Big Mark

Published on Apr 28, 2020



Big Mark


This story is fiction, fantasy in a writer's active imagination, and belongs in the "Adult-Friends" category. Although it's based on real life, the names and circumstances have been altered to conceal the identities of the people involved. As such, it is quite personal, and – I assure you – very real, and has brought forth some heavy-duty emotions to the writer, with every read-through, and proof-reading. In short, it is a difficult story for me to share, as it is a deeply-desired fantasy that I hold dear, and has caused me quite a few hours of passionate fantasy; past and present, as well as a few tears, which I assure you – the reader – were quite real, and took an unexpected emotional toll. Gratefully, I have come through the time of sadness with a renewed appreciation for my brothers who have endured long-term durations of being single, and what were formerly called "widowers," in society at large. It gives all of those whose lives have been affected by stretches of being single a great deal of time to ponder our situations in various ways; sometimes positively, sometimes not so much. I have also learned what my faith in a Higher Power means to me, and my friendships with other gay men of faith. Their care and love help to sustain in times of joy as well as sadness. Knowledge that I am not alone in the experience of single life as a senior is immensely powerful, and uplifting, in unexpected – and untold – ways. Those of you I count in my small circle of friends who are reading this know who you are, and I appreciate you, far more than I can ever say. I sustains me on those days when the walls tend to close in, and give me a boost I cannot possibly explain, even if I tried! If you are one I consider a friend, bless you. You are a gift to me and I treasure that, greatly, even if I never say it again.

Other business:

I understand the terms of publication on, and agree to those listed; that there is no compensation for the story in any form, that it may appear on other websites as a part of the USENET network [et al].

If you wish to contact the author, please do so at Due to the potential volume of mail, responses are not guaranteed, although I may read them, regardless of the nature of the comments, positive or negative. "Fire-laced" letters will be ignored, and disposed of, so if you are incapable of staying away from the "poison-pen" aspect of writing to the authors, don't bother sending comments, as I will also block the possibility of any future connection to/with you. And along those same lines, the pen-name I use is a pseudonym, as I prefer to remain anonymous, for that very same reason. Although I have not written stories in a while [generally, I write when the inspiration hits], I have had stories published here since the summer of 2017, and was previously published in Handjobs magazine, unfortunately no longer publishing, from 2012 to 2013, under the same pen name.

This story is a labor of love from the author to the website and its readers. The website relies on contributions to maintain its existence, and myself and I am sure my fellow authors appreciate - very much - the opportunities this website affords us to post our work here. The website appreciates any and all contributions, to keep the website running. Please consider donating, as your personal finances allow. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated by the webmaster(s)-manager(s).

The author of this story continues to appreciate the stories posted by my fellow authors over the last few years of my participation, and even before, when I was only a casual reader. If you find a story uplifting or otherwise encouraging [in whatever manner of meaning that term may entail], please drop the author a note. As stated above, other than poison-pen letters/hate mail [which are generally ignored or tossed into the trash], it's always appreciated when the author receives a note of appreciation for their effort(s).

"Big Mark"

---Bobby Joe

The man's personal style matched mine, to a tee; quiet, gentle, soft-spoken, usually wearing jeans and a sport-shirt, athletic-style shoes, always smiling warmly whenever he saw me, generally just a big teddy-bear of a guy, with his shirt open a couple of buttons at the top to show an ample amount of chest hair, probably blond at one time with a growing field of grey and a three day scruff of beard every once in a while. About six-three with a hint of extra weight around the middle that showed through his shirt, he towered above me by at least six inches, and a short-cropped mop of hair kept short and close to his head. To me, he looked like the brother I always wished for but never had; non-pretentious, not stuffy or pompous, just a regular guy who was just trying to work his job and not be in the way. We had an instant connection, in fact the very first time I saw him, his face lit up the room when he saw me, and we had felt an attraction to each other ever since. When he would see me, he would hold his hand out for a fist-bump, or if he came up behind me and I didn't know he was there, he would ever-so-gently and surreptitiously squeeze my shoulder or somehow come into contact with me, always making sure no one else would notice, so no suspicion of others would be aroused as to our genuine attraction to each other, and our special affection for the other man.

