Big Daddy Luke

By Boyatt Hart

Published on Apr 6, 2014


This is another multi-part story loosely based on my sexploits. "Luke" has traits of all of my favorite daddies that I've had the pleasure of being with over a lifetime. I know my leading men all have very similar physical descriptions. These are the men who turn my crank and the men I have traditionally chased my whole life. You get no apology from me on that score. And what do you really pay for this stuff? I hope you will see fit to make a donation to Nifty. It's the only place I know of on the web that you can scour like this for your own special brand of kinky lit, whatever that brand might be. So be a stand-up guy.

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Big Daddy Luke (part 4)

by Boyatt Hart

I replaced Luke's hand with mine on his fat, gorgeous prick and he leaned back against my hard-on, which he still held betweenn his powerful glutes. He closed his eyes and began pinching his erect nipples, then ran his strong hands down onto his great belly and massaged it in big circular motions.

He opened his eyes and studied me as I stroked his potent organ, then ran his hands down his belly and onto mine with a heavy sigh. I shivered at the force he applied to me as his he sank his fingers into it and slowly slipped his hands up onto my chest, then out onto my shoulders, trapping my cock stuffed fist between our guts.

"You're strong," he softly commented.

I ran my free hand up his one of his thick arms and squeezed its tricep, which rounded out the back of it very handsomely from the pressure he was applying to me.

"You're stronger," I replied.

He laughed and said "I don't know...I think maybe I just weigh more. Anyway, I've never been with anybody that I felt easy about sitting on like this before. It feels real nice."

I put my hands behind my head and gave him free rein to explore me. He cupped his hands over my thick pits and pressed down on them, his eyes twinkling as he ground his hard dick in the pre-cum he'd been pumping out between our bellies.

"A real bull," he sighed.

I started sliding my raging hard dick up and down in the slick juice I'd been leaking into his ass crack. He sat up on me, giggling as he clenched his meaty butt cheeks on it and reached back to press me deeper between them.

"I've never had some of these feelings I've had being with you today," he said looking lost in his thoughts, "Or maybe I have but I've just never been as easy with them. I don't know...I just always thought of taking comfort in another man's strength as a sign of weakness...but it doesn't feel that way with you."

"I hope not, because 'weak' is not a word that would ever cross my mind where you're concerned," I reassured him.

He leaned forward and braced his big hands on my biceps, giving them a heartfelt squeeze as he assessed their size and density. I feasted my gaze on his powerful chest as he let fly with another of those long, low whistles. I flexed them under his firm grasp.

He made his left hand into a C shape and gauged the size of my right bicep, the slightly larger of the two, then put it to my neck, holding the shape of his hand as best he could.

"About the same size...and hard as stone," he mused in a tone of admiration as he doubled the measuring hand into a meaty fist and landed a couple of playful but sound punches on it.

I was surprised at the effect I was having on him, given his burly build, and thrilled at the view he gave me as he sat up and jokingly struck a most muscular pose that was actually quite impressive.

He placed his hands up on the headboard and raised up on his knees, sliding his corpulent cock up my belly and onto my chest. I lifted it up and scrunched down in the bed until I could stuff the bulbous head in my mouth, inhaling his manly musk as I suckled its rubbery firmness. I slipped a hand behind his waggling ball sac and gave it a firm but gentle squeeze as I caressed the exposed length of his uncommonly large dick with the other. He sighed and began pumping his hips toward me in shallow thrusts. I was in heaven.

I bunched his ample skin up onto the head and worked my tongue into it, swirling it around the sensuous contours of his meaty glans and ending up with my tongue under his frenulum, vigorously teasing it with the tip. He growled in intense pleasure.

"So good," he said in a lusty whisper.

Reaching down with one of his beefy paws he tightly grasped the thick base and retracted his foreskin.

"Knob it," the giant instructed me.

I pushed my head forward until his cock head was completely engulfed in my mouth and started sucking it as fiercely as I could. Once I had applied all the suction I could muster I started rocking my head up and down on it, making as much noise as possible. His posture tensed up and his deep, lusty moans fueled my intensity. I labored like a slave on him, keeping it up with no regard for my own comfort until the ache in my neck made it absolutely impossible to soldier on.

My head fell back on the bed and he slid down over me, somehow scooping me up in his powerful arms and enfolding me in his sweaty bulk as he stuffed my mouth with his probing tongue.

He pulled his tongue out of my mouth just long enough to say, "You sure know your way around a hooded piece of meat," then jammed it back in me.

I wrapped my arms around his bull neck and pushed the head of my raging hard-on up into the soft warmth of his low hanging balls.

"Mmmmmmm" he sighed and began wiggling his mighty haunches from side to side, causing his huge testicles to roll on my rock hard shaft.

