Big Ned

Published on Mar 3, 2007


Big Ned 9

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it!

Mac and I got to be friends. He was an unbelievably up tight State Trooper who had discovered the wilder side of life and loved it. Physically impressive, he was brave and aggressive in difficult situations. This aggression could have been bad in some situations, but he had good judgement. He knew when to hold back.

In his personal life he was timid and uneasy. His parents were bible thumpers and seem to have been short on the social graces. His father thought as long as you didn't have malice in your heart, there was no need to be pleasant. While it was good to love God, it was more important to correct the shortcomings of your neighbors than be civil to them.

Mac wasn't exactly rude, but he could be abrupt. He was also aware of his shortcomings and he came to consider me as his Miss Manners, as well as his guide in all things sexual. When my finger rammed his ass it did more than introduce him to his prostate. It opened up a new world of sensation. He wanted to experience more, but he wanted to do it right.

He was head over heals in love with Ned. Ned was every inch a man and affectionate to boot. The two men connected and I think Ned was a lover, father, brother and friend all rolled up into one. Ned was what Mac's life lacked. Mac was afraid he would do something wrong and offend Ned. I told him this wasn't a problem. Ned was nothing if not tolerant.

However, I understood Mac's problem. Sometimes it's easier to have wild and crazy sex with someone you hardly know and don't care about, then with someone you are attached too. Mac wanted it to be perfect with Ned, and was afraid he might try something and have it go badly.

Mac had one other problem. He was 37 and his sex life had alternated between being shitty and non existent. He had twenty years of pent up sexual needs. He told me he had been waiting for the right woman, but things had never worked out. He never admitted to himself that he was looking for the right man.

Sometimes Ned's ability to understand human nature astounded me. Mac was in love with him, but Ned thought it would be good if Mac had some experiences with other men. Ned wasn't too sure men were naturally monogamous. He was afraid Mac would find another man he liked more and be disappointed. I liked Big Ned and didn't think this was a problem. Max introduced Mac to other men,

Bubba's son, Max, was both good looking and an athlete. He was a stud magnet, attracting men easily. Ned's house in the country was the perfect place to go when he and his friends wanted to have some fun away from the prying eyes of the town. Most of Max's friends were firmly in the "I'm not gay, but I like sex with men camp." They needed privacy and discretion. In their defense, I admit, I'm not much into the effeminate or queeny school of gay life. Max was twenty, and tended to find men of a similar age. Most seemed to be both inexperienced, but possessed considerable sex drive.

I like more mature men as a general rule, but Big Ned and Mac had no problem with younger ones. "Most of these guys have been living in dread since they were young teenagers that someone one would discover their secret. They've been ashamed and guilty about their sexual drives and interests." Big Ned explained. "Getting them to accept that ain't the worst thing you can do."

"The sex is good too, for you, isn't it?" I pointed out.

Ned smiled. "Well maybe my approach to helping guys out isn't exactly the way Mother Theresa might do it," he said. "But, learning how to enjoy sex is better than becoming an alcoholic."

"My teaching techniques aren't like yours," I commented.

"Sex is a laboratory science, not suited for lectures," Ned said. He had a point. Big Ned was the perfect man for these guys. He was about as masculine as you could be, but he was also up front about his sexual interests. Ned wasn't one to pussyfoot around sex. He was good at taking and gave as much as he took. Ned wasn't a user. He was a sharer. His cock, his ass and his body were available for your pleasure if you made yourself available to him.

He was also a master of teaching by example.

Ned was had a lot of energy and always had a few on going projects. These provided an excuse for guys to visit us. Ned was clearing a part of his property to plant an orchard. Max arrived with a new friend Lewis. Lewis was a big twenty-year-old. He was six two or so and 220 pounds. He had been a tackle in high school, but he had short-changed academics and wasn't good enough to get a football scholarship. Now, he was working as a stock boy at Wal Mart.

They were clearing and digging holes. I brought out cold drinks. It was a hot day. Max and Lewis were shirtless. They were wearing polyester athletic shorts. Lewis was more muscular than I thought, but he could become really fat easily. Ned was dressed in a lightweight a cotton tee shirt and shorts. He sunburned badly.

