Big Ned

Published on Aug 30, 2006


Big Ned 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it!

Things turned around for Ned after our trip. He put his house up for sale and sold it in a week. He got a good price and bought a summer camp on a pond a few miles out of town. Ned was going to winterize it and make it into a permanent residence.

It needed a lot of work, but work wasn't a problem for Ned. Once he was away from his old house, he was able get back to normal. It was hard when everything you saw reminded you of your family. For Ned, work was therapeutic. Once he had a project, he was happy. He was a good craftsman and a fast worker. He had the new place looking good by the end of the next summer. I helped him with his new house, but my manual skills are limited. I tended to do clean up and catering.

The property was better then the house. It had been a farm, but was now fully wooded except for the area around the cottage. The house was at the foot of a small mountain and there was a spring filled pond to the side. It had been used as a hunting camp, and was a bit too rustic for me. Rustic didn't bother Ned at all.

I was driving back from a conference one Saturday and dropped in on him. The yard looked pretty good. The weeds were cleared out and the place was being painted. I was surprised to find Tommy on a ladder. Little Bubba was with him as were two other guys. Little Bubba was now in college on an athletic scholarship. He was also doing well academically. This surprised everyone but me. He was a smart kid, but from a limited background.

"Were is Ned?" I asked.

"He's around back, with Dad," Little Bubba said. I went around to the rear. The back of the house was all porches and was more attractive than the front.

"It's a work day?" I asked when I saw Ned.

"Every day's a work day," Ned said with a smile.

"It's looking good," I said. That's what Ned wanted to hear. "It looks like a new place."

Bubba appeared from a thicket with clippers. "It will be beautiful here when the pruning's done," he said. "Really pretty." Bubba was brought up100% trailer trash, but he knew there was more to life than could be found in a trailer park. He wanted more for his son.

He came up to me and whispered, "Little Bubba's here with some friends form school. He's dropped Little Bubba, and going by Max now. His real name's Maxwell."

"Is that your name too?" I asked.

"Yep. Maxwell Branford Robertson. One hell of a name for a redneck boy," Bubba said. "I think the name will fit Max, better than me. Little Bubba's a hard name to live with. We never should have started it."

I helped with some clean up. The day began to get hot and Ned decided to call it a day. The young guys joined us. "Swimming time!" Tommy yelled. He stripped off his clothes and jumped into the pond. Max and his friends were just behind him.

"We might as well join in," Ned said. He stripped and we all followed his lead. Ned was a leader of men. The boys were in high spirits and the enthusiasm was contagious. Ned organized some races. I was the only good swimmer in the group and won, much to everyone's surprise. They didn't expect the English teacher to win.

I knew Ned, Bubba and Tommy were members of the fraternity, but as the afternoon went on I had some suspicions about Max and his friends. There were several glances and I suspected there were a few gropes under the water. Bobby was a slim, muscular, blond boy with a straggly beard. I thought he was smooth, but he was coated with pale, blond hair that didn't show.

Max's other friend, Gus, was a heavyweight wrestler. He looked a little like the missing link, but he was a sweet boy. Ned got out of the water and went to the house to get some beer. He brought back a cooler of beer and soft drinks.

"It's the honor system here. If you're legal, have a beer. If not, don't," Ned announced as he stood naked on the edge of the pool. Max and his friends looked at him with great interest. I looked at Ned and saw his cock was at half staff. He wasn't hard, but he sure wasn't soft. They seemed to like it.

Tommy got out of the water and got a beer. He was way beyond half staff. Bubba was next. Everyone pretended they didn't notice the erections. We all got out of the water. Once we got use to being naked things relaxed. Most of the guys were jocks and were use to the locker room. My guess is it was a relief to be able to show hard without embarrassment.

Needless to say, Bubba and Max were uneasy. Bubba was at half staff and Max was fully erect. Max was also blushing bright red.

"Damn Bubba," Ned said. "You're okay, but the new model is one hell of an improvement!" Bubba and Max looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Did you know your Dad was a cock sucker?" Bubba asked.

"Not exactly," Max said. "I did notice you didn't date much. I mean like never."

"That should have been a clue," Bubba said.

"I didn't date a lot in high school," Max said. "Did you notice?"

"I noticed, but I figured it was your business," Bubba replied. "Are you okay with it?" Max nodded. Tommy, Bobby and Gus came up to them.