He laid his head on my chest and let me cradle his big head some more, deep sighs of contentment from both of us floating in the air.

"I like it when you hold me like this," he purred, " I feel so..."

"Safe?" I offered after a moment's silence.

"Yes, I believe that's the word I was stumbling over," he softly replied as he turned his face to me and nuzzled my neck.

"I'm glad. It's the same feeling I get with you," I confessed.

He rolled off of me and we lay on our sides belly to belly, gazing into each other's eyes and rubbing the heads of our hard, leaky cocks together, smearing them in each other's pre-cum. We felt no pressure to speak. I reached out and stroked his beautiful organ a few times, fascinated by the heat it generated in its blood engorged state. His lips touched mine in a kiss, almost more erotic than all that had preceded it for its dryness.

I rolled on my other side and backed up to him, reaching back and lifting a glute to accept his drooling cock head into my crack. It immediately homed in on my tingling pucker and I instinctively pressed back on it. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck as he sighed and slipped a thick arm around my belly, squeezing me against his powerful bulk as he hunched the head of his hulking member deeper into the meaty pillows that enveloped it.

Huge cords of muscle rolled in his thick forearm as he massaged his fingers into the firmness of my belly. I laid my arm on top of his and wrapped my hand around it to feel them work and savor the tactile sensation afforded by the curls of coarse hair that lightly covered it.

"You feel great," he said as he licked and nibbled at the nape of my neck, causing me to melt into him.

I clenched my shpincter on the bluntness of his swollen glans which caused his hooded tool to bloat to an insane girth and dig at my prize that much more vigorously. The giant's breathing got heavier and heavier.

"I'm going to have to fuck you before too much longer" he intoned, the husky breathiness of his deep voice giving away his state of arousal and sending a chill of excitement through me.

"I'm ready," came my rapid response.

"Don't move," he ordered, "I'll be right back."

With that I felt him roll off the bed. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see his huge balls briefly drop into view between his tree trunk thighs as he stood.

"Where are you going?" I asked, rolling over to face him.

"To the kitchen," he replied as he turned toward me and squeezed the base of his vein studded tool, the deep slit that bisected its fat head yawning open more obscenely than I had witnessed it to that point, "You're gonna want this thing slicked up before I put it in you."

He left and quickly returned with a bottle of Wesson oil.

"You want it on your back or doggy?" he asked as he poured some of the oil in his hand and had his cannon-like tool generously coated and glistening in a matter of seconds.

"My back," I nervously replied, "I want to watch you fuck me."

"Then scoot over here to the edge of the bed and pull your legs up," he said.

I obeyed.

He assessed our positions and announced that I was too low. So he told me to pitch him the pillows and swiftly elevated my exposed hole to a height and angle that would more easily accommodate his ponderous bulk.

I placed my hands behind my knees once more and pulled back on them, spreading my ass wide open for him. Luke heavily coated his cock thick thumb in the oil and proceeded to cup his fingers over my balls as he gently pried my tight sphincter open with it, wiggling it as he slowly pumped it in and out of my clutching hole.

Luke patiently worked on my pucker until he announced, "I don't think I'm gonna be able to get you any looser. You ready?"

"Yep," I eagerly confirmed.

He grinned as he lined himself up at my hole and pressed in firmly. A look of focused concentration came over his fatherly face as he struggled to enter me. After several seconds his big oily cock head slid up onto my balls. He repositioned himself but soon slid off the other direction, down my crack.

"I need your help. Bear down on your hole for me," he instructed, "Don't fight, give in."

I pushed down on my hole with all my might, hoping to feel him achieve the penetratation I was aching to experience. He stayed on task with dogged determination for what seemed like forever without success. I was starting to fear that he was just an impossible fit when suddenly my hole yielded to the crown of his bloated cock head.

"There it goes!" he announced, looking supremely confident as he finished working the head through my overwhelmed orifice and waited for me catch up, "More?"

"Hell yes!" I blurted.

"That's what I like to hear," he encouraged me.

He snaked a couple more inches up me and paused again, smiling as he studied the mix of pain and anticipation on my face. He pushed again and fed me some more. I was in ecstasy.

"Hang in with me," he coached, "almost there!"

One more push and I felt his huge balls settle into my tightly stretched crack, almost reaching the small of my back. I opened my eyes and saw him smiling down on me. My heart started pounding as I gazed up at his incomparably masculine form, enthralled by the sight of his his big, surprisingly firm belly snuggling up to my balls and smothering them in its enormity.

"Feel my balls?" he asked, knowing full well that I did.

"Trust me," I grunted, "they're unmistakable!"

Luke let out a raucus laugh as he gently pumped into me, wrapping his hands around my ankles and pushing them away in an attempt to improve his angle of penetration. My eyes were glued to his masculine display, the concentration on his face and the blue-black jowls that wreathed it, the thickness of his chest, arms and shoulders and the incredibly burly roundness of his overall build.

