Big Game Preserve

By Luc Milne

Published on Oct 15, 2023


Copyright 2006 by Luc Milne All rights reserved. One copy may be down loaded for personal use.

Each part of this series is a separate tale or "document" connected by the overall fantsy of a manhunting game preserve. The idea of "Special Boys" is from Garth Wells' fine story HORSE (see Yahoo group SlaveNow) although I have taken it in a different direction,


The Scout, Part Two

"Buying on the Black Market"

"Yo, Dante, go out ta tha sweatbox and bring tha bitch in here. Mistuh Movie Man wants tuh check out tha goods."

As his lieutenant left the room, Khan turned to Nick and said, "So Nickee, whutchu think bout mah crib?"

Nick Tarn, in the guise of Nicky Falero, a producer of porn videos for specialized tastes, looked around the huge room which seemed to have been made by knocking out inside partitions of a small house: green shag carpet, red walls, acres of black leather couches and lazyboys, windows covered with black louvred blinds, pin spots from the ceiling creating random patches of hot light. The illumination was enhanced by the liquid shimmer of a large aquarium filled with exotic tropical fish and the flicker wash from a giant flat screen TV on the wall showing some pussy porn without sound. Somewhere in the distance loud music--rap probably--blared.

"Very impressive," said Nick, "but not exactly what I'd call a 'crib' Khan. More like a palace." It was always good to play to the gang leader's vanity.

But Khan wasn't having any of that. "Don't be givin' me dat whitey shit, Nickee. I know exackly whut yu Hollywood honkies think bout homeboi deecore. Was yu scared tuh leave dat rented beemah on tha street down heah in niggahville? Don' worry. Nobody gon' steal nothin in mah territory wid out mah say so."

This was the first time that Nick had been invited to Khan's homebase, or his "compound" as it should more correctly be called, being a whole block of small houses surrrounded by steel fence and guarded by gang soldiers. Always before in his dealings with the man, they had met in private rooms of clubs or restaurants, where the opportunities for "testing" the goods were somewhat limited. So the scout felt encouraged, if a little worried, about being asked into the lion's den, where the sampling of the animal on offer could be as lengthy and extensive as needed. So far as Khan knew, Nicky Falero was looking to buy another "porn star" to be trained and used in his hard edged S/M videos for the gay fetish market. This ruse allowed him to ask that the merchandise be tested for the same qualities that would make it useful game on the Preserve.

"I'm just glad we have a chance to get to know each other a little better, maybe relax and have a little fun along with our business." Nick leaned back against the leather sofa and made himself more comfortable, spreading his legs wide, the same way that Khan sat across from him in his "throne" chair. The gang boss was coffee-coloured and handsome, but with a denseness and a heaviness that seemed to threaten at the same time that it attracted. "What do you have for me this time, Khan?"

Before the leader could answer, a door opened and two figures entered moving through the patches of light: in front was a young black, maybe 17 or 18 years old, smooth and slender, with a boyish chest, but big thighs between which a massive hang of black uncut cock swayed. He was being frog-marched forward by Dante, the lieutenant, who controlled him by roughly fucking his asshole with two fingers. The boy's legs were spread wide as he tried to avoid the probing of his P-spot by the invading digits. His wrists were cuffed and chained, with his elbows bent, to his neck collar. He showed spirit, though, as he struggled against the wracking spasms of pleasure that shot through his body every time his joy botton was tapped.

"Muthafuckah, get yur fag fingers outta mah ass," the boy shouted as he twisted his upper torso trying to escape the forced march.

"Yoke dat bitch wid yur arm, Dante, don' be lettin him diss you like dat," ordered Khan. Dante crooked his other arm across the boy's neck and pressed on his throat cutting off his curses. He ravaged his victim's hole even more viciously, making the boy's cock begin to swell, slowing the swing to a lazy lift of cocolate brown playmeat. Nick could see that his balls hung about six inches, ripe eggs rolling in their sack beneath the uncut sausage.

Khan rose from his throne and moved toward the pair, unzipping his fly and pulling out a fat hog with cumlips already drooling in anticipation. Dante forced the captive to his knees, with his face inches from the menacing black enforcer. The boy turned his head from side to side trying to keep from coming into contact with it. Khan lifted his dicksnout and let the wet head brush across the boy's mouth as he squirmed away.

"Look at dis bitch, Nickee, pretendin he don' want no bone in 'is mouff. Aint like dis fagpup never licked no dick befo. Mah boyz bin feedin dis dawg black molasses fo five days now. Evah since we dun a pussy raid on his hood. Took two she-hos and dis he-bitch. Those bois still be scratchin dere kinky heads bout dat."