Recently, I had not seen him, as his office had moved him to a different area of the building, so when we saw each other in the corridor that day, very late in the afternoon, there was hardly anyone left in the building. We both entered the men's room at the same time. We paused a tad longer at the head than I thought would happen. I was looking at the man's face smiling back at me over the top of the divider as we did our business at the urinals, and I thought I had gotten a wink out of him. It took all I could do to not step back and sneak a peek. Knowing Mark like I did, he may have been wanting the same thing, as – surprisingly – he came up directly behind me when I was washing my hands, and joined me, jointly washing all four hands at the same time.

"Shhhh...don't say anything, Bobby Joe. You're the kind of guy I've wanted in my life for a long time, and now that I've seen you and how you are in public for a while, I know you're the man for me."

Feeling the lump through his jeans that was obviously showing his excitement over seeing me again, his chest against my back and his mouth against my neck, he began to kiss me.

"Feel that, handsome? That's my feeling for you, and it's getting stronger every day, and now that I have plenty of free time to spend some time with someone else, I want it to be you."

"But what about..."

"The wife and kids are out of state, and may not be returning. She and I are going our separate ways, and I hope she stays away. She just about ran me into the poor house. So, good riddance. She was never happy, anyway. Always wanting more, more, more. Fuck that shit. I'm not a damn work horse!"

"Are you ready for being close to another man, Mark? What about your work-mates, your brothers?"

Asking about his fellow paramedics/firefighters and how they'd react to he and I being together, he smiled at me in the mirror, as he knew I was trying to be sensitive to his position with his department. I wasn't about to "out" the man, as I loved him too much to do that to such a sweet, sensitive, cuddly guy.

"It's ok. Most of us are at least bi, although most of us don't talk about it. That's why I want to hook up with you. You're the kind of guy who I like to be around, low-key yourself, and a man who doesn't "scream" about your preferences.

"How did you..."

"How did I figure you out? Remember that first time we saw each other? That smile on my face must have clued you in, however, when I saw you weren't going to make a big deal of it, I knew then I had found a man whose masculinity actually meant something to him, and was the laid-back kinda guy like I like my guys to be."

"Mmmmm...that feels good. You feel awesome behind me, man. Love feelin' that big body against mine."

"Same here. You up for an evening of some bro-mance?"

"Not to be too over the top, but fuck yeah, man! I need some man-time."

"Same here. Can you get out of here now? My day is over and I'm starvin' like Marvin."

"That's my kind of thought. Let's go..."

We both grabbed our backpacks from our desks and took off in his pickup. I love a guy who's got the balls to have a pick-up, especially manual trans, and his big muscular arm kept connection with my torso, at the same time his hand was firmly on the gear shift. In fifteen minutes, we were flying through the local burger joint to grab some grub, and were at his place in less than five more minutes.

"Hang on a sec here, Bobby Joe. Gotta shut off the alarm, and grab the dog."

"OK, bro...."

He made quick work of the task, and we were inside his kitchen, setting down the food order and him getting paper plates from the cabinets. The dog was out of sight, I don't know where, when he pulled me close and kissed me passionately, full on the mouth.

"Been wantin' to do that for a month o' Sundays, Bobby Joe. Knew you'd be as cuddly as you appear, and hope you're feelin' about me the way I picked up that you do, `cause that's what I've been feelin' about you for about goin' on three years now. Can't believe this is finally happening!!!"