He worked me like this for several minutes and then paused deep inside me, his brow wrinkled in thought and starting to break a sweat.

"Squatting this low is killing my back and knees," he said wiping his brow with one of his thick forearms, "You're a heavier load than I've fucked before and the mattress isn't giving me enough elevation to do the job."

The giant thought for a minute then braced himself with his hands on the back of my thighs and went into problem solving mode.

I waited patiently, just enjoying the intensity of feeling him inside me.

He slipped his strong hands around my thighs and tested his leverage at different points. Leaning down, almost crushing my balls under the weight of his belly, he found what he was looking for at my hip joints. I saw the muscles of his chest roll upward underneath the layer of fat that covered them and his shoulders rounded tautly from the tension on them as he hefted me up toward him, deepening his penetration. I gasped in reaction to the sensation.

Luke slowly straightened his back and legs as much he could, fairly easily lifting me up with him.

"There!" he exclaimed as his prominent belly bounced out, driving my legs farther apart as it slipped up over my balls again.

He tested his new strategy by taking a few cautious pokes in me, effortlessly drawinging me up onto his thick shaft to meet his halting thrusts.

"Your balls feel nice...does this work for you?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah!" I sighed, feeling totally vulnerable.

He started a new attack and I was mesmerized by his exertion as he slowly built up a head of steam, lengthening each stroke until he had his bulging sac slapping my cock stuffed butt. I was in orbit as the behemoth plumbed me to depths none of the almost boy sized dicks on the round, flabby men I had pressured into mounting me before could have ever dreamed of achieving...and I finally understood why they seemed to want to spend all of their time on me.

"I've never seen anybody light up like you before," he said looking very proud of himself.

I suddenly felt myself relax on him, gaining full control over my body, and rather than respond verbally I decided instead to squeeze the daylights out of his invading member.

"Damn you're good!" the huge man exclaimed.

It was my turn to exude confidence and I had to laugh at his stunned expression. But I had been in enough talented asses by then to know what I had to do in order to maximize his pleasure and, after the shock of his remarkable girth had subsided, I threw myself into the task with total abandon.

Soon his thighs were steadily clapping my meaty butt cheeks as he rode me. He was not being rough, but he was drilling me deeply and persistently.

"Re...mem...ber," I said as he repeatedly powered into me, "no...hol...ding...back!"

"Not a chance," he huffed as he ramped up a bit.

My stomach felt a bit queasy from the depth he was achieving with his forceful thrusts, but even that soon gave way to to sheer bliss as I willingly yielded completely to the control he was exerting over me.

After some time the giant stopped at full penetration and beamed his approval down on me as he slowly slid me off of his big, strong cock and back down onto the bed. He stepped back to admire his handiwork as he caught his breath a bit and rested from the upper body workout he had been giving himself.

"Look at that hole! Feel a draft?" he asked with a laugh as he bent down and ran a finger around in the rim of my gaping anus until it clamped shut around it.

"Your dick's hard as granite!" he exclaimed looking impressed, "I've never fucked a man who was able to stay hard like you before."

The behemoth grinned as he pulled his finger from my burning sphincter, gave my balls a gentle squeeze and then ran the palm of his hand up the length of my straining erection, pressing it against my belly. He then wrapped his hand around it and lifted it up to admire it, giving it a tight squeeze. I could see wheels turning again in his big round head.

"Bet this thing would make a hell of a saddle horn," he observed.

He looked a little menacing as he squeezed his corpulent cock off at the base with his other hand, causing it to bloat obscenely as he squatted down into the position he had started off in and touched the drooling slit of his ass slimed toolto my tingling hole. The next thing I knew he powered all of the length his thick hand afforded him into my burning orifice, which he had worked so thoroughly it was unable to put up any resistance to his rapid penetration.

One hand using my cock as a handle and the other securing the angle of his, he began going at my aching chute like a bull rider in a rodeo. I half expected him let out with a "Yeehaw!" while pulling all the way out of me then using my hard dick to hold me steady as he fully pentrated me time and again with something over half of his thick and substantial length.

I'm pretty sure Luke was trying to make me go soft but, to his amazement (and probably amusement) the harder he punched through my powerless hole the harder my dick got. Time seemed to stand still while he pleasured himself in me with all the full bore masculine sex drive I had ever dreamed a man could offer me. I was completely smitten!

He managed to keep this up for a surprisingly long time until he finally let go of his dick as he rammed me balls deep with a thrust that announced the finality of his impending orgasm. Leaning over me with his eyes tightly closed and propping himself up above me with his fists planted in the mattress beside me I saw him convulse slightly. I could feel him flexing and throbbing deep inside me and knew in no uncertain terms that he was pumping my ass full of his potent seed.

