Big Cock Lock Down

By Marty Daniels

Published on Nov 16, 2020


This story is pure fiction. This story is set in the UK, so all the terms used are based on British English.

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Part 4

I was tired after my time with Nathan and James. I didn't get any sleep overnight, my balls had been completely drained and I had no more cum left to give. I was hoping to take a break for a while. I took my trainers off and lay down on the bed.

Tim burst into the bedroom. He grabbed at jogging bottoms and pulled them off me.

"You are not supposed to wear your outdoor clothes in the house unless you have permission." Tim barked at me. Tim was right, I was not supposed to wear the jogging bottoms inside the flat. I let Tim tie me to bed, as I didn't want to upset him.

Tim continued to shout at me. "You were supposed to be for me! Me! Your cock was supposed to be for me only. Who do you think you are? You're just a skinny little school boy, who hasn't got any brain cells. You haven't got any money or no prospects. All I wanted was a proper man's cock to suck and I've ended up with you. All you have to offer is a big dick, cum and nothing else"

Tim was scaring me, and I was now starting to cry, I just couldn't control my tears. I was so tired and I couldn't take being told off like this. It reminded me of the way my parents would speak to me. I thought I was doing the right thing helping Alex.

"Now stop being such a wimp, you have to make up for two days' worth of cum that I have missed out on", Tim continued to shout

Tim left the room then returned shortly after wearing his mask, he threw the padlock key across the room, he was still complaining about something. I had stopped listening to him, my mind was just a blur. I felt my cock entering his mouth, and I heard the familiar sound of the zip and padlock.

Tim was sucking on my flaccid cock, but I was in no mood to be excited by this. I was angry that Tim spoke to me the way he did. Once I regained my composure, I told Tim that I needed to pee even though I was not that desperate. Tim got into position waiting for me to pee, and for once I did not feel bad about pissing in his mouth. I could hear Tim moaning with pleasure as he received my liquid.

Tim went back to sucking, but my cock would not get stiff for him and gradually I fell asleep.

I was woken as I heard the front door slam shut. Alex was home, he found us in the bedroom. Tim had given up sucking my cock and was lying still.

"Is he still mad at me?", Alex asked.

"Yes, he's crazy I don't want to be locked to him today", I said.

"But if we disturb him, he will go crazy again. We need to give him time to calm down and reflect, otherwise, there will be arguments, do you want that?" Alex asked in a worried way.

"No, OK it's fine", was all I managed to say. I didn't want to create a problem, and Tim was not hurting me.

I was beginning to worry about the situation I was in. My role involved allowing Tim to suck my cock, but I didn't seem to get along with Tim. If things didn't work out, I was concerned that Alex would ask me to leave, and then I would be homeless.

Alex left us locked together for the rest of the day. In the evening, he offered me some food, however, I was not in the mood to eat. Alex helped me drink some water using a straw.

"I will unlock you in the morning, and hopefully Tim will be calmer.", Alex said. Alex then left us alone for the night.

I was glad that Tim was not trying to suck my cock. I had been sucked dry by Nathan and James it was easy for me to keep my urges under control. Some time passed I was still angry at Tim, and I could tell that he was awake, so I spoke to Tim.

"Listen up Tim. I don't want you to suck my cock anymore, you don't deserve my cum. I'm just going to use you as my piss toilet from now on", I said in a firm voice.

I felt good and bad about my angry outburst. I could hear Tim crying, and I fell asleep.

The next day I woke with Tim sucking on my morning wood. Even though my cock was as hard as a rock I didn't want Tim to suck, however, there was very little I could do about it. Tim bobbed his head up and down like a machine, he formed a perfect tight wet hole for my cock with his mouth it felt good. I tried not to make a sound, as I didn't want to give Tim the impression I was enjoying it. Tim was moaning and trying his best to please me.

My mood changed gradually. I tried to think pleasant thoughts and was now enjoying Tim's blow job, but I kept as still and as quiet as I could. It didn't take long before I could feel the warm orgasmic glow in my groin. I shot several volleys of hot cum into his mouth. Tim moaned loudly as he received my load, I could tell he was faking it as he continued making sounds long after he had swallowed the cum.

We lay there for a long while, Tim was now trying to get me hard again. Suddenly Alex came into the bedroom. I breathed a sigh of relief, and Tim stopped sucking. Alex asked me if I knew where the key was. I told him the rough area where Alex had thrown the key, the day before. Alex hunted around for a while before he found the key.

"I have to face the music sometime, so let's see what happens", Alex said as he unlocked us.

As soon as Tim was free, he ripped his mask off and stormed out of the room, I could hear the bathroom door closing. Alex went after him, leaving me tied to the bed and my wet cock exposed to the cold, I hated that.

At first, they were arguing through the bathroom door, then the argument moved into the lounge. Alex was trying to calm Tim down, but Tim kept shouting back. I couldn't make out everything they were saying, but I clearly heard Tim say, "He's just a skinny little boy we have picked out of the gutter. He's just a cock that's it".

They continued to argue, then Alex came into the bedroom with a suitcase. He placed the suitcase on the floor, then he covered the lower half of my body with a quilt, so my cock was no longer exposed. He started to fill the suitcase, and I could hear Tim packing his stuff, in other parts of the flat.

