Bill and Rob

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Dec 11, 2016


Bill and Rob-2


You have entered a world of gay fantasy and fiction. If the gay life style offends you or violates your belief system, you want to consider leaving now. This is meant for a readership of adult gay men. If you do no meet these qualifications please go to another site. If you're still here then welcome to my world and nifty. If you enjoy gay fiction and even the concept of a gay life consider an ongoing contribution to to keep up the site. Remember not too very long ago this type of literature was banned, burned in the public square. Don't let it happen again, don't retreat from the haters no matter which governments they control. Fight back!!

Bill and Rob 2


As he sat alone when Rob left his apartment, the coach, Ted, began to analyze his situation. Never before had he felt so conflicted. For some unknown reason he'd felt an attraction for Rob. He'd always been considered straight, a ladies' man. Now he was being forced to mediate a conflict between two men, one of whom was a co-worker and friend. As a teacher, he knew the dangers that faced Rob in any involvement with a student. Yes, the student was an adult but any sign of unprofessional conduct might ruin Rob's career. On the other hand, Bill was a good, honest boy of 19 with little or no experience in the adult gay world. Ted wondered if any wrong move might hurl him into a dangerous gay life style. Ted's own feelings for Rob were deepening when he agreed to help. He was not a new comer to man to man relations. Like many athletes, he'd dabbled sexually with a few team mates. But that was just fun, for release of tensions. Now he was faced with emotions that went far beyond casual sex. He might be involving himself with a person he could spend his life with, Rob.

Just the thought of possibly having any long term relationship with anyone would've been alien to him just months ago. But he'd watched Rob come out to work with the swim team, to bond with them as few others had. He admired him for that. But deep down he also felt something different. It was a calmness that Rob's presence brought to the team and to Ted's own life. At first he thought it was admiration but over time it began to grow deeper. He almost hated that their closeness would end with the end of the swim season. He couldn't see his daily existence without seeing Rob. There was something there, some unknown emptiness or the fear of it happening. His conflicted thoughts followed him to bed that night. His mind allowed him to dream of waking next to Rob, of sharing simple tasks like cooking or cleaning. It was a restless night for Ted.

Meanwhile Rob couldn't wait to tell Bill that he's arranged for another person to mediate. On the way home he called Bill's cell and left a short message confirming their appointment for the next weekend. Rob and Ted had decided that the venue for the meeting should be in a public place. It'd lessen the chance of any emotional outburst from any of the participants. They agreed that a lunch at Denny's in the next town would be best. It was far enough removed that none of them would feel uncomfortable. Rob would pick up Bill at the school after his early morning swim practice and then drive to the restaurant. He won't tell him that his coach would be joining them.

The next four days until the weekend were hectic for both Rob and Ted. Neither of them mentioned the situation and both were busy with their teaching and coaching duties. On Thursday after his seminar, Rob spoke briefly with Bill. He suggested that the young man sit down and write out a list of good and bad points he'd like to talk about on the weekend. He was sure that Bill had many unanswered questions about the gay side of life. He also wanted the boy to begin to prepare himself for a difficult life change. Friday, a usually free day on campus, found Rob thinking of all the reasons he shouldn't let Bill or anyone into his life. He admitted to himself that he found Bill to be attractive and that he had some feelings for the boy. But then again he also found himself examining his feelings for Ted, his friend. He'd been hurt in the past and vowed to never let that happen again.

Saturday morning found Rob up bright and early. Despite the fears for the lunch time meeting, he knew that he had a stack of papers to read before his next classes. He went to his office instead of swim practice with the team. He needed a few uninterrupted hours to complete the reading. He hoped that no one would interrupt him. Of course, that was not to be. About 10AM, he heard a knock on his office door and one of the soldiers in the seminar entered. He wanted to discuss his paper exploring feelings. He was undecided on the direction and the depth. They discussed the paper and it's limits. Rob reminded him that the contents would be personal and safe from preying eyes. The young soldier looked relieved and seemed to want to ask another question. He hesitated before speaking, " I have some ideas, some thoughts, that might be a bit shocking for you to read, professor." Suspecting what he meant, Rob only smiled and said " Nothing would shock me. I've been around long enough and seen so much that I'm sure you won't shock me." The young soldier thanked him and left. Rob realized that he's lost an hour of his planned work time. It was getting close to the time to meet Bill. He packed up his bag and made his way to the parking lot. He hoped the rest of his day would turn out well.

Across campus, Bill was nervously waiting. He'd done as Rob had asked but now he only had more questions than answers. He watched the coach and his team mates go to their cars and drive off. As the last car left the lot, he saw Rob's car pull in. At the curb he jumped into the car with a sigh of relief. The two didn't talk much. Rob told him of the plan for lunch one town over. It seemed like a sensible idea to Bill. But he also felt some excitement in the idea that he and Rob might be together at some point in the next hours. He'd had many nights dreaming of the things that two horny gay men might do. His nights were restless as he repeatedly took his always hard cock in his hand for some needed relief. He'd imagined himself removing Rob's clothing piece by piece to reveal a strong sculpted body, one that he's seen at the pool. But now he'd be able to see it all, to worship it with his tongue. He wanted his first time with a man to be with Rob. He wanted to feel all of Rob inside of his body, to make love to him. All of these thoughts came back to Bill as they drove. Inside his jeans his cock was stiff with anticipation that all of his dreams might soon come true. He wanted Rob to make love to him in the most perfect way possible.

