Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on Jan 9, 2012


Chapter 5: Love is Pain

Disclaimer: I don't own nor am I affiliated with Big Time Rush (BTR), Nickelodeon, and Viacom. I'm not claiming than any person in this work is gay or etc. This is solely a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously.

No persons under the age of 18 or 21 (Check you local laws etc.) is permitted to view the subject matter portrayed in the following story.

This story contains acts of homosexuality.

If you're offended by subject material as such then please leave now.

Note: Wow. So a lot of reviews! There is going to be a big thing in the next Chapter. Sorry about the wait, just been really busy lately. Enjoy!

The alarm goes off at the side of Carlos' bed. He moves over toput it on snooze when Logan rolls over and wraps his arm around Carlos.

"Can we just cuddle up for just five minutes?" Logan asks with a boyish tone.

"Sure. Of course." Carlos replies.

The two continue tocuddle for a little bit before they have to get ready for school. One more week left and they would be free. It would be the toughest week for the boys since exams were coming up. Carlos could hear James already heading out into the bathroom. The alarm goes off again and Carlos smacks his lips. He gets up from the bed and starts to get dressed. As he stands back up again Logan comes from behind him and kisses him on the neck. Carlos lets out a faint sigh. He turns around and kisses Logan.

"Well that's a nice way to say good morning baby." Carlos says with a huge smile on his face.

They kiss again and finished getting dressed. The boys get ready and head out to school. the first round of exams comes around and Carlos actually finds himself confident. The day seems to drag on and the end of the school day arrives. The boys get out of school only to see Kelly waiting for them.

"Hey boys. Gustavo sent me to pick you all up. There is a lot to do today, and Gustavo didn't want me to tell you, but you'll be meeting Lady Gaga in the studio today." Kelly said.

"That sounds kind of awesome." Kendall says with a huge smile on his face.

"Well, you really seem to be in a good mood. Can I ask you a question? Why are Carlos and Logan holding hands?" Kelly whispers to Kendall.

"Oh, they're dating now." Kendall replied.

"Awe. Boys that awesome." Kelly cheered. "Well, its about time though. It was getting a little annoying."

The boys piled up and headed out to the studio to meet Gustavo. As they arrived, Gustavo was waiting for them in the recoding studio holding some paperwork in his hands. Griffin was there holding a magazine in his hands scratching his chin. As the boys walked in Griffin was the first to move.

"Ok. So can someone please explain why I have to of you guys walking down the street holding hands? Carlos. Logan, do either of you care to explain?" Grifin asked showing the boys the picture on the front of the magazine. Carlos and Logan could be clearly seen holding hands.

"Um, oh you know that isn't anything that really um..." Carlos looked towards Logan for help.

"I'm sure that't not real. I mean you know how the paparazzi are." Logan said with a qwerky look on his face.

"I seriously doubt that." Griffin said. "Its about time boys. It was getting to be annoying. It was so obvious. Look either way the media is eating this up. A memo just left my office earlier stating Big Time Rush will be performing at the San Franciso Pride celebration. Gustavo make it happen. I'm late to meet some people for golf."

Griffin exits the room with his assitants following him. Gustavo stands up and hands the boys lyrics for the song they will be working on.

"It all gets better from here." James reads. "What does that mean?"

"I'm glad you asked that." Gustavo replied. "It means no matter what, when it feels like you are at rock bottom, the only way is up."

"It looks like a great song. I'm happy that I could help with it." A woman's voice comes out from behind the boys.

The boys turn around and they are breathtaken. Neither of them can move when they see Lady Gaga sitting down looking over the lyrics.

"Its an honor to work with you." Logan said. "I have all of your music. I can't believe its you."

"Thank you so much Logan is it?" Lady Gaga asked. "Its always a pleasure to meet a fan. I'm sorry I just have to say apart for everything else, you and Carlos make such a cute couple. I would really like to have you two in a video I'm doing in a few months."

"That can be arranged, but in the meantime I would like us to get started on this song. If you don't mind." Gustavo says.