"Tim is going to live with his mother, I'm going to drive him there. I'm not sure if he is ever coming back. Don't worry we will work out how we are going to manage without him. I'll come and unlock you before I leave", Alex said quietly.

"That's fine", I whispered back.

Once Alex had filled the suitcase he left the room, and I could hear them speaking. Things had calmed down. I then heard the front open. Alex came back to the bedroom to untie me from the bed. Alex told me he would be back in a few hours.

While Alex was out, I put on one of my jockstraps and went to the gym, then I had a shower. After my shower, I put on rubber boxers, with the cock sleeve on. The rubber boxers did not have a purpose if there was no one to wear the mask, but I put them on anyway as that was one of Alex's rules.

I found my bag that James had packed before I returned from Nathan's house. I put my clothes and jewellery away in my drawer. I checked my phone, there were still no messages or missed calls. I used my phone to check my bank account, I could see my final wages from my job and Alex had put £2000 in my account for my allowance.

I also found a large brown envelope inside the bag, it had "Thanks for a great time, Love Nathan", written on the front of it. I flipped the envelope over, and there some numbers on the back followed by "Call me, James". My senses were gripped by a fluttery in my stomach when I realised that James had provided me with his phone number. I stored the number in my phone.

I opened the envelope, it had £5000 cash inside and there was a note. "This is your tip. If you ever need a friend or somewhere to stay, you are welcome at my place anytime, Love Nathan".

Alex returned home before midday. He asked if I was OK, and then said he wanted to sort out a few things, like hiring a maid to cook and clean. I told him about the money, Nathan had given me. Alex transferred the same amount into my bank account, using his phone, so I gave him the cash.

"What are you to do with yourself until dinner, normally I would have locked you and Tim together by now. Have you been to the gym today?", Alex asked.

"I've already been to the gym", I explained. "Do you need any help, doing stuff", I asked, but I was not really sure, how I could help.

"No your role is to enjoy being sucked off, it's a shame there's no one here to do that. Would you like me to tie you to the bed?" Alex asked.

I felt like I was getting in Alex's way, but I didn't want to be tied to the bed for several hours on my own. "Would you mind if went out to get some fresh air today", I asked Alex.

"Yes of course", Alex replied, as he handed me a set of keys to his flat, "You are free to come and go as you please. Will you be back for dinner?" he continued.

"Sure I'll be back for dinner", I replied. Alex gave me his phone number, so I could call him if I needed him.

I got dressed. I wore the designer boxer briefs, instead of the rubber boxers. I also wore my tracksuit, socks, and trainers. I zipped up my hoodie to halfway, as the weather was warm outside.

I left Alex's flat and I went to a park nearby. It was refreshing being free outside, after so many days of being indoors. I decided to call James. The thought of calling him sent butterflies through my stomach again. The phone rang several times before he answered.

"Hello.", James chirped.

"Hi James it's Jack, how are you?" I said.

"It's so nice to hear from you. I'm doing well, it's my day off today. What are you up to?", James said.

"I was wondering if you would like to meet up?", I asked.

"Yes that would be great, perhaps we could have lunch together. I can pick you up, just tell me where you are?", James replied.

James picked me up from outside the park, in a car he had borrowed from Nathan. He was dressed casually this time, wearing jeans and t-shirt. Nathan drove us to the local nature reserve. He parked the car, then took a bag out of the boot. We walked into woods until we found a clearing where we could settle down.

James laid a picnic blanket on the ground, for us to sit on. He also had some snack foods and a couple of drinks.

James asked me how I ended up at Nathan's house. I explained, how my dad asked me to leave home, and how I met Alex and Tim. I also explained what we would get up to at Alex's place and then how Alex had asked me to spend time with Nathan.

James was very understanding, and he said he would help in any way he could.

"Do you like living with Alex?", James asked

"Alex has been good to me. I feel safe knowing that as long as I follow his house rules, I can stay with him.", I replied

It was a hot day, so removed my hoodie. The sun felt good against my bare skin.

"Why don't you remove your t-shirt?", I asked James. James pulled his t-shirt over his head revealing his smooth chest and messing up his hair at the same time. James was slightly muscular, and he had a slender body. You could clearly see the outline of his six-pack abs.

"Can I kiss you James?" I continued.

"I would like that", James replied.

I sat closer to James, so that we were side-by-side. I put my arm around him and kissed him on the lips. Our tongues met and we enjoyed a passionate kiss.

"That was my first proper kiss.", I told James.

"Mine too." James replied.

We kissed again, and we lay down on the blanket. We embraced in a deep hug, I felt so close to James his touch felt electric. James was now lying flat on his back. He rubbed his hands over my back, while I rubbed my hands across his chest while we continued to kiss.

I lowered my hand to James's groin, and I noticed his cock was rock hard under the material of his jeans. I flicked his belt to open it, I then fumbled with the button fly on jeans and I managed to open all the buttons. I could feel the heat from cock, through the material of his boxer shorts. I put my hand down his shorts, and I touched his bare cock. James helped me, by pulling his boxer shorts down, revealing his large cock to me. I jacked his cock while I continued to kiss him.