His big body pressed up against mine, I felt his passion for man-sex in his tumescence, a full-on erection was pressing up against mine, and I knew what I wanted, immediately. That thick chest of his was pressing against mine, and his arms fully and tightly around me were making me short of breath, as I wanted him – and most certainly his naked body – against mine, chest to chest, cock to cock. Usually, I considered myself to be exclusively a top man, yet for this man, and him alone, I was willing to give of myself, if that was what he wanted, yet I also knew my first goal was to get that shirt off and roam my fingers – and later my tongue – through that thick, luxurious man-fur adorning his masculine, thick pectorals and his nipples that stuck up like small erasers through the fur. My erection pulsed through my own jeans and his body pressed against mine with all his might, hugging me tightly. My boner was threatening to burst through the cloth with little resistance from the denim holding it back. My mind was whirling with possibilities, and desire for a masculine body to be shared with me in ways only two men who appreciate the other man's masculinity takes precedence to the extent that it was doing, in that moment. My tumescence was straining to be loosened from its constraints, as was Mark's, and clearly so. My heart was pounding and my breathing was becoming staggered, as this man's presence in my arms was giving me palpitations.

"The bodies in this room want to have less material between them, I do believe. Why don't you undress me, and then I'll undress you, Bobby Joe? I want to see your eyes light up again like they did that day when we first saw each other, out in the lobby. I thought you were about to jump my bones..."

"Yeah, and at that moment, I was thinking to myself, `Do I really have that effect on other guys?"

"Uh, yeah! I wanted to kiss you that day, sooooo much! Your smile was – and is – infectious, to say the very least!"

"Your personality and your gentleness are what attracted me to you, first, Mark. I was enthralled by your laid-back attitude, and your apparent aversion to anything that calls attention to yourself. You're not pompous, pretentious, or egotistical, and like to be with quiet and calm men like you, a gentleman, through and through."

"We're a lot alike, Bobby Joe, and when I saw YOU with your shirt open part way the way you often do, I wanted to touch all that beautiful fur. May I?"

"Be my guest. May I touch yours?"

"I am all yours. Touch all you want."

My shirt open, his hands went across expansive, fur-laden chest, and I began unbuttoning his shirt, as well. Wanting to lick through his fur, I took the first opportunity to do so, and surprised the big man in doing so.

"You too, huh?"

"Yep. I want to – like the old song says – kiss you all over, or more accurately, lick you all over."

"Oh man...that feels awesome. Lick across that nip again, man. You send shock waves through my cock when you do that."

"Hope you can hold off until I can give you a proper blow job, you beautiful hunk of manhood! Your big body turns me on soooooo much!!!!"

"Bobby Joe, I don't want to just have sex. I want to make love to you, to that beautiful body, and that beautiful smile of yours! You know that, right?"

"I've known that for three years, Mark. The way you touch me sends shivers up my spine. I can tell you want me, as much if not more than I want you. I was always made breathless whenever you touched me, and at the same time, hoping and praying it didn't show. I didn't mind if you saw it, however, I was scared shitless other guys would see it, and either give me or you – or both of us – endless shit about it. I respect you too much to give your intentions away."

"Can you handle what's coming?"

"If what's coming what I think is coming, yeah! I don't give myself to ANY man – that way – unless I think they're serious, and if we're going to be honest here, I want you inside me. You'll only be the third man up in there, in all my sixty-five years. I don't usually want a man that way. Usually, I'm exclusively a top, but you're so big, and so handsome, and soooooo masculine, and so wonderfully hairy, that my dreams have been filled with you giving yourself to me that way for all of these three years now, and I cannot think of any other man I've EVER wanted like I want you, and want you inside me."

"OK, come on, Bobby Joe, let's go make love."

He led me to the master bedroom, and on the bed was a big teddy bear.

"That's me, I take it?"

"Yep, has been for the last month. The bitch left and I didn't really want to sleep in this big ol' bed alone, so I bought the bear under the pretense of giving it to my son, although all along, I knew they weren't coming back. I hold it close every night, and think of you."

