Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on Jan 13, 2012


Chapter 6: Take A Seat

Disclaimer: I don't own nor am I affiliated with Big Time Rush (BTR), Nickelodeon, and Viacom. I'm not claiming than any person in this work is gay or etc. This is solely a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously.

No persons under the age of 18 or 21 (Check you local laws etc.) is permitted to view the subject matter portrayed in the following story.

This story contains acts of homosexuality.

If you're offended by subject material as such then please leave now.

Note: **

James wakes up to the sound of Kendall crying. Were his ears holding truth. He looked over to Kendall's bed and could clearly see him holding his face. James was filled with agony seeing Kendall in such pain. They had talked the night before, and Kendall seemed very neutral. James couldn't get any long response out of him. Kendall was now there in plain view crying. Why was he crying? James found himself conflicted. He wanted to rush over to him and hug him, but he couldn't find the strength or courage to do it. He just reamined where he was with his eyes now filling with the same tears.

James silently cried as well until the alarm went off. Kendall sloppily put the alarm on snooze. James managed to wipe the tears from his eyes and got up. He started getting dressed trying to finish before Kendall could see him. As he exited the room, he got into the bathroom. He could hear Carlos and Logan laughing together, he was happy for them, but also jealous because they seemed so happy together. James started working on his hair. Kendall managed to finally get up again as the alarm went off. He turned on the light and started getting dressed. He saw one of Jame's sleeping shirts on the ground. He grabbed it and helf it to his face taking in the smell. He sat down trying to come to grips with his emotions but he couldn't. Deep down Kendall was in love with James, but he couldn't admit it to himself. He was fighting his own feelings.

On many occasions Kendall wanted to admit that he was in love with James, but he could never do it bravely. Kendall himself wasn't gay. He liked girls too, but he liked guys just as much, but he was too shy to ever say anything. He was sitting down thinking about his first time doing anything witha guy which happened to be James. Kendall tried to mask his bisexuality for years, and it was starting to become harder. James was just absoloutely perfect in his mind. He was tall but not too tall. He had great hair, cute eyes, a nice ass, and just all around sexy. What guy wouldn't want James, even if he wasn't the smartest guy alive, he made up for it in so many other ways. Kendall was angered at himself. James has always been so nice to him, and lately he was acting like a real jerk. Kendall was just so jealous because he knew James would be loyal to him if he could muster up the courage to proclaim his love.

James walked into the room and saw Kendall holding the shirt in his face. He stood still in the doorway extremely confused. Why was Kendall smelling his shirt? James was thinking to himself when Carlos and Logan walked out of their room. Logan headed in first and the noise brought Kendall back to reality. He moved the shirt away only to see James' beautiful brown eyes looking right at him. Kendall was caught. He blushed and his cheeks were red. He was embarassed and tried to scuttle out of the room when James grabbed Kendall by the arm and hugged him. Kendall immeadiately pushed James off of him without understanding why. He walked out of the apartment in a hurry. James took a deep breath and still tried to process everything in his head. Everyone else headed off to school ready for the next round of exams. It was grueling again, but would be so worth it James thought to himself. Just two more days and the senior year would come down to an end.

James looked around secretly and saw Carlos rubbing his head. Logan was speeding through the exam. Kendall looked confused as he had a lot on his mind. James was looking forward for the end of school to come around so maybe he could have some time to talk to Kendall in private one on one. The school day went on, and finally the boys gathered up together in front of the school. They drove away back to the Palm Woods. When they got there Carlos and Logan headed up to the apartment, and James asked to speak to Kendall somewhere in private. Kendall sighed and agreed to speak with him in private. The two arrived in the courtyard. To their amazement, no one was there. James looked directly into Kendall's eyes.

"Kendall why have you been acting the way you have lately?" James asked.

"I really don't have time for this." Kendall said as he rolled his eyes. "Is that why you really wanted to talk to me?"

"I thought you liked me..." James whispered.

"I don't like you that way okay!" Kendall shouted. "Look just leave me alone."

James started to cry. "You're lying! I've seen the way you look at me! I have been aware of all of it for years now! Everytime you saw with anyone, boy or girl you always get like this. Admit it, you love me!" James shouted back.