Nick felt his cock begin to take interest in the way Khan's cockdrool was painting the boy's face, making it shine in the reflected glow of the fish tank. The kid's eyes were shut tight and he made angry little grunts every time Khan probed at his succulent lips, trying to push in.

"He's certainly got a sucker's mouth," offered Nick. "Our customers always like to watch a black boy's puffy lips massaging a white cock. But, of course, he's got to be able to swallow until they're mashed against a guy's cockhair. On our videos no suck slave gets away with anything less than the full throat press." The same was true, of course, of prey on the Preserves.

Khan laughed and snapped his fingers at his lieutenant, who recognized the signal that told him to pinch the captive's nose between his fingers, cutting off his air, while he pressed his other hand hard on the boy's throat. Khan positioned his cock exactly at the immobile mouth, waiting for the inevitable opening. When it came, the victim's gasp was immediately cut off by a butt-clenched, brutal push of the whole sledge hammer of Khan cock into the boy's maw, surging past his gag ring, and plunging deep into his throat. The kid bucked and spasmed, choking on the invader, heaving up great quantities of saliva which gushed out around the fist of cockmeat punching his lips and poured down his chin, coating Khan's balls, before dripping in pearly ropes onto the shag of the green carpet where it shone like heavy dew on grass.

Dante also pulled out his cock and pressed it along the boy's neck from the back: his prick was a snake long enough to catch some of the spit lube that was dripping from the choking lips. He put both fists on his slick spike and jacked it slowly, watching Khan's eyes to see if he was going to be allowed to get in on the fun.

"Yeah, I see dat needle dik Dante, I know you be jonesin fo sum a dis mouff pussy. Okay, bro, let's dubble-dik dis fag's face. Git 'im down tha floor, uncuff 'is hands an lay 'im flat so we can ride dat face togetha."

Nick watched as Dante pulled the boy's head off the cock that impaled it, hearing a pop-suck sound as it came out of the stretched lips. Then he pushed the kid down on his back, making it possible for Khan to straddle his chest while Dante straddled his head facing the leader, letting their two cocks, one thick and the other thin, dangle onto gasping mouth.

"Yo, Nickee, yu wanna come ovah and make it a triple dippah, man? Dis bitch can take it. Might need a little scootin round ta git three diks in dis face, but we c'n try it."

"No, thanks, Khan. I don't want to damage the goods while I'm just looking. You've probably got a 'you break it, you buy it policy' around here."

"Sheeih, Nickee. Round here breakin is de name o de game. Yu break a bitch, yu jus' gits ta fuck her harder. Whut you think tha rest of mah boyz be doin ri' now? Dey be in da playhouse breakin in da she bitches we stole, gettin dose ho's ready fo da cunt market. Yu see dose white mamas up dere on dat big teevee screen, eatin' out each othahs cunts? Dat same movie be showin on da teevee in da playroom an mah dawgs probly be makin dere bitches do tha same thing while they fuckin der butts. Man we is runnnin a pussy trainin school heah--teechin bitches whut dey good fo. I be doin a publick service. Shud be gettin me one a dem guvmint grants for "Speshul Edjucashun" in da fuckin "Innah City", man But thass awright Nickee, yu don' wanna hep teech dis girl sumthin useful, yu don haftah. Mah brotha an me can take care a dis fag. We gon' shoot two hot loads a sexjuice down dis girlie's mouff, breed dis bitch's throat, make a big cumwad baby in 'is belly. Dante, yu hold off, lemme git mah hog in dere firs'."

Khan pressed the purple-black head of his cock into the wet gaping lips, then lowered his body on his knees just enough to sink another two or three inches into the kid's face. He nodded at Dante, who hooked two fingers over the boy's upper teeth and pried them open even wider, making him moan as his jaws reached their outer limits. Then Dante eased his slender tube into the opening, gliding over Khan's fat cushion of cockflesh, lowering slowly until his black snake slithered through the victim's gag muscle and the curly bush of his pubic bone pressed tight against Khan's. That opened the channel enough to let Khan push his cocksnout through as well, gorging the teen's gullet with a double helping of black sausage. Almost nose to nose, the two men eyed each other, grinning as they felt their dicks gang-raping their slave's face.

