Big Ned

Published on Jan 21, 2007


Big Ned 7

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it!

You might think sex with a 70-year-old guy would be unexciting, but Alton turned out to be a spectacular bottom. His ass didn't just open up for you. It sucked your cock in. He came pretty close to have a prehensile rectum. It could squeeze, caress and massage. Once you were in you could let him do the work. I have no idea how he did it, or exactly what he did, but it was great.

After my near death experience, it was good to be the top and fuck like a wild man. Alton was more than willing. Everything was in working condition and I hadn't forgotten what to do.

Alton told me he hung out with a group of old codgers. His pals were all retired and spent their lives complaining about medicare and helping out widows and their more infirm friends. Alton was a member of an informal group he called the Saturday Breakfast Club. I assumed it was a meeting at MacDonald's group, but found that wasn't the case.

Alton told me the Breakfast Club was made up of older men who met at the home of William Smith, a retired librarian. It was a scrambled eggs and sex group. The oldest man was near 80, the youngest, except for me, was 56. Several men were married and this was a chance to get out of the house and have some fun.

Alton asked if I'd like to try out the group and I said yes. He said I'd be the youngest man there and a hot property, the center of attention. Alton thought I had been a patient for so long. "It would be good to some guys lusting after your bod!" he said. "It would be good for your ego too."

Saturday morning at 9:00, Alton picked me up and took to William's house. It was on the edge of town in a subdivision of good sized houses. Most were ordinary, but William's was beautifully landscaped. We went in the front door and I was enveloped in the middle of a gaggle of naked men.

Generally they were in good shape. I think the knowledge that you would be naked and having sex with other men every week or so must have been a spur to exercise. The core of the group was a quartet of men. In addition to Alton, there was William, the librarian. He was a smooth, somewhat effete man who was hung like Trigger. Dr. Bob was a retired pediatrician, who was dapper, hairy and sex crazed. The fourth man was Buddy Bell. He was a retired builder and he introduced a more masculine, old geezer type to the club. I discovered most of Buddy's friends looked like Gabby Hayes. This Saturday there were eight men at the breakfast.

In addition to the quartet, two friends of Buddy were there, Roddy and Kenny. Roddy was a big, bruiser of a man, a mason. He had a Santa type beard and tattoos on his arm. Kenny was a straggly, grizzled electrician. He was tall and thin. One other man in the group was Ralph. He was a retired policeman and the organist at the Episcopal church.

While the men were older, Viagra, Cialis and Lavitra had definite impact on the event. Dr. Bob provided the prescriptions. When I got there, most of the men were already half hard. I had visualized the event as begin a lot of chat and not much sex. I knew Alton like getting fucked, but I assumed sex would be low key and mostly oral. I hadn't figured on Roddy, Ralph and Dr. Bob. They were wild men who loved sex and weren't at all shy about it.

"If you like to top, put me first on your dance card," Dr. Bob whispered in my ear. "I'd love to have a new cock stretching my hole."

"Damn it Bob!" Ralph complained, "You promised to at least say hello to the guy before you got him in your ass."

"I got kind of carried away," Bob said. "I like them young."

"As long as you're still breathing, it's fine for me," Roddy added. "You know, the first time I screwed a guy I thought it was the most exciting thing I'd ever done. That was fifty years ago, and it's just as good today."

"Another cock another day?"

"Until I found the Breakfast Club, it had tuned into a cock a year for a long while," Roddy said. "I was wedged between the beach bunny and the Santa-look alike crowd. No one wanted me."

"You mean you think you're a stud muffin now?" Kenny said, chuckling. "I ain't seen you in People Magazine, or in the tabloids next to the check out counter." Roddy didn't look offended. He bent Kenny over and poked his cock into the thin man's ass.

"You may not be my ideal of a dream boat, but you're a lot better than jacking off," Roddy said. He cock had penetrated Kenny's ass effortlessly. I must have looked shocked at the ease of entry. "Kenny keeps his ass lubricated in case he gets lucky." Roddy explained.

"Does he get lucky often?" I asked.

"Every time I'm here he does," Roddy said. "Would you like to give him a try? He's really friendly."