I stopped kissing James, then I moved down to lick James's cock. James gasped for air, as he felt my tongue against his cock. I licked up and down the side of his cock, and I massaged his ball sack with my hand. James had nicely trimmed pubes. I took James's cock into my mouth swirling my tongue around his cock head. I then closed my lips around his cock and I gave his cock a good suck, taking as much of his cock in my mouth as I could.

I could hear James moaning with pleasure, and I could feel my nose scrapping against his pubes. I used my knowledge of receiving a good blow job, to give the same pleasure to James. James's cock was now oozing pre-cum, which tasted nice. I continued to suck his cock head, and I used my hand to wank the base of his cock. I could sense James was about to shoot his cum, as his breathing was getting faster. James warned me that he about to cum, so I intensified the pleasure I was giving. Suddenly, my mouth was filled with a huge shot of James's cum, I tried my best to swallow all of it. I could James moaning louder, He then shot several more volleys of cum into my mouth which I lapped up.

James's cock eventually stopped spewing cum and I lifted my head of his cock. I looked at his face and he gave a satisfied look. I wiped the cum that had spilled out of my mouth and I licked my fingers clean.

"That was amazing", he said, "That was the first time I have done anything like that", James said.

I moved to kiss James's on his lips and we shared the remnants of his cum from my mouth. When we broke kiss, James pulled his jeans back up, and closed his button fly and belt. James then pushed me back, so that was lying down, he kissed me on the lips and put his hand down my jogging bottoms and he starting to wank me off. I hooked the waistband of my joggers and my boxer briefs under my ball sack to give him better access. James broke out kiss and started to move his head towards my cock, but I pulled him back.

"Stay with me James, I want to kiss you at the same time". I said.

James kissed me again and continued to jack me off with his hand. I rubbed my hand over his back. James gripped my cock with just the right amount of pressure, and was stroking the whole length of cock slowly. I could feel my cum starting boil up from balls. James could sense I was about to cum, and sped up the action on my cock. I could hardly breathe as reached climax, but I held my kiss with James. I shot six long ropes of cum over us both.

James licked the cum off my body and his hand, then he licked my cock clean. I pulled my tracksuit bottoms up over my cock, then I licked my cum from James's smooth body. James then rested his head on my chest as we recovered. I rubbed James's back while he rested his hand on my stomach.

We rested in silence for a few minutes, then I said, "I would like to see you again James, if you would like to.".

"I would love to see you again too". James replied. "Yesterday, I actually told Nathan that I wanted to see you again, and Nathan said he would speak to Alex about it".

"We can see each other whenever you like, Alex wouldn't mind", I replied.

"Do you like being tied up all the time", James asked.

"Yes I love it, but only when someone else is with me. I can't explain it, but it makes me feel like I belong somewhere.", I replied.

"Nathan explained cock sucking to me before I met you. I'm glad that I sucked your cock and I would like to suck your cock again when you're tied up.", James stated.

"I can't wait", I replied.

We rested for a while then we ate and drank, what James had bought for lunch. After lunch, we left all our stuff back in the car and went for walk through the nature reserve. We just made small talk and joked about simple stuff. When stopped every now and then for a snog, we could rub each other's backs as we kissed passionately.

It was almost 6:30, and I had promised Alex I would be home for dinner, so we made our way back to the car. James put his t-shirt on before he got back in the car, he gave me my hoodie but it was still too hot to wear it. James dropped me back at Alex's place. We kissed goodbye inside the car before I made my way up to Alex's flat.

I used the key Alex gave me, to let myself into his flat. He was in the kitchen making us dinner.

"Hi Alex," I called out, "I'm just going to get changed".

"Great dinner will be 5 minutes.", Alex replied.

I took all my clothes off and put them away in my drawer. I then put my rubber boxers back on with the cock sleeve attached. I then joined Alex for Dinner.

When Alex saw me he could tell I was happier. I just explained that it was nice to be free for the day, after the spending night with Tim.

"I have been speaking to my client Nathan, you seem to have made quite an impression on a guy called James. There is a good chance that James is willing to become your cocksucker. Perhaps you should go and live with them on a trial basis, and if it doesn't work out you can always come back. What do you think? Alex asked.

"What about you, you will be on your own?" I asked in return. I was thrilled at the idea of living with James and Nathan, but I was still concerned about Alex.

"I cannot give you the attention that you need. I am busy all day, and I'd like to play the field a bit, I've been in a relationship for too long.

So you don't need to worry about me", Alex stated.

"OK, that sounds like a good idea", I said.

"Great, that's settled then, after dinner you can pack your things, you can take all of your clothes, but remember that you should not pack any cock sleeves as Nathan does not like them. You will like it at Nathan's place, he has a bigger house with a better gym. He also said he would pay your allowance too. Someone will come and pick you up tomorrow morning, I will call Nathan later to confirm everything." Alex said.

We finished dinner. Alex put our plates in the kitchen sink. Then he turned to and said. "Take off your shorts then sit on the dining table, I would like to have your cum for dessert".

I did as Alex asked. He gave me a great blow job. He tickled my balls lightly with his fingers and jacked my cock with his hand, keeping my cockhead in his mouth the entire time. I shot a huge load in his mouth, and he made sure that did not spill any of my cum.

