Big Ben

By Scott Walker

Published on Jan 21, 2000


This is the latest installment in the saga of 17 year old 'Big' Ben Sanders. 230 + pounds of muscle and attitude. There are a few references to characters from previous episodes so the uninitiated may want to check those out first.

This is a work of fiction but thanks to all those who told me they know someone just like this...

Big Ben: Episode 5: Mind(games) over Muscle By Scott Walker

"Yeah? Well fuck you then." I slammed the phone down so hard I broke the casing. Asshole! After all the business I brought him, he goes and pulls this shit? The prick who runs IronWorks Gym won't even consider giving me a discount on my new membership. Shit, on the night of the contest I even made sure the emcee thanked him for all his help. They got about 20 new members because of me and now the asshole goes and does this.

"Well Ben, maybe if you'd won the Teen Overall it'd be different..."

Fuck him, I don't need his pansy-ass gym There are others in town that'd be glad to have me join. Like Mr. Muscle Gym, their main rival. Yeah, that'd show that prick.

"Hi Ben, I'm Luke Marshall, co-owner. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Yeah, how ya doin'?" I played my usual squeezing match as we shook hands but Luke didn't even flinch. He must of have been in his mid-20s, about four inches shorter than me but about the same weight. He had receding blondish hair and was still looking in Contest shape. I knew he'd come in second last year in the State Contest and was determined to do or die this time. The guy was massive! A tight tank-top barely contained his huge pecs, a pair of thighs that screamed mass even through his sweats and his arms; my God, a pair of guns on him that must have measured over 20 inches. One look at these and I pulled my hand away first.

"I saw you in the Teen State. You were robbed, man."

"No shit."

"Did you know that David Lambros trains here too?"

"Yeah, where? In the Lady's Only section?"

Luke smiled. ""No, but he's a lot bigger than he was at the Contest."

"Shit, I bet my buddy Sean's even bigger than Lambros now." I still haven't forgotten that night. Me, huge, in shape with muscle to spare, losing the Overall to that cocky little shit. Sure, he was more symmetrical, but I towered over him by six inches and outweighed him by fifty pounds. When the fuckin' wimp-ass judges declared him the winner most of the audience booed. Then when the prick snubbed me at the platform after getting his first-place trophy the rest joined in. Shit, I really wanted to shake his hand too. I'd squeeze it so hard he'd give me his First Place trophy, begging for mercy. I'd crush it so bad he wouldn't be able to jerk off for a month. Not that I'm a poor loser, Lambros is a poor winner. One of the judges tried to explain that he's 19 and this was his third and last try at the title and that I still had two more years to win it. I told him to go fuck himself.

"If I'd been one of the judges, you'd have won for sure," Luke said. We headed into his office. "So Ben, what can we do for you?"

I told him about the incident with Ironworks and Luke agreed it sounded like something they'd pull. He also told me straight up that he wouldn't be able to give me a discount now, but if I did win the Teen State next year, he'd give me a year's membership free. And he'll put it in writing. I appreciated him being up-front and took out a membership, in cash.

"Wow, where'd you get all that?" Luke asked as I forked over the money in his office. "You working?"


"So Ben, from this I take it you're very serious about winning the Teen State next year."

"Fuckin' right."

"And you're willing to do whatever it takes?"


"Well, it'd be nice to be able to announce we trained the Mr. Teen State two years in a row..." He looked me up and down. "Maybe three years if you defend the title. But, if I'm gonna be training you personally, you're gonna have to do everything I say; no complaints, no questions. OK?"


Luke sat at his desk, placed his hands behind his hand and pretended to casually flex. He noticed my expression when his biceps sprung up to incredible proportions. They were the biggest, most impressive pair of guns I'd ever seen in person and he was satisfied with my response. I knew right then he was the right guy to train me.

"OK, we'll start tonight. We'll work on those pipe-stems of yours first."

"Pipe-stems? These?" I flexed a double biceps and checked each one out proudly.

"Not too bad for a kid. But compared to these," He hit a legitimate double bi, "those are pipe-stems."

I hated to admit it, but compared to his guns, mine probably did look like pipe-stems. I also noticed Lil Me was stirring when he hit the pose. I tried to hide this involuntary reaction from my new trainer.

"How big are they?" I asked.

"21 inches with a full pump."


"Wanna feel them?"

"Nah, it's OK."

"Come on. Get an idea of what real muscle feels like." He straightened his arm then did a legitimate flex. That fucker was pumped so big that even the veins covering it had their own muscles.

"Whoa!" I said as Luke thrust that 21 inch arm in front of my face. I brought my hand up slowly and caressed the swollen mass. It felt warm and even I wasn't able to make a dent in the peak. I did leave a big hand-print on it though. I was still trying hard to dissuade Lil Me. Luke hit a double bi and regarded each arm proudly.. The left was just as impressive as the right.

"Do you want to have a pair of guns as big as these?" he asked.

"Bigger." "What are yours? 17? Maybe 17-1/2?"

"Just over."

"OK, well first of all we'll see about getting them up to at least 18 before the school term starts. Another two inches on that chicken-chest of yours...You weigh about what? 230?"

