Big Bros Frat Party

By moc.liamg@ysatnafsuoirucym

Published on Apr 27, 2022


I went to visit my big brother Jack at his new frat in college, he had been enrolled a few months ago and mentioned a few days back about a big party they were throwing for potential submissions in the next semester.

As I walked up to the massive house, I saw a crowd of girls hanging around the front lawn, laughing and taking selfies as they held up their plastic red cups. I walked past and headed straight for the front door, opening it and walking in. I walked into a mass of people and my brother was nowhere to be seen, I didn't recognise any of them. I wandered through the people, picking up a cup of beer on my rounds, looking for someone to chat to. As I finished on the livingroom and kitchen area, I decided to head upstairs. On the first landing all the doors were lying wide open and crowds in each one, still noone acknowledged me.

Walking up the last set of stairs to the top floor, I could see the other doors were all open, apart from one.

"Hey bud! You looking for someone?" A tall, black student came out from the closed door, wearing only a pair of shorts and a oversized basketball top.

"Noone in particular, I was thinking about pledging here so just wandering about.." I said as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Ahh.. I see. We're a good group of guys here. We help each other out when we need to... My names Brian by the way." He kindly said as he opened the closed door he came from and walked me inside.

I was stunned by the view, a guy was on the bed, his legs held in the air by one of the frat brothers who fucked his ass, with a queue of 3 guys behind him, hard cocks in hand as they waited their turn.

"You like what you see..? What's your name bud?" Brian asked

"Eh...Connor.." I shyly replied as I tried to wrap my head around what I had walked into.

"I ... I don't think this is my scene.." I said as I turned and headed for the door. Before I made it, Brian put a gentle hand on my chest.

"Don't be in such a rush Connor.. why don't you hang out a bit .." he offered as he walked me to the wall opposite the bed, in perfect view of the sexual events.

I watched, secretly in awe of the guy lying on the bed, wishing I could be him. His moans sounded amazing. As a closeted virgin, I have never had the pleasure of being fucked, but watching this first hand, made me want it more than ever. But I kept thinking to myself, "Is this how I should lose my virginity?"

I continued to stand and watch as the queue of guys worked its way to the last one, he had pounded the guys hole so hard, his cock emptied its load within 30 seconds. He pulled his cock out and left the room after ticking his cock back into his jeans. The bottom, the guy on the bed, stood from the edge of the bed, his face red and covered in sweat from his session. Giving me a glance, he started dressing himself and left the room, leaving just Brian and I.

I looked over at him as he pushed his body from the wall opposite me and next to the door.

"So.. what do you think Connor? Could you handle being part of our Frat?" He asked as stopped infront of me, looking down on me.

Completely intimidated, I looked up to meet his gaze, a big swallow in my throat.

"I... ehm.. maybe.." I quietly said before Brian put a hand on my shoulder, gently pressing down to encourange me to drop to my knees, and I did. Keeping our eyes connected, my knees hit the wooden floor as Brian ran his thumb against my chin, pulling my mouth open. I watched as he then took his hand to his waistband, pushing his shorts to his ankles. His huge cock flopped from its cage, his shaved, smooth genital area in eyeline with me.

"On you go then.." Brian said, impatiently.

I looked up to him, then back to his cock which began to swell with anticipation. I slowly lifted his heavy cock in my hand, only having porn scenes to use as reference, I slid his cock into my mouth and used my lips to push back his foreskin, the taste of his sweaty, used cock head smothered my tongue. His cock grew to its full mass within seconds of entering my mouth, and subtle moans came from him. His 9 inch cock, as thick as a deoderant can, pushed its way into my throat, expanding the walls. I choked and gagged on his cock, tears running down my cheeks as he held my head against the wall, slowly thrusting his cock down into my mouth.

Eventually, Brian pulled his cock from my mouth and stood backwards. Not finished with me yet, he lifted me from the floor by the arm and pushed me towards the bed.