Kendall shoved James out of his way. "Just stay the fuck away from me!"

James stood still like surrounded by a grey cloud. He wiped the tears from his eyes. His heart was broken, but he knew deep down Kendall was not telling the truth, he would do what he could to find out the truth.

James, Carlos, and Logan were gathered in the lobby when they heard a bunch of noise. There were a buch of girls screaming to the top of their lungs and James started to look around, who had arrived? He struggled to look over the sea of screaming girls when James' heart started pounding away. Taylor Lautner was walking into the Palm Woods. James saw the hot man making his way towards the front desk. He bit his lip looking at perfection. James always knew he was good looking, but Lautner was insanely hot. He came up with the perfect plan.

The three boys headed up to the apartment. They grabbed a quick snack and James was going to head down to the spa. By strange chance of luck he happened to see Taylor soaking in a warm mud bath.

"Hey you don't mind if I squeeze in do you? The other mud baths are filled up and I could really use one right now." James said.

"Oh sure no problem." Taylor said moving over.

"Thanks dude. I need it with all these people running around." James said.

"Yeah I get that a lot too. Kind of helps to relax once in a while. I'm Taylor by the way. What's your name?" Taylor said with a smile on his face.

"Oh I'm James. I'm part of a band."

"Oh yeah? Cool. What is the band name?" Taylor asked.

"Big Time Rush." James replied.

"Oh dude, I heard you guys are like totally going to be doing a show at San Fran pride." Taylor said. "I just heard about it coming in. It's like everywhere. I have to say that is a real cool thing to do. I think LGBT people deserve better in life. It takes a lot to do something like that. A lot of people don't like to be associated with that kind of stuff." Taylor said expressing great interest.

James removed his robe wearing only a pair of perfect form fitting speedos as he started to get into the mud bath. He couldn't help but notice Taylor looking at him from head to toe. He was literally looking at him like a pitbull would stare at raw meat. James finally got into the mud and smiled at Taylor. He tried so hard to contain himself looking right across at one of the hotest guys in Hollywood.

"Yeah thanks. I guess it's nice to meet a fan every once in a while." James asnwered.

"How do you do it? You must have girls running all over you dude. I can't do it much. The rest of your group members must feel the same too." Taylor said. "Its hard sometimes."

"Well sometimes you get a little more than girls chasing after you." James said with a little redness in his face.

"Oh dude tell me about it. Its crazy these days." Taylor said with a very cute laugh. "I mean its crazy sometimes. I kind of like the fame, but there are days where its just like so confusing."

"Yeah I know what you mean. Its nice to just relax and unwind sometimes you know. Get away from all the screaming and what not." James said.

"Im kind of surpirsed you're even talking to me." Taylor laughed. "Most people can't even form their words right around me. So what are the other guys like?"

"Oh well there's Kendall. He's kinda like the unofficial leader of the group you know. You got me who kinda comes right from behind with the vocals and what not. You got Carlos and Logan which really kind of tie everything together. All of us are childhood friends." James said.

"Logan and Carlos. Those are the gay ones I think, right?" Taylor asked. "I was reading this magazine earlier. Looks like the papparazzi got them holding hands on a date or something."

James reached for the magazine. It was the same one Griffin was holding the other day. "Yeah that's them. I'm happy for them. They seem really happy together. I mean look at them in this picture, just look how happy they are. I hope to find someone like that someday." James said.

"Boy or girl?" Taylor asked.

James' face turned red. He couldn't make eye contact with Taylor. There was so much going on in his head. He couldn't focus and now he had to give an answer. James panicked a bit and strgguled to speak.

"No offenese dude, but are you like gay or something?" Taylor asked. "I mean its not a problem or anything. You know what forget I asked that. I'm not all that good at this kind of thing."

James sighed. "Actully yeah I'm gay too. I can't hide it away anymore."

Taylor just looked at James without speaking a word. There was an awkward silence in the mud bath.

"I really think maybe I should get going." James said trying to free himself from the mud.

"Hey nah don't worry about it dude. Take a break and relax man." Taylor said as he placed his hand on James' shoulder.

James thought he was going to melt like butter. He sat back down looking right at Taylor with a red face.