"'bout 235."

"250 by beginning of term, guaranteed. Are you gonna be a senior?'


"Well, buddy I think you're gonna be the biggest, bad-ass senior in the State, maybe even the country. I think you have the potential to go to the Teen Nationals next summer."

I tried to cross my legs because this idea had Lil Me at full attention. "When do we start?"

Luke gave me a broad, muscled grin. I knew this was exactly what he wanted to hear.

Luke kept his word. Before the end of the first week I was doing super-sets, 21s and forced reps like I'd never done before. Real, high intensity, kick-ass, puke-your-guts-out training that even some of the biggest guys at Ironworks had never done. I never once complained or questioned his methods. Just a glance at those 21 inch cannons and that huge, solid chest was enough for me. I knew he was impressed with my dedication but never let on. He just kept goading me by using words like, 'pencil-neck', 'chicken-chest' 'stick-legs' and my least favorite, 'pipe-stems'. He got me mad, furious and I wanted, needed to prove him wrong. I was eating huge amounts of food, popping supplements like candy and downing protein shakes (the real kind, not the ones my protégé Randy gets) until I damn near puked. I spent twice as much time in the can and I could swear that even my shit had muscles. At the old gym, once they got your money they had little else to do with you; the women always got the personal attention. Here, it's hardcore with more massive muscled dudes than anywhere in the entire state. Shit, if I'd joined this place two years ago, I'd be the undeniable Teen State champion by now.

After the second Friday, Luke and I had been training so hard neither of us noticed we were the only ones remaining in the gym.We were pumped to the max and got into a pretty intense posedown in front of the mirror. Here it was noticeable how much bigger Luke's guns were compared to mine. Shit, what a huge difference three inches makes!

"Not bad," Luke finally admitted as I hit my best most muscular pose and growled at the behemoth staring back. "I see a Teen National body in there somewhere."

By now the growl that came from my throat rivaled the one in my stomach. Both of us were starving. Luke suggested I come back to his place and he'll fix a real muscle meal that'll be the best I ever had. We decided against showering and headed over in our sweat soaked workout clothes.

Back at his house, I looked around while Luke began preparing the meal. I checked out his multiple trophies, almost all of them first place. He had a few teen champion trophies as well including Mr. Teen State from seven years ago.

"I didn't know you won the Teen State too," I told him.

"You didn't ask," he said coming back into the room. "You wanna drink?"

"I didn't think we were supposed to drink when you're in training." I said.

"Yeah, that's true. But one won't hurt you will it?"

"Sure, OK."

Luke poured a clear liquid into two glasses and handed me one. He downed his in one gulp, made a strange face and slammed his huge fist on the counter. "Fuck, that's good. Now you."

I didn't want to disobey so I also downed my glass. The liquid burned my throat and tasted really strong. I made an even stranger face since Luke was laughing out loud at my reaction.

"I take it this is the first time you've tasted vodka." He refilled the glasses and again handed me one. He downed his as before. I hesitated before repeating the procedure. My throat still burned a bit even though I must admit, I did kinda like the taste.

"What's the matter muscleboy? Too much for you?"

With that, I stared directly at him and downed the vodka. Luke smiled as he saw that look on my face. By now, the vodka was having an effect. I felt woozy, strange, but different from when I sniffed that Liquid Gold stuff. Luke sat at the dining table, his elbow propped up and tapping his 21 incher.

"Well now that you've proved you got balls, think you can take me on?"

"Sure," I said as I stumbled over to the table and assumed the opposing position. We clasped hands and got comfortable with the grip.

"Come on muscleboy, let's see how you do against a real man."

Luke got the upper hand almost at once. Since my arm was longer, I was able to straighten up but not quite to the starting position. Seeing his monstrous, vein pulsing 21 inch arm pumping up in all its glory made Lil Me spring back to attention. Luke glanced down at my tenting sweats, smiled and put me down without using his full strength.

"Shit," I said even though I wasn't really mad. I tripped when I stood up.

"Go again?"

"Sure, but how 'bout we do the left arm this time?"

"OK muscleboy. I don't mind making you plead either way." He suggested we lay on the floor this time. As we locked up, Luke stared straight at me.

"You're still willing to do whatever I tell you in your training?" he asked.


"OK, 1...2...3...Go!" Luke once again gained an upper hand. I poured on extra effort and was able to straighten his arm.

"Come on Benny, show me what ya got."

Something in me triggered a response. "Don't call me that."

Luke saw he'd hit a nerve. "What do you mean? Benny?"

I grunted aloud, gritted my teeth and poured on even more power. Luke was surprised when I started to put him down. Now, using everything I had, I pushed his wrist towards the floor and he gave in.

"Wow, so you really are a strong kid. Congratulations." He leaned in and kissed me square on the mouth, thrusting his tongue into my throat. I was stunned! It felt like a piece of cold liver and my first reaction was to bite the fucking thing off. I pulled away and looked at him with disgust.

"What's the matter, you never been kissed like that before?"


"Didn't you like it?"

"No! Look, I don't know what you're thinking but I'm straight."

"Yeah? Well, that's not what I heard."