The boys and Lady Gaga enter the room and the beat starts playing. Each of the boys takes time reading over the lyrics carefully and the song starts over again. They start recording. Everyone seems to be flawless. Everyone puts down the lyrics and Gustavo gets ready to send the sound bites over to be finished up.

"Okay. We have all the words down. We are ahead of schedule. Lady Gaga thank you for your time. Boys, we will meet back here on Wednesday to listen over the final product. Then we'll get started on the preparations for the staging. I know you boys are finishing off your last week in school so we are all trying to do what we can to bring as little stress as possible. When this week ends, The show will be near. After that, Griffin has you boys scheduled to go on tour around the country."

"Cool. Where are we going?" Carlos asks.

"Don't worry about that yet. We will get to that soon. In the meantime, you boys really did a good job. I'll have Kelly pick you up on Wednesday. Be safe guys, and don't do anything stupid." Gustavo says as he walks out of the studio.

The boys arrive at the Palm Woods. As the boys get back into the apartment Mrs. Knight is on her phone. She sees the boys and shortly ends her call. She walks over to everyone and greets them.

"Hey boys! I'm back and I just wanted to say that I'm proud of all of you." Mrs Knight said.

"What do you mean?" Logan asked.

"Oh well I heard the big annoucnement on the radio today. It is so nice to see you are all performing at the parade. It will be a wonderful expirience I'm sure of it." Mrs. Knight replied. "Well I really have to get going. Gotta go get some groceries."

The boys all gathered around and watched a little TV. James' phone started ringing and he answered the phone. He walked out of the apartment. Kendall looked at Carlos and Logan and decided he was going out to the pool. Carlos and Logan were going to tag along as well. The boys arrived at the pool and started socializing with everyone else. Logan and Carlos were holding hands as they started placing their stuff down on the chairs. Everyone was looking at them. They could hear a few slurs spurt out but they paid no attention. They both jumped into the water.

Kendall lougned for a bit in the sun. He relaxed for a little and then decided to head back to the apartment. He heard some noise coming from his room and slowly walked into the apartment. Kendall slowly crept to the room again. He walked to the door to the room and slowly opened it up. As he peered in, he saw James fucking some blonde asian guy. James was pounding the guy with everything he had. Kendall closed the door and left the apartment in a rush. He bumped into Carlos and Logan.

"Hey Kendall, where are you going?" Logan asked.

"I got something to go do." Kendall said.

"In your swimming trunks?" Carlos asked.

"Something at the pool. Look I'll have to catch up with you guys later okay." Kendall said walking away furiously.

Carlos and Logan looked at each other in confusion and walked kept on walking. James rushed his fling to leave. Just as Taylor left, Carlos and Logan had shortly arrived. Logan looked at the cute asian guy for a few minutes. He recognized him from a few nights before. The boys walked into the apartment to see James sitting down on the sofa watching some TV. They looked at him and headed to their room. Carlos and Logan got some clothes and headed over to the shower. They both undressed together and hoped in together. Carlos started washing his hair and before he could move around, he saw Logan standing there already with a boner.

Carlos smiled and rinsed his hair clean. Logan started shampooing his hair and Carlos came from behind him and gently helped him rinse his hair clean. The hot water and steam got to the two as Carlos moved forward and passionately kissed Logan. Carlos slwoly dropped to his knees holding Logan's hard cock in his hand. He started to slowly stoke it. He opened his moutn and started blowing Logan ever so gently. Logan stood with the hot water dripping down his body. The feeling was like nothing he had ever expirienced before. He had jacked off in the shower pletny of times, but getting a blowjob with the hot water running over his body was mindblowing. Carlos stood back up again and smiled at Logan. Carlos kissed Logan again very gently. Logan was surprised by the sudden tenderness. Logan got down on his knees and held Carlos' dick in his hands. For some reason he found himself craving the foreskin, and he had no clue why.

