Billy and His Teammates

By moc.oohay@rehtnapdnakwahnoil

Published on Oct 15, 2009


The normal disclaimers apply, please don't read if you're underage. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. This is my first attempt at a fairly lengthy story and I will submit it in chapters. I didn't want the story to be one where everyone turns out to be gay and we have a massive orgy. There is a significant amount of straight sex in the story, especially in chapter one, which has no gay content at all (but it is necessary to read to get the rest of the story). Please email me your comments to, I love to get comments whether positive or constructively negative.

So here goes, hope you enjoy.

Chapter Four - The Aftermath.

Billy hobbled out of Steve's house into the street outside. He started to slowly walk back towards his house, his ass hole still burning and he could feel cum dripping out and down his leg. As he walked along he started to cry softly. How can anything be like it was before? I was a fucking stud! I got any girl I wanted! I know Steve won't tell anyone, but I'll still know. Feeling worse than he'd ever felt in his life before Billy started running, he didn't know where, just anywhere, somewhere nobody would find him. As Billy continued to run, a face in a window he ran past recognised him. Billy kept running, his legs in pain from the running adding to the pain in his ass. He didn't mind the pain, anything to take his mind off what Steve had just done to him. He didn't even hear the pounding of footsteps behind him, the figure from the window had just about caught him up.


But Billy was too emotional to want to talk to anybody, he picked up the pace of his running to try to be alone.


The figure behind was still managing to close in on Billy, but Billy kept on running. The chase came to an end when Billy tripped over a stick that lay on the ground. Groaning Billy rolled on the floor clutching his badly grazed knee. He looked up to see the person had caught up with him and was standing over him looking concerned.

'You ok Billy? What's up? You look terrible.'

Then Billy realised that he didn't want to be alone, alone was the last thing he wanted to be right now. He held out his hand which the guy took and helped Billy to his feet. All Billy could do was throw his arms around Sam Phillips and hold him closely, tears running down his face and soaking Sam's t-shirt. After around 5 minutes Sam broker the silence,

'Billy, come back to my place. We'll get you cleaned up and sort you out.'

Billy couldn't speak, but found himself being lead back down the road he'd just run down with Sam's arm around his shoulders. Neither teenager spoke as they walked slowly down the deserted road back to Sam's flat.

When they arrived Sam lead Billy in through the door and into the kitchen, sitting him down on a chair in the kitchen. Still in silence Sam cleaned out and tidied up Billy's wounds from his fall.

'You look like you could do with a shower Billy. I'll get you some of my clothes to put on after.'

Billy still sat there not speaking, so Sam picked him up carried the 15 year old into the bathroom. Sam set the shower running in the small cubicle, then sat Billy down on the toilet seat. With little of anything coming from Billy in the way of communication or movement Sam started to take off Billy's clothes. He peeled off his t-shirt revealing the really toned slim, tanned figure underneath, then undid Billy's trousers and slid them off with his trainers and socks. As Sam took down Billy's trousers he could smell the strong smell of Steve's cum wafting into his nostrils. This really turned Sam on, he had no idea who the cum belonged to, he presumed Billy must have cummed into his trousers watching his mum get fucked by Steve. Sam couldn't help it, he was knelt in front of the 15-year old stud eyes staring straight at the soft uncut cock with the manly smell surrounding them. Sam took Billy's soft cock in his hand, pulled the foreskin back and sank his mouth onto the sexy tool. He sucked gently at the head at Billy's cock started growing in Sam's mouth. The first sounds the came out of Billy's mouth since he had stopped crying were soft moans as Sam sank his mouth further down the now fully erect 7 inch shaft. Sam sucked up and down Billy's cock as he played gently with Billy's balls. Sam started picking up the pace of his sucking as his own cock was rock hard in his tracksuit trousers.

'Fuck me,' The words were whispered from Billy's mouth. The first words he'd managed to speak since he saw his mum walk into the scene on the video. He didn't even know why he'd said it, he hadn't planned to it just slipped out. He didn't even think he wanted an even bigger cock up his ass after he'd been raped by Steve, it just felt like the right thing to say.

Sam stopped sucking and looked into Billy's eyes. They looked wild with desire, nervous and confused all at the same time.

'You sure Billy?'

Billy responded with a slow nod of his head. Again he wasn't even sure he wanted it, it was an automatic reaction he didn't seem to have any control of what he wanted at the moment. Sam stood up, picked up Billy and place him on all fours. Sam knelt behind his younger team mate, then realised where the smell of cum was coming from. He could see a small amount of cum slowly oozing out the boy's rosebud. Having no idea who had dumped their load inside Billy, Sam put out his tongue and licked the salty liquid up. Billy moaned as Sam licked down his crack flicking gently over his sore hole. Even though his hole had hurt like hell Sam's tongue had a soothing sensation on him. Sam slowly started pulling Billy's ass cheeks apart to give himself better access greedily trying to lick out more of the cum inside Billy's passageway. After having licked up all the cum he could Sam went to the cabinet and got out a tube of lube, squirted some onto Billy's hole and a whole load onto his rock hard 10-incher. Placing his cock on Billy's hole Sam gently applied pressure and found his dick slowly sinking into Billy's until recently virgin hole. Billy moaned deeply as his hole was filled for the second time that night, but this time was different Sam was taking it slow, it felt good this time, not as painful and he could feel he had grown to his full 7 inches. As Sam started fuck Billy's ass slowly removing 9 of his ten inches then sinking the full length back inside the tight passage, he reached round to grab Billy's cock. He was pleasantly surprised to find it rock hard and he jacked it in time with his thrusts into Billy's ass. As Sam picked up the pace Billy really started to enjoy himself and found he was thrust his ass backwards to meet Sam's thrusts. Sam took it as a sign to speed up and started fucking Billy fast and jacking him furiously.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.... Ffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk.'

