Bigger and Better

By Sam Macmillan

Published on Feb 2, 2005


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction; any resemblance to real persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. If you're not old enough (at least 18) to read this, do not. This story contains depictions of sex between adult and males. If you are not interested in reading about male-on-male sex, do not carry on. This story is mine; don't steal it or post elsewhere without my permission. (That means it's copyrighted by me, in case you were confused.)

And don't forget, characters in a story can't catch HIV. You can - be carefuly, you know how.

This is chapter two. You don't neccessarily have to have read chapter one (The Bar) to follow what's going on, but it helps. Huge thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on part one, I hope just as many read and enjoy this story, and once again, if you don't enjoy it, let me know why! If you've got anything you want to see in the upcoming parts, feel free to gimme a shout! My email is

Once again, thanks for reading. ============================== BIGGEST AND BEST - II - CLOSETED

The early hours of the morning were giving way to the later hours of the morning as the sun rose. Still exhausted after the previous night's lovemaking, Dan and I wearily recovered the clothes we had cast away in the heat of the moment, and began to dress. We knew if we didn't leave soon, we would've been discovered in the bar by the contract cleaners, and it would have been obvious to them what we had been doing - not only was the air thick with the smell of cum and sweat, I was sure I couldn't hide the massive grin on my face. Not to mention the fact that I probably couldn't even have walked properly, which may have been a dead giveaway.

I watched Dan dress, still marvelling at how attractive he was, my blonde adonis. His muscles attested to the fact that he was obviously a gym-rat - more than a few times he'd brought a gym kit with him to work. He was pulling his t-shirt over his taut abs and pecs first of all, and then bringing his boxers up past his knees to cover his manhood. Well, almost cover it. I licked my lips as his massive cocked flopped around and he manually inserted it back within his underwear. I knew I was dying to have him inside me again, and I hoped I'd get my chance as he had invited me back to his place. I didn't even know where his place was, and I mentally chastised myself - I had been working with him for months already and barely yet knew him at all. Not even his surname. All I had noticed about him was his thick American accent, muscles to die for, and a rather large bulge in his jeans.

"Have you got anywhere you need to be today?" He asked, smiling at me.

"No," I lied, I was supposed to meet my mother for lunch and I had college later in the day, but I just wanted to be with him. Everything else that wasn't a matter of life or death could wait till tomorrow. "I'm all yours."

We locked the pub behind us as we left, hoping the cleaners would be none the wiser as to what time we left. Checking my watch, I saw it was approaching five. The sun had risen fully and that morning atmosphere of dew and silence surrounded us as we hunted for a taxi, making me suddenly realise exactly how tired I was. I yawned - Dan laughed, just as he spotted a taxi. Hailing it down with a series of frantic gestures, the black cab pulled over, and we climbed in.

The carriage stunk of a mixture of smells. Whilst I could see none of the following, I assumed they were respobsible for the odour; old kebabs, petrifying vomit and stale beer. Absolutely lovely - I was certainly now in no mood for breakfast. The driver, an overweight and oily man, had obviously been working all night, as we were greeted with a frosty silence, and merely a grunt of acknowledgement when Dan directed him.

The ride progressed in silence. Dan and I exchanged furtive glances, unsure of what to say to each other, and certainly of unsure about how much we wanted Oily Tony, our strong-but-silent-type chauffeur, to hear. Still, I could not hide my grin. On one occassion, Dan's eyes met mine, and I remembered how I had looked into those eyes as we made love. I reminisced on how he had surprised me whilst we were doing the end-of-night cleaning in the bar, on how he looked down on me as I swallowed his gargantuan cock, and how his eyes gazed into mine as he fucked me on my back on a table as I came, and the fire and passion in his eyes when he finally shot his load inside me.

As these thoughts came to me, I felt the familiar stirring in my briefs as my erection formed, fighting to be free. I shuffled around a bit, making myself more comfortable, nudging my raging hard-on upwards a bit so it was pointing directly up my belly. Looking over to Dan, I saw he must have been having similar thoughts. His boner was quite clear - it was much harder to hide than my own, but Dan was making no attempts. He sat there, smiling at me from ear to ear, with his legs open wide and sporting a giant bulge between them. Soon after, he instructed the driver where and when to stop, and we promptly paid and exited Oily Tony's vehicle, watching him perform a screeching turn in the road and zoom off at quite a hurry.