"You're the one I've been dreaming of, for the last twenty-five years of my life, but especially the last three, since the first time I laid eyes on you. Now, well, I need you so badly, it hurts!"

"Well, come here, then..."

Pulling me in close once more, his mouth covered mine, and his hand went to my nipple, and pinched it, hard.

"Stop that, Mark, or I'm gonna blow a load in my shorts. I want to blow my load when you lose your load inside me. I want to see that big, thick piece of manhood of yours. I want to feel it pulse, as it delivers a load of love from that magnificent piece of manhood you carry, so well, and so confidently."

"Well, take Junior out and have fun, stud, `cause he's itchin' for some head."


Fishing his cock out of his jeans, his marvelous penis was thick with anticipation and leaking like a sieve. I put my mouth around his wonderful tool and gave him a thrill with my tongue.

"Awwww fuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk, Bobby Joe...that mouth of yours!!!!"

"And it's all yours..."

"And mine is yours. How much you want man...that cock of yours feels like a steel rod. Why don't you take it out and let me touch it?"

Fishing mine out, Mark's hand surrounded the head, and his jerking motion was slow and deliberate.

He motioned me towards the bed, and began shucking his jeans, which I also did with mine.

"Let me see that big, furry body, Mark."

"Same here, Bobby Joe. Just stand there."

"Fuck, you're a hot man. Even hotter than I imagined."

"Same here, Bobby Joe."

We both laid down on the bed and suddenly became very affectionate.

"C'mon up here and lay on top of me. I want to feel your magnificent cock against mine. Let's try some frottage first, and some bumping and grinding. I want this to last all night. I've needed this for a long, long time..."

"Same here, Mark. I want this to last...well, like...forever."

"Yeah, me too...I've never felt like this for another man before. My buds and I used to fool around in college, but this is making love, the way I always wanted it to be, and needed it. God, do I need this!!!"

A passionate kiss melted into a body-meld that neither one of us could have anticipated, nor dreamt of, actually. Our cocks reacted soon thereafter, and our mutual, pent-up frustration spewed out onto our pelts, and sprayed all the way up to our faces. Our mutual admiration of the other man was all over both our chests, pubic hair and up into our neck hair.

"Here, Bobby Joe. Taste my cum."

I did, and his tasted awesome. I scooped up some of mine from my chin and fed him a slimy thumb, slick with man-cream.

"Damn, boy, yours tastes awesome. You like mine?"

"It's sweet, like diet soda. You must drink a lot of soda."

"Well, yeah."

Our bodies relaxed into one another, and after a whole lot of gentle kisses, we fell asleep for a while, my body on top of his, our flaccid cocks alongside the other man's, perfectly content in an awesome man-cuddle fit for the ages. Waking up around 1:00 a.m., I convinced him into giving me the load I so desired, deep inside me. His ministrations were perfect, with his priming me for his piston being inside me, and the resulting thrusting actions, took precedence. I was not fully prepared for the gentle giant's action and his look of love as he entered my posterior told me the man I had pined for all these three years was about to give me a piece of himself he had only given one other person, and that was someone who was no longer in his life. That I had only had two other men enter me that way was extra-special for me, as well, as I wanted to treasure this moment, and enjoy making love with someone I cared about, deeply. Both of us were quivering, literally, from the anticipation of the moment of giving each other a moment of true intimacy that only two men in love can share. His man-tool firmly inside my body, he looked at me with a look of love that literally melted my heart and his smile – which could win a war – waited for my answer. The sun took over his countenance in that moment, as his face lit up like that day we first laid eyes on each other in the first floor corridor. I knew then we were – truly – made for each other, and I would want no other.

"Ready, Babe?"

"I'm all yours."

"Thank you. I want to give you this, with all my heart. Forever, I am now yours."

"I know, Mark. You're mine, now, and I think that was your intention when you walked up behind me in the restroom at the office, earlier, wasn't it?"

