Biker Slave

By Minor Saint

Published on Jul 10, 2009



You think I've forgotten all about you, don't you? You think that I've been so busy with my own problems and concerns that I haven't given you a single thought. You're such a self-centered slut.

I haven't forgotten you. I remember every little thing about you, every last, humiliating little detail. I remember how easy it is for me to intimidate you; I remember exactly what causes you pain. And I remember that you were a bad boy. A very bad boy. I told you I would punish you when I see you. And I will.

Tell me: have there been moments recently when you have closed your eyes and conjured an image of me--so vivid you gasped, hungering to reach out and touch my hard, silky flesh? How do you see me at those moments? Relaxing in the bath, my blond hair pinned up, my naked breasts and cherry nipples capped by white foam? Are you ready to dry me with your tongue when I emerge? To tease my wet pink clit at my command?

Or do you have another picture in mind? Perhaps you see me, the formidable discipline fascist, dressed in tight black latex and razor-sharp stilettos. I'm standing in a dimly-lit room, surrounded by naked admirers. Just behind me kneels a slave, wearing my collar and leash.

It must make you so jealous to know that others wear my collar and kneel at my feet. That they--not you--are close to me, so close they smell my scent and feel the sexual heat from my moist organs on their eager faces, while you, poor you, are in exile from my good graces, the loneliest wretch who ever lived. At such moments you must feel as if your life is a Sahara and you are a mote of sand, helplessly lost without me. Perhaps you didn't even know how much you need me. Until now. Now I think you are beginning to realize that, without me, you are nothing. Without me, your true self does not exist.

Can you see your rival? I'm sure you can. Just close your eyes and you will see him on his widespread knees before me, his soulful eyes lowered submissively. He is so young and so handsome and so feverishly eager to please ME. You can tell at a glance that he worships me as his goddess, that each minute away from me is more of an agony to him than these weeks and months have been to you.

And you can see that his cock is splendidly erect, can't you? It throbs with blood as if it's going to explode with excitement. It's so much bigger than yours, too, isn't it? It's massively heavy. So surprisingly thick! Despite its surprising size in one so young, it stands like a boy's, sharply curved, jerking heavily with passion, bumping his belly button, its so long. You'd give anything if your cock were that long and thick and stiff. But even more you want that cock reaming you out anally, making you cum helplessly, then pulling out of your tight hole and filling your grateful mouth with hot cum. You see, I do know your tastes, you slut!

By the blush on his face and the way his heavy cock is frantically jerking and lurching, you know that my young slave is desperate to cum. Just the sight of me, standing over him, a whip in my hand, is driving him to the edge. You know he's itching to touch himself. But he wouldn't dare to grab his cock without permission from me. No matter how swollen and painful his balls grow as they fill unbearably with cum he doesn't dare move his hands from behind his neck. When I lean over and grab his hair tightly to whisper cruel threats, he doesn't even dare to breathe.

Don't you wish you were in his place? Don't you wish you were feeling the pain when I slap the head of that swollen cock with my leather riding crop? Doesn't it make you shiver to imagine my dominant voice commanding you to open my crotch zipper and lick my ass? How does it make you feel when you see his long tongue adoringly caress the crack between my firm white cheeks and worship my ass? Are you jealous as he kisses my asshole repeatedly, worshipfully? Aren't you in torment as his tongue feverishly fucks in and out of my tight pink bottom hole, thrusting me to a blissful climax? Do you climax as his untouched cock shoots its massive load between my bent knees and across the room, spattering on the face and chest of another handsome slave? Doesn't it bother you to think that I have picked someone else to pleasure me? To know that he was chosen above you?

At such moments, you must feel very low. You would feel jealous--but you know you have no right to expect ME to limit myself. You know that it is my prerogative to take as many men as I want, whenever I want them. And I do. I do, slut. I take as many young men and innocent girls as I please. I amuse myself with them the way you once amused yourself with toy soldiers. I collect them. I position them. I make them follow my orders. Sometimes I destroy them. And sometimes I get bored with them and just throw them away. Purely on whim.

