Big Benji


Published on Dec 21, 2017


I'm so so sorry for the delay in this chapter! I know I hate it when other authors leave me hanging, but I had an extended bout of distraction and lack of motivation. But as the holidays are upon us, I promise I'll pump out a couple of quick but no less hot chapters. Thank you to everyone that has shown an interest and appreciation in my story, it has really helped propel me back into writing.

I love to hear your feedback so please feel free to e-mail me. This is my first story and I'm really investing into the characters. I hope you're enjoying it too, I'm hoping I can take this quite far. I'll aim to have a chapter done once a week or so.

If you can, remember to help by donating.

Big Benji 6

After cleaning myself up and following Benji out into the living area, the boys were just getting up from the couch, the game having just finished.

"You boys didn't miss much, pretty shit second half. You finished putting your room together big man?" asked Rock.

"Yeah, well to be honest Joe had done most of the work. It's great having a little helper around the place, and he's far more organised that I'll ever be. Hopefully I can find everything" he said as he ruffled my hair playfully.

Suddenly Rock hoisted me up by my waist and threw me over his right shoulder, my arse pointing to the sky and my feet kicking wildly. "Well that's it, I'm off home. Joe here is gonna clean my room, do my laundry and make me dinner." I flailed in Rock's grip, laughing at how easily I was being manhandled and sought by Benji's friends.

"Hey hey! Don't I get a say in this?" I managed to get out in between fits of laughter.

"Not a chance boy." Rock said as he swatted my butt. "Damn Joe, you've got a firm bubble butt don't you? What, do you sit at your desk clenching your cheeks all day?" At that point Benji took me off Rock's shoulder and set me back down on the ground.

"As I told you before guys, you can't take him away. He and I are here to stay right Joe? No way am I moving in here only to lose the best thing about the apartment. It's the first time since living at home that I've had someone willing to cook for me, and Joe, at least for the moment, isn't bitching about it every time like Mum did. I'll make this promise to you guys though, with Joe's blessing of course. You can come watch the rugby and hang out every week. Joe can cook up the grub if we supply the food and do the clean-up afterwards. We can also educate Joe here a bit more about rugby and maybe some other sports too. Up for that everyone?"

We all agreed and the boys said their final goodbyes. We'd be seeing them in a few hours for the official housewarming, giving us all time to get ready. Benji and I headed out and got beers, more snacks and some cups and plastic plates to serve the food and drinks. Most of the food I bought didn't require much effort, just some nice sausages, salads and meat skewers. We had a few hours to get ready and ended up sitting back down on the couch.

"Dude I am so pumped for this party tonight. Everyone is going to be so jealous of me, living in this awesome place. You're going to love everyone too, they're all just as cool and friendly as the boys. Make sure you get a chance to chat to everyone, they'll want to know who I'm living with."

"Yeah I will for sure. So you've got some mates from work, rugby, where else?"

"Some school friends, I've known them the longest of course. My brother might pop around too, he's only just turned 18 so he'll be keen for a drink but no doubt be heading out to the clubs tonight. He's more a of player than I am, the little beast. I reckon you'll like him too, he's not tall like me but he's a unit. He's a cheeky bugger too, do anything to get out of work and just muck around. Did you invite anyone around?"

"Yeah a friend from uni and another from work. Well, they're more than that, Laura is my best friend of years and Grigor is my work husband. You'll like both of them and they've been wanting me to have a party for ages. I think Laura is going to have a field day with some of your friends, she may even try to snag you."

"Well if she's short and kinky like you with a nice arse and can cook, then she's moving in!"

"Haha come to think of it she probably won't be your type. She's hot, but she's tall, slim, hates cooking and thinks vanilla is too spicy."

"Ahh well that rules her out then doesn't it? Man, I don't know if I'm ever meet a girl that's right for me. What about you though? You are gay, right? You're not interested in girls at all I'm assuming?"

"Yeah I'm gay. I've hardly told anyone actually, of course Laura and Grigor know, and a few other people. I've never really had the courage to speak out, but then I've never really felt the need. I'd only ever fooled around with two guys and I didn't want anything more than that from them. I've not really felt the desire to have a boyfriend, you know, just for the sake of it. Even before meeting you I didn't realise how horny I could feel and how, well, kinky I could be."

"Dude you have no idea, I reckon you're only just scratching the surface. You got so excited when you saw my box of toys. I could even see in your eyes not only the fear of being caught, but the excitement of the punishment. To be honest I was even more excited I think, only cause I know exactly what I want to do to you."

That mischievous grin had reappeared, looking down at me as we sat on the couch. God he could make me do anything he wanted and I'd enjoy it.

"How'd you find out you liked all this stuff? Especially having your feet licked, I mean that can't be something that just pops into your head one day right? Did you see it online and think it was hot? Same with all the bondage stuff?"