"C'mon ovah, Nickee, we need yu to hep us deepfuck dis boy's throat. Kneel down and git yur hand under 'is head. Yeah, like dat. Now, jus push up, make 'is throat go deeper on our diks. Oh, yeah, man, jus like dat. Git bof yo hands on 'is skull, bob it up an down on dat meat samwidge. Faster, man, do yo duty. Oh yeah, brotha, we be two niggas fuckin a juicy watahmelon at tha same fuckin time. Cummin, Dante, cummin, yu ready bro? Yu ready ta feed dis bitch? Let's do it, bro, do it now! Sheeeeihh....I be dere....Oh, sheeeih....Keep workin Nickee.... Gettin mah nut....dumpin cum in dis fagboi....Work dat skull Nickee, twist it, ream da bitch out!"

Nick bounced the teen captive's head up and down on the carpet like a basketball, astonished at the well of cum that came gushing up out of the stuffed mouth: it ran down the boy's cheeks and covered Nick's gripping hands with hot slime. And still the two cocks pulsed and shot into the helpless mouth; sperm began to come from his nose and his body began to shake from the lack of air. Finally Nick twisted the head to one side, off the cocks which continued to drool onto the kid's face, into his ears and over his closed eyelids. The two black assaulters crumpled against each other, panting as their fucklust ebbed. Nick put one of his hands to his mouth and licked some of the cum from it: might as well sample some gang sperm while I've got a chance, he thought, just for future reference.

"Hey, man, don't be eatin' mah juice. Yu gots to have puhmission fo dat. Mah juice be fo niggah bitches only. C'mon, wipe yo hands on 'is face, make 'im lick yo fingahs clean."

As Nick complied with Khan's orders, the two blacks stripped their own cocks of sperm, also feeding their gooey fingers into the boy's mouth, now stretched again, but with different kinds of fuck tools.

"Go on, Nickee, feed dis niggah boi yo cock. Iss mouff be all warm an gooey fo ya. Be like fuckin sloppy cunt, nice an squishy." As he spoke Khan hooked his fingers into the cocksucker's mouth and pried it open so Nick could see the pool of cum still draining down his throat.

"No, Khan, I think I'll take a pass on that. I'm not keen on leftovers. Maybe later, after his gag ring has a chance to tighten up again. I like a little resistance when I go deep in a guy's gullet." Besides, Nick thought, I know already that this animal will make a great meat eater on the Preserve. He knew any throat that could deep throat two massive poles of black cock at the same time could take whatever a sadistic hunter wanted to feed it.

Khan was persistent. "Well, let 'im lick yo nuts then. Aint nuthin like a long nutsoak in a slut mouff. Dante, get the pussy up on its knees an put dat dawg collah on 'im, tha one wid tha chain leash. Mah man Nickee be needin ta pull dat suckah's face good an tight gainst his nuts. Now, Nickee, let's git comftabul. Shuck dese pants an let tha meat breeve a lil." He kicked off his trousers, keeping on the long blue and black striped silk shirt which hung open on his sculpted chest. "C'mon mah man, let's spread out on tha couch an talk some bidness."

Not wanting to offend Khan's sense of hospitality, Nick Tarn took off his linen jacket and stripped off his trousers and shorts, but, also not wanting to lose face with the gang leader, kept on his own cream coloured shirt, letting it hang open over his own compact pecs and abs. They sat side by side, like twin kings on a black throne, legs spread wide, knees just touching, cocks and balls draping down to the leather, waiting to be worshipped by their subjects. Dante jerked viciously on the chain attached to the collar around the captive's neck and dragged him into the vee of Nick's thighs. He handed the leash to the scout, then stood to the side of Khan, like a court official waiting for his sovereign's orders.

Nick looked down into the cum-smeared face of the slave. He could see that the boy was not completely cowed: there was still a spark of resistance there: without that, he would be no use to Nick or to the Corporation. "What's your name, boy?" he asked. The only answer was a liquid sort of of gargle.

"Don' worry bout dat," said Khan, "slut's vocal cords be all coated wid cum so he can't pernounce 'is words right. Dis dawg's momma be callin him LeRoy, but his homeys named 'im Dong Baby, cause he gots a big donkey dik an a cute lil baby face on 'im. We mos'ly jes call 'im bitch or pussyboi. You probly gonna giv 'im some jive porno name, tho. Somethin like da 'Ebony Prince' or sum shit."