And do you know where you rank on that endless list of eager soldiers who are dying to serve me? I'll tell you: you don't rank high. So you have no right to feel jealous. You should consider yourself lucky that I pay attention to you at all.

But...have you considered the possibility that I might not be spending time now with someone else? Perhaps I haven't been attending those outrageous private parties.

Perhaps I have simply been biding time, waiting for the right moment to spring my next surprise on you. Perhaps I've been thinking very carefully about you and everything I know about you--the things that embarrass you, the things that frighten you. Perhaps I know that the longer I ignore you, the more you burn for my touch. By the time I am ready to see you, you will be so thoroughly pussywhipped you will beg to lick my asshole like a dog in heat, and you'll be grateful for the privilege.

And I do like a grateful man. A VERY grateful man.

But I'm in no rush. I understand the art of making you wait. Soon you will not be able to rid your mind of the image of yourself, utterly degraded by me, whimpering and weeping like a child, begging for the punishment you crave. Can you see yourself groveling at my feet, slut? Can you see me forcing you down to the floor and straddling your chest so that you are pinned helplessly beneath me? I'll bring my face so close to yours that my blond hair cascades over your ears and onto the floor, shrouding you in pale tresses. My lips will be so close to yours that you'll feel my moist breath on your face when I murmur my threats and insults. Another moment and you will feel my fingers dig cruelly into your crotch, ferociously pinching the head of your cock between my nails.

But a little cock's nothing. I have something far worse planned for you. I want you to think about that. I want you to dream about it at night. I want you to wake up sweating, your cock swollen in spite of--or is it because of?--your terror. Soon, you'll find that your thoughts begin drifting while you're at work, spinning uncontrollably towards me, as if I was WILLING your obsession and COMMANDING you to think of me.

You'll start getting hard unpredictably, as you did in your teens. Uncontrollable erections occurring at all the wrong times and in all the wrong places; urges so overpowering that you feel as if I've cast a spell on you. And so I have.

Is your dick hard right now? I'll bet it is--but it's not hard enough to please me. Your dick isn't good enough for me. It isn't big enough. It isn't thick enough. It isn't stiff enough, either. It may be the biggest hard-on that you've ever had, but it could never satisfy my appetites. There's only one thing that can make your dick ADEQUATE. A whipping. Perhaps repeated whippings. I'm going to have to beat it with my cock-whip until it swells up, red and sore. And when you think the pain can't be borne, when you think you have lost all ability to stand my cock torture, I'll whip it again, even more brutally. That should have your insignificant little worm of a cock standing up.

You can tug on that wormy thing all you want for now. Go ahead. It makes me laugh to think of you frantically rubbing your quivering member until cum splashes your thighs. You ARE needy, aren't you? And so horny! Jerking yourself off like a horny little boy!

Maybe you'd like Mommy to pour a little oil onto your wee-wee to make it feel better? After all, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself! Hurting you is MY job. I have so many interesting techniques for making it hurt, too. I have an assortment of kitchen utensils that I reserve especially for this purpose. Small metal implements with sharp teeth that make you shriek when I press them into the head of your cock. Little steel wool pads, too, which I rub along the shaft and over your balls, and whose abrasions keep you in agony for days afterwards. Nothing like polishing up a cock after it has been properly whipped!

Soon I'll have it properly trained, ready for what it is good for. You'll see. Perhaps by now you're beginning to understand that my silence has been a dangerous sign. That you were a fool to think that I would let you get away without suffering. It meant only that I am preparing some new and terrible torture for you, something that will push you harder than you've ever been pushed; something that will strip you more naked than you ever believed.

I will do something that will cast an unmerciful spotlight on the secret places in your psyche that have never before been exposed. Remember this: when you are with me, you will have to confess ALL your secrets. I will force you to confront precisely all those things you have kept hidden from everyone--yourself most of all. All those strange, fleeting fantasies you've struggled so hard to repress all your life: I have already guessed them, you pitiful creature. And when we're together, I'm going to take you there, right into the center of your worst nightmares. Can you see it now, darling? Pretend you're watching a movie. Only in this movie, you are the star. It's what you've always craved: to be the star of your own little horror show. Can you see the look on your face when they come for you?

