Big Black Joystick

By Chief D

Published on Mar 29, 2020



"Now it's my turn! Take this joystick and suck it ... hard"

Da'Shaun was grinning from ear to ear as he shoved Ian's yielding mouth and throat down on his throbbing black dick ...

Da'Shaun increased his stroke until his dick erupted and sprayed gobs of gooey cum on his rippled black abdomen. Damn! That white boy, Ian was driving him crazy!

Before moving into the Plantation Villas Condominiums, Ian had been given a tour of the complex by the agent. He figured he had plenty of time he to try out the recreation center and meet his new neighbors. Ian's priority was to set up his computer, PlayStation and Xbox, because Ian considered himself a serious gamer. Single again, and free from his nagging wife, Ian was overjoyed that he had time now to play video games. No more interruptions while I play he thought to himself. Ian looked forward to evenings of cold beer and some dedicated gaming! Ian figured he would get a good look of things around the surrounding area later.

Ian was unaware that Da'Shaun already had gotten a good look of things regarding Ian. Da'Shaun immediately took notice of his new neighbor and was immediately attracted to the sexy white guy with the huge bubble butt. Ian was exactly the kind of beefy white dude Da'Shaun was into. Da'Shaun figured Ian, with close-cropped brown hair, must have been a Marine or Army soldier from one of the nearby bases. At 6'0 and 215 lbs Ian had a gym honed, muscular body that both women and men admired. And to be honest, Ian didn't mind the admiration of either sex. Ian loved the attention.

And attention was definitely what he was getting from Da'Shaun. Da'Shaun had seen Ian with several women already and assumed that Ian was as straight as they come. But that didn't stop Da'Shaun from admiring Ian from afar. Da'Shaun was the kind of good-looking, muscular black stud who could have any woman he wanted, but there was nothing he enjoyed more than digging deep into the ass of another guy. Especially a masculine white guy with a big ass on him like Ian. Ian reminded Da'Shaun of that every time as Ian walked from the communal parking lot to his townhouse, carrying boxes into the condo. His firm round ass cheeks straining the seams of his tight pants. Da'Shaun licked his lips hungrily thinking he'd like to get some of that ass!

It didn't take long for Da'Shaun to actually run into his new neighbor. But then it wasn't always coincidence the two would be in each other's paths. Da'Shaun would casually nod at Ian because didn't want to be too forward or too obvious in his admiration. Da'Shaun knew he'd have to approach Ian properly if he were to have any hope of getting with him.

One morning, at the mailbox shelter for the complex, Da'Shaun was sorting through a pile of junk mail, loose mail and packages when he saw a small package from GamerStop for Ian. The mailman had left it on the shelf, instead of delivering it directly to Ian's unit. That lazy ass mailman! Da'Shaun thought. As Da'Shaun as heading back to his unit, he suddenly had an idea. This might be his chance to get to know Ian better. Ian might even be grateful. And if he played his cards right, maybe his chance to get some of that ass that Ian didn't seem shy about showing off. Da'Shaun's heart skipped a beat excitedly as his plan took shape, and he grabbed the envelope and took it back to his own unit.

Da'Shaun kept his eye out for Ian, more than before when two nights later, Da'Shaun saw Ian heading from the parking lot. Da'Shaun waited a few minutes and then took the "mis-delivered" package over to Ian's front door.

He knocked on the door and asked "anybody home?"

Ian answered the door already having changed into his workout clothes. Da'Shaun tried his best to not make it obvious he was checking out every inch of Ian's thick firm body from head to toe. Damn! Ian was a fine looking white boy! As Da'Shaun's eyes explored Ian's meaty frame, Ian looked with surprise at the black man at his door. And at 6'"3 and 230 pounds Da'Shaun could be an imposing figure. Ian looked confused, as if he was expecting someone else.

"I think there's some mistake..." Ian looked quizzical. "You're not the pizza guy."

Obviously, Da'Shaun thought. Do I look like the pizza guy? But he hid his irritation with Ian. In fact, Ian's arrogant cocky manner turned him on some. Or maybe it was Ian's country Southern accent. The thought of punishing some fine redneck ass with his big dick was definitely an appealing idea to Da'Shaun. Da'Shaun gave a broad smile and instead put on his most convivial voice.