"I'm in room 6PH. Maybe you could drop by sometime." Taylor said. "I'm going to be here for about two months."

"I guess so. I mean I don't see why not. Hey I know this might sound kind of sudden, but would you like to maybe hang out or something? I got a few extra hours." James said with a smile on his face.

"I don't see why not." Taylor said. "How about five?"

"That sounds perfect dude. I'll meet you at your place." James said boyishly.

James got out of the mud bath and rinsed off. He put his robe on and just as he was going to leave, Taylor handed him a piece of paper with a number on it. James smiled and tucked the paper into a pocket in the robe. He walked away and headed back to the apartment. As he got back in Mrs. Knight was making some food.

"Hey Mrs. Knight. I wanted to let you know I have a date tonight." James said with a huge smile.

"Oh I see. Well be careful. Where are you going to be?" Mrs. Knight asked.

"Oh I bumped into someone here. He's an actor." James said.

"Oh Isee. Okay well thank you for letting me know. Be home by midnight please, its a school night, but I'll give you until midnight to get back. Who is the lucky guy by the way?" she asked.

James could only smile and fixed his hair. "That's a surpirse. Have you seen the others?"

"Oh they're at the pool. They should be back soon. I'll let them know you won't be here." Mrs. Knight said.

"Thanks a lot." James said as he headed to the bathroom to shower up.

James finished showering and went to his room with his towel wrapped around his waste. He closed the door and started getting dressed. He found some dark jeans and a nice black button up shirt. He rolled the sleeves up so they were just above his elbows. He left the top three buttons undone. He grabbed one of his necklaces and braceltes. He put on a pair of black and white shoes with a white belt that had black stichting. James put on a little eye liner and headed back to the bathroom to get his hair perfect. He started with his hair creme and grabbed his comb. He started styling his hair and just as he was almost done, Kendall walked by.

"Where are you going?" Kendall asked.

"I have a date. If you must know." James said as he went back to the room blowing Kendall off.

He grabbed his wallet, his cell phone, and was getting ready to head out when Kendall grabbed his arm.

"I'm sorry about everything." Kendall said.

"I don't see why it matters. I don't think it really matters. You don't like me in any special way remember? I gotta get going." James said forcing his way to the front door.

James and Carlos were sitting down talking to each other and Kendall went to his room and sat down on his bed. He covered his face with his hands when Katie walked into the room.

"Kendall I need to tell you something." Katie said sitting down next to her big brother.

"What's up Katie?" Kendall asked.

"I know you like James. Its so obvious. He's going out on a date with Taylor Lautner tonight." Katie said.

"How do you know?" Kendall asked.

"I have my sources and people." Katie said. "Nothing gets by me, nothing."

"You looked into his cell phone didn't you." Kendall asked.

"Darn. I guess you figured me out. Either way look, I don't know much about love, but if he makes you happy why don't you go after him?" Katie says standing up.

"Its not always that easy." Kendall said. "I've tried so many times but it just never worked out the way I wanted it to."

"Kendall you are so dumb. I thought James was the slow one. If you don't go after what you want, you're going to lose it, duh!" Katie says walking out of the room.

Kendall thought things out to himself when he heard his mother call him for dinner. Carlos and Logan were already sitting down eating away when he arrived at the table. The enjoyed the meal. Carlos and Logan started cleaning up and Kendall asked to speak to his mom in private.

"What's wrong honey?" Mrs Knight asked.

"Mom, there is something I want you to know." Kendall said putting his hands in his pocket. "I'm bisexual mom. I like guys."

"Oh honey I know." Mrs. Knight said.

"What?" Kendall asked. "How could you possibly know?"

Mrs. Knight just smiled. "Honey a mother just knows these things. You were always a little different. It's okay. I love you anyways. I just want you to be happy, and I can't sit by and let you throw away a chance to be happy. If you don't try and take James back, you might lose him forever."

"Its so hard though mom. I have tried again and again, but I just can't do it." Kendall said.

"When the time is right I'm sure you'll find the strength. Your dad was the same way. Oh he was so shy to admit his feelings for me, but when he did it was in one of the greatest ways possible. He was so romantic about it. Try your best. It will come to you I'm certain.

