Biker Bar Toilet

By Master Gilbert

Published on Jul 29, 2019


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author condones such situations and/or acts.

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Biker Bar, the sold slave, chapter 7

I had been a Travis' feet all night while the guys talked and smoked and drank. They never had to get up to piss, I was there. They never had to get up to cum, I was there. And they never had to get up or do anything for entertainment, I was there.

It was funny listening to them talk about me like I was a pet or piece of furniture. The guy asked about my history and training. Travis told him I was an ex-marine and the guy laughed. He was an ex-marine too.

Sometime about 4 or 5 in the morning, Travis needed to shit. Of course, he didn't have to go far because I was there already. He basically just turned a chair around and sat with his chest against the back and his ass hanging over the seat. He never stopped his conversation with the other guy, just grunted a little as the big logs came out of his ass and right into my mouth.

I had to really contort my head to get it into the right position, but after all the shit I have eaten, and beatings I have received, I knew I had to do anything and everything I could to make sure Travis was happy.

About 9 AM the guy said he was getting tired and kicked me in the side as he got up. I had fallen asleep at Travis' feet at some point. I was still trying to get the fog out of my brain from the sudden wake-up when hands grabbed me and threw me back over the table. Without warning that guy stuck his hand back into my ass and pulled out the can.

Then I was let go but I held myself there not knowing what might come next. The guys all left leaving me alone with Travis. Travis just came over and slapped my ass. "Well it looks like you are going to be headed to the west coast dawg."

That was all he said before I was taken back to my cell and kicked to the floor. I was used to this kind of treatment. I was treated like this all the time now. Before long, I felt the cold water hit me. I stood and turned like I had be taught. I was never allowed soap or shampoo. Of course, I really didn't need shampoo since they kept my head practically shaved.

Once I was cleaned, then I got to finally get some sleep. I don't know how long I got to sleep, but it couldn't have been too long. Travis was at my cell and kicked me awake.

"Congratulations dawg, Big Ben liked you." Travis said while nursing on a cigar and a beer.

"He plans on taking you back with him and made us a good offer for your ass." Travis spit at me.

It took me a few minutes to get to my knees but to my surprise Travis didn't undo his fly. He didn't make any move to use me. I felt dejected a little. I had been here a couple months at least, although I really didn't have any concept of time. Since I had been here, Travis had been like a keeper or mentor to me. I drunk his piss and eaten his shit daily for as long as I could remember. He had used me as a cum dump, whipping post, hand puppet, and more. But today he didn't seem to have any interest in me.

"So, here is whats going to happen. First one of the guys will come and get you and make sure you are cleaned up and out. Then he will do any mods that Big Ben wants before he takes possession." Travis stopped to take a draw off his cigar. "You need to be ready for him when he leaves in 2 hours, so you better say your goodbyes dawg."

I hadn't really spoken in weeks, months. I opened my mouth, but nothing really came out. I just sort of croaked. Travis took the opportunity to spit into my mouth and then turned around and left.

Two of the bigger brothers came into the cell and grabbed me, pulling me to my feet and shoving me out the door. In the room that the guys usually used to entertain their dates and victims, I was strapped down to a table and the guys went all over my body making sure shave any hair. Then one of the guys came in with a tattoo gun and some drawing.

I was rolled over and that guy went to town on my ass. I never saw what he put on me, but I figured it was some mark or club signal. For all I know it was a toilet so anyone who saw it would know what I was.

The time flew by. It wasn't long before that big man was standing in the door admiring the tattoo that was being applied to my ass. "Is he almost ready, I need to get on the road." Ben barked.

"He will be in about 15 minutes." The guy barked back. "Anything else you want done before we release him?"

"You got all the hair? The tat is almost done. Has the package been put in him yet?" Ben was eyeing me with a sadistic smile.

"It's the last thing we are going to do, but don't worry, it will be in there before you leave."

While Ben watched, the guy finished the tattoo. Once he was done, I was flipped back over and with only a little lube on the can, it was shoved back up my ass. This one was heavier. I am willing to bet it was filled with drugs or something. But I would probably never know.

Ben motioned for me to follow him as soon as I was let go. It was the first time I could remember that I was allowed to walk without guys holding me. I guess at this point everyone, including myself, knew that I wasn't going to try to run or get away.

We got into the club room and Travis, the club President, and most of the members were there. Travis stood up came over to Ben. After they shook hands, Travis turned to me.

"Ben now owns you Devil Dawg." Travis started. "You belong to him now. But if you ever step out of line, I will personally come hunt you down and beat you black and blue."

All the guys laughed.

"And if you don't preform for Ben, and he returns you, your ass won't be worth the meat and skin that make it."

That was it. I was sold to Ben. I wasn't a person. I was an animal. But truth be told, I felt okay with all this. Afterall, what could I do about it...

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