"Sorry to bother you but hey, this package came to me by mistake." Da'Shaun said with his friendliest, most reassuring smile.

Of course, it wasn't hard for Da'Shaun to smile broadly while looking at Ian. Ian extended his arm revealing a tattoo on his muscled bicep, and taking the box from Da'Shaun's hands glanced at the return address.

"Oh, great!" Ian exclaimed, "It's my new Dark Thunder 9! I wondered what happened to it!"

Ian's face lit up and displayed a row of even white teeth when he smiled. Da'Shaun imagined them scraping slightly against the head of his dick as he fucked Ian's handsome face.

"Dark Thunder 9? You're a gamer?" Da'Shaun answered quizzically.

"Yeah, I'm a big-time button masher," Ian replied, nodding and breaking into an even bigger grin. "This game is epic from what I've read. It's not just one of those beat `em ups."

Da'Shaun was suddenly thinking how much he'd enjoy beating up Ian's pink hole. Was it possible Ian was flirting with him? If so, Da'Shaun couldn't believe his luck. Even more than a FUCK buddy as a neighbor, even one as FUCK-able as Ian, incredibly, he had wanted a gamer to play with almost more. Maybe if he were lucky Ian would turn out to be both.

"Yeah, I saw it got a 9 on GameSpot." Da'Shaun replied, "I almost ordered it but I just started playing Alien Insertion III."

"Oh man! Insert 'til it hurts!" Ian exclaimed as he broke into laughter. "I'd give anything to get that game. It's always on back order" His earlier stand-offishness seemed to completely melt away.

Really? Da'Shaun thought for a second. How badly he wished that it was true that Ian would give anything. He imagined the things he'd make Ian give to get to play the game. He would start with those sweet looking lips, wet lips of Ian's wrapped around his black dick! As Ian went on about the game, Da'Shaun could feel his black dick beginning to thicken and stretch in his shorts. He tried to put his mind elsewhere or soon it would become impossible to hide.

When Ian finished, Da'Shaun stretched out his hand again and introduced himself, "I'm Da'Shaun!"

In the true spirit of gamesmanship and because of the way Ian's green eyes flashed in his direction Da'Shaun put those ideas out of his head long enough to shake Ian's hand firmly. But then as he did so, he suddenly imagined pulling Ian close to him, kissing him hard, grinding his crotch into Ian's, while his hand slid down Ian's backside and cupped those amazing round, ass cheeks. So much for gamesmanship!

Snapping back to the reality of the moment Da'Shaun added "Hey, come over sometime and you can play Alien Insertion till you"re wore out."

Or I wear your ass out he again thought to himself. Da'Shaun couldn't help himself. Ian had the effect on him of producing the hottest, sexiest thoughts in Da'Shaun's already dirty mind.

"I'm in unit 1-1-2 just over there beyond the pool. But be warned I'm a pubstomper!" Da'Shaun added with a laugh.

With that, Da'Shaun turned quickly. He waved back at Ian as he headed back to his own condo. He fought the urge to turn around again and maybe catch a glimpse of Ian's big ass in those shorts.

On Friday night, the two ran into each other again. Da'Shaun now felt comfortable not only nodding acknowledgement but greeting Ian warmly, like a friend.

"TGIF bro! Big plans for the weekend?" Da'Shaun called out.

Ian muttered something about "chores" and that he was still unpacking. Da'Shaun reminded Ian that he was playing an Alien Insertion marathon over the weekend.

"You should stop by! All work and no play remember?" Da'Shaun intoned.

Ian again said he had some errands to run but if it were cool he might come over on Saturday afternoon. Da'Shaun hid his excitement at the prospect of being alone with the stud and possibly his latest conquest, and said smoothly, with total nonchalance "cool."

