Big Dicked College Guy

By Will

Published on Sep 5, 2014


This is a story about consensual sex between two adults. I strongly recommend using condoms during sex, and practicing safe sex.

Big Dicked College Guy - Part 2

A couple of weeks had gone by since my first meeting with Alex, the young college guy I had me thru his CL posting

`hung straight guy needing suction'.

He, as all the young people like to do today, could only communicate, it seemed by texting. I'm an older guy and I like to hear a voice on the phone and get my message out that way. This texting thing to me was just annoying, but if I was going to communicate with Alex I would have to learn to text, this would later work to my advantage I soon figured out.

Alex had been clear from the start that he had a lot of classes for this summer `B' college session, and I had forgotten that detail, after a couple days of leaving a text or two, I kind of figured it was a one-time thing and gave up the idea of seeing him again. Hey, he was straight, had a good time, had a great blow job, by his own admission, and when I left was a happy college guy.

I had been busy at work and out of nowhere I had gotten a random text message from Alex saying he was sorry about not getting back to me but the classes and the upcoming finals had him stressed and he really had no time for much more than study. I thanked him for the reply and sent him a text that I thought would get his attention.

I need to suck and lick those big balls then slowly work that long THICK cock in my mouth and have you fuck it slowly down my throat opening my throat, pull it out and slap my face with that rock hard cock then NEED you to fuck my mouth with that big HARD cock.

That being done on a basic cell phone not a touch screen took some time and a few edits. I figured I had nothing to lose so why not tell it like it is. He was a fun guy to be with, not rough or abusive, and in his own way a little playful while we were with each other the last time.

I got no reply and figured I had probably scared him off and went about work and fixing up the house I had just moved into. I settled back into my routine of working from 8 - 5 with my Tuesday and Wednesday off.

Tuesday afternoon about 5:00 I got the following text message from Alex.

`The way you talked earlier got me rock hard, I feel like I'm about to explode I'm down for this I'm crazy horny right now. Haven't blown a load in about 3 days. However I have finals (one of which is tomorrow) so I really don't have much time to spare. If you want to do this it will have to pretty much be a blow and go, unless you'd rather just wait until later next week! I would definitely love the blow and go if you're interested in it though, it'll help me be able to study with one head instead of two. Haha'

I read it over a couple of times and replied, `Sure, when would you like to do this' I got a reply asking what time I could get there. I just got a shower and started on my 30 minute drive to see Alex.

This time I called him as I was about 20 miles from the downtown area and got no answer but a quick text telling me he was at a study group and to just be at his complex in 30 minutes. I headed over to where he lived and texted him when I got there.

Alex came out of the apartment and escorted me to his room, I remembered from before and asked about the roommate, and was told that he was upstairs and not to worry about it.

This time it was different, he was ready and you could feel the sexual tension in the air, he was still wet from just taking a shower, which I have to admit is a nice touch on his part and something I put in the back of my mind from the last time. He made a point of telling me he had just taken a shower. I said thanks.

The floor had the customary oversized towel on it, but I noticed that the chair from his computer workstation that was on the bed the last time had been pushed over much further to allow someone to actually sit on the edge of the bed.

Alex at 24 is 6 foot tall and a lean 150 if that, and not an ounce of body fat on him. He had on his usual black basketball shorts that against that white fair skinned body of his looked so amazing. This guy lives in Florida he needs to get out and get some sun. He had let his scruffy facial hair grow out and now had the appearance of a 5 o'clock shadow that I'm sure was a few weeks of growth.

His red hair on his head and that attempted beard looked so sexy. I pulled him in for a hug, which he didn't resist and nuzzled his neck, and rubbed those fine bubble butt ass cheeks of his thru his basketball shorts. I could feel his cock pushed against my crotch starting to get fuller and I wasted no time in getting him comfortable on the floor on his towel. I rubbed and massaged his chest, working my way down to his smooth tight abs, he was really starting to look great from working out.

I leaned over him and started to lick and nibble on his dime sized nipples while starting to rub his crotch which was definitely in a heightened state of arousal. He grabbed my hand and helped me rub and stroke on his cock thru those shorts. I moved his hands to get access to his really hard cock and started to pull down the shorts, stopping to suck and lick on it thru the fabric. This got his attention and he held my head against his crotch for just a second to enjoy the attention.

