Big Ben

By Scott Walker

Published on Oct 21, 1999


This is the third installment of the adventures of Big Ben Sanders; 17 years old, 225 pounds of muscle and attitude. SW

Big Ben: Episode 3: A Dollar a Pound

By: Scott Walker ( and Ben Sanders)

Man, that thing's huge!


Shit, lookit the size of it!

Oooh, and it's so hard


"Well, what's the verdict?"

A movie with Paul Newman.

"Asshole. What's it measure?"

17 and a half.

"17 and a half? Holy shit."

Man, that guy is gonna shit when he sees you.

"He better," I said.

It was the last week of classes; my last week as a Junior and I'd done it. I'd vowed to get arms up to 17 and a half inches by the end of term and now it's done. I allow a couple of girls (two of the few I haven't plugged yet) to touch it. One of them wets herself on the spot and the other isn't far off. They squeeze my biceps as hard as they can but all they manage is to leave a handprint on the peak. And what a peak! A couple of guys are trying to conceal hard-ons in front of the others and not doing it very well. I know that pained expression on their faces; I have that effect on people. I'm now at full staff myself but I'm not trying to hide it. As I grab my gear and head out, accepting congrats and pats from the select few in the weight room, I make another vow;

"I'm gonna slap another half-inch on these fuckers before next term." I hit an awesome double biceps to make my point.

"How?" I hear one of the guys in tented sweats say to his buddy.

"How?" I repeat, fixing him with my steely, kick-ass stare. "By any means necessary." I forgo hitting another pose as my own hard-on is raging and I don't have the time to alleviate it. I bid farewell to the MuscleHeads and head out.

"Good luck with the shoot," Chris says.

"Piece of cake. That photographer likes to get off on muscleboys. Wait'll he gets a load of me."

I'm running late so I decide against changing or showering. As I walk to the car (strut, actually) I'm aware of my gait. With the newly acquired 17 and a half-inch guns relaxed they are pulled away from my boulder-shoulders by my incredible lats. I have attained 'the walk'. I pass a nerdy kid from the audio-visual club carrying some videos now staring at the behemoth that is me.

"Hey, Stick," I yell. The kid turns and faces me, no doubt thrilled. "Need a place to show those tapes?" I drop my gym bag, turn around and hit a lat spread. "Why not show 'em on this?"

"Holy--" I hear him say. I turn around to notice his knees buckling and a wet spot forming at his crotch. I recalled this was the same kid I'd cornered for a quick blow-job in the can about a month earlier. I could really use his services again but I didn't have time. It did nothing to abate the raging hard-on so I climbed into the car and headed off.

The photo shoot was about 50 miles away. I was given the guy's card backstage just after the Contest. He seemed to be one of those muscle queens who like to try to get close to bodybuilders. He said he'd pay $200 if he could take some photos. At first I was reluctant. I certainly don't mind being photographed, I just didn't want these pics to end up on some Internet porno site for a bunch of middle aged men to jerk off over. He assured me they were for his own private collection and that he will also give me the negatives. I insisted on $225 and he agreed. This made me wonder whether I'd be able to get more but I'll see what happens. Maybe if he's a good enough photographer I'll send a few of the pics into the muscle magazines.

My hard-on had abated a bit as I pulled onto the freeway. I drove with the window wide open, the big 17 and a half incher proudly resting on the frame. I began casually flexing for anyone who showed the slightest interest. As traffic slowed at an on ramp a delivery driver pulled up beside me. He smiled, pulled back his sleeve and flexed. He had a big, ugly tattoo on his arm so I didn't get a very good appraisal of his bi. Naturally I took up the challenge, flexed my own mound and let him drool over the magnificence of my achievement. He nodded defeat and sped off. This did nothing to abate my sweet agony. My cock was fighting to burst out of my sweats and was digging into my thick, striated thigh. I didn't think I should go into the photo shoot with a raging hard-on (at least not right away); that would be too much of a good thing. I saw a rest area up ahead and decided to pull in to pull the rod.

'Shit,' I thought. Too bad I didn't bring my protégé Randy or some chick with me who'd really be able to appreciate having Lil Me down his throat or in her pussy.

They're weren't many cars so I headed for the washroom; my sweats tenting and pre-cum forming at the base of my crotch. I entered the only vacant cubicle and immediately went to work. I was so into my own gratification that I didn't notice a hole in the wall looking right into the next stall. Sitting there was a guy in his late 20s with the same idea.