On Saturday afternoon Ian arrived at Da'Shaun's door, wearing loose fitting shorts and a T- Shirt emblazoned with "ARMY" across his chest. In one hand was a six pack of beer. Da'Shaun ushered him inside and pointing towards the sofa purposely let Ian pass by. Da'Shaun was eager for another opportunity to look Ian up and down. He had resisted before but now he took a long look at Ian's round firm ass. Ian didn't disappoint. Ian's tight-fitting jam shorts were Da'Shaun's reward for his patience of the other night. The thin, nylon fabric looked airbrushed on Ian's ass. They rode up Ian's deep crack, and were stretched to practically bursting over the cheeks of Ian's plump bubble ass.There seemed no hiding it. Oh! Damn! Da'Shaun thought. That boy's ass is phat! Ian's ass looked so good, Da'Shaun felt a stirring in his own shorts. For now, he could only imagine how good Ian's huge ass would feel in his hands and how amazing his tongue, fingers and dick would feel buried in it.

Ian sat down on the sofa. Da'Shaun put the six pack on the coffee table and joined him. They made guy talk about sports and work, cordially getting to know one another better. Ian explained he was originally from Louisiana and had just moved to Georgia after his second divorce and leaving the service. He complained about how the local dating scene there was really tough and made a point of how hard it was to find pussy. Da'Shaun nodded and commiserated and then offered Ian another beer.

He tapped his bottle against Ian's and pronounced "that's why us guys need to stick together!"

As they sat together on the couch, Da'Shaun had an even better chance to check out Ian's physique. Da'Shaun noticed how Ian's thick, muscled thighs were lightly hairy. Ian was in even better shape than he imagined. He looked as if he played sports, perhaps rugby, and his pecs were well-developed and meaty. Ian was a big guy, ruggedly masculine but with a boyish down-home quality that Da'Shaun found immediately seductive. And Ian's Louisiana country boy twang made Da'Shaun hang on Ian's every word.

Finished with introductions, they sat quietly for a moment in front of Da'Shaun's 65-inch television. Ian's green eyes scanned the room and then looked directly at Da'Shaun. Feeling suddenly awkward, Ian took a swig from the bottle. Now so close, it was all Da'Shaun could do not to just jump Ian there and then. He imagined ripping Ian's clothes off, then bending him over the arm of the sofa. He'd FUCK Ian's brains out. It was a very satisfying image but one Da'Shaun considered risky if not altogether unlikely. Instead he just began again talking about sports and did his best not let on his interest to Ian at all.

But something about Ian made Da'Shaun think he was also interested or at least curious about sex with another guy. Some straight guys were particularly dense, but Ian seemed aware of his hotness, with his too tight shorts and willingness to be close to Da'Shaun. At one point, it seemed Ian smiled awkwardly as if he could read Da'Shaun's thoughts and then complimented Da'Shaun on the size of the big screen television mounted on the wall. Maybe Ian would welcome being jumped Da'Shaun wondered. Ian wouldn't be the first white guy Da'Shaun had found that got off on being dominated. Glancing towards the big television, Da'Shaun made a joke about how bigger was always better or how it can't ever be too big. Ian looked pained at the insinuation and not in a good way. Ian seemed to like the game of teasing but not following through it seemed. But then he hadn't met Da'Shaun. Da'Shaun knew how to handle someone like Ian. He reminded himself to play it cool with the comments and just let nature take its course. And it was time to put his plan into action.

With that, Da'Shaun pressed the on button on the remote. The big screen flashed on, bathing the living room in its glow. Instead of the loading screen of the game Alien Insertion III, however, playing was what looked like a homemade, amateur video. A muscular black man was FUCKing a white guy doggie style on a bed. The larger black man has just begun to slide his dick into the smaller man's wet hole. Ian's eyes widened and he turned beet red, but Da'Shaun noticed he didn't look away from the screen. Da'Shaun's heart was pounding now.

"What the FUCK!" Ian exclaimed.

"Damn!" Da'Shaun answered with a serious tone. "I think my cousin was here and..."