"Damn right it was. I'm tired of waiting. You're the most hesitant man I ever met."

"Cautious, man. Just cautious. I didn't want to make a mistake and make you mad at me, and reject me, `cause I would not have been able to handle that. I've needed you and wanted you, all this time. I just wanted to make sure. I guess you beat me to the punch."

"I know that. I did, too. I just didn't want to push you, in case you were not ready to be with me."

"Turned out perfectly anyway, didn't it?"

"Again, Bobby Joe, damn right."

The first thrust of his thick, beautiful penis into me was a tad hesitant, but then he picked up speed, when he sensed I could handle the greater strength and speed he would want, and need, to achieve a mind-shattering orgasm. His build-up was a slow crescendo, as his penis was a magnificent tool to take in, and did not hurt one iota, as he had properly prepped me and lubricated me in anticipation of his entry. I loved every movement he made, as would fully thrust his magnificent tumescence into my hole, and then pull almost all the way out, only to thrust back in fully, once more, slowly, yet firmly, a manly thrust of penis into a hole made willing by a man after my own heart, a masculine man, loving the masculinity of another, as he splayed his hands across my own ample pelt while he purposefully would flex that masculine man-tool inside my hole, making me feel his powerful thrusting with each push of his hips, and the weight of his big, hairy body against mine thrilled me, no end.

His smile and soft eyes spoke love, love of one man for another, and love of two masculine beings locked in intimacy, seeking a release of power only two men can share, for physical intimacy between two men is clearly not the same as it is between a man and a woman, as the dynamic is totally different. I felt the head of the penis throb as his orgasm hit him with the energy and power of ten men, and his gasp as his semen was released, deep inside me, feeling shot after shot of semen leak out of his magnificent man-tool, the hole of which was feeding me life-giving fluid that spelled love, telling me of the awesome climax he was experiencing. Soon, his tears were soaking my shoulder. I could feel the dripping penis deep inside me, still flowing love-juice into my hole and thrilling me, no end. His cock-head swelled tremendously on the first injection of love, like my own does, and his deep groan of sweet release and deep, penetrative satisfaction told me of his pleasure to his beloved man-tool as I squeezed his shaft with each of his thrusts. The corona – the edge of that magnificent mushroom-shaped head – pushed past the portal, making me shiver with each pulse and each movement he would make with the thrust, up and down within the lovemaking region for the man-tool to please itself with.

To say his lovemaking ability was something to behold would be a major understatement. He knew how to please his partner, and made me feel not only loved, but also knowledgeable that it was a MAN inside me, and not a boy. His approach to the Big O took nearly forty-five minutes, and had me close to my own climax about five times. For a forty-something, he knew very well how to delay his own orgasm, even though I am certain my anal tract was much tighter than any pussy he had ever fucked, as only two other men had ever been up inside me, and that had only occurred three times in my entire life. Until that moment, I had never really enjoyed being fucked, although the last man I had had that way had not hurt, and actually was not an unpleasant experience. Mark made the difference for me, this time around, as my entire body had immediately relaxed, and I had felt his passion with each and every thrust of his magnificent penis, one I felt had finally completed me. I felt the love of a man in a way I never had before, and I was in sexual heaven.

"You reached nirvana, didn't you, Sweetheart?"

"Yes, Babe. It was the best I've ever had, even better than the night our daughter was conceived. How about you?

"Your penis being inside me was marvelous, and when your semen began its release, mine did too, and now we're kinda stuck together, as I had a massive orgasm myself. That was some fantastic piston action, and your beautiful cock being up inside me felt awesome. I love having you thrusting that big man-tool inside me, feeling the head pass the portal and root deep into my body, finally letting loose a stream of your man-cream. I could feel every shot of semen you injected into me, as your orgasm overtook you so fully. I also love feeling that big body of yours on top of me. You can do that, anytime."

"I want to. But more than anything, I want to hold you, and protect you, to be your protector, your knight in shining armour."

