Big Ben

By Scott Walker

Published on Dec 10, 1999


This is the fourth installment of an as of yet undetermined number in the continuing adventures of Big Ben Sanders. As always, comments are welcome and may be sent to Hope you enjoy this latest chapter.


By Scott Walker

I didn't think I'd ever see this place again, at least not this soon. So when I arrived at Lar/Chas Photo Studio I asked myself: "What the fuck am I doing here?"

As I climbed the stairs I noticed a small speck of dust had dared land on my brand-new $200 kick-ass shiny black cowboy boots. I propped up my foot, wiped it off and noticed my reflection in a window. `Shit, these things look good on me. I was born to wear cowboy boots. What a fuckin' stud!' I listened to my own clomping as I continued up the stairs. I still wasn't sure why I was here but a quick glance down at the shiny boot toes with the silver tips reminded me;

"Hi Ben, my name is Chas," some guy said on the phone about a week ago. "My partner Lars told me he took some photos of you last week."

"Yeah, so what of it?"

"Well, I'm a filmmaker. And I thought you'd be just right for a movie I want to make."

"I'm no actor, pal."

"Well, the type of movie I want to make doesn't really require much acting."

I started to put 2 and 2 together. "Hey look Charlie, I don't know what Lars told you but I'm not into that shit."

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning I'm straight asshole. I don't suck dick, I don't fuck up the ass and I sure as fuck don't take it up the ass."

"Well, that does narrow it down quite a bit doesn't it? But I can still use you. I trust you're not adverse to being a recipient?"

I may not be the most articulate muscleteen in the world but I was able to understand what this guy's was asking.

"And I can assure you, the money is excellent."

"What would I have to do?"

"Not much. Just lift some weights, admire yourself in the mirror, that sort of thing."

`Shit, I can do that' I thought. "And what else?"

"Well, as I said, I don't think you'd mind being a recipient of some admiration."

"How much we talkin' here?"

"For that I can guarantee you $500."

"I'll think about it."

"Oh, and one other request. If you can refrain from gratifying yourself for a day or so that would be good too. I promise it'll be worth it."

This was where I drew the line. If he thinks I'm gonna be working out with my buddies the Muscleheadz, getting all pumped and sweaty and not get off after it, he's fuckin' nuts. I fucked some chick last night, gave Randy his `protein shake' and jacked off this morning watching myself flex my bi's in the mirror. Shit, just seein' how good I look in these boots made me hard.

So here I am back at this pervert's photo studio. I'm wearing a bulky Ironworks Gym sweatshirt and baggy jeans as he asked. Shit, for $500 for a day's work, I'll go along with that for now.

As I entered , I had no problem picking out Chas. He looked exactly like Lars.

"Hi Ben." I grunted. "Well, Lars was certainly right. You are a big boy, arent't you?" "Look dick-breath, I'm no fuckin' boy. Does this look like the body of some kid?" I flashed a double bi. Even through the sweatshirt Chas could see the 17 ½ inchers peaking and stretching the fabric. He gulped.

"No, I should say you're certainly not a boy." He touched the guns lightly. Normally I'd kick someone's ass for doing this without asking but when I recalled how much he's gonna be paying me, I figured he was entitled to this one free feel. Besides, how could he resist?

"The boots are a nice touch. I think I can use them."

Just then Lars entered and waved at me. No doubt he'd told Chas of our last session in graphic detail.

"And how's Sean?" Lars asked.

"He could still kick your ass. What the fuck you doin' here?"

"Lars is my partner, so I'll be using him as my assistant."

"Yeah, whatever." I moved towards him. "I hope you don't expect another session like last time, `cause you can forget it, cupcake."


"OK Ben, I'd like to do a quick run-through of the scene. I won't be using direct sound so I can instruct you as we go."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get on with it, I've gotta real workout to do later."

"You're right Lars," I heard Chas say. "He does have an attitude. I love it!"

After a bit more chatterI was getting antsy.

"Look ladies, let's go."