And then to reassure Ian that it was a mistake, he added another "oh damn!" Da'Shaun began to fumble with the remote making overly obvious gestures at trying to change the input to the game and not the video on screen. He looked at Ian and then at the screen and then back to Ian. He motioned again, pointing the remote at the screen and pressing the buttons but the video continued. The black man began to pound away at the white bottom. Had Ian not been so mesmerized by the action on the screen, he may have noticed that Da'Shaun's efforts with the remote were pointless. For Ian's sake, he kept pressing all the buttons, hiding the fact he knew his efforts were futile. And he noticed that Ian didn't tell him the obvious thing which was to turn it off altogether. Da'Shaun no longer was looking at the remote or the screen. He was looking at Ian.

He then gave up with and with a sheepish grin apologized to Ian. "Sorry bro."

Ian barely acknowledged Da'Shaun's apology. Da'Shaun noticed that Ian had still not looked away from the action on the screen, seemingly absorbed by the two men's activity. And Da'Shaun could see there was now tenting in Ian's loose shorts. Then Ian, as if unaware of Da'Shaun's presence, reached down and adjusted his hardening dick. It was if he was oblivious to Da'Shaun right next to him. Ian began squeezing the shaft and the knob-like head through the fabric of his shorts.

"FUCK! That's some FUCKin' nasty shit!" Ian muttered with mock disgust, seemingly to himself, still staring at the screen.

Ian could only breathlessly croak out the words from his dry throat. Still, Ian did not divert his gaze from the screen, apparently spellbound by the action depicted in the video. Taking a deep breath, Da'Shaun licked his lips, then biting his lower one, he lowered his head and composed himself.

Da'Shaun dropped his voice to almost a whisper and said, "Looks like you like nasty."

Suddenly aware, Ian looked over at Da'Shaun and then down to where Da'Shaun's eyes had gone. The obvious, protruding bulge in his shorts betrayed Ian's interest. Ian stuttered, blushing again and unsure where to look, unable to take his eyes off the scene on the screen and unable to look back at Da'Shaun. This made his hard dick begin to throb in response to the action on the screen and maybe more so to Da'Shaun's staring at him. Embarrassed, Ian wanted to jump off the sofa and run out of Da'Shaun's condo, but his legs seemed to fail him. He couldn't help but keep watching the video, especially now that Da'Shaun was watching him. Ian's heart was pounding too and he suddenly felt flush and warm all over. Da'Shaun noticed Ian's nipples began to harden as they pressed against the fabric of his tight ARMY T-Shirt. Da'Shaun reached over and pinched one between his thumb and index finger.

There was a strange feeling in Ian's stomach, like butterflies doing somersaults inside him. He knew he should brush Da'Shaun's fingers away but he couldn't find the will to do so. Da'Shaun pinched harder and Ian's dick was now bobbing in his shorts in response. It was the most exciting feeling he had ever known. Da'Shaun then twisted the nipple between his two fingers and Ian gave out an audible moan of pleasure at the pain. Da'Shaun grinned. Ian's mouth contorted into the shape of an `O' as Da'Shaun squeezed Ian's nipple between his fingers. Da'Shaun felt Ian's whole body tremble. Inflicting pain on Ian was driving Da'Shaun insane with lust. Ian's eyes closed for just a moment as he gave out a deep sigh.

When he reopened them, the video had changed abruptly to a close-up of at hick black shaft sliding in and out of a white cocksucker's wet gaping mouth. Ian's eyes grew noticeably wider. Ian watched as the length of the black shaft slid down the sucker's hungry throat. As if in accord with the video, Ian's mouth dropped open and he licked his lips. Da'Shaun slid down the sofa closer to Ian so that their thighs were pressed together.

"Damn that dude can really suck some dick huh Ian?" Da'Shaun said matter of factly.

"Yeah and that dick looks enormous!" Ian replied almost too enthusiastically and as if to no one in particular.

"That's not unusual for Black dudes Ian! Never seen a Black man's dick before?" Da'Shaun asked.

Ian shook his head and replied self-consciously, "Sure! But never one that big!"

Things were going just as Da'Shaun had hoped. Da'Shaun changed his tone, trying not to seem too eager or insistent. He was teasing Ian now. He let go of Ian's nipple and tried again the remote in vain. Ian looked dejected.

"Aw, FUCK it! Sorry man. If you wanna go I understand. You seem spooked." Da'Shaun feigned concern for Ian.

