Big Cock Lock Down

By Marty Daniels

Published on Nov 9, 2020


This story is pure fiction. This story is set in the UK, so all the terms used are based on British English.

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Part 3

I put on the simplest jockstrap I could find before I went to the gym. The jockstrap was very skimpy but, it supported my cock and balls firmly. The air in the gym was cold. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I thought I looked good. I was finally beginning to enjoy life. The gym had a TV and music system for me to use. I followed the first workout plan that Alex had given me. I went for a jog on the treadmill and lifting a few weights. It was good getting the exercise, quite refreshing after days of staying in bed.

I spent over an hour in the gym, then I went for a shower. Afterwards, I found Tim in the bedroom, he had just finished changing the bedsheets. Tim seemed calmer now, and he told me to get ready to be locked up. I was already wearing the rubber boxers, so I removed the cock sleeve, Tim tied me to the bed. Tim then surprised me by saying he had to make dinner. I was expecting us to be locked up straight away. Tim walked out of the room, while I just lay there with my cock dangling in the air. Tim was clearly still annoyed.

An hour must have passed. I could hear Alex and Tim arguing in the background. I managed to pick out a few sentences from their argument.

"The boy probably prefers your mouth to mine" Tim shouted

"You're a bottom boy that's why I don't suck your cock" Alex said, in a calmer voice.

"I see the way you look at him, you never look at me that way" Tim shouting

Alex was then scolding Tim for leaving me tied up, "You either untie him or suck his cock but don't just leave him there".

"OK, well I've made the dinner now, so I guess I'll fulfil my role and go suck him off", Tim shouted.

Tim burst into the room and he still had his clothes. I was scared.

Tim went to the en-suite bathroom and immediately flushed the toilet, then he put his mask on. He walked to the end of the bed and threw a pillow between my legs and lay down it and then took my cock in his mouth. Tim fumbled around zipping us together, he then locked us together using the padlock. It felt very quiet in the flat now.

Alex came into the room a minute later and he saw us locked together. "Where is the key to the lock?", he mumbled, "The key is usually kept with the lock".

It then dawned on me what had happened, "I think Tim flushed the key in the toilet", I said.

"Finally, some peace and quiet" Alex shouted, "I'm sorry Jack, you're going to be locked up until I work this out, the only way to shut him up is to stick a cock in his mouth. I'll bring you dinner in bed later, I don't think I have a spare key, so I'll have to work out how to pick the lock".

Tim was just sulking and would not suck me off. Eventually, I needed to pee, I gave Tim a warning and he got into position so I could relieve myself, swallowing all of my liquid.

Later that evening, Alex came into the bedroom with a plate of fruit, cheese and biscuits. He un-cuffed my arms and sat behind me, allowing me to lean on him so I could sit up. I ate the food and he gave me a soda drink. The conversation was not great, Alex was still annoyed. Alex stroked my hair and torso affectionately as I lay in his arms eating and drinking. Alex then started to speak.

"We need to give Tim time to calm down, you two will be locked until tomorrow", Alex said.

"Now I have a job for you, if you're up for it. I have an important client I need you to please, you would be doing me a big favour", Alex said

"What do I have to do", I replied,

"My client is an older guy and he is very wealthy. He is also my ex-boyfriend actually, I dated him years ago. He likes to suck cock. He would wear a mask and suck me off, at the time, I was just a couple of years older than you are now. I told him about you, and now he is saying he wants to be locked to your cock. He doesn't have any teeth, and he is a great cock sucker. Will you do this for me", Alex continued.

Alex's request sent a rush of blood to my cock. "Yes I'll do it", I replied.

"Thank you Jack, I'll speak to my client to arrange a time. I'll be sleeping on the sofa tonight", Alex said. He tied my arms back to the bed, then he turned out the lights before he left the room.

In the morning Alex, came to check on us. "Did he suck off you yet", Alex asked.

"No not yet, he may be asleep I can't tell", I replied. I had been hard most of the night, although I did manage to get some sleep. I thought it would have been impossible for Tim to sleep with my large stiff cock in his mouth, but as Tim had not moved much it was difficult to tell whether he was awake or not.

Alex offered me a drink of water, I had to drink it with a straw as I was still tied to the bed.

"Tim come on, you're not being fair to Jack, he hasn't done anything wrong" Alex shouted loud enough, to make sure Tim could hear. "Well he must still be sulking, I hope he snaps out of it soon. I have to start work now. I'll contact the client I spoke about as well.", Alex continued.