I enter `the set' from the rear. It's really just a small room with some dumbbells, free weights, a chin-up bar, a bench and mirrors against the back wall. I enter carrying my gym bag, drop it beside the bench and begin doing a set of very light curls.

"You got anything heavier than these?"

"Sorry, that's all that was available." Chas says.

"Shit, how am I supposed to get a decent pump with these little sissy weights?"

"We'll just have to make do Ben."

I add two 45 pound plates, tighten the collars and slide under the bar. I hear the camera whirring as I pop off as many reps as Chas requires. The weight is so light I barely feel it. After about 25 reps Chas says, "that's enough."

"Can we do another take?" Lars says. "I don't think the light was right."

"Ben? Is that OK with you?"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just do it."

The camera begins turning. Chas yells "action' and I repeat the same motion as before. "Good, that's good Ben. Good, that's it." I pump out countless reps until I get fed up and rack the bar with a clang that if they'd been using direct sound would have broken the camera.

"Look Precious, don't instruct me on how to do a fuckin' bench-press."

"I just want to make sure you don't hurt yourself." Chas said.

"Don't worry about it."

"Fine." I notice Chas getting a little p.o.ed "Can we try some dumbbell curls?"

"You want to film me doing curls with these puny little girly weights?"

"I told you Ben, that's the best I was able to come up with. You'll just have to make do."

I pick up two twenty pounders and begin curling them fast. Chas tells me to keep checking out my arms as I curl. He knew what I was about to say so he added, "no, no leave the shirt on for now. We want to keep them guessing. The unveiling can wait".

I did what he wanted, for now. I grunted out so many reps I lost count. When Chas had gotten enough footage he said, "OK Ben, now flex your right arm and squeeze it with your left hand. Can you make it show through the shirt?"

"You mean like this?" I flexed the guns making them mound up under the shirt. I then hit a double biceps and

regarded each arm admiringly.

"Oh my..." I heard Chas say. "Very good Ben. Now I'd like you to sit on the bench and very slowly, but without looking into the camera, remove the sweatshirt.

I did as he asked. I started pulling the shirt up, first giving them a peak at my tight abs. They weren't as sharp as Contest Night but it was still enough for Lars and Chas to emit audible gasps. I pulled the shirt over my head making me pecs bounce in doing so. I could practically hear the two licking their lips. I bounced the pecs once more, making them dance at my command. After tossing the shirt aside I flexed my right bi and squeezed it. "Get a close-up of this."

Chas zoomed in and got an extra up-close shot of me flexing and unflexing the 171/2 incher.

"Oh my God," Lars said. "I looks even bigger than last time."

I gave the camera a smile while I continued to flex the solid mound of high school beef. I ran my hand over the peak, caressing it then bringing it up to my lips and kissing it. Not to have it feel left out or neglected I did the same with my left bi. Chas was in so close it wasn't hard to hear the intense moaning as he filmed. I told him to back off a little, faced the mirror and hit a back lat spread.

"When you're finished filming, maybe you'll wanna show it on this." An audible gulp from the director.

A side chest pose brought my pecs and 46 inch chest into play, my biceps bulging in all their pumped glory. A back single biceps made Lars cream in his designer pants. My delts and shoulders sprung to life as I hit pose after cock-teasing pose. In the mirror I saw another young man standing between me and Chas, off to one side. He turned the camera to capture the other guy's reaction. When I was no longer the center of attention I stopped posing and turned to face the intruder

. "Great Ben, this is going to be a phenomenal video." Chas brought the other guy over. "Ben, this is Guy, your co-star."

"Hi Ben," Guy said as he extended his hand. He looked like he was about 18 and although he didn't measure up to the Muscleheadz, looked to be in not bad shape.

"Yeah, how ya doin'?" I shook his hand and laid on the vice as usual. Guy didn't relent. I saw the pained expression on his face and yet he didn't let go. I liked that. I was glad he wasn't some sissy boy that Chas and Lars had hired. "You lift?"

