Big Ned

Published on Aug 11, 2006


Big Ned 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it!

Our get together at Ellis's house was the last chance Ned and I got to play for a long while. Things went from bad to worse for Ned. His daughter, Ellen, and grand daughter, Lynda, came home and his son-in-law returned to Iraq. The cancer continued to spread in spite of all the treatments. From reading up on the net I had guessed this would happen. It was a rare cancer and the prognosis was bad from the start.

Ned's wife and daughter got into a quack treatment for cancer that involved food extracts and avoiding all "chemical" treatments. They found it on the net and became true believers. They stopped giving the girl pain medication and life at home became hellish. Ned would get home from work and find Lynda crying in pain. When he tried to give her some medication there would be a knock down drag out fight over giving her medicine.

Ned was a forceful man and he gave the girl the pain meds, but his daughter and wife were accusing him of poisoning her. It was bad. He was between a rock and a hard place. He would either let his grand daughter die in agony, or alienate his wife and daughter.

I was at school when Ned got a call from the Army. His son-in-law had been wounded badly. They couldn't get in touch with him. The school secretary called me and asked if I knew where he was. He was at the hospital with his granddaughter who was getting a transfusion. The principal asked me to go and find him and tell him the news.

The hospital was only five minutes away. It took a few minutes to find him, but when I did I gave him the news in the hall. I didn't want Lynda to find out without proper preparation. I had the number of the officer who had called the office. Ned was shocked and asked for my cell phone so he could call the Army and then his wife. Ned went out side to get better reception and I went in and talked with Lynda.

I had seen Lynda a few times over the last few months and each time she looked weaker. She always tried to be cheerful, but she was so weak now it was difficult. The school secretary had given me a stuffed bear for her and she liked it. It was a polar bear and Lynda thought it looked like Pops, her Grand Dad. They had the same white hair and physique. The bear was smiling and you could see the resemblance. We laughed about that and we talked about bears for a while. We had seen the same program on the Discovery Channel so we were on the same wave length. Ned peaked in and asked if I could stay a little longer. He said he had some things he needed to take care of. I said sure.

"Pops can fix things," Lynda said.

"He sure fixes them at school," I said. "He a regular Bob the Builder type." We chatted and Lynda fell asleep. I went into the hall, but Ned wasn't there. A nurse came by and asked if I wanted anything. I said I was fine and Lynda was asleep.

I sat next to the little girl. I may have dozed off. It was after six when I looked at my watch again. A nurse came to the door and motioned to me to come into the hall.

"What's up?" I asked.

"There's been an accident," she whispered. "Mr. Carson's wife and daughter were injured." It took me a second to realize Ned was Mr. Carson. He never used his last name.

"How bad was it?"

"Very bad. Mrs. Carson went the wrong way down a ramp onto the expressway. It was a head on collision with a tractor-trailer."

"Are they dead?"

"One is, we don't know exactly which one," she said. "The EMT's say it's a mess. The police said Mrs. Carson is dead, the EMT's think it was the daughter. They were taken to another hospital."

"Is Ned there?" I asked. She nodded. "I'll stay until he gets back." Mrs. Stevenson arrived at the hospital about fifteen minutes later. She had heard about the accident. Since she went by the house regularly, she knew Lynda well. Ellis and he Principal had gone to the other hospital to be with Ned.

At 8:00 the nurse came by and told us both Mrs. Connors and her daughter were dead. Mrs. Stevenson and I were at a total loss about what to tell Lynda. Lynda knew something was very wrong. Pops would never have left her alone for so long. The Doctor gave her a sedative and she fell asleep. She liked Mrs. Stevenson who she called Aunt Stevie, and she fell asleep holding her hand.

I sat with Lynda while Mrs. Stevenson worked out an approach with the doctors and nurses. They would keep Lynda in the hospital for the night. Mrs. Stevenson would spend the night until someone from Ned's family could take care of Lynda. I went off to find Ned.

The other hospital was thirty minutes away. The school secretary was in the lobby, the Principal was with Ned, apparently he was in shock. The Principal was trying to get then names of people to call. As we talked a bandaged man walked by with his family. He was muttering, "I couldn't stop, they came out of nowhere." He too was in shock. I didn't need to be told he was the truck driver.

