Billy and Danny

By Billy R

Published on Oct 17, 2022


Hi there :-D


The following story depicts graphic homosexual acts. If that ain't your thing, then please bugger off and go look around for 'Monica' (be carefull tho, I think she works as an infiltration agent for Ken Starr). If it is and, like me, your aren't old enough to read it, I suggest you trash your Browser and reinstall once you're done. :-) This story is FICTION. That means that it is a product of my over active imagination and never to be fulfilled :-( wishful thinking. Although all persons mentioned actually exist and, with the exception of Jonathan Brandis (unless I missed something) all are openly gay, this little literary escapade in no way reflects the preferences of the persons involved except me :-P. Like I said, it's wishful thinking.

Thanks to 'Thak' for writing 'Part 1', Uncle B for threatening to kick my cute little butt if I don't finish it and 'Ian B' for the suggestions that hopefully make it more interesting. This is my first attempt at a story and it's been almost 5 months in the "Mac" mill (the ONLY real computers). I hope someone out there likes it.

This story is copywrited only because I may decide to continue with parts 3 thru 10000, :-D (that's up to you guys), so please don't go messing with me.

Billy and Danny - Part 2

Thak was getting really worried because he hadn't seen Billy for over an hour. This was the first time the kid had just disappeared. If anything happened to the boy, Thak figured that his own father would merely kill him. What really scared him though was what Billy's overly protective Uncle Bill would do.

Shading his eyes while scanning the beach, the tall, boyishly built and now nicely tanned, 19 year old had two things he could look for. First, the metallic blue surfboard that was a little unusual and should be easy to spot, and second, Billy's flaming red hair that should really stand out on a day like this. Not seeing either in the area, Thak started to search the beach musing about all that had happened in the week since the likable young red head had been placed in his care for the summer vacation.

It had been just over a week since Thak first set eyes on the 15 year old who had just arrived from Germany for his summer vacation. Although an American, Billy had lived in Germany, where his father was a branch office manager for an American based multinational company, for over ten years now. At 5' 10" and 124 lb.., the kid was skinny but had a very nicely padded little rear end. His mischievously friendly manner and ready impish grin, not to mention what had to be the most gorgeous, and devilish, green eyes that Thak had ever seen, had quickly brought him to the opinion that the little guy was not only adorable as hell, he was cute as sin.

That Billy was not only openly gay, but free and easy going about it, had surprised Thak but not as much as the passion the youngster could unleash in bed. The very first night, Thak had lost his long protected virginity during an hours long sex session that had both teens sitting rather gingerly at the breakfast table in the morning. Thak had been and still was impressed by the youngster's long and fairly thick cock and on his thin frame, the nearly eight-and-a-half inch tool looked even bigger.

Searching towards the 'no swimming' area, Thak noticed the sun glinting off of something blue near the inlet at the end of the beach. Moving towards the inlet, again shading his eyes, he could now make out Billy's surfboard and just to the side was the unmistakable red mop AND a blonde one.

"that insatiable little shit", he thought with a chuckle, as he moved closer to the now clearly naked pair.

Thak froze in his tracks as he recognized Billy's sex partner. His thoughts whirled back to spring break and that day on the archery range, and the week that followed, when he too had met the tall, handsome and lightly muscular Danny Pintauro. Fondly he remembered the week of sexual excitement that only ended because he had to go back to school in Colorado. The older teen couldn't help but admire Danny's rich, golden brown tan that contrasted sharply with Billy's. With his light complexion, the youngster couldn't expect to get much darker and was lucky he didn't burn like most red heads.

Quickly, a mischievous plan started to form as Thak quietly approached the sleeping pair. Standing in front of the two and using the most commanding voice he could muster, Thak bellowed,

"What in the hell do you two think you're doing?"

He could hardly keep a straight face as the shocked pair sprang to their feet and tried to cover themselves with their hands. But what followed, as they recognized him, would have done credit to any of the old comedy films.

"Thak!" perfect stereo.

Heads turning in unison to look at each other

"You know him?" again perfect stereo.

Thak couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out laughing, catching their attention.

"You asshole!!" they yelled (still in stereo although Billy's channel cracked a bit this time) and jumped Thak, wrestling him to ground.

Thak lost his shorts almost immediately and quickly found himself sucking Danny while getting sucked by Billy. Once the two older guys had cum, Danny pounced on Billy and quickly sucked the turned on kid to orgasm as well.

With the taste of fresh cum on their tongues, the three friends quickly gathered their things and wandered over to the snack stand. Thak and Danny chatted a bit over their drinks but mostly they watched Billy as the 15 year old devoured three large chili cheese hot dogs and a large cola and orange soda mix that he called a 'Spezi'.