"I got first dibs!" Dr. Bob said. He leaned close to me. "I'm lubed too. I've got a really tight ass, so it takes some work, but it's worth it." he whispered.

"For you, or for me?" I asked.

"For both of us I hope, but always for me," Bob said as he bent over. I looked around the room. Alton was on his back with William's huge cock pumping into his ass. Buddy and Ralph were eating donuts. I got behind Bob and nudged my cock nudged into his ass. It wasn't an easy fuck, but it was a good one. Bob had the sphincter of steel. Once my cock was in, it clamped tight and it formed a natural cock ring. He was bent over. When he tried to straighten up, I put my arms around his chest and made sure my cock was fully embedded as he rose. I didn't let him force me out.

He was fighting me a little when my cock hit his on button. He began to shiver and moan. Dr. Bob lost it and became a quivering pile of sexually charged flesh. It was spectacular. I knew he wanted to shoot, but I think my cock made it impossible for him to let loose. All the men were watching us as Bob twitched and spasmed on my cock. He was trying to reduce the pressure. I'd pull out a little, the force him back to the fully penetrated state.

I later found out it was well known that Bob loved sex, but wasn't demonstrative. He was reticent about the orgasm itself. This time everyone knew exactly what he was feeling. When he finally shot off, he sprayed cum like a roman candle on the 4th. He released his iron grip on my cock and I pulled out. It was time for some breakfast.

Bob recovered quickly and joined us for bacon and scrambled eggs. "Damn that was good," he said. "It was like being on the wrong end of one of my experiments."

"What experiments are those?" I asked.

"Dr. Bob likes to see how far he can push a man toward total sexual ecstasy," William explained. "He likes it when a man loses all control and surrenders to the sensations. He says it a "scientific study", but I think it's closer to voyeurism."

"You got me good," Dr. Bob admitted. "I've found Kenny and Ralph's spots, but never thought anyone would find mine."

"You were hiding it?" I asked.

"I didn't know I had it," he said. "I'm coming to the conclusion the spot exists for most men, but most will never find it."

"Too deep?" Buddy asked.

"Maybe that, but I think it's more likely you'll never find the right tool," Bob continued. "I think just about everyone here had fucked me at one time or another and no one found it until today. It had to be the perfect combination of cock and ass."

"You mean I have a perfect cock?" I said. Everyone laughed.

"It's real pretty even if it ain't perfect for everybody," Kenny said. "Roddy sends me to the moon."

"Americans are such prudes," Alton said. "Until a few years ago I would no more go to an orgy with a bunch of old geezers than I'd go to the moon. I thought my sex life was over. Maybe I though my lack of a sex life was a sign of virtue. For the life of me, now I can't figure our why I thought giving sexual pleasure to a fellow human being is wrong."

"I remember my spinster Aunt telling me my body was a temple, but to be sure I never touched one part of it," William said.

"Shit, my folks never admitted that part existed," Buddy said. We laughed again.

"My Aunt Eleanor thought my parents were "modern" and when I stayed at her house one summer, she took pains to make sure I knew the real story," William explained. "You could lie with your wife when you were married and then only to make a baby. Everything else was dirty and would send you to hell."

"Did you believe her?" Buddy asked.

"Unfortunately I did. It's why I had a loveless marriage and no children," William said. "My wife was taught the same thing, but it was impossible for her to turn from thinking of sex as a dirty and perverse practice to being the purist expression of love on a dime. We were married for thirty years and she couldn't do it. She was a nice woman, and there wasn't a mean bone in her body, but she couldn't do it."

"It's lucky you're gay," Dr. Bob said.

"That's not the way I saw it then, but it is they way I see it now," William said. "I found a friend. Do any of you remember Charlie Davis?"

"The guy who ran the BP Station?" Ralph asked.

"That's he. Somehow we discovered each other," William said. "He was a recovering Baptist and he saved me. I was getting mean and he changed that."

"Talk about the odd couple," Ralph said. "I knew he never married, but I assumed that was because he was so ugly. I found Timmy O'Banion. He was a deputy at the jail. We had some good times at his hunting camp."

"Didn't your wife notice you spent a lot of time at the camp off season?" Buddy asked.