Yes, they're coming: four muscular, broad-shouldered men in black leather, four bikers in tight jeans and heavy black boots, reeking of sweat and whiskey. Can you see them now, forcing their way into your house when you answer the door? They'll surround you quickly, menacing looks on their stony, unshaven faces. Imagine how you'll feel, you sissy, when you are outnumbered and out manned, trapped by these hardened sadists who stare hungrily at you with wide grins as if they want to eat you alive. Imagine how you'll feel when you nervously peek at the crotches of their jeans and see their dicks are already swollen and heavy with lust.

They will close in on you and bind your wrists roughly with rope and then tie up your ankles, striking you and cuffing you as you writhe, unable to fight them off. When they throw you to the floor, trussed tightly, your heart will be pounding so hard you'll think it's going to burst from your chest. But as you lie on the floor, whimpering in fear, you'll hear a fifth pair of boots enter the room. You'll inhale that unmistakable female scent of wet sexual organs; you'll hear a soft melodious voice purr, "Well, doesn't he look vulnerable!" And you'll know it's me.

Then you'll understand that I sent them. But why? For what purpose? Are you being kidnapped? Or was this just a little mindfuck to put you in the mood? You won't have much time to think because the next thing you'll feel is a feminine hand reaching beneath you and hastily unbuckling your belt. You'll feel the belt pulled roughly from its loops, and seconds later the cold smooth blades of steel shears will glide inside the waist of your pants. You'll gulp audibly as you feel the seat being cut away, leaving a large gaping hole that exposes your thin cotton underwear. And then you will feel the scissors snip a straight line from your spine to just beneath your balls until, at last, your ass is completely exposed.

Even with your face buried in the floor you KNOW there are five people looking down at you, staring down at that naked cherry ass. Four of them are men; and one of them is the woman who wants to hurt and humiliate you. Your bondage is so tight that when you attempt to wriggle away you only succeed in pulling the fabric a little wider apart, making your ass stick out all the more. By our loud laughter and jeers, you know we're enjoying the spectacle of your utter degradation, that we are scrutinizing your trembling cheeks and the succulent crack that runs between them.

"Put up the swing," you hear me say. You don't understand what I'm talking about at first, but an agonizing shudder courses through you when the soles and heels of those biker boots begin moving around you. When you hear a drill whir loudly over your head, you may try to roll onto your back to see what's going on. Don't bother. I will dig my high heel into your spine and growl, "Don't even consider it!"

How many minutes will pass as you wait, unable to contain the spasms of fear that shake you from head to foot, making your teeth chatter, making your stomach knot up and your throat grow dry? It will feel like years. It will feel like centuries. And the whole time you will be conscious that your ripe, ready, virgin ass is open to any assault. How your pulse will race when you hear me issue another soft command to my henchmen. "Put him in it," I'll order them, "And make sure he's tied securely. We don't want him getting away."

You don't even have time to fathom what I'm saying before you are lifted aloft by eight powerful arms, turned about and hoisted quickly on your back into a leather bondage swing. Each man takes charge of a limb, untying the ropes only to wrench your ankles and wrists wide apart, buckling you spreadeagle into the leather restraints that are attached to the four corners of the swing. They work intently, dragging your limbs so far apart you think they will split you in quarters, fastening the buckles tightly and inserting steel locks through their latches to ensure that you can't escape.

Every so often, the men pause to leer at you and to exchange a crude joke, commenting on your juicy virgin asshole, talking about your moist, quivering lips, and whispering to you about all the ways they're going to use them. I am walking around the swing in slow circles, inspecting their work, and giving them little orders. "Tighter," you hear me say. "Push him down further so his asshole is completely exposed." "Make sure his neck is well-supported so he'll be able to suck cock for hours."

If you were afraid before, my words will put you in a panic. You may thrash wildly in your bonds but your efforts are pointless. You are completely immobilized. You are a prisoner of that swing. The harder you try to escape the more its supple straps will sway and twist, until you feel as if you are being spun through the air, free of gravity, unable to control the movements of your own limbs. Your arms and legs don't belong to you any more than your asshole belongs to you.

Remember that, slut.

