Big Ned

Published on Apr 7, 2006


Big Ned

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it!

I had known Big Ned for years. He was the school janitor when I started teaching at Central High School. Ned was one of those guys who could fix things. He was big, friendly and knowledgeable. There were two other janitors and a man designated as the Facilities Manager. No one knew what that man did.

After ten years teaching at Central, I became the head of the History and Civics Department. By then Big Ned was the Facilities Manager and we had the best maintained school in the district. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and he was a natural leader of men. Ned had a good way with the teachers and the students.

Unlike many schools, we had remarkably little vandalism. Ned wasn't open minded about vandalism. When they caught the boys who covered the entrance with graffiti, Ned supervised making the boys clean it up. He made them clean it first thing in the morning and at dismissal. Every student in the school knew what they had done. You can't be cool with paint remover and a rag. It never happened again. Strangely the boy respected him. Ned was hard but fair.

Big Ned wasn't that big. He was 5'-10" and 220 very solid pounds. With blond hair and a bushy, reddish beard he gave the impression of being bigger than he was. Ned and I weren't friends. We were casually friendly and polite. We got along well ever since I was the faculty advisor for the yearbook. When the editors left a room as mess after a meeting, I made them go to him and apologize after they cleaned it up. Ned appreciated that.

I never ran into Big Ned after school hours. Our social lives took place in totally different locales. I never even saw him in a supermarket or a drug store.

One year Central High School's Wrestling team was very good and was headed for the State Championships. As they were about to leave, there was a screw up in the chaperones. One of them didn't show up at the last minute. It would have been easy enough to get parents to accompany the team to Roanoke for the Championships, but the School board had decreed that only a faculty member of the school could be a chaperone.

I was working late on Friday afternoon when Ned came to my room. "Mr. McDonough, I need a favor, bad," he said. "We've got the wresting team in the bus ready to leave and Mr. Ballard hasn't shown. We need another staff member to chaperone."

"I don't know anything about wrestling," I said, trying to get out of it.

"We need a warm body with a contract with the School Board," Ned said. "No one else is in the building. If we don't leave in fifteen minutes, we'll miss the first matches and lose by default."

"I'm not packed," I protested.

"Can you rough it?" he asked. "The guys are desperate. They have their hearts set on the Championship." Over the years, Ned had done things for me at the last minute. I owed him. "You can share my toothbrush," Ned said jokingly.

"Okay, I'll do it," I said. I locked up my classroom and went to the bus. When I got on, the kids cheered. I knew most of the team members, but not well. I teach the College bound classes, and few of the wrestlers were in that group. Tommy Smith was in one of my classes. He was a heavyweight. I saw the rest of them from seeing them in the hall. I felt good about deciding to go on the trip. For most of these boys the Championship would be a high point of their life.

The wrestling coach, Ellis Brown, was the Chemistry teacher. He was a bluff, abrupt man. While he was a good teacher, we never got along well. He was so relived I came, he almost smiled at me.

We got to Roanoke and went directly to the gym where the first rounds were to take place. The boys were really keyed up and they did well. At ten we got to the motel. We hadn't eaten, so the Coach went out and got burgers for everyone. It was a festive group. They had done well and had great hopes for the next day.

I was the hero of the moment. We ate and the Coach told everyone to get to bed. I was to share Big Ned's room. The next day's bouts wouldn't start until 10:00, so we could sleep late. Big Ned and I went to our room. He had a duffle bag, but I had only the clothes I was wearing.

The gym had been hot and I needed a shower badly. Big Ned had the same idea. "Do you want to flip a coin?" he asked.

I laughed, "You go first. Just don't use up all the hot water," I said.

Ned stripped to his under shorts and went to the bath. He showered and returned drying his hair. Ned was beefy and solid. Golden-reddish hair covered his body. He had bull balls in a hairy sack. Ned's uncut cock looked short, but his cock head was almost as large as his balls. "Your turn," he said.

I stripped to my shorts and went into the bath. It wasn't a modern motel, but the shower had good water pressure and the water was hot. I dried off and returned to the bedroom. Ned was still naked and was watching the televison. "I'm not a shy guy," he said. "If it bothers you, I'll put on some shorts."