"The less time I was around the house, the better she liked it. She had the house and the kids. Once she had that, I wasn't needed anymore," Ralph said. "Timmy was too good for this town. He got a job offer from the state and took it." As we talked Roddy came over and sucked on Ralph's cock. The group broke up into smaller groups. I was with Dr. Bob and Kenny.

Kenny's ass was as different from Bob's as could be imagined. He opened wide whenever a cock was within striking distance. He'd lubricated himself before the sex started and Roddy had already shot his load into Kenny's hole, so it was smooth sailing. Dr. Bob was right behind me, rubbing his cock in my crack.

I tend to be fair minded. Since I had fucked him earlier, turn about is fair play. I shifted my legs to give him better access. Bob had a long, thin, curved cock terminating in a large mushroom. I told him no one had been in me since the shooting. He told me not to worry.

Some people are lovers and other are fuckers. Dr. Bob was the later, but he had to be the friendliest fucker I had ever encountered. He chatted as he fucked, asking me how I was doing, and what might be better. I'd encountered chatters before, but most wanted to be told how good they were. Bob was looking for my hot spot. He didn't find it, but the search was good.

I was still screwing Kenny and a double fuck is complicated, but it turned out well. Bob had a knack for matching his probes with my thrusts. His big knob did wonders in my ass. My cock responded and got even harder and worked it's magic in Kenny's ass. The three of us were linked engorged cock to swelling prostate and it was good. Kenny popped first. His ass contracted with each ejaculation. That was enough to push me over the edge.

I didn't know what Dr. Bob was doing, but when I cooled down enough, I felt the splatter of hot cum on my back. All of us were happy. By 11:00 the event was over and we went home.

"How was it?" Alton asked in the car.

"Really good," I replied. "I didn't have much expectation for it, but it was much more than I expected."

"You're the first to make Dr. Bob go squishy," Alton said. "He's lots of fun, but rarely shoots. He seems outgoing, but he's actually reserved when it comes to his personal sexual life. You got him twice. That's a record."

"I thought Dr. Bob's "scientific research" into orgasms was a cute pick up line," I said. "Much better than what's your sign."

Alton laughed. "I like it too. It's odd though. It started as a joke, but seems to have turned into a hobby," he said. "A hobby for all of us."

"What do you mean?"

"Most of us were brought up in the closet. Both the gay closet and the strong silent type closet," Alton explained. "Dr. Bob thinks you'll enjoy sex more if you let yourself go. When you admit you like man sex, you can go with the flow."

"That seems obvious to me," I said.

"It is, but none of us are kids. It's hard to give up a lifetime of conditioning," Alton continued. "You need something major to break through the reserve."

"Like a cock in the ass?"

"Exactly," Alton said, smiling. "Unfortunately, it not just any cock. It's the right cock, like you and Dr. Bob this morning. That's the first time I've seen Bob lose it, and I have a strong suspicion it was his first time ever." We were at Ellis house. He dropped me off. Ellis lived in town and I had become small town famous. Chaperoning the event with the wrestling team had solidified my reputation in the school as a good sport. The attack on the school and my near death experience had made me the town's hero. If I had known the man was armed I might have acted differently. I said that, but everyone attributed that to false modesty. I have always claimed that not dying is not really an act of heroism. Living is preferable to the alternative.

Ellis and I were the recipients of a constant flow of casseroles, cakes and cookies. This could have been seriously fattening except for the efforts of the home Economics teacher. She appointed herself the Casserole Nazi and coordinated the food. She was also good about unannounced visits. She had a schedule and made sure everyone obeyed it.

I still found offerings of cookies and cakes on the front porch.

My sixth period Goths were transformed. While the official line was they should have stayed in calls and barricaded the door, there was the general feeling that the slackers had done well. This was good for them.

When I moved in with Ned, the flow of goodies diminished. H lived in the country and it was hard to find. The flow of visitors diminished too. I wanted to do more for myself and this worked out well. Alton had to leave town for several months when his sister got sick, but Big Ned was well organized and hand no problem getting me where I needed to be.

Bubba, Max, his son, and Dr. Bob were available to help. Bubba was working a night shift and was available in the day time. Max was the night clerk in a local hotel, so he was free during the hours Ned was busy.

Next: Chapter 8

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