Big Cock Lock Down

By Marty Daniels

Published on Nov 3, 2020


This story is pure fiction. This story is set in the UK, so all the terms used are based on British English.

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Part 1

I had finally reached the last day of my education, I was allowed to finish schooling early, as I opted out of taking my exams. I wasn't as clever as most people, I usually came last in every test. I got a job at a local fast-food restaurant, I liked it there, as it got me out of the house. My job provided me with enough money to buy a cheap smartphone, and they provided me with a free lunch when I was working, so it seemed like a good deal to me.

My parents are both alcoholics and neglected me most of the time. I had been in and out of social care while growing up. When I told my best friend at school I was gay, and he outed me to everybody in my class. It eventually got back to my Dad, and he told me to leave. I didn't even get time to pick up my stuff. My dad thought I was an embarrassment to him.

On the day I left home, I went to a local gay bar to see if I could hook up with someone, that way I wouldn't need to sleep rough. I didn't have any sexual experience, but I still had my looks. I was a handsome guy, the girls in my class at my school once voted me the cutest guy in class. I had a skinny body, but I still had some muscle around my torso. Except for the blonde hair on my head, I was mostly smooth, I had a small tuft of hair under each arm and around my big cock. My cock was around six inches when flaccid, growing to nine inches when hard. My cock was my favourite feature.

I sat in the bar my own, trying to attract the attention of anyone that looked trustworthy. I caught the attention of a group of older guys, but they were making lecherous gestures towards me, so I ignored them. As the bar was filling up, two guys asked if they could sit near me, the older one looked was smart looking and in his mid-twenties and the younger one was in his late teens. The younger was a pretty boy and was clearing wearing make-up. They seemed like a close couple, they could tell I was on my own, and I didn't have a drink. The older guy introduced himself, his name was Alex and his younger partner was called Tim.

"My name is Jack", I said, as I introduced myself. They offered to buy me a drink, and I accepted. As the evening went on, I explained my life history to them, they seemed horrified. As the evening rolled on Alex asked if I wanted to stay at their place. I agreed, as I really didn't have much choice.

We walked to Alex's place, he had a large modern three-bedroom flat, on the top floor of a building overlooking the river. One bedroom was Alex's office, and another had been turned into a mini gym. Alex and Tim slept in the master bedroom. We sat up for a bit chatting, then talk turned to sleeping arrangements. Alex gave me a choice of sleeping on the sofa, or I could sleep with them in their bed. He surprised me with that offer. Perhaps I wanted to hook up with someone, but taking part in a threesome did not feel right, so I said I would sleep on the sofa. Alex set up a bed for me on his sofa. Once they had gone to their room, I stripped down to my boxer shorts, and tried to sleep.

A few minutes later I could hear them both having sex with some music on. My mind was spinning with regrets about not joining them. What was the point of being gay, if I didn't try sex I thought?

I had nothing to lose, they had invited me to their bedroom earlier, and now I felt like I was missing out. I got out of bed and opened their bedroom door slowly. I saw them on the bed, Tim was on his hands and knees with Alex fucking him from behind. They saw me and didn't stop what they were doing. "Would you like to join in?", Alex asked me. I nodded.

They stopped fucking and Alex told me to lie down on the bed. I removed my boxers and lay down, my cock was already stiff. I could see that my cock was longer and thicker than both of theirs. Tim moved between my legs on his hands and knees once more, he lowered his head started to suck my cock, it felt awesome. He sucked my cock tightly, taking the whole length in without any problem. Alex moved behind Tim and started to fuck him again. As Alex pressed his cock against Tim's hole, Tim stopped sucking me, he paused while he got used to Alex's cock being inside him again. As Tim gasped for air he opened his mouth and I could clearly see that Tim, did not have any teeth in his mouth, I figured he must've been wearing false teeth earlier. He then lowered his mouth to my cock and started sucking it again.

"He's a good cock sucker isn't he?" Alex asked. "Yeah he's incredible", I honestly said. I could see that Tim's cock was stiff too, but for now, he was just focussed on getting fucked and on sucking my cock. Suddenly, Alex's muscular body bucked forward, his abs were rippling and flexing, before he shot his load inside Tim.