I pulled down the shorts and his now fully hard arched cock sprang up and laid against his stomach. Alex's cock is quite interesting to see, I can only describe it as having a half-moon shape arch to it and it arches out and down, not like so many that arch to the back or to one side or the other, his is straight as an arrow with an amazingly thick middle to it. I haven't measured the thickness, but I'm sure it is at least 6 or 7 inches thick at the middle, it tapers from nice and full at the top to this very large middle section and stays that thick to the base.

His foreskin was just starting to ease off the head of his cock. I leaned down and licked the head and massaged his balls. They were full and in need of relief. I tongued his ball sac and he moaned ever so slightly.

I started to work my way with my tongue up that underside of his hard cock while playing and tugging on his full balls. I got to the top and circled the head and eased the skin back ever so slowly exposing his beautiful cock head and started to pay attention only to that.

He wasted no time and grabbed my head with both hands and guided me down onto that thick hard cock and started to slowly pull my head up and down onto his hard cock. I had to do no work and I wanted to see how far he would go with this. I remembered that the text message said that this was a blow and go and I was determined to make this last as long as possible.

He continued to pull my mouth down onto his cock and after a minute or so of this he was moaning ever so slightly, he started to get closer to my throat with each pull downward, but seemed to resist getting his cock in my throat I let this go for a few more times and just kind of kept going down this time and got the tip of his cock into my throat, and as the last time just froze for a second, I continued my downward pressure to get an inch or two in my throat, and just let it stay there for a second before I swallowed around that hard cock now in my throat.

He moaned as I kept up the tightening of my throat around his hard cock. He pulled me up off of his cock and started down again this time with no pretense of letting my throat go unused. I felt the first couple of inches of that hard cock start into my throat and it was great, but that cock of Alex has this amazingly thick girth and I had forgotten that in my haste to get him in my mouth. He pushed down and I was caught off guard for a moment as the thick middle part of his cock wanted to get in my throat. I moved a bit to get the angle correct and he eased that cock of his slowly deeper in my now opening throat.

I had an idea that would get him what he wanted and give me more control of keeping that hard college cock busy and not blowing its load quite so quickly. I pulled up off of him and sat up and against the bed and pulled him towards my open mouth, he followed my lead and put that cock of his back in my mouth. His natural instinct took over and he started to fuck that rock hard 9 « inch cock in and out of my mouth. He didn't try to get balls deep, but I guess he liked it like this and he went with it.

I reached down and starting seriously massaging his balls, while slowly rubbing those bubble butt cheeks of his. Slapping each one easily to let him know I was playing with them, I eased a finger up and down his ass ever so slowly the finger would just graze his tight virgin hole.

While I was working on that he was starting to pick up a serious pace of fucking that hard cock into my mouth. This went on a couple more minutes, and he started to ease deeper into my throat, this time much less hurried. I don't know if he forgot that I enjoyed him having his cock buried in my throat or what, but it was like someone turned on a switch and his cock started to get serious about finding the bottom of my throat.

My idea of getting him in this position worked great for me as he was standing and fucking himself into my mouth, I didn't have to worry about the angle that cock was going in, but let him have full control. He was fucking with a frenzy and I knew this couldn't last much longer so I eased back against the bed a little and he wasn't getting quite so deep on each thrust. I pulled back and pushed against his thighs to push him back and out of my mouth. I could tell he was so close to cumming.

I spun him around and bent him over with little resistance from him. I licked each ass cheek and slowly made my way to the center and up and down that ass crack working my tongue up and down. I pushed him over further until he had both hands on the floor holding himself up while I spread those hot ass cheeks apart to start licking and tonguing his hot ever so tight hole. I worked on that hole for a few minutes not neglecting the ever present cock of his, I eased my finger into his hole as my tongue came out and did this for a few minutes. His moans were getting more pronounced. I shifted my mouth back to those balls of his, sucking only one at a time due to the size and I just kept going from one to the other.

He was moaning something unintelligible but I got the message that his cock needed more attention so I eased my finger from his hole and he wasted no time in getting his cock back into my mouth.

Alex was on a mission and it involved getting his 9 « inch cock as far into my throat as he could and shooting his load. This was the best part of this meeting.

He wanted to get off and he picked up the pace like he was running laps. I leaned back against the bed as far as I could and he started to deep throat that cock into my now opened throat. I love a guy that can get his cock in my throat.

Alex had told me the last time we were together that he had never had anyone able to deep throat him, and that when I did that the last time he was just amazed at how great that felt. In this position I could let that hard cock have full access and it was enjoyable for us both. He didn't fuck it in and hold it there to gag me, he fucked it there because he could and he enjoyed the feeling. I could feel him start to tense up and knew his orgasm was fast approaching. I had been throat fucked for about 10 minutes now and really wanted more, so I eased him out and started to just lick and suck on just the head and up and down the shaft to his balls.