You are MINE, in every possible way. That pitiful little thing you call a dick is MINE. That puckered hole between your cheeks is MINE. Your virgin mouth, ready to suck cock, is MINE. Your feverish brain is MINE. And I'm going to use every part of you to amuse myself.

"Snake, you take him first," I order. The tallest of the four men walks between your legs and stares down at you. His straight, oily black hair hangs down to his shoulders; deep acne pits pock his cheeks. If you ever came face to face with him on a deserted street, you would run. But you can't flee him now. You can't protect yourself from what he is about to do. I am offering you up to him like a fish on a hook. And you will be a fish on his hook, won't you, whore? You'll flop around like a big fat fish when his thick cock skewers you.

When you see him reach for his fly and massage the massive bulge, making it even bigger, you begin to cry. A malicious grin lights his evil face as you turn crimson and wriggle in anguish before him. Snake stands there, laughing at you, and pulls his throbbing red slippery dick out of his pants. How you wail then! How you dance in your bonds! The sight of that gigantic purple head makes you swoon with fear. It LOOKS like a snake! A huge, vicious snake about to slither inside you. And you are so vulnerable! So rigidly bound! You can't defend yourself. You can't cover your ass this time, can you, sissy? Your asshole is public property, for Me and my friends to use.

I can already hear your howls for mercy, your piteous sobs as you plead with me to release you from this hell. And when your bellows have subsided into miserable squeals of defeat, he laughs one final time at you and turn away indifferently, to return to the sofa where the rest of us are sitting.

You're confused, you're shaken, you don't understand what just happened. You are so absurdly happy that it wasn't worse that tears of gratitude fill your eyes. But a few minutes later when I say, "Captain, it's your turn," the nightmare will begin again. A stocky blond with pale blue eyes and a scar on his neck, will step up to you. He will plant his hands on either side of you, gripping the leather straps, and gruffly whisper, "You ready to be fucked, faggot?"

You'll shriek in terror then, a terror that doubles when your audience guffaws. We are ENJOYING your pain. We want to see you in even MORE pain. This revelation is like a stinging blow and, again, you writhe and twist in your bonds, desperate to escape your fate. But there is no escaping me, slut. I won't let you escape. You belong to me. I have put you in that swing. And when it spins back and forth, you grow dizzy and weak, and you bawl like a baby because you know you are as helpless as one.

One after another, I send the men to you, threatening to sodomize you, flaunting their bloated bull-dicks at you, warning you about the fucking you're going to get. They pinch you and probe you, slapping your ass and your face with their fat cocks, pressing their hairy mouths to yours and thrusting their rancid tongues down your throat. Again and again we laugh when you whimper and groan and beg frantically to be released.

At one point you squirm so violently that your balls pop out of your shredded pants and hang vulnerably off the swing. How we laugh at you then! Your balls bobble helplessly and, a second later, your dick falls out too. When the next man steps up to you, he grasps your shaft in his beefy fist and twists it brutally, jacking it. There is nothing you can do to stop him. Nothing at all. You hear yourself pleading with him like a sniveling coward, like a degraded sissy slut, begging him in a high-pitched squeal to take pity on you. But he won't. Not as long as he's following MY orders.

After two hours of such torment, you are exhausted. You don't have the energy to fight any more. When Snake returns to you for the third time, he coldly reports your condition. "His mind is right now," he drawls. "He's whipped."

"Cut all his clothes off him," I command. Snake's knife makes rags of your clothing and you spin naked in the leather sling.

You gaze up at me dully, your mind overloaded, when I come up beside him and peer down at you. "He's positively DOCILE," I sneer. "There's no fight left in him." Then I turn my back on you. "He's ready to be fucked," I snicker. "Snake, take him however you want, but fuck him HARD."

This time when the leatherman pulls his swollen prick out of his pants, your throat is so sore from screaming that you cannot make a noise. You watch him, paralyzed with anxiety, as he pulls out a tube of K-Y gel and squeezes a large dollop in his palm. He slathers it generously, slowly, sensuously over the head of his cock, gazing straight into your eyes with murderous lust. Your dick has shriveled so far it looks like it wants to crawl up inside you. It's just a wrinkled little button, a useless flap of limp flesh. By the looks of it, it'll never be hard again.

