Big Ned

Published on Jan 27, 2007


This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it!

Summer at Ned's was pleasant. It was quiet and secluded there and it was easy to rest. I was at Ned's for a week when I noticed he was a bit uncomfortable. Normally he was very easy going. I asked him if something was wrong.

"Nope," Ned replied, "Nothing's wrong."

"Well then, is some thing right?" I asked.

Ned smiled. "I guess you could say that," he said. "I've met someone. He likes me a lot."

"That's great," I replied. "I assume you like him too?"

"I do. I really like him."

"Well, what's the problem?"

"He doesn't know about you, or the other guys," Ned said. "He's great. Mac was on the swat team that stormed the school. We really hit it off. I guess you could say I'm head over heals in love with him, but I don't want to lose you. Mac is a straight arrow and I don't know if he's willing to share."

"I take it this isn't a platonic relationship?" I asked.

"Not at all. He likes sex," Ned said. "He says I'm his first." I rolled my eyes. Ned saw that and shook his head. "I don't think he's shitting me. You need to meet him to understand.

I smiled. "Maybe he's not quite the straight arrow you think. If he's new to it, he may just be finding his way." I said. "Let nature take its course. We're friends and we're still going to be friends even if we don't mess around."

"Damn it, I like the messing around," Ned said.

"So do I, so lets just let things work out," I said. I got to meet Mac the next day. It was about 10:00 and Ned had gone off to the hardware store. I had a dizzy spell and had gone back bed until it passed. I heard someone moving in the house. "Are you back already?" I called.

A face appeared at the door. "Sorry to disturb you, I'm looking for Ned," this young looking blond said. "I'm trooper Mac McWilliams. I was part of the swat team that almost blew you up."

I laughed. "Well I'm glad to meet you and glad you missed," I said. He came in the room. Mac was maybe 35. He was a body builder, and had a great tan. Wearing a tank top and gym shorts, most of his body was on display. With blond hair, blue eyes and a killer smile, he looked more like a model than a cop.

"No one's more pleased we missed than me," he said. "The Captain thought we had no choice but to go in. Ned saved me from a lifetime of regret."

"Ned isn't the kind of man to take things lying down," I said.

"He said you've been really helpful to him," Mac said. "He told me about your wrestling team adventures, and about his family."

"I do what I can, when I can," I said. "When the bottom drops out of a friend's life, there was only so much I could do."

"Well he appreciated it," Mac said. I was naked in bed, with the sheet over the lower part of my body.

Looking me over, he said, "Damn, you're a hairy one!"

"You need to thank my Grandfather for that. He was a gorilla in a suit," I said.

"Have you ever considered shaving it off?" he asked. "You can see the muscles better."

"It would take too much time and too much effort. I'll leave things the way they are." I said. "You shave?"

"Most of the guys at the gym do," he said. "They think hair is gross."

"A man with a hairy chest was considered masculine in the 40s," I said. "Styles change. Maybe I'll have a stylish body some day."

"It ain't going to change that much," Mac said. I think he was thinking out loud. He blushed bright red. "I'm sorry, you must think I'm an idiot."

I laughed. "I'm afraid you're right about that," I said. "It seems to me most of the time you're stuck with the body you're born with. You can fight it. You can try to change it, but it's hard to fool mother nature. Ned's a beefy, muscular guy. It's probably best he never wanted to become a ballet dancer."

"I use to be really skinny, Mac said. "But I did something about it."

"You're tall and have a big frame. You came with all the raw materials you needed," I said. "I have a cousin who was supposed to be a football player. He was a huge little kid, but when he hit adolescence he stopped growing. You can't be a football player if you are 5'-6" and 150 pounds."

"You can still have fun."

"You sure can, but his daddy played football on a university team," I said. "They were disappointed at what he could never be and never recognized what he was."

Ned returned and they went off to work on Mac's car. I fell asleep waiting for the dizzy spell to go away. When I woke, I felt fine, I put on some clothes and went looking for them. Ned's bedroom door was closed, so I realized they were only working on the car.

I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I was making tuna salad when Ned came out of the bedroom. Mac followed a few minutes later.

"I'm making my special tuna salad, would you guys like a sandwich?" I asked.

"Are you putting cheddar in it?" Ned asked.

"Yes, and I can toast it if you like."

They sat at the kitchen table as I made the salad. Mac was uneasy at first since there was little doubt what they had been doing in the bedroom, but he loosened up as we all chatted. He was just starting to take classes to get a degree in Law Enforcement. He needed that to get promoted in the State Police. He had been in the Marines and felt that should be enough.

