Big Game Preserve

By Luc Milne

Published on Sep 27, 2023


Copyright 2006 by Luc Milne All rights reserved. Downloading of one copy for personal reading is allowed.

Each part of this series is a separate tale or "document" connected by the overall fantasy of a manhunting game preserve. The idea of "Special Boys" is from Garth Wells' fine story HORSE (see Yahoo group SlaveNow) although I have taken it in a different direction.


"The Father-Son Hunt"

For his son's 17th birthday present Dan Ryder took him on his first hunt at the Big Game Preserve. He imagined that he might be able to make a man of the kid, or at least sharpen up some of the boy's soft edges. Maxton Ryder was a frustating boy: for example, there was the pansy name which his ex-wife insisted on because it was her favourite uncle's name and she thought she might get some money out the old man when he died: she refused to allow anyone to call him Max for short, so he had to go through school bearing a name designed to make him a target for bullies. But worse, the kid didn't seem to mind the teasing.

If Dan Ryder had to give one word to describe his only child it would have been "blank"--not blank, as "fill in the blank" but just blank, as in "dead end". There didn't seem to be anything behind the boy's dull eyes: he seldom smiled, never laughed, spoke in a low voice, didn't swear, just sat in front of the TV or the computer, surfing channels and websites with no apparent aim, sometimes listening to his IPod at the same time. He was one of life's natural "onlookers". He would have been a handsome kid if his face had any animation: his nose was long and straight, his cheekbones high. his eyelashes thick, on eyelids that seemed to blink in slow-motion. He had a full mouth and an angular chin that was almost dimpled. His hair was a pleasing sand colour with a slight curl, but he kept it short in no particular style.

Many fathers would have been glad to have a passive son who presented no problems and wouldn't even have been aware of their off-spring's looks, except in the general way of normal dads: "Yeah, he's a good lookin' kid" or "I dunno, he just looks like a normal teenager, I guess." But Dan Ryder was not a normal dad: he only got to see his boy on weekends, his ex-wife permitting, and she could withdraw visiting rights anytime she wanted: all she had to do was tell the family counsellor that the boy's father was a "queer" who might lead his son into the "homo" lifestyle. She would have been half wrong about that: Dan had no lecherous thoughts about Maxton, even though he took a gay man's natural interest in the boy's naked body, seen in fleeting moments on the weekend sleep-overs his mother occasionally allowed, when she wanted to entertain some new "friend" overnight herself. Maxton's body had all the right parts, put together in all the right ways, but there wasn't a hint of sensuality about it. Dan had never seen more than a tease of the kid's cock and balls, but, like everything else, they seemed bland and average.

So, all in all, a blank.

When Dan asked Maxton if he would like a weekend of hunting on the Big Game Preserve for his birthday, the boy thought for a moment, then said, "I guess it'd be okay."

Dan pressed further. "You understand, Maxton, what the Game Preserve is all about, don't you? I've never tried to hide my tastes from you. You know that it's a place where guys hunt down other guys for the fun of it."

"Okay." These one word answers drove Dan crazy.

"And you won't get freaked out if I take one of our kills off into the bush and have a little fun with him? You understand what kind of 'fun' I'm talking about?"


If Dan Ryder had been a violent man, he might have slapped the kid, just to get something more than "sure" and "okay" from him. Maxton's sexuality was a mystery to Dan: the boy never seemed to date, although Dan caught him staring at the massive "natural" boobs on a website called "Milk Maids" one evening. But a teenage obsession with breasts and tit milk could easily be the sublimation of a deeper hankering for cocks and cum, as Dan knew from his own boyhood. Maxton had only one good male friend, a boy from his class named Gareth, who was even more passive than he was. They would sit very close together on the couch in the den at Dan's condo watching "Smallville" or "Stargate SG-1" without speaking a word to each other, apparently unaware that their shoulders and thighs were touching in a way that most teenage boys would have considered "faggy".

So, as Maxton's 17th birthday approached, Dan had agonized over whether to offer to take the boy on a hunting trip at the Preserve, with all the possibilities and "dangers" that implied. He felt guilty for even thinking about trying to push his son into the life he himself lived, but also thrilled by the idea that he might actually be helping the boy find his true nature. He knew that was a rationale that lots of "pervs" used for introducing teenagers to gay sex, but, for God's sake, the kid was almost 17 years old--not exactly jailbait anymore--and still seemed to be virgin meat.