Billy screamed as he came all over Sam's hand and the floor below him, his whole body convulsing with orgasm including his ass. It was too much for Sam who slammed into Billy's ass one last time and emptied his load deep snide Billy's teenage ass. Sam collapsed onto Billy's body and felt all over it with his hands, gently tweeking Billy's nipples as he found them. Sam slowly withdrew his softening cock from Billy's hole and stood up. Billy stood to, reached behind him, stuck a finger into his ass, scooped out some of the cum concoction from Sam and Steve, sucked it into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue before swallowing the precious liquid.

'Fucking hell you're hot Billy. You gonna tell me what the fuck happened then?'

Billy opened his mouth to speak, but as he did the bathroom door flung open. There stood Sam's girlfriend in just a loose pair of Sam's shorts. She had short brown hair, a thin body with ample, but not massive breasts.

'What the........'

Was all she managed before she noticed Billy standing there naked making her stop n her tracks.

'Thought I'd been wanking again did you?'

Sam words snapped his girlfriend, Carla out of her trance.

'You think getting fucked by your team mate's much better? I didn't mind you fooling with guys when I was pregnant, but you could at least have the decency of fucking me once in a while.'

Her voice was angry, but she couldn't take her eyes off Billy. His cock was growing as he noticed her gaze right at him. Suddenly he felt like his old self again.

'Maybe you can feel pleasure from a proper man.'

Billy said seductively as he walked towards Carla. Sam watched as Billy scooped more cum out of his ass and used it to rub over Carla's slit, fingering her moistening clit with one finger while sliding the other into her hole. She moaned in pleasure as Billy started to finger-fuck her pussy as he chewed on her hard nipples. Billy withdrew his fingers, picked up Carla. Instinctively Carla wrapped her long legs around Billy's body. Billy dropped her down onto his now rock hard dick. He started to fuck her in the middle of the bathroom with no support. He easily held up her weight and was thrusting hard and deep inside of her. Carla screamed her delight as she was fucked by the 15 year old with her boyfriend standing watching and stoking his 10 inch cock. Billy thrusts still harder into her cunt grunting as he did, soon Carla's screams got louder and then came with an inaudibly high scream. Billy hadn't cum yet, but he'd finished pleasuring Carla. He remove his cock from her dripping pussy and walked behind Sam, bent him over and in one rammed his 7 inches up the 17 year olds ass. He fucked Sam deep and hard from the beginning, Sam grunting in pleasure and stroking his own cock as Billy fucking him good. Carla was fingering herself as she watched Billy fuck her boyfriend. Billy was getting close he knew he's shoot soon, but didn't want to do it up Sam's ass. Billy pulled his cock out of Sam, then told Sam and Carla to get on their knees in front of him. The obeyed and he stood with his cock pointing at their faces furiously masterbating getting closer to cumming with every stroke. Billy couldn't hold any longer he came rope after rope of his cum hitting his team mate and team mate's girlfriend in the face. After he'd finished cumming he looked at Sam and said,

'I think I'll take that shower now if I could have some privacy.'

Sam and Carla left the room as Billy climbed into the small shower cubicle. Billy showered feeling much happier. Yes, he'd been fucked twice that night and he'd fucked a guy, but he felt like a stud again. As he showered Billy wanted to make sure all the cum was out of his ass hole. As he washed this area Billy found himself inserting as many as three fingers right up his hole to scoop out any more cum that was still in there. He loved the sensation of his fingers up his own ass and soon brought himself to erection again. He didn't touch his cock though, he finished washing, dried off and then walked naked, with a raging hard-on out of the bathroom to find someone to service his cock. As he walked into the kitchen Billy smiled as he saw Carla sitting at the kitchen table. A massive grin grew across her face as she saw Billy walk in at full mast. In a shot she was on her knees with her nose deep in Billy's trimmed blonde pubes. Billy moaned as Carla sucked his cock deep, she was good he thought, but not as good as Sam. Sam must have heard Billy's moaning as he came into the kitchen. Seeing the situation before him Sam came over and started to suck on Billy's nipples. Billy was getting super turned on by having Carla and Sam service him, he grabbed the back of Carla's head ad started to face-fuck her and face-fuck her fast. He rammed his teenage cock down her throat wanting to cum down it. Harder and faster he went until he shot his load down Carla's throat. Billy withdrew his cock having finished cumming, ordered Sam on his knees to clean his cock, which Sam did only too happily.

'Thanks. We'll have to do this again sometime.'

Billy said leaving the room to find some clothes. As Billy dressed himself in Sam's clothes Sam came into the room.

'You never told me what you were so upset about Billy. Was it seeing Steve fuck your mum?'

The words tore at Billy's heart, being raped by Steve had made him forget seeing his mum fucked by Steve. He forced himself to put that to the back of his mind and smiled at Sam.

'Now's not the time buddy, I need to get back home.'

And with that Sam showed Billy out and he went home to sleep, hoping everything would be better in the morning.

Next: Chapter 5

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