
By Dean Conroy

Published on Oct 15, 2010


It was a few weeks after me and Al had the ride. I finished work one and went to the pub with a couple of mates. I sank a few beers and then headed for my place but on the way needed a piss so I stopped at another bar to use the toilet Then I figured I would have another beer. This bar was more for business guys and I was the only guy in there in work gear. This older dude in a suit comes up and stands near where I am and started up talking to me. We talked about the usual stuff, bit of sport and what we did. And he bought me another beer. He was from out of town and I guessed he was looking for a bit of company. He seemed like a ok guy so when he said he was going to get a feed I went along with him. We grabbed a couple of burgers and had another couple of beers and next thing he says come on back to my hotel for this bottle of scotch he’s got. So I thought why not.

We get to his hotel and have a few shots and by this time he’s got rid of his jacket and tie and I’m down to my t shirt. He’s sitting beside me when out of nowhere he puts his hand on my leg. I looked at him and say hey man I’m not into it and he says to me I’ll give you $50 if you let me blow you. I wasn’t all that pissed but I’d had enough so I figured what the hell. He pulled out a fifty I stuck it in my jeans undid my jeans and down he went on me. He got between my legs running his hands up under my t shirt over my stomach and chest. He was sucking on my nuts and my cock, licking my stomach and rubbed his face in my pubes. He got up and stripped off then went back to working me over and beating off. He sank my sweaty cock all the way down his throat giving me great head til I was ready to blow. He blew the same time and he drank all my cum down. He shot his cum over his hand and says if he gives me another $50 could he wipe it on my workboots. And I thought hell why not. It was easy good money. So he does and then the fucker gets down and licks it off my boots. I buckled up, had another shot of scotch and left.

Come Saturday I’m with the guys at the pub, Al’s there too and we’re sitting there talking about the bikes and stuff. I don’t know maybe I was just pushing things but when the other guys were not at our table I told Al I’d made an easy $100. he says yeah, how’d you do that and I gave him a quick sotry of how the business dude had blown me. Al gave me this look like he’s not thinking about anything and just says do I want a beer and he goes to the bar.

I watched him walk away. Like me he was in his bike gear and I could see his hell of a build. I could smell his sweat and checked out the way his leather jacket stretched across his shoulders and how his jeans sat tight over his arse and the stacked cock and balls of his crutch got the blood pounding into my cock. It was easy to remember the way I’d held him down that first time, leaned over his muscular back and rooted him into my bitch and I felt like dragging him down on the floor of the bar right then and there and raping his butch arse again. He came back, sat down and put one leg up over the arm of the chair beside him. His legs went wide and I could see the shape of his balls on one side of his leg and the shape of his cock down the other leg of his jeans. He scratched at his chest and asked me how much money I’d taken from the dude.

I told him the full amount and he sat silent for a while. Then he asked me if I’d pay him money. I took a while to answer, but finally said if that’s what it took I’d be willing. He sort of smiled and took a few mouthfuls of his beer and I did the same. I reckon we were both figuring it out as it went along. I never figured it would come to me giving my best mate money to get my fat cock up what had been his tight virgin arse til I’d buggered him those two times. Al put his beer down and his hands behind his head and stretched. That’s when I really figured I would go for it. I put my beer down stood up and just said my place. He nodded and followed me out of the bar.

Riding home was wild. We rode like crazy men racing each other round corners and between the cars. He got there first and when I pulled up beside him and took my helmet off he grinned and said I was a bit slow. I told him we’d see about that and after we got the bikes put away we went inside.

I was walking close behind him sniffing at his body smell. Just inside the door he stopped and turned to face me. We grabbed each other in a bear hug and I could feel every muscle of his body tight and hard. I nuzzled into his neck tasting his skin and the oil and sweat as he bit into the flesh of my neck. Our crutches ground into each other with both of our cocks hard as hell in our jeans. I felt his hands working at the buttons of my crutch then his hand trying to pull my cock out. I was hard as a rock and it was no way it was coming out without me doing it so I reached down and twisted the full fat 8 inches out and dragged my balls out as well. Al’s hands started tugging on the shaft of my tool then he looked me dead in the eyes and said how much would I pay for him to suck on me.

I said fifty bucks and he gave me a bit of a grin and he went down on his knees and rubbed his face into the crutch of my dirty jeans where I’d smeared the sex juices from his arse the night under the bridge. Then he took my big purple knob in between his lips and started to suck on me. I got my hands on his head and feeling the stubble of his buzz cut and the stubble of his beard was hot and way different from some soft haired chick down there working me over. Al’s lips and tongue was working my tool slowly from my knob over my shaft. His mouth was working me up and down the shaft each time he was getting to take more in til I was fucking his sweet mouth all the way to the back while his hands were tugging on my big nuts. I was going through the roof I was so hot for him.

We’d only just started and I was keen to use him completely so I slid my cock out then he got up off his knees and said it was time to go into the bedroom, We got in there and the first thing was I pulled out my wallet took out the fifty bucks for the cock sucking he’d given me and pushed it into his jeans. Then I stripped off til I was just in my jeans and boots and my cock and balls still hanging out of the fly. Al stripped off the same and pulled his own big cock and his balls out through the fly of his jeans and we started to run our hands over each other’s body and pulling on our cocks and balls. The smell of our sweat was real strong. I was ready to fuck him and put my hand down over his arse but he stopped me and what he said was if I wanted to fuck and work him over like he was my whore I had to pay.

