Big Dick Small Dick

By Jordan Project

Published on Dec 27, 2022


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"I screwed your girlfriend last night. Let's just say that she enjoyed herself."

"I don't blame her, sir. It was the right thing to break up with her like you told me."

"I never fucked a girl and her boyfriend up the ass. First time for everything."

"She always wanted that, sir. But my dick isn't big enough. My fingers aren't even big enough, sir."

"My dick's plenty big enough, and she loved swinging on it."

"I'm glad, sir. Thanks for showing her a good time."

"You know, there's a way around this for you."

"Really, sir?"

"Yeah, there is. Find a girl who doesn't like sex, and who doesn't mind that you're queer."

"That sounds like a needle in a haystack, sir."

"Trust me, a lot of gals don't like the dick. You ought to be able to find one after you graduate."

"That's another year and a half, sir."

"Right. Between now and then, you learn how to be queer."

"So I can't do anything while I'm in school, sir?"

"Nope. Not with girls."

"Okay, sir. I guess it shouldn't surprise me. Truth be told, it doesn't bother me. It's simpler that way."

"Yeah, and you like it."

"Yes sir, I suppose I do."

"I've got something for you to wear."

"What is that, sir?"

"You've never seen a buttplug?"

"No sir. What's it for?"

"Take your clothes off and lie back on the bed, and I'll put it in."

"Yes sir."

"First you lube it up, then put it in slowly. Hook one end of the strap to the back of your cage, and the other end to the belt, and then tighten it up like this."

"It's big, sir."

"You'll get used to it. One more thing to remember me by when you're walking around."

"Part of my place, sir?"

"You got it."

"Thank you, sir."

"Wanted to let you know that my brother is going to be here in a week."

"How long will he stay, sir?"

"There's a state holiday, plus he's taking two days off. It'll be five days."

"Sir, does he know about me?"

"Oh yeah, I've told him."

"Am I going to have to ..."

"Yep. And you'll be calling him 'sir' just like me."

"So what's he like, sir?"

"10 years older, but everyone says we might as well be twins."

"He's as good looking as you are, sir?"

"So you think I'm good looking?"

"Yes sir. You're the best looking Man I've ever seen. A lot of people think so."

"Let me guess: It's the cleft chin and the square jaw. That's what the girls tell me."

"Yes sir, that would be right, sir. You are also tall and muscular, sir."

"You'll be happy to know that my brother's tall and muscular and has a cleft chin and a square jaw and a big dick. They say all we have to do is smile to get laid. He's in the family business, so he wears mirrored sunglasses too. He wants me to join up."

"What's that, sir?"

"He's been with the highway patrol for 9 years. Our father is with the patrol too. He's another 11 years older. High up."

"Are you going to join, sir?"

"I haven't decided. They get slick uniforms, but I haven't figured out what I want to do."

"I suppose stopping people for speeding can get boring, sir. I'm not sure why anyone needs a college degree to do that."

"They'll pay an extra $10,000 a year if you've got a college degree. And they do more than traffic."

"I guess they do, sir."

"My brother has to do queer patrol in the rest areas."

"I don't think that would be too satisfying, sir."

"He didn't like it at first, but he likes it now."

"Is your brother ... "

"Nope, but he likes getting taken care of, plus the extra money's good."

"Extra money, sir?"

"A few queers pay him to keep their secret. Winds up being 5 thousand a month."

"I guess that's the risk they take."

"The part about knowing your place, you can double that with him. He's not a bad guy as long as you do what he says."

"Okay sir, but could you ask him not to laugh at me?"

"Already done, buddy boy, but you're going to be doing something special for that Man."

"What, sir?"

"Go grab a bottle of water from the fridge and bring it over."

"Now hold your breath and drink that water for a solid minute while you count it off."

"Okay, sir."

"When he pisses in your throat, drink it just like you drank the water."

"It sounds disgusting, sir! I don't know if I can do that."

"Oh yeah you can. He drinks a few beers and pisses out the first one. The next ones have little taste. It's a mental thing."

"Have you done it, sir?"

"Nope, but my brother was in the Marine Corps, and they drank each other's piss in survival training."

"Did they piss in each other's mouths, sir?"

"Nope, they used canteens. But my brother says the taste is the least of it."

"I don't know why someone would want to piss in someone else's mouth, sir."

"It doesn't matter why. A Man does what he does."

"He's doing good at that."

"I had him practice with bottles of water."

"Now he can learn to like it."

"I'm sure he already does. This one loves big dicks 'cause of what he doesn't have."

"As long as I'm nice about it, right?"

"As long as he knows his place, I'm damn nice to him."

"Good way to handle it. No need to be rude."

"The cage helped. Ever since I locked him up, he's been well behaved."

"I've heard about those, but I've never seen one."

"He wears a plug in his butt too. Says the cage and the plug remind him of me all the time."

"I know all about the plugs, but not the cages. Maybe I'll try that back home."

"It works good here, because this one gets off on being controlled. He can't get enough of that."

"He just tightened his suck, so I guess he agrees."

"He likes whatever comes out of your dick. Isn't that what queers like?"

"Yeah, once you get 'em trained."

"I never thought I'd share a place with a queer who's got a 2-1/2" dick and needs me to be his boss."

"Life's a funny old thing, huh?"

"Yeah, it sure is."

"That spare uniform of mine looks pretty slick on you, brother. Best part of being a trooper."