Ryder himself wasn't particularly attracted to boys or young men under 20, preferring bodies and minds that could provide a little more experienced and inventive sex play. As a financial advisor who worked out of his condo after the divorce, he almost never came into contact with teens and spent most of his work days online or at lunch with blindingly straight clients who were trying to retire by age 55. Even at the Preserve he usually hunted the older animals, although he did like an occasional Special Boy who was conditioned to play the passive role once he was caught. Dan's ideal "kill" was a late-twenties animal, not too freakishly cock-enhanced, who gave him a good chase and then laid down willingly, ready to suck cock and take dick up his ass in whatever position Dan chose. Sometimes Dan brought his kill back to the stables well before his alloted play time was up. In fact, when he thought about it, Dan realized that in some ways his sex life was as bland and blank as his son's seemed to be, with the exception that Dan knew that he liked cock and ass and enjoyed the mild pleasures of the hunt to get them.

And now, having steeled himself to pop the big question to Maxton, all he got in return was careless acquiesence to his proposal--a toneless "sure" and a casual "okay".

When he booked their weekend of hunting, he told the Reservations Clerk that he would be going out onto the Preserve with his son and that they would probably make only a single kill, using the captured prey together for the following 24 hour play period. Dan had vague and slightly disturbing images in his mind of tempting the boy to a little dick-licking and finger-fucking with the animal, just to see what might develop. Then he went online to look at the catalogue, seeking a Special Boy suitable for his son's first "blooding" as a hunter. Among the varied selection, he found a 20 year-old Special named Fox whose non-threatening look and well-shaped cock and balls seemed ideal.

So, on a Friday evening, after unpacking in their room and eating dinner in the Lodge dining hall, they lounged around the fire in the Great Room with the other hunters, listening to some of the braggarts tell tall tales about the animals they had conquered and savaged. Dan didn't like the way two of the guys eyed Maxton hungrily. They were brothers, Jake and Todd, who hunted together and were called The Tormentors by the animals and staff at the Preserve because of the sadistic games they played with their captures. There was also a first-timer, a chubby middle-aged chump, who sat down beside them and actually put his hand on Maxton's thigh as he asked him if he was looking forward to the next day's adventure. But Dan needn't have worried: Maxton turned his blank stare onto the man and said "Sure". It was like a splash of cold water.

The next morning after the usual Hunt Breakfast, including the Chef's famous Cumglazed Waffles with Maple Syrup, the clients gathered in the forecourt of the Lodge for the traditional tankards of ale. Dan had chosen laser pistols for their hunting, although he himself preferred a long gun laser. Pistols were easier for novices to handle because you didn't have to sight them so carefully: moving the laser beam back and forth across the prey would usually cause it to come into contact with the cock and balls if they were within range, triggering the beeper that made the animal kneel and wait for the hunter to take control. He asked Maxton if he needed to take some practice shots on some animals in the corral, but the boy said, "No, I'm okay."

So the two of them set out on a trail, son behind father about ten paces, scouting the surrounding meadows and woods for a glimpse of bare male flesh. Dan saw a massive animal with a long mane of hair and a meatclub dangling to his knees jogging across a clearing, but didn't give chase. He wanted less threatening prey: he wanted to find Fox, the Special Boy he'd seen in the hunt list.

From his picture Fox was narrow-faced lad, with reddish brown hair and a wary, calculating look, like the animal he was named for. His body was lightly muscled and lithe, with a sprinkle of freckles across his chest. His cock was a long, cut meatpipe above reddened eggsized balls. But it was his green piercing eyes and the moist pink tip of his tongue just emerging from the slight smirk of his lips that attracted Dan to him and made him think he would make a good "first kill" for Maxton: young and smart, but manageable.

They moved through the landscape for a couple of hours, Maxton falling further and further behind, seeming to lose what little interest he had in the first place. They came to a wide place in the trail where a "refreshment boy" had been tied to a tree for the pleasure of hunters passing by. Dan needed a little drink to wet his dry mouth: he hesitated for moment, wondering if it would shock Maxton to come upon his old man sucking cock. Then he thought he might as well go ahead--the kid would probably just stand there looking on with a blank stare.