I ran my fingers through the patch of hair across his chest up over his shoulder and round his neck and got my other hand around the cheeks of his arse and pulled him close to me. There was no way I was going to be able to stop myself from nailing his tight butch body under me. The first time I’d got into his arse I’d more or less had to rape him, and the second time though he’d been pissed when he dropped his jeans and put his arse out for me I’d rooted him hard over his bike much the same. This time I wanted to fuck him so hard he’d be screaming. I was going to take my time and basically if it was costing me get my moneys worth.

I fished another fifty I had stashed in the drawer and pushed it in his jeans with the other fifty. Then I grabbed him round his waist and got my mouth on his jaw and started to suck on his sweaty stubble. He groaned and took my cock in his hand then leaned his head down into my neck. I got his belt open and his jeans pushed down. He turned round and showed me his arse. No woman’s cunt I’d rooted ever looked that hot. He got up on his knees on the edge of the bed I licked the sweat off the tatts on his back and I licked lower into his arse crack. His man smell was really ripe. I’ve licked a lot of chick’s pussy but this was the first time I went with my tongue for a guy’s arsehole but when Al put his arse out I just dived right in and licked into that tight little hole between his cheeks I was aching to get into him so much I went into his arse with my tongue licking and pushing into it tasting his body and slobbering it wet. He was groaning and pushing back on me. I got up and pulled his arse cheeks apart and leaned my knob on his little hole. I worked up a mouthful and spat down onto his hole and over my cock and grabbed his hips then pushed my knob up against his hole. Al flinched and groaned as the pain of his tight arse being penetrated hit him. I kept hold of him and pushed some more. His hole was so tight the flesh of my cock was stretched to burning but knowing I was the only man who’d ever rooted my biker’s mate arse made me horny as all hell. I rubbed my hands over his body and kept on pushing into him. He was shaking with the pain of my fat cock squeezing into him opening up his hole. He was groaning and saying, rape me rape my arse. I slowly drove the rest of my cock all the way through his tight hole to the hilt into him and he fell forward crying out. I drove harder into him telling him I was gonna rape him like my whore and he groaned while I humped my tool out then deep into him. He tried to get up but I got my forarm over the back of his neck held him down and bit into his back slamming my solid tool up his arse. He started trying to roll away but his tight jeans round his legs and the weight of my body kept him where I had him while my body kept slamming my big fat cock into his raped hole. Money or whatever, he was getting it like I wanted to use him. I was already dripping with sweat. Then he collapsed under me all the fight out of him and I got him by those big muscle shoulders of his using them for a hold and nailed him hard onto the bed. Every time I drove deep up his arse he groaned, rape me, rape me. I power fucked him for a minute then pulled out and stood up. He lay there breathing hard til I flipped him over. I somehow got his boots off and dragged off his jeans then got between his hairy legs pulled them up and found his sweet, sticky hole again. As I sank my cock between his legs and into his body his legs and arms wrapped round me and pulled me deeper than I was. It was sinking into fuck heaven and I arched my body driving in hard to the hilt until I could feel my belt buckle and the metal studs grinding into his crutch crushing his balls under me. I hammered into him at the same time while I called him my slut whore. His hands raked across my back ripping into my skin with him saying again, rape me you bastard. I pulled my knob near out of his hole and then buried myself to the hilt over and over again up his arsehole.

He was biting my neck and abusing me for bitching him, one second trying to fight me off then licking my tatts where the sweat was running down over my chest. His tight hole was clamped round my fat 8 inches of meat like a vice. The pressure in my balls was close to blowing. I used my cock from every angle I could, getting my big knob filling every part of his hot hole while he was growling in my ear, growling as I raped his hole then I’m burying my teeth into his neck I started to swamp his hole with the ton of sperm I’d built up in my big balls. I shot my load into him filling his arse with my seed. Al was the first man I’d ever fucked and now for the third time my mate was getting his butch virgin arsehole filled with my thick sperm. I pumped and pumped my sperm up him shuddering all over my body as I felt the hot flesh of his hole fill with my hot sticky juice as it swamped round my pumping cock then I fell off him and rolled onto my back. Al got up on his knees over me and took my thick juicy shaft in his hands and wiped his arse juice into the crutch of my jeans then he swung round and straddled me with his hole right in front of my face. I drove my tongue into his hole sucking and licking tasting his juice and mine. Al opened his mouth and sucked the rest of my cum out while he pulled on his cock his big hairy balls belting against my chest til he blew huge thick wads of his cum all over my body. He lay down next to me and looked at me. We both knew that we’d gone a hell of a way down the arse fucking track. I reached out and ran my hand over his sweaty body and through his arse crack then wiped more of the the juices into my mouth. We both stank of sweat and sex. Al grabbed his jeans off the floor and pulled out the $100 and rubbed it into where his cum had spurted on my chest. Then he said I could have it back if I licked it so I grabbed his hand and did just that. I reckon that was the greatest money I ever made. The taste of his seed was like thick salt in my mouth.

We got up, and without saying much got back into our bike gear and rode back to the bar. The guys there figured we’d been out having a feed. We just bought another round of beers, sat down and looked round the bar. A couple of our mates came over to join us and before I knew it we were back talking bikes, chicks and football. But I could taste and smell Al’s body every time I lifted my beer.

Next: Chapter 4

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