Big Ned

Published on Apr 23, 2006


Big Ned 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it!

Ellis might be a difficult man to deal with at a faculty meeting, but when he was naked and erect he was a nice guy. "You know, it's one thing to be a gay History teacher," Ellis explained, "but it's another to be a gay coach. Somehow half the country thinks to be gay is the same as a child molester. I'm afraid to associate with any of the gay faculty."

"Well you don't have to be hostile," I said.

"I know that, now," Ellis said. "When I was in college if figured if I was an anti-gay asshole, no one would guess. It's been a hard habit to break. I'm married to a gay basketball coach. We have an arrangement. She wanted children, so we did that. Now we're friends. She has the same problems I have. The arrangement works out well."

"No one would ever think I'm gay, "Bubba said. "Who would think a redneck carpenter is after cock? No one guesses. If you work construction, everyone assumes you hang out exclusively with men."

"I guess I come close to the media image of a fag," I said.

"That's not the way I see it, McDonough," Ellis said. "You sure aren't a queen, or a twink for that matter."

"You've never had a problem with the kids?" Bubba asked Ellis. "There are a lot of naked guys within easy reach."

"I was a wrestler in high school and college," Ellis said. "I wanted the coach, not my team mates."

"Did you ever get your coach?" I asked.

"The closest I got was a good view in the showers once," Ellis said, "He knew the score. Once and a while you'd get a peak, but nothing more than that. Years later I spent a night with another coach. It was good, a dream realized. I've always liked older men, big hairy guys. None of my kids comes close to being what I like."

"Not even Tommy?" I asked.

Ellis smiled. "I admit Tommy has potential. When he's thirty or forty, he'll be my type."

"What portion of your team is hot for your bod?' Ned asked.

"I don't know, "Ellis replied. " I wouldn't guess more than 50 or 60 percent."

"That many?" I asked.

"That's the way it was when I was in school," Ellis replied. "A good percentage of the boys reacted to the attraction the same way I did. They became anti gay. I think that's at the heart of the anti-gay movement. It seems to me most of the "family values" preachers look like frightened closet cases."

"The preachers aren't as bad as the bow tie group on the talk shows," I said. "I don't have good gaydar, but they send my gay radar off the charts." Everyone laughed.

"This conversation has been good, but I want more sex," Ellis said. "If you don't mind, let me be frank. I like to fuck. I'm a top and I'm looking for someone who wants to get fucked."

"Don't look at me," Big Ned said. "I've never done it and I'm not too sure I'd like it. In my ass, that is. I know I like fucking."

"I'm afraid I'm in the same boat," Bubba said. "I'm not saying I won't do it some day, but I don't think it's today." All three men looked at me.

"Can you take your time?" I asked. "I haven't done it in a while. I'm out of practice."

"Baby, we have all night," Ellis exclaimed. "All night."

"Would you think I'm tacky, if I said I'd like to watch?" Ned asked.

"I guess it's a bit late to be shy," I said. Ellis was fully prepared. In his over night bag he had lubricants and he produced a small bottle of poppers. I had used poppers when I was younger, but hadn't used them in years. They might be useful. I hadn't been fucked in years.

It's hard to move from quiet conversation to sex in a moment, but Ellis had no problem making the jump. As it turned out, I didn't have much trouble either. While I hadn't been too sure it was a good idea to get fucked by Ellis, Ned and Bubba were really turned on by it. Their excitement transferred to me. I had been afraid Ned would object to anal sex, but it was exactly the opposite.

"Why don't you get on the bed, lie back and spread your cheeks?" Ellis asked. Actually, Ellis always gave orders, he rarely asked. I obeyed and felt embarrassed in front of Ned and Bubba, "Who wants to lube him up?" Ellis asked. Ned was more than ready. He coated his thick, callused fingers with lubricant and worked them slowly into my ass.