"Yes, we do like to label our performers," agreed Nick, "although I think an animal name might be better for LeRoy here--something like The Leopard, maybe. He'd make a great pair with the guy you sold me a while back: we call him The Panther." Nick always liked to tell the truth as much as possible, even when masquerading as someone else: there was no reason two black porn performers couldn't be called Panther and Leopard, but on the Preserve the names would be even more appropriate. The scout could imagine hunters working in groups to capture the two ebony animals in one kill, followed by hours of feasting and orgy in the Pleasure Pavilions. The idea of a bunch of testosterone-pumped hunters eating, skinning, tormenting and stuffing their prey was a cock-hardening vision.

Nick's thick, veiny meat began to stretch out on the black leather, slicking it up with the first streams of fuck lube. He pulled Dong Baby's face hard against his balls and forced his nuts into the wet lips, puffing out the boy's cheeks. His cock arched over the captive's nose, drooling dick sap onto his forehead. The nut-rape of his mouth made Dong Baby's saliva begin to gush, some draining down his throat flushing the cum off his vocal cords, the rest spilling out around the sack of soft flesh between lips. His eyes looked up into Nick's, with a mixed expression of hatred and something else, which was probably only submission, but with training could become desire.

"Make 'im move dat tongue round on yo nuts, man. He be a good lil ball licker. Las' nite I went ta sleep wid 'im between mah legs nursin on mah gobstoppahs. Sheiih, dis scene makin mah dik hard agin. Dante, go git mah new toy. I wants ta show 'im off ta mah fren."

Nick spread his legs even wider and pulled the neck chain as tight as he could to force Dong Baby's ball-stuffed mouth into his crotch. "Nice lips on this boy, Khan, and good tongue action, like you say, although we might make some improvements there--maybe stretch it out a little. Our customers like a tongue long enough to stick out the lower lip even with the guy's face stuffed with cock or ball meat. Right now, for instance, it would be great to feel his tongue flicking the seam that runs from my balls to my asshole."

"Whutchu do in dese speshul videeohs, Nickee? I aint nevah seen one and I bin axin' roun tha town fo 'em. Yu don' be doin no snuff shit do yah? I don' want no part a dat."

Nick had to tread carefully here, since the so-called "Special Videos" didn't even exist. "Well, Khan, our customers are very private people with very special tastes, and we make the films to order. Often there will be only one copy for the man who commissioned it. They never come on the open market."

Khan seemed to see the logic of that. He grunted, and slumped down further on the couch, reaching over and pulling one of Dong Baby's hands into his crotch where he wrapped it around his swelling meat and indicated he wanted the boy to slow-milk him at the same time he was sucking on Nick's balls. "Yeah" he said, "but whut you axually be doin wid dese bitches?"

Nick realized he was going to have to be a little more forthcoming, so he once again mixed the truth with a few lies to satisfy the gang boss. "We do quite a lot of alteration on the boys before we teach them how to perform on camera. We have doctors who specialize in certain body enhancements--for instance, if we can make a deal about LeRoy here, I'll probably lengthen his cock to a permanent 15 inches or so, and fix him so he stays semi-hard all the time--it'll make him easier to deep-throat that way.

Khan was perplexed. "Iss boy be suckin yo balls got ten inches a meat soft, dat swell ta 12 inches easy when he get hard. So why yuh wanna add nother 3 inches to 'im? Yu white dudes be cock junkies. Jus' beggin ta score monstah black meat so's yu can git high on cumsmack."

"I know he's already got almost a foot of cock," agreed Nick, "but there's a big demand for maximum meat these days. We both know it's a crazy world, Khan. I've got one customer who can't get enough of what he calls 'freak cock'. Hell, if I could find a 24 incher for him, I'd make a fortune. And cocks aren't all. We do a lot of tit work, pump up the nipples and toughen them to good chewing size, insert little sacs in the pecs that can be filled and refilled with cream or cum, so the boys can be mouth-milked like women. We widen their throats, deaden their gag reflexes, ream out their cumholes, give them special diets and injections to increase their semen production, stretch their balls down to their knees, train their ass muscles. There are a lot of things we can do to make an animal like this into a superstar performer."

Nick's words seemed to stimulate Khan: he covered Dong Baby's fist with his own and moved it faster up and down the shaft of his meat. "Dante" he yelled, "git dat white gyrene in heah NOW!"