My plan to delay his rapidly approaching orgasm was short lived as he looked down at me and said in a very direct way.

`I'm enjoying this, but I HAVE to study, I HAVE to get off, your throat feels like I'm fucking a pussy. I need to get off.

Go for it' I said. That may in hind sight, may have been a slightly poor choice of words.

I don't run around and suck random cocks, or really do anything, I am way to busy working and fixing up a house, and in this little town if people know you like dick it can get uncomfortable, so the left hand works great for me and never says no, and really knows what I like.

So finding someone like Alex was a real treat for me. I leaned back against the bed and Alex playfully slapped that rock hard leaking cock against my face, first one side then the other, he did this a couple of times as I had asked him to do the last time we were together.

I reached up and grabbed his cock and licked the tip that was leaking pre cum and it tasted so good.

He aimed that cock of his at my mouth and looked down at me with a slight smile and eased in for a few thrusts. I thought to myself that this was better than I had thought, but that thought was short lived as the next thrust was balls deep into my throat. I was caught off guard, but he pulled out as quickly as he put it in. He did this for a few minutes deep in and right back out of my throat. He had a vice grip on either side of my head and had pulled me up slightly from how I was leaning against the bed. He was getting ready for the final push to his orgasm and I wasn't going to stop him.

He pulled all the way out again and to my amusement again playfully slapped my face again with his hard cock, looked down and told me, I'm gonna cum and it won't be long, that throat is what I need to do it.' He didn't ease in, he forced all 9 « inches balls deep and just held it there for 5 or 10 seconds just moving his cock in and out ever so slightly and he started to pull out he moaned and pushed it back in balls deep and just pulled my head forward into his groin and pushed deeper into my throat. Swallow it please swallow it' he begged I used my throat muscles and acted like I was swallowing something he tensed and pulled out all the way.

I need that throat to fucking cum please swallow it again, I have to cum' he hissed thru his teeth. He eyes were mostly shut and he was in another place mentally. He shoved that cock back into my throat and just started to fuck my throat like it was a pussy to him. I tried to swallow around it each time he put it in but instinct had taken over and he was just fucking to get off. It went on for two or three more minutes, as he was actually all the way down my throat he moaned loudly. Almost yelling, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum.' He held that hard cock in my throat and shot his load into my waiting throat.

Easing out ever so slightly to push back in with each jet of cum that he shot out of that amazingly hard cock of his. He eased his cock out of my throat first then slowly pulled it out of my mouth, I grabbed his hips and held him in place while I licked that ever so sensitive head trying to get a taste of what went down my throat. He was very appreciative to the attention his just spent cock was receiving and begged me to stop as his cock was sensitive.

I told him that someday I would like to be fucked by that cock and with a typical straight guy mentality point blank said, `You really think you can handle this'' I said it would be a challenge but I as up for it.

Our post activity went as usual, I used the bathroom, and he went and cleaned off his cock and got back into his black basketball shorts.

I thanked him for what we had done, asked about meeting again, and he said we would work something out but needed to get back to studying now that he could think with one head, and laughed.

I got in the car and headed back east to the small town I lived in and really thought about what had just happened. I stopped at the local version of 7-11, here known as the Kangaroo store, got a soda and a bag of chips to eat on the way back. I took a sip of the soda and my throat reminded me what I had just put it thru. I guess your body really does have the final say.

I sent my usual thanks for the meeting and as usual got no response, college classes come first and I fully understand that.

A couple of days went by, I was busy at work on a new project and was working extra hours, so my schedule was off and I kept waking up at 4 AM.

Ii got a text message from Alex that was incomplete and just said, `trying to figure things out and this girl I've had a thing for all summer finally started talking to me.'

I haven't heard back from him via text, but I have shared the comments that you great people post about the story of our meeting via e mail, and he is actually surprised by the response. Before I posted the first story I sent it to him to read to get his permission to use it and he was very surprised how much he liked it. He told me it was `very hot and sexy'. I explained that he was the reason it was so hot and sexy.

This will for now wrap up the Big Dicked College Guy series unless we manage to get back for another round.

I have told Alex I only wish him the best, and that I fully understand that he was exploring and I hope him and the girl work out. I had an amazing time with this great young man and wanted to share it with all the Nifty readers.

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As usual your comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated, all I have received so far have been nothing short of amazing to read and I do share them all with Alex via email.

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