"Snake, take his cherry. Then finger-fuck him open for the others." Snake smiles at my commands. He looks down into your eyes. You'll never forget the evil leer of the man who is about take your anal virginity, who will slide the first of a great many male organs into your tight anus.

You cringe when Snake flexes his knees a little and eases the head of that ropy snake towards the pink ring you cannot see but all the rest of us watch intently. Snake sees it pinching tighter, trying to keep out what you watch hypnotized coming to slide into you. It even looks like a snake, the broad flat head, sharply pointed but flaring into the wide flanged helmet of his circumcision, the rope-like snake shaft that thickens so frighteningly at the hairy base. It's round, massive, as big around as a beer can. You dread being stretched by that massive cock root.

Snake lightly circles his cock tip around the outside of your clenched ring of muscle. He's teasing you, watching your face react, spreading the K-Y broadly so that his big root will just glide inside you once you have taken his long shaft up your ass. He's watching your expression as you begin to desire what he is offering you. He sees the fear blend with lust in your eyes. He stokes his cock tip up and down against your tight pucker. His cock tip drags and snaps up and down over your slippery lubricated hole.

You hold still but Snake's hypnotic motion charms your muscles despite your will. You imagine you can feel your loosened pucker lips slipping into the broad piss hole that vertically splits the snake's face as it sniffs its way in ever smaller circles into the center of your bottom hole. You feel your hips shift just enough to bring that pointed tip brushing over the hardened muscles of your anal ring, feel that snake snout dip into your ring and press lightly into your opening. Your tight muscles suddenly relax and your hips thrust towards it. Snake smiles broadly and moves back, teasing it away from your hole, maintaining just the lightest contact, watching your tight ring loosen and gape pinkly, seeing you spread like a flower bud, trying to suck the mouth of his snake head into your opening bottom with a virgin's obscene kiss.

Snake knows how to tease. Your anal ring is getting desperate to feel that tempting point centered over its relaxed opening. Your body twists more impatiently to bring that teasing snake's piss lips into the lustful embrace of your flowering ring. Your virgin ring is yearning, whoring, for his tempting snake.

He starts slowly pressing the pointed head into your relaxed ring. Even your lust is not enough to open your virgin hole for the flaring helmet of his cock head. He presses it painfully past your stretching muscles and lodges the wide cock head just inside your ring of muscle. Then he begins slowly loading that massive dick into you. The shaft is far too thick and wide for your freshly penetrated hole. Thousands of needles stab into your anal muscles as they stretch, slowly trying to accommodate to the fat girth sliding into your rectum.

The wide head thrusts into and beyond your swollen prostate and the sharp pain now blends with deep intense pleasure. Your lust catches fire and you want that fat cock sawing against your swollen gland, no matter how much pain. Part of you thinks you won't be able to take it. You feel as if he's going to tear you apart. The rest of you, in your deepest soul, knows you must have it inside you, you never wanted anything more in your life than the fucking you are getting. Your chest heaves with dry sobs as his prick ruthlessly thrusts deeper, and deeper, and deeper inside of you, barreling into your guts. When you feel that turgid cock shaft lodged deep in your tightly stretched ass hole you know you can never take that massive cock root. It would rip you wide open. But you know you will die of pain and the most extreme pleasure. This is your nightmare! This is your most terrifying fantasy! This is the most exciting sex you have ever had and could never have imagined.

Or is it? It's really what you've always really wanted. If he stopped fucking you now you would beg him to rape you and keep fucking that cunt-hole ass of yours. He stops. He forces you to beg. You hear yourself pleading: "Give it to me, Snake. Shove it all into me! Fuck my heart out! Ram it into me. Rip me open. Give me it all. Shove it all into me, Snake. I want all of it in me. Fuck me hard! Don't stop. Please don't stop. Please."

He grins. He pulls your hips into his thrust. You feel that massive root shoving into you. Your flesh, stretched tight as an iron ring around his shaft, suddenly splits. You are totally open to him. You have lost your ass cherry. You feel anyone, anything could plow you now. His beer can fat root slides easily into your open anus.

