Big Game Preserve

By Luc Milne

Published on Sep 20, 2023


Copyright 2006 by Luc Milne All rights reserved. Downloading of one copy for personal reading is allowed.

This is entirely fantasy. The idea of "Special Boys" comes from Garth Wells' fine story HORSE (see Yahoo Slave Now), although I have taken it in a different direction.


"Three Special Reserve Boys"

(taken from the catalogue of Special Boys available for hunting on The Preserve)

  1. Barbarian Boy

The Pleasure Corporation's experimental lab technicians and doctors have embarked on a series of "Mutant" creations and experiments to satisy the craving and dreams of the most voracious hunters a the Big Game Preserve. The Barbarian Boy is an early result in "Mutant Series 1", and is perhaps the most sought-after teen game-boy on The Preserve,

Starting with a Rumanian teenager of slender build and sultry, sullen looks, the Sex Enhancement Specialists at the Pleasure Laboratories had four primary physical goals for this hot young meat.

First: to increase cock and ball size to legendary dimensions.

Using a combination of hormone and steroid injections at the base of the shaft and at strategic places along the erector muscle to the corona, along with a six-month regimen of pumping, physical "cock calisthenics", penis "weight-lifting", and growth chemicals, the scientists have produced a trophy cock 14 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 10 inches in circumference through its entire length, except for a slight taper at the head. Technically he is still uncut, but because he is perpetually hard the foreskin tends to "disappear" along the swollen length of the shoft.

In addition, the testicles have been enlarged to the size of tennis balls in a loose sack lightly stretched with saline injections: the circumference is 14 inches. Semen production and storage capacity have been similarly increased to a minimum sperm volume of 12 ounces over a 12 hour period. Precum flow is continuous. The precum has a nutty, wild-honey flavour, while the semen has the consistency and taste of creamy vanilla pudding.

The cock lips have been suctioned so that they swell a full quarter of an inch above the surface of the head, making them ideal for tongue and lip play, and the cum tube has been reamed for optimal "gushing effect".

The enlargement process has had the added advantage of making the cock and balls less sensitive to rough treatment and able to prolong a driving fuck stroke for extended periods. For whipping, a 12 inch flogger or a three inch leather strap is recommended.

Second: to accompany the primary goal of increasing the cock and balls to gigantic proportions, the butt cheeks of the boy have been augmented.

Exercise and injections have created two luscious handfuls of ass meat for the hunter. The asshole muscles have been conditioned for tight rhythmic clutching during fucking, although anal penetration of Barbarian Boy must be taken with care, as he does not suffer assplay willingly. The tender flesh of the ass-pucker and the silky skin of the fuck canal have been extra-sensitized to allow for deep-tongue rimming which will drive the Barbarian Boy to the edge of climax and make him far more willing to be fucked.

Third: to enhance the boy's nipples for maximum sensual appeal.

The Barbarian Boy's tits have been pumped and stretched to mouth-watering dimensions: a 2-inch corona with a 1-and-one-half-inch nipple projection. In addition the pecs have been pumped as a unit so that they take on the ripe shape of gently rounded suck-mounds, well suited to manual milking while the mouth works at the chewable nips. Small reservoirs for milk or semen have been inserted into the pecs so that the sucker can experience the joy of true "manmilk" while nursing at them.

Fourth: to make the boys mouth more appealing and fuckable.

The Special Boy's lips have been pumped and injected with collagen to ensure that they give complete oral pleasure to his captor's cock. His tongue has been stretched, making it a superb rimming tool. Dildo throat training has enlarged his gullet and permanently suppressed his gag reflex. A steady diet of nutrition-enhanced semen flavoured with an addictive herb has made him an avid cum sucker.

Barbarian Boy is small in stature, only 5 feet, 5 inches tall, which makes his colossal endowment even more seductive. Catching sight of him during a hunt, as he lopes through the grass with his meat swinging from side to side over his rolling balls, will make any hunter eager to get his laser on target, so he can enjoy his trophy.

One can see from the expression in Barbarian Boy's eyes that he is still not completely acceptive of the changes which have been made to him. This "wildness" gives added spice for the hunter who captures him and puts him through his paces. Once aroused, he is an aggressive and dominant fucker amd mouth rapist; it may be necessary to fit him with a mild "stun" collar before letting him loose up your asshole or down your thoat, so that you can make him "back off" when the action gets too intense.

The Special Reserve Boys of Mutant Series 1 are in great demand, not only at the Big Game Preserve, but throughout the various enterprises of The Pleasure Corporation. The Laboratories receive a constant barrage of "special requests", keeping them at the leading edge of male sexual alteration and enhancement practice. The Barbarian Boy is only the first in a long line of successful mutations to come.

