Big Dicked College Guy

By Will

Published on Aug 27, 2014


This is a story about consensual sex between two adults. I would advise everyone to use a condom during sex.

Big Dicked College Guy

It started on a Friday in summer near a major southern University. I was bored and looking thru the Craigslist "casual encounters" section in the m4m section.

Being and older guy I like the younger guys between 20 and 30 sometimes.

This particular ad caught my attention with the title "straight, hung, and needs suction" it had a few pictures attached, I clicked and checked out the ad. It was the typical straight guy looking for a blowjob, but this one really got my interest with the attached pictures. Nice cock shots, but they all showed a cock that looked too big to be real, and definitely too big to have not been altered. The body shot was a lean looking guy and the half face to protect the real identity was of a cute younger guy that looked interesting. The ad said he was 24, but he looked more like 20 or 21 in the pictures.

I clicked on the reply link and sent a random "I'm interested, but I'm and older guy with a few extra pounds line" and figured I would never hear back. I learned long ago if you made a point up front of being honest it wouldn't always work out, but when it did it was great.

I got a reply in 5 or 6 minutes and it was promising, "hmmm I might be interested". Ok so this might work out I thought. Over the course of 7 or 8 more back and forth emails we agreed to a time and date, I was living in a small town about 30 minutes away where there was NO action of any kind going on, so I drove over to meet my new found stud to see what was up.

He was elusive with the text mails so I figured he had bailed on the idea of meeting. He told me to meet him near the pool by the back of the complex. I drove back and waited and waited. Well this was a waste of time, and driving I thought. I got out of the car to use the bathroom in the clubhouse near the pool I was waiting at and when I came back near my car there was a young good looking lean guy in only black basketball shorts taking a bag of trash out to the dumpster.

I kind of stood there as he had not approached me, but was looking around so I asked if he was "Alex?" yeah he said, and my mind was thinking I had really struck gold with this one.

At first appearance he looked really skinny but closer up he was defined and you could see he was working on building a skinny body into a lean toned one. He needed to work on the tan, he was very pale for living in the south.

He ushered me to the door and immediately said we had to be quiet as his roommate was home and he didn't want him to know what was going on. We went in the door and the first room on the left was his room, we went in and he shut and locked the door and immediately in a hushed tone said we had to be quiet. OK I said having just been told this not 2 minutes ago. He was clearly nervous, so I figured that this really might be his for time doing this.

The room was a typical college guys room, computer desk on the left, good sized bed, which had an office chair laying across it, I figured he used for when he was working at his laptop desk, a dresser and lots of clothes lying around on the floor, I noticed a box of Magnum XL condoms on the dresser and thought those pictures might have actually been real. I asked if he was going to move the chair and we were going to use the bed, but he said the sheets needed to be laundered so he figured the floor was where we would do this. I thought ok, I'm here so the floor it is. He put down and oversized towel about 7 feet long and proceeded to lay down on it looking up at me. I asked if it was ok to get undressed and he said sure.

I left my boxer briefs on and proceeded to kneel down next to him. He was nervous and seemed more hesitant so I asked if he was ok and had he ever done this before and he said only once and it was when he was in high school. I rubbed his chest playing with his nipples and he was lying there and seeming to slowly settle in. I asked how big his cock really was since the pictures looked too big to be real. He smiled slightly and said I would have to find out on my own.

I said ok and rubbed my hand over the crotch area and was pleased to find a nice size bulge that seemed to be getting firmer the more I rubbed. I grabbed the waist band on both sides and pulled them down and to my pleasure I found an uncut, cock very thick in the middle that was starting to wake up. It had a definite arch to it as it started to get firmer and straighten out. This cock was arching out over his balls and was arching at a 30 degree angle. I guessed he might be between 7 maybe 71/2 inches at this point. I starting rubbing and stroking his cock and it just kept getting firmer and longer. I leaned down and started licking under the bottom from the base to the top and his uncut cock head was slowly coming out of it's hood, I licked around the top and slowly started to go down on my new found prize.

Now let me tell you, I like sucking cock, no I LOVE sucking cock and if I can get it in my throat I am a happy guy. I worked my way down and I felt his cock touch the back of my mouth, I pulled up and went back up to the top, stroking this now rock hard cock before I started back down to get to the serious part of sucking this young studs cock for real. I figured I would go up and down for a few minutes then focus on getting his cock in my throat and giving him some serious deep throat attention. I have very little gag reflex, so I wasn't concerned about getting his cock down my throat, what I hadn't counted on was the girth at the middle, it was really thick and my earlier guess of 7 or 7 ? inches had now changed to 9 ? inches.. I forced his cock into my throat and being this long and this thick I was challenged to keep from gagging just on the sheer girth of it. He shuddered as I kept going further down until I had my nose buried at the base of that thick cock.