The effect on you is magical. Your virgin bottom firmly grips Snake's cock from tip to root in its wet and velvety heat. Your body seals around his whole member and melts around his hardness. Neither of you moves, savoring this perfect moment as your body seals itself along the length of that invading snake. You see the pleasure glow behind his evil leer. He wants your ass. He feels your long deep embrace along his entire length. Every movement is pure honey and butter for him now.

"God, he's got a sweet ass. Geez, he's better than the best girl or boy I've ever assfucked. Oh, I'm really going to enjoy buttfucking you, baby."

Every throbbing motion vibrates through your body. You feel the enormous cock root glide in and out of your gaping anus in tiny swift thrusts. He's now building up longer strokes leaving and filling your bottom. You're afraid he has torn open your anal ring, but the bliss of him lodged completely inside you washes away your fear. You don't care if he has torn his way into you. Your insides hotly pillow his heavy organ on each thrust, suck wetly at his every withdrawal. The slippery friction is setting you afire. Your face is flush with blood and passion for the brutal fucker who is initiating you to these wonders.

For the moment you felt every inch of that snake inside you, you wanted this, the weight and heat and power of his organ throbbing up and down, pounding your anal wall, drumbeating its throbbing pulse right into your veins. You don't care if he has ripped you open. You don't care. Snake has awakened you. He is charging you up like a dynamo. Every stoking cycle is frying your brain with pure lust's electricity. You know now what it means to get your brains fucked out. You want to fuck his brains out. You want to make him make you cum. You want to be his very best butt fuck boy. The jism is building in you like a volcano. He's going to make you blow any second.

"Snake, don't bring him off yet. I have other plans. Just finish opening him up." Snake pulls out of you so suddenly you feel like your body has collapsed. The open flower of your anal ring gapes, then slams shut, surprising you that it is not in tatters.

Your hard cock shrivels. You don't even realize how hard it had been until your feel it go suddenly limp. But when Snake greases his fingertips and begins lubricating your ass hole, that dead worm between your legs awakens again against your will. You clench your jaw so hard that sweat pours down your face but still your dick expands, inch by humiliating inch, as he jams blunt fingers into your aching hole. You feel his fingers sliding into you, rolling your hole open again. You know he's done this to others before. You can see how much he enjoys doing it.

He works his fingers deftly inside you, stretching you out expertly, working each finger into the tight ring until he makes room for the next. Your ass hole is yielding and your cock grows harder and harder as he slowly eases his knuckles, then his thumb, then his palm, then his whole hand into you.

Your anus is as tight as an iron collar around his wrist. You feel his nails scratching the insides of your belly. Then he rolls his fingers into a fist inside your bowels and rotates his hand inside your bowels. You melt for him again. Your whole body softens and caresses his fist and wrist and the arm he begins to ease up inside your body.

The hardness melts from your anus and flows into your cock. Your cock is throbbing uncontrollably, a clear rope of pre-cum dribbles out onto your stomach. Snake could make you cum at any moment, he has you exactly poised on that delicious edge. You want to slid yourself down his arm. You want Snake's fist fucking hand to reach up and grab your heart, to squeeze the cum out of the very center of you.

You think of your saintly mother. Think of the normal, decent people who work with you. What would they think, if only they knew? What would they say if they knew that you really WANTED to be here? And what would your father think? How would he like seeing his son, his boy, being brutally fist-fucked? And the thick drops of pre-cum oozing from your bobbing cock showing everyone just how much you are truly enjoying it?

Nothing can stop your dick from responding to him now. He is opening you up, boy. He is opening you up WIDE. You're his wide-open pussy now. And your flesh is too weak to resist the painful ecstasy of those invasive, degrading caresses. This was the forbidden fantasy you could never admit to yourself. And now I have made it your reality.

I watch every minute of this. I study your reactions. I see how hard and soft it's making you. I see the thousand different expressions that pass over your face--from horror to euphoria. I relish this vision of your debasement. Of your pleasure in being debased.