SPECIAL ADVISORY: The Chief Warden reports that recently an AG (Assistant Gamekeeper) answered a distress beacon from a new client on his first hunt. On arriving at the scene the AG found the novice hunter on all fours with his cock and balls tethered to a log by his own cockleash. He was being violently penetrated anally by Barbarian Boy. The AG immediately activated the stun collar, which seemed to function but only had the effect of making the animal's assault more frenzied. The AG was unable to understand any of the garbled words of the client whose body was covered with slap-marks and red from rough handling. His inner thighs were coated with Barbarian Boy's semen overflowing from the repeated climaxes of the continuing rape. As a last resort, the AG applied his prod to the animals testicles, using a mid-range electrical charge, which caused the boy to disengage. Barbarian Boy was quickly cuffed and roped for return to the stables. As a result of later revelations, the animal was not disciplined for his assault.

Unable to speak clearly for several hours because of the heavy coating of Barbarian Boy's pungent semen on his vocal cords, the client finally managed to admit that he had been at fault in failing to secure the prey immediately upon capture.

He said, "I guess I just got carried away--the minute he dropped to the ground after I zapped him, I just leapt on his ass and began fucking away. I guess I took on more than I could handle."

The Chief Warden reminded the client of the advice given to all first-time hunters: firmly securing the beast with cockleash and leg and wrist cuffs is the first priority after a "kill". Further it is not recommended that animals be assfucked without a preliminary milking and cum-feeding by the hunter, who thus shows his dominance. In the case of Barbarian Boy this is particularly important as he is never a willing recipient of ass penetration.

In future the Chief Warden has recommended that first-time and inexperienced clients avoid tracking and capturing Barbarian Boy, leaving him to the skills of "alpha" hunters.

  1. Ivory Boy

Ivory Boy is a slim, milky-skinned rarity with blonde hair, green eyes, rosy pink nipples and a velvety double-fistful of meat covered by thick creamy foreskin--just right for chewing and pulling at. His peach-sized balls will give up cupfuls of sweet cream to the hunter who can treat him with the rough handling he's been trained to crave. Conditioned to stay semi-hard for long periods of greedy gnawing and mauling, the sponge ivory cockmeat can be mauled by his captor for hours, while his rubbery balls are fist-milked until the boy goes into a seizure of semen-gushing ecstasy.

Ivory Boy's lips have been lightly pumped and and plumped to provide maximum pleasure on your own cock as you kneel in a 69 position above his face, pinching his tits until they turn bright red and exploring the wet head of his giant cock with your tongue, probing down into his pliant foreskin.

Used mostly as a passive toy, Ivory Boy is not the ideal prey for a hunter who wants rough treatment himself from a dominant animal. Ivory Boy's ass cheeks are classically rounded and his pucker-hole is kept rosy and pristine by the trainers. He is an excellent fuck trophy and likes his cock and balls squeezed mercilessly while his asshole is pounded.

This rare specimen is easy to spot in the Preserve but hard to catch, as his trim, lithe body can scamper easily through the tall grass and into the trees. Once caught, his finely tuned sexual instincts cause him to quiver with anticipation at the first caresses of his captor. Overall skin conditioning has made his body so sensitive that a good hunter can play it like a harp, drawing out moans of rapture and whimpers of desire as he is stroked to climax. Because of his low hanging balls and his semi-hard cock he is a good subject for the testicle and penis whips available at the play areas of the Preserve. Suspended from a bondage bar with his legs spread wide by a three-foot ankle bar, his cock and balls can be whipped to full discharge by a talented hunter.

Ivory Boy is a Donor Term Gift and will be returned at the end of his two-year stint of service to his uncle for personal use. A naturally shy creature when first brought to the Preseve, he required a full year of conditioning, cock and ball enhancement and sexual remodelling to bring him to his current succulent perfection.

Ivory Boy's uncle visits the Preserve several times a year to check on the progress of his "gift". He recently wrote a letter of commendation to the CEO of The Pleasure Corporation, our parent company. In it he says:

"When I first brought my nephew (also my ward) to the Preserve for training and enhancement, he was a pasty-faced nerd, good only for the occasional quick "suck'n'fuck" when nothing better was available. After a full year of conditioning he has become a desireable sex animal that any man would be glad to own. On my last visit I went to his stable stall and spent an hour enjoying his many talents and assets. He no longer shys away when his meat is rough-jerked and takes three fingers up his ass without flinching. I particularly like the way the cock enhancement lab has fattened his meat to a throat-satisfying fulness, and the sperm production supplements have made his climaxes a gushing feast of boycum. As a "ball man" I especially asked your lab technicians to toughen up his nuts so that I could play with them as hard as I wanted, and they have achieved that goal magnificently. I was able to force a load of semen from his ripe cumlips by squeezing and whipping his fat testicles without any other stimulation at all. In his previous life he was a miserable cocksucker, gagging and balking as soon as my meat brushed the back of his throat: now he can swallow me whole, milking my sperm out with the gag ring your labs have so superbly trained. Your work on my nephew has been a great success: now I am just counting the days until his two year term as a Special Boy is up and I can take him home for continuous use over the many years to come."

