Biker Bar Toilet

By Master Gilbert

Published on Nov 3, 2016


Biker Bar, the sold slave, Chapter 2

This story was inspired by another fictional work done by Kinky Tim and posted on, entitled Biker Bar Toilet. This is meant to be a prequel happening before the events described in the original story. The major players are Butch, the biker gangs boss; Ox, a rival to Butch in the same gang; and Travis, another member of the gang. This is a fictional work and any feedback is appreciated.

I was laying there waiting for the door to open so I could see the next guy that was going to be using me. I didn't have to wait long. There was an older guy, late 40's to early 50's, white but well-tanned and with a salt and pepper beard. He had a fat lower lip that I knew immediately was full of dip. He looked down at me and laughed out loud.

"Semper Fi marine" he said.

It took me a minute to remember I was totally naked with meant he could see the tattoo I had over my heart. I got it while I was in the Marine Corps and I hadn't thought about it.

He started to undo his pants and I started to get anxious. Was he going to piss on me? Was he going to shit on me? I didn't have to wait long because before I knew it he had turned around and all I could see was his ass lowering onto the toilet seat over my face. "Do a good job down there devil dog." he said.

His ass was rank. It smelled like a combination of stale cigars, head cheese, old farts, and sweat. I was both turned on and repulsed at the same time. I stuck my tongue out about the same time as I felt his boot land on my chest. He didn't stomp or try to hurt me. It was more him asserting his dominance over me and my position as the sub eating his ass.

His ass tasted exactly as it smelled. I heard him light a cigar up while I was licking his hole and that just made me go into a zone. I could smell the cigar and knowing that he was smoking while I was eating his ass was making me want to impress him even more. I could feel the head of a log just inside his ass. I wanted it.

I started licking all around the ring of the ass. I gently stuck my tongue into his ass trying to coax the log out a little. The guy just chuckled and tapped my balls with the toe of his boot. "You want what's in my ass don't you devil dog?" he said with a dark and menacing tone.

I didn't say a word; I just sucked on his hole a little more and tried to cup my tongue around that log. The guy gave a slight grunt and push and that log came sliding out of his ass and right into the only place it could go, my mouth.

It was a firm log, about 6" long and as fat as most cocks I have sucked. The taste was musty and similar to the way his ass tasted. I could only guess this was a guy that never wiped his ass. I was trying to decide if I was going to chew and then swallow or try to snake it down my throat without chewing it up. I knew that swallowing without chewing would be a bigger challenge, but I really wanted to savor this first log of the night.

I was quickly reminded that it was not about what I wanted. The guy jerked on the string and my balls separated quickly and violently from my body. I swallowed the log immediately and felt the next log already making its way toward my mouth. I opened just in time for it to slide in. This one was fatter but softer than the first one. This one I started chewing immediately. It tasted so disgusting and I felt so good.

"Devil dog likes my shit I see" the guy said while kicking my hard on. I didn't even realize I was hard.

The guy continued to sit on my face for about 15 minutes or so as I finished eating his shit and licking his ass clean. When he got up his ass was considerably cleaner than when he sat down. The guy looked down at me and spit in my face without warning. Then some of the ash from his cigar landed in the spit. Turning around he said he was impressed as he left. I didn't have long to think about it though because a larger, more heavyset biker was waiting to come into the toilet room as the other guy left.

This guy was no nonsense and very to the point. His pants came down and the piss started flowing all over my face. It hit my forehead first before splattering into my eyes and eventually found its way to my mouth that I was holding open. The good news was that he washed the spit and cigar ashes off my face with his piss.

As quickly as it all started, it ended. The guy laughed and kicked me in the nuts before leaving.

I thought about catching my breath but again there was a biker waiting as soon as this one left. This guy was older and had a shaved head. He had a beard that was pretty well kept and a cigar hanging out of his lips. He yelled out into the bar, "I thought you put ashes on his face." And to which the guy replied, "I did."