"Is that lovemaking skill you just exemplified included in that bargain?"

"You betcha, stud, as long as it's a two-way street. No man-woman thing in this house, any more. It's two MEN in love with each other, and both of us are MEN, in bed. No role playing. I want you to give me what I just gave you, sometimes, too. Don't get me wrong, Bobby Joe, I loved being inside you, and giving you a massive load of my love, both inside and outside, however, I want to feel that, too, and to feel you thrusting your wonderful cock into me, to feel your big, furry body on top of mine, feel your lips on my chest and nips and neck and feel our cocks alongside each other all night like we had a few hours ago, all that was just wonderful. And, I want it, forever!"

"I gladly accept your proposition, kind sir. I am most willing to penetrate you, anytime you so desire. No man-woman dynamic for me, either. I want to love a MAN, and make love to a MAN, not a woman."

"Good, `cause I detest that dynamic. I guess I just wanted a man, all along, and now that I know we're on the same page, it's the relationship I've been wanting, and searching for, all these years. I just regret that it took this long to realize it. No, not really, `cause then, I may not have found you, and that wonderful smile, and that even more wonderful body of yours."

"Mark, I've never felt so loved – and protected – by any man before. I already feel secure in your love."

"Good, `cause my love is yours. And only yours. I'm a one-person man. I don't do three-ways, don't believe in them."

"Same here. This is a one-man guy here, too. I can barely keep one man happy... How on earth I would be able to keep two men is totally beyond my comprehension. Keeping YOU satisfied, I sense, will be MORE than a full-time job!!!" I looked at him and saw a smile a mile wide, and knew then I had – truly – hit "pay dirt." This man was mine, fully and forever, now. I would never have to sleep alone, ever again, and knowing how I felt giving Mark my body as I just had, I knew I had found a reason to live, once more, after twenty-five years of single life. And seeing his joy just then, I knew the feeling was mutual, beyond ANY doubt.

"You already make me happy. You don't have to try. Just seeing your eyes light up when you see me, and then when you see me release my load – inside or outside your body – makes me extremely happy. I don't think I've had a relationship that fully satisfied me before, nor do I think I've ever had that strong of an orgasmic release before, like I did a while ago. I thought I was going to pass out..."

"There for a minute, I thought you had!!!!"

"I don't think I'll be ready for anything again, anytime soon..."

"Me, either."

"I guess we really were made for each other, being that satisfied and content with just ONE love-making session where we can go to bed and love being with each other. I guess we'd better set a date, eh?"

"Yep. It's gonna be the way it's meant to be, I think."

"I feel like we've been connected all this time and just hadn't hooked up yet."


Mark and I crawled into bed, and I fell asleep on top of my man, my head on his chest. Fifteen years later, we're still together, still making love like two teenagers, and still in love with the sight of each other's bodies. No one else I've ever found excites me the way he does, and because of that, these eyes are locked solely on him, never to wander, as his body – that big, wonderful, hairy body of his – wrapped around me at night, spooning me from behind, or arms around me as I lay on top of him, which he loves for me to do, secure me in a love that lets me know he has my back, forever, in all meanings of that term, and I trust him with my life. I still get thrilled watching him stepping out of the shower, strutting around the house naked, that magnificent manhood bouncing around with each step and making me want to grab it and take it into my mouth and play with the flaccid bit of manhood, licking it and sucking on it until it inflates to a tumescent, thick seven inches of man-meat, it's beautiful mushroom head flaring as it announces its excitement at meeting its admiration society once more, and me rubbing my face in its glory, and his wonderful, thick, unkempt and unruly pubic bush, a bush I have told him to never trim or manscape, as I love its every unruly hair. His penis makes me swell with pride, in more than one manner of speaking, as does mine for him. He is my man, and I am his, and that is the way we like it, and won't settle for anything, or anyone, else.

**_Not bad for what started off as an office bro-mance, huh?


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