Big Ned

Published on May 22, 2006


Big Ned 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it!

The next day was good. We got underway early and the team was well prepared for the final matches. The other team was from a much bigger school, but after a series of good and close matches we won. It was a razor thin win and Ellis was very gracious and the model of good sportsmanship.

The officials complimented us for the good showing. We got home late at night, but the principal organized a special presentation for the team Monday afternoon. The principal waged a low intensity guerilla war with the Superintendent. The Superintendent attended, but was in a bad mood.

Principal Williams was a difficult man and had some discipline problems with some team members. He was generous in his praise.

I was given my Varsity letter and a team jacket. I was also made the official Wrestling Team Historian and Civic Guide. It was a nice event. My adventure with the team had another beneficial by byproduct. I began teaching a class for late bloomers. It was for kids who had a hard time with traditional academic subjects.

The class was in response to Bubba. His son got a bad start in grade school and Junior High. I've often thought poor reading skills were often related to what the student was reading. We started with a lot of discussion of cars, sports and hunting. I made them do research and do papers. I also eased the class in more traditional directions. Most of the boys did well and some did very well. Bubba's son was among the ones who did ver y well.

I would have loved to get together with Ned again, but that was difficult. His daughter told him his grand daughter had cancer. Her husband was in the army and was in Iraq, so the load of the problem fell on him. His wife and daughter were so devastated they could hardly function. Ned was the kind of man who could do it all.

It was a bad situation. I knew enough about cancer to know it was unlikely to have a good out come. Ned asked me to look up things on the web for him. He couldn't do it at home. I just reported what I found, without embellishment.

Ned knew it was bad, but he had to try anything that might help. He took his grand daughter to the hospital for radiation and chemotherapy. Ellis and I would pinch hit for him at school when we could. Mrs. Stevenson, the Home Economics teacher arranged meals for Ned's family.

Ned wasn't an emotional person, but you could watch him being drained. I talked with him regularly, before and after school. He was exhausted. He had to put on a brave face at home, but he was wearing down.

Ernie, Ned's son-in-law came back from Iraq for a month's leave and took charge. Ned hadn't thought much of him before, but Ernie was more than willing to pull his weight. Ned and Ernie got to be friends. Ernie wanted to take his family to see is folk. Ned's wife went with them, but Ned had to stay. It was the week of the school's Spring festival and he was needed.

The spring Festival was the high point of the school year for many of the students, but was an unmitigated pain for the janitorial staff. It required erecting stands and a small stage for musical performances. Theoretically the students were to do most of that, but reality was quite different.

"Some of the kids have a strange idea of what will hold up," Ned complained. "Three years ago, one of the booths collapsed on the Mayor. We can't have that happen again." For all practical purposes Ned and his crew built it all.

The fair was on Saturday afternoon from 11:00 to 7:00. This year's fair was a success. It made almost $10,000.00 for the school library. It began to rain at 7:30 and most of the kids vanished with their parents. By the time it was dark it was Ned, Ellis and I doing the final clean up.

Ellis lived near by and he suggested we go to his house and have a beer. We were game. His house was small and compact. It was on a heavily wooded site and was isolated in spite of being near the school. Inside the house, it looked as if he was camping there more than living there. Ellis was weak on domestic skills. His refrigerator held a quart of milk, a carton of eggs, some pizza boxes and beer.

"I see Martha Stewart doesn't do your decorating," Ned said, laughing.

"I think of it as Domino's Pizza-Budweiser Baroque in style," Ellis said. "It's more utilitarian in style than Martha likes. It works for me. Lets go down to the rec room and chill out." We went through a small door and then down the basement stairs.

The rec room was more of an exercise room. Filled with exercise equipment and a wide screen TV id also had some comfortable, leather-covered chairs. The house was built into a hill side and it had wide, patio doors opening onto a swimming pool. "Do you guys want to swim, or maybe a quick steam would loosen you up?" Ellis asked as he took us to the side of the room. It was tiled and had a steam room and shower.

"You guys exercise regularly," I said. "Today was a year's exercise for me. I'll be stiff as a board tomorrow. I think the steam might be good for me."

"This is better than the school's gym," Ned said. Ellis was already stripping. He opened the door and switched on the stream. We went to the shower and cleaned up. Ned was already half hard.

"You're looking good, Ned," Ellis remarked. "I'm glad to have you here too."

"Damn, I'm horny," Ned said. "I don't remember the last time I got my rocks off."

"It's been a rough few months," I said. "I don't know how you do it."

"It's not like I have a choice," Ned said. "Let's not talk about that. I'd love to have some fun."

"That makes three of us," Ellis said. We showered and went to the stream room. I got to Ned's cock first. It was just as good as it had been before. I had wondered if my attraction tt Ned might have faded, but it was even better than it had been in the motel room. Ned sat on a bench and I sucked him, Ellis got on the bench and straddled Ned, offering him his cock.

Ned liked that. We played for about ten minutes, then Ned filled my mouth with buckets of man seed. It was rich and creamy. Ned was moaning as he unloaded. The ejaculations seemed as if they would never stop. Eventually the time between ejaculations increased, then they stopped.

I could sense the tension draining from his body. I got up. Much to my surprise Ellis deep kissed me. My mouth was filled with Ned's spunk and he wanted to share it. It was strange to be sharing another man's cum but I got hard as a rock.

Ellis and I broke apart. "I'm already lubed up," Ellis said, "You're nice and hard." He turned around and bent over exposing his asshole. My cock was right there, so I pressed it into his ass. I didn't intend to fuck him, but there was no resistance at all. I pushed gently and a second later my pubic hair was pressed against his buns.