Alex shut the door and left us alone again. Suddenly, Tim swiped his tongue along the underside of my slowly, and then he swiped it back. He started to repeat the same motion over and over. This was not the usual passionate cock sucking that I received before, but just a repeating slow swipe of tongue. I knew I would find it difficult to shoot my cum this way, but the monotonous swipe of the tongue felt good and I was glad that Tim was providing some stimulation.

Time passed, I felt like Tim was doing this to torture me, so I tried my hardest to relax. I reminded myself that I had nowhere else to be, and I was going to be in this situation most of the day. I closed my eyes tried to focus on the feeling of Tim's tongue swiping back and forth.

Eventually, I could feel my cum approaching, I was praying that Tim was not about to subject me to a round of edging. Thankfully, Tim closed his mouth a little tighter around my cock, and he started to bob his head taking my cock in and out of his throat. My orgasm built up intensely before I fired several volleys of hot cum into Tim's mouth and throat. I felt so relieved. My cock was now flaccid and I could relax again.

I spent the rest of the day trying not to think thoughts that would turn me on. My cock did get hard, but Tim was sulking again and did not suck my cock any further.

Alex came back to the bedroom after he finished work. "Did Tim suck you off", Alex asked, in a concerned way.

"Just once this morning, I think he is still upset", I replied.

"I can't believe he is treating you this way. By the way, I can't find the padlock key, so I'm going to cut you free." Alex stated as he un-cuffed my wrists and ankles. Alex then fetched a pair of sharp scissors from another room. He used the scissors to cut my rubber shorts down each of my legs.

"Tim, let Jack go", Alex demanded. Tim did not respond, except I noticed he was griping my flaccid cock with his mouth. So Alex lifted Tim's head up with both hands, this allowed me to crawl out from under Tim. I got up off the bed and had a good stretch. Tim got off the bed, he was still wearing his mask which still the cut boxers shorts attached. Tim locked himself in the en-suite bathroom.

Me and Alex spend the evening together, we used the gym for nearly three hours. Alex wore gym shorts and trainers and was shirtless. I wore a jockstrap and stayed barefoot. We also talked about Alex's client. His client's butler would be picking me up in the afternoon.

After the gym, I changed back into my rubber boxer shorts and I put on a cock sleeve with it. Me and Alex had a late dinner, Tim was sulking in the bedroom and did not join us.

Alex instructed me on how things would work with his client. "Tomorrow you will wear a fresh pair of rubber boxer shorts, without the cock sleeve.

For the journey, you can wear your tracksuit. Make sure the waistband of boxer shorts shows over jogger pants, and zip up the hoodie to halfway, so we can see your chest. You must also wear your socks, trainers and jewellery too".

Alex gave me a bottle of Eau de toilet and told me to spray it all over my body before I put my clothes on. Alex told me a safe word that his client had provided, I was to use it in case I wanted things to stop.

"Only use the safe word, if you feel unsafe. It's important that my client feels like you are enjoying yourself at all times, that's very important to him. You can cum and pee in my client's mouth just like you do with Tim", Alex continued. "Please don't let me down, Jack".

Suddenly we heard the front door slam, Tim had clearly walked out. We couldn't tell if had overheard our conversation.

Alex did not have to work the next day, so we stayed up until really late, expecting Tim to come home.

Tim did not return. Alex suggested we go to bed. I asked Alex to tie me to the bedposts for the night, as I now preferred sleeping that way. He covered my legs with a quilt and he slept by my side. Alex stroked my chest and abs gently, as I tried to sleep. My cock was really hard, but I had to ignore it. I did not sleep well the night before, so I managed to drop off quite easily.

In the morning Alex untied me and helped me to get ready. I took off my boxer shorts, got cleaned up. Alex then sprayed me all over with the Eau du toilet. Alex checked me all over for any stray body hairs, but he did not find any. I then put my clothes and jewellery on as instructed.

At midday, the doorbell rang. Alex opened the door, a man dressed as a chauffeur was there. We could see Tim in the background. Alex kissed me goodbye and I went with the chauffeur.

Tim stood on one side to let us pass before he went into the flat.

Me and the chauffeur called the lift.

"How are you today Master Jack, my name is Charles" the chauffeur asked me while we were in the lift.

"I'm good, it's nice to meet you Charles", I replied.

"Well we only have a short drive to Master Nathan's residence, do let me know if you need anything".

The chauffeur had a big car, I didn't know what type of car it was but was grand. He opened the door so I could sit on the back seat. We drove to the house in silence. The house was equally grand and it had a long driveway. The chauffeur took me up a grand staircase to one of the bedrooms and asked me to wait. The room had a large four-poster bed there was also and a coffee table with two chairs.

