Big Cock Lock Down

By Marty Daniels

Published on Nov 6, 2020


This story is pure fiction. This story is set in the UK, so all the terms used are based on British English.

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Part 2

When I woke up, it took me a couple of seconds to work out where I was. I guessed it must have been around midday, but I had no way of knowing for sure. I was still tied to Alex's bed using cuffs and chains. Tim's mouth was still locked to my cock, and he was now sucking me off again. I didn't know how long I had been asleep. My cock was hard again so it must've been asleep for a long time. He started the edging process again, bringing to the edge of shooting my cum before stopping and allowing me to recover.

Tim was sucking my cock with passion. Sometimes he would just suck my cock lightly, then he would change thing taking my cock into his throat to form a tight hole around my cock. I had endured several rounds of edging, and I was now desperate to cum. Then everything stopped, he held my cock in his mouth and I couldn't feel anything, except the odd drop of his saliva trailing its way down my cock. I must have been waiting for 10 minutes.

Tim must have fallen asleep I thought. Then suddenly he attacked my cock at an unrelenting pace, milking me for all had to give him. He moaned with pleasure sending vibrations through my cock, I tried to stifle myself from moaning too much. His mouth had formed a perfect tight hole for me. I could now feel my cum boil up inside of me, and I was praying he would continue. Then I could feel cum burning its way through my cock, before I fired several rounds of cum into Tim's mouth. I felt so relieved.

As my cock went limp and we both tried to catch our breath back. I was quite awake. I just lay there waiting, after all, there was nothing else I could do. I thought about what the future might hold, wondering how long I would be able to stay with Alex and Tim before I had to move on. I didn't want to be homeless and I didn't have enough money to be able to afford my own place. I decided I would do my best to go along with whatever Alex and Tim wanted, as this felt safe. For now, Alex wanted to keep me here, Tim wanted to suck my cock and I was happy.

Time passed, my cock was still flaccid. I could feel Tim licking my cock, but I now needed to pee, I didn't like the idea of pissing in Tim's mouth even though Alex said that's what I should do, it just didn't feel right. Tim kept licking my flaccid cock, and then I could hear him making muffled moaning sounds like he was complaining, there was no way that I could get hard again. Having your cock sucked when you needed to pee was annoying.

"Tim I need to pee, I'm sorry", I shouted out. Tim raised his body off the bed and sat on his knees, he was no longer sucking my cock, he just waited. I guessed he was waiting to receive my liquid. I had no choice but to try and go inside his mouth. I couldn't bring myself to do at first and I could tell Tim was getting impatient again. The more I tried the more I tensed up. I started to breathe deeply to relax, and eventually, my liquid started to flow. Tim lapped all of down, licking my cock clean after I finished before he relaxed back into his previous position.

I went back to waiting but I felt relaxed knowing there was nowhere else I had to be. Tim resumed his efforts to get me hard again, and he was successful this time. He sucked my cock gently for a while. Just as I could feel my cum approaching and he stopped sucking on me. It was like he was telepathic and he knew just the right time to stop before I got to the point of no return.

I heard the bedroom door open. Alex came into the room he wasn't wearing any clothes, and his cock was hard. He slapped Tim on the butt, Tim immediately got on his knees and raised his butt in the air. The sight of Alex, sent another rush of blood to my cock, making it even harder.

Alex stood at the end of the bed behind Tim's butt, then started to fuck Tim. Tim and Alex were both loving it. I could feel Tim moaning through my cock, he was trying his best to pleasure me with tongue and throat. I had already cum many times that day, but somehow I was still desperate to cum again. I almost reached orgasm, but Tim stopped sucking me just in time.

He was now licking my cock occasionally, keeping me on the edge. Then, something in Tim changed, he started moaning much louder than normal and he struggled to maintain the pleasure he was providing me. Tim was clearly having an orgasm. Tim went back to work on my cock, he gave me a few tight sucks, then I felt my cockhead enter his throat a few times. This set me off and I shot at least seven volleys of hot cum in Tim's mouth. Alex was watching me the whole time, Alex now started pumping his cock in and out of Tim's butt faster, his muscular body juddered as he pumped his cum inside Tim's hole.