So when Maxton caught up with his father, he found him on his knees with his nose buried in the cockhairs of a guy's crotch: the refreshment boy was straining against his ropes as he slaked his sucker's thirst with frothy cumsoda. Dan pulled off the cock and squeezed it in his fist, pressing out the last sweet tears of aftercum onto his lapping tongue, then gave the boy's nuts a "thank you" twist and rose to face his son.

"You thirsty, Maxton?" he said daringly. "Want to try some of this? These boys are specially conditioned to feed several guys every day,"

Maxton looked calmly at the cock his father was offering him: "Nah," he said, "I'm okay."

"You're sure you're not upset about this? I did warn you that I wasn't going to hide anything from you this weekend." Dan watched his son closely, trying to find the merest spark of feeling in him, even if it was revulsion.

"Yeah, it's okay. I'm fine," the boy said. So much for shocking the little prick, Dan thought.

As they moved deeper into a wooded area Dan made Maxton take the point, thinking that by giving the teen more responibility he might get him a little more involved in the hunt. After a few minutes, Dan sensed that his son's focus had somehow sharpened: he slowed a bit and began to move more quietly, holding up his hand, as if to caution his dad to do the same. Then he came to a halt, staring into the near distance: Dan followed his gaze, and there, to his astonishment, was Fox, standing in a dapple of sun and shade among the birch trees. The animal was frozen, as if he thought he couldn't be seen if he didn't move. But his cock rose slowly from his crotch, swaying slightly as it hardened, betraying him. Another surprise: Dan saw Maxton slowly take a wide stance, flex his knees, raise his laser pistol in a two-handed grip, and press the trigger. The red beam went straight to the tip of the Fox's dick, stimulating the capture beeper. The Fox's eyes widened, he smiled slightly, then sank to his knees in the submission position.

Dan was thunderstruck! "Great shot, Maxton. I guess all those video games have taught you something after all." He moved up to his son and gave him a manly clap on the shoulder. "Now, lets get this animal tied up and start taming him." They moved to Fox, who leaned back on his knees as they approached, presenting his body even more openly to his captors: his cock fell heavily against his stomach, leaking the first strands of precum onto his abs.

"Usually I cuff a kill first thing," Dan explained, "but I don't think we have to worry too much about this one trying to get away. I think that we can get straight on to your 'blooding'--make this animal your private property right now."

"Blooding?" asked the boy, nervously.

"Well, not real blooding Maxton, just symbolic 'marking' to show that you've come of age. In real hunting a first-time boy hunter will often get the dead animal's blood smeared across his face to symbolize his growing up, and sometimes he has to drink a handful of the kill's blood. But here we use a different kind of liquid to 'blood' you. Here, I'll collect it for you." Dan knelt by the animal and took its cock in his hand, rough jerking it, while he pinched its pink nips with his fingers. Seconds later Fox began to heave up against the jerking fist, and Dan moved his free hand down to the cumlips, cupping his palm to catch the ropes of sperm that looped out of them. Then he stood and wiped his slimy palm across Maxton's cheek, marking him with the "blood" of his first "kill".

"Now, eat the rest of it off my fingers Maxton. Get your first taste of real 'manjuice'.

Maxton turned his head away, shuddering. "No, dad, I don't want to."

Dan saw red for an instant. He grabbed his son's face with one hand, pressed against the boy's cheeks to make his lips pout open, then crammed two cum-coated fingers into the kid's mouth. "When I say 'eat', you eat, you little freak!"

As his son pulled away, gagging on his first taste of semen, Dan came back to his senses, mortified that he had mistreated his boy. "I'm sorry, Maxton, I don't know what happened. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

Whimpering, Maxton whispered, "It's okay, dad. It's okay."

Dan Ryder was so penitent that he didn't notice a long bulge snaking down the his son's trouser leg and a spot of something wet spreading on the khaki. But Fox noticed. Fox saw it all and understood it all perfectly.

About 15 minutes later Dan led the cock-leashed Fox into a Pleasure Shed at a remote part of the Preserve: the shed was a shelter open on three sides, furnished with bales of hay covered in leather hides and racks of pleasure toys for the taming of captured prey. Maxton followed at a little distance, shambling along like a sulky grade-schooler. Some hunters preferred to play with their "kills" in the wild using only the tools that the land provided for their fun: supple willow whips, stinging nettle goads, strong vine-ropes, fuck logs, rocky suck slabs beside icy ball-shrinking streams, and all the rest of Nature's sex toys. But Dan liked the more comfortable Pleasure Sheds and Taming Pavilions for his play. He thought of himself as a civilized hunter.