James arrived at the penthouse and found Taylor's room. He was stopped by two guards but gave his name. They were expecting him and knocked on the door. Taylor opened the door and let James come in.

"Nice to see you made it." Taylor said leading James into the living room. "You want something to drink?"

"Oh no thanks I'm good." James said.

"You look amazing." Taylor said.

"Thanks." James said as he started to blush. "So where are we going tonight?"

"Good question. you like Italian food? I heard there is this place in town that makes killer Italian food." Taylor said.

"Italian food sounds great to me." James said.

Taylor grabbed his keys and his hat. "Italian it is then. Come on, we'll take my ride."

The two headed down to the lobby. Taylor's Mercedes was already waiting for them. Taylor opened the passenger door and signaled for James to get in. As he closed the door, James coudln't believe the car. It was amazing. He had never been in such a cool car. Taylor got in and started driving away. A commercial came on to the radio announcing Big Time Rush to perform at the San Francisco Gay Parade. James could only smile hearing the name of the group announced on the radio. The two eventually arrived at the resturant. It was a relaxed setting, and there were not a whole lot of people in the resturant. Taylor opened the door and helped James out of the car. They walked to the entrance and Taylor held the door open so James could enter the resturant. James was taken away by the gentleman like behavior.

As the two were seated James couldn't keep his eyes off of Taylor. He was fixated upon him the entire time. Taylor himself looked into the beautiful light brown eyes and was lost as well. James took a look at the menu and was completely lost. He coudln't read half of the things. Taylor looked over and made a recomendation. The waiter came around and James went with the reccomendation. The waiter grabbed the menus and would return shortly with their drinks.

"So I was going to ask you. I heard you guys will be perfoming with a special guest. Who is it going to be?" Taylor asked.

"Well I'm really not allowed to tell anyone, but its going to be Lady Gaga. We were going to do a song with Elton John as well, but something happened last minute and he couldn't do it." James said.

"Lady Gaga? Wow that sounds amazing." Taylor said.

James smiled as the waiter arrived with their sodas. James took a sip and noticed Taylor was starting to blush. James started looking at himself. Did something break off. Was there something wrong. He was looking around.

When James looked back he saw Taylor holding a little box with a bow on it.

"What this?" James asked.

Taylor handed the box over. "Its a small gift. Nothing all that. I just wanted to say that I have never had the chance to meet someone like you. You seem so calm around me, and that is a relaxing change. I just wanted you to have this."

James grabbed the box and untied the bow. He opened it and saw a little frienship bracelet inside. James brought his hand to his mouth.

"Oh wow. Its gorgeous." James said putting the bracelet on his wrist.

"I don't really have a lot of people I can talk to. I'm always so busy, and it was real nice to break away from the normal routine." Taylor said.

The food finally arrived and the two started eating. James was having a great time. This is what it must feel like he thought to himself. Originally he just wanted to make Kendall jealous, but he really started to like Taylor. The more the two talked, the more James was taken away. Never did he ever imagine he would be sitting where he was. The finished off their date and headed back to the Palm Woods.

Taylor walked James back to his apartment. James stood still and looked right back at Taylor with innocent eyes.

"I had a really great time tonight." James said.

"Me too." Taylor responded. "You think maybe we could do this again sometime?"

There was a slight pause from James. "I would really like that."

James and Taylor stood still in a silent awkwardness. It looked like Taylor was going to hug James but instead regroup and stood with a embrassed smirk on his face.

"I will see you around. Text me next time you're free. You have my number, and well I have yours so yeah." Taylor said as he walked away.

James headed inside the apartment and locked the door. He saw Carlos and Logan passed out on the couch cuddled up with each other. They looked so cute, both of them with smiles on their faces. James woke them up and they looked around in the dark and headed back to their room. James went in to his room and saw Kendall sleeping. He changed into his pajamas and slid under the covers putting his phone on the charger. Before he could rest, he held it and starting typing out a text "Goodnight Taylor :)" A few seconds later he got a response from Taylor. "Goodnight James :)"

James looked at the text and smiled. He put the phone down and took a deep breath and placed his head down on his pillow. His eyes started growing heavy and he just drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 7

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