I slowly started back up and looked up at him, and he had a look of being lost somewhere and a faint smile on his face eyes closed and focused on some planet somewhere. This went on for 4 or 5 minutes with me going down on that now rock hard cock deep in my throat each time. I figured I had to get him involved so I reached out and put both his hands on either side of my head and made him pull my head up and down, he caught on quickly and was taking control of what he wanted done. By this time he was moaning quite a bit, and I thought to myself as I could see he wanted to be louder, but still the ever present roommate stayed in the back of his mind.

He was getting faster and harder in his need with my head as he pushed up and down on his cock. I looked up and saw the eyes wide open and the mouth ajar as he was getting a great blow job and was really getting into it. He started to really pick up the pace, so I figured if I didn't slow things down this would be over way to soon, as his orgasm was rapidly approaching.

I came up and wiggled my head free from his grasp and pulled off him completely and started to just stroke him and play with his balls. He was slowly coming down for the pre - orgasm stage to enjoying the stroking his cock was getting and having his balls played with.

I got back down between his legs and started licking his balls and he shuddered. He had some seriously large balls, first licking one then the other then sucking in the left one and rolling it around in my mouth then the right then tried to get both in, and that was a problem he felt some pain so I went back to the one at a time plan and he settled back down and seemed to be enjoying this.

I got back between those legs and lifted them up to get to his ass and see where I could go with this idea, I didn't want to fuck him, but I wanted to take him around the world with new sensations he had not had before. He offered no resistance to my putting his legs on either side of his face while my hands rubbed up and down his crack I fingered around his tight hole and didn't try to get in and slowly went back down sucking on his balls again while still slowly stroking his cock I worked up and down on the balls and slowly worked my tongue down to where I was working my tongue towards his ass. I licked around the hole up and down and as I grazed over it without pushing in it he was moaning. I started to focus my attention on that hot tight hole and to see if I could open it up. I spit on it and started to focus on getting my tongue in his hole. I pulled up so I was sitting in front of him with his legs on either side of his face and he looked confused. I rolled him up higher so only his shoulders were on that towel and he was open for my taking. I started to work my tongue into his now very slowly opening hole pulling those fine bubble butt ass cheeks apart, and was stroking that hard thick cock that had started dripping some serious amounts of pre cum. I came off his ass and licked the top of his cock a few times going only about 2 inches down, just wanting to get the pre cum off and see what it tasted like, it tasted great, and the look in his eyes was pretty hot.

I went back to licking and tonguing his ass getting my tongue in further as I worked on that tight hole, he was seriously moaning now he pulled my hand off his cock and started to stroke his own hard dripping cock, I came up and spit on his now slightly opened hole and while I rubbed a finger over his crack and slowly put it near his hole letting it stay there and put more pressure on his hole I slowly pushed in his hole and he was surprised and had questioning look on his face so I went back up and started to slowly lick his cock and slowly start back down on it all the while easing my finger slowly into his hole. I was trying to get to his prostrate to give him some internal stimulation.

I went back to focusing my attention to that 9 ? inch cock of his, I wanted him to be pleased and I now focused my attention on getting him off. I started slowly down on his hard cock and he now had his own ideas, and pulled my hand out of his ass and leaned me against the bed and started to face fuck that hard cock into my mouth and throat.

He was on a mission and I was happy to be there to help him on that mission. He suddenly pulled out of my mouth and rubbed his hard cock on both sides of my face, teasing me with that cock. I played with the head when he let me and I encouraged him with this as I said slap my face with it. He did just that a few times, and I said it was time to get back to work. He smiled and said it won't be long.

He shoved back in to my mouth and I let him take over, he had figured out what he wanted and seemed to know how to get it so I just let him go. He pushed back to the back of my mouth a couple of times as if he was testing the waters, I pulled him in deeper with my hands on that hot firm ass of his. I started to feel that cock want back in my throat, and I let him back in. The first time he pushed it there I swallowed around it and he froze. I kept that up for a few seconds and he started to pull out. He pulled all the way out and just looked amazed, and asked what I did. I asked if he liked it and he said hell yes. I played with his balls and I guided that hard cock back into my mouth. Cruise control had taken over and my throat got some serious use for the next couple of minutes. His cock was getting harder and unbelievably thicker. He was now moaning and it was not a quiet moan. He hissed thru his teeth that he was going to cum, and I just let him go for a few more seconds and he pulled out his cock and as he did his cum shot all over my face and into my hair. He pushed that cock in my throat for a few more thrusts and finally pulled out, I licked all over his now super sensitive head, and slowly worked my way towards his now empty balls and sucked each one as he was coming down from his orgasm.

He just turned around and went into his bathroom and cleaned off his now softening cock, came back out and put back on his boxers and basketball shorts.

We exchanged some small talk, he said he wanted to do this again????..

This is my first posting of a story, I have read many and I felt like I had to post this one. I know the grammar and punctuation are a mess, but hey it is a first time. This is something I have wanted to do for many, many years, so here it is. Your opinions and comments are welcomed.

You can reach me at

Next: Chapter 2

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