"Uh-huh. Nothing like you, obviously. That's a huge peak you got."

"Workin' on 18 inches." I flex my right bi and regard it, inviting Guy to touch it.

"Save it for the camera guys," Chas broke in.

"Hey, we're getting' to know each other so back off," I barked. "I'd kinda like to know somethin' about the guys who's gonna be suckin' my cock, OK?"

Chas was trying to not look intimidated but he wasn't doing a very good job.

"So what ya benchin?" I asked.

"Single or reps?"

Hey, I thought. This guy knows some gym-speak. "Both".

"225 for reps. 260 single max. You?"

"325 single. 310 for reps."

"Whew! Maybe I shoulda started lifting earlier."

"So what about the guns?"

Guy looked a little embarrassed. "Only about 15 ½ I think. Not much."

"Yeah, let's see."

Guy was naturally shy about showing me but he pushed up his sleeve and flexed His biceps had good shape and size; round, solid. "Looks closer to 16."

"Really?" Guy was noticeably pleased. "I haven't been lifting too long..."

"You should work out with us. We'll make you into a fuckin' animal. Shit, we'd slap an inch or two on there, a couple on your chest, have you benchin' 300. Guys'd be shittin' themselves when they see you."

"Really?" Now I notice Guy's sweats are tenting and he's looking at me with pure muscle lust.

"Good work Ben," Chas said. "That's just the effect we needed. Ready to continue?"

"Let's do it," I bellowed. I grabbed the 40 pounders and tried to regain my pump.

Chas gives me some instructions and we proceed. I face the mirror, notice the intruder and turn around angry. I mouth "What the fuck you doing here?" to Guy.

Guy's face is just the right combination of fear and lust Chas had been looking for. I shake my fist in his face, my bicep bulging and pulsating. I grab his hand roughly, place it on my pec and flex it. Guy recoils (as per instructions) then slowly places both hands on my chest. I bounce both pecs together at will. I tell Guy to grab onto my shoulders. He runs his hands across them and down my delts. When his hand reaches my triceps I flex, turning it toward the camera making sure Chas captures every striation and fiber, the horseshoe shape prominent. I instruct Guy to punch me as hard as he can in the stomach. I tense my abs, scream into his face, making him furious. He hauls off and punches me, but I don't even feel it. On tape I can be seen mouthing "Again, harder. HARDER, HARDER." Guy continues to punch and I still can't feel it. My abs are red and his hand is aching. I stare directly at him and go into my best Lex Luger most muscular pose. Guy's wet spot is noticable on the tape.

"Great guys," Chas says as he continues filming. "Do you wanna break or keep going?"

"Keep going," we both yell in unison.

"All right, I'd like to get a close-up of those incredible legs Ben."

"I'm not gonna take these boots off though."

"Fine. Why don't you just pull your pants down then? I'd like to get a shot of the calves too."

"Yeah, I bet you would."

I begin pulling my jeans down. On the video it looks as if I'm teasing but its mainly because I had trouble getting them down over my quads.

"Guy, can you give him a hand?"

Guy looks at me and I nod. After some more difficulty the pants are down around my ankles, the tops of the boots in view. I hear a sigh from Chas and Lars.

Chas began giving instructions; squat down, flex your legs.."


"Yeah right quads, whatever."

Guy begins running his hands over my chest, abs and down my thighs. I push his head down, flex my thighs and calves making them ball up into a solid mound of muscle. It's as if I had a biceps grafted onto my lower legs. Guy runs his hand over them as I ask him;

"You like this?"


"You want this?"

"Oh yeah."

"Show me how much."

Guy lays flat on the floor and slowly begins tonguing the toe of my right boot. I encourage him on and he soon has the entire toe in his mouth.

"Make `em nice and shiny."

He gives equal attention to the left boot. Tonguing it, making love to it while I jeer him on. He moves back up to my calves licking each one individually moaning with pleasure in doing so.