He'd asked Maxton if he wanted to go back to The Lodge and not continue with the hunt after the disaster with the "blooding", but the boy had seemed to buck up and said, "Nah, dad. I'm cool."

Well, thought Dan, at least "cool" was a little more promising than "okay".

Usually Dan started his pleasure time with a quick face fuck of his kill, making it clear that he was the master. But in this case he thought he should start with a simple milking, and that Maxton should do it, just to get into the swing of things slowly and unthreateningly. After all, what teenage boy doesn't like to beat his meat? And learning that it was fun to jerk someone else off was just a step in the direction toward more complex games. He stretched Fox out on the haybale pallet and led Maxton to kneel between the widespread wiry thighs where he had easy access to the lifting meat. But some fifteen minutes later after watching the limp-wristed kid endlessly rub Fox's long, shiny dick with two fingers while diddling his balls clumsily with his other hand, Dan was coming to an angry boil again. Even on an animal trained to cum almost on demand, Maxton's feeble fumbling did no more than produce so much lube grease that his fingers kept slipping off the meat it was trying to milk.

Finally Dan said, desperately, "Let's get naked, kid. Maybe you just need more stimulation. Maybe having your cock and balls out in the open will warm you up a little." Without expression Maxton stood and began to unbutton his shirt. As they both undressed, Dan watched carefully to see if his son's cock showed any sign of enjoying the scene, or even if the boy stole a look at his dad's swinging penis. But the boy's medium sized prick just hung between his legs, bloodless and lank, although it was bigger even when it was soft than Dan had imagined, and the balls had a plumpness that seemed to promise more than the cock might actually give. Even more disappointing, the boy's helmet-shaped cockhead with its deep ledge at the rim of the meatus was bone dry--not a glimmer of fuckjam shone on its surface.

"Let's get that nice piece of boymeat into this animal's face, kid. Nothing like plowing a Special Boy's throat to get you steaming hard." Dan moved Maxton onto Fox's body, so that his knees straddled the animal's chest, then took his son's cock in his fist and crammed it into Fox's eagerly gaping lips. The Special Boy had been trained to drain any kind of manmeat put into its face, but on Maxton he had no effect. The pulpy teat just rolled around on his tongue, refusing to rise to a milkable fullness. Dan could see that the sucking was having no results, so he moved up behind his son letting his own cock nuzzle into the boy's ass crack, reaching around and teasing the boy's nipples with his fingers, letting his lips nuzzle at the nape of the boy's neck.

While Dan's attention was elsewhere, Fox tried something different on the cock in his mouth. He let his teeth come into contact with the rubbery shaft and began to bite down, ever so gently, pulling back and forth on the velvety skin. He felt the first stirrings of excitement in the cock, a hint that something bigger and meatier was about to come. But then the father swung away, and pulled the boy's meat out of Fox's lips.

"It's no use," he complained. "The kid's just a cold fish. I'm out of ideas. You got any ideas, Maxton? Anything you'd like to try? The sky's the limit here."

"No, dad, uh, I don't think so" replied Maxton who was eyeing Fox with a spark of interest.

"Maybe I should ask the animal here. What about you, Fox? You're the trained expert--got any ideas about getting this little nerd to harden up and be a man?"

Fox stared at the son, his tongue just visible between his lips, then moved his calculating look to the father. "Idea", he said, "makeimsuck".

Dan hadn't really been expecting a reply from the animal, so he wasn't sure what the clipped nasal voice was saying. "What do you mean."

Fox repeated, more forcefully, "Idea. Makeimsuck. Makeimsuckme."

"That won't work" protested Dan, "you know what happened when he got just a taste of your jizz. He almost threw up."

"Bigidea. Tieimup. Makeimsuck. Tieimuptight."

Dan glanced at Maxton to see what the boy thought of this "big idea" and saw that the kid's cock had grown perceptibly, beginning to stir itself heavily in his crotch. Damn, he thought, maybe the animal is right. Worth a try.