"He needs more, bring me that ashtray." The guy shouted and a hard reached into the room and this guy took a large cigar ashtray out of the anonymous hand and proceeded to dump it all over my wet face. The ashes just stuck to my skin and the biker kicked my nuts while asking if I was in the marines.

I nodded yes not wanting to open my mouth and got another kick for my efforts.

"Yes" I said and as soon as I opened my mouth the piss hit it. There was an obvious flavor of ash in the piss that was hitting my face and running into my mouth. As soon as the guy finished he headed out while still buckling his jeans. I heard him talking to the guys that were in the bar telling them they had a marine latrine tonight and that they needed to make sure I was treated right. I wasn't sure what he meant by that but I was scared.

Over the course of the next few hours I ate 8 loads of shit and was pissed on so many times that I lost count. I pissed myself a few times but no one seemed to notice or care. At the end of the night the bartender came and hosed me off with a garden hose. I hadn't thought about it but I bet that's why there was a floor drain in that room.

After I was cleaned up, the bartender moved the toilet seat from over my head and released the locks that were holding me down. I reached my hand out thinking he would help me up; that was a joke. This guy wasn't going to touch me. So I helped myself up and opened the door into the bar. Several of the bikers were still there and for some reason I felt more exposed and out of place than I did when I was tied down as a toilet for these men.

A couple of the guys looked me over. I felt like a piece of meat in a butcher shop. But I was so horny and I knew they could see it in me. I did my best not to make eye contact with any of them but that one older guy, the first one to feed me, was standing right at the end of the bar, leather gloves already on, and cigar sticking out of his mouth. I couldn't help but look and as soon as he saw me looking he made his move.

Five minutes later, or less, I was bent over a keg in the storeroom with this biker fucking the hell out of me. There had been no talking, no foreplay, nothing more than a hand on my neck directing me like I was some sort of sex toy. Luckily my ass was full of shit. Since this guy didn't bother to use lube or spit or anything else. He was both literally and figuratively fucking the shit out of me with every thrust.

He grunted and groaned. He moaned and fucked me harder than I have ever been fucked. His weight was on my back as he was fucking me bent over that keg. I could feel his jeans hitting my ass with every thrust; he didn't even bother to take his pants off.

It only took him about 10 minutes to fuck a load of cum into my ass. And then without a word he grabbed my neck again and forced me to stand up, then turn around and get down on my knees. I knew what was coming next. His shit covered cock was forced into my face and so I opened my mouth and obediently sucked it in. I licked and sucked all the shit off his cock. It took a few minutes and the guy was getting hard again before I could get that last bits of shit out of the crown of his mushroom cock head.

He grabbed my head with both hands and held it still right before his piss started to flow. It came out fast and all I could do was swallow it as fast as I could. I was somewhat happy though as it was helping to get the shit taste out of my mouth.

He finished and left me on the floor in the stockroom. The bartender came in and chuckled again while throwing the bag with my stuff at me. I got dressed and headed out the back door to where I had parked my bike.

As I got outside the first thing I noticed is that my bike was nowhere to be seen. I looked around but it wasn't as if you could hide my ninja motorcycle that easily. I could hear the bikes out front being started and could tell they were all Harley Davidsons. I was tired, sore from the fucking, full from all the shit I had eaten, and physically worn out from all the abuse. I fumbled through my stuff looking for my dip and I couldn't even find it.

That's when one of the bikes pulled around the corner. It was the older guy that fucked me like a whore in the stockroom. He pulled up next to me and looked behind him. I didn't even ask, I figured he had something to do with my missing bike and I knew I just needed to do what he wanted. I got on the back of his bike and put my arms around him. He kicked the bike into gear and we were off.

Around the front of the bar there were a couple of other bikers waiting and they fell into formation behind us as we pulled out. I thought my night had gone pretty well at the bar. But now I wasn't so sure about my future.

Next: Chapter 3

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