Things didn't get better. Lynda died a week after her mother. I was the last person to talk with her. I told Ned about the Polar Bear conversation. He almost cried, but it was nice she was thinking about him. He put the bear into the coffin. Ernie never came out of his coma. He died a month later. Sometimes things are so bad, nothing you say is enough. The students were shocked. Most of them were use to happy endings and had no experience of death with the exception of a grandparent here and there.

We had a memorial service for Ned's family in the school auditorium. He had a bother and his wife had two sisters and her parents were alive. The music and English Department modeled on the Christmas Eve service of readings and carols. It was beautiful and calming.

Ned came back to work just after Lynda died. I think work was better than staying in his empty house. Ellis and I tried to get Ned to get out, but it was a while. He decided to sell his house. I was way too big for him and it had bad memories. He also had to close up his daughter's house. It was near Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

I offered to go with him to help. Ned had hurt his back, so I recruited Tommy to help with the heavy lifting. Tommy was home from College. He had a job during the week, but he needed some extra cash.

We got a motel room and went over to the house. It was small and sparsely furnished. Since they were in the army, they moved every few years and they didn't have a lot of furniture. I volunteered to pack of Lynda's room. Ned looked relieved. It would have been too much for him. It was almost too much for me.

Tommy was a great help. He was strong and built like a bear. He was a line backer on the football team, but was bright and had a real skill at writing. His parents were divorced and his Mom worked at Wal Mart. College was a real financial strain. When you talked with Tommy, you would never guess he had any problems. He was always cheerful and up beat.

Once we got going, Ned cheered up. Hard work was good for him. I packed all of Lynda's things and we gave most of then to an organization which helped servicemen's families. They took many of the other things. There were several trips to the dump. We went to the motel to shower then I took Tommy to dinner. Ned had dinner with a realtor who was listing the property.

As we drove back to the motel from a dinner at KFC, Tommy was talking. "Ned's a nice guy," Tommy said. "It's hard to have more bad luck than he's had. You're a good friend of his, aren't you?"

"I'm just trying to be helpful," I said.

"You're kind of an odd couple," he remarked. "You don't look like you'd be friends."

"We got to be friends by accident," I said.

"Does he know you're gay?" Tommy asked. I didn't know what to say. "Don't worry. I'm that way too." Tommy said. "I haven't done much, but what I've done, I've liked."

"Where are you going with this?" I asked.

"I'm not real experienced with men. A few blow jobs at the rest stop on the interstate and I sucked a guy in the rest room of the theater," Tommy said. "It was okay, but I know it could be a lot better. "I was hoping you might show me the ropes."

We were at the motel by then and I changed the conversation. Ned arrived a minute or two later. He had picked up two six packs of beer and we settled down to a night of television and beer. Ned and Tommy were beefy men and both stripped to under shorts. Ned was a Polar bear and Tommy was a black bear. I felt like a dwarf beside the massive men. Ned was in a good mood. The house wasn't going to be hard to sell.

I went to the bath and when I returned Tommy and Ned were whispering. Tommy went to the bath. Ned was smiling.

"Did Tommy talk to you about having a little fun tonight?" Ned asked. I nodded. "Are you interested? He's a nice kid."

"He's a student." I replied.

"Not anymore," Ned said with a grin. "It might be fun." I wasn't too sure, but I was glad Ned was showing some enthusiasm. He had been in the dumps for months and this was the first time I'd seen him even smile since the accident.

Tommy returned. Ned had a broad smile on his face. Tommy knew I was with the program.

"Don't just stand there," Ned said. "Get naked and get hard! We're ready to have some fun." Tommy dropped his shorts. You never know how a bear like man will be equipped. Tommy wasn't huge, but he was well hung. It was thick, meaty and uncut. He had plumb sized balls in a low hanging, hairy sack.

Ned put his arm around Tommy's shoulders. I watched Tommy's cock grow to full size. The skin pulled back as the head emerged. It must have been just short of seven inches and was a solid cylinder of man meat. In some ways Ned and Tommy looked alike. Both were muscular and hairy. Both had pale pink skin, but Ned's hair was white and Tommy's was black. Both had deep pink tits which matched the color of their cock heads. Tommy's cock head had a blueish-purple tinge when he got hard.

I got naked and Tommy liked what he saw. "I didn't guess you were so well hung," he said.

"You didn't know English teachers could be big?" I asked. Tommy smiled.

