Biker Bar Toilet

By Master Gilbert

Published on Nov 1, 2016


Biker Bar, the sold slave, Chapter 1

This story was inspired by another fictional work done by Kinky Tim and posted on, entitled Biker Bar Toilet. This is meant to be a prequel happening before the events described in the original story. The major players are Butch, the biker gangs boss; Ox, a rival to Butch in the same gang; and Travis, another member of the gang. This is a fictional work and any feedback is appreciated.

I have always been fixated and drawn to things that would gross out and even disgust others. If it was nasty, taboo, and even against the law I wanted it. I had talked to a few fellow freaks online and had heard about a biker bar in south Florida that had a unique set-up.

If you went in and asked for "Frank" and paid a small fee you could be the biker bars toilet for the night and have all the bikers piss and shit on you. Now while this would not be appealing to most it made my dick jump just at the thought of it. Granted I wasn't sure I would be able to handle it, but I figured if it got to be too much I would just leave.

It took me a couple weeks to find the place. It wasn't exactly well advertised. I went in about lunch time and asked the bartender if "Frank" was working. It was an old smelly guy working behind the bar and just stepping into the place I almost gagged from the smell of sweat, piss, stale cigars, and beer.

The bartender asked me for my ID and I handed it over to him. He looked at it and looked at me. "Says here your name is -----------."

I nodded still wondering what I had gotten myself into.

"You are really 24 kid?" the bartender asked me.

I nodded again while scanning the place.

"You able to do anything other than nod kid?" he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Okay kid, be here at 8:30 PM at the back door. Frank's fee is $100 in cash since it's a Friday. Don't bother getting dressed up or anything, no fucking fetish shit, just be ready to get naked. Got it kid?"

I said okay again and then asked for my ID back but the bartender said I could only have it after I showed back up that night. I was a little pissed but what was I going to do about it. So I left and spent the rest of the day waiting and trying not to jack off at the thought of being a toilet in the biker bar that night.

I arrived right at 8:30 at the back door. The bartender was waiting outside the door smoking a cigar and leaning against the building. He smiled when he saw me ride up on my ninja motorcycle. As soon as I got off it, he handed me a paper bag and told me to put all my stuff in it. As I was getting undressed the bartender pulled out my ID and dropped it in the bag too.

I handed him the money and as soon as I was naked he handed me a collar and told me to put it on. It was a leather collar and reeked of shit and piss. Then the bartender tied a long thin rope around my balls. He gave it a good tug and I lunged forward when he did. The last thing he did was put an old bandana around my face making it almost impossible for me to see anything.

Through the whole thing he never took the cigar out of his mouth and it seemed like this was nothing out of the norm for him.

Once I was blindfolded and my balls were secured, the bartender pulled me through the backdoor leading me by my balls. I really couldn't see anything and I had to trust him. He led me into a small room and had me lay down. He positioned me on the ground and then I felt chains being put over my chest, around my hands, and securing my feet. The last chain went over my neck and made it so I couldn't lift my head more than a few inches. The bartender laughed once it was done.

"So here is the deal. The bikers will come in and sit down on this toilet seat that is over your face. You will eat the shit, or wear it. They might want to piss in your mouth too; it's really up to them. The one thing I would suggest is not to piss them off." With that the bartender took off my blindfold and left the room.

I lay there, unable to move waiting. I waited for what felt like hours. In reality it was only about 30 minutes. I looked around my surroundings as best I could. I could feel the cold steel of a metal grate under my ass. I was betting the room had some kind of floor drain for easy cleaning. I bet this place could get pretty messy. The first biker that came in just looked at me and laughed.

He was tall and well built. He was wearing jeans and boots with chaps over them. He had on an old t-shirt and a black leather vest. I looked at him but didn't say anything. The bartender had warned me not to talk. The biker pulled out his cock and pointed it at my face and started pissing. At first I tried to avoid it but I couldn't move my head. He was purposely moving the piss stream over my whole face. Making sure he soaked my head, my face with his warm piss.

He grabbed the rope pull on the wall and pulled on it which in turn pulled on my nuts, hard. This caused me to open my mouth to scream but before I could it was being filled up with piss. The biker knew exactly how to get my mouth open. I felt nasty and violated. I was so turned on.

The biker left, but not before he spit in my face and kicked my stretched nuts. This was the first time I could see into the outside bar. I couldn't see much because of the way my head was tied down. What I could see was a pool table and a bar full of bikers.

My night had begun and I was both scared and turned on. I couldn't wait for the next guy to come in and at the same time I was in fear of what he was going to do...

Next: Chapter 2

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