The room was bigger than Alex's entire flat. I waited 5 minutes, and the chauffeur walked in with a tray of tea and cakes and placed the tray on the table before he left. A middle-aged man followed, he looked like he was about thirty years old. He was good looking, he was slim, tall, and smartly dressed.

"Hi my name is Nathan and you must be Jack", he said, "You are very cute just as Alex had promised"

We sat down and had tea and cake. Nathan made sure that I understood what I was getting myself into, he also checked that I knew the safe word. Everything seemed to fine, and Alex had explained.

Nathan asked me to stand up and he walked over to me. He unzipped my hoodie, and put his hand on my torso, and gently rubbed my chest and abs. My cock was now stiff, creating a tent in jogging bottoms, He pushed my hoodie off shoulders and it fell to the floor. He started to kiss me all over my chest, arms, abs, and even around my back.

He told me to sit on the edge of the bed. He then removed my trainers and socks, he kissed my feet a few times. Then I could see he wanted to remove my joggers. I got up to allow him to pull my joggers down before and I sat back down. My cock sprang up in front of him. He kissed my cockhead. Then he removed my platinum chain and wristband.

Nathan got up and rang a bell that was in the tea tray. The chauffeur arrived, who was now dressed like a butler. He asked the butler to tie me to the bed, and Nathan left the room.

I positioned myself in the middle of the bed and spread myself out. The butler pulled the cuffed chains from under the bed at each corner, then locked me to the four corners of the bed, and placed a pillow in-between my legs for Nathan to rest on. The butler picked my clothes and jewelry off the floor and left.

Nathan was now back in the room, I raised my head to look at his outfit. He was wearing an all-over rubber bodysuit with a mask. I thought he looked like a comic book hero. Nathan lay in between my legs.

"This is the biggest cock I have ever seen", Nathan whispered. He adjusted his position, so he could get my cock into his mouth easily.

He took his time and eventually the zip of my boxer shorts and his mask met. His butler came back in and zipped us together carefully and locked zips together with a silver padlock.

The butler then spoke to me.

"I will be waiting just outside the door. I can provide food and drink if you like. Or let me know if there is anything I can do to make you more comfortable, please ask me. Remember, you can ask for this whole thing to stop at any time.", Charles then left the room, but the door remained open.

Nathan started swirling his tongue around my cock, he was then bobbing his head up and down, taking all of cock deep inside. I could feel the back of his throat squeezing my cockhead. I was aching to shot, my load, as I had not done so for over a day. Nathan's slurped around and up and down, applying the perfect amount of pressure to the walls of my rock hard cock. I could feel cock head entering his throat repeatedly, as he tried his hardest to please me. He kept this going for a few minutes until I started to feel my cum boil up, and as I expected, he stopped sucking just before I got to the point of no return. We both patiently waited for my orgasm to recede, then he resumed sucking again.

For a second time he bought me close to the edge of cumming, but again he did not allow me to shoot my load. It took me longer to recover this time. It was as if Nathan could read my mind. He knew just when to stop sucking, and wouldn't keep me waiting too long once I had recovered. Nathan using his experience to judge my breathing and muscle movements so that I would not cum.

I lost count of the number of times he bought me to the edge, each time it would take me longer to recover. He bought me to the edge one more time and stopped sucking for just a couple of seconds he gave me just one lick to bring me back to the edge, the feeling receded slightly before he gave me another solitary lick to bring me back to the edge again. He continued does this time after time. Then gave me a break for a while. I resumed sucking again bring back to the edge and giving a break. I was beginning to lose my mind, he could hear me begging for release but he wasn't taking any notice. He let me rest a long while, then resumed sucking my cock, but this he was bobbing his furiously, multiple waves of hot cum burst through my cock into his mouth and throat. Nathan continued to suck huge loads of cum out of me, he continued his pace until every last drop of cum had dribbled into his mouth before he rested. I felt totally satisfied.

Nathan let me rest, just teasing my flaccid cock once in a while with a lick or two. When my cock was hard again Nathan started sucking my cock straight away, He repeated the same process as before, bringing to the edge of cumming multiple times.

This time, before he let me cum, he made sure I had recovered fully to the point where my cock was flaccid, then licked my cock until it was hard again. Nathan then attacked my cock at an unrelenting pace, milking me for all had to give him, he moaned with pleasure sending vibrations through cock as I shot another huge load of cum inside his mouth. I gently drifted off to sleep.