He got some lengths of rope from the toy rack and lashed Maxton's wrists and then his ankles together. He saw a bead of jelly glisten at the boy's cocklips as he pulled the ropes tight: he ducked down and licked it up: the thick liqueur tasted of sugar and ginger. Then he stretched his son out on the pallet with his arms above his head, and ordered Fox to straddle the slim, vulnerable figure. The Special Boy needed no further instructions: he pressed his cockhead down to Maxton's mouth and rubbed his slimy cumslit over the boys virgin lips, which stayed tightly closed.

"Idea. Squeezeim. Squeezeimhard." said Fox.

Dan took a fistful of his son's nuts, heavy as lemons and ripe with unspent semen; he mauled them with his palm, making the boy gasp, opening his mouth to Fox's instant thrust.

If Dan had been teaching his son to suck, he would probably have taken it easy at first, not wanting to hurt the kid, but Fox knew what was best for this kit. He pushed his long pole down in one sudden assault, past the stretched lips, past the fluttering tongue, through the spasms of the gag ring and deep into the silky wet lining of the boy's gullet. Then he began to circle his hips in a kind of corkscrew, reaming out the soft channel, letting his cockhoney coat every inch of the inner quivering flesh. Dan saw Maxton's cock swell even more, prompting him to grind the malleable boyballs harder. Another spurt of clear syrup gushed from the gasping cocklips; he gobbled it down, his body shuddering from the explosion of boy flavours on his tongue.

But Dan wanted to see his son's face impaled on Fox's pole; he crawled around so that he was kneeling at the top of the boy's head, facing the mouth-hunching animal. He knee-walked forward until his nuts fell over Maxton's eyes, and pushed his steely cock down so that it touched the boy's upper lip, stretched taut by Fox's rutting. Fox pulled back so that just his cockhead was in Maxton's mouth, and took Dan's meat in his hand forcing the bulbous head into the boy's maw as well, so that he was gob-stuffed with two juicy cocksnouts, sticky with dick jelly. Fox took Dan's face between his two hands and stared fiercely into his eyes: "Idea" he panted, "doubledeepim". They pressed their bodies as close together as they could, pec to pec and ab to ab, then slowly warped their huge helping of sausage meat into Maxton's throat. The boy's gag ring stretched to its limits as the double meatus pushed through it, filling the channel beyond. Streams of prefuck trickled down, followed almost instantly by shattering blasts of sperm cascading into the teen's belly, quenching, for the first time, his unspoken and unknown thirst for manmilk. Both cocks jinked and jerked in the kid's gullet.

Dan made Fox pull out before they choked his son to unconsciousness. Then as Maxton lay gasping, with cockdrool dripping from his puffy lips, they both stared at his cock and balls, now in their full glory. Maxton's dick had swollen in the excitement of his mouthrape to a fat, moist, slab of teenmeat and his balls rolled in their sack like gelatin, alive with the pleasures of abuse. Fox dropped down onto the boy's cock with avid animal gnawing and grunting, driving the sharp point of his tongue into the cumlips, bubbling with precum oil. Dan squeezed the ripe plums deep into their loose pouch and crammed them into his mouth, growling and twisting his head from side to side like a dog shaking a rat. They feasted mercilessly, slobbering over his crotch, but nothing they did made the meat shrink or the balls shrivel: the boy's penis and testicles seemed to grow bigger and fatter with every rough assault by tongues, teeth and fingers. Dan would have gone on until he got his first taste of Maxton's virgin semen, but Fox had other fun in mind.

He pulled his mouth off the throbbing cock and said "Bigbigidea. Makeimwait. Whipcock. Whipnuts. Whipcum." He went to the toy rack and brought back a small flogger with 9-inch square leather thongs, handing it to Dan. "Whipimcum", he said.

Dan had never used whips on his prey: they had always seemed too crude for his taste, but now the idea of penis-whipping his son attracted him and made his rod stretch long and hard. He suddenly realized that his wimpy son's cock was bigger and thicker than his own, and in a blinding revelation he knew that the boy must be punished for that. He was beginning to move from a lifetime of rational, careful, calculated sex to something darker, something more shapeless and predatory.

He approached Maxton's prone form, ankle cuffs off now, spread-eagled on the leather mat but still with his hands stretched above his head. He shook the flogger, letting his wrist move the thongs in a circle, making tentative flicks toward Maxton's crotch. This kid has got to be taught what his cock is good for, he thought. This kid is never going to say "Sure, dad" or "Okay, dad" to me again.