"Sorry about this, Bubba," Tommy said. "I came with the boys to help Ned and have some fun afterwards. We didn't expect you and Mr. McDonough to show up."

"Are you all playmates?" Bubba asked. He glanced down and saw they were all excited. "I don't want to get in the way of your fun," Bubba said. "I can go. It might be easier for all of us."

"You don't need to do that," Max said. "If you don't mind, it doesn't bother me."

"Let's stop pussyfooting around," Ned said. "I hadn't expected to have this crowd here, but I'm horny as shit and I'm not opposed to trying a group thing. I don't know if it's going to fun, but I guess it's worth a try. Half of us are young and the rest are old guys. Anyone who wants to stay and see what an orgy's like can stay. If you aren't interested, maybe you should leave."

"It seems to me the rules in an orgy are all for one and one for all," Ned continued. "If there's someone here you don't want to play with, maybe you'd better sit it out. I do know one thing. There are no watchers. I don't think sex is a spectator sport. Not at my house at least."

"Fair enough for me," Max said. There seemed to be general agreement. Some men murmured in agreement, other voted with their cocks. Max had agreed verbally. His father's cock got hard.

Ned went back to the house to get more drinks. While we were talking, it got dark. I thought it was getting late but the sound of thunder indicated a storm was on the way. We went into the house.

I was surprised to find Ellis, the Coach, chatting with Ned. He must have arrived when we were outside. He looked at us, smiled and began to take his clothes off. I had no idea how things would work out. I suspected we would turn either into individual couples, or into two groups, the older men in one and the younger ones in the other.

I was uneasy about Bubba and Max, but it turned out Bobby and Tommy were excited by the older man and went over to Bubba. Max gravitated toward Coach and Ned. Gus came over to me. Gus was a furry bear-like kid. He was a sophomore in college and must have been twenty, but the beard made him look older.

"Is everyone here as nice as he seems?" Gus asked me. "Usually guys make fun of me."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"I'm so hairy," he relied, "The call me the Gorilla man or Chimp Boy. Does that happen to you?"

"No, but not many guys get to see me bare chested," I said, "It's not a problem with English Majors. I like hairy men. They look masculine." I reached over and fondled his balls.

"I like uncut cocks too," I said as I pulled back his foreskin and exposed his cock head. I was planning to suck him, but he beat me to the punch. Gus was good at it. It was hard to break away from him. He really liked to suck. When I finally got to his cock it was a mouthful. He had extra skin, which had trapped the pre cum in. It had been stewed and fermented. I loved it.

After a while we took a breather. "Are you Max's lover?" I asked.

"Not really. We discovered we liked the same things, so we're just friends. We mess around when we can," Gus said, "He's a really nice guy. Is his Dad nice?"

"Bubba's a good man," I said. "He maybe a little rough around the edges, but he's a nice guy."

"Have you. . . . been together?"he asked.


"With Max too?"

"No, I didn't know he was into it, and I never play with students," I said. "He's a good kid."

"He's good in bed too," Gus whispered. "His Dad's well hung too. It's odd, but I feel kind of turned on. It's strange to think about sucking the cock that made a friend of yours." Gus paused for a few seconds. "Have you sucked cum?"

"Once and a while," I said. "Sometimes it just happens. It's hard to predict how a cock will react. I like pre cum, and if you like that, some sperm comes with the territory."

"What do you mean?"

"Pre cum flows most just before the orgasm."

"I hadn't thought of it that way," Gus said. "I think of the orgasm as the main attraction. I think of the pre cum as a sideshow."

"You like cum, don't you?"

Gus was quiet. "I guess I do," he finally replied, "Max always gave me warning when he was going to shoot. A few months ago he shot off without warning. I would have been royally pissed, if I hadn't been so turned on."

"A big load?"

"Really big. It must have been ten or twelve big squirts and then he kept on shooting little globs." Gus confessed. "I took it all. I didn't think I'd like it, but I sure did."

"You were surprised?"

"I was but I shouldn't have been, I guess," Gus said. "I didn't think I like cock sucking, and I love it. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure I'd ever have sex with anyone. I didn't think anyone would let me do it."

"I thought I would be dirty, but when the guys I was sucking begna to suck me, I didn't know anything could be that good," Gus said. "I was afraid of cum, but when Max shot I was in heaven. His dad has a nice one. Real big balls too."