I woke up after some time, I didn't know how long I had been asleep. My cock was hard again. Nathan was already sucking, he repeated the same process. Before he let me cum, he bought to the edge over fifty times. Eventually, when he let me cum, I shot all of it down his tight throat.

After my third orgasm of the day, I felt satisfied, I lay back and enjoyed the still and the quiet, while my flaccid cock sat in Nathan's wet mouth. I didn't want this day to end.

I told Nathan that I needed to pee, he adjusted his position without hesitation, ready for me to fill him with my liquid, then I released it all inside him. I lay there for short while, my cock was beginning to harden once more, Nathan started to suck. I then heard a bell sound. Charles walked into the room pushing a trolley. Dinner is about to be served, Master Jack. Charles un-cuffed my wrists, then walked over to one of the bedposts and pushed a button, which raised one side of the bed so I was now in a reclined seated position. Charles moved the trolley in front of me so I could eat more easily. There was just a light dinner, Charles explained that I would upset my stomach I ate a heavy meal before lying down again. Nathan was licking my cock just enough to keep it hard.

"Does Nathan need to eat", I asked.

"No, Master Nathan instructions were to give him a break at midnight", Charles replied.

I had lost track of what time it could be, I carried on eating.

"Are you having a good time", Charles asked.

"Yes, it's the best time ever", I replied. That was the truth, Nathan was better at sucking cock than Tim or Alex.

After dinner, Charles reminded me he would be just outside, as he removed the trolley. He then lowered the bed so I was lying down, then he cuffed my wrists back to the bedposts.

As I lay down, my cock was still hard from before dinner. Nathan started to suck my cock with intent. He continued until he bought me back to the edge. He kept me in this cycle for a long time, sucking my cock to the point where I was about to cum then allowing me rest. When he wanted me to shoot he would give a good tight and fast suck. I shot two further loads of cum before Nathan took a break. I shot one load his mouth and another down his throat.

Charles came into the room to unlock the padlock and unzipped us. Then Nathan took my cock out his mouth. Nathan took his mask off.

"Are you OK Jack", Nathan asked.

"Yes", I replied, I'm having a good time".

"Well I have to freshen up, so I will be back soon". Nathan said, then he left the room.

I waited for seemed like an hour, Charles came in to check on me a couple of times, saying Nathan would not be long. I felt self-aware as my flaccid cock was on show for Charles to see.

When Nathan returned he was already wearing his mask. Nathan got himself into position with my cock in his mouth. Charles entered shortly after and zipped us back together before applying the padlock. A boy around my age dressed as a butler entered the room and stood beside Charles.

Charles then spoke.

"It is now the end of my workday, Master Jack. This is my colleague James. He will be taking my place. Please call him, if you need anything. They both left the room.

My cock was flaccid and Nathan was not sucking me. He waited for me to get hard on my own, then he started to suck. As my cock got harder, he increased the pressure his mouth and lips were applying to my cock. He was slurping my cock, twisting his tongue around my cock to give me maximum pleasure. As my cum started to boil within my groin, I was expecting him to stop, but not this time, he started to bob his head up and down like a machine. We both moaned out loud, his moaning vibrated down through my cock. I shot five volleys of hot cum inside his mouth before my orgasm relented.

Almost immediately after my orgasm. I could see James close up at the side of the bed, looking over me. I got a closer look at James, he looked about eighteen years old and he was very cute.

"Master Jack, Master Nathan likes to go to bed around this time, would you mind if I turned the lights out?"

"No, go ahead", I said.

"Well I will be just outside if you need anything", James chirped.

I lay still for enjoying my post-orgasm glow. After a short while, later James came back into the room turning the lights on again. My eyes found it difficult to adjust to the light.

"I do apologise Masters", James removed the padlock and unzipped us. "This is rather urgent".

As Nathan got up, James continued. "Sir, your Los Angeles office called, they need you to call them back urgently."

"OK thank you James", Nathan replied, "We can't leave young Jack here on his own, would you mind doing what we discussed"

"Of course sir", James replied.

Nathan hurried himself out of the room.

"I very sorry about this Master Jack, but from experience, I know that Master Nathan could be busy for some time. You have several options. You could sleep as you are, I could untie you if you want or I'm happy to take Master Nathan's place for the rest of the night". Nathan said nervously.

I couldn't believe my ears, but I was not going to refuse an offer like that.

"I would like you to take Nathan's place", I eagerly replied.

James started to remove his bow tie, jacket, and shirt, then he removed his shoes. He had a skinny hairless body. I thought he looked sexy, my cock got hard immediately, even though I had already shot my load several times, that day.