Billy told Thak about his desire to move in with Danny for the rest of his vacation. Although disappointed, Thak said that it was okay by him but that Billy would have to call his Uncle Bill for permission. The little red head reluctantly agreed but said that no matter what he was going to spend the night with Danny.

Having found out that although Thak was a vegetarian, he was not fanatical about it and did on rare occasions enjoy a good steak, Danny invited the two to be his guests for dinner. After exchanging addresses and phone numbers, he told them..

"pick ya up at 8 and dress nice, I wanna show you two off", and with a wave, climbed in his Porsche and drove off.

Billy and Thak secured the surfboard to the carrier and headed for the apartment. During the drive, Billy suddenly asked,

"Why didn't you tell me you knew Danny?"

"Don't really know, maybe I didn't want to say something to upset you" replied Thak

"Upset me? I'd have asked a million questions about him and what he was like" shot back Billy.

"Maybe that's the reason." said Thak with a grin while giving the teen a quick noogie.

Billy giggled and the two settled into general chatter for the rest of the drive.

Meanwhile, Danny was on the Freeway and punching a familiar number into his car phone.

"Hi dude, Danny here, doing anything tonight?"

"Great, how would you like to join me for dinner? There's gonna be someone there I think you'll like."

"Cool, the 'Hungry Hunter' at 8:30?"

"Fine, oh, by the way, keep your fingers off the red head, he's mine."

"Ya got that right. He's one hot little stud."

"Okay, see you there."

Hanging up, Danny leaned back and relaxed. He felt better now knowing that there would be someone there that Thak would really want to meet. After one more call to reserve their table, Danny arrived home and started to get ready for what he hoped would be a fantastic evening for all four of them.

As they pulled up in front of the vacation apartments, Thak admonished Billy,

"You take a shower before you call your Uncle Bill, and don't forget to dry off first."

"Okay Mom" giggled Billy as he ducked out of the car before Thak could grab him. Suddenly he realized that he was in for it. The front door was locked and Thak had the key.

"You're gonna pay for that" said Thak as he started to tickle Billy and soon had the youngster in tears from laughing so hard.

The phone call to Uncle Bill went easier than Billy had expected. After assuring him that Thak not only knew Danny, but had his address and phone number as well, Billy got permission. All he had to do was check in with Thak every day and meet with him at least once a week. Humming happily to himself, he spent the next hour deciding what to wear and packing a travel bag with essentials.

Danny arrived promptly at 8:00 and was met by a surprised look and then gales of laughter from Thak. Confused by the greeting, Danny entered the apartment and discovered the reason for Thak's laughter. Billy's loosely cut, kelly green, silk shirt and well fitting, black pleated trousers were almost identical to what Danny was wearing.

"Should I change my shirt?" asked a suddenly shy Billy

"No, you're perfect just the way you are." reassured Danny

Smiling again, Billy turned and bent to pick up his bag, providing Danny with a view of his tight butt. Danny hardened immediately and was surprised by a desire he hadn't felt for years. He wanted that tight little butt and he wanted it bad. With a still giggling Thak in tow, they went down to Danny's car where a dismayed Billy was told to get in the back.

"I want to get there today and not end up on the side of the road giving Thak a show." joked Danny as they pulled out.

During the drive, Danny told them that a good friend of his would be joining them at the restaurant but refused to tell them who it was, just that they would know him when they met.

"Thak needs a dinner companion too and you won't be disappointed" was all that he would say.

Thak's first glimpse of his mysterious 'blind date' was from the back. All he could tell was that the guy sitting at the table appeared to be tall, slender and somehow his hair seemed strangely familiar. Danny moved ahead and called out..

"Hey Jon, glad you could make it."

Thak was sure his heart had stopped as the guy stood and turned and he found himself face to face with Jonathan Brandis.

"h.. h.. hi, m.. m.. my name is Thak" was all that he could manage as the lanky star shook his hand.

"Hey, it's cool Thak, I'm just as human as Danny and I've heard you know just how human he is." said Jonathan as he took Thak by the shoulder and guided him to his chair.

Turning back, Jonathan noticed that Billy's mouth was still hanging open in surprise. Reaching out with one finger he gently pushed it shut and said...

"You must be the redhead I'm supposed to keep my fingers off of. From the looks of ya you're everything Danny said ya are."

Blushing furiously, Billy couldn't reply.

"Wassa matter little guy? Cat got your tongue? My name's Jonathan, what's yours?

"B..b..b..billy, Mr. Brandis" replied the normally confident teen.

"Mr. Brandis? Damn, Billy, I'm not that old yet, please call me Jon." he said while giving the youngster a jab to the biceps.

"What's this Danny? Advertising you're a pair already?" joked Jonathan taking in the matching outfits.