But before he could get in a real swipe at Maxton's cock, Fox moved between him and the boy. He said with a little smile "Idea. Whipimbutt. Whipimballs. Whipimcock. Sametime."

He rolled Maxton over onto his stomach, then pulled him up to his knees. Reaching through his legs from behind, he pulled the boy's rubbery cock and spongy balls back through his thighs, then pushed the kid's legs together tight, so that a good length of the shaft and the engorged purple head were caught, along with the nuts squeezed down tight in their sack, making them a challenging "bull's eye" in the inviting target of Maxton's tender butt cheeks and smooth skin of his upper thighs. Dan saw at once what had to be done to make the target even more secure. He took a piece of rope and lashed it tightly around his son's knees so he could not open his legs to avoid the whip on his cock and balls. Fox moved around to Maxton's head and sat with his legs wide, dragging the boy's mouth down into his crotch ready to be cockgagged if he yelled too much.

Dan drew back his arm and made a hard snapping slash at the meat target. His aim was off and the thongs only hit the boy's butt and just the smallest patch of loose ballskin. Still, his son jerked and cried out "Please, dad, don't."

"Shut him up," growled Dan, angry that the first "favour" his son had ever asked of him was to stop giving him a good time for his birthday. Fox fed his sticky sugartit into the boy's lips giving him something to suck on, diverting his mind from the fun his father was having at the other end. Dan took another stroke with the flogger, this time only teasing the balls and the cockhead with an easy brush of the thongs, just to get the distance and the aim. Then he made a large arc with his arm, letting the thongs slap a little harder on the meat, immediately following with another sweep and another, getting into a rhythm: draw back... sweep forward in an arc... slap on the flesh... return...drag the thongs slowly across the nuts on the backswing...sweep forward...slap on the flesh... over and over. The boy began to groan, hissing as he drew in his breath after each caress of the whip, shivering Fox's cock with delight.

Dan paid more attention to the butt cheeks and the tender thighs, striping them with red lines, then criss-crossing them with more glowing stripes from other directions: he moved on to more biting flicks, stinging the boy's flesh, making him squeal and pant around Fox's ramrod which began to stretch deeper into its warm moist sheath. As he worked, Dan felt his own cock swell harder: wanted to work it with his other fist, but found that the rhythm was broken by trying to do two things at once. He began to make variations: snicking the thong tips directly on the weeping cockslit, like a star quarterback in a locker room snapping a wet towel on the equipment boy's puckerhole.

He discovered a propeller movement, circling a dozen times in one direction, then a dozen times in the other direction, making sure that the cockshaft and the balls got smarting glances of leather on every pass. The more inventive he became, the more beautiful was the trilling song that emerged from his son's throat, and the deeper Fox's cock drilled down to meet the rising sound. By now Maxton's cockhole was leaking a constant stream which had the consistency of whipped honey. It coated his thighs and made the thongs stick when they dragged across them, creating a sucking sound as the stinging cords were pulled away for another sweep. The balls bloomed a lustrous red and the dilated cumlips puckered open and shut, uncontrollably.

Dan felt himself losing all restraint; he began flailing without plan or reason: the Pleasure Shed was filled with the sizzle and buzz of leather lacing tender cockflesh and with gurgling yowls of torment vibrating against the shuddering cock thrusts of a feral beast. Then, the stream of cock honey became a river of boysperm, erupting like lava from the contractions of the cumtube and the spasms of the swollen cumlips. Seeing the white flood, Dan dropped the whip and fell to his knees sucking hungrily at the well-head of crude cum-oil he had tapped. He locked his teeth around the heavy ridge of flesh where the head met the shaft and used his tongue to lap relentlessly at the fountain of cream. At the same time Fox began to feed his own wild seed into the boy's throat, filling him up as his father drained him.

Later, when the food wagon drawn by a matched team of ponyboys called at the Shed to see if any of the hunters there wanted an evening meal, only Dan took the barbecued ribs and corn-on-the-cob that was on offer. Fox was fed with the Preserve's "game formula", a nourishing diet of energy bars blended with virility drugs, steroids, mood controllers, and sperm enhancers. Maxton just shook his head when Dan asked him if wanted something, making a hoarse sound that might have been "No". It was hard to tell because his mouth was full of his father's club steak at the time and he was about to get more of the beef gravy he was learning to crave.