"I do not have the correct outfit Master Jack and I've never done this before, but I've always wanted to try it", James said nervously. My cock was getting super hard. James took my cock in his mouth. He tried his best to give me a blow job, but he had clearly not done this before. He was bobbing his head slowly trying to get my cock in his mouth. After a few minutes, he stopped. He walked over to the bedpost, then pushed the button to put the bed in the reclined position.

"Perhaps you could guide me Master Jack" James said.

"OK I'll help", I said, which made James smile. "Now to your mouth on around the head of my cock and your hand around the base. You always keep the exposed top half of my cock in your mouth, using your tongue and lips to apply pressure. I'll warn you if I'm going to cum, you then have to speed up and swallow all of my cum as well". I continued.

"I'll try my best Master Jack" James replied.

James did exactly what I said. He went slow at first and sped as he got more used to the action.

He quickly learnt to apply the right pressure with his hand, lips, and tongue. He was giving me tight wank, while licking around the cock head, it felt awesome.

James could sense my breathing was speeding up, so he starting sucking my cock head, taking it all in his mouth, he also started jacking the base of my cock faster. The cum boiled up inside me once more, then I exploded in his mouth, I shot four volleys of cum into him, and he didn't spill a drop. I loved watching this sweet-looking boy swallow my cum.

"That was great", I said trying to catch my breath back.

"Thank you Master Jack", he replied "I glad you enjoyed it, I will stay with you until Master Nathan returns"

He walked over to the bedpost and lowered the bed down again, then he resumed his position taking my flaccid cock into his mouth. He kept my cock in his mouth while it was flaccid. Each time I would get hard, he wank and suck my cock. I shot two more loads of cum in his mouth.

It was many hours before Nathan returned. He was still wearing his full rubber outfit. James took my cock out of my mouth, and without saying a word. Nathan replaced James at my cock. James zipped and locked us back together. Nathan immediately tried to coax some cum out of me. He was no longer trying to edge me first, he just wanted my cum. I started to enjoy his mouth, it took a long time before until I reached orgasm, but this time I shot two volleys of cum into Nathan's mouth. Nathan made me orgasm two more times, each time I did not produce much cum. I felt completed drained and we both fell asleep.

I woke the next morning with Nathan sucking on me. He was working at my morning wood for ages before I produced a few shots of cum for him.

He then continued sucking me even when I was flaccid, My cock was over-sensitive, it was a strange sensation and I wanted him to stop, but I didn't complain, as I knew I had to please him. I tried my best to focus my thoughts so I get hard for him.

Eventually, I managed to get stiff once more, to show Nathan I was enjoying myself, but this time I had a dry orgasm. Once my orgasm faded, we both rested, until James walked back into the room.

"It's midday Master Nathan", James said as he removed the padlock. James was now fully dressed again. Nathan got to his feet and removed the mask.

"I hope you enjoyed yourself Jack, I certainly did. You were fantastic". Nathan said

"I really enjoyed it, and I would love to do it again", I replied.

"Good, now James will drop you home, and I'm sure we will see you again very soon". Nathan said

James untied me from the bed. He asked me if I wanted a shower or breakfast, but I felt too drained and I wanted to sleep.

"You can't sleep here Master Jack, I'm under strict instructions under our contract with your Master Alex to return you home by 2pm" James said.

James went to get my things and then he helped me off the bed. James showed me to the bathroom, so I could freshen up. I took a shower, and I put on my rubber boxers, jogging bottoms and trainers. It was a hot day so didn't wear my hoodie. James put my stuff in a bag and walked me to the car, so we could drive back to Alex's flat.

James was driving me home after my night at Nathan's house. James then spoke, "Master Jack, you will find a package from Master Nathan in your bag. Please check what's inside I think it is important", there was a short pause then James continued. "I loved sucking your cock last night and if I had enough money, I would pay to spend the night locked up with you.

I was surprised at this, James must have thought that I was a prostitute and that Alex was my pimp. "I'm not a whore James, I just like sex this way", I protested

"Sorry Master Jack I didn't mean to offend you, but I would still like to be the one that is locked to some time soon, if you will have me", James replied.

"I would like that very much. You are very attractive James and I would love to spend more time with you." I said. I could see James blushing now.

"Well for now, we have to get you home Master Jack, I am under strict orders", James said confidently

James dropped me back to Alex's place, walking me to the front door. Tim was the only one home. I went straight to the bedroom and removed my trainers.

"Please look after him, he has had a busy night and needs to sleep", James said to Tim.

"Oh, I will definitely look after him" Tim replied in an innocent sounding tone.

James placed my bag, by the bedside and left the flat


Next: Chapter 4

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