When he came back down to earth from his jolting orgasm he opened his eyes and saw that my dick was still hard and jabbing him in his beautiful belly.

"You said no holding back," he proudly beamed.

"And you didn't disappoint," I said in admiration, "It was everything I hoped it would be and more!"

I excitely wrapped my arms around his bull neck and pulled my face to his, jamming my tongue in his open mouth and letting him nearly suck it out of me by the roots. Then letting go of Luke's neck I plopped back down on the bed, exhausted yet never feeling more alive in my entire life.

He stood up and pulled his semi-hard dick out of my hole as he removed the pillows so I could sit up on the edge of the bed. Wrapping a huge hand around his plump wad of man meat, balls and all, we both admired the heavy yellowish lather that covered the head plus a little more as he proudly waggled it all in my face.

The glorious cream he sported on his authoritative member was an aromatic mixture of his cum, my deep ass juice that can only be reached with a dick that'll get past the rectum up into the colon, and the generous coating of Wesson he had originally slicked up with. I scooped a little of our tantalizing fuck juice off of Luke's dick head onto one of my fingers and brought it up to my nose, inhaling its dank scent as I admired his potent sexuality.

"Churned your butter pretty good, didn't I?" he boasted, then shook his head in amazement, "And look at you...still hard enough to fuck a brick!"

He stood there with his powerful arms akimbo, looking like a king and smiling as he watched me satisfy my curiosity about the souvenir I had taken from the fuck he'd just put to me. I felt small as I stared up at him, so big and wide and round. His incredibly manly physique was a stunning conglomeration of powerful looking bulges packed around that showcase of a globe shaped belly, and all adorned with a cock and balls that were at once intimidating and fascinating.

The big bull disappeared as I sat smelling myself in the juice I'd collected off of his dick. He returned with two damp wash rags and pitched one to me as he used his to wipe his hands, cock and balls clean of the attendant residue of our intimate act.

I stood and wiped the thick smears of oil from the places Luke had taken me in his hands, lastly bending down to wipe off my ankles with my back to him.

"My load's starting to leak out of you," he observed as he placed one hand on the small of my back and cupped the other under my swollen pucker, "Go ahead and push it out."

I bore down on my hole and could feel his life giving seed exiting my aching chute in thick globs. He said he thought it was all out and asked for my wash rag, gently dabbing the bruised lips of my freshly and well fucked hole.

I sat on the bed as he towered before me and took the wrist of the hand into which I'd emptied myself of his gift, drawing it to me so I see it for myself. There was more than a teaspoon of the magic elixir puddled in his huge palm. He had pounded all of my inhibitions into oblivion with the beautiful dick that had spat his glorious semen into my tenderized bowels and I felt no shame as I dipped a finger in it then touched it to my tongue.

Looking up into his deep brown eyes I threw my arms around his ample waist and buried my face in his warm, bulky sex organs which, though clean of our fuck juice, still strongly bore the oder of my deeply probed ass. He sighed as he ran his fingers through my hair.

I pulled away and watched as he disposed of what remained of his glorious semen in the wash rag I had handed him.

He went to put the used rags in his hamper and when he returned we stretched out side by side on his bed once more to enjoy the after glow of our strenuous fuck. I raised up and rested my head on his ample gut, listening to it gurgle as I ran a hand over his large, potent jewels. Then I shifted my position to get my mouth on them.

I had it in mind to suck his balls as he had mine, but quickly discovered that only one of his huge testicles at a time would fit in my mouth, and at that I worried that getting it past my teeth might cause him pain. I did hear him inhale sharply as I got it through, but he said not a word to discourage me.

Lifting my head a bit as I gently sucked the spent baby maker I thrilled to the sensation of his other one rolling on my chin. I wanted him to be able to see me and straddled his powerful legs, raising my head as high as his loose scrotum would allow me and hoping he could.

"Pretty," he said with a smile as he placed his hands behind his head and I knew I had succeeded.

I happily displayed myself to him like that for a nice long time in gratitude for his unbelievable sexual prowess, switching from one giant orb to the other as I gently sucked and caressed them with my tongue. When my appetite was sated I returned to his side and let him tuck me firmly against him under his strong arm.

"You're sure built to take it, buster!" he said as he cupped my face in his other hand and fed me his tongue for another long kiss that went straight to my already hard dick.

He held me in his kiss until I had to tap out of it. I hunched at the big leg next to me.

"I got news," I said, pushing my leaking hard-on up onto his naturally muscular thigh, "I'm built to dish it out, too."

The giant took it between his middle and ring fingers then smeared my pre-cum around on the firm head with his thumb.

"Oh, hell!" he sighed as he jokingly rolled his eyes and pulled me in to plant a playful, dry kiss on my forehead.

Next: Chapter 5

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