Biker Bar Toilet

By Master Gilbert

Published on Nov 14, 2016


Biker Bar, the sold slave, Chapter 4

This story was inspired by another fictional work done by Kinky Tim and posted on, entitled Biker Bar Toilet. This is meant to be a prequel happening before the events described in the original story. The major players are Butch, the biker gangs boss; Ox, a rival to Butch in the same gang; and Travis, another member of the gang. This is a fictional work and any feedback is appreciated.

I had been kept in the cell when I wasn't attached to the cinderblock toilet that was in the room with me. That gave me lots of time to think about what was going on. I was a prisoner of a sort. I was told by Travis it was for my own good but I doubt that.

I couldn't tell if it had been a day, two days, maybe 4 at this point. I do know I was probably fired from my job. It's not like I had a great job but still I had a job. I also didn't know if they ever intended to let me go back to my apartment. What did my roommate think? Did he even miss me?

I was lost in thought when the door opened and the man I now know was the president of the biker gang, Butch, along with Travis and two other bikers came into the room. I admit I was weak. I hadn't eaten anything but shit since I left the bar, but I could smell the hamburger. That's what got my attention more than the door opening.

"Look at the devil dog perk up at the smell of meat." Travis laughed and prodded Butch.

Butch looked at me and turned to Travis and started talking to him like I wasn't even in the room. Butch was asking if Travis was sure about what he wanted to do. "Sure he is a good shit eater, but do you think he will really be a good slave?" Butch said to Travis while the other two bikers just stood there like silent guards.

Travis turned to one of the bikers and pointed to something in the corner. The biker went over and grabbed a silver bowl and unwrapped a couple of hamburgers and threw them into the bowl. Then he brought it over to the cell. Travis finished talking to Butch and then Butch left the room. That allowed Travis to walk over to the cell and actually talk to me.

"So devil dog, I bet you are hungry by now." Travis said grabbing the bowl. "Do you want these hamburgers?"

"Yeah man, I could use some real food." I said

"What did I tell you devil dog? You address me as Sir or Boss." Travis said with an evil look on his face.

"Can we stop playing this game and just let me get back to my life?" There I had said it. I knew he must have known it was coming. I mean this was a fun game at first, but I had a life to get back to. "I don't think you understand devil dog. This is your life now." Travis said while motioning to the bikers. They pulled their cocks out and started jacking off. Travis just kept talking while they jacked off. "I plan on training you to be a slave."

I watched in awe as the bikers stroked their big cocks like nothing was going on. Travis was talking about how my life was going to change and for some reason all I could pay attention to were these two big cocks being stroked right in front of me. Travis continued to talk but I had toned it all out watching the cocks.

The first biker started to jack faster then shot a huge load on the hamburgers that were in the bowls. He put his cock away and that left only one biker stroking his fat cock. A few minutes later the second biker came and shot a thick rope of cum across the burgers.

Travis then looked at me and asked if I still wanted the food he was offering. I started to realize that if I said no, I would probably not get any more, and if I said yes I was admitting I wanted to be treated like this always. As I looked at the bowl Travis moved it closer to the cell. I nodded yes but Travis was waiting for the words.

"Yes Boss I want the food." I said as softly as I could as I was hoping no one heard it. But Travis knew what I was doing. "You can do better than that devil dog."

"Yes Boss, I want the food." I said louder.

"Good dog. Now get on your knees and put your hands, palm down, on the floor and wait like a good dog." Travis said as one of the bikers unlocked and opened the cell. Travis stepped in and set the bowl in front of me as I knelt there. Then he backed out and I reached for the bowl but got scolded. So I put my hands back onto the floor.

"Dogs don't eat with hands do they devil dog?" Travis scolded. He had to be kidding me. Maybe he thought I was going to act like a dog just because he kept calling me one, but that's not what I am. I reached for the bowl again and one of the bikers handed Travis the cattle prod. I remembered how that felt so I decided to humor Travis and just eat the burgers from the bowl without using my hands.

It took me a couple of minutes to eat them and I could feel the cum on the sides of my face after I finished. I looked up at Travis and he just laughed. He was putting a fat dip into his lip and gestured to the other bikers who opened the cell and stepped inside. One grabbed my metal collar that I was fitted with that first night and the other grabbed my hands as I reached up. Travis stepped in and cuffed my hands. Then I was extracted from my cell and strapped standing upright against the wall.