After Alex had finished his dessert. I put my rubber boxers back on and went to pack my bag. I could hear Alex on the phone speaking to Nathan, arranging a pick up time. We then spend the evening together.

Alex said it was probably for the best that Tim had left. We watched TV for a while and chatted about what was happening in the news.

It was getting late, Alex then told me to sit in his lap facing him, so I did. He kissed me lips, while hands explored my whole body. I kissed him back passionately. He said that he was going to miss me, I then removed my cock sleeve and threw it on the floor. He picked me up, and carried me to the bedroom, and tied me to the bed. He remained fully clothed and he lay down between my legs took my cock in his mouth. He made a warm tight hole for my cock with his mouth and then started to jack my cock with his mouth, my cockhead would tickle the back of his throat repeatedly. He sucked my cock slowly and passionately. We both moaned with pleasure, as Alex made love to my cock. After some time, I felt hot cum burn threw my cock, before I spilled my seed inside Alex's mouth. I shot at least five volleys of cum into his mouth.

Alex placed a quilt over the lower half of my body. He then lay down by side and stroked my chest and abs.

"I meant what I said earlier, if things don't work out for you at Nathan's place you can always stay with me", Alex reassured me.

"Thank you, Alex. I will never forget you or my time here. I've had a great time." I replied. I fell asleep happy. I knew Alex cared about me, and I was looking forward to seeing James and Nathan again.

Alex woke me up in the morning, telling me Nathan would send someone to collect me soon. He untied me from the bed and told me to have a shower. After my shower, he checked me for stray body hair and he sprayed me with the Eau du toilet. I got dressed in the same way that I had done the last time I visited Nathan.

Once I ready I waited for my pickup wearing my tracksuit and jewellery. There the doorbell rang, and I went to open it, and James was standing there. I kissed James on the lips and then we embraced in a passionate kiss.

"Calm down boys, you have plenty of time". Alex broke our kiss, as he handed me my bag. We said goodbye to each other, then Me and James made our way to the car.

On the way to Nathan's. James explained that Nathan wanted to have a chat with us and that if everything worked out, we could be together as a couple living at Nathan's house. James asked if I would like that, and I said I would love to try it.

When we arrived, we went straight to Nathan's bedroom. Nathan had a large bedroom. There was a large four-poster bed on one side of the room and a desk on the opposite side. Nathan was sat at his desk, reading some papers.

"Ah, Jack, James come and sit down. We have lots to discuss. I have a proposal for you both. I think we should discuss what you both want out of life. We can work out what you like and what you don't like. We see where we have common ground, experiment a bit, and see what's best. I want you both to stay here with me, and be happy. I will do whatever I can to make things perfect for you", Nathan said

James and I sat on the chairs placed on the opposite of the desk to where Nathan was sitting. We had a long discussion. All three of us had the chance to speak freely and then Nathan proposed a plan of action, which we both agreed to. We had agreed to spend time each day at the gym or doing the gardening for the house. Although James was no longer a butler, gardening was James's favourite job and I volunteered to help him. At all other times, we would be free to do as pleased. Nathan was going to teach James how to suck my cock and edge me. James would experiment sucking without a mask first and we would try the mask and lock later. We agreed that when locked up, I did not have to pee in James's mouth, as neither of us wanted that. I had also agreed to let James cum over me and he would fuck my mouth to see if we liked it. Nathan had arranged a dentist appointment for James to have his teeth removed in two weeks' time, so we had plenty of time to decide if that was the right thing to do. We also agreed that Nathan would be locked to my cock for at least one day every week.

"We can start today if you like", Nathan said, to which we both agreed. Nathan asked us to remove each other clothes slowly, so we could appreciate the moment. I went first unfastening James's shirt buttons slowly revealing his smooth slim torso. James then pulled my hoodie zip down from halfway, and pushed my hoodie over my shoulders to make it fall on the floor. My cock now formed a tent in my jogging bottoms that could be seen clearly. We both took removed our own footwear and socks. I then removed James's belt and unfastened his trousers. James was wearing some designer boxer shorts, I noticed his large cock was held to one side under the material of his shorts. James pulled my joggers down, over my large erect cock. I was not wearing the cock sleeve of my rubber shorts.

"I love your cock, I can't wait to suck it again," James said.

I then pulled James shorts down and his erect cock sprang into the upright position. James stepped of shorts, as I admired his large thick cock, his pubes had been waxed off since yesterday and now he was completely hairless apart from the hair on his head. I had a longer and thicker cock than James, but he still had an impressive member.

It was not possible for me to remove my rubber shorts while my cock was hard, so they had to stay on. Nathan and James tied me to the bed in the room. Then they both sat on the bed, on either side of me.

"For the lesson, I am going to edge your cock boy", Nathan said to James. "You do this by listening to your cock boy's breathing and by watching the involuntary movements of his stomach muscles. When your cock boy has a skinny body that is stretched out over the bed this way, his stomach muscles are easier to read. This is why the mask has holes for your eyes. Now take hold of his cock, and start to pleasure him slowly. Nathan continued.