"We did it", Alex seemed so pleased with himself. He had finally got Tim to cum without Tim touching himself. Tim relaxed himself on the bed, and Alex lay down on the other side to me. Alex fell asleep satisfied, Tim was not moving anymore, so I assumed he was sleeping too. I was still wide awake, but I felt happy, and I waited for them to wake up. I wondered how Tim could sleep with my cock still in his mouth, he could've been pretending to sleep, or maybe he was just resting, I had no way of knowing for sure.

Alex woke up after a short nap, he used a key to unlock the padlock that was at the zip of my boxers. Then he unzipped us. Tim pulled his mouth off my wet limp cock. My cock suddenly felt cold when it was exposed to the open air. Alex then spoke quickly. "Tim, I want you to get Jack out of bed, then I want you to wax his pubes and his underarms, you can then get on with your duties. Jack, let Tim wax your hairy parts, I want you totally smooth from now on. Afterwards I want you to get cleaned up and put on a fresh pair of shorts. Be in my office at 5:30pm on the dot".

Alex got fully dressed into his everyday clothes. I apprehensively removed my shorts, ready to be waxed. I had a feeling this would be painful, so I reminded myself that I would be homeless if it wasn't for Alex and Tim. Having my armpits waxed was not so bad, but having my pubes waxed was very painful and it took a lot longer. Tim assured that waxing would be less painful next time and that we wouldn't need to do this again for a few weeks. Tim spread some moisturiser over the areas he had waxing to calm the soar feeling.

Tim didn't speak as much as Alex, I got the impression that he wasn't really interested in getting to know me properly. When waxing my hair, he just focused on the task. If I asked him any question he gave a short answer, so there was very little conversation. I got cleaned up.

Tim had provided me with fresh pair of rubber boxer shorts, he also gave me a sleeve for my cock, which also had a zip that could be attached to my shorts using the same zip track that could be used for the mask, otherwise, I still had no other clothes on. I made sure that I knocked on Alex's office door at precisely at the right time. Alex invited me in and told me to sit down, I sat on the other side of his desk like I was at a job interview.

Alex then spoke, "Did you enjoy your day".

"Yes", I replied"

Alex continued, "You can stay here with us as long as you like, as long as you play your role. You will use our gym every day unless we have other plans. You should work out for least two hours each time, during which time Tim will cook and clean the flat. We will have dinner together every day, Tim is a good cook, and he makes healthy meals when we eat in. We will go out to bar and restaurants occasionally, but only at the weekend as I have to work. There may be times when you want to go out of course, which is fine this is not a prison. If you are here, You and Tim will be locked together during my working day and every night. I need to focus on my work during the day, and Tim likes to suck cock all night, is that OK?"

"Yes", I replied. I didn't really know else to say, and my role seemed good.

Alex handed me my mobile, which I had not seen since the previous night. "Now I understand you have a job, you can call your work later and tell them you are quitting, I will be paying an allowance into your bank account instead, I'm sure it is a lot more than what you would have been earning from your job. Please give me your bank details later and call your bank to tell them that you have moved address"

I liked my job but I would do as Alex said, as I wanted to keep him happy. I felt wanted for the first time in my life.

"Now I've made a workout plan for your gym time. I don't want you to overdo it, you have a great body already. As you'll be spending a lot of time tied to the bed, so you'll need to compensate for this at the gym. Tomorrow, you will go out shopping with Tim, I've given him a shopping list. When you are at home you must be dressed as you are now, but the cock sleeve is optional. The only exception will be when you're using the gym. Tim will buy you some designer Jock Straps for your gym time. He will also buy some clothes to wear for when we go out", Alex continued on, "Tim is fantastic, I love fucking him. I introduced Tim to the idea of sucking cock with a mask on. He loves sucking cock too. I asked him to have all of his teeth removed, as I thought it would make me enjoy his blow jobs more. But I prefer to just fuck him. Tim hasn't had a cock to suck for some time now, but, there's where you come in.

Tim's ambition is to orgasm without anyone touching his cock and he managed to do that for the first time today. He has always wanted to suck a big cock like yours while he being fucked at the same time, so things are going well. Tim is an expert at edging right, did you enjoy it?", Alex asked.

"Yes, it was great", I replied.