Da'Shaun wanted Ian more than ever, but he wanted Ian to give into it as well. Although Da'Shaun remembered Ian's eagerness to play his video game, he was confident it wasn't Ian wanting to play Alien Insertion III that he didn't get up and leave now. The action in the video had the desired effect on Ian that Da'Shaun had hoped for, providing the opening Da'Shaun needed. Da'Shaun's steady tone now reassured Ian. Controlled him. Da'Shaun leaned forward and nodded again.

"And don't feel bad about the hard-on bro, this shit sometimes gets me hard too!"

With that Da'Shaun squeezed the obvious bulge in his own shorts. Now Ian felt ashamed at his earlier reaction. He wanted Da'Shaun to think he was cool. Getting a hard on with a bro was no big thing right? Da'Shaun sensed the confusion in Ian's eyes.

"You want to go?" Da'Shaun asked Ian.

Ian paused a moment, then said with a relaxed laugh, "Nah man just kind of shocked is all. The way it surprised me. That's not the start of Alien Insertion III!".

Da'Shaun rubbed his crotch again, this time more open and obviously, and laughed as well. "Well, it's an insertion!"

The joke seemed to ease Ian's mood even more.

"Want to get a look a real black dick?" Da'Shaun teased.

"Dude I'm not gay!" Ian stammered as he picked up his beer and pressed the brown bottle opening to his dry lips and took a deep gulp.

FUCKin' teaser! Da'Shaun thought. The move was to emphasis Ian's nonchalance, but it only seemed to turn Da'Shaun on more. Da'Shaun closed his eyes and breathed deeply imagining it was the head of his dick instead of the lip of the beer bottle against Ian's wet mouth. "Be strong!" he reminded himself to keep to the plan. He didn't wait for Ian to answer. When Ian looked over at Da'Shaun again, he saw that he had untied his sweatpants and taken out his dick. It was rock hard and a small drop of pre-cum had formed at the opening on the thick purple head.

"Dude I'm so hard now!" Da'Shaun complained to Ian.

Ian stared at Da'Shaun's hard black dick. It looked as thick as the beer bottle and even longer. So big, that it did not stand straight up but pointed towards Da'Shaun's knees. Da'Shaun knew Ian was curious.

"Go ahead. Just touch it a little. It's not gay." Da'Shaun's voice was low and soothing.

Ian looked both ways as if there was someone there and then replied, "Okay maybe I can touch it once. Out of curiosity. Like research."

Da'Shaun broke into a big smile. The beer and the video were having an effect on Ian. And for Da'Shaun it was a very desirable one.

"I won't tell anyone bro." Da'Shaun whispered as he moved closer again and took Ian's hand in his own.

He moved Ian's fingers to the base of the shaft of his throbbing dick. Ian could swear he felt a bolt of electricity shooting through his fingers as he wrapped his hand around Da'Shaun's massive dick.

"Damn! I can't believe how big it is!" Ian's eyes lit up. "And so hard dude!"

"That's nothing Ian" Da'Shaun replied.

He thought to himself, wait until you feel how hard it is inside you. Ian suddenly tried to pull away but Da'Shaun shot him a stern, disapproving look. He gripped Ian's hand firmly and began having him slowly stroking up and down his shaft.

"I should go. This is wrong" Ian stammered, but now he was stroking Da'Shaun's dick unaided.

Da'Shaun removed Ian's hand from his dick and stood up from the sofa. His hard dick now pointed straight up, the engorged head now just inches from Ian's face.

"Okay newbie but how about a closer look before you leave!" Da'Shaun offered.

Ian looked up at Da'Shaun with his green eyes, unable to resist the temptation his new friend was offering him. Da'Shaun's inched his dick closer to Ian's face.

"I can't believe how hot you are making me Ian." Da'Shaun murmured.

A rope of pre-cum dripped from the head of Da'Shaun's dick.

"Just taste it a little and then you can go." Da'Shaun insisted.

Da'Shaun moved forward and his dick grazed Ian's beer wet lips until they parted slightly and Ian's tongue brushed against the head. Ian's lips were then wrapped around the thickness of the head of Da'Shaun's dick.

