Biker Captive

By David Graves

Published on Dec 31, 2004



All the standard disclaimers apply here. This is a work of fiction, and is all about forced water sports and forced oral sex between men and women, if this offends you, you are advised to move on.

The Honda RC51, Honda's premier sport bike, was between my legs. It was a beautiful spring day in central California, and I was haulin ass through Big Bear Country. The scenery was beautiful the weather perfect. I am a speed freak, I was cranking up speeds over a hundred at times, the bike was flowing through the curves like it was fluid, I was in biker heaven. I was on my way to a family reunion and told every one I was taking the long way to get there, I just needed to get up in the mountains on the bike.

I was about an hour or so into the ride, and I needed to take a piss, there was a turn off a couple of miles up the road, it seemed like a road not to much used, and I had seen several Harley riders a couple if times coming in or out of the road. As I approached the road I leaned the bike over and took the turn and was headed down the little used road.

I needed to piss pretty bad by now and was looking for a place to pull over when I saw the little broken down shack up ahead, and a pull off in front of it. The perfect place for a good leisurely piss and I pulled off. I had just gotten off the bike when I saw a well used path leading toward the shack, and decided to do a little exploring. I noticed the pull off had been heavily used, and seemed like it may have been the place the Harley riders had been using.

Once in the shack the first thing I noticed was the heavy piss smell, the smell was pretty strong, thinking this may be a piss stop for the bikers, my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to poke around a bit.

The next thing I saw was ropes hanging from two support posts, now that was really strange, a little more exploring and I saw a pile of clothes laying off to the side. They were piss soaked, thinking some one had pissed their selves and changed clothes here. I used my foot to kick the clothes around a bit and saw a pair of panties in the pile.

I had to take a piss pretty bad, so I took out my dick and was enjoying the relief.

Now I have to tell you, you have to be stone deaf not to hear a bunch of Harley's pull up, and I wasn't deaf by any mean's. I'm not a rocket scientist and you don't have to be one to know Harley riders are not exactly the most friendly bunch of guy's toward's a Ricer (Harley slang for some one who rides a rice burner). (A Rice Burner is a Japanese manufactured motor cycle.)

To say I was panicking real fast would be the understatement of the year. I was standing there trying to think of something to do, like get the hell out of here real fucking quick, I knew I would never make it to the bike and get on it and get out of here if I gave them the slightest clue I was scared shitless. My only chance was to try and brave it out. Not a good choice but the only one I had.

I was startled when two tough looking biker chicks blocked the door way. One yelled back to her companions, hey guy's here's the little Ricer pussy boy, he's in here. The other asked me a question in a very unfriendly way, what you doing in here Ricer!?. I lost my voice and struggled for some words to come out of my mouth, but nothing came out. She snarled back the same question, and I tried to answer. Finally knowing this was a piss spot I decided to tell the truth and I mumbled something like I was just taking a piss break.

Wrong answer for me, right answer for her. She said who the fuck said you could waltz in here and take a piss Ricer Pussy?, I didn't have an answer for that, and hesitated to long, she demanded a answer. When I didn't have one, she moved closer and snarled at me again. I finally said no one I just stopped by and took a piss. Well Ricer this ain't the place for Ricer Pussy's, this place is for real biker's, I got the message. By this time 10 or 12 other bikers were crowding in the little piss smelling shack.

I was about to add to the piss smell, I could feel my bladder about to let loose from shear panic. I knew instinctively I was in big trouble, at that time I was beginning to fear for my life, I also knew if they saw me piss my pants, it would make my situation just that much worse. There was no doubt in my mind I was in serious trouble.

Then things began to progress rapidly, there were a couple of other chicks there beside the first two, one of them asked this ugly guy she called Grizzly, he looked the name sake. When she asked the question, I did feel some piss leak out. She said hey Griz how about letting us chicks have some fun with this Ricer Pussy?

His answer was more than I could handle, he said, "Sure why not?" and I felt my hot piss stream filling my crotch and running down my leg.

The chicks got a real satisfied look on their faces, the guys laughed good and hard, I couldn't stop pissing my self, then one of them noticed the stream running down my leg, she called it to the attention of the others.

I have to tell you, the whole gang damn near doubled over with hysterics, they started to point at my crotch and laughed so dam hard and loud I thought they could be heard in L.A.

When the ruckus finally died down, what seemed to be the boss chick, stepped up and got right into my face and said, ok Ricer pussy, "get naked" The words froze in my mind, did she say for me to get naked?

Then she cleared up the doubt, she repeated the demand. I couldn't move, and I just stood there, wrong move on my part. Two chick's grabbed my arms and bent them behind my back, another one unfastened my belt buckle and unzipped my pants. She yanked the piss soaked Wranglers down to my boot tops, then she noticed my piss soaked Jockey shorts. That started a new series of remarks about my Ricer panties, and then more laughter.

Then my Jockey's joined my Wranglers at my boot tops. My cock was now in a state of great fear, and was about as small as it ever was in its entire life. This caused another round of laughter at my little shriveled up dick.

The next thing I knew I was flat on my back and two chicks were pulling off my boots. Next thing I knew I was bare ass naked from the waist down and yanked hard to my feet.

My jacket was quickly taken off and my T shirt ripped completely off. Two chicks held my arms behind my back, and put my naked body on display, they guy's were howling with laughter, the other two chicks were jumping up and down and clapping their hands, and doubling over with giggles.