Chas is thrilled. Guy is doing even more than he was hired for. My mesh jockstrap is now visible, Lil Me stretching the fabric. On Chas' direction, Guy unleashes him from his bondage.

"Oh my God," I hear Chas say. "Even his cock has muscles."

"Told you." Lars said.

Guy takes Lil Me and begins licking, running his tongue slowly up and down the shaft. `Shit, this Guy guy really knows his stuff' LiL Me is now at full attention. I begin moaning, flexing my bi;s and running my hands over them. Just as I'm about to reach the pleasure point Chas yells "cut". Guy stops working at once.

"What the fuck ya doin'? I was ready."

"I know Ben, that exactly why I stopped."

"Why? What for?" I bellowed making all three tremble.

"Well, I was wondering..." Chas pulled me aside and told me his plan.

"No way fuckhaead. No way. I told you before I'm not into that shit."

"Well, of course you'll be paid extra for it."

"You don't have enough."

"No? How about an extra $500? That'd be $1000. Not bad for one day's work."

"I can add, dickhead."

"That is a lot for just one day," Lars added. "Think of the things you can do with that money. Choose any charity. Give it to the poor..."

"Yeah right."

"You'd be able to buy a really nice leather jacket to go with those fancy boots."

"Shit, I can just beat some guy up and take his..."

"And think of all the steroids you'd be able to buy..." Chas said.

"Look fuckwad," I grabbed Chas around the throat and pushed him up against a wall. "I don't take steroids and I don't take shit."

"OK, OK." I saw that Chas was about to mess himself, so I let go. "Forget it then, we'll just stick to the original plan."

I looked over at Guy, he looked so disappointed. I wondered if he was going to be paid extra as well. I glanced down at the boots and saw them gleam in the lights. Well, it is only for the video, I thought. Plus I could use the money... I mean, it wouldn't mean I was queer or anything, right?

"OK, but I want it in cash."

"Fine," Chas replied. He was still holding his throat. "I wouldn't want to see you get really mad."

"No, you don't".

Chas instructed us to take our place and he whispered "Action."

Guy knelt before me. He began tonguing Lil Me around before take him fully into his mouth.

"That's it Guy. Get him nice and hard."

Guy was doing just that and soon we were back to where we'd left off. Lil Me sprang to life as Guy took him even further, sucking and licking with great enthusiasm. I started thrusting in and out, getting into it once more I closed my eyes, began moaning and running my hands over my chest and arms.

"OK Ben, whatever you do, don't cum yet."

After a few more strokes Lil Me was at full staff.


"Oh fuck, not again.'

"OK Guy, I'd like you to pull your pants down and bend over the weight bench."

Guy did as instructed, his round, white ass sticking up. Seeing this, Lil Me began to deflate.

"What's the matter Ben?"

"I can't do this. Is there any way you can fake it?"

"Why? You said you'd do it."

"Yeah, well now I'm tellin' you I can't"

"Can't or won't?"

"What's the difference? You're not gonna get your shot. Look" Lil Me had now completely deflated.

"Oh, is that all? We can soon fix that."

"Look Precious neither your or your partner there are gonna touch this, so forget it.

"Well, I have something that might help. Lars?"

"Look, I don't know what you have in mind..." Lars presented me with a small dark brown bottle. "But I told you; I don't do drugs."

"And I wouldn't offer them," Chas said. "This is just a sort of stimulant. It's not illegal." He tried to open the bottle but was unable. "Ben, can you use those mighty muscles of yours and open this? But be careful to leave the cap on, just loosen it."

I took the bottle and with no problem, loosened the cap.

"Thank you. Guy, would you like to go first?"

"Sure." Guy sat up, removed the cap, placed his thumb over the opening, raised it to his nose and took a huge whiff up each nostril. He smiled then handed me the bottle. I was able to make out the label; Liquid Gold. "Try it." I noticed his face was flushed and he had this strange smile.