"Get naked" Brian ordered.

I undressed and threw my clothes to the floor as I sat in the edge of the bed, watching as Brian took off his basketball top. He came towards me and wrapped it around my face, tying it at the back, using it as a blindfold which covered my entire face, and even parts of my chest and shoulders.

Not being able to see anything, Brian was in complete control of me, and I loved it.

Waiting for something to happen, I listened for something to happen and without realising, Brian was next to me. Pushing me to the side, I rolled onto my stomach as Brian pulled my legs to hang off the edge of the bed.

I lay there as I felt Brian touch my legs and ass cheeks, throwing several loads of saliva onto my hole, he used a finger to press it inside my hole. I moaned as my hole was being stretched more than it ever had before. Brian leaned forward, grabbing both my wrists and held them tightly against my lower back with one hand, as he used his other hand to guide his hard cock to my hole. I fet the tip gently press against my tight muscles, a few forceful pushes and his tip had entered, and I shouted in pain.

"Shhh.. you'll wake the neighbours.." Brian laughed. Part of me thought thats what he wanted by the sarcastic tone.

Spitting on the seam on my hole and his cock, he jabbed his cock deep into my hole, my body froze with the pain. I shouted and moaned in agony as he relentlessly power fucked me, his balls slapping into my ass as I wimpered. Unable to see anything, I could only imagine the angry grin in Brians face as his cock ravaged deep into my asshole. My hole finally began to loosen into Brians cock, the feeling of his thick cock plowing into my hole started to feel good, my prostate getting a battering. My shouts of pain turned into moans of ecstacy.

"Ughh.. argh... yes bitch.. fucking take it..." Brian moaned as I could feel his cock thicken even more inside of me. His moans were heard from the surrounding rooms as I heard the door open and close a few times with people checking in.

Brians thick veins pulsed as thick loads of his cum streamed into my hole, he pressed it harder and deeper into me as i felt the base of his cock twitch with the final pulses of cum were dumped inside me. Sliding his cock from my hole, Brian moved from my ass, however it seemed my hands only exchanged tight grips, from one hand to another.

Within seconds another cock was in my hole, wasting no time, the mysterious guy slammed his hard cock deep inside me, his low hanging balls slapping against my ass. It felt like only a short amount of time before my hole filled with a warm sensation as a second load was left inside me.

Again, no time wasted before the thickest cock so far stretched my hole wide, fucking me hardest and loudest as wet, plunging sounds came from my hole. He lasted longer than the guy before, his thick cock erupting a hot load into my body. Pulling his cock from my hole, I could feel a dribble of cum travel down my balls and drip onto the floor. I could feel the wetness around my hole as the three loads of cum had been blended into one white, creamy foam which oozed from my ass.

The last guy to ravage my hole, changed the pace, taking hold of my wrists, his cock buried deep inside me, at 8 inches long and as thick as Brians cock, he slowly slid his cock in and out of my hole, gently pleasuring my prostate with a smooth rhythm. As time went on, I could feel beeds of sweat drip from his forehead and splash into my back sweat. Finally deciding to up the anti, he let go of my wrists and took hild of my hips, pulling them closer onto his hips as some beast inside him was unleashed. His smooth rhythm had turned into a pounding from a beast, his cock hit inside my hole harder than I could every have imagined. We both moaned and groaned in pain and pleasure as his cock reached its inevatable climax, slamming it deep into me for the last time helay on top of my body as his cock unloaded endless streams into my overflowing hole which excessivly dribbled down my balls and inner thigh.

His heavy sighs filled my surrounds as his head was just above mine, and just as we both gained back our breath, he removed Brians shirt from my head.

"NATE!" He shouted from above me.

"JACK!?" I shouted as I turned my head to see my big brother lying on top of me, his hard cock still acting as a plug for all the cum inside of me.

Should the journey continue...

Next: Chapter 2

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