Perhaps there's even more. Perhaps, just at that moment, when you feel that you have been utterly degraded, utterly diminished; just when you think you could not possibly be more disgraced, you hear me coo, "Captain, give him something hard to suck on." And you hear me giggle, because I see your hard dick lurch wildly at my words. You thought you had reached the pinnacle of pleasure, the depths of degradation, but there was more. The thought of being double fucked charges through you like an electric shock and focuses straight into your cock. It jerks with anticipation as the Captain stands up and fingers his basket with both hands.

Will you find just a little more resistence within yourself just then? Will you try, one final time, to break free of your bonds? Or, when Captain walks to the top of the swing and slowly rubs the plump mushroom head of his dick back and forth across your mouth, teasing your trembling lips apart with it while he holds your head firmly in place, will you simply part your teeth obediently and accept the degradation I am giving you?

You open your mouth. You open it wide. You are hungry to suck dick with a hunger you never knew. You accept that you have no choice but to go along with this. You crave to go along with it. You've known all along that I would push you to the edge and make you suffer the deepest torment to reach the ultimate pleasure. And that is why you are so helplessly, obsessively in love with me, isn't it?

A wave of shame turns your flesh to fire when you realize how transparent you are. You like it, don't you slut? It's what you really want--to be a whore used soullessly by other men. To have your virgin hole stretched out in a biker gang-bang, while I laugh at you, and tell you what a sissy you are. I'm SURE it isn't the first time someone has called you a sissy. I've known all along that your ass is your cunt and that you need a good fucking to straighten your mind out. And now I'm giving you that fucking, slut. I am giving it to you in aces.

Snake knows how ready you are. How close to cumming his fist-fucking has brought you. But Snake isn't going to bring you off with his fist. He pulls his hand out of your ass. He smiles at how tightly your ring snaps over his withdrawing fingertips. He's left your asshole tight but flexible, ready to grip and milk the biggest cock with more heat and pressure than the tightest pussy.

The more you accept and understand that everything that is happening to you is the result of MY will, the more you will submit. You will open your mouth as wide as a whore and gratefully lick that dripping wet dick as if it was a lollipop I'd just stuck in your mouth. You will stretch your thighs just a little further to accommodate Snake's gigantic rod. You will raise your ass so that he can pump it this time even deeper into your asshole and you will wiggle your hips like a slut so you can give him the very best tight hot, slutty ride.

When the other two men take their turns with you, you are even MORE submissive, even MORE docile. You never imagined the pleasure you are taking at this double penetration. The two men fucking you have redefined your entire concept of sex. This is what sex is for you now, will be for you forever more: being completely dominated, fucked to your very core, passively taking the most brutal penetration and having it bring you to total sexual ecstasy.

I order the next one, the thick-muscled man named "Batman," to pinch your nostrils until you are gasping for air and then to ram his dick into your mouth. It is a thick fat cylinder at the end, with hardly any tip, just a rounded blunt head. Its shaft tapers to a slightly narrower root. It is so massively thick at the end it sags heavily as he brings it to your lips. The baseball bat-like shape must have given him the name. Then he grabs the swing and rocks you back and forth, pumping your drooling mouth up and down on his thick shaft.

I tell the fourth man, Brad, a handsome, boyish blond with wide, succulent lips, to suck you off. "Train him, Brad, to come with a dick in his mouth," I order calmly. And you realize it isn't enough for me to degrade you; I want to force you to LOVE being degraded.

Do you know what you will do then? I do. You will obey. You will obey me and my henchmen unquestioningly. You will do everything we tell you to do. You feel the androgynous Brad go down on your cock and pull it into his mouth, sucking you steadily with wet, kissing noises. You feel him lick you up and down, flicking his tongue in places no girl has ever touched, while the man standing by your head pumps his dick into your face over and over again, using your mouth like a come toy.

Brad teaches you how cocksucking should feel. This is much better than any girl, than any women, you have known. You follow his lead and put what you learn to work on Batman's pumping shaft. Batman notices immediately.

"Oh yeah! He's sucking like you, Brad. Teach him all your tricks. Oh, baby, that's the way to suck me." You soon have Batman drooling with pleasure, and you feel his shaft in your mouth soon thickening and stiffening, ready to shoot his cum down your throat.