"From who?"

A buddy of yours named Eddie."

"Eddie? That J.D. I had the fight with?"

"Uh-huh. Says you suck a pretty mean cock."

"I'll fuckin' kill him."

"Heard he's training for the State Champ too. Getting' pretty big."

"Bigger than me?"

"Heard his bi's are already taping 18. Benching over 300 for reps. Has a real mean jab. Shit, I bet he'd be able to clean your clock."

"No fuckin' way."

"'Way Benny."

"I told you not to call me that."

"Why, Benny?"

I let out a sort of caveman grunt and with all my fury and anger tackled Luke. We wrestled for a few minutes, getting in a few punches before he flipped me on my back and pinned me. He held my wrists, and put his face close to mine. I tried to struggle out of it but Luke just applied more pressure.

"You think you won that second time?" Luke snarled, his vodka breath assaulting my nose. "Well I got news for you kid; I let you pin me. You think you can beat these babies?" He glanced at each pumped arm. "I saw how you got a hard-on from watching me flex in my office. What's that all about Benny?"

I struggled to break free but Luke kept applying pressure.

"If you wanna take on Eddie, you gotta do everything I tell you, without question, right?"

I still struggled. "OK, I told you that."

"Come on Benny, break free. What's the matter? Too weak?"

I struggled, seething and snarling with anger. My face was crimson, my teeth grinding as I tried with all my strength to break free. Luke smiled, moved his mouth closer and kissed me hard. I slowly (OK, very slowly) began to let down my defenses and allowed him to do so. When he relaxed his hold on my wrist I was finally able to break free. I punched him square on the cheek. Luke looked at me stunned. Even though he was stronger, I was willing to bet I was the better fighter and would use everything in my incredible power to get out of there if nessisary. Luke rubbed his cheek, shook and head, spit out some blood and again smiled

"Good. That's what I wanted to see. Keep up that fury and anger in the gym and you'll be Mr. Teen America within the year." Luke pushed my shoulders back on the carpet and began to move southward. Lil Me was still straining my sweats so Luke released him from his bondage. "Shit, even your cock has muscles." "Yeah, so I've been told." A warm, wet sensation traveled up my body as Luke

turned his vodka breath on to Lil Me. He began by tonguing the head, taking in the salty pre-cum and licking it like a cone. It felt so good, I relaxed, closed my eyes and let my trainer do his work. He tongued the shaft, savoring Lil Me's thick meaty goodness. (I know, I've used this expression before. Ya gotta problem with it?) Soon I was moaning as he gave me a full-blown suck job. I was in heaven as my mentor enjoyed every inch of his protégé's manhood. In fact, I was so into the blow-job I was surprised when I opened my eyes and saw Luke's full mast hard-on just an inch from my mouth.

"Come on muscleboy, doesn't your trainer deserve some respect?"

For only the second time in my life I took another cock into my mouth. I didn't want to admit it but it wasn't so bad. It was smaller than Eddie's, but thicker; just like its owner. I imitated the same motions Luke was using on me and from the sound of his moans, I must have been doing a pretty good job. I even managed to learn a thing or two about giving head; I must remember to tell Randy. I was able to see our reflections in the window; the Future Mr.State and the Future Mr. Teen State sixty-nining one another, muscle and cocks pumped to the max. What would the guys at the gym think? Or the Muscleheadz? Who the fuck cares? The wooziness had ceased and just as I glanced at Luke's 21 inch bi, swelling and veiny as he worked over Lil Me, I spurted. Luke caught every drop and then he came also and I, Ben Sanders (not Benjamin, and definitely not Benny) did my duty, licking up every drop of my trainer's seed. Yes, I took my first 'protein shake' and I liked it, damnit, I loved it!

Luke swung around and we kissed again, swapping spit and any renegade spunk. As he continued to prepare out muscle meal, I asked him the nagging question;

"How do you know Eddie?"

"He came by the gym one day and we got to talking...

"Did it end up the same way?"

"Let's just say that he can't afford our rates."

After we ate the most delicious power-packed meal I'd ever had and showered (by myself, damnit, there wasn't enough room or hot water for us both) we decided to call it a night. Luke declared I had passed my initiation and was on my way to my quest.

As I drove home, I had mixed feelings. Luke's calling me Benny had triggered a whole rash of bad memories. Memories of a fat, bashful, bullied kid three years ago who was up until a few hours ago, a distant memory. Those evolved into more pleasant ones of me getting my revenge on those who'd made my life hell. I flexed my almost 18 inch arm and saw it mound up through my leather jacket, feeling its size and thickness, enjoying the thought of how the power it contains. I looked down at my brand-new snake-skin boots and knew that no matter how big Eddie gets, no matter how many fights or tests of strength I'll be involved in during my senior year, as far as muscle teens are concerned, I'm still the man.

Hope you enjoyed this latest installment. I have no other episodes planned at this time, but Ben may return in the future. Thanks to all who have written expressing their enjoyment of the series and special thanks to Bobaroo2 and Keith Bennett for their continued support, inspiration and story ideas (particularly this one). As always, comments and constructive criticism are more than welcome at

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