"The edging helps you last longer and passes the time, otherwise Tim would just suck you dry, and dry orgasms can get painful, remember he is doing it to make your time more pleasurable. You will be tied to the bed for two reasons, firstly it symbolises that you have surrendered yourself, and it helps Tim to work out your involuntary movements, and in turn that helps him to sense when you are about to cum, and then he can control your urges. From now on you should focus on enjoying the feeling on your cock and shooting your cum, nothing else should matter to you. Now I have work to finish, I will see you at dinner"

I left Alex's office, I found Tim in the lounge he was cleaning the TV screen. Tim seemed very pleased, I guessed it was because he had his first touch-free orgasm. I asked Tim if he needed help and Tim refused. He said he had put my clothes from yesterday, in the wash, as I would need them tomorrow for our shopping trip, they would be dry by morning. Tim was going to make a salad for dinner, which would be ready at 7:30. There was plenty of time until then, so I called the bank to change my address and called the restaurant where I used to work to quit my job.

I had been missing from my old life for a whole day, and nobody cared where I was except Alex and Tim. I was disappointed that I had not received a single text from my parents. I tossed my phone on one side, annoyed with myself for thinking that they would call.

We had dinner together, I found it strange that while Alex and Tim were fully dressed, while I was just wearing rubber boxer shorts with cock sleeve attachment. Conversation over dinner was good, they talked about a movie they had seen together, and they tried to describe it to me. I tried my hardest to maintain interest as I had not seen it.

After dinner, Tim cleared our plates away. Alex told me to take off my boxer shorts and sit on the table. Alex got up from his chair, and gestured me to sit on the table where his dinner plate was. I took off my shorts and then I hoisted my naked body up onto the table. Alex sat down on his chair again and pulled it forward. He started to rub the skin around my cock that had been waxed earlier, my cock stiffened up quickly.

"Tim you did a good job," Alex said, he then looked me in eye and said, "You are my desert, now lean back a bit".

I placed my hands on the table behind me for support and leaned back, this gave Alex better access to my cock. Tim was watching us, but the happiness he felt earlier, quickly drained away, he now looked upset. Alex placed one around the base of cock and tickled my ball sack with his other hand, then he took my cockhead in his mouth, and he expertly sucked around it, then he formed an airtight seal around my cockhead with his lips. He was now jacking my cock quickly like he was milking my cock for its juice. I moaned out loud before I shot several volleys of hot cum into his mouth. Once I had stopped cumming, he lifted his mouth off my cock, but continued to hold my cock in his hand. He held my cum in his mouth, swirling it around his tongue like he was trying to savour the taste, eventually, he swallowed it.

"He has a pleasant nutty flavour, don't you think Tim", Alex asked.

"Yes it's just right, not too strong, just a nice subtle flavour", Tim snapped back.

I was amazed that, Alex had just treated me like I was part of evening meal. We spent the rest of evening watching a movie. After the movie Alex announced that he needed to sleep. This meant we were all going to the bedroom.

They tied me to bed again, this time I was not placed in the middle of the bed, but more on one side. Tim did not look happy and hadn't said much since dinner. He put on his mask and removed all his clothes, and then he removed my cock sleeve and placed a pillow between my legs, he took my flaccid cock back in his mouth and set himself down on the bed. Alex zipped the mask back to my boxer shorts and used the padlock again. Alex lay down beside us on the opposite side of the bed and settled down to sleep.

My cock was in Tim's mouth, but he wasn't sucking it. Alex turned the light out, and within seconds' blood started to rush to my cock. My cock got hard, and Tim adjusted his position to accommodate my stiff member. How he wouldn't suck on my cock at all. I had a very frustrating night and eventually, I fell asleep.

The next morning Alex's alarm clock sounded he jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. My cock was as hard as it was still wedged in Tim's mouth. Tim had not sucked me off all night. I felt like bucking my hips so that Tim would take the hint and start to suck, but I resisted doing so. Tim was upset before we went to bed and I did not want to aggravate him further, after all, he had the most sensitive part of my body in his mouth.

The urge pee took over thoughts. I did not want to relive myself in Tim's mouth so I resisted the urge, hoping that we would soon be unlocked from each other. Luckily, I had made the right decision, Alex unlocked us after his shower, and as soon as I was free I ran to the bathroom.

When I came out of the bathroom, Alex was laughing at my predicament, Tim was still annoyed but even he was smirked a bit.

Tim gave me back my original clothes, as we were going shopping for new clothes. We got dressed and we both headed out, while Alex started work. Tim drove us to the shopping centre.