Once I was in, Ellis contracted his ass and grabbed my cock. As I slowly thrust into his hole, it was as if he was massaging my cock. It was wonderful. Ellis possessed a prehensile ass. It caressed my cock. As I continued to thrust, Ellis began to moan. I slowed down, but Ellis begged me to continue.

I had thought Ellis was only a top, but he sure liked my cock pounding his ass. I sure liked doing it. At first I though Ellis might be faking it, but his erection was real, and it was drooling a steady stream of pre cum. You can't fake that. Later on, I got to know Ellis better and I now realize Ellis would never fake it. He would do it to be polite.

It was good for me, but it was eve better for him. It was one of those situations where my cock fit his ass perfectly. My meat hit all the right places in his ass. He told me it was so good it almost hurt. It wasn't quite that good for me, but it was more than good enough. Ells squeezed his ass and my hormones kicked into high gear. I began to shoot. As I did, Ellis popped. There was cum spewing everywhere. Ellis must have been saving up too. It was hard to believe so much cum could come out of one man.

"Pretty!" Ned exclaimed. "I guess I wasn't the only one who was saving up." We were quiet of a while, calming down after the sexual high. It was quiet. Ned broke the silence.

"I don't know about you, but I'd love to do that again," he said.

"Recharged already?" Ellis asked.

"I sure am," Ned replied. "It's been a long while. I'd almost forgotten how good sex is."

"It's like riding a bike," I said. "You never get tired of some things."

"I wouldn't mind trying something new," Ned said. "I think I might like to try fucking. It looks like fun."

"You're interested in the bottom?" Ellis asked.

"I think am," Ned replied. "You guys seem to like it."

"Virgin?" I asked.

"My ass is," Ned said. "Don't worry though. My mind ain't that pure." Ned looked at me. He wanted my cock. I was flattered. Ned had fucked me at the tournament, but it hadn't occurred to me that he would want me to screw him.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"After our little get together at the tournament, I realized I've been missing something," Ned said. "Sex hasn't been an important part of my life. People talked about it, but I didn't do it. Finally at 48 I try it and I love it." Ned paused. "It had to admit it, but after thirty years of fighting it, I like men. To be precise, I like sex with men."

"I thought you liked it," Ellis said. "I had the same experience. I wasn't willing to admit I liked sex with men. I was such a jock. It didn't seem possible. When I had sex, I felt so guilty I would swear I'd never do it again." I must have looked dubious. Ellis wasn't out by any stretch of the imagination.

Ellis saw my expression. He smiled. "I admit it to myself, if not to others. I don't like sex with men. I love it." As he talked, Ellis got the tube of lubricant and brought it over to Ned. Ned lay back and spread his legs, exposing his as hole.

Seeing a cock excites me. Soft or hard, I like cocks. It had always been the chief attraction of a man's sexual anatomy. Years ago I had a friend who liked to rim and was turned on by the ass hole. I simply didn't see it, or feel it either.

I had to admit Ned's hole excited me. He was so solid and massive. The small pink depression in the middle of his fur-covered buns was attractive. I'm not that big, but it didn't seem possible Ned wanted me to force my organ into his ass. He looked so vulnerable with his legs spread and Ellis working his lubricant-covered finger into the pink pucker.

Ellis had his index finger almost all the way in when Ned shivered and moaned. For a second Ned threw his head back and his eyes crossed. Ellis had found Ned's prostate and it was in working order. I like being finger fucked, but the best finger job is nothing compared to the effect a hard cock has on my prostate.

Ellis glanced at me and handed over the tube of lube. I coated my cock. Ned watched me and saw his cock twitch when I coated my organ. He wanted it.

I stepped up to the plate and massaged Ned's hole with my cock. I pushed a little, but not enough to push in.

"Don't play with me!" Ned ordered. "Fuck me!" I pushed hard. His face grimaced in pain, then my cock went in deep.

"Jesus!" he cried. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to hurt him, but I didn't want to pull out either. I just stood still.

It turned out, that was exactly the right thing to do. After maybe a minute, Ned began to rotate his ass. He squeezed my cock and I moved a little. It took a while, but we eventually found the right spot. All was well. I pulled out and made some short thrust, then built up. Ned loved it.

I liked it a bit too much and shot off. Ned looked disappointed when he realized I had climaxed. Ellis was waiting in the wings and took my place. Ellis was a lot thinker that I was and I was afraid it would be too much for Ned. That wasn't a problem. Once Ellis forced his mushroom passed the sphincter, Ned was fine.

Ellis had more staying power than I. He must have fucked Ned for a good twenty minutes. He varied the pace and got Ned to flip over so he could screw him doggy style. Ned obviously had a very high tolerance for anal sex. He was all but purring. Ned wasn't the most demonstrative man in the world, but the longer the cock was in his ass the more transparent he became.

I had never sat back and watched a guy get fucked before. You could see when Ellis's big mushroom rubbed Ned's prostate and you could tell where the good spots were. I found myself getting turned on again.

Ned was on his hands and knees and saw my cock responding to the excitement. "Someone's ready to take your place if you want to take a breather, Ellis," Ned said. Ellis rammed Ned hard three times and shot off.

"Your turn!" Ellis exclaimed as he pulled out. "It may be really juicy on there, but you won't need any additional lube." By now Ned's hole was relaxed and he offered no resistance to my cock. I was in heaven as my cock slipped into the hot, cum filled ass.

Next: Chapter 4

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