"Nice place," I said, looking around me. I had passed this part of town before, but never stopped in it. It was mostly flats, two and three bedroom apartment blocks each about twenty stories high. I knew the area had a largely student population, but was decent nonetheless. Usually student areas are identifiable by a discarded mattress collection outside every door, and drunken youngsters stumbling around the street at all hours of the morning, either singing at the tops of their voices, or talking to themselves. But this area was different; not a mattress in sight and we were the only people making our way around.

"It's a dump, but it's home," He smiled, his thick American accent amusing me. Though his brogue was obvious, I didn't know many different accents from the U.S., so I had no idea as to where what part he was from. I smiled at him, finding him adorable. His usually gelled blonde hair was tussled and falling down his forehead, towards his deep blue eyes. He had a rugged face, and the beginnings of stubble forming along his chinline. He stood almost a foot taller than me, and four years my senior at twenty-three. His muscles were obvious even when dressed, a tattoo-adorned bicep flexed, taking a key out of his pocket, as we walked towards the entrance to one particularly tall block of flats. As he opened the door and we walked in, he turned, and saw me once again gazing at him. I blushed with slight embarrassment, even though I knew I had nothing to be embarrassed about, after last night.

"You're so cute," He said, grinning. He pulled me close to him in a great bear-hug and kissed me. I'd never really thought of myself as cute. I was less than six foot tall, 5'8", to be exact, with shaggy dark brown hair and eyes to match. I was part Spanish, and I'd inherited the darker skin tone. I had a year-round tan, as well as the eyes and the hair. I always thought myself a little skinny - I didn't have the six-pack abdominals that Dan had, my tummy was just flat and boring. Nor was I quite as hairy as Dan was, all I had was some hair leading down from my belly button to my crotch, while Dan had a slightly furry tummy, chest and nipples. We kissed all the way to the elevator, and all the way up the five stories to Dan's floor. "I don't think my room-mates are home," He said, leading the way to his door, "They've gone to London for the weekend. They shouldn't be back till later today." He turned to me and winked.

"We've got the place to ourselves then?"

"Yessiree." His grin continued. "For a few hours at least." As we entered his flat, I was first taken aback by how incredibly untidy it was. It was open plan, and as soon as you walked in the door you could see the lounge area, the kitchen and the doors to what I guessed were closets, bedrooms and a bathroom. I stopped in the doorway for just a second before continuing in. The sofa was covered with magazine, and the floor with newspaper. Despite the literature, there wasn't a textbook in sight, like most student flats. Taking the place of books upon the bookcase was a rather large collection of bottles - both spirits and alcopops, as well as an unusually large collection of beer bottles. Dan explained that one of his roommates collects beer bottles from around the world, which made it easy to find a present for him to bring back to the U.K. each time he visited his parents in the States. He told me he lived with a guy and a girl, both straight but not a couple. "Not yet, anyway," he continued.

We resumed kissing. I enjoyed the taste of him so much, it made me feel warm and safe. I had to crane my head upwards to kiss him. He pressed himself against me and I could feel his giant hardon through his jeans. My own erection was straining to be released, pressing against his leg. We kissed for what seemed like forever, until Dan pulled away.

"Well," He said, pecking me on the lips with every other word, "I absolutely stink of smoke." He nodded towards the couch, or, more accurately, the magazine rack / couch. "Wait there, I'm gonna shower. I'll be right back." I made a pouting face, and he laughed a deep, American-style laugh. As he left into a room behind him, I shuffled some magazines over and gingerly plonked myself down on the ugly green pinstriped sofa. A small table next to the couch was decorated with photo frames a-plenty. I picked up a picture that had Dan in it, encased in a thin and shiny metallic frame, and there he was, standing between two guys under the H-shaped goalposts of an American football field, in full padding and get-up, except lacking a helmet. His blonde hair was shorter and spiked then, and he had two black stripes painted across each of his cheekbones. The padding on his chest, arms and legs multiplied his already muscular physique, making him look gargantuan. It always amused me that American's feel the need to strap on layer upon layer of padding to play rugby. On the other hand, many rugby players I had met had cauliflower ears and noses that had obviously been broken at least once, so perhaps the padding wasn't such an absurd idea. I'd hate to think of anything messing up Dan's gorgeous looks. It came as no surprise to me that he'd played American Football - he sure had the build for it. I'd never been great at sports, but I'd always considered joing a team simply for the group showers and changing rooms. The only reason I didn't was I figured my immense lack of co-ordination would get me kicked off the team again, even if I managed tryouts.