My hands were raised above my head and secured to the wall. Travis then opened a cabinet next to the door and took out a set of clippers. I was shaved from head to toe. Travis took off the hair on my head, chest, balls, arms, legs and last of all, my ass.

Once he was finished he just smirked. He then had me moved to a bench. I was again strapped down but this time I had even less mobility. I couldn't move at all. I couldn't even flex a muscle. That's when I heard the door open again. I couldn't tell if someone was leaving or coming in. Not like it mattered. I mean what else could they really do.

I heard Travis discussing something with a man who's voice I didn't recognize. They were talking about my name. I heard Travis telling this guy that I was to be called devil dog. The guy laughed asked Travis if he was sure and I felt a hand go across my shoulder blades.

Minutes later I heard the sound that I knew all too well. It was a tattoo gun. Then the burning and pain started. I could guess what was being tattooed across my shoulder blades. It took hours, or at least it felt like hours. The tattoo gun biting into my shoulder blades and my identity being ripped away at the same time, I wanted to cry but I couldn't.

Once it was finished I could feel the hands on my back. Travis was first. Slapping my tender shoulder blades and laughing. Then the other bikers and tattoo artist did the same. I was numb and not even paying attention to what was happening until I felt the finger attack my ass hole. I had no way to know who it was but someone was digging deep and hard into my tender ass.

I strained against my restraints but I couldn't really move. I started to cry for the first time since all this started. I don't really know why. I had been fucked before and I enjoy it. I think it was because for the first time I started to understand what was happening. I didn't have a choice. I couldn't stop it.

The fingers were pulled out of my ass and the tattoo artist walked around to my face and shoved his shit coated fingers against my lips. I reacted without even thinking about it. I opened my mouth and instinctively sucked his fingers clean. The taste of the shit was almost comforting.

The bikers and tattoo artist were talking but I was no longer paying attention. I was sucking on this guy's fingers, getting the shit off of them and sinking into that dark hole in my mind blocking out everything else going on around me. The flavor of the shit was familiar. The action of sucking on someone's fingers was instinctual. The feeling of being a pig or animal was comforting.

The fingers were pulled from my mouth and a cock head was pushed against my lips. I again opened up to let the familiar in but found it was held just at the edge of my lips. Moments later I knew why. I felt the piss hitting my chin first but the stream quickly found my mouth and I was so exhausted that all I could do was gulp down the piss in big mouthfuls. Every time I tried to swallow the piss would start overflowing and running down my chin. Laughter would ring out and my cheek slapped, but the piss didn't stop.

When the tattoo artist was finally finished, he inserted his cock more deeply into my mouth and I started to suck on his cock. He didn't seem to notice really. He put his hands on the back of my head and started to just pump my mouth like I was a mindless hole. I was tied down so it's not like I was able to pull away from him. He didn't need to hold my head but he did. I could feel his cock start to grow in my throat. He was definitely a grower. His cock was fat but it wasn't until he started getting hard and it started growing down my throat that I had a problem breathing around it.

Without a word the tattoo artist pulled his now big hard cock out of my mouth and returned to my ass. In one solid powerful thrust, he sank balls deep into my ass. As I started to gasp Travis' cock was shoved into my face. I knew it was Travis' cock because I had gotten it almost every time Travis had come into the room.

My ass was being assaulted and abused by the tattoo artist and Travis' cock was starting to get hard and pushing down my throat. I guess Travis thought my mouth was a bit dry because he pulled his cock almost completely out of my mouth and I could see the dip spit hit the cock shaft before being pushed back into my mouth. The dip spit was spicy and burned my throat a little as it rode the cock shaft into my throat.

The tattoo artist was fucking my ass so hard it was pushing the bench forward. Travis was using the thrusts to explore the deepest parts of my throat. Between the two of them I was helpless and being used like a whore. I guess that's when I finally let go. I didn't care anymore. I was broken. I wasn't even human to these men.

Pain filled my ass as the tattoo artist slapped it hard and pushed as deep as he could before flooding my guts with cum. Travis came down my throat minutes later and for the first time in what felt like hours I was free of cocks and fingers in my holes. My freedom came at a cost like always. I was pulled off the horse and thrown back into my cell. I tried to stand up but my legs were too weak from the bondage and from the anal assault. I just lay there in the floor as Travis spit on my face before turning around and leaving.

I was alone again and even though the lights were left on I was sinking into darkness.

Next: Chapter 5

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