Da'Shaun closed his eyes and moaned. "Tastes good, don't it?"

Ian's heart was pounding in his chest and he felt he was in a place he had never been before. The strong masculine scent of Da'Shaun's crotch and the salty taste of his dick had taken over his mind. He was now fully captivated by Da'Shaun's stiff black dick. He felt Da'Shaun's hands move to the back of his head, and he squirmed, as the purple head of Da'Shaun's dick pushed his lips open more. Da'Shaun now groaned, his voice changing to a more insistent, rougher sound. He gripped the back of Ian's head harder.

"Take that black dick! Bitch! I know you want it!" Da'Shaun practically snarled.

Ian was so excited, he felt dizzily helpless to resist even if he wanted to, and his mouth opened wider. Da'Shaun didn't hold back. His thick dick slid across Ian's tongue and then down his throat. Ian gagged and choked at the assault.

"Aw FUCK YEAH!" Da'Shaun unsuccessfully hid his pleased laughter as Ian's throat reflexively constricted around his dick. "Feels so good!"

Ian couldn't help it. Trying to take Da'Shaun's dick down his throat made him squirm. Ian began to breathe through his nose as pre-cum and throat goo poured from his lips and down his chin.

"Yeah just like that." Da'Shaun added.

Ian's thought he might faint as his whole body was trembling and he bounced up and down on the sofa cushion, causing Da'Shaun to only hold him firmer. Ian dropped to the floor as Da'Shaun began throttling Ian's virgin throat with his dick. Partly from his pent up lust, and cognizant he might not get another opportunity, Da'Shaun held Ian's mouth down on his dick then pulled back and then plunged his hard dick down Ian's convulsing throat again and again. Ian's eyes bulges and his face turned blueish purple as he struggled to take all of Da'Shaun's dick down his throat.

"Yeah bitch go faster! Use your tongue!" Da'Shaun barked at Ian, without concern now for scaring Ian.

Ian seemed to respond to Da'Shaun's dominance. All thoughts of pride or pussy were drained from Ian's mind as the hard dick became his sole focus. Da'Shaun pulled his dick from Ian's mouth and Ian looked up at him with a disappointed pout. Now looking down at Ian he demanded "Wiggle that big white ass for me."

"Don't worry you'll get plenty more of this here dick. Now pull down your shorts." Du'Shaun said with a broad smile.

Kneeling and still looking up at Da'Shaun, Ian slid his fingers into the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down over his knees and down to his ankles. His snug, brightly colored Under Armour boxer briefs contrasted nicely with his pale thighs. They looked so good on Ian's ass Da'Shaun wondered for a second if Ian had planned this as well. The briefs fit like a second skin and were now contorted by Ian's dick stretching against the fabric. Da'Shaun now looked at Ian without hiding his interest, and Ian found it exciting and arousing to be the object of Da'Shaun's admiration. A trail of light brown hairs peeked from beneath the waistband up to Ian's belly. Da'Shaun could see the full length of Ian's dick was larger than average and he was pleased to see there was a spot of precum on the tight lycra fabric where the head strained for release. Ian noticed Da'Shaun's staring at his crotch and it suddenly brought him back to reality. Ian struggled. If only to convince himself that Da'Shaun hadn't touched him in a way that until now he had only denied.

"You wanna stop? I figured it was my turn so I was gonna eat that hot ass of yours for a while. But I can stop now if you want. Besides, everyone knows rimming isn't gay." Da'Shaun stated.

Da'Shaun saw Ian's spot of pre cum grow at the mention of being rimmed, and so standing, Da'Shaun gripped the waistband of Ian's briefs, and Da'Shaun yanked Ian's drawers down to the floor.

Ian's big ass seemed to explode from inside the tight shorts with a plop. Da'Shaun had to take a moment to admire it, now right in front of him. Smooth and milky white, with only a few brown strands in the deep crack. Naked, Ian's ass was in fact amazing. Da'Shaun figured Ian had been doing some serious squats at the gym to get an ass so big but also so firm.

"Enough with the games!" Da'Shaun chuckled and pushing Ian's legs apart, buried his face in Ian's creamy white ass.