I took the bottle and took a huge whiff up each nostril. My 46 inch chest heaving as I did so. "Yeah, so what? What's the big...whoa." All three were smiling as my face turned crimson, my heart raced and my head pounded. It wasn't like a headache, this was incredible! Lars asked for the bottle and I reluctantly handed it back. My breathing became rapid and I felt as if I was floating. I flexed my right arm and I could swear it looked like it was growing! I ran the other hand over the peak and admired the swelling mass. Lil Me was now back at full attention; Guy back in position. Somehow, with all this going on his ass looked inviting. I walked over and started pressing Lil Me against his ass-cheeks. No foreplay, no finger-probing; I couldn't be bothered. I heard the camera start up, it sound amplified in my ears.

"Are you ready Guy?" Chas asked.

"Uh-huh. C'mon stud," he said to me. "Do it. What's wrong, you scared?"

I knew what he was doing and it worked. "Like fuck I'm scared." With that Lil Me went to a place he'd never gone before. I poked past Guy's sphincter. He let out a grunt, pain or pleasure I'm not sure. I didn't care.

"I'll show you who's fuckin' scared." I shoved Lil Me in further. By now my head had stopped pounding and my breathing returned to normal. I was afraid Lil Me was about to deflate again so I bellowed, "Gimme some more of that stuff."

At once Lars was in front of me. I grabbed the bottle while I thrust inside Guy. I handed the bottle back and Lars held it under Guy's nose. Guy was moaning and writhing, the Liquid Gold adding to his intensity. I knew he wasn't in pain; I've heard this sound from too many chicks to think that. I didn't want to hurt him but as the second wave took hold I tried to shove Lil Me so far up his ass that he'd come out of his mouth. I grabbed him around the waist and continued to pound away, his head bobbing like some rag doll.

"You want this man,huh?"


"You like this fuckin' muscle stud up your ass, don't ya?"

"Oh, oh ,oh, oh,..."

"More. Gimme more." This third wave was just what I needed. I began slapping Guy's ass cheeks, hard. Both of us were in such a state that I barely heard Chas say;

"Ben, don't cum inside him. I need that shot."

"Too late." I bellowed like a bull moose in heat as I unleashed my teenmuscle seed deep in Guy's ass. At the same time he also came, dripping spunk all over the floor and my boot toes. I pulled him upright as Lil Me returned to Def-Con 5 and plopped out of Guy's ass.

"Unbelievable!" Chas said . "That was incredible. This is gonna be gold". He switched off the camera.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" Guy asked as he started to clean himself.

"For $500, not bad at all." I looked down at my spunk spattered boots. Guy immediately started to move his head into position.

"Uh-uh. You've had your fill for today." I crooked my finger at Lars. "You."

Lars was on his stomach at once, licking up every drop of Guy's spilled seed and doing so gladly. I warned him to get every drop and lick them clean.

"Well Ben, that was great," Chas said. "I really would have preferred a shot of you cumming all over Guy's back though."

"Tell ya what. Give me an hour, let me get some food in me and some more of that Liquid Gold stuff and I'll give you you're shot. For an extra $100."

"Fine." Chas said with great reluctance.



"Whatsa matter, you got cum in your ears?"

"N-no. It's all right. I guess it'll be worth it."

"Oh yeah, by the way. We both want a cut of the sales."

"Sales? Oh no, I told you this video was for private use only..."

"Don't bullshit me Precious. I know you're gonna make copies and sell them to your faggot friends."

"I don't..."

"10% for each of us and a copy of the tape or..." I slammed my fist through the back-screen.

"OK sure, 10% each. You got it." Chas was trembling but there was he had a tent-pole in his slacks.

"C'mon Bud," I said to Guy. "You wanna get big, you gotta start thinkin' big. I donned my sweatshirt giving Lars and Chas one last look at this bod. "We'll be back later. I want our money or.." I balled up my fist and was about to make another hole in the back-screen.

"OK, it'll be ready I promise.

"Shit, not bad for an afternoon's work huh?" I said to Guy. "Sure beats workin' for a living.

Next: Chapter 5: Mindgames Over Muscle

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