"It's your turn now, you can shoot in his mouth if you want", Alex said. Tim now stepped his attention on my cock and started to bob his head faster. I loved the feeling of his tight, warm and wet mouth around my cock. Soon after I started to feel the cum boil up inside me before I shot several large volleys of cum into Tim's mouth. He swallowed all of it and seemed to enjoy it. Shortly after we went to bed, I was surprised, that Tim didn't get to cum. The day had gone from being the worst day to the best in a matter of hours.

The next morning, an alarm clock was sounding out. It was about 7am. My cock was stiff was creating a tent under the quilt. Alex was first of bed, and he was started getting ready for work. I remembered he was a stockbroker, but he normally worked from home. "Would you like to spend the day here", Alex asked me. "Yes", I replied. I didn't have anywhere else to be, I didn't even need to at work for another two days. "You can stay on one condition, you'll have to put these on", Alex continued as he threw a pair of rubber boxer shorts at me. It seemed like a fair deal to me, I didn't have any fresh clothes. I got of bed with my hard cock flapping in the air. I went to the bathroom as I had to use the toilet, I freshened up, and I brushed my teeth with my finger and did all the usual stuff.

While I was in the bathroom, I tried to put on the boxer shorts. They looked like normal except they had an extra hole in them, there were also zip tracks around the hole, the zip had two zip tabs but there was nothing to fasten the zip too. The shorts were clearly some kind of kinky underwear, the only way I could wear them would be to thread my cock through the hole. I put the shorts on. Once the shorts were, my cock was stiff again standing tall outside the shorts. I thought I looked funny, but I was also curious to find out what the zip was for.

I went back into the bedroom, and Alex told me I looked good and then he told me to lie on the bed. He pulled a chain from under the corner of the bed, and asked me for my arm, even though I felt a bit nervous I gave him my arm, suddenly he placed a cuff around my wrist, so I was now chained to the bedpost. Alex walked to the next corner, and pulled another chain from under the bed, and he placed another cuff around my ankle. He cuffed my second ankle next. He then asked me for my free hand and cuffed that too. He told me to get in the middle of the bed, then pulled all the chains to tighten them until I was lying down spread out in the middle of the bed, with stiff cock standing out at an angle to my body.

I noticed Tim had now put on a mask. The mask had a hole for his mouth with zip track on it. The mask covered his whole head down to his neck. He had holes for his eyes and nostrils too. Alex placed a pillow for Tim to lie down on in-between my legs. Then Tim lay down and took my cock in his mouth. Alex fumbled around with the zips on the mask and my boxers, until I heard a zipping sound, I then heard a click. I looked down and there was padlock holding the zip tags together.

"Now this is what's going to happen. You're going to stay like this until I finish work. Tim will suck your cock. You can cum in his mouth. You can piss in his mouth too, just warn him in advance. Don't worry, Tim likes it. Try not to make too much noise, as I've got to make important phone calls all day.". Alex said. Alex walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.

I felt turned on like never before. Tim immediately started going to work on my cock, bobbing his head up and down, the rubber on my boxers and Tim's mask was stretching and contracting as Tim moved his head. Tim was slurped his tongue around my cock at the same time. Occasionally I could feel my cock head entering his throat, as he tried his hardest to please me. Tim kept sucking for a few minutes until started to feel my cum boil up, but before I got to the point of no return, Tim stopped sucking. He held my cock still in his mouth until my orgasm receded.

Tim rested for a couple of minutes before he resumed sucking again. For a second time he bought me close to the edge of cumming, but he did not allow me to shoot my load. This time it took me longer to recover. He waited until my breathing returned to a slower pace before he resumed pleasuring me.

I lost count of the number of times he bought me to the edge, each time it would take me longer to recover. He bought me to the edge one more time and stopped sucking for just a couple of seconds be he resumed sucking my cock furiously, multiple waves of hot cum burst through my cock into his mouth and throat. Tim continued to suckle on my cock until every last drop of cum had dribbled into his mouth and then rested. I felt totally satisfied and drifted off to sleep.


Next: Chapter 2

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