"Pure coincidence Jon, it floored both of us when I picked them up." replied Danny starting to blush as well as he guided Billy to his place.

The dinner was excellent and the two teens quickly regained their composure and the conversation soon became lively, often breaking into laughter, as various stories were told by all present. Gradually, Billy noticed that Jon was showing Thak more and more attention and that made him happy for his sometimes flaky friend. Suddenly, Jon announced..

"Thak and I are gonna take off, you two enjoy yourself."

"Hey Thak, I've gotta check in with ya tomorrow." said Billy, remembering his promise.

"No probs Billy, Danny knows my number, just don't call before 12." laughed Jon, now openly holding Thak's hand.

Danny and Jon split the tab and the four friends parted with hugs and kisses in the parking lot and headed for their respective destinations.

On the way to Danny, the two new lovers chatted intimately as though they had known each other for years. As soon as he had parked in the garage, Danny kissed Billy passionately, tracing the slim body with his left hand, discovering that the young teen not only wasn't wearing any underwear but was just as hard as he was.

"That'll have to be the last one 'til we're upstairs, I may be out but I don't need neighbors complaining about a show in the elevator" said Danny ruefully.

"S'okay Danny, I understand." replied Billy and snatched a quick extra kiss.

Laughing, Danny grabbed the grinning youngster and gave him a quick noogie before they got out of the car and headed for the elevator which proved to be just as busy as Danny had feared.

Danny barely had time to lock the door and remove his shoes before Billy grabbed him and started to kiss even more passionately than they had in the garage. Somehow, two green silk shirts managed to land on the couch with all their buttons still intact. Billy slowly slid down the muscular chest until he was able to play with the erect nipples with tongue, teeth and finger tips while letting his free hand massage the firm butt cheek on that side. Danny wrapped his arms around Billy and started to moan with pleasure at the gentle/rough treatment his tits were receiving. Moving back and forth, Billy continued to tease Danny's nipples with his tongue and teeth as he opened the blonde's trousers and removed them from his unresisting partner. Now firmly massaging both butt cheeks, the youngster slid lower, stopping shortly to tease Danny's navel with licks and stabs of his tongue before moving on and nuzzling into the severely distended pouch of the imported thong underwear. Leaning back slightly and looking up into Danny's eyes, Billy whispered...

"I want you to fuck me."

"I want that too." said Danny softly, caressing Billy's face while gently helping the boy to his feet and into a tender embrace before moving to the bedroom.

Billy was entranced by what was obviously Danny's 'fuck chamber': Soft, indirect, red lighting bathed the room in a warm glow. Dominated by an illuminated , king sized water bed with various lubes and other aids arrayed on the head board and a stack of fresh towels on the night stand, the room radiated a sexual aura that nearly hypnotized the 15 year old.

Danny had since removed his thong and moved in close behind Billy rubbing his thick, almost seven inch cock against the boy's firm ass. Reaching around the teen, Danny opened his trousers, letting them fall to his ankles. Still entranced by the room, Billy automatically stepped out of his trousers kicking them to the side as he leaned back into Danny, moaning softly as the rock hard cock slid into his crack causing his own, nearly eight-and-a-half inch rod to throb with expectation.

"Let's get in bed" He whispered, nibbling on Billy's ear.

Billy nodded and climbed onto the bed, moving instinctively to the middle of the huge water bed. Laying on his back, Billy pulled his knees up while spreading his legs widely thus inviting Danny to mount him.

Danny climbed between the boy's spread legs and lowered himself gently until he was able to rub his cock along the length of Billy's equally hard tool. Waves of excitement, caused by the sensuous touch, swept over them drawing moans of heightening sexual desire from both. Lowering himself further until they now touched from crotch to lips, Danny began to softly kiss his young lover while gently humping their straining manhoods together.

Raising up slightly, breaking the kiss, Danny looked lovingly into Billy's shimmering green eyes. Giving the youngster a light kiss on the tip of his nose, he started to slowly move down the slender torso. Kissing, licking and nibbling just as the boy had done to him only minutes before, he was soon nuzzling into the straining teenage cock that pulsed with desire. Not wanting to bring his little lover off too soon, Danny spent less than a minute tonguing the vibrating shaft before moving on to suck and nibble on the two walnut sized jewels that were now drawn up tightly in the hairless sack.

"Lift your butt"... commanded Danny gently, placing a pillow under the teen's hips as he complied.

Danny licked his lips as he was treated to his first glimpse of Billy's tight looking but obviously used pucker. Now excited, he started to move more quickly and started to lick Billy's ass, avoiding the inviting little hole at first. This tongue action was exciting and frustrating at the same time for Billy who wanted nothing more than to feel Danny's thick cock thrusting into him.