James took my cock in his hand, applying just the right pressure and slowly started to wank my cock. After about 30 seconds he stopped. "I just saw his stomach flexing", James said.

"That's normal, his muscles were flexing in a regular cycle, you have to look out for sudden erratic movements". Nathan responded.

James started jacking my cock again continued to do so, until a started to feel my urge to cum and then he let go.

"That's excellent" Nathan said gleefully. "Now see if you can do the same thing while sucking his cock."

James climbed in-between my legs and took my cock into his mouth, he was just sucking on the head of cock.

"You can use your hand on the base of his cock" Nathan stated, and James followed his instruction.

James continued for a minute and then stopped just as was reaching the point of no return.

"Good, you seem to have got the hang of that" Nathan stated satisfactorily.

Nathan then taught James how to take more of my cock in his mouth and how to control his breathing. James managed to get all of my cock in mouth, touching his nose onto my stomach twice before Nathan told him to stop, as was almost at the edge of shooting my cum. I was now aching to shoot my load.

"A good tactic is to give your cock boy a short break before you let him cum.", Nathan stated, it was the last thing I wanted to hear. "James why don't you straddle Jack, I want you to sit him so you rest your ball sack on his cock", James did Nathan asked. Nathan then pressed the button on the bedpost so the bed would raise me into a reclined position. Nathan then took a position sitting in between my legs behind James, Nathan reached around James's waist and started to jack James's cock. I could feel his ball sack rubbing against my cock. James loved what Nathan was doing to him, suddenly I watched James's beautiful face contort with pleasure. His body shuddered before he shot five large volleys of cum over me. Long ropes of cum landed on my hair, face, arm, chest, and stomach. Some cum landed in my mouth. His cum had a strong taste, but I liked it especially as I knew where it had come from.

I was covered in cum, and it was beginning to run down the sides of my face and torso. James was still recovering, and then Nathan told him to take my cock back into his mouth. James slowly got into his position between my legs.

"Normally you wouldn't let your cock boy know the exact moment, when you going to let him shoot his cum, as the element of surprise makes it more enjoyable for him, however on this occasion, we have to make an exception" Nathan explained. "Now suck your cock boy until he shoots his cum, make you catch in your mouth or down your throat, do not stop sucking until he has finished shooting all of his cum. Remember to breathe deeply through your nose yourself and prepare to swallow otherwise your mouth will get too full. Practice makes perfect."

James adjusted position and then took my cock in his mouth, and swirled his tongue on the underside of my cockhead, then he created a tight seal with lips before pushing all of cock into his mouth, he bobbed his head up and down a few times. My cum started to boil up inside my groin area. I let out a loud moan before depositing countless large volleys of hot cum, inside his mouth. James swallowed all of it down, I could feel his windpipe flexing as he swallowed. James then pulled his mouth off my cock to catch his breath back.

James lay on top of me and kissed me on the lips. I could taste my own cum inside his mouth as we kissed passionately. His cum was creating a slippery mess between our bodies. Nathan left us alone. James cuddled me as recovered. He fell to one side of me and he caressed my chest gently with his hand. As we lay together James told me that he loved me, and told him that I loved him too.

Nathan came back into the room after some time, James was still holding me as he lay to my side. Nathan could see that had cocks were hard again.

"Right next you can try the mask James", Nathan asked.

"No, I want to ride Jack's cock and I want to wank myself off at the same time", James countered.

Me and Nathan were both surprised by this, we had not discussed this earlier. Nathan asked me if it was OK and I agreed, he then span out of the room, saying he was going to fetch some lube. He returned quickly, and James got himself into position. Nathan lowered the bed down so I was lying flat again. I was so excited at the rospect of fucking James's butt.

Nathan gave some lube to James and asked him to smoother my cock with it. Nathan applied lube to James's butt hole, with his finger. "James, you must cum first, as you will enjoy your orgasm more with your cock boy's stiff cock in your butt, it is an incredible feeling. Use the edging technique to make you cock boy last longer", Nathan instructed.

James sitting on his knees with my cock head against the entrance to his butt. He then lowered his body, to let my cock hand enter him. James squealed with pain but carried on trying to lower himself gradually. After a minute he had got most of cock inside.

Nathan was amazed that James had managed all of my cock inside him so quickly. He advised James to breathe deeply and wait for the pain to subside. I was amazed at how warm and tight James's butt hole was. James was now playing with his hard cock wanking himself slowly then he raised himself and started bounce up and down on my cock slowly.

Each time pulled up his butt hole would suck him back down. He was now fucking himself on pole slowly, as he wanking his own cock fast. James was moaning loudly, as I was receiving a tight warm fuck. Suddenly James's body started to shudder, he bucked forward and showered me with another load of his cum. His butt clenched tightly around my cock as he shot his load. James continued to ride my cock. Now I could feel my own orgasm approaching sending a wave of pleasure through me as I shot my load deep inside him. James raised himself off my cock and let it fall out his butt.

Nathan suggested we get cleaned up and have dinner. Nathan wanted us to wear our underwear to dinner, as he liked to see our bodies, but the final decision on what to wear would be ours. We had dinner in the main dining room. I just wore my rubber boxer shorts without a cock sleeve, everyone including Charles the butler, had already seen my cock and was proud of my cock. James wore his boxer briefs and Nathan was fully dressed in normal clothes. Charles served dinner, me and James ate quickly, James and I now had stiff cocks again. We told Nathan we wanted more sex.