He tongued Ian's hole like a madman, encouraged as Ian moaned in response how good it felt, openly encouraging Da'Shaun now. Ian had never had his ass eaten before by another guy and he was already thinking he would need to have his ass eaten like this again! He relaxed his hole at Da'Shaun's direction as Da'Shaun's tongue plumbed his ass. Da'Shaun imagined his face could be buried in Ian's ass for hours. Ian's eyes practically rolled back in his head as Da'Shaun expertly ate his ass.

"So good! So good! Oh FUCK! God! I'm gonna cum!" Ian exclaimed.

Da'Shaun pulled back.

"Not yet! You ready for some black dick now slut?" Ian found he liked Da'Shaun talking to him like that and he wiggled his ass teasingly, hoping Da'Shaun would go back to eating his hole.

"Keep eating my ass, oh god!" Ian groaned, pleading with Da'Shaun not to stop.

"This hot ass needs something harder and bigger than a tongue!" Da'Shaun stated.

"No! Don't FUCK me Da'Shaun! Not my ass!" Ian protested.

"You can't stop us now Ian! I want to hit it from behind" Da'Shaun exclaimed.

Da'Shaun leaned forward and held Ian's face in his hands. He kissed him hard on the lips. Ian's mouth yielded to Da'Shaun's probing tongue. Da'Shaun and whispered in Ian's ear.

"Damn you're so hot!"

With that, Ian dutifully bent over as Da'Shaun guided him over the arm of the sofa, his ass up in the air for Da'Shaun, just as Da'Shaun had imagined.

By now Da'Shaun knew to ignore Ian's protests as they were only for show. And Da'Shaun like to think that if they took it too easily, he was doing something wrong. Ian's pink hole, still moist from Da'Shaun's expert rimming, winked at Da'Shaun teasing him. And instinctively, Ian raised his ass higher in the air for Da'Shaun.

"Gonna see how much dick your tight white ass can take!" Da'Shaun challenged.

It seemed to Da'Shaun that Ian spread his legs even wider in response.

"Aw FUCK it HURTS!" Ian cried out as the head of Da'Shaun's dick pressed against his hole.

"Pussy! I'm not even inside you yet. Just relax and breathe." Da'Shaun exclaimed.

Ian squirmed and bounced, supporting himself on the sofa cushion.

"Okay okay," Da'Shaun reassured "I'll just put the head in and see if it fits. We won't FUCK or nothing."

"Oh god not my ass" Ian repeated, if only to himself now.

His resistance seemed only to encourage Da'Shaun more. Da'Shaun spanked Ian's ass cheek. Soon big red patches covered Ian's huge ass cheeks. Ian now took notice.

"You gonna stop whining. Bitch?" Da'Shaun sneered.

"Okay just the tip." Ian consented.

Da'Shaun pressed the engorged plum-sized head of his dick against Ian's yielding sphincter.

"Oh god that feels good" each moaned practically in unison.

Da'Shaun pulled back.

"But we better stop now though. I can tell it will fit and you aren't into it so..."

As badly as Da'Shaun wanted Ian's ass, and the thought of his just taking what he wanted excited him too, he wanted Ian to surrender it to him.

"No wait just put a bit more in and let's see. We've gone this far." Ian said breathlessly.

Anything you say bitch, Da'Shaun laughed to himself. Da'Shaun's giant black dick had touched something deep inside Ian that he never knew he had. The redneck country boy had never felt anything as amazing as Da'Shaun's dick inside him or the closeness he felt right now with Da'Shaun. It was not just the physical sensation of his ass being filled that excited Ian, but the connection he now felt with Da'Shaun. In the back of his mind he knew that he would have to feel this way again and often.

"Ah shit! Mmmmmm. Slow! Slow! Slow. Oh damn! That feels so good!" Ian moaned as he began to drool slightly, lost in his ecstasy.

As Da'Shaun began to push deeper past Ian's surrendering sphincter, suddenly the pain seemed almost unbearable. Ian panicked as he thought Da'Shaun was going to tear his ass apart. But the sound of Da'Shaun's voice somehow reassured him and he relaxed, instinctively pushing his ass forward towards Da'Shaun as a sign he was eager to satisfy his new friend. Ian knew he could get through this. Lost in his pleasure, Ian went from struggling to now encouraging Da'Shaun.