Just at that moment Dante came into the room leading a white boy on a neck chain, crawling behind him on his hands and knees. His sandy hair was cut in the standard high and tight flat top of the marines and his face was flushed red with the pressure of the leather collar around his thick neck. His dog tags swung and clinked as he crawled across the carpet He wasn't what you'd call a handsome kid, but he had the innocent look of a boy fresh off the farm who'd somehow ended up a jarhead. As a connoisseur Nick saw immediately that this was prime baby beef--solid creamy flesh with a marble sheen to it, compactly built with muscle-bulge in all the right places. He looked short, maybe only a few inches above the five foot minimum height for a marine, but the raw power of his frame more than made up for it. The only marks on his flawless skin were the red stripes on his luscious ass globes, apparently the souvenirs of some recent whip "encouragement". Nick's cock lengthened another inch over Dong Baby's forehead at the sight of the white Marine Baby on his knees in this black crib.

"Drag 'im ovah heah an hook 'im up ta mah dik, bro. I needs sum white boi blubbah lips on mah banana." Khan pried Dong Baby's milking hand from his shaft and held his cock out toward the half-open lips of the young marine. Dante gripped the kid's jaw between strong fingers and squeezed his mouth open to accept the black truncheon gleaming with precum grease. As Khan eased his penis into the straining lips, he told Nick about the boy.

"Dis be mah new toy, Nickee. Foun' dis jarhead on da coast highway, standin wid 'is thumb out hitchin a ride back ta Camp fuckin Pendleton. We be cruisin round in da Hummer, lookin for sum fun an dis be da roadkill we cum across. Gib us sum shit bout goin' back aftah a week's leave at tha end of 'is boot camp. Bin visitin 'is white trash fambly on sum farm up north. Sheeih, we scooped up dis lil cumdump in no time flat, brung 'im back heah, and I bin learnin 'im how ta do his duty on niggah dik fo da las' three days. Speck he on permanint AWOL by now. C'mon pussyboi, ah teeched yu ta suck dik bettah dan dat. Git yo mouff right down ta mah kinky cockhairs, swallah dat muthah like yu starvin fo niggah gravy. He aint had nothin ta eat but jism an piss for three days, so he be a lil woozy, but dat jes makes 'im easier ta handle. Aint he a cute lil devil dog?"

Nick felt the cum begin to gather in his nuts still being swabbed by Dong Baby's tongue and knew he had get on with his examination of the potential animal before he shot his wad and lost his "edge". "Yes, Khan, he's a hot number, but I need to see a little more of Dong Baby's talents. How's his ass? Can I check how he takes dick in his other hole? And I need to see him shoot. Our customers want to see real gushers on their tapes."

"Yu wanna suck 'im off Nickee? Dis black spoogebucket c'n fill yur mouff wid a cup'o'cum. We aint nevah tasted 'is shit cause my dawgs aint no cocksukkers, but yur welcum ta sample 'is slop." Khan reached over and pulled the captive boy's mouth off of Nick's balls. "Aint dat right bitch? Yu be a real creemcow fo white sukkers, don't cha?"

"I aint shootin' in no honky mouff, yu fag muthafuckah, 'less yu wants to git yo niggah lips on mah meat. Den I be chokin' you wid mah shit, til yu dead." Dong Baby still had spirit, even after all the torment the gang had inflicted on him. Nick took that as a very good sign.

Khan laughed and slapped the boy casually, "We be seein' bout dat, bitch. We bring in dose she-hos fum yo crib dat we snatched along wid yu and make 'um suck on dat cumstick til yu be drained so dry yu nevah gon be able ta git it up agin. An I gon' be sittin on yo face wid yo pretty pink tongue tossin mah salad while dey do it."

"That's not necessary, Khan," protested Nick, "why not have the marine suck him off while he's getting fucked? Besides, thought Nick, it will give me a chance to see the baby jarhead in action. An idea was forming in his mind that the young marine could be the "fresh young farm boy" that was item three on his shopping list--if he could pry him loose from Khan's grasp.

"Sho nuff, Nickee," agreed Khan enthusiastically, "jus' lemme git summa the dawgs in here to pull a train on da bitch. Dis boitoy can rim mah asshole late-ah." He pressed a button on the table beside the couch and Nick heard a loud bell ringing in some other part of the compound. Soon three other gang members bounced in.

"Whassup, boss?" They took in the scene of their leader being suckled by his new white toy and the white man with their captive's head between his thighs, and grinned at each other, hoping there was some fun to come. One of them wore the jacket of the marine's dress greens uniform over his skinny naked body, while another had a red tank top with USMC printed on it and a pair of the jarhead's khaki shorts, gaping at the fly, with his long meat hanging out, swaying wet and rubbery in the shadowy light. The third wore nothing but the marine's dress hat to draw attention away from his immense log of gagmeat.