For the first time in his hunting career on the Preserve, Dan Ryder spent the whole 24 hours that he was entitled to with his kill. That night he and Fox slept on either side of Maxton, head to foot, with their cocks lying across his warm lips and their faces pillowed on his thighs with his milkteat in easy reach of their mouths in case they wanted a sleepy suckle.

In the morning, on waking, Fox pushed the head of his semi-hard cock deeper into the boy's mouth and pissed until he was empty. Dan was wakened, not by Maxton's gurgling, but by the rapidly swelling tube of boymeat in his mouth as the teenager responded to his further degradation. Not wanting to let good cock go to waste his father sucked hard and got a creamy morning "pick-me-up".

Rolling off the pallet, Dan looked around wondering what games he could play with his son today. His gaze fell on the whip and he picked it up, ready for a second whack at Max's balls. He had begun to think of Maxton as "Max" now, and sometimes even as "Maxie", because the kid was no longer a bland and nerdy kid, he was becoming an exciting abuse pig, ripening and ready for slutty nicknames. And Dan was ready to make up for 17 years of frustrating blankness from the pussy, by punishing his big cock and balls and face-fucking his brains out.

Fox saw what the hunter had in his hand and quickly crawled to the edge of the pallet, taking the flogger from him. "Bigidea," he said, "fukimhard. Dogfukim." He looked into Dan's eyes and twitched his lips in a knowing smile. He saw that he had caught the man's attention.

"Yeah," agreed Dan, "let's fuck the slut, make a real cockhound out of him. You want to start on him, Fox? It was your big idea again."

"Bigideabetter. Youfukimfoxlickim." He rolled the drowsy boy over and pulled him up again onto his hands and knees in the dogfuck position, the raised waffle pattern of his whipped ass still red and hot: the Special Boy grabbed the burning globes and pulled them apart revealing the delicate pink bud hidden in the hairless boycrack. "Foxlickim. Yufukimquik." Then as Dan jacked up his cock, getting it ready for his son's puckerhole, the clever animal buried his face in the steamy crease and slavered the hole with foxspit until it gleamed and dripped. When he was satisfied that the ass was cock-ready, he laid down on his back with his head beneath Maxie's dangling cock, reached up and grabbed Dan's rampant dick in his fist and guided it to the entrance of the kid's pussy. Just when Dan began to press into the warm ring, Fox lifted his head and let his tongue slide along the thick erector muscle of the shaft as it moved into the ass, finally bathing the man's heavy nuts with it when he reached maximum depth. Both father and son groaned, one with pleasure and the other with pain, followed by pleasure, as the pumping began. Fox continued to provide the saliva cream for the cockmeat as it pistoned in and out of the pucker ring. He avidly slurped at the rich mixture of fucksap and assjuice that coated the driving rod and seeped from the boy's meatchoked hole.

Dan had never even thought about fucking a teenager, let alone his own son, but now he found that the sensation of rubbing his cock over a kid's p-spot, making him shake with ecstasy, was one of the greatest experiences of his life. The teasing lap of foxtongue on his shaft and balls was just the icing on the cake.

Fox felt the semi-hard weight of the boy's cock flopping against his head as his father's powerful thrusts rammed into him. The animal reached through and pulled the meat back so that the wet head came into contact with the underside of his father's driving cockshaft. The friction of his father's spitslick cock on the boy's cumlips made them swell and deliver up more gobbets of teenhoney which Fox ate as his own special breakfast.

Dan felt himself rising near and nearer to climax, and just at the moment when he felt that trigger-release in his nuts, signalling that nothing on earth could stop his cum from erupting, he pulled out and sprayed his deluge of semen onto Fox's face and into his mouth as a reward for his tongue service. But before the cum stopped spurting Fox grabbed the cock and plunged it back into the cub's hole: he wanted the son to feel his father's sperm warming his guts. Besides, Fox knew that he could lick out the nectar from the kit's leaking rosebud afterwards with his long trained tongue.