"Please, Danny, don't tease me like this.." moaned the thoroughly turned on teen.

Not wanting to do anything to upset the youngster, Danny started to vigorously rim the boy with expert tongue action. This wasn't surprising as rimming someone was the only thing that Danny loved more than getting fucked to a pulp by someone, although the idea that he would soon be fucking the horny little redhead was rapidly climbing in the ratings. The constant assault was starting to have the desired effect as Billy was twisting and moaning as the talented tongue began to force it's way through Billy's now relaxed anus.

Suddenly, Danny pulled back, drawing a frustrated moan from Billy who was close to orgasm because of Danny's rim job. Leaning forward, Danny grabbed a leather cock strap which he then fitted around his thick shaft and ball sack just as tightly as he could with the hope that it would help him to be able to fuck the kid for hours. This thought caused Danny to smile to himself as he usually hoped that someone would fuck him for hours on end.

"If Jon could see me now, he'd die laughing once he got over the shock.." he chuckled to himself.

Selecting a tube of imported silicon based lube that he knew from experience would continue to provide lubrication even if they went at it all night, Danny began to thoroughly lube Billy's ass with one and then two fingers making sure that the soon to plundered hole was well greased. After generously spreading the lube over his entire cock, Danny grabbed a towel to get rid of the excess lube before climbing between Billy's still widely spread legs. Danny positioned the tip of his cock against Billy's anus and then with a single slow thrust, buried the entire shaft in the youngster's ass.

"Ooohhh yaaaaahhhh!!! " cried out Billy as the hard cock rubbed across his prostate.

Danny wasted no time as he slowly drew back until only the head of his dick was still inside the boy before reversing and again burying himself in the hot, clinging bowels of the young teen. Danny quickly established a smooth, slow and steady rhythm that had him 'deep dicking' the youngster in the same way that he liked to be fucked himself.

"I'm gonna fuck you all night long..." whispered Danny as he kissed Billy on the tip of his nose.

"You'd better..." gasped Billy as he wrapped his arms around Danny's neck and pulled him down into a passionate kiss

The expectation, rimming and the near constant rubbing rubbing of Danny's cock across his prostate was bringing Billy ever closer to orgasm. He knew it would be soon, too soon he thought.

"Danny!! I'm gonna cum..." he cried.

"Just let it happen.." said Danny hoping that, like him, Billy would be able to experience multiple anal orgasms.

"Uunngghh..." was all that Billy could manage as the orgasm suddenly grabbed him and his dick exploded with the first shot hitting Danny on the chin and the second, which Danny quickly lapped up, landing on his own cheek. His hole clamped down on the thick cock that never missed a stroke despite the vise like grip it was in. The continuing stimulation of his prostate prolonged Billy's orgasm and his own dick continued to throb and pulse even though he was shooting dry since the eighth shot had drained his balls.

Danny had continued with the slow steady fucking of the 15 year old and had been rewarded by Billy exploding with two more anal orgasms although they were dry as his balls were still empty. Now, after more than an hour, his own orgasm was closing in quickly as was Billy's fourth. Danny now started to thrust faster and harder trying to get them both to their high points at the same time. He could feel the pressure building in his balls as he continued slam his cock into Billy's ass causing the boy to grunt with the force of the thrusts.

"Aaaarrrggghhh...." cried the two lovers together as Billy twisted with his hardest orgasm yet and clamped down even harder on Danny's cock than he had before as Danny rammed it as far as he could into the furnace that Billy's bowels had become. Danny nearly passed out with the force of his own orgasm as he pumped Billy full of his hot cum.

After a few minutes, Danny slowly and somewhat unsteadily raised himself to his elbows and looked into Billy's dancing eyes.

"Damn, I don't think I've ever cum like that before.." he gasped.

"I know damn well I've never been fucked like that before..." managed Billy with a weak giggle.

"There is no way that I can do that again. How about me just shoving it up your ass in a spoon position and we spend the night like that?" suggested a still somewhat breathless Danny.

"Sounds like a plan to me, coz I don't think I could take it again but I still want you in me." replied Billy.

The two gently moved into the new position and once Danny had his cock firmly buried once again in the youngster's now rather loose ass, he wrapped his arm around the boy and whispered...

"You're fantastic, I've never done anything like that before but I hope we can do it again."

He didn't get an answer, Billy was sound asleep.

I hope you liked it (I know I would have). Let me know (give a little kid a break), I'll try to answer every comment (maybe even the flames :-P).

My email is: and my ICQ is >7779004<

PS: Hey Danny, If you read this and (hopefully) liked it, please say hi, you are the sexiest dude I've ever seen. Billy

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