I laid the photograph back down to the table and sank down into the sofa. It was surely an eyesore, with at least thirteen different shades of green alternating and running vertically down it to the floor, but it was certainly comfortable. For the first time, I became aware of the soreness of my ass, my hole feeling stretched an raw, and I was sure I had been cut, as there was a very acute stinging feeling around the rim of my hole. I was knackered, so tired I could barely lift a limb now that I had laid down. I closed my eyes, just for second, feeling my eyelids heavy and too cumbersome to keep open. I could just rest my eyes for a while, whilst Dan was showering, and then maybe I'd go join him. Just for a little while, I intended, but before I knew it, I had dozed off. I slept heavily, and for what seemed like days.

I woke slowly, groggily, realisation dawning on me bit by bit. I hadn't woken up of my own accord, something had woken me... My jeans were undone, my briefs had been pushed down slightly, I could feel. I was still hard, and my cock was pointing straight up in the air. There was a tingling sensation on it's head, and then someone licked the shaft of it, up and down a few times. I opened my eyes slightly to see Dan positioned between my legs, still naked, a towel dropped around his feet. He looked up at me, gripping my cock firmly in one hand.

"Wakey wakey, sleepy head," He said, winking, and with that, parting his lips and taking my cock in between them. I gasped as my dick entered the warm and wetness of his mouth. I rested my hand on the back of his head, stroking his still-damp hair. I heard a swallowing sound as he took my cock into his throat with ease, and I moaned in ecstacy. He had obviously had practice, he was doing a grand job. His throat was tight and hot, like a hand clamped around the end of my cock. He began bobbing up and down on my cock, massaging it with his tongue and his lips as the head of my dick slipped up and down his throat. Laying my head down on my shoulder, I could see his own huge monster of a dick swinging between his legs as he moved. Kneeling on the floor, his soft cock almost touch the carpet, but it began to grow harder right before my very eyes, slowly ascending from pointing towards the floor to pointing straight at me. My own cock started to ooze precum into Dan's throat and my hips began to move in a slow fucking motion, taking my crotch up to meet his bobbings down onto my rock hard dick.

I watched the taut muslces on his back tense as he sucked on my cock. I could smell the precum leaking from it within his throat as he breathed around my cock. I moaned in pleasure, and closed my eyes, relishing the feeling of his mouth wrapped around my throbbing cock. He ran his hands up and down the lengths of my thighs as I gasped as he once again swallowed my cock to the hilt. I felt my sparse pubic hairs tickle against his lips. My fingers ran through his light blond hair, gently pulling his head up and pushing it back down onto my cock firmly. Moving his head this way, I could make him give me exactly the blow-job I wanted, and as it continued, I felt an orgasm welling up inside me.

"I'm gonna shoot in a minute," I said, almost at the point of no return, but not quite.

"I know what'll make you shoot," Dan smiled, pulling my cock from his throat, and with that, he completely removed my jeans and my briefs, tossing them aside. My cock was throbbing now, and starved of attention. I took matters into my own hands and started jacking myself off. Just then, Dan repositioned himself bettween my legs, but instead of swallowing my cock, he pulled me down the sofa a bit so my ass was sticking up over the edge. To my surprise, he hoisted my legs above his shoulders and began licking my balls, taking time to run his tongue over each a few times, before movin down between my legs.

His tongue approached my hole, and it flicked over it a few times. He circled the flesh of my tight, puckered hole with the tip of his tongue, sending shockwaves of pleasure orbiting out from my bullseye up through the rest of my body. I opened my legs wide over his shoulders as I slowly jacked myself off. Dan was holding my thighs up vertically, my knees bent towards his back, his rough hands softly stroking the backs of my hips. He ran the thick, soft flesh of his tongue up and down my hole, and soon started to gently push his tongue inside a little with every pass he made at my pucker. At first, he barely moved the tip of his tongue inside, but with each consecutive effort he made he forced his tongue in a little harder.