"Like a hand with that?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied, surprised at how quickly I agreed. I headed over to his stall.

"Shit," he said when he got a full look at me. "You're fuckin' huge!"

"No shit," I give him a teasing flex.

"And that dick of yours ain't too small either."

"Look pal," I said stepping closer toward him. The look of terror in his eyes must have made him glad he was sitting on a toilet. "I don't have a dick. This is a full-sized man-cock." I waved Lil Me in front of his face.

"OK, OK, I'm sorry Conan. I didn't mean anything by it--"

Conan? That was a new one. I let my defenses down a bit and even granted him a smile. He told me to go back to the other stall and stick my 'man-cock' through the hole. Immediately I felt a warm, wet sensation on my cock-head. The guy's mouth was bobbing up and down the shaft so fast he caught me off-guard. The novelty of getting blown like this in a public place only added to the pleasure. I grabbed the top of the stall and tensed. The veins in the 17 and a half inchers popped up and the guns bulged as I bent my knees. I watched them in all their pumped, proud glory getting as much a work out as Lil Me. I soon shot a volley of sweet cream done this 'suckers throat. He must have been surprised that such a young guy was able to store up that much jizz. He cleaned himself off while I pulled up my sweats. As I headed out I gave him a quick most-muscular pose to remember me by. I left the can to the familiar sounds of moaning followed by a huge sigh of satisfaction.

I thought it best to be a bit more discreet for the remainder of the trip. I pulled on a sweatshirt in order not to be distracted further. I was already late, but so what? What's the little wimp gonna do? Cancel the session? His loss. Not pay me? I don't think so.

I arrived at the studio only 15 minutes late. I strode into the outer office and found it vacant. I ventured into the back and looked around. I called out until I heard a voice announce; "back here." I followed the voice until I came upon a back studio already set up with lights and backdrop. I found no sign of the photographer but did see a familiar face rush up to greet me.

"Hey, Ben. You're here, great."

"Hi Sean, how ya doin'?" I held him out at arm's length and gave him a good look. "Shit kid, you've put on some more size."

His eyes lit up. "Really? Ya think so?"

I placed my hand on his upper arm and squeezed. "Hey, that's gotten bigger. Let's see it."

Sean dutifully flexed his right arm. His biceps formed into an almost perfect shaped ball of muscle.

"Shit man, lookit that thing." I regarded his bicep from all sides. "What's it tapin' now?"

"16" Sean declared proudly.

"No fuckin' way, man. That's awesome." It was true. I was pleased with the way my project Randy was progressing but he was no where near the size of Sean. He had been a favorite at the Contest; a compact little 15 year old with some man-sized muscle. The audience was blown away by his size and confidence and the judges were so impressed they'd awarded him a special prize. It'd been only about six weeks since the Contest but Sean, like me, had managed to get even bigger.

"How 'bout you?" Sean asked.

I was about to remove my 'Paybacks Are A Bitch' sweatshirt when a tall, reedy man appeared at the door examining a camera.

"You must be Ben," he held out a long, bony hand. "I'm Lars. I hope you remember me."

"How ya doin'?" I said. I knew Lars could never withstand even my most mild bone-crushing handshake so I went easy on him; but I still made him wince. He wore a pinkish mohair sweater and an ill-fitting toupee, brown on top but gray on the sides. His thin, bony neck looked as if it wasn't even able to hold the glasses dangling around it from a silver chain. His skinny legs were covered by black designer jeans and he wore black slippers with white socks. I couldn't recall what he was wearing when I met him at the Contest, but my guess was that if it was anything like this he would've never gotten backstage.

"I asked Sean to come along too. I hope that's all right."

"No problem."

. "I think we should get started." Lars said. "Maybe Ben, if you'd like to get ready--"

Being the exhibitionist I am I slowly began removing my sweatshirt. When I had it up over my head I heard Lars gasp. I tossed it aside and made my pecs bounce and dance at my command.

"Oh my--" Lars swallowed. "M-maybe you both might want to use those things over there to helped get pumped up."

"Dumbbell," I said, making Sean snicker.

"Excuse me?" Lars said.

"I said, they're called dumbbells, not those things." I then looked back at Sean and whispered "dumbbell" and once again he snickered.

It seemed odd that Lars would know the expression 'pumped up' but not know the correct term for dumbbells. We both picked up two 20 pounders and started curling. They weren't very heavy but they were sufficient enough to reawaken my pump. Lars pretended to be fiddling with the camera but I speculated he may be fiddling with something more private. When he had finished he instructed us to go into the adjacent studio until he was ready.