He started sucking Carlos off. Carlos let out a feint moan as his hand started pushing down on Logan's head. Logan felt Carlos starting to thrust. He just remained kneeled and let Carlos start thrusting into him. Carlos started moaning a little louder with each thrust. Logan started moving his head into the motion. Carlos started thrusting a little harder. With the hot water around him, the wamr moist mouth of Logan wrapped around his cock, Carlos was in Heaven. "I'm gonna cum" Carlos grunted as his knees buckled. Logan could feel the cum shoot right down his throat. He looked up at Carlos and the two finished off their shower together. They had gotten dressed and started to walk out when Mrs. Knight saw the two walking out of the bathroom at the same time.

They blushed and Mrs. Knight looked directly at them with a smile on her face. She walked right over to them.

"Look boys. I knoww what was going on in there. I'm happy you two are together now, to be truthful it was getting annoying. Either way, look, I know you have needs and everything so if you're going to do anything, please wait until night, and always lock the door. Okay?" she asked.

The two looked at her and nodded their heads.

"Perfect. Oh by the way, you two look really handsome together." Mrs. Knight said with a huge smile on her face.

The two boys walked into the room and shut the door. They put their stuff up and Logan pounched on top of Carlos. They fell onto Logan's bed. They smiled at each other again and shared an innocent kiss. Logan fixed himself and just rested his head on Carlos' chest.

"I wish days like this would never end. I wish we could always just be together. I love hearing your heart beat. Its so strong and proud. It is the most beautiful sound in the world." Logan said.

Carlos kissed Logan on the forehead. "I love holding you in my arms boo. I feel so at peace. Does that even make sense? Yeah at peace. As far as a strong heartbeat, damn right, I'm a man."

"Yes you are. You're my man, and when I'm here in your arms its like nothing in this world can ever hurt me." Logan whispered.

Carlos smiled and took a deep breath. "Hey Logan, guess what?"

"What?" Logan replied.

"Chicken butt." Carlos said with a goofy laugh. "No seriously though, I love you babe."

The two boys reamined in the same position just enjoying the feeling of each other's company. the afternoon had gone on and dinner was ready. The two had actually taken a nap and woke up to the sound of Mrs. Knight knocking on their door. They walked out to smell some Spaghetti. Carlos rubbed his stomach.

"Mmmmmm. I smell some spasghettis." Carlos said.

"Spaghetti babe." Logan said.

"I love it when you do that." Carlos said tapping his index finger on Logan's nose.

Kendall was sitting in the Living room looking at the TV paying almost no attention to James. James sat down with a depressed look on his face. He sat there thinking to himself. Why was Kendall acting like a jerk again. He was so confused. Was it possible that Kendall loved him? Could it by some chance be possible that Kendall maybe saw him and Taylor in the act? James just sat there with a million questions in his head. He started getting a headache with everything on his mind. James gave up and headed to the kitchen to see if he could help with something. He set the table. Carlos and Logan helped get everything else ready.

Mrs. Knight walked over to James and put her hand on his shoulder. "Give him some time honey." She whispered into his ear.

Dinner was very silent. Everyone had finished and Kendall went to take his shower. He got out and headed off to bed. Everyone else sat around for a little and talked until it started getting later. The boys headed off to their rooms. Carlos was laying down in his bed when Logan walked over to him.

"Hey I have and idea. We have a little time here, why don't we move the beds together? You know make it into one big bed." Logan said with a hopeful smile on his face.

Carlos sat up. "That sounds like a great idea. So you wanna just push them to the center then and put the stand at the top and bottom of the bed?"

"Sounds like a great idea." Logan said.

Logan moved some of Carlos' stuff out of the way. They had moved the stand in the center with the light. Carlos pushed his bed over and Logan had a hard time moving his. Carlos laughed and jumped out over to Logan standing with his arms at his side and chest pumped out like Superman. Carlos helped Logan push the bed over. It was a perfect fit. The beds had fitted together flawlessly. They arranged some of the items around, and the room looked so much better. It was cleaner and opened up a bit more. Carlos' actually liked the appearence.

"So I guess our next step will be having to buy new sheets and stuff then." Carlos said.

"Maybe we can do it tomorrow." Logan whispered.

"That sounds like a great idea." Carlos replied.