"I've never seen a guy take a cock before," Ned said with obvious interest. "You like it?" He pushed a finger through the sphincter. I twitched. "It's nice and smooth in there," he commented. I squeezed my ass grabbing his finger. He pushed deeper, stroking my prostate. My cock got harder the deeper his finger reached and Ned noticed. He pressed against my prostate again and I moaned. My cock was rock hard by now and drooling precum.

I don't know if Ned knew he was playing with my prostate, but he could feel my reaction. If I reacted, he was more than willing to work it again. I relaxed as he fingered me. You don't look your masculine best spread eagled on the bed, but I got the impression Ned didn't mind. He was interested in giving me pleasure and watching my reactions. His cock was hard and drooling, so I knew the interest was genuine.

"Damn, you got a hot one, Coach," Bubba said.

"It looks that way to me. Take it easy, Ned" Ellis said, mock complaining. "Don't pop him before I get a chance to fuck!" I looked at Ellis. Ellis wasn't my type, but he was looking good. His cock was coated in lubricant and glistened. The big purple head and the thick, vein covered shaft looked menacing. I think cocks look bigger when they are about to enter your ass than when they are just hard.

"Why don't you hold his legs open, so I can test the waters, Bubba?" Ellis asked. Bubba got on the bed, straddled my face and grabbed my legs. He pulled them up and then spread them wide. My ass hole was totally exposed. Bubba draped his balls over my mouth, so I had something to suck. His balls were big, low hanging and as hairy as a baboon.

"Lift his ass a little," Ellis ordered, a second later his cock head touched my as pucker. It had been a while since I was last fucked and it was like an electrical shock of sexual excitement. He pushed gently.

"You did a great job of lubricating him, Ned," Ellis said as he bounced his cock at my hole. He didn't quite pop through the sphincter. By nowI wanted it in and he was just toying with me. I was wiggling, trying to get his knob into my ass. There wasn't that much I could do. Bubba and Ellis were in control.

I looked at Ellis. He smiled and pushed deep. I had forgotten how good it was. Ellis had a true joy stick. Ellis slowly pumped his cock in and out of my ass, building up a head of steam with each thrust.

"Raise his ass a little more, Bubba," Ellis said. "I think I can rub his nut better." Bubba pulled my legs back. Ellis was right. I could feel his bloated knob rubbing my prostate. I had a feeling Ellis wasn't a virgin. He knew exactly what he was doing. I shivered as he massaged it.

"Is that anywhere near as good as it looks?" Ned asked.

"If anything, it's better," Ellis replied. "Do you want to give him a spin?"

"If he wants it? I'm game," Ned said.

"He wants it all right," Ellis said. He chuckled. "Hold him steady, Bubba. We're switching drivers." He pulled out. A second or two later, Ned was at my ass.

Ned wasn't as big as Ellis, but he had a huge mushroom head. Ned hesitated.

"Don't worry." Ellis said. "You lubricated him well, and my cock's like a leaky faucet. He's ready."

Ned pushed and his head popped through my sphincter. "Jesus!" Ned exclaimed. He began to thrust frantically.

"Slow down Cowboy," Ellis said. "We've got the whole night." Ellis was behind Ned and he held the beefy janitor until he slowed. "Nice slow and easy strokes. Take time to smell the roses."

"Damn this is good," Big Ned exclaimed. "Is this what fucking's supposed to be?" The slower strokes were good for me. I had always thought the head was the action part of the cock. My cock head is very sensitive, and gets incredibly sensitive during sex. I'm cut, but I think uncut guys' gland is more sensitive. The skin protects it against wear and tear.

It didn't take long for me to realize Ned's cock head must have been ultra sensitive. He was shivering and moaning as he thrust. There had been a twinge of pain when the mushroom pushed through my ass ring. His shaft wasn't fat, but it felt as if my ass lining was shrink wrapped to his knob. It was great.

"Damn, I'm going to shoot!" Ned cried.

"Calm down!" Ellis ordered. "Stay still and concentrate. You can hold back." Ned's whole body twitched, but only once. "That's it. You can hold it. Just calm down and get control. You can do it." Ellis was a good coach and Ned was able to hold back. Ned took a deep breath.