This back room was quite the shrine. The walls were adorned with pictures of teen boys in various poses. None were nude, thank God, but some were pretty young, bordering on kiddie porn. Some of the boys flexed pipe-stem arms and shallow chests while others smiled provocatively. One shot was especially impressive. It was a kid who looked no older than 14 flexing a very big biceps. I pointed this out to Sean.

"Looks like this kid has you beat."

Sean flexed his newly acquired 16 inch arm and proclaimed; "I'd kick his ass."

Lars appeared at the door and directed us back into the other studio.

"You take all these?"

"Most of them. My partner took some too."

I didn't want to know what type of 'partner' he was referring to so I just grunted and headed into the main studio.

'OK, if you don't mind I'd like to get some shots of Sean first."

Sean kicked off his Nike Airs and pulled off his jeans. He's only about 5'4" and his short legs were packed with muscle. He's already in his posing trunks so he removes his t-shirt and stands in between the two lights.

"Your skin is very pale Sean," Lars says. "How about I apply some quick tan?"

"I'll do it," I said, much to Sean's relief.

I put on a pair of rubber gloves and begin applying the tan. I instruct him; 'double biceps'. He hits the pose and I spread the lotion over his arms and shoulders.

"Lookit the size of you. Shit, if I was this big at your age I'd be fuckin' everything in sight."

As I move on to his back I tell him of how I was a fat kid at his age and had only been into serious bodybuilding the last two years. He found it hard to believe that I was able to transform myself into this incredible shape in such a short time. I apply the tan to his legs, careful not to get too close to the crotch area. I try not to notice that Sean now has a visible hard-on forming in his trunks.

"All done."

I watch as Lars puts Sean through a series of poses; double biceps, abdominal and thigh, side chest, lat spread. His posing has also improved greatly since the Contest. I think of Randy and what he was yet to aspire to. At the end of his session I approach Sean, shake his hand and congratulate him. I suggest a shot of him flexing his 16 inch right arm and me regarding it in disbelieve. Lars is all for this and the shot's taken. I'm really amazed at the size of this kid. I speculate how much bigger I'd have been if I started working out at his age.

Now it was my turn. I kick off my high top Adidas and wriggle out of the sweats. I too had already changed into my trunks and was ready to go. I'd spent a good deal of time showing off this bod at the beach already so I thought I was tanned enough. Lars concluded otherwise.

"You're still not dark enough Ben. It won't show you to your best advantage"

I reluctantly agree to have lotion applied. This time Sean volunteered. Unfortunately, he wasn't very skilled at this. He applied the lotion haphazard, leaving streaks and little blotches all over my back.

"Here, I'll do it," Lars said, feigning disinterest.

I hand him the bottle and give Sean a 'thanks anyway' smile.

"Can you go like this?" Lars asked, imitating a very bad double biceps.

Again I hear him gasp as he oils up my bulging, rock-solid arms. He's taking a longer and much slower time than I wanted.

"Getting a good feel there?"

Lars appears flustered and moves onto my back. Again another gasp as I give him an up close lat spread. "My God. Do you show movies on there?" He asked, as if I'd never heard that before.

"Yeah. How 'bout one called 'Kickin' the Slow Photographer's Ass'" He picked up the pace immediately.

He moved quickly over the back of my legs and calves, pausing briefly to get an extra squeeze from my leg biceps. I warned him to be extra careful when doing my quads. He was shaking a bit as he did, using that as an excuse when his hand 'accidentally' brushed my crotch. He had the same terror-stricken, shit-your-pants look as the guy in the rest area can but this time I sensed Lars was really getting off on this. I grabbed the front of his mohair sweater and lifted him off his feet.

"Look, Princess, this wasn't part of the deal." Although I suspected that it was.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident--"

As I held him up I glanced over at my arm. My biceps was huge and ripped, just like it had been in the rest stop washroom. Lars was now sporting a very noticeable hard-on and looked at me with pure lust. I put him down and ordered him to get the camera.