Da'Shaun effortlessly pushed Ian's face into the sofa cushion as he took control. Then, Da'Shaun reached for his cellphone and took a selfie of his hitting Ian's ass from behind and pulling on Ian's hair. He took more as Ian arched his back and raised his ass higher. Da'Shaun would enjoy looking at the pics later and maybe sharing with some of his bros.

"Ah! Ah! AH YEAH!" Ian moaned. "Please! Don't stop!"

It was music to Da'Shaun's ears. Da'Shaun shifted his position and lunging, plunged his dick deeper into Ian's guts. Ian gasped.

"Damn your ass was built for black dick bro! I'm gonna enjoy FUCKing you from now on." Da'Shaun promised, in rhythm to his harder and harder thrusts.

Da'Shaun pulled Ian's head up and looked directly into Ian's eyes.

"You want me to stop now slut?" Da'Shaun teased Ian.

Da'Shaun found he was now turned on by each one of Ian's ensuing capitulations.

"No! Don't! Pull it out!" Ian was practically shouting, knowing that his protest only made Da'Shaun FUCK him harder.

Da'Shaun had Ian now exactly where he wanted him. His plan had worked like a charm. Da'Shaun was now confident that he wouldn't get any fight from Ian. Ian's sweet ass was now his. His to enjoy.

He slapped Ian on the ass again and told him to roll over. Ian quickly complied and without Da'Shaun's urging pulled his knees to his chest.

"I thought you said you were straight." Da'Shaun laughed.

"FUCK that! Nobody needs to know." Ian was laughing as well.

"Yeah it will be our secret." Da'Shaun assured Ian.

Ian heard strange words emanating from his drooling mouth. "FUCK me harder! FUCK me harder!"

"Damn Ian it feels like your ass was made for black dick. You're a natural! Ha-ha!"

Da'Shaun varied his tempo, burying his dick deep inside Ian and then pulling almost all the way out, fast and slow. He worked Ian's prostate until he thought he'd FUCK the cum out of Ian himself.

Ian felt a strange sense of pride overcome him.

"FUCK me!" he begged.

"Atta boy!" Da'Shaun's tone was encouraging.

But he was thinking to himself I knew you were an anal whore! Your ass is milking my black dick! He grabbed Ian's hips and began slow deliberate thrusts wanting Ian to feel every inch of his dick. Once his dick bottomed out Ian began getting a very pleasant warm and full feeling in his body. He moaned appreciably. Ian didn't know it yet but it was the beginning of the biggest orgasms of his innocent life.

"Damn Ian! Take my black dick bitch!" Da'Shaun gripped the cropped locks of Ian's brown hair atop his head and pulled his head back.

"Arch you back! Get your ass higher! Damn your ass feels so good!" Da'Shaun shouted.

The sensations from within Ian coupled with Da'Shaun's words were too much for Ian and he began to convulse. Ian shuddered and began to buck backward and forward, then shot his load onto the sofa cushion. Da'Shaun pulled out of Ian's ass with a plop and beckoned him over.

"You liked that huh? I'm gonna baptize your handsome face with a black man's babies!" Da'Shaun announced.

Ian nodded and smiled and to Da'Shaun's surprise open his mouth and stuck on his tongue. Ian's loose tongue and panting was too much for Da'Shaun and drove him over the edge.

"Aw FUCK!" Da'Shaun spat the words out as his nuts exploded, spraying big gobs of creamy white cum all over Ian.

Ian was shocked at the sheer force and amount of cum that erupted in seemingly endless waves, from Da'Shaun's nuts and all over his face, till it was dripping down Ian's rugged chin. Da'Shaun ran his fingers along Ian's jawline, until the tips were dripping with his sticky cum. He pressed on Ian's lower lip and slid his thumb inside Ian's mouth. Ian instinctively began to suck hungrily. It would be the first of many loads Ian would take from Da'Shaun.

"Damn slut! Go clean yourself up! Then I'm gonna kick your ass in Alien Insertion!"

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