I was in ecstacy. Although my orgasm had subsided when Dan pulled away from my cock, it was building up again inside me as I wanked off. I pulled off my t-shirt, not wanting to soak it in cum, and as I made this movement, Dan took my distraction as a cue. He delved his tongue inside as far as it would go, and, I discovered, he had quite a long tongue. I could feel it's thickness inside me, opening up my hole. It was wet, and twirling around inside me, every so often pulling out to lick the pucker of my small, pink hole. His lips were, for the most part, pressed firmly against my hole, kissing it passionately. It was as if there was a million pressure points in my ass and Dan had found each and every one, showering my moist hole with ecstacy. I felt myself begin to cum as my hole tightened around Dan's probing tongue.

My load shot out from my cock with a tremendous force, the first blast smacking onto my chin. The second, third and fourth spurts reached my chest, but the rest of my cum slowly dribbled out of my cock onto my belly. My cockhead throbbed incessantly as the white goo oozed from it. Dan seemed undeterred in his rimming of me, though, and continued as if nothing had happened, licking and tonguing my ass merrily.

I lay back, and rested my head, almost afraid to move. My hand was still wrapped around my cock, the cum dribbling from it and swirling all around my fingers. With my other hand, I wiped the cum from my chin. I still moaned whenever Dan did something extraordinary with his tongue, as I found he was quite talented with this, too. He seemed to have no end of skills. I looked down to see his mop of blonde hair, still wet from the shower, moving slowly between my legs. I relaxed calmly, enjoying the feeling of his tongue roaming around inside me. I rested there for a while, simply savouring the sensations Dan was sending through my body. Five minutes passed, and Dan was still utterly engrossed in licking, rimming, sucking and kissing my ass and my puckered little butthole. I was so relaxed, relishing the post-orgasmic bliss, barely believing that here I was, naked on this stud's couch, having him pleasure me for so long. It was the best I had ever felt.

Ten minutes had passed since I had shot my load, and my cock, still wrapped in my hand, was starting to stir to life again. At that point, I felt something harder than a tongue, but still long and thin slip into my moist ass. Dan had easily pushed a finger into my ass, though he was still licking and kissing around the rim, watching his finger move around inside me. My hole was so wet with his saliva and spit, a second finger soon followed without much resistance. My ass tightened around his fingers, and he stood up a bit between my legs, keeping his fingers inside my wet ass, moving them around slowly. For the first time since last night caught a proper view of Dan's hard schlong, pointing directly towards me, it's weight a little too much for it to be one of those cocks that permenantly points straight up the tummy. Instead, I was staring right into the eye of the snake as it leaned towards me.

Dan continued to fuck me with his fingers as he bent down to kiss me, and I could taste my ass on his tongue. As we kissed, he started moving his fingers faster inside me. I reached up and held onto his cock, which was swaying above me, every so often dipping down and touching my stomach, mixing with my cum which still puddled there. I wrapped my fingers around his cock, my fingers didn't even make it all the way around it's girth. I started to jack it off, and felt that it was already leaking precum. Dan moaned as we kissed and I masturbated his massive dick. His face smelled of my ass, musky and hot, and I could tell his tongue was tired from all the work it had done.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked, breaking our kissed. I shrugged and smiled coyly. "Say it. I want to hear you say it." I wasn't sure I did. I had no idea how I managed to take that monster of a cock up my ass last night. Plus, I had already cum, and I didn't know if I'd be able to enjoy it as much. On the other hand, I did want to impress Dan, and I wanted to please him. I wanted him to want to fuck me over and over again, so I conceded.

"Yeah, I want you to fuck me." I said, somewhat halfheartedly. As I said this, Dan moved down me, and positioned his unusually large cock by my ass, his fingers still inside me. He removed his fingers, the wetness from my ass following them, leaving a thin strand of saliva that stretched from the tip of his forefinger into my pink, puckered hole. He replaced his digits with his cock head, barely squeezing it in past the front of my hole. My ass opened wide for his thick cockhead, which felt real good, but instead of pushing forwards, there he waited, the fat cherry barely popped inside my hole.

"Say you want it," He announced, leaning over me.