"Yu dawgs bin havin' fun wid dem hos?" asked Khan. "Yur diks look kinda sloppy. Yu up ta pullin a heavy train on dis slave boi's ass fo da Movie Man heah?"

Red Tank Top said, "Yu be seein' cunt juice on mah dik, boss. It's all slicked up for dis bitch's asshole. Slip in like buttah."

Hat Boy added, "Dis shine on my cock cum from mah ho's spit, Khan. She be a drool slut, coudn't get enuf of mah salami in her face hole."

Khan turned to his lieutenant, "Dante, hep dese dawgs do a wheelbarrah fuck wid da bitch. Git 'im up on 'is hands an cockwalk 'is ass roun da room fo us." Dante pulled Dong Baby's legs back, then lifted and spread them wide like the handles of a wheelbarrow. The captive had to support himself with his hands to keep his face off the carpet. Hat Boy, taking the lead, stepped over a leg and positioned himself between the "handles", guiding his black punisher of a dick to Dong Baby's asspucker, then pushing brutally in, full length, until his kinky pubic hair scratched the tender skin above the hole. Taking the boy's legs from Dante's grasp, he began to push the human wheelbarrow around the room, letting the jerk and lurch of the victim's awkward hand "walk" provide the back and forth movement that the cock in his pussy needed to tease out its cum.

The other boys cheered the fucker on, urging him to push the barrow faster. On the third circuit around the big room, the homey in the "dress greens" jacket straddled Dong Baby's back and rode him like a pony, letting his limber cock slap up and down leaving splatters of cockhoney on the straining flesh.

Nick watched Dong Baby's cock carefully, monitoring its condition flopping forward and back as he was pushed around the room. Despite the captive boy's brag that he wasn't a "fag" Nick saw the 10 inch tube begin to swell and swing more slowly as it got heavier. He nudged Khan and said "Now let's put the jarhead to work on that horse cock. Let me see how much semen he can really produce."

"Yo, dawgs," ordered Khan, "nuff a dat. Da Movie Man wants ta see mah gyrene eat Dong Baby's dik, see how much milk dat bitch c'n shoot. Jes doggie fuck 'im a while, so da white boi can crawl under 'im and suck on dat big black thang like a calf on 'is mama's tit. An one a ya plug 'is mouff. Da bitch aint had no cum ta eat fo a while--his throat be gittin dry."

Dante tugged the marine off Khan's cock pulling his lips away from the massive head with a wet slurp. Then he made him lie on his back beneath Dong Baby in a 69 position, with his face just below the swollen pendulum of cock that was long enough to plug the marine's mouth without the kid having to lift his head. As the boy began to nurse at the mahogany coloured glans swelling out of its hood of foreskin, Red Tank Top smoothly slipped into Dong Baby's ass while Hat Boy stuffed his juice slimed cock into the slave's gaping lips. Dress Greens stood by squeezing his long hose and slapping it against the palm of his hand, waiting for his turn at the holes.

Nick saw that the three of them had different fuck styles: Red Tank Top was a "technician", working at different depths, trying out new rhythms, driving his "test subject" crazy with endless repetitions and variations until the ass channel shuddered and spasmed. Dress Greens was an "artist" playing the asshole like an instrument, stroking the P-spot, making the boy's pussy "sing" with pleasure, creating a tingle of vibrating, humming ecstasy. Hat Boy was a "pounder", ramming, reaming, rutting, and roaring until the hole he was punishing surrendered completely and just let itself be plundered. They rotated from front to back in a well-oiled orgy of ass and throat fucking, always pulling out just before they went over the edge, prolonging the fun for a long time. Bodies began to steam with sex sweat and the room was filled with grunts and howls and groans as balls began to swell and the cum began to rise. The ripe musky smell of male lust hung in the air like mist in a swamp. Nick thought that the staff in the Fuck Labs at the Game Preserves could take some lessons from these boys.

Suddenly Nick felt Khan take hold of his arm and move it across to his still swollen cock, seeming to invite the scout to take up where Gong Baby and marine boy had left off. He didn't intend to be put into an inferior bargaining position later on, so he gently removed his hand from Khan's crotch and moved off the couch toward the writhing orgy of black and white flesh in front of them, as if to get a better look. He squatted down watching the way the white boy suckled hungrily at the black teat, partly because he was half-starved from a diet of nothing but cum and cockhoney. But his hard cock seemed to say that there was more than simple hunger behind that willing cockslurp. Marine Baby's cut meat was not more than 6 inches long, but it was thick beyond belief. Nick put his fist around it: there was a three inch gap between his thumb and fingers. The fat cylinder was as pink and creamy as the rest of the boy's body, and the precum that beaded from the plump cumlips was a crystal clear syrup that begged to be licked up. So, feeling Khan's amused look behind his back, he knelt down and swabbed the mushroom-shaped meatus with a loving tongue.

