billy decided that it was now time that he gave his friend some of the same pleasure that he had just received.

He broke the kiss and immediately started to pull Richard's shirt off. Richard lifted his torso off the bed to assist his friend and once it was off, Billy dove straight down and began to lick, suck, and gently nibble on the flesh. Richard moaned and started breathing heavier giving Billy the indication that he was doing a good job. He moved from Richard's smooth chest to his flat stomach while at the same time trying to undo his pants. He succeeded in unbuckling his belt, undoing the button and pulling the zipper down over the bulge in Richard's pants. He tugged at his jeans and Richard knew what to do. He lifted his hips off his bed while Billy pulled his pants off his legs. Now only in his black silk boxers, Billy stared down at the beautiful body his friend had.

Billy smiled as he stared down at Richard. Richard smiled back as he stared into the eyes of the boy on top of him. Billy leaned in to kiss Richard, but Richard had other ideas. Once he could feel Billy's breath on his face, he quickly rolled him over and straddled him. With Richard on top, Billy sat and enjoyed the view. Richard moved down to unbutton Billy's pants, and in one swift pull, he removed both his pants and his boxer-briefs. Now totally naked, Billy lay on the bed with a big grin on his face. After more than a year of knowing him, Richard finally got to see his friend in the nude. He visually etched Billy's naked body into his mind so he would have the image with him forever. He leaned down and kissed his love on the lips and while their tongues danced, Billy tugged at Richard's boxers until they were at his knees. Richard felt what he was doing and finished pulling them off without breaking the kiss.

Now, both boys were completely naked. They rolled around on the bed for a while, their hot, naked bodies pressed together. Each boy could feel the other's still pole between them and it turn them both on. They were both oozing precum and it made their dicks slide between their bodies. Richard broke their passionate kiss and once again started to kiss his way down to Billy's throbbing piece of meat. Once he reached the six and a half inch tool, he teased the head, licking the sweet juices and savoring them in his mouth. He took the head into his mouth while fondling his friend's nutsack with his right hand and exploring his body with the other. Billy moaned with pleasure and that gave Richard the encouragement go farther down on him. Inch by inch, Richard was able to able to take all of Billy's dick into his mouth. He felt Billy's brown pubes tickle his nose as he bobbed up and down his friend's slick pole.

Billy was moaning with pleasure as he watched his friend move up and down on his groin. He knew that he would not be able to last much longer and tried to warn Richard.

"Uh....ooohhhh.....uuuuhhhhhh....yyyeeeaaahhh," was all that came out of Billy's mouth.

Without warning, Billy shot his load into his friend's mouth. Not wanting to let any of Billy's juices go to waste, he tried to swallow all his cum with the same speed that it was being given to him. Unable to swallow everything, Richard pulled off Billy's dick, letting his cum explode onto his face. After about six or seven shots erupted from Billy's cock, he finally stopped shooting his spunk. As he regained his breath after the intense oragsm he just had, he looked down to see that his cum was on Richard's face as well as covered some of his public hair.

"That was....wonderful," Billy said, smiling at his friend.

"Thanks," Richard replied, taking some of Billy's cum onto his fingers and tasting it. "Now that's some good stuff. Wanna try some?"

"I already know what mine tastes like. I wanna try yours," he replied as he pulled Richard toward the bed and switching places with him.

Now on top, Billy kissed Richard, tasting some of his own cum in the process. Getting turned on by his own spunk, Billy quickly dove towards Richard's seven inch prick. Quickly engulfing the tip, Billy tasted the sweet precum that was covering his buddy's cock head. After taking the time to allow his mouth to adjust to the size of his friend's width, he slowly began to take more of his friend's meat into his mouth. Before he knew it, Richard's dick was totally in his mouth. He bobbed up and down the pole while he caressed his smooth balls in his other hand. Richard tried to formulate words to show his pleasure, but all be could do was grunt and moan like a wild animal. Billy took this as a good sigh and tried to produce as much suction as he could while he sucked his friend off.

"Oh Billy.....I'm gonna.......uuuuhhhhhhh.....I'm gonna......yyeeeaah," was Richard's way of warning his lover that he was ready to cum.

Billy kept on sucking as Richard's body shook and his dick released his sweet fluids. Billy was able to swallow most of the cum, but he allowed Richard's dick to fall from his mouth, causing him to shoot the remaining juices onto his stomach. Once he finished shooting, Billy moved on top of Richard and gave him a kiss on the lips. They were covered in sweat and cum and allowed their wet bodies to press against each other. Billy put his head on Richard's chest and closed his eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too," Richard replied.

The two boys lay there until they fell asleep.

Well, that's the story. It ran longer than I expected, but I think it turned out all right. If you enjoyed it and want me to continue with these two, let me know. Any comments and stuff can be sent to Have fun.

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