"Not a problem," I said. He looked up at me.

"You've got nothing to be shy about," Ned said as he smiled at me. "That's some real meat."

"We all get the cards we're dealt," I said. I looked down at my cock and realized I was partly hard. I looked at Ned. "It looks like you got the potatoes and I got the meat."

He smiled. "I've got a beer can cock," Ned said. "It's almost as thick as it's long. My wife hates it. It don't fit right."

"I thought you had kids?"

"It fit twice," Ned said quietly. "Don't get me wrong, Ellen's a great woman, a great mother. It's just that she has her quirks."

"How long have you been married?" I asked.

"Twenty years," Ned said. "You're not married, are you?"

"My mom says I'm not the marrying type," I said.

"My younger brother Fred isn't the marrying kid either," Ned said. "He has a buddy, Arnie. If I had their sex life I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven."

"I don't have that," I said. "I don't know if I'm unlucky or too picky."

"You like sex?" Ned asked. I nodded. He looked at me for a few seconds. "I love it, but I can't get it," Ned said. "Do you think we might pool our resources?"

"You really want to do that?"

"I've taken one or two trips on the wild side. I haven't done it much, but I've liked what I've done," Ned said quietly. I hadn't expected that. I wasn't sure what to do, but my cock had its own idea. I was getting a full-fledged erection. I could see Ned's cock hard was peaking out of his thick foreskin. "Horny?" I asked.

"Yep," Ned replied. The atmosphere had turned sexual and while I was trying to play it cool, my cock wasn't and I was getting really turned on. "I'm a hairy, old bear. I'm not everyone's idea of a dream boat," Ned added. He was giving me an out, if I didn't like his type. I appreciated that.

"Well, we might as well give it a try," I said. "What do you like to do?" In answer, Ned leaned forward and licked my cock. A few seconds later we were on the bed sixty-nining. If there is such a thing as love at first suck, this was it. Ned's cock was a perfect fit and he could deep throat me effortlessly. We took a breather after we went at it like dogs in heat for a solid twenty minutes.

"Was that as good for you as it was for me?" Ned asked when he caught his breath.

"I don't know what got into me," I said. "I'm embarrassed."

"Whatever it was, I liked it," Ned said. "I didn't know it could be this good. I'm really pretty new to this scene."

I smiled. "Well, I'm not that new to it and this was good," I said. "Really good. I'm not usually this uninhibited."

"Shit, I'm not gay!" Ned said. He looked at me a bit sheepishly. "I don't think I'm gay. Horny as hell, but not gay."

We looked at each other and we both broke out in laughter. "I'm not gay. I just like sex with men?" I suggested to him.

"That's it," Big Ned said, still laughing. "What are you embarrassed about? Messing around with the janitor?"

"If you don't mind messing around with a guy, I deal with the janitor problem," I said. "Actually, I was embarrassed I lost it. I'm usually more reserved." Ned was next to me on the bed. I felt odd about my feelings for Ned. His cock was still hard and sticking straight up. It was a magnet. I went down on him again.

The same overwhelming feeling swept over me again. A second later I realized Big Ned felt the same things. I wasn't a virgin and I liked cock, but Ned's meat was different. I couldn't get enough of it. Ned was a leaker and a steady stream of pre cum, fed my desire. He began to ejaculate and I ate every drop. He kept on sucking until I popped. I fell asleep next to him and woke with his cock near my mouth. We went at it again and I had another orgasm before we went off to breakfast and then to the gym.

I was wearing the same clothes as the night before, so I was definitely over dressed. The wrestlers' parents began to show up. They knew I had saved the day when the other chaperone failed to show. One of the fathers, Bubba Schmidt, was my size. He had some clothes that would fit, so we went to his van and I changed. Bubba and I didn't share the same tastes in clothes, but they were clean.

When we returned, the boys had exercised and were ready for the second round of bouts. They again went well. By 3:00 in the afternoon Central High was in the finals. The team couldn't have been happier. We went back to the motel to rest for the finals that night. The match was to be at 7:30, so there was time to eat.