I must have been near unconsciousness from fear, because I can hardly remember the course of events from there on.

I do remember my wrists being tied to the two upright posts, and being on my knees. I was spread eagled between the post's, on my knees and bare ass naked.

In my state of shock and fear I hadn't noticed that two of the chicks were stripping themselves from the waist down, I did notice when one put her pussy right up to my face. I had never even thought about a woman pissing while standing up, but this chick thrust her pussy out and took aim with her hand at her pussy. The next thing I knew a hard, hot, heavy stream of piss was hitting me dead center in the face. I closed my eyes and mouth, she grabbed a handful of my long hair and yanked it backwards. The hard yank made me involuntarily open my mouth, and she took advantage of the new target, and the next thing I knew I had a full mouth full of biker chick piss.

The next chick stepped up and repeated the performance, and the next one after that. The last chick put a little variation into the game. She took dead on aim at my little frightened cock and balls and let a big hot load right on target.

My fear and humiliation was putting me into shock, but I knew it wasn't near over with yet, these big burly ugly bikers guys were busting at the seams to take a piss. They were standing by anxiously waiting their turn, but letting the chicks have their fun first. Obviously enjoying the show at my expense.

Even in my state of shock I knew there was a lot more to come from these goons. And come it did, not just one but two and three at a time stepped up to the plate and started pissing all over me at the same time.

Then one of the chicks did something I have never even heard of. When the next goon stepped up, she knelt down and unzipped his fly, fished out his cock and took dead on target aim right at my mouth, he let loose a monestrous stream and it was with such force it stung like hell and I involuntarily opened my mouth and had no choice but to take his full load, I tried to shake my head but the hard hot stream kept on coming, my face and lips stung from the force.

A couple of the guys went behind my back and pissed all over my head and back.

Later as I tried to recount this experience I figured it to be about 13 guys and 4 chicks that dumped their hot piss loads all over me.

I don't recall how long it took, but I was kneeling in a large pool of piss when they had finished. I was soaked from head to toe in piss. I had swallowed a huge amount of piss, I have no idea how much, but it was a lot!

I thought they had finished when one of the chicks made a suggestion, that got my attention real quick. She said hey Griz since you don't have Liz to suck your big dick any more, why don't you try this Ricer pussy. With that tiny little clit of his he sure can't satisfy a chick, may be he can suck cock real good, why don't you find out?

Every one there thought that was a great idea. I'm no virgin in sucking cock, but not in this scenario, it was always with mutual consent. This time I was being raped, to tell you the truth I was in survival mode, and I was going to do what ever it took to survive.

I actually feared for my life. All I could see was being murdered right here in this spot, and no one would find me except these goons for no telling how long. I would be nothing but dried bones by the time some one discovered my remains. There was no doubt in my mind I would do what ever it took just so I walk away from here. If it meant sucking some ugly cock, then so be it.

So be it, it was, this Griz goon stepped up to my face with his big hard cock sticking straight out right up to its target, my poor piss soaked lips. I was in no mood to argue, so I opened up and with out any mercy he jammed it all the way down my throat. Naturally I gagged, he pulled out a little, and I tried with every thing I had to get my throat muscles in deep throat mode, I guess it was the fear factor that made it work. With out realizing it, I was easily sucking this goon's cock It didn't go with out notice to my audience that I had some experience at doing just what I was doing at the moment, and the comments started. Hey Griz you got a live one there, look at that Ricer suck that big old cock of Griz's. He sure as hell ain't no virgin, he's sucked plenty of cock before, you can sure tell that.

I have no idea how long it took before Griz delivered his load, I just know he did, much to the delight of my audience. Evidently there was more than one guy there that didn't have a chick to service his dick, and they all took advantage of my service.

When I thought I was finished, one goon stepped up, and I thought I was going to suck him off, but he started to piss in my mouth. I tried pull away, but he wouldn't let me, and I drank my first full load of biker piss, a couple of other guy's took advantage of the situation and I had no choice but to drink them too. I have no idea how many took advantage of the situation.

Then one of the chicks decided to see if she could make me drink her too. She slammed her pussy right into my face and said open up Ricer cock sucker and take a good swig of this. To say it was a messy drink would be a massive understatement, some did go down my throat, but a lot just ran down my chin and chest.

Finally it seemed like the party was winding down, and they were getting ready to leave. I got more scared as I wondered what they were going to do with me.

Were they going to leave me naked, pissed on and pissed in, spread eagled like this and simply ride away? The thoughts of what they could do, if it were possible heightened my fear.

A couple of the chicks were still naked from the waist down, when they took me bare ass naked and forced me to walk out to the parked bikes. One of the naked chicks got over the seat of my bike and pissed a huge load all over my seat, then another did the same thing. Two other chicks grabbed my hair and forced me to lick the piss off my bike seat. This drew a big laugh from all present.

The end was coming and the finale was when most of goons pissed all over my bike, The rest pushed me down on the ground and took a final piss all over me.

I began to relax a little when the chicks started to dress and the whole gang of goons started to get on there bikes and cranked them up.

I did eventually get my self together and turned back for home. I never did make the family reunion, I gave them a lame excuse, but never revealed the real reason.

And I never again took that little used road looking for some place to take a piss.

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