We returned to Nathan's bedroom, and they both tied me to the bed again. Nathan raised the bed so that I was reclined.

"Right now the plan is, for you James to fuck Jack's mouth and then for you to suck Jack's cock while wearing a mask with no lock, is that OK with you both?" Nathan asked, and we both agreed.

James removed his boxers, I stared at his cock lustfully. After having my cock sucked so many times, I was wanted to try James's cum again. Nathan tried to give us instructions, but I told him that we could work this one out ourselves.

James positioned himself carefully. He pressed his against the reclined part of the bed just below my armpits. I held my mouth open so he could put his beautiful cock in my mouth. He held onto the top of the mattress. He then started to fuck my mouth slowly. Using the experience of knowing what I enjoyed, I tried to replicate what others had done to please my cock. I created a tight warm hole for James to fuck. I breathed deeply through my nose and prepared for his cock to invade my throat. His cock was a perfect size for my mouth. He soon started fucking my mouth harder. I lay there and making sure I used my lips and tongue to create a tight hold for him to fuck. Within a minute I could sense he was about cum. I doubled my effort to tense my lips around his cock, and soon he was filling my mouth with cum. I started swallowing instinctively. Then as he pulled his cock out of mouth I savoured the taste of his cum. It was nice, and I would've happy to drink more of it.

James was exhausted, but he knew I also needed to cum, he asked Nathan for a mask. Nathan threw him a mask. Then Nathan laid a pillow between my legs. Nathan lowered the bed so I was lying flat. James put on the mask and lay down in-between my legs, then he took my hard cock in his mouth. Nathan walked over and sealed the zip. He started slurping my cock, twisting his tongue around my cock to give me maximum pleasure. he then started to bob his head up and down like a machine. My cum soon started to boil within my groin, I moaned out loud as hot cum seared through my cock, James was now moaning too and his sound vibrated down through my cock. I shot five volleys of hot cum inside his mouth before my orgasm relented.

We lay still for some time. Nathan was at his desk typing at his computer. James then started to fumble with the zip of his mask, and he managed to free himself. Once he was free I raised my head and noticed he looked quite stressed. Nathan got up from his desk and walked over to us.

"What's wrong James?" Nathan asked.

"I think I need to have my teeth removed, I would like to wear the mask all night, but Jack's cock is too big and I'm afraid I might bite it accident", James said with a worried tone. "I want to have it done tomorrow so that I we can sleep with the mask on as soon as possible.

"Yes, I agree James, Jack's cock is too big for you to keep your teeth and wear the mask all night" Nathan stated.

"If James is having his teeth removed, I will too", I said. I wanted to please James as well.

"That's really not necessary Jack. James's cock is the perfect size for your mouth and you are not the one wearing the mask", Nathan said.

"I would like us to try the 69 position, and it's not fair that James has his teeth out while I keep mine. I don't even like chewing food, I just care about us, and I can eat with false teeth". I said.

Nathan said he would call his friend who was a dentist in the morning.

James slept by my side, snuggled up to me.

The next morning, I woke up and noticed James was still by my side. We were alone. My cock was hard but, I needed to pee. I called James's name to wake him, he opened his eyes and smiled at me, and asked if I was OK. I told him that I needed to pee. He went to the en-suite bathroom and came back with a jug, so I could relieve myself. He threw my liquid away in the bathroom and then he lay down by my side again. He gently played with my cock until it was hard again. Then he got up and raised the bed so that I was reclined, then sat straddling me so our cocks were next to each other. He used both his hand to wank our cocks. The underside of my cock was touching the underside of James's cock skin to skin. I loved it. Jack shot his load first covering my torso with strands of thick cum. He now focussed on my cock and jacked me faster until I spewed six ropes of cum over myself. James then licked my chest and abs clean.

Nathan came back to the bedroom. He mentioned we had an appointment at the dentist soon, we were going to knocked out during the procedure so we were not supposed to eat or drink until afterwards.

"James has just eaten our cum", I joked.

"I'll try and put him off for another hour, but you should both get changed into regular clothes.

We got cleaned up. I wore the designer boxer briefs and my tracksuit, this time I pulled the hoodie zip to the top.

I saw the dentist first, followed by James. It would be a week before our mouths would heal, and our false teeth would not be ready for another week after that. In the meantime, we could only eat soft food.

After the operation, our mouths were swollen. We both slept for the rest of the day waiting for the anesthetic to wear off.

The next day, we both woke up as horny as usual. James wanked us both covering me with both of our cum shots. We then went to the gym and worked in the garden. We had mashed potatoes for lunch, as that was the best thing we could still eat.

After eating James tied to the bed, wearing my rubber boxers. James removed the jogging bottoms he was wearing all morning and was now naked. He put the bed in the reclined position he straddled me again ready to wank us off. He wanked himself off and spraying all of his cum over me and then he wanked me off giving me a second coating of cum. He sat there for the rest of the day, we talked about many things while we waited to get hard again. Each time one of us got hard he would play with whichever cock was hard until cum sprayed over my torso.