  1. Panther

The Panther is an 18 year old black teenager and inner city gang member sold to the Game Preserve by a rival gang who provide us with a regular supply of exotic street boys. He required several weeks of drug and psychological conditioning to accustom him to the idea that he is now a game animal to be used by his captors in any way they please. We tried to accomplish this without suppressing the inbred "street wildness" that makes him a desireable, and even dangerous Special Boy. We have left his body more or less "natural" because his extraordinary cock and balls are all the more spectacular when seen arching out from his slender, athletic form.

Panther's meat is a natural 12 inches, slightly curved, richly veined, and covered with silken ebony skin. The long pliable foreskin is still intact. His balls hang full and heavy to a length of eight inches with sufficient skin between the base of the cock and the plum-shaped testicles to allow for a full fist-squeeze, forcing the nuts down tight into their sack for tonguing and slapping. The penis tends to stay in a semi-hard state, ideal for heavy massage and manhandling by hunters who like to "tenderize" a prey's meat before they eat it. His cum has the consistency and the taste of heavy cream, which is spiced by the lingering savour of his cinnamon flavoured precum.

The boy's buttocks have the natural roundness and fullness of tropical melons and they move seductively as he runs, promising that the tender crack between them will be musky and well-greased with sweat when he is caught. He responds eagerly to slapping and light chewing of his butt cheeks and will automatically spread wide to allow full access to the pink ribbed skin of his asspucker. Rough tongue rimming and finger fucking of his hole will make him drool both from his mouth lips and his cock lips.

Apart from some dildo training to accustom his ass ring to the invasion of big hunter cocks, the major "enhancement" our laboratory technicians have made to the Panther is the stretching and toughening of his foreskin. The tasty skin that covers the moist head of his cock has been machine-pulled, and massaged by vacu-pump until it now hangs wet, and dripping with spicy precum, a good inch below his cock tip. By grasping the shaft and pulling the skin even farther forward, a foreskin addict can create almost three inches of succulent cockskin to munch on. The last couple of inches of his skin have been artificially toughened with injections and numbing agents to allow for almost unlimited chewing and feasting. The constant flow of precum syrup from his gaping cum lips ensures that there is no "dryness" to the toughened "Panther jerky".

The Panther's mouth is very wide, with a plentiful supply of lubricating saliva and thick full lips which easily slip over the biggest meatus, but a face-fucker must keep a strong grip on his head when he pushes deep into his thrast as the boy's gag ring has been left in its naturally sensitive state, making it necessary to force the meat past it. Once breeched, however, he will generally calm down and suck with passion.

One of the greatest pleasures of hunting the Panther is to see him loping across a sunlit glade with his heavy hang of meat swinging from side to side, slapping against his thighs, make a tempting target for your laser.

With each hunt and each "kill" the Panther is becoming more cunning and more aggressive. Recent hunters who captured him have reported that he has developed into a relentless and ferocious fucker, once aroused, and can continue ramming a hunter's hungry asshole through two or three successive climaxes.

If an exotic animal in its natural state is to your taste, the Panther is the prey for you.


On each hunt day one or two "easy kill" boys are released onto the Preserve, for the benefit of first-time clients and inexperienced hunters who may find it too difficult to make captures while they are developing their tracking skills. Easy Kill boys are usually teens who have not demonstrated the potential to develop into strong and cunning prey for major hunters, but who are, nevertheless useful "practice" kills for novice hunters. You can tell when you are tracking an Easy Kill animal by the relatively open presentation of his cock and balls he makes as you aim your laser at his crotch. Sometimes you will come upon an Easy Kill stretched out under a tree or bush, resting or napping, with his legs wide spread and open to your shot. To gain experience the new hunter should treat an Easy Kill with the same discipline and control expected for more experienced animals. Being teenagers these boys make excellent fucktoys and willingly submit to a hunter's hungriest and most aggressive attentions, supplying an almost inexhaustible flood of semen. They suck hunter cock energetically, if not always with the greatest deep-throat skills.

Once a client is no longer tempted to make an "Easy Kill", he has started down the path to becoming a true alpha hunter.

A complete catalogue of the Big Game Preserve's animal stock, with photographs and full measurements, is available on line at our website. It should be noted that the Preserve management cannot guarantee the capture of any specific boy. A successful hunt depends upon skill, desire, and luck.

Next: Chapter 3

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