The two jumped into the bed together and looked into each other's eyes. Logan planted a kiss on Carlos' lips and smiled. They started making out with each other. Logan broke away and walked to the door to lock it. He turned the light off and walked back over to Carlos. He started making out with him again. Logan started taking off Carlos' shirt and shorts. Logan undressed as well They started making out again. Carlos pushed Logan onto his back and got on top of him. Carlos started dry humping Logan as he started kissing his neck. Logan started moaning lightly. Logan was hard and Carlos could feel it. Carlos started doing something that took Logan by surprise. Carlos spit on his hand and started rubbing Logan's cock.

Carlos positioned himself directly above Logan and lined himself up. He started to lower onto Logan's throbbing cock. Carlos bit his lip as he felt the head slowly stuggling to make entrance. Carlos let out a sharp gasp as the head popped into place. Logan couldn't believe the feeling. It was so warm and tight. Carlos let out a painful moan.

"If it hurts you don't have to do it. I don't want you to get hurt." Logan said innocently.

"Its okay. I just want us to be even." Carlos said.

Carlos took a deep breath and lowered himself again. The pain was very intense, but Carlos tried to hide it from Logan. He let out another painful moan as he felt Logan's pubes on his ass. Carlos sat in place a little longer trying to adapt to the pain. Carlos felt the pain lessen and he started moving up and down slowly. He could feel the pain again and thought to himself, is that the same kind of pain Logan put up with for him? Carlos loved Logan and decided that if Logan could deal with the pain out of love, then so could he, after all he was Carlos, he was a man.

After about seven minutes, the pain began to go away and it started to feel good. Carlos started picking up the pace as he was riding Logan's hard cock. Carlos started breathing heavier. He started sliding up and down faster. Logan started pumping away each time Carlos came down. Logan was breathing heavy and before he could say anything cummed inside of Carlos. Carlos got off of Logan and rested on his back. As he was trying to catch his breath Logan started blowing him. Logan got onto his back and Carlos met Logan face to face missionary style. Logan wrapped his arms and legs around Carlos as he could feel the cock entering his tight hole.

Carlos took his time and when Logan gave him the nod started thrusting inside of Logan violently. Logan started moaning. Carlos got out and put Logan on his side. Carlos got on his side as well and started pounding away again. Carlos started rubbing his hand across Logan's chest and kissed him on the neck. Logan started breathing heavier and started speaking random words. Carlos kept on his agressive pace showing almost no mercy to Logan's hole. In a manner of niutes, Carlos shot his load into Logan. Both of them rested side by side gasping for air. Logan grabbed Carlos' hand.

"Hey loggie can I ask you something?" Carlos asked.

"Shoot." Logan replied.

"Does it hurt?" Carlos paused. "Does it hurt when I do you?"

Logan paused for a second. "Yes, but it didn't hurt as much this time. I mean the first few minutes hurt, but it starts to feel better after. I do love the feeling of you inside of me. Why?"

"It hurt me. How did you put up with the pain, you did it for me?" Carlos asked.

"I love you boo. I think you're amazing. I wanted you to feel good, that was why I put up with the pain." Logan said. "Did I hurt you?"

"Actually, yeah. It really hurt a lot." Carlos said.

"I didn't want to hurt you." Logan said.

Carlos put his finger on Logan's lips. "I want us to be even. I don't want you to feel like we aren't even."

"Carlos. I don't have to do it that often. I just love being with you, and being here at your side. I don't want to hurt you babe." Logan said. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"Its ok. I'm a man. You didn't hurt me that much.'' Carlos said tappin his chest.

"I love it when you do that." Logan said as he kissed Carlos.

Logan had to use the bathroom and put his boxer briefs back on. Carlos put his on as well. As Logan headed into the hallway, he heard James and Kendall talking to one another. He placed his ear on the door hearing James cry. He didn't dare open the door and instead went off to the bathroom. As he came out, he didn't hear the talking anymore. He went back into the room and got back into bed with Carlos. It sounded like he had already fallen asleep. Logan rested on his side, and felt Carlos move over and wrap his arm around him. Logan felt at peace, like he was protected by the most dependable person around. Logan looked at the alarm clock. It was only 10. Logan smiled and fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 6

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