And you respond exactly as I want you to. You drink in the cum that the Batman squirts down your throat. The moment you start to swallow his sticky white scum your balls finally overflow and jets of hot cream shoot from your dick and into Brad's waiting mouth.

It feels so good, too. The cum shoots out of you violently, as if a boil had been lanced in your soul. You know that it is the cock in your mouth getting you off: that sloppy dick filling your mouth with hot cum, the dick on which you learned how to properly suck cock. Brad's moist lips are barely nibbling your cockhead, gently sucking the cum shooting from deep in your balls. You are getting off on being fucked in the mouth, hard and deep, getting off on really knowing exactly how to expertly suck cock. You know you can cum now whenever you suck cock.

Then we train that pleasurable soreness in your ass to be your trigger to cum.

Each of the fat cocks fucks you again while Brad licks you to half an erection. Each time you are entered you get hard from the inside. You know Brad's attention is really unnecessary. You are ready to cum as soon as you feel those hard cocks opening you and plowing up inside your body. Each thick cock in your anus feels like it is going to come out through your piss hole. Brad is delicately licking the tip of your penis, ready to sip what you are going to shoot when the biker comes in your ass.

You know that from now on you are going to cum whenever you are buttfucked.

Your ass hole is just tight enough to make it hurt as the biker rapes you. And the passion has built so that you can hardly wait to embrace that long cock lodged inside you and feel it drive you to the ultimate pleasure. When he comes deep inside, thumping and twitching deep in your bowels, your cock shoots your hot cream into Brad's eager kissing lips.

You can't help it now. Getting face fucked and butt fucked sets you off. Brad doesn't even have to touch your cock. You are a cock-sucking, butt- fucked pussy now, ready for any man to pleasure to his heart's content. So I turn the four bikers loose, letting them fuck you at both ends over and over. You don't need Brad anymore to get you up. Just being steadily fucked has you coming over and over like a girl. You never shot so many times in a row.

Your cock isn't even getting hard any more, you just steadily ooze cum from the double fucking that keeps going on. You are so good, such a great fuck, they take you again and again, experimenting with every cominbation and permutation of the pleasure you can give them. I am ORDERING you to come, FORCING you to relinquish all control, RAPING your mind.

All you know is that you are consumed by a tidal wave of ecstasy that washes through your brain with such intensity that you couldn't stop yourself from coming even if you wanted to. But you don't want to, do you, slut? Oh, no. You want to come. You NEED to come. Your whole body now is nothing but a long, aching HOLE that MUST get relief, must be fucked at both ends to give you that epitome of sexual relief, that super orgasm you didn't even know you had in you. You can't control your frenzied need to spurt gob after gob of sticky come wherever those big dicks are screwing the long tight hole that ends in your face and your ass.

You are in heaven when I tell the bikers you are their boy toy, to service them whenever they want you. Horrid as they appear, you know now how masterfully they have broken you in, how savagely they have turned you out to be their pleasure thing. As exhausted as you are, you can hardly wait to have them come back and take you again and again.

When I tell you to spurt it a final time you have no control. After you have drained the bikers I have Brad suck you to one final erection. Then I double whip your cock. And then I command you to cum for me as I shove the whip handle into your ass. And you do. You shoot it straight up in the air and smile with bliss as it spatters down on your wet face.

You will do it because I COMMAND you to do it. You will do it because you can't satisfy me any other way. You will do and be exactly what I want you to do and to be. If I want to make you my butt fucked whore; if I want you to be my thirsty cock sucker; if I want you to be used as a sex doll by cruel, impassive men, then that is exactly what will happen to you. You can't resist ME. You can't fight ME. I've got you pussy whipped, boy. I've read your mind. I am so deep inside your mind now that you couldn't get rid of me even if you tried. You'll do it knowing that I'll have you double drilled by my slaves, by strangers, by girls mounting strap-ons, by my pets, over and over.

I am inside your mind and that is where I am going to stay. I am going to keep on controlling you, and tormenting you, and mind-raping you and laughing at you until you finally realize that I am the prison you will never escape. I have closed in on you with suffocating powers. I will keep driving you to your limits and beyond, until you THANK ME for the trouble I've taken to teach you a lesson you'll never forget.

Colonel Nick Saint

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