After several cum shots each, we had exhausted ourselves and orgasms were now dry. The room smelt of boy cum and I was slimy and wet. Nathan came into the room and noticed our predicament. Nathan was intoxicated by the stale boy smell in the room.

"Do you mind if I sleep with Jack's cock in my mouth tonight, he smells fantastic coated in all this juice" Nathan asked James.

"I haven't any cum left to give you Nathan", I protested.

"It's OK, being locked together isn't just about cock sucking, it can also be a very intimate experience, I will suck your morning wood in the morning", Nathan assured me. "James, you can stay with us and hold the key, and if you get horny you can give Jack a fresh coating of cum.

"It sounds like fun", James said.

Nathan left the room and came back moments later, he was wearing his all over rubber suit with a mask on. He whispered something in James's ear and then he took his place between my legs. James closed the zip on the mask and then locked Nathan to my cock, then he went for a shower.

The room was quiet, Nathan was not sucking my cock as he promised. We just waited, then James returned. James was shirtless, he was just wearing some PJ bottoms. James stayed with us and we talked until the early hours of the morning.

We talked about my past, I explained more about my parents, my time at school, and about the arguments that Alex and Tim had.

James told me about his family, and that he would need to go see them soon. James was doing a hospitality course and becoming a butler was the work experience he had to do to get qualified. His hospitality course was now complete, as Nathan had signed his record of achievement. James already had an internship job lined up at a hotel nearby, he would start the job in a few weeks. James hoped he would get to be a hotel manager someday. We discussed my non-existent career prospects. James told me not to worry, as I had plenty of time to work it out.

In the morning, Nathan started sucking on my morning wood. It felt awesome, he was sucking tightly with his tongue pressed against my cock. James was now awake and had worked out what was happening. Nathan bought me to the edge and stopped sucking, I should have known he would do that. Meanwhile, James got himself naked and straddled my stomach and started wanking himself. Nathan was sucking me again now and stopped just at the point of no return. Suddenly James started to shoot his cum over me.

The site of James shooting cum set me off too, even though Nathan was no longer sucking me. Cum burned through my cock. I felt like my cock was about to burst, as Nathan was not applying any pressure with his mouth. As my first cum shot hit Nathan's tongue, Nathan immediately got to work, giving a tight suck to ensure I enjoyed the rest of my orgasm properly.

James climbed off me and put his PJs back on. "I'm going to the gym". Charles will be waiting outside in case you need anything.

Nathan stayed locked to me until mid-afternoon. I had to piss in his mouth once and I shot one more load of cum inside him after several rounds of edging. Then James unlocked us.

"You got one hour, I don't want you to wash the cum off yourself, you smell great. Get something to eat or whatever else you need to do." Nathan said, before he left the bedroom.

I only needed 30 minutes, James tied me to the bed again, then left me to eagerly wait for Nathan. James was busy calling friends and family for the rest of the day. Nathan edged and sucked twice more that day, while locked to me. James slept by my side again.

I was woken the next morning by Nathan. My hard cock was filling his mouth but strangely he was not sucking my morning wood. James noticed a signal from Nathan indicating that he needed to be unlocked immediately.

"I need to unlock you both", James stated. He fetched the key and unlocked us quickly.

"You smell too bad now Jack, the cum on your body has got too stale", Nathan said once he was free. Nathan left the room.

"You do smell bad, but we can still have some fun", James said. James took off his PJs bottoms and was now naked. His cock was rigid too. He climbed on top of and he rode my cock, wanking himself simultaneously. He shot 6 ropes of cum over me, then continued to ride my cock until I shot my hot load inside him.

We spent the next few days together. Me and James spent time at the gym and worked on the garden. James and I spent lots of time in bed together he loved stroking my smooth skin while I was tied up, we also talked and shot as much cum as we could over me. We still couldn't use our mouths, as we had not recovered from our teeth extractions. Nathan was locked to my cock each night.

It was now a week since me and James had our teeth extracted. We refrained from sex that morning and I got dressed into my tracksuit. A dentist visited the house, to confirm that we were now fully healed. As soon as the dentist left the house, we were both eager to try sucking on each other's cocks.

Nathan suggested we should both get naked and he tied me to the bed. Nathan suggested that we should suck each other off twice in a 69 position. We would both be naked the first time and next time I would be wearing my rubber boxers, to see which way we preferred. We undressed each other the way Nathan had taught us. I was then tied to the bed without my rubber boxers on.

James climbed on top of me so his cock was near my head and his head was near my cock. Our cocks were already hard. Nathan suggested that we explore licking each other's balls. James positioned himself so that I had easy access to his nut sack, his smooth balls hung low within his sack. I lifted my head a little and started to lick my tongue around his droopy sack, James started to lick my nut sack too. James moaned quietly, I was glad that I was also able to pleasure James this time.

Nathan then suggested we briefly close our lips around each other's testicle, and stroke lips over the skin as released the testicle from our mouths, while I could this easily, James had to use his hand to lift my nut sack. Nathan then suggested we should try each to take each other's cocks in our mouths, and he asked me to lift my chin up so I could give James easier access.