The boy responded dramatically to this treatment, arching his body, trying to thrust up into the mouth that pleasured him, sucking even more greedily at the black milkspout in his own lips. This seemed to trigger Dong Baby's climax: he moaned around the meat in his throat, and his sphincter clamped down on the cock in his hole as he spewed masses of hot cum into the marine private's lips. A huge chain reaction of climax rippled through the fuckers and suckers; the cocks in Dong Baby's ass and mouth both unloaded their juice in body-wracking contractions, and marine baby's cumspout fountained into Nick's ready lips, filling his cheeks and spilling back down onto his fist which continued to pump the pulsing shaft. The taste was sweet: peaches and cream, vanilla and cinnamon, caramel and custard: the hunters' Semen Diaries at the Preserve would overflow with superlatives.

One last thing to do. Ignoring the snickers of the homeys around him he pushed Dong Baby to the side and leaned down to french kiss the young marine's spermy mouth: the black boy's cum that still filled it was not as tasty, but it had a promising spiciness the Semen Labs could work with, and there seemed to be plenty of it! He tongue-scooped it out and swallowed repeatedly letting the "finish" of the sperm deep in his throat sink into his memory, for recording later in his report.

Finally, Nick stood up and faced Khan, trying to regain some of his dignity for the bargaining to come. He picked up his trousers and put them on, tucking his hard cock down one leg, where it rapidly made a tell-tale wet spot. "So, let's get down to it, shall we, Khan? What are you asking for the kid?"

"Which kid yu talkin bout Nickee?" Kahn smirked as he put on his own clothes again as well. "Seems ta me yu been samplin mo' than Dong Baby. Yu thinkin mebbe ta buy a dubble helpin a boy meat tahday? Cause I gots to warn yah. Mah lil white boytoy's not gonna cum cheap. I aint hardly got no use outta dat bitch yet. Dere be weeks of fun left in dat cumbucket befo ah turn 'im ovah ta tha homeys as dawgmeat."

Nick tried to play it as cool as possible. "I might be interested in the pair of them, although Dong Baby is my main interest here. There aren't many requests for films of short dicked white boys among my customers. There are plenty of those available for free."

"Don't jive me, Mistah Producer," bristled Khan, "I seen you piggin' out on dat white splooge. Yu wants dat marine lollipop bad, mebbe jes fo yo private fun. Yo, marine bitch, crawl ovah here an look at me. Mistah Movie Producer heah wants ta buy yo freedom offa me. Whutchu think bout dat? Yu willin ta go wid 'im an do any shit he wants, jus' ta show yur gratatood?"

The young marine looked at Nick with pleading eyes. "Yes, sir, I would sir. I'd be real grateful for that, sir. And I'd pay you back, sir. I promise. I'd sign all my duty pay over to you, sir. It would take a long time, but I'd make it good. I promise, sir."

Nick smiled at the boy, knowing that he'd be repaying the "debt" in fantastic ways that even Khan had never imagined in his most perverted dreams.

"What's your name, son?"

"It's Bucky, sir."

"Bucky--good name for a young buck like you. And what did your gunny at boot camp call you?"

Bucky blushed and said "He called me Queer Bait, sir."

Queer Bait--perfect, thought the scout. He turned back to the gang leader. "Well, have it your way, Khan," he said, "what's your asking price for the two?"

"Aint no 'axin' price Nickee. Da price be firm, no dickerin. Seventy five thousan' dollahs be da price. Take it or leave it, mah man." Khan leaned back and looked up at Nick with a self-satisfied grin.

Nick fumed: he wasn't angry about the figure. $75,000 for two prime animals was cheap, considering that they would bring upwards of a million dollars profit each during their careers on the Preserve, even counting the overhead costs of training and enhancing them. No, he was angry because Khan gave him no bargaining room--made him lose face with his "take-or-leave-it" stance. Still, Nick was an experienced scout and always kept his eyes on the long game, swallowing his pride when he had to, in order to fill his quotas and keep moving higher in the Pleasure Corporation's power structure. So he held out his hand to the gang boss and said "Deal, Khan. Good to do business with you. I'll have someone from my office come by tomorrow morning at ten to pick up the boys and give you the cash, as usual. And I know I don't have to ask that they be delivered without any further use or damage--the meat I'm looking at right now is the meat I'm paying for. Right?"