"Well it's all pretty weird actually. The bondage stuff, the fact that I like to be the dominant one, I think that's just who I am. I mean, I'm a big guy and I've always had people either intimidated by my size or kind of in awe I guess. I really like it when people fawn over me and want to do stuff for me. But you know I don't want to be a dick about it, so I figured what better outlet than fucking right? If I'm having fun and they're having fun, it's all safe and consensual and all that shit, then that's a perfect outlet for me. Rugby and work are also good outlets, they're both so physically demanding. Plus putting in an awesome tackle, stopping someone dead in their tracks, or punching through for a line break, I feel so strong and powerful.

"So yeah it started off with just you know being a bit dominant with a few chicks, pinning them down playfully and shit like that. Then I started watching a few things online and got more ideas about bondage and toys. I realised the ladies like all that stuff if it's about getting them off, so they're happy to play along, so long as they're getting all the satisfaction. I mean it is fun but fuck I wanna just have a little slave bitch you know, someone who cares about my pleasure.

"The whole feet thing started at footy practice one night. This is gonna sound a bit weird but it's totally innocent. At least it was at the time. We'd had a hard training sesh as we were about to start the season and, at the end, coach wanted us to set up some line break plays. Now obviously I'm the biggest guy on the side, and I'm pretty quick, so if we're going to punch through a defensive line its going to come from me. Anyway, this ass hole whose name I can't remember, in the scrum goes "I bet I'll stop you in your tracks big guy" or something stupid like that, and I bet him that I'd break straight through him three times in a row. Little shit was so cocky he said "I'll bet you can't and when I do pin you down, you're gonna kiss my boot". I said he was on, and he'd be kissing my boots in no time.

"Sure enough, the dipshit had pumped me up and I crushed him three times straight whenever the boys got the ball to me. All the lads laughed when he got down on the ground and kissed my boots, even he thought it was pretty funny. But it gave me a rush, I've never forgot that feeling of having someone bow down and kiss my boots. One night when I was horny my mind went to that moment and I looked up anything remotely familiar. Turns out there are heaps of videos of chicks worshipping guys feet, and I was hooked. But as I said its near impossible to get a chick to even focus on someone other than themselves, let alone have one lick my feet clean.

"But then I met you, you little pig haha" he ruffled my hair as he laughed. "I'm gonna have you down at my feet every damn day kissing em and licking em clean. Speaking of - " Benji sat up on the chez and crossed his ankles, his thongs dropping onto the floor - "I think you can make a start on getting them clean before the party tonight. And I'm gonna start working on that arse of yours."

"Mmmm sure thing Benji". I crawled over and, with his prompting and manhandling, was on my stomach over his legs and groin, my legs to either side of his body. As I started crawling down his legs to reach his feet, he grabbed my waist and pulled me back towards him.

"Ah ah, that ain't gonna work. I need to have clear and easy access to your arse while you're licking them." With that, he brought one foot up, his knee bending to provide my mouth access to his soles and toes while my arse was in easy reach of Benji's hands. "That's better!" he exclaimed, as his giant hands slapped my arse cheeks. "Oww!!" I yelled out, which only made Benji laugh. "Sorry little man, just a bit excited that's all. Now you get to licking and massaging that foot and I'll get to work on your sweet arse."

I didn't exactly know what he meant by getting to work on my arse, but at that moment I didn't care. I wrapped both my hands around his right foot, well attempted to anyway, and started massaging. I then nuzzled my face into the arch of his foot, relishing in the warmth and sweat intoxicating my senses. The feeling it gave me was nothing short of bliss, and once again I fell deeper under Benji's spell. As I started applying butterfly kisses to his feet, teasing both myself and Benji, I felt him grab my waist band and pull my shorts and underwear down my legs.

"Let's get these things off. Here." Benji once again grabbed my waist, lifted my legs up in a quick effortless motion and pulled the shorts off from me. "Take your top off too, and be quick about it. I don't want to have to wait for you to get back to my feet". I quickly complied, returning to my position at his foot as before. His commanding tone was so sexy, I loved being bullied around by him.

As my interactions with his foot got a little more assertive, I felt his hands massaging my cheeks. Almost immediately I felt Benji's cock start the wake up beneath me, his growing excitement infecting me too. "Fuckin hell man, you've got the cutest little bubble butt. I mean my hands are as big as your cheeks, but I can't get over how muscly yet soft they are. Even just sliding my dick along your crack is gonna feel amazing." He started spreading my cheeks apart and whistled when he saw my hole. "Fuck that little pink hole is tight man, no way is my dick gonna get in that right now. But I will one day, I can't fucking wait to feel this hot arse around me dick".

The attention to my arse was overwhelming, and little did I know it was only just the beginning. I took another whiff of Benji's feet and stuck out my tongue to begin tasting his sweat, when I felt something cold and wet drip onto my hole. I turned my head and saw Benji drooling saliva onto my hole, before rubbing it in with his forefinger. "You just worry about my feet man, I'll take care of your arse. Go on!"