"You're wondering what Bubba's cum tastes like, aren't you?" I asked. I reached over and felt his cock. The flow of pre cum had reached the flood stage. I returned to sucking him. Soon we were sixty-nining.

Gus was really excited, but he held back and didn't shoot. "Do you mind if I take your load?" he asked. He didn't ask for an answer.

As he sucked me, I looked around the room. Max was sampling Coach's meat as Coach sucked Ned. Bobby and Tommy double teamed Bubba's meat. I saw Max glancing over at his father. Bubba winked at him. All was well with them. Gus was good, and I was on the edge of shooting. "I've got this itch up my ass and I wonder if anyone might like to scratch it," Ned said in a loud voice. "Any of you boys like to fuck?" The four boys said "I do," simultaneously. Everyone burst out laughing.

"Hell," Ned said as soon as he stopped laughing. "I only got one ass!"

"I guess I could help with the ass shortage," Coach said. "Bubba can help, if he wants. I know Bubba loves it."

"I kind of like it too," Max said. "I can go both ways." The next few minutes were confused as the guys paired off. I had thought the affair was impromptu, but Ned produced several tubes of lubricant, all new.

I mentioned this to Ned. He smiled. "Well, Tommy came yesterday and said he had some friends who had never fucked before. He wanted to know if I could help them out," Ned explained, "I had no idea it was Little Bubba."

"And Bubba's appearance was unplanned?"

"Totally," Ned said, "but it seems to be working out well."

"Were you planning to take all four guys up your ass?" I asked.

"I thought it was one or two guys," Ned said, beaming like the Cheshire Cat. "When I saw them all, I figured I could rise to the occasion. I don't mind helping out some guys just learning the ropes."

Gus went to Bubba straight off. Tommy wanted Coach. Bobby went for Ned. That left Max and me.

"What are you into?" Max asked.

"I'm open minded," I said. "You?"

Mx leaned close to me and whispered, "I like the bottom. Is that a problem?" I looked at Bubba and saw Gus easing his uncut tool into his ass. Bubba was on his hands and knees and was wiggling his ass to make it easier for Gus.

"Can you take your time?" Max asked. "You're bigger then Bobby."

"Lie down and lets see if it fits,' I said as I took a tube of lubricant and put some on my fingers. I got a pillow from a sofa and put it under Max's ass. He was at the perfect height. I lubricated his as and my cock. I bounced my cock head in his ass pucker a few times.

Each time I bounced it went a little deeper. I bounced harder and my cock head popped though his sphincter. He tensed when that happened. I waited for ten or twenty seconds until he relaxed some and then pushed again. Max never totally relaxed, but he didn't resist either. It was a slow surrender. His ass was tight and hot. It felt wonderful.

I looked up and saw Bubba watching. Gus was fully embedded in his ass. Bubba was undulating his ass to massage the invader. Max couldn't see his father, but when I was in all the way, Max began to make the same movement with is ass. It was as if his rectum was stroking my cock. Bubba smiled. It struck me that the liking for anal sex might be genetic.

Gus began to thrust quickly and was taking deep thrusts. Next to us, Coach had already shot off and Tommy pulled out and came over. He tapped Gus on the shoulder and asked if he could cut in. Gus pulled out of Bubba's hole and Tommy rammed him.

Bubba was on his hands and knees, so Gus slipped under him and began to suck Bubba's meat. Of course Gus' cock was in Bubba's face. Bubba sucked the throbbing member, even though it had just been pulled out of his ass. I think the three men shot off together. Gus got to eat Bubba's cum as Bubba ate his. Tommy shot his entire load in Bubba's ass. There was a lot of moaning and slurping in the trio.

I got caught up in the moment and began to rear load Max. Max began to cry out as he popped. Bubba looked up as Max shot a few volleys halfway across the room. It was hard to believe, but two of the volleys landed on Bubba tongue.

"Damn, you're still shooting!" Gus exclaimed from his position at Bubba's cock. "I thought you were finished."

It took a while for us to cool down. Ned got drinks out, and passed them around. The storm had passed and the boys left to swim in the pond and clean up.

Bubba came up to me as I watched them from the porch. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Max I took part of his load," he said. "I'd like things to be the way they were before. I'd like to be a Dad and a friend, but not a lover."

"No problem," I said.

Next: Chapter 6

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