On the way, Tim spoke about their relationship. I learnt that Tim and Alex had been together for three years. Tim liked to be exclusively a bottom boy, and yesterday was the first time he had an orgasm without touching himself. Their relationship was going sour, as Tim liked oral and anal sex, while Alex just liked to fuck.

Tim also mentioned that Alex had a previous relationship with an older guy when Alex was a teenager. This guy would suck Alex's cock while wearing a mask. It was Alex who introduced Tim to the idea of oral sex while locked up. Tim admitted he loved sucking Alex's cock while locked up, but as time went on Alex changed.

More recently, Alex started to think that being locked up for several hours was a waste of his time and he just wanted to fuck Tim once a day or twice a day instead. Tim confirmed that he had his real teeth removed to perk up Alex's interest in oral sex. Alex's previous boyfriend also had no teeth. However, even after Tim had all his teeth removed, Alex still just wanted to fuck him. So my role was to fill the void in their relationship.

I found it strange that Tim didn't seem interested in my past, he didn't ask me any questions. He just liked talking about himself and sex.

Tim took me to a sex shop and told me we would find jockstraps there. Tim, picked out ten jockstraps, in my size so I could use them in the gym. They were all designer brands, some of them had waistbands, while others were skimpier, they were all tiny and I wasn't sure how I would fit into them. He also bought four more sets of rubber masks and boxer shorts.

We then went to a sports shop, Tim asked me to pick out some fleece tracksuits for myself. I choose the cheapest brand as that was the one I normally bought. Tim shrugged off my suggestion and bought me some designer brands instead. We bought two fleece jogger pants each with a matching zip-up hoodie, two pairs of sports socks, a pair of trainers, and finally two designer boxer briefs. Tim told me that these clothes would be for going out and I wouldn't be wearing them very much.

We then went to a jewelry store, Tim bought me a platinum chain with a matching wrist band. It was very expensive.

Tim then took me to the barbers. He told the barber to give me a French crop haircut and to shape my eyebrows. Tim asked the barber to cut two little tracks into my left eyebrow.

When we got home I tried everything on, Alex liked the stuff we had bought. Alex insisted we bin my old clothes. When I wore the tracksuit and chainset, I looked like a young thug, which didn't really suit my personality, but Alex liked it a lot. Alex suggested I keep the zip on hoodie low, so they could clearly see my bare chest and show off my chain. Alex called me to stand closer to him and then he told me I was irresistible. He picked me up like a child, and he took me bedroom and put me down on the floor. Alex stripped off all his clothes, his cock was hard. My cock was now hard too. Alex unzipped my hoodie, and it fell to the floor. He lowered the waistbands of my tracksuit and boxer briefs and hooked it under my ball sack, "You are going to fuck my mouth like the young thug that you are. Alex shouted at Tim, and ordering him to come and ride his cock.

Alex lay on the bed. I climbed on top of him and straddled his chest. Alex put his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him, so my stiff cock would enter his mouth. Meanwhile, I could hear Tim stripping slowly naked behind me, and he started to ride Alex's cock. I was in an awkward position, but I held on to the headboard of the bed for support, and I started to fuck Alex's mouth. Alex made a tight hole for me to fuck with his lips and tongue.

I was super turned on, as I hadn't been able to blow my load since the previous day. I fucked Alex's mouth, as fast as I could bucking my hips back and forth. This was the first time I had ever played an active role in sex, and I was making the most of it. I soon felt a surge cum take over my body, making it for me to maintain my pace. I shot volley after volley of cum into Alex's mouth. I moaned loudly as I came. Alex struggled to keep all of my cum in his mouth and it was now dripping down his cheeks. Once I had finished, I climbed off of Alex and fell by his side. I pulled my waistbands on my boxers and joggers back over my cock. I looked at Tim, who a stern look on his face as continued to ride Alex's cock. Tim's cock was limp. He continued to ride Alex's cock, until Alex shot his load inside Tim's butt. Tim did not look impressed.

Once Alex had regained his composure, he got serious again. "I will have to work late now, Jack you better get your gym workout done, and you should put on one of your jockstraps. Tim, you can prepare dinner and leave it in the fridge for later. Once you're both finished, you'll need to be locked until dinner time.


Next: Chapter 3

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