"I did say, I do want it." I looked up at him. Maybe he could tell I wasn't sure. He made smooth and circular fucking motions with his hips, moving his cockhead around just inside my sphincter, but without pushing it in any further. "I do want you to fuck me." I said. Seeming not to believe me, he moved a hand to my chest, and his fingers stroked my left nipple firmly. "I want you to fuck me!" I said, louder. With that, he pinched my nipple between his fingers. I felt my small, hairless and pink nipple scream in pain and pleasure. "Fuck me!" He then twisted my nipple, which had turned from a light shade of pink to a dark shade of reddy brown. "Oh God, fuck me!" He twisted harder, my nipple grew redder and became sorer as the pain, or the pleasure, heightened incredibly. I knew what he wanted, he wanted me to beg, and I wanted it so badly now that I would. "FUCK ME DAN!" I screamed, "FUCK ME HARD! FUCK ME NOW! Fuck me and cum in me and make my ass sore!"

And no sooner had I shouted these words, than he did what I asked. He pushed the entire length of his cock into me, quickly and firmly, in a single smooth motion. The pain was too much and I screamed as I felt his cockhead rush into my hole, spreading my soft, fleshy insides wide with every inch deeper that he delved - more like a tree trunk than a dick. With his one hand, he continued to tweak and twist my nipple, but with he other he grabbed my hip to pull me onto him forcefully. I felt his balls against my ass cheeks, as his invading cock stuggled against my internal sphicter, deep within my ass, that led up into my intestines. His meaty cock filled every part of my shaft with hard flesh, as though concrete had been poured into me and left to set. He was tearing up my insides, stretching the soft fabric of my ass further and wider than it was naturally meant to go. It was a tight fit, getting his fat cock into my tiny asshole, but eventually my body yielded to him.

He started pumping his torpedo into my ass, slowly at first, but soon gaining momentum. His cock slid in and out of me, not easily at all, but the burning friction was less of a problem than before - my ass was still damp from his tongue's lashings. His precum was flowing, which made it easier on my hole. He began to moan and grunt as he had before, and I clamped my legs around his waist and gripped onto his back as he pummelled into me. My cock had grown rock hard once more, especially once I had overcome the pain of him entering me. Later, he would explain to me why he usually delved straight in with his cock - in his experience, guys who tried to take it slow more often than not couldn't cope or gave up halfway through. At least this way, he would tell me, at least the pain for them would just decrease, and his lovers eventually get used to it when it in them. Sure enough, as he was fucking me, I felt my chute becoming more relaxed with every stroke. It started to feel real good.

I started tugging Dan into me, my hands firmly gripping his back and pulling his fat cock deeper up inside me with each thrust. I looked up at him, his face screwed up in concentration as beadlets of sweat formed on his forehead and matted down his blond hair. His eyes had been tightly closed, but he opened them and gaxed down at me, keeping eye contact with me as our breathing became in synch and we both grunted and gasped at the peak of every thrust. Leaning down, he kissed me, deep and soulfully. His tongue explored my mouth a bit, and his teeth teased my lips, biting and nibbling them gently.

"Oh yeah," Dan said, rhythmically pumping hard into me. "Talk dirty to me, I love it when you talk dirty!" He growled at me.

"You do?" I asked, squealing as he forced a particularly throbbing thrust into me. "You like that, huh? Well how do you like fucking me?" I gasped. "You like sticking me with your fuck rod? Fucking huge hard cock pumping into me, cumming in me!" And with that, Dan gave a mighty guttural roar and picked me up of the sofa and landed me on my back on the floor. He pushed my shoulders down, kneeling and lifting my ass up so only my head and shoulderblades were on the floor. He levelled my legs out beneath him and started to fuck into my ass, his cock tilted slighty downwards. He gripped my ankles, which were almost by my ears. His cock felt even bigger than before in this position - he'd maneovered himself so every last millimetre of his dick was pumping into me, his balls slapping against my back each time his hips attacked my ass. The sensation was incredible - I'd always considered myself quite respectable and demur in the bedroom, but here I was, on my back with my legs in the air, squealing like a baby piglet and begging for him to fuck me like a whore. I was his fucktoy, and I loved it!

His mighty cock stuffed me, sucking my ass onto it tight each time he pulled out in the course of his pumping. He threw his head back every so often, moaning and roaring as he fucked me. I had my hands spread wide on the floor to keep balanced as he kept impaling me on his cock with long, fast strokes. I was in ecstacy, and I could feel Dan was getting closer and closer to dumping his hot load in my ass. I couldn't wait, all I wanted was to feel his hot jizz fill me and --

-- And then there was the distinct sound of a key turning in the front door.