They arrived at the restaurant. The lot had a few cars but not enough to mean that it was crowded. Entering he spotted Ted at a corner booth and immediately felt relief. Walking ahead of Bill he headed to the booth. The look on Bill's face when he saw Ted was one of shock and confusion. Was this the person to mediate? Ted stood and shook both their hands. There was some small talk about the menu before they ordered. Both adults ordered drinks and Bill satisfied himself with a beer. The tension could be cut with a knife. Rob decided to get right to the point. "I've asked the coach to help us, Bill. He's both a friend and an open minded person. Did you make the list that I suggested?" Bill pulled the list out of his shirt pocket and handed it across to the coach. Reading it he smiled and handed it over to Rob. Bill felt suddenly like a little boy around these two men. In his mind his list seemed stupid, trivial.

Their first course arrived and Ted began going down the list. The first item was telling his mother. "Do you think that she will find it hard to accept you?" he

asked. Bill admitted that he didn't know. His mother was normally an open minded person. But this was her own son so he didn't know her reaction to his coming out as gay. They discussed some of the incidents - positive and negative reactions of parents and families to gay children. Bill was both shocked and encouraged by what he heard. He'd never really known any young, gay teens. He couldn't relate to the hateful reaction of their parents and friends.

The next question was more personal- what would they do in bed? Both men laughed. Rob said that he'd answer that one. He explained the practical sexual activities and then explained that he only felt that the sex was satisfying if there was an emotional connection between the two men involved. One off sex could and would often leave one or both of those involved feeling empty. Ted jumped in with his own comment that the same thing happened with a man and a woman. He looked at Rob as he spoke, seeking his agreement. Bill smiled at thier comments. He'd hoped that Rob would feel an emotion close to his own when they finally made love.

They paused when the main courses arrived. All three dug into the meals but none seemed to be that hungry. The third question then came up- How would he know if he were really gay? Both men looked at each other with a grin. Knowing about love and sexuality was something that took time and experiences- good and bad. Ted explained that there was no substitute for experience. But he also knew that Bill had already made up his own mind. Then he asked Bill a key question " Would you kiss a team mate if he asked you to?". Bill's first reaction was to say "No" but before he spoke he thought of his best friend on the team and reconsidered. He whispered "If he were a friend and I liked him." Rob was thoughtful at that revelation. He had few friends that he could or would go that far with. He looked over at Ted, his friend, thinking "Would I kiss him? What would he taste like?". Rob found himself getting hard at these thoughts.

Ted was thinking similar thoughts with the same reaction. Bill might be young but there was wisdom in his answer. The conversation lulled for a while. Dessert and the check came. Finishing they made to leave. All three knew that there were many other questions to be answered yet. Ted suggested that they go back to his place for coffee and further questions. For both Rob and Bill the ride was tense. Each of them thinking of the consequences of involvement. Could they find happiness with each other? Ted was also confused. He knew that he'd been developing feeling for Rob. But now that he's met Bill on a more personal level he wondered if it were possible to have feelings for both men.

Ted arrived first and went up to his apartment to put on coffee. He thought about something stronger but decided that drinking might blur the situation. As he set the coffee out there was a knock on his door. He went to open it and saw two very somber men, Rob and Bill. He led them into the living room and brought out the coffee. Sitting in a chair facing both of them on the sofa, he sipped his coffee before saying "Oh! Where were we? Yes, kissing! Bill would it shock you to see Rob and I kiss? What would be your emotions?" Bill had never thought of that before. He shrugged and said nothing. Leaning forward Ted grabbed Rob by the back of his head and pulled him towards his lips. He gave Rob a gentle kiss. Both men knew that a red line had been crossed. Ted then looked at Bill and asked "How did you feel about that?" Bill was speechless for a moment before replying "I felt hot! I wanted it to be me. But I also felt jealous." Ted sat back and smiled at both of them. The kiss had brought him to instant hardness. He saw a similar bulge in Rob's pants. " Would you want Rob or I to kiss you in the same way?" he asked. Bill didn't hesitate before saying " Yes, but I don't know which one." Both men laughed before Rob leaned into Ted for a much deeper kiss. Bill moved closer to the pair. He was undecided what to do next. He placed his arms around both men as they kissed deeply. He saw the passion that the kiss had ignited. The kiss broke as both men looked into Bill's soft eyes. They saw a yearning that could not be denied. First Rob then Ted gave Bill a gentle kiss on his lips. Each kiss sparked a fire within Bill. He went back for a second kiss from each man but this one was deeper with dueling tongues.

They broke apart, breathless. Each one thinking that somehow the situation had changed. Ted now knew what it was like to let his emotions out. Rob was more confused than ever. Two men had awakened something in him. He was conflicted. Could he possibility conceive of loving both equally? What future was there in that? Bill was equally confused. He'd thought that he'd had a connection with Rob but now he felt the same for Ted. His concept of love did not envision loving two men equally.

A long silence gripped the room as each person tried to come to terms with how they felt and with what had just happened to them. Finally, Rob spoke up "I think we all need to give this some thought. Why don't I take Bill back to his home and we agree to meet tomorrow at the library on campus?" The others agreed and Rob led Bill out to his car. There was no talk for the first few minutes before finally Bill spoke up "I'm more confused than ever. I never envisioned something like that happening. I don't know if we could love each other equally." The same ideas had been running through Rob's mind and he could only agree, saying "Me too".

Ok, there's more in part 3 and maybe part 4. Theres going to be some twists, hopefully unexpected. Comments are welcomed-

Next: Chapter 3

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