I turned around and began my methodical cleaning of his right foot. As I dutifully and hungrily worshipped Benji's right foot, focusing my attentions at that time on his sole and heel, Benji continued to drool onto my arse and massage my hole. As he worked the tension out of my hole, he continued his running commentary of my arse and all he wanted to do to it. "Dude there's only going to be one thing beating the feeling of my cock down your throat, and that's my dick up your arse. Yeah, my heads going to be scrapping your insides, your muscles are gonna be clenched around it, just begging for my seed. I'll take it slow and deep man, letting only those sweet soft cheeks stopping me. I can feel that tension leaving already man, your arse is craving it, wants me inside right now. But this is gonna take some time little guy, yeah we're gonna have to work you up to taking my cock. You're gonna enjoy it just as much as me, but I know you'll be doing everything you can to make me feel good, just like you're doing with my feet. Yeah keep licking my feet, start getting your tongue in between my toes. Yeah that's it, you know what I like."

I was so turned on my body had seemingly taken over my brain and was doing everything it could to intensify the stimulation. My arse would rise to push against Benji's finger, then slowly grind back into Benji's engorged cock, all the while my mouth ravishing his right foot. Just as I began sucking on his big toe, I felt Benji's finger push past my outer ring. I immediately lifted my head, the sensation not quite painful but incredibly uncomfortable. I'd never put anything up my arse before and I didn't quite know how it would feel. "Don't stop sucking Joe, don't get distracted. You're alright, that was just the tip of my pinky. I'm going to massage the inside of your ring a little bit, get more of my pinky in there and then we'll look at graduating up to a bigger one alright?"

I followed Benji's instructions and went back to sucking his toes. I kept my eyes closed, focusing on his feet and trying to relieve the tension from my hole. After a few minutes, I could feel my muscles relaxing, my hole unclenching around his finger. Benji continued to massage my hole with his pinky, sinking deeper and deeper inside. I became more and more comfortable, then felt Benji slowly extract his finger. I heard him take his finger into his mouth and suck, moaning loudly. "Dude, your hole is so fucking hot. Literally my pinky is burning, fuck that's gonna feel amazing when I get my cock in there. Mmmmmm, now I just want to try something --" Benji once again grabbed hold of my waist and pulled me further back towards him, my face and hands slipping away from his foot. Benji hooked his arms around my thighs, spreading my legs either side of his head and positioning my head over his package. Just as I thought he was moving me up to blow him, I felt his warm breath on my hole, and then something I'd never thought from my hot straight roomie.

His tongue hit my gooch, the sweet spot below my balls, travelled firmly to the base of my crack and then up over my hole to my lower back. I moaned far too loudly and before I could stop myself, without even touching my cock, blew a massive load all over Benji's shirt. As my cock pulsed and I moaned my approval, Benji's tongue assaulted my hole, probing it, eating me out greedily, my hole relaxing to allow his attacks to penetrate. "Fuck you taste good, so sweet man, I'm gonna feast on your hole Joe. Mmmmm let me in dude, that's it. Mmmmm you love it, you're fucking mine dude, mmmmm oh fuck yeah..."

True to his word Benji kept up his assault for at least 10 minutes, before pushing me back down his body and having me worship his left foot. By this time he was able to put one larger finger in at a time, slowly and surely claiming my arse as his own. I was no longer sane, I had lost all control over my actions and was at the whim of Benji. When he told me to lick his foot, nibble his feel or suck his toes my mouth followed without thought. All the while Benji remained fully clothed, his cock nearly burning a hole through his underwear and shorts. The next time he pulled my arse back to his mouth to rim me, I pulled the waist band of his shorts down and extracted his cock. As my mouth engulfed his head, Benji reacted. "Fuck yeah little man you cant keep away from that cock can you? You wanna taste it and feel it down your throat. Make sure you don't make me blow though, I'm building a big load for later tonight, and want to conserve as much as I can. Just nurse it, yeah that's it" and he went back to mauling my hole.

I endured another 10 minutes of orgasmic rimming while gently sucking his cock, containing my desire to engulf it and suck the cum from his balls. Benji then pulled me off his body and laid me down on the couch beside him, my exhaustion leaving me almost lifeless. Benji took a few moments to regain his breath, then took off his cum soaked t-shirt. "You're like a cannon when you go off, how can so much cum come out of someone so little?" Benji wondered out loud. I was in no state to respond, and lay back trying to catch my breath. Benji continued to talk (as he always does) but I wasn't taking it in. I had died and found Nirvana. I was floating and falling at the same time. Finally I felt myself once again being picked up, and carried to the shower, held tightly in Benji's arms, my face resting against his hairy pec. I could hear Benji's heartbeat, low, slow and consistent, against my face and I instinctively cuddled into him, once again allowing his aroma to infiltrate my senses and calm me. He walked me into the large shower of the main bathroom, turned on the water and washed me, still held up in his arms. His fingers once again found my hole and he gently massaged the soap to the inner ring while I chewed on his nipple. With the water cascading over our bodies, we enjoyed the attention each other was providing, until finally Benji turned off the water. We both dried ourselves off, and walked into my bedroom.

Benji once again scooped me up and delicately placed me down in the centre of the bed with my head on the pillows. As I drifted off to sleep, I could hear Benji close my bedroom door and begin rearranging the furniture in preparation for the party.

Next: Chapter 7

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