"Let's get this over with." I began hitting various poses in rapid succession. Lars was still shaking as he snapped picture after picture. "Lookit those guns. Ever seen biceps like that? Here Little Man, get a load of that chest." I bounce my pecs then grab his head and rub in under my arm-pit. " Smell that fucker; real muscle sweat. Like that, huh?" Lars nodded. "Get a shot of this back. You wanna show a movie on this?" I begin picking up the pace, my voice rising as I hit pose after mind-boggling pose. I hit a single biceps pose, stare at it and order him to get some close-up shots. "Lookit that thing, man. Lookit the size of it! Think about the strength and power in those things. Think of what I could do to you. Think of how I could break your fuckin' spine with this. Think of how I could wrap this fucker around your little chicken neck and squeeze the life outta ya. You wanna have a 17 year old muscleboy give you something you'll never forget?" I was going crazy, I didn't know what I was saying, all I knew is that Lars, and now me were getting turned on by this aggressive behaviour. Sean now stands beside me and begins posing as well.

"Lookit the size of this kid! Lookit him. 15 years old and he's three times as strong as you." Sean flexes his biceps. I grab it roughly. "Lookit that thing." I grab Lars hand and place it on Sean's bi. "Feel that power. Feel this kid's strength." Lars began squeezing Sean's biceps before running his hand down his chest and abs.

By now I'm in a complete frenzy. I pull down my posing trunks and wave Lil Me in front of Lars. "This is what ya want, isn't it?" He nods as I place both hands on his scrawny shoulders and force him to his knees. Sean gets caught up in the display and pulls his trunks down. At once Lars is devouring my cock, running his mouth and tongue furiously up and down the shaft. I pull him off me and tell him "now him." He immediately begins doing Sean, now moaning in sweet ecstasy. Both of us begin flexing and showing off for one another. I run my hands down his chest while he runs his across my shoulders. Lars is now furiously bobbing back and forth between the two of us, sucking one while running his small, manicured hand over the other. I'd pull him roughly off me and give him to Sean who was just as rough returning the favor. He squeezes the 17 and a half arms and is astounded by their size and power. I was close so I closed my eyes and pinched my nipples as hard as I could. I began twisting them, rubbing them raw until a familiar gush began working its way from my balls up my cock.

"I'm gonna blow," I grab Lars' head from Sean's cock and attach him to mine. As soon as his mouth connects, I spew muscleboy cum all over his mouth and face. "Lick it boy. Take it like a man."

Lars opens his mouth but there's too much for him to take. Some of the spunk lands on the floor near Sean's feet.

By now Sean is completely aroused by this show and announces he too is gonna blow. Without hesitation Lars attaches his waiting mouth to Sean's cock-head. With a loud grunt, he shoots his muscleboy seed into Lars' mouth, face and fake hair.

"Ya like that Mister Photographer? Ya like having two awesome muscleteens to work on?"

Lars just looked up and nodded.

The exertions of the last few minutes had caused the tanning oil to run down both Sean's and my body, making puddles on the studio floor. Both of us stood sweaty and grimy in front of the hot lights. Lars got to his feet and switched them off.

"I need a shower," I said. "Anywhere here to do that?"

Lars was still breathing heavily and pointed to another room in the back.

"All right. But if we catch you takin' pictures or spyin' on us, I'll beat the shit outta you." Lars may have wondered if I was serious before but there was no doubt he believed me now. He began wiping up the puddle of sweat and lotion while Sean and I headed for the showers. There was only one stall so Sean suggested;

"Why don't we both use it?"

It was big enough so I agreed. After all, both of us shower in front of other guys at school and the gym so there was no big deal. We even took turns soaping up and washing the other's back. I don't know why, it had never happened before but being in this close proximity with someone with such an incredible build at such a young age had an effect on me. Lil Me was stirring again. I didn't want Sean to notice so I once again turned my massive movie-screen sized back to him.

While we were drying off and dressing I asked Sean if he was being paid for his 'session.'

"Uh-huh. $150. What about you?"

"$225. A dollar a pound."

Sean began ciphering in his head. "Hey, me too."

Pretty cheap for two cuts of prime teenage beef, huh?"

I now noticed that Sean was again sprouting a boner.

"Looks like that thing needs another work-out."

Sean blushed crimson. "It's been a weird day."

"No shit. C'mon let's get our money and go and eat. There's an all-you-can-eat place on the way. Gotta feed the machine"

"Sounds great. Would you mind givin' me a ride home?"

"No problem. Have you ever heard about that rest area about 20 miles from here?.

Hope you enjoyed this latest installment. Big Ben will return pending reader response. Thanks to all who have voiced their support for the previous installments. If you have any comments or constructive criticism please contact me at

Next: Chapter 4: Liquid Gold

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