Ned sweats like a pig, and his clothes were plastered to his body. The wet tee shirt and shorts left nothing to the imagination. I noticed Lewis taking admiring glances in his direction. Max wasn't wearing undershorts he was showing too.

I went back to the house. Harry Jones, the head of the school board dropped by to see Ned. Harry and I weren't friends and had some problems over school policy through the years. He was a successful building contractor and had a different approach to life. We had made peace after a few run ins. He was an aggressive, demanding man and it took me a while to understand there were principles behind his approach.

After I moved in with Big Ned, I was surprised when Harry turned up. I had no idea they were friends. I was even more surprised when I realized they were playmates. Harry was the most macho man I knew. Ned was his type.

Ned told me at first Harry wasn't going to stop by when I was staying there. "I told him that was just plain stupid," Ned said. "He was afraid you might use his sexual preferences against him. I got miffed. "Do you think I'd be friends with a guy like that?" I asked. I don't think he was completely convinced, but sex is sex. Harry likes some fun from time to time. He decided to take a chance. You get along well now, don't you?"

"Yes we do. He's more reasonable once you've seen him naked and excited," I said.

Ned laughed. "That's what he said about you. But not in those exact words," he said.

"What were his exact words?" I asked.

"Well, I think it was something like, "I never would have guessed that guy was hung like a horse." It was lust at first sight."

"It wasn't my mind he liked?" I asked, pretending to be shocked.

"Harry told me I was the first guy he played with. That may or not be true, but cocks are like potato chips. One isn't enough," Ned explained. "Your meat is a few sizes bigger than mine. He liked it. It turned him on. I don't think he expected that."

"That happens," I said. "Your cock does the trick for me. It really turns me on." I looked at Big Ned. "By the way, the rest of you turns me on too."

"You mean you like my brain too?" Ned asked, he was smiling.

"I do," I replied. "Some men are thinkers. Some are doers. You can do both. The sex is good too."

I told Harry Ned was working with Max and Lewis on his orchard.

"He's drafted the football team?" Harry asked.

"You know Ned. Somehow guys want to help him out," I said. "They do a lot of work, but there are fringe benefits."

Harry smiled. "I think Ned mentioned that," he said. "I never would have guessed that about Little Bubba. Or Bubba for that matter."

"It's not Little Bubba any more," I said. "It's Max."

"Sorry, I forgot." Harry said. "I knew you were gay, but I never guessed about them."

"Did you know about yourself?" I asked.

He looked at me for a few seconds. He was irritated. Then he relaxed. "You're right about that," he said. "I spent so much time and emotional effort pretending I wasn't gay. It's still hard to admit it. Old habits die hard. I was convinced you were after the students when I realized you were gay. I didn't realize you liked your meat aged."

A little later Ned, Max and Lewis came back to the house. They were dirty and sweaty. Harry liked to play it cool and be the calm and collected one. It was clear to me, the sweaty trio turned him on. Since Harry knew Max was a playmate, he could easily put two and two together and guess Lewis was either a member of the fraternity or a pledge.

"Harry, we're off to the pond for a swim," Ned said, "Come join us, if you are worried we'll leave a ring." Harry left his clothes on the porch and joined the other men. He was smooth, muscular and in good shape for a sixty-year-old man. He was a top as far as I knew. He had fucked me a few times, more to be polite than from desire, he loved Ned's ass, big time.

While I wasn't his type, once he was in my ass he was more than a good sport. He came over looking for Ned, but Ned wasn't home. Harry must have been horny as hell, and I was better than nothing. He took his time and had a good time, as did I. Harry was one of those men who had a powerful sex drive, but pretended it didn't exist.

Ned told me Harry tried the strong, silent type approach on him. "I told Harry I didn't mind having his cock in my ass, but if it's a take it, or leave it proposition for him, I don't need it," Ned said. "There are guys who like having sex with me, so you don't like it, find another playmate." Harry opted in favor of being more enthusiastic.

I joined the men in the pond. It was easy to see Harry was turned on by Max and Lewis. The two younger men appreciated the attention. I went to the house to get drinks. Lewis came along to help me carry them. Ned must have told him I still had dizzy spells and he needed to help.

"Mr. Jones seems really nice," Lewis said. "He always seemed like a hard ass in school. I didn't believe he got naked and skinny dipped."