"Right, Nickee. Yu be a good man ta do bidniss wid, not like mos' honkies. C'mon I'll walk ya out ta yur car. Boys, put dese two bitches in dah storeroom an don' let nobody be fuckin wid 'em. Dere's gonna be extra chips in yo pockets tomorrah."

Once the two men had passed through the armed guards at the compound gate and arrived at Nick's beemer, Khan seemed to change. He stood straighter and glanced up and down the street to make sure he wasn't being overheard.

"Alright Mr. Tarn, let's talk business for real. All that ebonics crap is just for the homeboys. I know who you are and I've discovered exactly who you work for. These guys are going straight to one of The Pleasure Corporation's Big Game Preserves, along with all the other meat you scout around the world."

Tarn's mouth dropped open in astonishment. Khan's diction was better than his own: he sounded as if he had graduated from USC or Stanford. There wasn't a trace of the sleazy "niggah" in this man's manner. He couldn't think what to say.

"I fooled you didn't I, Mr. Tarn. You thought you could buy those boys cheap because to you I was just a dumb gangbanger. Well, I am that, but I'm also a unversity graduate with an MBA in financial management. I was born in this neighbourhood, but I got out. Went to school on a scholarship, then chose to come back here and run this gang on sound business principles. We don't make our money from drugs and whores anymore. We're invested in clubs and restaurants and we protect some of the biggest rap and hip hop stars in show business. They like the idea of "niggah" enforcers around them as toadies and body guards. The slavemeat sales to you are just a sideline to keep the homeboys happy, give them some toys to play with and some extra cash in their pockets, because I will share out the $75,000 with them."

Nick finally found his tongue. "I congratulate you Mr. Khan on a very successful performance. You sure as hell had me convinced. But I assure you I've never thought of you as a 'dumb gangbanger'. Even in disguise your natural talents shine through. I hope this doesn't mean that you're going to stop dealing with us."

"Oh no, Nick, this is just the beginning of a beautiful relationship. And when we're alone you can call me Channing--Channing Caine-- which is the name I was born with. I'm ready to supply you with prime studs on a regular basis. The 'quoted' prices will remain the same, but naturally there will have to be some compensation to me personally to make it worth my time and risk. As you well know, it's dangerous to lift young men from normal life, break them, and put them up for sale and exploitation on the 'black market'. For example, the deal we just made will be doubled by a shadow arrangement for another $75,000 paid directly into an account number I will give you. And that's the way it will be in the future. Whatever you pay 'mah dawgs' will be doubled, with the other half paid privately to me. Does that sound fair? And don't give me any shit about how the Corporation can't afford it. I know to the penny how much the Game Preserves bring in every year."

Nick was silent for a moment, looking at the man through new, admiring eyes. Intimations of an even closer relationship with him floated through his mind. Wouldn't a smart and canny black man like Channing Caine make a valuable addition to the Corporation's executive cadre? He was suave and sexy, but could also be brutal and ruthless, always a good combination in a business which provided trained manflesh to rich men for their use and pleasure.

"I'll have to get in touch with my people, but I don't think there will be any problem about the money. Maybe we could talk about that and some other things at my hotel this evening. Are you free for dinner?" asked Nick.

"There's a party at one of our clubs in Hollywood that I've got to drop in on--some record launch of one of our groups--but I could come by late, maybe around midnight. We could have supper in your room. I could give you a taste of some "uppity niggah" sperm. I saw how much you like your protein cocktails direct from the shaker. And given enough champagne, I might even be willing to dine on that slab of steak between your thighs in return. Perhaps you could arrange for a little room service--say two boys with big nuts to crack and bubble butts to fuck while we talk business? How does that sound, Nick?" Taking the scout's business card on which he had written the name of his hotel and his room number, Channing 'Khan' turned and walked back to the compound.

He called back over his shoulder, loud enough for the guards at the gate to hear, "Yu be careful Nickee, gittin' outta da hood. It be dangerous fo honkey trash roun' heah. Watch dat pretty ass a yurs."

In the car Nick Tarn took the shopping list out of his pocket and crossed off the last two priority items: "black thug" and "farm boy". With a satisfied smile he drove cautiously out of the area, feeling his cock still stretching long down his leg, moist with anticipation of the coming evening's pleasures.


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