At six thirty we got a call. An electrical transformer had blown and the school was blacked out. The finals had to be rescheduled. There was a problem having the matches on Sunday, but that was worked out after considerable discussion. All of the schools wanted to complete the tournament. Our superintendent of schools was a rabid Baptist. He didn't get along well with Coach Brown. Ellis Brown wasn't a diplomat. Brown tried to bluff his way past him and failed. I had to call the superintendent and I was able to get him to agree.

The superintendent didn't authorize any additional expenditures on motel rooms. The parents chipped in as did Big Ned and Coach Brown. The motel was helpful, but we were still short a room, Coach Brown moved in with us. I was disappointed. I had hoped for another night with Big Ned.

I had dinner with Bubba Schmidt and several of the team members. Bubba was divorced, but was really attached to his son and was a diamond in the rough. He was a hard-working carpenter. I think he was smart enough, but was uneducated. He didn't look at the menu and I suspected he couldn't read. He wanted his son to get his degree and had hope he could get into college. Little Bubba was a star and an athletic scholarship was possible. Bubba's son wasn't very good academically and Bubba wanted him to do well. "He's not going to make the mistakes I did," Bubba said. Little Bubba was a sophomore, so there was time. I told him I would see what could be done.

Big Ned was at Ellis Brown's table. They got along well. After dinner, Coach Brown gave a short pep talk and sent the team to bed. "Get a good night's rest. We'll have a good warm up tomorrow morning," Coach Brown said. Big Ned and I went off to our room. Coach Brown checked up on his team and then joined us. Big Ned was in the shower when Brown came in.

"You've been a life saver on this trip," Brown said to me as he came in the room. "I really appreciate you helping us."

"It's nothing," I said. "Ned was convincing."

"No, you've done more than you needed to," Brown said. "We've never gotten along, I know you did it for the team, but you helped me too." Ned entered the room from the bath. He was naked and looking good.

I caught Ellis looking at Big Ned. Ellis liked what he saw. Ned saw me looking at Ellis. Ned winked. Maybe the night would be better than I had thought. I went to take a shower. When I returned to the bed room there was a knock at the door. It was Bubba. He had a bag of clothes for me. Apparently the parents had made a collection.

He also had a tooth brush, tooth paste and other toiletries. It was a nice gesture. I was wearing a towel and Big Ned was naked. That didn't bother Bubba at all. In the bottom of the bag of clothes he had a bottle of wine. "I thought you might like a little refreshment?" Bubba said. "If it's not appropriate, I can take it back to my van."

"I don't think a sip or two would be a problem," Ellis said. "You guys have a drink and I'll join you after a shower." He went to the bath. We sat talking with Bubba. Bubba and Big Ned knew each other. Ellis returned from the shower. He had his towel wrapped around his neck. He was well hung and didn't mind showing off. He was well tanned and didn't have a tan line.

"Shit Bubba, you're over dressed," Big Ned said.

Bubba looked around the room. His eyes lingered on Ellis' and Ned's cock. "I wouldn't mind taking a shower," Bubba said. "I'm a bit low on cash after I paid for the kids' room. I've been planning to spend the night in the van."

"Be our guest," I said. Bubba went to the bath.

Ellis looked at me. "I hope you don't mind naked men," he said. "I'm a jock. Locker rooms are my life."

"Not a problem. I don't mind the scenery," I said.

Ellis looked at me again. "To tell you the truth, I like the scenery too," Ellis admitted. "I like my meat aged. I'm not into young guys."

Bubba came into the room. He was wiry and thin. His cock was long, thin and uncut. His balls hung low, really low. We talked as we sipped the wine. The room was small, warm and cozy. The wine had some effect too. I was on a bed with Ned and Ellis was on the other bed with Bubba.

I was lying flat on the bed and Ned was sitting cross-legged against the wall. He had one hand on my leg. Ellis had his arm around Bubba's shoulders. I was uneasy and a bit embarrassed, but when I looked at Ellis and Bubba. They weren't uneasy at all. All of us got hard together.

Ned was stroking me hard, and Bubba was sucking Ellis. I had never been in a group sex situation before, but the combined lust of four horny men can be exciting. Ned shifted so he could suck me. I was in heaven. I didn't expect what happened next.

Ellis and Bubba got up and joined us. I realized there wouldn't be much sleep in our room this night.

Next: Chapter 2

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