"He's different off duty," I said. "The School Board is always uptight. He likes to relax just like everyone else."

"How relaxed does he get?" Lewis asked.

I smiled. Max must have had told him about Ned and me, and he wanted to know if Harry was with the program. "He can get really relaxed," I said. "He likes a good time as much as anybody."

"Like you and Ned?" Lewis asked. "Max says you guys are hot when you get it on." He paused. "I've never done anything with an old guy before."

Lewis' cock was getting firm. "Just like Ned and me," I said. "Don't worry about messing around with older guys. As long as you're into it, you'll be fine."

He smiled. "I'm into it all right. I thought maybe I'd outgrow cock play, but Max says it's okay."

"You like Max, don't you?"

"He's so good looking," Lewis said. "He was a star and I'm just a guy. I couldn't believe he was into it so much. He says there's a lot more stuff we could do, if I want to."

"Are you looking for a learning experience?"

"I guess I am," he replied. "Max said Ned was really good about that." We carried the drinks to the pond. When Ned got out of the water he was half hard. Harry and Max had been talking together in the water. When they emerged form the pond, both were hard.

Harry was normally reserved, but Max and Lewis must have been too inspirational for him to resist. We sat on the grass and drank soft drinks. Harry was talking to Lewis about his job. Harry wasn't too impressed with Lewis' position as a stock boy at the Wal mart. "You're a strong boy. You should be doing real work." he said. "Construction is a real job."

"It's an awful lot of heavy labor," Lewis said.

"It sure as hell is, but there's a chance to get ahead. It's satisfying to build something real. It's hard work but you have something to show when you're done. It's much better than saying you kept the paper towels on the racks," Harry said. "Let's face it. You were a good football player, but not academically oriented. You're smart enough, but not in a bookish sense. In construction you make good money and can move up. Being a local football star could help if you get your own company." Harry had a good sales pitch. It was aided by his masculine persona and his erect cock. They were talking jobs, but their eyes were on cock.

Harry was quite beefy, tanned, muscular and smooth, but had a long thin cock. I didn't know how experienced Lewis was, but if he was new to anal and wanted to try it, Harry would be good choice. Lewis was beefy and hairy and had a classic fire plug type member. His cock stuck straight out above huge balls. Harry was talking about how strong Lewis looked, as Lewis' cock dripped a glob of pre cum. The afternoon sun caught the thin filament of drool connecting the drop with the piss slit.

Harry and Lewis were sitting on the grass. Ned and Max jointed them, but they were standing, so their semi erect cocks were at mouth level. Max's cock was too much for Harry to pass up. He turned his, saw the cock and sucked it. When Lewis saw Harry licking Max's member, he went right after Ned's meat.

They were like thoroughbreds who had just been waiting for the starting shot. They went from casual conversation to crazed sexual frenzy in a second or two. I was just an observer, but it was fun to watch. I am a helpful observer. One of my cool packs for drinks was filled with several tubes of lubricant and some poppers.

I am not a voyeur by nature. Normally I'm a participant, but it was interesting to watch the sexual dynamics of the men without being distracted by my own participation. Lewis was inexperienced, but very excited and enthusiastic. Ned was in his teaching mode. He didn't correct or criticize Lewis' over eager technique; he guided the young man. "Try this," he's say, or "See if you can work on my knob a while." Lewis was clay in the hands of a sexual sculptor. He responded to instruction easily and effortlessly.

Harry was more relaxed than usual. He was a good top, but his ass was always tightly clenched. He was on top of Max, 69ing. His legs were pulled up and stretched wide. I had never seen his hole before. His ass was all muscle, and the hole was pink and small. I would have loved to work my cock into the recess, but I think Max was to have that honor.

I was looking at Max and Harry. When I glanced over at Ned, he winked at me. He too had noticed Harry's openness. Lewis was sucking Ned, but they changed positions. Ned was on his knees with Lewis's cock in his mouth. Ned's finger touched Lewis's ass. Lewis tensed up, then relaxed. He shifted his feet to give Ned better access.

Someone put his hands on my shoulders. I jumped and looked at the man. It was Mac. He was already naked and hard. My time as an observer was over.

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