"Shit!" Dan exclaimed quietly, immediately ceasing his pumps into me. "They're back!" He said, as we heard chattering from behind the door. I looked at him in horror. His roommates! Back already! I looked at the clock on the wall and was shocked to see it was almost four o'clock. "Quick," Dan said, getting up. I gasped as his cock withdrew from my sore, moist asshole. I saw Dan and his huge, swinging schlong heading towards the door nearest to us, right next to the couch. I speedily followed. He tugged the door open and ducked inside just as looked back to see the entrance door swinging open. Damn open plan housing! I cursed to myself as I followed Dan through the door and pulled it shut quietly behind us just as his roomates entered the apartment.

I gasped silently, relieved not to get caught. I heard the guy and the girl pottering around the room on the other side of the door. My eyes gradually got used to the dark I was emersed in, and I soon realised, Dan had let us to a closet. A damn closet!

"A closet?!" I quietly said to him. "Why are we in a damn closet?" I gritted my teeth. If they came in here to fetch something or put something away they'd get an eyeful.

"It was closest!" He answered. I could tell by his muffled voice that he was jacking his torpedo, and as my eyes became as accustomed to the dark as they were going to get, I was that he indeed was. "I'm gonna cum soon." He smiled at me.

"Why not your room?! Or the bathroom? Or anything else other than a cupboard?" I said, angrily. He was very lucky he was pretty because right now he didn't seem so smart for a university guy. I fumbled around in the dark for a coat or a blanket or something of the like. I could still hear the voices from the other side of the door, they didn't seem to be leaving the lounge area.

"We'd had to have gone past the door." Dan said, gasping. He was furiously whacking off his giant cock behind me now. "I'm gonna cum any minute now." He said. I paid no attention. I heard their voices getting closer to the door, but they didn't seem to be heading directly to the closet. "I wanna cumein your ass." I heard the girl ask the guy whose clothes were on the floor by the couch.

"Not right now, honey." I said, distractedly. I leaned down to peer through the keyhole. Sure enough, I could see the two characters standing side by side feet away from me. I could only see from their knees to their chests, but I saw the girl, who had blonde hair down past her shoulders, bend down and pick up my jeans. "Oh shit!" I exclaimed. They examined my clothes quizically, but, luckily, they turned away from the closet and began to stroll off.

"I said," started Dan, "don't say no." Just then, he ceased jacking himself off and grabbed my hips, forcing his fat cock inside in one swift push. Though my ass was moist and still reeling from the fucking it had recently received, the pain was so intense I couldn't suppress a scream before I cupped my hand over my mouth. Dan started pumping his dick into me immediately.

"What was that?" I heard the girl say. I saw through the keyhole that she was turning back towards the closet. The boy had joined her as they searched for the source of the scream. Dan was moving furiously behind me, his cock sliding in and out of me in rapid motions. He grunted a few times as he began to cum, as I said I had wanted him to, and he soon shot seven successive streams of cum into my ass, and he slowly stopped fucking. He then just stood behind me, eyes closed and mouth smiling, savouring the post orgasmic bliss.

I, of course, had other concerns. I prayed that they wouldn't open the door. I froze into position, muttering 'please please please' under my breath. I hoped to God that they wouldn't open the door and find me there, bent double, stark bollocks naked, with Dan's great cock deep in my ass. So, typically, they did.

The door swung open rapidly, and in front of me stood a boy and a girl, both sporting horrified looks. She, still holding my jeans, clutched them to her chest. He, eyes wide in fascination and disgust, cocked his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Hi," I said. They remained silent. Dan finally opened his eyes, but his blissful expression didn't change.

"Can you knock?" I said, reaching out and grabbing the door, pulling it shut.

"Oh," I said as the door shut. I pushed it back open, reached out with my other hand, and took my jeans off the blonde, horrified girl. "Thanks," I said and pulled the door shut again.


Well, that's part 2. Hope you liked it. Remember, if you have any thoughts, any thoughts at all, email me at

I was thrilled with the feedback from the first part, and to those who gave me suggestions, I tried to work them into the story and I hope you enjoyed.

Get in touch, especially if you have something you'd like to see in part 3.


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