"You did it," Ellis said. "Now move a little and see if you're safe." Ned pushed forward. He then pulled out leaving only his head in my ass, then pushed deep again. He sighed in pleasure.

"Damn, I did it," he exclaimed. He began to fuck me again. It was really good. He was more relaxed, but just as hard.

"Do you want a turn, Bubba?" Ellis asked.

"Looks to me like Ned and McDonough are having a good time. I wouldn't want to interrupt it," Bubba said. "To tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind giving your cock a try. If you can take your time, that is."

"Has anyone been in your ass before?" Ellis asked. "Tell me the truth, no shitting me."

"Well, no one's been in, but I've tried a dildo."


"It was good, really good," Bubba said quietly. "I found it in an old house I was fixing. It was hidden in the eve of the attic. I'm pretty sure the real thing would be better."

"Ned, can you handle McDonough on your own?" Ellis asked, "I'm going to take Bubba for a ride."

"Don't you worry about me. We've got an understanding," Big Ned replied. He took my legs from Bubba. Leaning forward he whispered to me, "You do like it don't you?" There was a tinge of concern in his voice.

"Oh, I do," I replied. "Don't worry one bit."

Ned smiled. "Good. If it hurt, I have to stop," he whispered. "I'd hate to do that. It's way too good. Do you think you could take it doggy style?" I nodded. We shifted positions. I got on the floor on my hands and knees. Big Ned was right behind me. As soon as my ass was in position, Ned was in.

Freeing up the bed was good for Bubba and Ellis. "Let me lubricate you," Ellis said. "I'll finger your hole and open you up some." A second later Ellis moaned, "damn that's hot." All was well on the bed.

Years before when I was in college I was fucked by a professor. Fred had a long thin cock and when he fucked me on my back it was what I would now classify as a good fuck. When he flipped me and fucked me doggy style it was great. Depending on the angle of attack it was a totally different experience.

Big Ned's cock affected me that way. I expected an instant replay, and got an entirely new experience. "Oh baby!" Ned exclaimed as his cock slid deep. I arched my back to direct it to the right spot. Ned noticed that and he pressed on the small of my back. His cock shifted a little and I was gasping for breath. He rubbed his mushroom against my prostate and I almost passed out.

"Is this the good spot?" Ned asked. I couldn't talk. It was almost too good.

"Slower!" Bubba cried. "Don't stop, just slower."

Ned pulled out of my ass and helped me to my feet. "Let's watch Bubba for a while." I think he knew I couldn't take much more. He was right.

Bubba's legs were on Ellis' shoulders. Ellis was moving in small thrusts, going a little deeper each time. While Bubba was sweating like a pig, but his cock was still hard. It could only have been so bad. "Is it in yet?" Bubba asked.

"Not quite half way," Ned answered.

"Shit!" Bubba exclaimed.

"Do you want me to stop?" Ellis asked. I knew Ellis didn't want to stop, but he would if he had to.

"Hell no," Bubba replied.

I remembered Ellis had a bottle of poppers. I found them and went to Bubba. "Take a deep sniff of these and let's see what happens." Bubba inhaled.

"Jesus!" Bubba cried and the poppers hit. Ellis pushed and his entire cock vanished in the red neck's ass.

"What's that?" Ned asked.

"Try it. You'll like it." I said as I got on the bed. I was going to 69 Bubba. I straddled his face, but pulled my legs up so my ass was open. I hoped Ned wanted to fuck again. Ned figured out what I wanted and got behind me.

Bubba could reach my cock and lick the tip. I was deep throating Bubba while I watched Ellis deep dick him. Ned popped into my ass. We were all connected.

"I'll take a sniff, I guess," he said. He handed to bottle to Ellis after he snorted. Ellis inhaled the amyl. The next few minutes were confused. By the time we broke apart Ned had drained his bals in my ass. Bubba had taken my load when I shot off and my mouth was filled with Bubba and Ellis' seed. It had been wild and crazy, but most of all, it had been pleasurable.

Next: Chapter 3

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