Ned and Mac went back to working on Mac's car. It was an old Thunderbird. It had been Mac's Uncle's and was worthy of restoration. I got the impression Mac was interested in cars, but knew little about them, so Ned's help was much appreciated. Mac bought a manual on the Thunderbird. And I read the instructions as they worked. I know nothing about cars, but I'm good at research.

At 4:00, Ned announced, "We're done for the day, it's hot tub time. It's therapy for McDonough, and limber up my ageing bones for me. "

"I'll be going," Mac replied. I was pretty sure I heard a trace of hesitation in his voice. He wanted to join in.

Ned shot me a quick glance. I nodded. "Why don't you join us?" I asked. "It's a four-man tub. There's room."

"I should . . ." Mac began to say.

"Come on and try it," Big Ned said. "You'll feel a lot better tomorrow if you limber up now. You've spent the afternoon in contorted positions under your T-bird." Mac agreed slightly reluctantly. I assumed he wanted to see Big Ned bare-chested again.

The hot tub was to the back of the house overlooking the pond. It was new, added just before I moved in with Ned. He had also made an outdoor shower near the tub, so you could clean up outside before you went in the house, or the tub. Ned took the top off the tub and turned the jets on.

"Mac you take a shower while I get things going here," Ned said.

"What if someone comes by?" Mac asked.

"This is my place. I set the dress code!" Ned relied laughing. "Don't worry." I took my clothes off and Ned helped me into the tub. He was worried I might slip, so he always was near. When I was in the water, he went to the shower.

Mac came to the tub. "I've never been naked outside before," he said. He had nice equipment, big low hanging balls and a cut cock. He wasn't hard, but it was firm. "I guess it's all right," Mac muttered.

"Just relax and let the water do its part," I said. His leg brushed against mine. He didn't jump. That was a good sign. Big Ned joined us a minute or two later. He was fully erect and unconcerned about it. I was getting hot, so I got out of the water and sat on the edge as Ned got in. The hot water had my hangers dangling near my knees.

"You're looking good," I said looking at Ned's meat. "You do know how to make a guest feel welcome." Ned was uncut with lots of extra skin. Normally he could be hard and still have his cock head half enshrouded in skin. His knob was fully exposed.

"Feeling good too," Ned replied. "You're looking as if your Dad was a goat. How low do your balls go?"

"We all get the hand we're dealt," I said.

"You guys aren't real shy, are you?" Mac asked. He was smiling, so he wasn't offended. Ned had turned down the jets and I could see he was erect below the water.

"Not any more," I said. "I was brought up in an uptight family. Somehow I thought to be naked was sinful. I outgrew that attitude. It seems to me we all have just about the same equipment and there's nothing wrong showing it, as long as no one objects. Do you have a problem?"

"Not at all," Mac said. "I've spent hours at the gym. It's not a problem. Everyone's looking, but pretending they aren't."

"It's funny, isn't it," Big Ned said. "We're all interested in what's hanging between guys' legs, but we pretend we don't care and don't look. I think it one of those natural interest men have, that we've branded as sinful."

"Do you think cocks are sinful, Mr. McDonough?" Mac asked.

"Not any more," I said.

"My folks thought cocks were for baby making, first, last and only," Ned said. "I used it for that purpose, but somehow I discovered other uses for it." Max laughed. "I seem to think of it as a recreational organ now. I figure if God hadn't wanted to play with cock, he shouldn't have concentrated so much fun in one place."

"I think you have a point there," I said. "My Sunday School teacher told us prayer could provide release from the stresses of day to day life. Prayer hasn't come close to the effectiveness of a ball draining orgasm."

"You two are good friends, aren't you?" Mac asked.

"Sure we are," Big Ned said. "There are two approaches to life. One is the "you can't be too rich, or too thin," and the other is, "you can't have too many friends." McDonough and I fall into the later group."

"Do you think you can love some one and still have friends?" Mac asked. From the way he asked I could tell he was asking about friends with benefits, not platonic friends.

"I sure as hell hope so," Big Ned replied. "I've got friends who are too good to lose. Don't you?"

"Not really," Mac said. "I think I've been too busy being hard assed and trying to get ahead to make many friends. I'd like to make some friends now."

"Don't worry my friends are open minded," Big Ned said.

"Boy are we open minded," I said. By now, I was getting hard. Mac had been looking at Mac. When he glanced at me, he saw my erection. He burst out laughing.