Dan collapsed onto Max's back, giving Fox a perfect opportunity to double fuck them both with his neglected dick. He slammed into the father's tight ass ring, stroking with cunning thrusts--sometimes long-dicking, sometimes shallow-dipping, letting the thick ledge of his meatus catch and pull at Dan's joy button. Then he lowered himself to the son's dripping hole, reaming it out with grinding circles: back and forth he moved, from hole to hole, until at last he felt his milk vacuumed up by the father's tightly gripping sphincter. Cum oozed from the hole and dripped down onto the boy's ass beneath, as the three of them collapsed onto the leather, sticky with ballsweat and dickdrool.

Once recovered, after each had grabbed Maxie's hair and guided his open mouth over their crotches, making him clean up their fuck-spill, Dan and Fox got the boy to his feet and attached a cock leash tightly to his still throbbing meat, making it arch shamelessly from his groin and bounce obscenely as they led him down forest trails and through grass fields, stopping to play whenever their lust for the boy's ripeness overtook them. For a couple of hours they tied him to a bondage post, blindfolded and gagged, and lay in the cover of the brush nearby, lazily fondling each other's cock as they watched passing hunters and one maverick Special Boy slake their cum-thirst with Max's seemingly endless flow of force-milk.

Finally, in the late afternoon, Dan Ryder hooked up both of his "captures" to a double cock leash and led them, sated and drained, stumbling with cock fatigue, back to The Lodge. There, the Chief Warden came down from the terrace where he and some of the guests were enjoying their pre-dinner drinks and took Fox off to the stables. As he walked away Fox, looked over his shoulder at Maxie, then at Dan, flicking his tongue at them through his faintly smiling lips. Dan tugged sharply on Max's leash and led him through the intrigued hunters into the Lodge and up to their bedroom. Even after 24 hours of abuse, the boy still left a thin trail of fucklube across the slates of the deck.

Later at dinner, which Dan come to alone, leaving the comatose Maxton upstairs, the talk ranged, as usual, over the day's adventures, but no one was able to get the father to talk about the great change that had come over his shy and non-committal son. As he left the bar where they had all repaired for a nightcap, one of the Tormentor brothers approached Dan and said, "Hey, man, me and my brother were wondering if we could borrow your boy for the night."

Dan was nonplussed. "What do you mean, 'borrow' him," he stammered.

"Well we noticed that he seemed to be a hot little stud when you got back this afternoon, a real change from the tight-assed schoolboy you started out with yesterday morning. We thought maybe we could use him for an hour or two and taste some of that boy juice for ourselves--maybe learn him a thing or two. My brother's an ace at teaching a kid the "spread"--you know, tying him down and spreading his legs wide enough to get in real close for some hard manhandling on his meat. And my special thing is ball milking--I hang a boy from the ceiling hooks in our room and squeeze 'im till he's dry. Then I squeeze 'im some more just for fun. What about it? You could watch if you wanna. Might give you some good tips on how ta make 'im squeal."

Dan was dazed by the nerve of this guy, offering to abuse his son while he looked on. He opened his mouth to blow the creep off, but strangely found himself saying instead, "Well, yeah, that might be kind of fun. Let me see if the kid is up to it. I'll call you in a little while."

"Great, buddy. My dick's startin' to purr already. Talk to ya, later, then."

As Dan walked down the second floor hallway toward his room he thought, "What the hell was that? Am I really going to turn Maxie over to a couple of sadists and sit by jerking my meat while they turn him into so much fuckmeat? Fuck that. No way." In the room he picked up the phone and called down to the desk. "Would you tell those guys you call The Tormentors that I've had second thoughts--my son and I won't be seeing them tonight."

As he hung up a thought struck him: if anybody's going to turn this boy into a suckhole it's going to be me!

He walked to the bed where Maxie lay sprawled, his cum-caked body pungent with the odour of sex, his turgid cock lolling wetly against his stomach. Dan opened his fly and released his dick and balls from his trousers. He roughly pulled his son's face up to the musky head and rubbed his cumlips over the pussy's mouth and up into his nostrils. In his mind he heard his son's voice speaking a new language, the vulgar tongue of "Fuck me. Feed me. Milk me. Whip me. Yes, Sir. No Sir. More Sir"--an endless litany of submission and desire.

He slapped the boy's cheeks with his limber, thickening meat. "Wake up, kid and smell the cum. Your birthday treat isn't over yet."


Next: Chapter 5

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