"It sounds funny, but that just what I thought," Tommy said. Ned dropped on his knees and began to suck both of us. We stopped talking and concentrated on sex. I was excited, but only half as excited as Ned and Tommy. They were like starving men who were having their first full meal in weeks. My cock was the meal.

I had been in a sexual drought for several months, but Ned must have had months of built up sexual needs. Usually I can shoot once or twice in night. The night turned out to be a cum festival. Ned must have shot off four or five times, as did Tommy. I think I shot off three or four times, but I lost track. There was so much sperm and so many ejaculations I got disoriented.

We traded places several times and on one of the rotations I took Ned's first orgasm of the night. I love pre cum, but have never been much into cum. Ned's cock was leaking nonstop by the time I got to it. Tommy had sucked it well. Ned had a big head with a wide slit. I loved working over his cock head. I usually licked the edge of the head a while, then licked his slit, getting the pre cum as it emerged fresh from his balls.

When I was forcing my tongue into Ned's cum tunnel, I felt Ned twitch and shiver. A second later his seed was spurting against my tongue. I pushed my tongue in deeper and held the flow back as long as I could, then came the flood. Ned went crazy until the cum broke through. It was like having my mouth fulled with a thick and creamy tapioca pudding. I swallowed it once, then Ned filled me up again.

When Ned was finished I then sucked Tommy and damn if he didn't shoot after a minute of licking his cock head, lollipop style. He must have had a hollow leg filled with cum. Tommy shot what couldn't have been less than a pint of his man seed into my mouth.

I assumed once both men had shot off, the evening would be over, but I misjudged Ned and Tommy's sexual drive. By the time I had finished taking Tommy's load, Ned was sucking my cock with great enthusiasm. A few minutes later Tommy joined in and we were off to the races again.

After a few minutes we slowed down and took a breath. "Are you okay?" I asked Tommy.

"Oh yes," he replied. "It's what I hoped it would be. You guys are all I hoped." He paused. Then he asked, "Do you guys ever fuck?"

"That we do," Ned said. "Do you want to top or bottom?"

"I'd kind of like to do both," he replied. "What do you like?"

"I haven't done this in a while so I may be tight, but I would mind it if you gave me a poke," Ned said. "Do we have any lubricant?"

"Be prepared is my motto," I said. Going to my overnight bag, I found a bottle of Corn Husker's lotion. I coated Tommy's cock with the lotion, he shivered as I stoked him. Ned got on the bed and pulled his legs up. I worked some lube into his ass.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Tommy asked, "You don't have to."

"Don't worry I like it," Ned said. "Just take your time." Tommy got closer to Ned and aimed his cock at Ned's hole. Tommy wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to do. I put one arm around his shoulders, and used the other to guide his cock.

"Push slowly," I said. Tommy nuzzled his cock in Ned's hole. He pushed a little, pulled back, then pushed again.

"Open up, Ned," I said. "Let Tommy in." Ned wiggled his ass a little, then I saw Ned opened his ass. I had never seen that before. It was as if he was taking a shit, but he was letting Tommy in rather than forcing a turd out. Tommy's cock head vanished in Ned's ass. Once the head was in the rest slid in easily.

It was hard to tell who liked it more, Tommy or Ned. Ned gasped and shivered. Tommy looked like a six-year-old on Christmas morning. Once he was in, Tommy knew exactly what to do now. He slowly thrust at first, then he varied his pace so he wouldn't shoot off too fast.

Tommy couldn't hold off for long. He suddenly went ridged and then his body jerked as he ejaculated. His cock was still drooling as he pulled it out. Ned's hole was still open so I quickly lubricated my cock and filled it up.

Tommy must have shot another big load. Ned's ass was wide open and slippery. It was smooth as silk, warm, juicy silk. As soon as I was in, he tightened up. We had a good half hour of fun. I didn't know I could fuck so long. I finally shot off.

Tommy was a nice kid and later that night he impaled himself on Ned's cock. It was a slow process, but once Ned was in, Tommy was happy. It took a while for Ned's beer can to make contact with Tommy's prostate.

Early the next morning, I discovered my cock made a direct hit on Tommy's prostate on the first penetration. I fucked Tommy to the moon and back with every thrust. Tommy woke up Ned with his moans. He fed Tommy his cock and got breakfast in bed.

Next: Chapter 5

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