"You always liked the uniforms. So do you and your partner fuck each other in the back of your squad car?"

"Ha ha!"

"Just checking."

"Do you have a hard time managing the queers? When they're not sucking your dick, that is."

"Nope. They're scared of what we can do to 'em. And some of 'em like being managed. Either way, they're pretty damn eager to please."

"We? So your partner's in on it?"

"Yeah, we're a team. And like I say, some of the queers like it."

"Some of 'em do, like the one who's got his mouth on your dick right now."

"Two things, dick-wise: screw 'em up the ass, and piss in their throat. Past that, have 'em do chores and pay you money."

"Sounds like you got it figured out!"

"I run a bank president. Drinks my piss, pays $2,500 a month, and washes my car every week."

"Man, you got him."

"The guy's a freak. Wants to find a doctor to cut his balls off, but I won't let him."

"Try the cage. It's like being castrated but more control."

"More control?"

"You wouldn't think so, but I reckon that leaving their balls on but not allowing 'em to get a hard-on is what does it. Makes 'em eager somehow."

"Damn, how'd you find out about it?"

"Back in high school, a couple guys and I ran a queer, and one of the guys knew about it."

"So have you screwed this one's ass yet?"

"Not yet, but he's been wearing a buttplug to loosen him up."

"Make sure he uses an enema to clean himself out. And once you're screwin' him regular, have him hold it in all day. One day the plug, and the next day the enema. You don't want him too loose."

"Makes sense."

"It gets rid of the smell too."

"This one wears a cage, and a buttplug that hooks into it. As soon as you're done with his mouth I'll show you. He says it makes him think about me all the time."

"Can you fuck him with that cage on?"

"Yeah, but I've only finger-fucked him. Want to see?"

"He doesn't get the kind of squirt that a Man gets. I call it a buttgasm."

"Ha ha! I see you wear a glove. If you get him on enemas you won't have to."

"You use your fingers to press on his prostate up there, and put the vibrator under his balls. Takes a while but he'll dribble out."

"That's what happens when I fuck one of 'em real slow."

"Yeah, it takes a while. A lot like fucking women, if they'd let you screw 'em up the ass."

"Yeah, tell me about it. My wife says she can barely handle my stiff dick up her snatch."

"Yeah, same in college and high school. Never got a gal to hold still for a butt jamming."

"The queers seem to like it fine."

"If they are caged up, you can do it over and over again and they'll squirm and shake every time."

"Never knew it. I just screw 'em and be done with it."

"Next time, try it with your fingers first, then with your dick later."

"Only if you promise that you'll fuck him with your dick. You don't know what you're missing."

"You got it!"

"Have you pissed in his throat?"


"You've got to give that a try. Nothing quite like it."

"I'll give that some thought."

"Something else. Do you have a hammer over this fella who's been drinking my leak? I've got a badge, but you don't."

"He seems to like it."

"Yeah, right. Until he doesn't. Here's what we do: Take pictures of him sucking dick, and have him write you a letter about how queer he is."

"I don't know if it's necessary."

"It can't hurt. And believe me, no matter how good you think a queer is, always remember that you have to keep a close watch and make sure that he doesn't slack off. They are full of mischief."

"I told you that smoking and drinking are for Men only."

"Sir, I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that."

"Sorry doesn't cut it. You disobeyed me, and a boy can't disobey a Man and get away with it."

"You're right about that, sir. I don't know what got into me."

"You've told me that the cage and the plug make you think I'm always there. I guess that wasn't enough."

"It won't happen again, sir."

"Take off everything but your T-shirt and lie across my knees."

"Yes sir ..."

"Trust me,

buddy boy, that was nothing compared to what you'll get the next time."

"There won't be a next time, sir. I promise."

"Fine. Now go stand in the corner with your nose against the wall until I say you can move."

"Yes sir ..."

"And I will expect that letter by the end of the week."

"So you like my dick and want to do anything for me because I'm so big and strong. You like my looks and my uniform. Is that about right?"

"Yes sir. I hope I wrote what you wanted."

"Only if it's true."

"Sir, it's true. I swear it."

"So we've been at this for, what, five months? That letter was the first time I've ever heard you liking my dick."

"It started out because it was big, sir."

"But it's more than that now."

"It's true, sir. I didn't lie, sir."

"You like the cage and the buttplug. You like being told what to do. You like being fucked, and you like drinking my piss, and you liked being spanked for disobedience."

"Yes sir. Anything you want, sir."

"And there's a reason for all of it."

"I'm not a Man like you are, sir, and I never will be, sir."

"Not because you're queer, then?"

"I do queer things for you so I guess I am queer, sir, but I really don't think it's why I do those things."

"You do it because I'm big and strong and understanding."

"Yes sir."

"Good to know, because I don't want a queer falling in love with me. Admire me all you want. Take my dick. Do what I tell you to do. I like it, but don't fall in love."

"Sir, can I still look up to you?"

"Hell yeah. I like that. Worship me if you want. But love's a two way street and this is a one-way street. Just don't forget your place and who's boss here."

"No sir, I won't. I walk in your shadow, sir."

"And tell me why that is again."

"It's because I am not a Man like you are, and I will never be one, sir."

"Because big dicks rule, and there's only one of those around here. One tall, strong Man with his muscles and his jaw and his chin and his big dick that you think about all the time."

"Yes sir!"

"That Man's your boss. Don't forget it."

"I won't, sir!"

Next: Chapter 4

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