James inserted his cock into my mouth and tried my best to create a tight hole for him to fuck. James also took my cock in his mouth. James started to rock his body back and forth slowly, so our cocks would fuck our mouths. Gradually James picked up some speed. The feeling was awesome, I was pleasuring James just as much as he was pleasuring me with his hot tight mouth. His cock repeatedly entered my throat and my cock entered his. Suddenly, I could feel my cum approaching, heating up my groin. I shot several volleys of hot cum into James's mouth before James pulled his mouth off my cock, so he could catch his breath back. He then started to fuck my mouth really hard. He moaned out loud before filling my mouth with his cum, I tried my best to swallow all of it, but some cum spilled out and down my neck. We stayed in position while we recovered. James kept his cock in my mouth for as long as possible, before both our cocks went limp.

Nathan gave us some time to recover and then untied me from the bed, he told me to put on rubber boxers as I wouldn't be able to do later if my cock got hard. I put the shorts on once more and Nathan tied to the bed again. James lay on top of me face-to-face and we kissed passionately. I felt different kissing without teeth. I could taste my cum inside James's mouth.

It didn't take long before we were both hard again. James spun around so we could suck other's cocks once more. We sucked on each other for longer this time. James shot his cum first, filling my mouth with another huge load. James then stopped sucking my cock and placed a pillow between my legs, he lay down on it, and then he took my cock back in his mouth.

He sucked me slowly at first, creating a tight seal around my cock with his lips and simultaneously he swirled back and forth over the underside of cock. As he got used to the action he increased speed. I started to feel my cum approaching and then stopped sucking.

Once I had recovered he continued to service my cock with his lips and tongue. He bought me to the two more times and then let me recover. Again James bought me to the edge and as I sensed my cum approaching, started to bob his head up and down quickly. I shot several volleys of boiling hot cum inside his mouth. James sucked until every last drop had seeped out of my cock, then he paused. He held my flaccid cock in his mouth for a while before rolling off me. We were both exhausted and rested for a while.

We spent the rest of the day in the garden and the gym. We then had dinner with Nathan, Over dinner, Nathan was smartly dressed, James wore some jeans and was shirtless. I simply wore my rubber boxers, with my cock exposed. After dinner, we moved to the lounge area and sat on the sofa talking. James stated that he wanted to be locked to my cock for the night. My cock hard instantly, Nathan and James both laughed telling me to calm down. Nathan agreed that it was a good time to try this. We stayed at the dinner table all evening talking, the evening went slowly for me, my cock stayed hard most

It was getting late. Nathan reminded me to use the bathroom before bed, as I would not be able to pee, once James's mouth was locked to my cock. We made our way to Nathan's bedroom and James tied me to the bed. He then raised the bed so that I reclined. James removed his clothes and straddled me so that his ball sack was now resting on my cock head, his cock was now stiff. James asked Nathan to jack him off, Nathan sat behind James, and reached around his waist, and wrapped his hand around James's cock.

As Nathan jacked James's cock, I could see James abs flexing as he bucked around with pleasure. I could feel James's nut sack rubbing against my cock head. James was resting his head on Nathan's shoulder and was looking down at me as I watched him enjoy being wanked off. Suddenly, James let out a long groan, and bucked forward a little, before covering me in his sweet cum. He fired out five robes of thick hot cum over me, each cumshot splatted down on my chest, abs, and face. My cock was now super hard.

James asked Nathan for a mask, James then pressed the bedpost button the make the bed flat and placed a pillow between my legs for himself. James gave a cute wink before he put the mask on and he took his place between legs. James put my cock in his mouth, while could feel his cum dripping down my sides. Nathan sealed the zip and used the padlock to lock the zip place. My mind was filled with anticipation of what was to come.

Immediately James formed a tight hole for my cock with his mouth. He started to take my cock in and out his mouth and throat slowly, then he sped up his action until he was going as fast as he could. I was in ecstasy, it felt like the most blow job ever. James feverously jacked my cock with his mouth. I could feel my cock head rubbing against his tongue and the inside of his throat. Within a minute, I could feel my cum boiling up inside me. I shot a huge volley of cum into James's mouth. Cum heated my groin again before shot several huge volleys of cum into his mouth and throat. I could feel his throat contracting around my cock as he swallowed my cum down.

Once I had stopped shooting cum into James's mouth, he relaxed and I was exhausted too. I drifted off to sleep, with Nathan sleeping by our side.

During the night my cock got hard two more times. Each time James sucked on my cock gently until I shot my load in his mouth.

I woke early the next morning, James was already sucking my morning wood. He took his time gently bobbing his head to give me pleasure. I really wanted James to speed up, but he just took his time, so I had no choice but to relax and enjoy the pleasure he was providing. As my cum approached James stopped sucking for a few seconds, then he resumed at the same pace until I shot a huge load of cum into his mouth. Nathan was watching us the whole time. He gave us both a minute to recover before unlocking us.

Once free, James ripped the mask off and then crawled up to kiss me. I could taste my cum inside his mouth. He lay next to for a while with his stiff cock was poking into my side. "Do you want to fuck my mouth", I asked James.

"I just want to relax here by your side for now. When your cock gets hard, I want us to 69 again, James replied.


Next: Chapter 5

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