"You guys have played together?" he asked.

"We sure have, but you're more than welcome to join us," Big Ned said. "You may have noticed. There's room for two on McDonough's cock."

"You don't mind?" Mac asked. I couldn't tell if he was talking to me or to Big Ned. I guess it didn't make any difference. Mac came over to me and licked my cock. He started slowly, but picked up speed quickly. I was sitting on the edge of the tub. Ned got up and straddled me so I could suck his cock.

A little bit later, Ned and Mac traded places. Mac's cock was hard like steel, but he was a drooler. A steady stream of pre cum dribbled from his cock. Mac didn't show much emotion, but his balls must have been in overdrive. He was revved up.

After a while, we cooled down. Ned was the edge of the tub with his arm around Mac. We chatted and relaxed. I got in the water and sucked them both, alternating between the two cocks. I was surprised when they started to kiss. Sometimes I got both their cock heads in my mouth, sometimes just Ned. But they get really excited.

As I sucked Mac's cock I got a finger at his hole. I didn't poke it in, but I was there. I had two fingers in Ned and his prostate was under my control. As I finger fucked Ned, I deep throated Mac. He began to shiver. As he began to shoot, his ass opened and my finger slipped into his ass tunnel.

The flood gates were open and Mac let loose. Cum filed my mouth as his load shot from his cock. He shivered and shook as ejaculatory spasms racked his body. "That's it baby," Ned whispered. I took the whole load and continued to suck until he was totally drained.

"What in hell happened," Mac murmured.

"I think you just discovered the importance of teamwork," Big Ned said. Mac stayed over for dinner and spent the night with Ned. When he went home the next morning, Ned was happy.

"Damn, I like them young," he said. "After our hot tub adventure you'd have thought he's be wiped out. He shot another last night before we went to bed and then again in the morning."

"I take it the hot tub was a success?" I asked.

"It was. He was worried about the same things I was. He's curious. You're not the love of his life, but he sure enjoyed your cock," Ned said. "It turned him on, but didn't affect our relationship. It was good."

"He's ready to join your harem?"

Big Ned smiled. "I'm not sure I'd describe my friends as a harem, but Mac is open to the possibilities," he said.

Ellis visited the hose regularly as did Max and his father, Bubba. They seemed to share both the same sexual drive and the same sexual preferences. All liked Ned. The situation was made more complicated when Dr. Bob appeared. He was hot for my cock, but certainly liked both Ned and Max. Bob was more than willing to sample their pleasures.

Big Ned liked having Dr. Bob around. He had gnawing fears I would take a turn for the worse. I think my near death experience had scared him more than it did me. I hadn't been in pain. I had been in a coma or drugged out of my gourd for most of the time following the shooting. Ned had been terrified, his actions might have contributed to my paralysis. He liked having a doctor on call. He got along well with Dr. Bob both socially and sexually.

Dr. Bob had been Max's pediatrician. Bubba didn't like that. He thought it was unseemly. Dr. Bob wasn't too sure about Max's relationship with his father either. They played in the same room, but not with each other. Bob knew Bubba made his ass available to Max's friends and suspected Max might have tried it out. Both Max and Bubba were over sexed. Dr. Bob knew in man-sex, proximity and availability were more important than decorum.

I though this was going to turn into a big problem. I couldn't figure out a way to defuse the situation. Ned should have been a delegate to the UN. He solved the problem. He told them he was interested in sex and friendship, not love. Everyone was an adult and could make their own choices. "If you don't want to play by my rules, you can go home and jerk off, of fuck off alone in your bedrooms," Big Ned said. "You play nice, or you don't play at all."

That did the trick. Bubba and Dr. Bob were grudgingly cordial, and if Ned found out they were backsliding, he was firm. This changed decisively when Bubba came upon Max fucking Dr. Bob on the back porch. He tapped Max on the shoulder, and the next time Max pulled out, Bubba' cock slipped in. It took a few seconds for Dr. Bob to realize what had happened. Max and Bubba had similar cocks, but not identical. Max was longer. Bubba was fatter.

I thought the shit would hit the fan, but it was cum, not shit. Bubba liked plowing the field his son had just plowed. Bob got incredibly excited at being double fucked by a father-son team. When Bubba shot off, Max returned to Bob ass. He loved using his dad's cum as lubricant. When Max shot off, Bob had the same sort of orgasm he had experienced when I fucked him at the Breakfast club. The three men had made peace.

Next: Chapter 9

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